Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Weekend Edition

Merry Christmas, Seekerville! This weekend we're sharing a special holiday recipe that's super easy for those of you on deadline, but still have to contribute to the holiday cookie/treat exchange or bring a treat to a party this week.

And..we have peek of the January release by Mary Connealy and Angela Bell, Angela Breidenbach, Lisa Carter, Rebecca Jepson, Amy Lillard, Gina Welborn, Kathleen Y'Barbo and Rose Ross Zediker. The Lassoed by Marriage Romance Collection.

Comment today, to get your name in the party hat for a copy of Lassoed by Marriage. Two winners announced next weekend in the Weekend Edition.

 We Have Winners

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules. Thanks for your patience during this busy holiday and deadline season!

 Winners of one set each of The Twelve Brides of Christmas Collection and the 12 Days of Christmas Cookbook are Barbara Fox and Deanna Stevens. 

On Monday, uber-productive author Hallee Bridgeman shared her writing method in "Writing in Layers." Caryl Kane is the winner of a signed print copy of Christmas Star Sapphire!

 How to make your deadlines and have a life. Seriously? Well, sort of. L.A. Sartor joined us on Tuesday to talk about the importance of both and how she’s exchanging exhaustion for exhilaration. Edwina and Terri are the winners of her latest release, Believe In Me This Christmas Morn.

Love Inspired Suspense author Debby Giusti was our guest Wednesday, revealing  how Advent, a time of expectant anticipation, relates to the writing life. Jana Vanderslice is the winner of one of Debby’s books, winner’s choice, and a surprise gift.  

 Thursday our guest was  Sherri Shackelford , Love Inspired Historical author of the RT Book Reviews 4 1/2 star release, The Rancher's Christmas Proposal. "Her post was called: Writing Through  the Pain: When grief explodes into  your writing world, how do you survive the aftermath?" Chill N, Cindy R and Sierra Faith are the winners of The Rancher's Christmas Proposal.

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Julie Lessman brings you a holiday inspirational blog by the author of one of the most important Christmas novellas ever written, A Night Like No Other, by best-selling author Kristin Vayden. Not only is Kristin giving away three copies of A Night Like No Other -- the love story of Mary and Joseph -- but Julie is matching her giveaways with winner's choice of either Julie's Christmas novella, A Light in the Window, or her new contemporary release, Isle of Hope, so two books for each of two winners!

Tuesday: Sandra Leesmith will talk about the importance of acknowledging all we are thankful for and making a list.  She has two surprise gifts that will make two writers very thankful. And two surprise gifts for two lucky readers. So even though it is close to Christmas, take a break from shopping and gift wrapping and stop on by.

Wednesday: Tina Radcliffe brings you a peek into the final frontier, with her post "To Boldly Go Where No City Slicker Has Gone Before." She has copies of her January release, Rocky Mountain Reunion to share along with a cowboy! Yes, she's giving away a cowboy!

Thursday: Best of the Archives: On this Christmas Eve we'll bring back a holiday dose of inspiration from the archives. The comments are closed today so you can finish shopping!

Friday: Closed to Celebrate Christmas!

Preorder your copy here.
Seeker Sightings

 Cheryl St. John's Great Christmas Tree Tour 2015 continues. Stop by TODAY to see Tina Radcliffe's post and you could win a copy of Rocky Mountain Reunion that released this week!!

Debby Giusti just received the advance copies of her February Love Inspired Suspense, Plain Danger, and sends her thanks to the LI Art Department for the great cover! The story—the latest in her Military Investigations series—takes place on an antebellum plantation located in the heart of an Amish community in South Georgia.

Pre-order your copy HERE!

Only SEVEN days left to enter Julie Lessman's ISLE OF HOPE CONTEST where you can win a character named after you in Julie's next book and a signed copy. Enter contest HERE!

Isle of Hope is available in both e-book and paperback for Christmas, and Julie will be happy to provide signed bookplates, so just contact her through her website.

Order Isle of Hope in e-book HERE.

Order Isle of Hope in paperback HERE.
$1.99 CHRISTMAS SALE on Julie Lessman's award-winning novel, A Hope Undaunted, which was on Booklist's Top 10 Inspirational Fiction for 2010!

Psssst ... this is Julie's FAVORITE book she's ever written!

Order A Hope Undaunted HERE.

Sweetwater Bride by Mary Connealy

 Random News & Information 

Thank you to those who submitted links!

BIG, HUGE CONGRATS to the 2015 ACFW First Impressions Winners!!!

December 10, the RWA Golden Heart opened for submissions. Seekerville is giving away NINE opportunities for reimbursement. The details are here. A big congratulations to those who have already submitted their proof of entry. A screen shot showing you are entered, is enough proof of entry. This is the bitly link if you need it:   

Grab the tissues! Miracles From Heaven Trailer -coming March 2016!

 The best times to post on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (Business Insider)

 BISG (Book Industry Study Group) to add over 500 new BISAC codes  (Publisher's Weekly)

Author Carla Stewart Discusses the Christian/Inspirational Fiction Market (WD)

 18 Signs You Were Destined to be a Writer (The Write Life)


Writing Fast And Tips For Successful Self-Publishing With Russell Blake (The Creative Penn)

 Powerful Free Book Marketing and Business Help On the Go (BadRedhead Media)

Audiobook Options for Indie Authors (Helen Sedwick) 

Amazon rep: We won’t reject your review just because you follow an author (Tele-Read)

Enjoy this feature during December!

Gifts for Book Lovers (Martha Stewart)

21 Beautiful Gift Ideas for Jane Austen Fans (BookBub Blog)

The Best Gifts for Readers (Read it Forward)

 The Compendious Coffee Chart (Pop Chart Lab) 

 Thank you Note Cards (Papyrus) 

For Writers and Readers: The Literary Gift Company

I Still Believe in 398.2 (ETSY)


And finally, as promised: Rolo Pretzel Delights. These are absolutely amazing! (I like them with square pretzels.)

Have a great reading and writing weekend!


  1. TINA, you will always be needed to do the WE, because no one else will be able to fill your spot. Once again it is FANTASTIC!
    Congratulations to all the winners, and to me, because of all those novels my friends here have releasing! I'd LOVE to win LASSOED BY MARRIAGE!
    I'll be back after I've had coffee to read the links. Thanks, TINA. YOU ROCK,

  2. Well, that is quite a comment there, Marianne. I vote we keep you. Forever.

    Have a great writing and reading weekend everyone!!!

  3. Missed my Seekerville this week! Been busy around here, but I'll be back in the saddle next week :-) Congrats to all the winners!

    Can't believe Christmas is next week. Seems time goes by so fast anymore, years really! The tree will go up this weekend (we're last minute and what little presents we have will be wrapped in brightly colored paper and bows. I'm ALMOST in a festive mood, and enjoying a few Christmas songs I've been hearing on the radio. Can't wait to see the grand-girl open her presents on Christmas day! I love seeing the delight in her eyes :-) I hope all of you here are getting ready for the big day (unless you are already) & have the light of Christ shining in your hearts!

    Happy blessed weekend Seekers and Villagers!

  4. Ooops I forgot to add, please toss my name in the Santa hat for "Lassoed By Marriage Romance Collection"! All my favorite authors are in it :-)

  5. Thanks for a great WE!! I'm at my parents getting things ready for our huge family Christmas dinner tomorrow, well actually later today now lol. I would love to win a copy of Lassoed. Thanks for the chance. Have a great weekend!!

  6. Marianne it's midnight. Should you really be drinking coffee???

  7. Coffee. It isn't just for breakfast anymore.

  8. Love the idea of being lassoed into marriage! Love it when authors collaborate together!
    N.snaer at

  9. Gooood Moorrning Seekerville! And a big congratulations to all the winners! It's been a great week and my mother is doing well after her stay in the hospital last week. I still thank you all for your prayers. I love to see how our wonderful God works.

    I would love to have my name tossed into the hat to win a copy of Lassoed by Marriage Romance Collection. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

    May you all have a blessed week!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  10. I love marriage of convenience books, so winning a copy Lassoed by Marriage Romance Collection would be awesome.

  11. Tina,

    Thanks for a great WE and congrats on your new book. I'm so excited!

    I love the sound of Lassoed by Marriage! Congrats to all of the authors of that collection.

    Today I've got to finish my Christmas shopping so I can focus on food preparations. Thanks for the recipe. I hope you all have a great Christmas week!

  12. What a wonderful WE!!!! And I can't wait to read Tina's new book!!!! Happy dancing!!!!

    And we're making the Rolo turtles today! So delicious, easy and fun for little hands. Perfect!!!!!

    I've got little ones due to arrive at 9:00 (and a couple snoozing upstairs) so I'll check links later, but Tina, huge thank yous for putting this together for us. You rocked it... AGAIN!!!

  13. Nathania, good to meet you! And yeah, don't you just love Westerns????


    Yee haw!

  14. Mmm....


    Coffee is wonderful.

    There is a reason for coffee.

    It's far too deep for me to understand, so I just respect it and guzzle.

    Legally addictive stimulant.


  15. Tina, thanks for the Weekend Edition. Mega congrats to our winners! Wow, so many wonderful Seeker books are on my TBR pile or will be as soon as they release!

    I'm kind of in shock to see Christmas is less than a week away. Not sure why I haven't totally grasped that until now. Still have gifts to buy and wrap, but we'll get it done. And I can focus on the Babe in the manger.

    Merry Christmas!!


  16. Congratulations to all the winners! And what another great weekend edition. I went shopping last night after work and finally get it that Christmas is here in less than a week. Last weekend before Christmas! It was crowded and I'd imagined today would be more so!

    How will you celebrate Christmas? I'm spending time with family. A Blessed & Merry Christmas to all!

    I would love to win Lassoed by Marriage! It would be so much fun reading! Thanks, Annie

  17. Thanks for a great WE, Tina. Congratulations to all of the winners, and a special congratulations to Cynthia Herron on her First Impressions win.
    It's cold here in Charlotte this morning!

  18. Another scrumptious WE. I loved the movie trailer. Hadn't heard about this one at all. And the bookish gift stuff. I want it all!!!!! But especially the Bookish Blanket Wrap. I have a chilly house so I'm always burrowing under upteen blankets to read. Oh and the I still believe in 398.2 jewelry. Must have. I wonder if it's too late to send Santa my list? :-)

  19. Another Great WE Tina!

    Congratulations to all the winners this week.

    Please enter me in the drawing for Lassoed by marriage

    I just finished Coffee Shop Romances. Hope to have a review up by the end of the day.

    I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

  20. Okay, Tina, that Rolo-pretzel thing is downright cruel!! I LOVE Rolos and I LOVE easy recipes, so now I'm tempted to make them. WHICH is not good because I'm still trying to drop the 3-5 lbs. I gained from Thxgiving. Sigh. I love holidays, but not the calories.

    TRIXI!!! Oh my gosh, "last minute people"??? That would make me CRAZY!!! When do you take the tree down???

    You sound like my sister and her hubby, who used to put the Christmas tree up CHRISTMAS EVE NIGHT so the kids would wake up to the magic of Christmas, but I can do without that kind of magic! ;) That was how his parents did it, I guess, but can you imagine the work and then the exhaustion the next day???

    Until we moved this year to a smaller townhome, we always had Thxgiving for over 30 people, so I would decorate the house/put up the tree the weekend before, and I really enjoyed that -- doing it at my leisure while I watched movies. But this year, we traveled to my SIL's and then were gone for two weeks after, so I still don't have anything up here in our townhome, which makes me CRAZY!! And God knows I'm already crazy enough ... :| Well, happy decorating this weekend, my friend, and Merry Christmas!


  21. Congratulations to all the winners this week! The new novella from Mary sounds fabulous! I just finished reading The Husband Tree and I have to say, it was one of my favorite books so far! I kept giggling like a school girl while reading it and couldn't put it down!

  22. Congrats to all the winners this week! And special congrat to the First Impressions winners! Way to go!!

    The holiday season drives me crazy. I can't keep my life on track during normal living hours much less preparing for all the celebrations. Okay, deep breath. Have to keep the reason for the season in my frontal lobe. Jesus...then shopping, decorating, baking. Seriously though, Jesus loves chocolate, too, right?

    Tina, awesome holiday WE, my friend. NO ONE creates a WE better than you!!!

    Happy weekend!

  23. Oh for heaven sakes. My son will be mortified to see HE commented in Seekerville. Sorry folks!

  24. WHAT?

    "$1.99 CHRISTMAS SALE on Julie Lessman's award-winning novel, "A Hope Undaunted", which was on Booklist's Top 10 Inspirational Fiction for 2010!

    Psssst ... this is Julie's FAVORITE book she's ever written!"

    I'd like a recount on that!
    While "A Hope Undaunted", has my favorite blurb quote (one I wish I'd written):

    " What happens when the boy she loved to hate becomes the man she hates to love?"

    My top three Lessman books are:

    1. A Heart Revealed
    2. A Light in the Window
    3. A Passion Most Pure

    I just don't believe that I could be that far off.
    May we poll the jury, please.


  25. I would LOVE to win a copy of "Lassoed By Marriage Romance Collection". Perfect reading for winter days.

  26. HAPPY SATURDAY! Do you have ALL your Christmas shopping done?! Don't over do it this LAST weekend before Christmas!

    Congratulations to ALL the winners!

    Please add me to the drawing!

  27. Wilani, I'm starting to love these novella collections. I started off with the ones Barbour used to publish, but the ones coming out now are SO good.!

  28. Terrific WE, Tina!! I'm with everyone else. I vote we keep you forever. :) I've already printed out the Business Insider article on the best times to post and checked out the RWA site on membership and how to enter their contest.

    The Lassoed By Marriage Romance Collection sounds like such fun! Please throw my name in the party hat for a copy.

    ...Which leads me to a really nosy question I've been dying to ask...How do you all pull off the Seeker collections? Do you get together by email and decide on a topic or does someone come up with a good idea and run it by everyone or ???? The process really interests me. Y'all have single-handedly turned me into a novella reader.

    Merry Christmas everyone!!

  29. Merry Christmas Everyone. Lassoed By Marriage sounds like a great read!

  30. Just popping in to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and all good things for 2016. Life has been CRAZY hectic working on deadlines for 2 publishers. But I have a little breathing room until the new year. Plus my 2nd historical for Bethany House releases Jan. 5th! Like I said, CRAZY!

  31. Barbara! We have a private Yahoo loop. We have had it since before the blog. That's where all the brainstorming goes on. Ruthy is the boss of the novellas!

  32. Susan! You've worked hard for this success! Congratulations!

  33. HI NATHANIA! Great name btw.

    I should have probably actually had my heroine be lassoed by the hero, but a kidnapping is sort of the same, right?


    Can't wait!!!!

  35. Yeah, throw my name in the Stetson for the collection.

    I've been read the links--and loving them.

    Along with Christmas busyness, I'm trying to finish a novella by the end of the month so I can start the one that's due in April.

    Thanks for another great WE.

  36. Just Commonly me too, all family, all the time. LOL

    Yesterday get together with five adult grandkids and six great grandkids (four of them mine) all coming up to visit my mom, the GREAT grandma. What a crazy, funny, wonderful day.

    My mom's 87 and the family gatherings, one on Christmas Eve Day and one on Christmas Day are so wild, she crams 40 people in her house. A nice-sized house but there is NO HOUSE that can hold 40 people comfortably. So the 'smaller' visit yesterday of only 14 people is an attempt to actually SEE Great grandma and talk to her.

  37. I had to go look up the 398.2 reference.

    I am very behind the times.

    How about "I still believe in 220"

    That's the Dewey Decimal # for the Bible.

  38. Wilani, You're in the Stetson!
    And have a wonderful, merry Christmas, too!

  39. Have you ever had Snickers Brownies?

    Regular brownie boxed mix prepared as directed.

    mini-cupcake pans.

    Half fill each cupcake with brownie batter, then press mini (or cut up) Snickers bar into each unbaked brownie.


    OH MY GOSH!!!!

  40. Just a quick visit in Seekerville today, but want to congratulate the winners and to express my thanks for the WE and the amazing posts last week.....layering, exhilaration, anticipation, devotions (Thanks, Sandra!) and then Sherri's post with the accompanying comments which were so powerful....and I was overcome with emotion....unable to post a coherent comment. My continuing prayers of comfort to all those grieving. After a family loss earlier this year, I can attest that God does indeed provide His comfort after prayerful requests....still tears at times, but healing for the sadness.

    Tina, great Salvation Army shoutout on Cheryl's Christmas tree tour blog! I'll enjoy reading more of the links a bit later. (I need to buy cartons of the Papyrus Thank You note card to send my thanks to all the Seekers and Villagers.)

    And thank you for the treat recipe ...... I'll look for square pretzels! YUM!

    Happy weekend of reading and/or writing to were prepare for our Advent Sunday of JOY! Blessings!

  41. Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend! It's a good one for me. Today is our 28th wedding anniversary. I've been married to Gwynly for half my life--the best half by far. How cool is that?

  42. I love the Seekerville WE - Tina you are amazing! Hey, I just bought your new book yesterday and can't wait to start reading it!

    Congrats to the winners!

    I'd love to be in the drawing for the Lassoed By Marriage collection! It looks great!

  43. MERRY CHRISTMAS SEEKERVILLE! You always have great giveaways and so glad I found you. Please toss my name in for "Lassoed By Marriage". I love these collection books and such great authors contribute, a person can't go wrong with books like this one.

    wfnren at aol dot com

  44. I'd love to win and read "Lassoed by Marriage." I love stories like this to read in the winter. Thanks.
    Susan in NC

  45. Excerpt from Sweetwater Bride from Lassoed by Marriage

    A bellow sounded from behind him and he whirled around to face the biggest long horn bull he’d ever seen. Standing not twenty feet away, it’s head down, pawing the dirt. It was the color of midnight, with a spread of black tipped horns that had to be more than eight feet. He lowered those massive, sharp horns and kicked dirt onto his belly with his front legs. Tanner reached back to grab Debba and run.

    “Shadow, you sweetie.” She’d run all right. Right around him and right up to a bull that looked like a killer.

    “Debba!” He drew his gun, knowing a single bullet would never kill this thing, not in time.

    She didn’t even notice his warning or his gun because she was busy hugging the monster. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  46. Thanks for another outstanding Weekend Edition, Tina! Congrats to our Lassoed by Marriage authors!

    Is Christmas really only six days away??? Where has the month gone!?! I think I have most of my shopping done, but I haven't even started on cards yet.

    This morning my husband and I joined other volunteers at our church to help with a charitable Christmas shopping event for underprivileged families. I served in the gift wrapping room and helped a couple of moms get their presents boxed, bagged, and/or wrapped. They were so appreciative!

    1. Hey Myra...thanks for the great box of books. They came in the mail today. Yeah!

  47. Well, Valri, you sweet thing! Thank you! Merry Christmas.

  48. Myra, what a terrific idea. I love this. My neighbor just told me the person in line at the grocery store paid for her groceries. THIS IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT!!

  49. Happy Anniversary, Keli, you youngster, you!

  50. Welcome to Seekerville Susanlulu, Ann Badder, Beverly and Nathania Goforth!

  51. I love Mary Connealy's books, they always leave me laughing!
    (And after reading that blurb I REALLY want to see the rest of the story!)
    Short stories would be perfect for "mommy downtime " aka reading while supper cooks and Daddy and Bubby play.

  52. This sounds like a wonderful batch of Christmas tales, and I would love to get my hands on it! Thank you for the chance!


    That's so sweet but HOW? They don't know how much you're going to spend..did they just leave a couple of twenties with the cashier???

  54. No. My neighbor said the PERSON IN LINE BEHIND HER, paid for her groceries. Details, Mary. Details.

  55. Welcome to Seekerville Cowgirl. And your name is Ruthy. Just like our Ruthy! Win-Win situation.

    Welcome Debbie Rhoades.

  56. Let me add something here. Lassoed by Marriage is a BEAUTIFUL book.
    Barbour Publishing does one like this sometimes, the front and back cover fold open to a beautiful picture. The edges of the pages are deckled, very antique-y looking.

    It's a really lovely book.

  57. It's so COOL and such a COINCIDENCE that someone named Rhoades came to Seekerville today. WELCOME DEBBIE!

    Because I have spent the morning studying a cinnamon roll recipe made with Rhodes Frozen Cinnamon Rolls.

    It's like the universe has aligned for me and all things Rhodes/Rhoades.

    It's--it's--why it's almost a Christmas Miracle!

  58. Tina, sweetie, you could so easily fictionalize this charming grocery store story and really make it sing. WORK WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  59. Our 94 year old friend down here in Arizona wanted to treat Mom and me to a meal at Cracker Barrel. Before we had finished eating a little old lady came over to our table (her husband visibly tried to get her not to) wished us all a Merry Christmas and said her husband had paid for our dinner! So, we get to try again! Today. Maybe Cracker Barrel, maybe not. I like going out with her, people do that even if she's not the one paying!

  60. Beverly, you're in the drawing. I had a LOT of fun visiting Belle and Silas Harden's grown up son, Tanner Harden. (He's got some little brothers who make an appearance, too.
    And NEXT, in the next Seeker novella collection, coming soon, Tanner's little brother Silas Jr. (called Si) has his own lovestory. I am messing around with his life RIGHT NOW!

  61. AW, c'mon, Marianne, I'm sure that paid for dinner was about YOU not your mom or your mom's 94 yo friend. THINK POSITIVE GIRL!!!!!!

  62. Barbara we all really have some fears surrounding the novella writing but Ruthy is scary. So she says WRITE A NOVELLA and we all just fall in line.

    We are dealing with a will stronger than our own.


  64. KELI!!! 28 YEARS!
    I'm shocked. You look about 28 years old!

  65. Myra God bless you for doing that. Helping wrap gifts at Christmastime. That is a beautiful way to give to the Lord and to His children.

  66. So Mary ... Ruthy is the drill sergeant. Somehow I suspected that. No offense, Ruthy, but you can be kinda scary, especially with all that coffee in you. ROTFL

    SNICKERS BROWNIES!!! OMG!! I bet it would work with mini Reese's peanut butter cups too. I'm so going to try that for our next senior lunch. Yep, I'm a fogey...not an old fogey yet...just a fogey. ;-)

  67. Great WE, Tina. Many thanks! Although that's the same recipe I submitted for the New Years party, lol. Guess we can't have enough rolo pretzels! They are addicting!

    Love those old-fashioned looking Bethany book, Mary. I have a bunch of them. Thanks for the chance to win Lassoed.

    Merry Christmas!

  68. You don't have to say 'no offense' to Ruthy about the drill sergeant thing. That's what we all like BEST about her.

    Here's a recipe for Snickers Stuffed Brownies. They don't use mini-muffin pans, they use regular. I suppose they're sweet enough as a full sized cupcake/muffin sized.

    Also this recipe suggests frosting. While frosting would be delicious I can promise you it is NOT necessary. Still, now I'm tempted.

    Rolo pretzels are also insanely good.

  69. Oops, recipe.
    Snickers Stuffed Brownies

    And yep, I'm betting Reese's mini-peanut butter cups would work, too.

    OR how about a MINT!? How great would a small Junior Mint taste in this?

    Oh we must not limit our imagination!

  70. I shopped today...and survived. Although I did stand in line at the PO for 50 minutes. Only one clerk and the line snaked out the door. I thanked her for being so efficient, which she was.

    Check out my FB page and you'll find a pic of Tina and Ruthy's books side-by-side at Walmart. Of course, I came home with both! #happyreading!

    Love seeing all the new faces today! Welcome all!

  71. Congratulations to all the winners!
    Thank you so much for the books.. I am excited to receive these :)
    Oh my gosh! Snicker Brownies! ! I have to try those in my GF cupcakes!
    Congrats to our Lassoed by Marriage authors! Please toss me into that
    drawing ya'll write such wonderful books!
    Merry Christmas!

  72. JULIE.....let me clarify what I meant in my comment :-) Normally we have our tree up and decorated two weeks ago & most of the presents bought already (maybe not wrapped yet). We don't take it down until after the New Year, somewhere around the 2nd or 3rd of January. So what I meant by "last minute" is THIS year we are behind!! And actually for me, it's rather relaxing. Since we don't have a big family (only 3 of us), it's not like I have company coming for Christmas. Otherwise, I'd be decorated by now already :-) AND...well, I have to admit, I've been down in the doldrums for whatever reason this Christmas season. It's been a bit harder for me to get in the festive mood :-(

    I hope this makes more sense now! It's NOT that we ALWAYS are last-minute fact we hate being last minute!! But I feel no rush this year. It's awesome that you are all decorated and ready to go, good for you!! Merry blessed Christmas to you and yours Julie dear...may the love of Christ shine through you :-)

  73. MARY....I had to laugh at that excerpt (I read it on another blog just the other day) because you almost gave me a heart-attack the first time I read it!! Thinking about that bull pawing at the ground & then Debba walked right up to it and gave it a big 'ol hug!! You surely know how to spin a scene in someones head!! Now I HAVE to read the rest of this....haha!! I'm so excited for the chance :-)
    A blessed & Merry Christmas to you and yours, may the light of Christ shine through you!

  74. Congratulations to all the winners! I would love to be in the drawing for the Lassoed Collection. Thanks for the preview Mary. Looks like another fun story.
    Here's a quick easy recipe. Mix one can of Eagle sweet milk with one container of Cool whip and one packet of lemon or lime Koolaid. Put in a graham cracker crust and refrigerate for one hour. Yum! We just made it with raspberry kool-aid and put fresh berries on top.

  75. I just realized that there are other books similar in this series. I can't wait to read the others. 😉

  76. I LOVE those Rollo candies!! I had them recently and fell in love. :)

  77. Congratulations winners! Lassoed by Marriage looks fabulous, I'd love to read it!
    I spent most of the day baking then going to a family function. Sitting down with a good book and some hot cocoa sounds like a vacation right about now!

  78. Bettie, that recipe sounds amazing!! Thank you for sharing!

  79. Another wonderful Weekend Edition, Tina - thank you!!

    Congrats, winners!!

    Since I've run out of gift ideas for the men in my family, and had planned to make some edible "goodies" for them - the Rolo Pretzel Delight recipe will come in handy. Thank you!!

    Looking forward to next weeks' posts, Christmas - and would love to win the "Lassoed By Marriage" collection. It would make a great birthday gift since my birthday is 12/25 - hint, hint, lol!!

  80. Congratulations to all of the winners! So many articles to read and so little time. *Sigh*. It's that time of the year.

    I hope whomever wins the book likes all of stories. As Mary said, the book is lovely and it was so fun for me to be included in an anthology with all of this wonderful authors.

  81. Congrats to all the winners. Was flying yesterday so am late to the party, but hey, better late than never as the old adage goes.

    Looks like Tina cooked us up another great WE. Thanks .

    I'm off to church so will read these later. Happy holidays. Happy Advent Sunday. Hugs to all of you.

  82. Just saw the post so too late to win but this will be a definite read for me. I love these sweet anthologies and they are what got me hooked onto historical western romance. I absolutely love these stories!

  83. Congratulations to all of this week's winners!

    Next week looks exciting already!

    And the Lassoed by Marriage collection looks like it will be a great read.

    Thank you all and God bless you!

  84. Congratulations to the winners! Great week. The Lassoed by Marriage looks very fun!
    Enjoy the week.

  85. Ooooooo, I would love to win Lassoed by Marriage. Lots of my favorite authors!
    Will have to order it if I don't happen to get it here.

  86. Trixi, sorry to hear that you're feeling down. Christmas can be bittersweet. I'm sending hugs your way...and lots of love. Prayers too. Asking that you can be refreshed and renewed in time for Christmas!

  87. YAY, BETTIE! So glad you finally got the surprise box of books you won a few weeks ago. Hope you have a fun time reading and/or sharing them!

    Whew! Busy afternoon wrapping Christmas presents for the kids & grandkids. A lot of little things so we ended up with way more packages than we realized we had! It'll be so fun watching the little ones open everything!

  88. I'm just tickled pink to see that there's another novella collection coming out - can't wait to read it! Merry Christmas to everyone from the Christiansen household!

  89. Rapunzel!!!! That's one of my favorite Connealy books!!!! I love Belle and Silas.

    I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!

    You and I would get along just fine!

  90. We made the Rolos bites yesterday. So stinkin' cute and delicious and popular! We did some without pecans on the top, I used M&M's for those, so the kids would have some. They aren't big pecan fans, but the pecan ones were amazing.



  91. Tina said: Ruthy is the boss of the novellas.


    Barbara, I love organizing the collections. It's so much fun. And we're not afraid to brainstorm and see what else we might be able to do as we bridge the gap between traditional and indie publishing.

    I'm delighted that you're now a novella reader! They're so much fun! I love 'em, too, they suit that quick read/little time window I have. I read an entire collection on a plane ride, and had the Best Time Ever!

  92. Links and winners and news -- oh my! And I haven't even read the comments yet.

    Thank you, Sherri, for "The Rancher's Christmas Proposal." It sounds like such a good read.

    Now to settle in and read some links and comments. Hope everyone had a good weekend.

    Thanks, as always, for another WE, Tina!

    Nancy C

  93. Merry Christmas Lassoed By Marriage Romance Collection sounds really really good. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  94. Not too late too win. The drawing is open all weekend!!!

  95. I would love to win Lassoed by Marriage. Looks like fun.

    I have had a busy weekend working at the book store and trying to get ready for Christmas. At least there is no subbing for two weeks now.

  96. Welcome, C Patterson, Phyllis and Ben and Millie.

  97. I just saw the contest winners. Congratulations!!

  98. Lassoed by Marriage sounds wonderful and Mary is such a fun author. Thank you for the lovely giveaway! Merry Christmas to you all!! - Blessings, Julianna

  99. Thank you for the facts and interesting goodies in the weekend edition, love it. Please enter me for a copy of Lassoed by Marriage.

    Deanne P.

  100. Welcome Julianna Rowe~~~
