Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Time To Be Thankful

Sandra here with a short but sweet post today because she knows how busy you all are with your holiday preparations.  I am so excited that Christmas is almost here. I love Christmas.  I love everything about this blessed holy day.  And whenever I think of it, I become reflective and so thankful for all of my blessings.

24 inch tree in my RV. Came out of a box all decorated. Yay!

We are instructed to be thankful. I don’t know about you all, but this year was a tough one for me and for my family. We are pretty happy that it is almost over.  We are definitely ready to start a new year.

Christmas menagerie-what you get when you don't have pine trees around.

In spite of the circumstances, I have truly learned to be thankful and look at all the blessings. I found that if I do look, they are there in abundance. Like Paul says in Philippians 4:12b  “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation.”

The secret is not really a secret. It is mentioned often in the Bible, especially the Psalms.

Give thanks.

Or no real grass.

This really works for me. I have learned to make a list every day and I write each and every thing I am thankful for.  Some times, it is something big like a wonderful fan letter. And some times it is something so minor you might not think it worth mentioning—like a parking spot in the shade or seeing a silly cactus lit up with Christmas lights.

At the end of the day, I look at that list and I feel content and at peace, because all those blessings happened amidst the storm.

Making this list keeps your mind focused on the positive. Paul says this in Philippians 4:8 “Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Luminarias are a Southwestern tradition

These are good practices for life in general, but they are especially helpful to a writer. As writers, we are in a crazy business that involves rejections, an unstable income, and circumstances that get in the way of our muse and/or work.

Chili pepper lights-another Southwestern delight

My list of things to be thankful for has a special sub-list concerning my writing for that day. This helps me stay focused on the good that I accomplished instead of focusing on the words I didn’t write, or the social media I didn’t get to or the rejection that sailed in.

Instead I focus on the words I did write, the social media I did get to and a word of praise from a reader—usually a Seeker btw.  Smile

Who doesn't love M & M's?

One thing I am very thankful for is the promotion opportunities offered by one of our guests, Amy Brantley. She posted earlier this year in an article titled:  Book Promotion doesn’t Have to Cost a Fortune. 
 Her post helped me a lot, so she is definitely on my “thankful” list. So today I want to make two other writer’s thankful by offering a $25.00 gift certificate for her services.  You can see what she has to offer on her website here.  Book Promos By A Girl and Her Ebooks  

Can you tell I'm thankful for all the sparkling lights around me to cheer me up?

This has to be my favorite though. It is a blow-up trailer by the pool.

Santa opens and closes the door.  Too cute.

If the winner is a reader and not a writer,  I will offer two Seeker books. I know as a reader myself, that another book on the "to be read" pile is always a wonderful thing.

So on this beautiful day, please comment and tell our friends three things for which you are thankful.  Your name will be put into the candy dish.

Help yourself to chocolate velvet coffee. I also have some delightful hot chocolate with Christmas marshmallows. For a snack I stopped by the Sees Candy store.

Merry Christmas

Sandra Leesmith writes sweet romances to warm the heart. Sandra loves to play pickleball, hike, read, bicycle and write. She is based in Arizona, but she and her husband travel throughout the United States in their motorhome and enjoy the outdoors. You can find Sandra's books here on Amazon. Three of Sandra's most popular books are also audio books at Audible. You can read more of Sandra's posts here.


  1. So many things I have to be thankful for. That God sent Jesus down to earth to save me.
    That He gave me the family he did and that I can spend the winter in ArIzona
    That I found Seekerville

  2. Only 3 things....I have an abundance of things to be thankful for :-) But I'll narrow it down because you asked us to!
    1. First and foremost, my salvation. Freedom given when I didn't deserve it, someone willingly paying the price for my sins when He didn't have to. I can't wait to spend eternity with Him.
    2. My family....it's all inclusive....My husband first, my children next & now my grand-girl! Life is a little brighter, my smiles a little bigger & my heart over-flowing with love for these special people God has blessed me with.
    3. My church family. Those who've prayed with us, stood in the gap in the hard times, and made us feel like we belonged somewhere.

    So you see, God has blessed us in so many ways that count! Like I said, I could come up with a hundred more but these are the most important. I'm also thankful for a group of authors here on Seekerville that love one another, encourage one another & generally have fun while doing it! I've so enjoyed your company and all the things you say to enrich my life! I'm looking forward to getting to know you more in 2016 :-)

    P.S. Such cute pictures of all your decorations, Sandra! I've also never had chocolate velvet coffee, guess I'll have to look for something like that at the store. And it's WAY too late for candy here, I'll pop by tomorrow to see if there's any leftover...haha! Wishing you and yours a blessed Christmas, may the light of Christ shine on your hearts!

  3. And this should be a given, but please add my name to the pretty cut-glass candy dish for the Seeker books :-) Thank you for the chance!

  4. I am thankful for God who saved me from my past and set me free.
    I am thankful for my husband who loves me unconditionally .
    I am thankful for three amazing kids who God blessed me and my husband with.

    Thanks for the chance to win a special gift this Christmas


  5. I'm thankful that Jesus left his home in glory to be our best Christmas gift ever. Then dying on the cross for me.
    My family and Christian authors.

  6. I am grateful for so much and one of those things is that no one in my neighborhood put lights on the their cactus. Although we have Santa hats on cactus in abundance.

  7. I choose gratitude too. I am forever grateful for my Lord Jesus. I am thankful for the many blessings bestowed upon me, past, present and future. My family and friends are on that list. Thank you for sharing with us.

    No need to enter me in either of the giveaways. Already have the books. Merry Christmas!

  8. Hi Sandra:

    This might be the post that I most agree with and have most enjoyed (the two things are related :)) for the entire 2015! (This includes my own post on 'crystal clear' writing).

    First, I love this quote:

    "Paul says this in Philippians 4:8 'Finally 'brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.'”

    This is my guiding philosophy. To always think in positive affirmations.

    Then your Christmas tree is just like the three we have in our house. Each serves as a portal back in time to all my past Christmas memories. Love those trees.

    As far as being thankful, I do that by habit but now I've learned that I never did it enough. There are many things that will not be on this list (and thus taken for granted) that will go on that list for good -- if you are suddenly denied those things because of an injury or illness. Like just being able to ride in a car without so much pain you just won't do it. I can see now I have a whole world of things I should have been thankful for in the past.

    'Thankful' may well be my 'OneWord' choice for 2016. And I have you to thank for this inspiration!

    Three things I'm thankful for:

    1. Pain pills combined with the power of prayer.
    2. Seeker friends and support and a community I can talk to.
    3. "Love's Dream Song" and Myra's "Horseman" trilogy for keeping me company and making me feel good during my times of maximum discomfort. (But this also applies to all inspirational romance writers. You do good. Lots of good.)


    P.S. Just before I started to write this comment I was totally into the world of "A Night Like No Other". Thankful is an understatement.

  9. Loved your pictures, they show your fun spirit. Three things I'm thankful for: Jesus, always. My sister, my best and forever friend. My two adorable Westies. There are so many other things, but you did say three. Please throw my name in the drawing. Thanks and Merry Christmas!

  10. I am thankful for so many things.

    - for my loved ones
    - for my continued good health
    - to be living in a part of the world that is safe.

  11. There are so many things to be thankful for this Christmas.
    -That God is such a loving God that He sent His Son to be born a babe, to grow into a man, then to die on a cross for all our sins so that one day we will live all eternity with Him in Heaven.
    ` For my husband and family that love me unconditionally and make me feel that love every single day.
    `for God's healing touch on my Mother.
    And to sneak a fourth one in, I am thankful for Seekerville. Even when I am having a bad day, I come back here and find I am lifted up by a phrase or comment someone has made. So thank you Seekerville for your inspiration and love you share with us all. May you all be blessed abundantly this Christmas and throughout the coming New Year!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  12. Sandra, I loved looking at the Southwestern decorations.

    What a different vibe they have. Did you know that Adelaide Australia does New England style Christmas decors in shop windows, etc. even though it's the middle of their summer?

    I think that's so cool (at least they did a few years ago when Beth was there!)

    Such good reminders. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Rough years happen, they're part of that broken road we like to wax about. But they're not easy.

    Onward to 2016 with a great New Year's Eve party, laden with crazy good food and drink and prizes.

    Let's start the year off with a celebration of good times, good friends and stow our fears and regrets away!

  13. Thankfulness...

    My first is gratitude for my granddaughter MacKenzie's recovery from Kawasaki disease. We will celebrate that for a long time to come!

    And the uneventful birth of a very eventful child, when little Magdalena Ruth joined the family in October. Praising God for another sweet baby, future cookies and Bake-a-Memory days with now 14 grandchildren...

    For good health. It is such an understated blessing, we expect to be healthy until we aren't, and then we're surprised!!! Let's not be surprised, let's just praise God for every healthy day we have.

    And for our beautiful writing community here, for those who've moved onto the published side of the Great Divide, and for those still slogging, working, aspiring, doing... We Never, Ever, Ever Give Up. I love that about Seekerville, the unity of the community.

    God is good, all the time.

  14. I enjoyed your pictures, Sandra. The blowup trailer is hilarious!
    There are so many things to be grateful for this year. First, of cours is God's goodness. He never fails to provide me with what I need. Secondly, my family, who are always there providing love and support. Finally, my good health this past year.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Sandra!

  15. Sandra, thanks for sharing the fun pictures and giving me a glimpse of Christmas in the Southwest. I like your idea to write down things we are thankful for every day.

    I'm thankful to Jesus coming to earth as an infant and saving me. I'm thankful for my amazing family. (We had a couple of close calls with my dad this year so especially thankful he is still with us.) I'm thankful for so many wonderful friends, and I'm thankful for Seekerville!

    Merry Christmas!

  16. Oh folks, sorry I'm late. I woke up late this morning. It is 6:00 am and I'm usually up at 4:00. Good grief. Something to be thankful for. LOL

    What a great bunch of comments already. I'll get to them right now. What a wonderful way to start the day. Oh wait, let me get my cup of coffee first.

  17. Marianne I am thankful you are in Arizona also. It is always fun to know you are here. smile Along with all the other snowbirds. We love snowbirds. And are thankful for them. Most of the friends I play pickleball with are snowbirds from Canada. "Eh"

  18. Trixi You are so right. Three thankfuls aren't near enough. When you start looking and counting, there are things all around you.

    There will be plenty of candy left because I ordered plenty. smile. And its calorie free.

  19. Hi Deana and ditto. We are really blessed aren't we. And your name goes in my pretty dish.

    Merry Christmas.

  20. Hi Ann And I'm thankful for your pretty red rose on your profile picture. smile

    Merry Christmas.

  21. Ha ha ha ha ha Tina, I'm having so much fun teasing you and Ruthy with decorated cactus. You just made me laugh all over again. chuckle.

    Merry Christmas.

  22. Good morning Just Commonly, You have blessed us by telling us you already have our books. woo hoo. I hope you are enjoying them. We have so much fun writing them.

    Merry Christmas.

  23. Hi Vince, You definitely are one of the Seekers I am most thankful for. Your words of encouragement always come at the right time and have helped me through some tough times as well. I am thankful that Love's Dream Song was a blessing for you as well.

    And that quote from Philippians is my favorite as well. That whole chapter is what I try to live by. When I was teaching, I had the art class take those words, "truth, lovely, pure, noble, praiseworthy, excellent," and they painted a street art mural that I hung in my classroom. Whenever there was any dissension or rowdy behavior, I would read those words on the mural and it would get quiet like an E F Hutton commercial. Bringing God's word in really worked to bring peace. And the kicker was they didn't even realize scripture was in my classroom. chortle. Of course other Christians recognized it right away and loved it.

  24. Hi Terri, Yes, it is rather limiting to stick to three. I'm thankful you recognize more and who wouldn't include two westies. smile

    Merry Christmas.

  25. Hi Mary Those are wonderful things to be thankful for aren't they? I agree.

    Merry Christmas.

  26. Awww How sweet of you to say that about Seekerville. My sentiments exactly. That is why we keep on with this wonderful blog, because it blesses us as much as it blesses you all.

    Thank you and Merry Christmas.

  27. Hi Ruthy, Yes, we are all thankful that MacKenzie came through and for your 14th grandchild. You are truly blessed. smile

    And good health is never to be taken for granted. It is such a blessing. And I pray for all who are not enjoying good health. Thank the Lord for all the people in the medical profession who are dedicated and there to help.

    How interesting about Australia. Yes, they are in the middle of their summer so they don't really get into the snow covered trees either. Except in lights and decor like us. chuckle.

    I'm excited about our New Year's party. How fun is that? Blessings and love.

  28. Hi Jill, Thank you. I do love that blow up trailer. Shows Santa comes no matter where you are. chuckle.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family also. smile

  29. Hi Jackie You will see that there are more things than you realize when you start paying attention to the details. It really does bring about that sense of peace.

    Merry Christmas.

  30. That one comment without a name is for Cindy W. I think I put the little symbols in wrong. Its this comment:
    Awww How sweet of you to say that about Seekerville. My sentiments exactly. That is why we keep on with this wonderful blog, because it blesses us as much as it blesses you all.

    Thank you and Merry Christmas.

  31. There is much to be thankful for--God's Mercy and Faithfulness at the top.
    Thankful for family.
    Thankful for friends who really care.
    Thankful for Seekerville with all the wonderful advice for fledgling writers like me.

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  32. Hi Wilani, Thank you and I'm thankful for you also. It is wonderful that we can all share and help each other.

    Merry Christmas to you also.

  33. Gratitude was my "One Word" for 2015, so I have spent the year being mindful of my blessings both big and small. Trying to narrow down thankfulness to three is not so easy, but when I categorize them I'm reminded of the scripture at the beginning of 1 Cor. 13 that says "and now I will show you the most excellent way" and then verse 13,

    Now these three remain:
    FAITH-knowing Jesus and trusting in Him
    HOPE-believing for our generations and those to come to put their trust in Him
    LOVE-being loved by God, loved by family and loved by those God has placed in my life and then extending that love to all those in return and all the people in this hurting lost world who don't know about faith, hope and love.

    That's what I'm wishing and praying for, for all my Seeker/Villager friends,
    a blessed Christmas filled with faith, hope and love.

    btw: The camper is my favorite too Sandra. What a different Christmas experience between the east and the west. Might be 71 here in Va. this year though, crazy 20 degrees off.

  34. What wonderful decorations. And it is the perfect time of year to be thankful. But then every moment is the perfect time.

  35. Hi Tracey Well said my friend. Love the way you referred to ! Corinthians. And I imagine your year has been full of miracles seen and unseen. Its amazing what you see when you pay attention.

    Merry Christmas.

  36. Yes, Mary, It always helps to be thankful. Any time. But the Christmas season is a good reminder. smile

    Merry Christmas my friend.

  37. A wonderful reminder for this time of year and always, Sandra--thank you!

    Three things I'm thankful for today:

    1. Seekerville and all my friends here!

    2. My children and grandchildren and getting to see some of them on Christmas Day!

    3. A warmer-than-usual winter! (Yes, I am a cold-weather wimp!)

    Making this list, I realized I have so much more I could have included, and it's hard to prioritize the top three. I need to try this more often!

  38. Aw, thank you, VINCE! So glad my Horseman books are keeping your mind off your discomfort! Keep healing, dear friend!

  39. I'm thankful for...
    -Jesus Christ, my doorway to a relationship with God & the Hope of Heaven!
    -the Impossible in my life because that is where I see God shine the brightest!
    -Family & Friends because I love them!

    But everyone else has said that, so my other list is...
    -Flavored Coffee Creamer (peppermint mocha, cinnabun, gingerbread!)
    -Cows (I love seeing them out the window in the pasture. Good memories of my Grandfather!)
    -Christmas Pajama Bottoms! (They are just Happy!)

  40. Hi Myra You aren't the only one having trouble keeping the list to three. And that in itself is something to be thankful for. smile

    Your Horseman books are wonderful. I'm thankful we have so many good books to read. Like yours. smile

  41. Oh Jana I love your list. Christmas pajama bottoms are just happy aren't they? I found some great shirts to wear out on the pickleball courts. It makes me happy too.

    And cows. I love that they remind you of your Grandfather. Cable cars remind me of mine. He used to take me out to Fisherman's wharf on the cable cars when I would come visit. smile

  42. Sandra, I'm sorry it's been a difficult year for you.I know a lot of people whose year was tough.

    I began keeping a gift lust a few years ago, after reading, 1,000 Gifts, by Ann Voskamp. The whole idea of listing things I'm grateful for has been so good for me. We started keeping a gift list as a family. Each night at supper, hubby, our boys and I add some items to our list. This year, I think we have about 1500 items on our list.

    Three things I'm thankful for:
    1. My husband made it home safely from his international business trip (he was gone 3 weeks)
    2. My boys' smiles
    3. Christmas lights

    I could definitely add more, but I'll restrain restrain myself. :)

    I hope your CHIRSTmas truly is a restful, joy-filled one, Sandra!

  43. Tracey Hagwood, that's simply beautiful.

  44. Jana!!!! Love those second three!!!!! Extra points for you!!!!

  45. My Heavenly Father,
    Family & friends,
    sooo many other things

    Merry Christmas to all.

    Count me in for the book, please.

  46. I'm grateful the Lord helped me get my writing/publishing career started. It wasn't as hard as I thought and my fifth title comes out in two weeks. I couldn't have imagined that this time last year. Thankful for my wonderful supportive family and for all those fellow writers who share their knowledge so unselfishly like the Seekers. I'd definitely love a chance to win today since 2016 is the year I'm going to start promoting seriously.

    Merry Christmas to everyone at Seekerville.

  47. Hi Jeanne What a wonderful idea to make that list each night as a family. And look how many blessings you've had. That will be a fun thing to go over on New Year's Day. Then you can anticipate what delights the new year will bring. I love it. ANd it teaches your children to look for the positive. smile

    Merry Christmas.

  48. Aren't these lists wonderful Ruthy, I'm thankful to be reading about what everyone is thankful for.

    And I love the idea of Christmas pajamas. Maybe I'll find some on sale after Christmas.

  49. Hi Jackie S., You're in the candy dish. smile

    And yes, isn't it wonderful to see that everyone is having a difficult time keeping to three?

    I love that Seekerville gets on the list.

  50. HI Elaine, Wow five. Congratulations. That is exciting news. And you are in the candy dish. smile

    kWe at Seekerville, are just as thankful for you all as you are for us. You bless us many times over.

    Merry Christmas.

  51. RUTHY,
    Thank YOU for a year of simply beautiful reading experiences. Wishing the Herne family blessings beyond measure full of faith, hope and love as we celebrate the Hope of the world this Christmas!

  52. I, too, am having difficulty in limiting my thankfulness to "just" three. That Jesus came to bring Salvation is such a given, I tend to leave it off the list (not that I'm any less thankful though...). For me, at this present moment, the FIRST three that popped into my head as I read this post are the following:

    1. my Family - especially Guppy: through his six year old eyes, I'm seeing Christmas MUCH differently this year
    2. I'm gainfully employed in a job with wonderful co-workers
    3. SEEKERVILLE!!!!! I echo previous statements above. There are days that things aren't quite so good, but a visit here or a note for prayer to the Ladies of Seekerville and all is right with my world again. Such a huge gift. I don't think you Ladies can fully grasp just how much God uses you and this community. HUGE blessing. HUGE. (plus, your novella collections are soooooooooooooooooo awesome...)

  53. Oh DEb. H., what a beautiful sentiment. Yes, It is a given that we appreciate our Lord first and foremost. I love your other gifts. And how sweet of you to say such beautiful things about Seekerville.

    We are hearing this a lot today and you all don't know how much that means to us. Thank you so much.

    Merry Christmas to you and Guppy.

  54. I'm feeling so nostalgic today as I make Christmas goodies, a recipe of my mother-in-laws. Even though I've already listed my 3 most important eternal things I'm thankful, I want another turn and I know Seekerville is generous with there blog space :)

    I'm thankful for Christmas memories! Past, present, future. Memories of wonder-filled childhood Christmas's, of present memories we are making with our children and grandchildren and thankfulness for any future Christmas's the Lord gives me.

  55. Oh, SANDRA, AMEN, girlfriend!!! Thanksgiving is the most critical part of my day, along with praise, because they are the cornerstones of focusing on God from sunup to sundown!

    LOL ... really??? A pre-lit, pre-decorated Christmas tree in a box??? Now THAT'S something to be thankful for, my friend!!

    The three things for which I am MOST thankful are:

    1.) God's salvation, grace, and mercy in my life.

    2.) My husband, children, family, friends and our health. (that's two, I know!)

    3.) That God has allowed me to write for Him.

    Beautiful post, my friend, and I must say, Sandra, I am ALWAYS thankful for your friendship!!


  56. Ahhh Tracey You can take all the blog space your heart desires. What lovely nostalgic memories.

    Have a blessed day.

  57. HI Julie, Back at you. I'm so thankful for all my Seeker sisters and our friends here in Seekerville. Makes this CHristmas week a true blessing. smile

    Merry Christmas.

  58. Oops! I said there when I meant their! I'm sure GQ will be generous with her grammar forgiveness, since it is Christmas after all, LOL

  59. GQ is too busy checking her Christmas newsletter. You are off the hook, Tracey.

  60. Laughing at grammar forgiveness! That's clearly a Catholic thing!!!! :)

  61. Lol Ruthy, I'm not Catholic but I did have a few teachers that insisted on correctness. I always thought my grammar was ok until I met Grammar Queen here, now I live in fear of grammar correctness ;)

  62. Sandra, I love your Southwest Christmas pictures. Very festive...and I have an excuse to use my rather poor Spanish:"Feliz Navidad!"

    Jesus is the reason for the season, so I'm thankful for His gift of salvation and that the Constitution guarantees us freedom of religion so that I can worship Him without fear.

    I'm also thankful for my husband Mike, my family, friends, church buddies, and everyone at Seekerville!! Here's to better health in 2016!

    I'm torn on the last one. I'm thankful for chocolate, peanut butter, and the Godzilla El Nino that's giving us a warm winter this year. Yes, Myra, I'm a cold weather wimp too. It's supposed to be in the 70s in Nashville on Christmas Day!! :) Sorry kids...no snow.

    And please throw my name in the peppermint candy dish for one of the $25 gifts. I already have the books.

  63. Thank you for such a wonderful post, Sandra! My list is similar to many others here – Jesus, Family and Finding Seekerville. I’ve learned so much here in the past few weeks and I sincerely appreciate all the helpful advice and encouragement as I navigate the (deep breath here) perilous path to publication! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

  64. HI Barbara Feliz Navidad. Yes, it is fun to use our Spanish. Anyone else have a Merry Christmas in another language?

    Noel is Christmas in French (I think). But I don't know how to say Merry or Happy in French.

    I can see that I really stressed everyone out to name only three. chuckle. I am delighted we all have more than three. That is really good positive thinking.

    And I'm glad you are enjoying the warmer weather. You might be warmer than we are. chuckle

    Merry Christmas to you also.

  65. Thank you Laura for your appreciation. You don't know how much that means to us.
    Merry Christmas to you also.

  66. Sandra! Merry Christmas! Only 3 things??? I have way more than that but it's a good start! 1 - I'm thankful my mom is in the process of beating breast cancer! 2 - I'm thankful for my 2 granddaughters who are the joy of my life, and 3 - I'm thanks that my hubby & I have celebrated 30 yrs. of marriage with so much love & joy (oh, there have been trials but we have always had love & joy to pull us through!)

    I'd love to have my name in the candy dish! Thanks!

  67. Hi Valri Sounds like a fantastic list. And you aren't the only one questioning the number three. I'm just so tickled that the number is too small for everyone. That means you all are really seeing your blessings. smile

    Merry Christmas to you also and your name is in the candy dish.

  68. I'm thankful for our two daughters we adopted, thankful for my husband's new job teaching geography at a high school, and thankful for chocolate ;)

  69. Hi Heidi, Yes, we must be thankful for chocolate. chuckle. And daughters and hubbies too. Thanks for joining us and Merry Christmas.

  70. Just visited Sherida's blog Tuesday Tea

    She wrote a charming review of A Heart Full of Christmas. Thanks Sherida.

    Merry Christmas

  71. I can smell the coffee!
    I am thankful for family, that we are all healthy, & the 2 new grandchildren in our family!
    It's been a Blessed year :)
    please toss me into the dish, I am a reader, & the comments here are wonderful!
    Merry Christmas

  72. Hi Deanna, Yes, the comments are wonderful aren't they. Yours too. smile

    I am so thankful you had a blessed year. Those are to be treasured.

    Merry Christmas. And you are in the cat dish.

  73. Hi Ruth:

    You wrote:

    "Laughing at grammar forgiveness! That's clearly a Catholic thing!!!! :)"

    In my 11 years as a Catholic school student it was 'grammar guilt' that was always stressed. 'Grammar forgiveness' was only conferred at the end of a yard stick!

    Check my favorite scene from the "Blues Brothers".


    Those were the days when no rod was spared and all guilt was shared!


  74. Vince my hubby remembers those days also. He went to Catholic school also. He went to class and didn't know his times tables and got rapped on the knuckles with a ruler. Next day he knew his times tables. haha Some guilt things do work.

  75. Thank you for the offering of the delicious treats hey are very tasty and I enjoyed the hot chocolate : )

    I am very thankful for my family which my immediate family is my husband and our 12 children.I have 7 boys and 5 girls. All but one lives at home and he is studying at the University of Maryland.

    I am so thankful for this blog and the authors who post on it. I always look forward to visiting daily for an encouraging word.

    I am thankful for my cats. They are warm balls of fur that love my lap and to purr and I'm always glad to have them around.

    I am a reader, please toss my name in the cat dish and I've loved reading the comments. Thank you.

    Deanne P.

  76. Hi Deanne how fun to think of you sitting with cats in your lap. Great image.

    Thank you for the compliment. I know the other Seekers are touched as am I. We appreciate all oy you so much.

    Merry Christmas and yes your name is in the candy dish.

  77. Well folks, I hear my pillow screaming my name. I will check back in the morning for late night comments and put your names in the candy dish.

    Have a wonderful Christmas

    Thank you for sharing all of your thankfulness.

    Have a blessed holy day and hope to see you at our New Year's party.

  78. What a wonderful way to begin my day, two days before Christmas by reading your blog. I have been so busy with the hustle and bustle of the season I have neglected to focus on my email and missed reading Seekerville. Today is my catch up day and I want to sit back and be thankful for all the good things in my life, especially the love and support from my husband and for God for guiding me on my writing path. Sandra, I loved the pictures and your words. That column was relaxing and really hit home. Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas to all.

  79. HI Suzanne, I am so happy you dropped by. I'm glad you have a catch up day. I need one myself. smile

    Merry Christmas and have a wonderful day.

  80. Hello Sandra! Thank you for the wonderful post! I enjoyed all your pictures. Have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

    Please enter me in the drawing.

  81. Thank you for sharing part of your Christmas with us! I'm thankful for your giving heart, Seekerville's great community, inspiring books to read, and most of all, Jesus and every blessing that He has provided. So very many :) Merriest Christmas wishes to you and all of Seekerville!

  82. Sandra....what a perfect post! Internet issues prevented me from commenting yesterday, but your contentment and positive attitude Bible verses are just what I needed. I am grateful for so many things...among them, this inspiring Seekerville community. Love seeing your desert Christmas decorations. Thank you for your friendship and wise words of encouragement! Blessings!

  83. Caryl Thanks for joining us and Merry Christmas to you also.

  84. Hi Phyllis We are thankful for you also. You are so sweet to say that. smile Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  85. Hi Sherida I was late also. I loved your post. I just love the idea of tea and talking about a book. Thanks again for your wonderful review. I will pop over again tomorrow. Blessings.

  86. Thank you for your beautiful post, Sandra!!

    I'm a big fan of keeping a thankfulness journal, it definitely has made me more conscious of my many blessings and thankful for even the tiny things. There will never be enough time to list all of my blessings, however, at the top of the list is my salvation, of course. Since reading is a passion of mine, Christian Fiction and it's authors are huge on my thankful list, and yes - Seekerville is on there too!! My thanks to all of the Seeker authors for their wonderful books and their helpful Seekerville posts!!

    Please enter my name in the book drawing!! Blessings!!
