Saturday, December 26, 2015

Weekend Edition

No designated driver required!
Join Seekerville on December 31, 2015 at 6 am. (a departure from our usual midnight posting) for the start of our Rockin' New Year's Eve Party. We'll go for 22 straight hours through the 3 am. hour on January 1, 2016. All times are EST. Hourly prizes will be given away and one BIG prize. When? What is it? Show up to find out.

 We Have Winners

 Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules. Thanks for your patience during this busy holiday and deadline season!

 Winners of Lassoed by Marriage from last weekend are:the commenter known as "Ben and Phyllis" and Julianne Rowe.

Monday Julie Lessman brought us a holiday inspirational post, A Night Like No Other, by best-selling author  Kristin Vayden. Jennifer won a paperback copy, and Walt and Liz R  won e-copies of A Night Like No Other -- the love story of Mary and Joseph, and all three winners also win their choice of either Julie's Christmas novella, A Light in the Window, or her new contemporary release, Isle of Hope. Merry Christmas!

Tuesday Sandra Leesmith shared about the importance of acknowledging all we are thankful for and making a list.  Barbara Scott and Laura Conner Kestler are the winners of  $25 gift certificates for their choice of Amy's services at Book Promos by A Girl and her ebooks. Valri and Jackie S. win a Seeker ebook.

Tina Radcliffe was your hostess on Wednesday with a peek into the final frontier, with her post "To Boldly Go Where No City Slicker Has Gone Before." Just Commonly, Jackie Layton, Trixi, Jill W, and Cowgirl America are winners of the January release, Rocky Mountain Reunion. Marianne is the winner of the John Wayne quote tin. Happy Holidays, Seekerville!

Next Week in Seekerville 

Monday: Pam Hillman is your hostess today. Stop by to visit with this cowgirl!

Tuesday: RITA® nominated author, Katy Lee, is our special guest today. Her post is  Crime "Scene Investigation: Unraveling the Story Stitch by Stitch."One lucky commenter will receive a copy of Permanent Vacancy.

Wednesday: Contest Update. This month we'll look at the upcoming contests and the contest year in review with a spotlight on the 2015 Divas. The prize vault is open.

Thursday: Sleep in today and get ready to party! The New Year's Eve Party begins at 6am and goes THROUGH the 3 am hour. All times are EST! We have hourly giveaways and a huge end of party giveaway as well!

Friday: Closed for the Holiday. Happy New Year!

Meet us on New Year's Eve! We'll bring in the New Year together

Seeker Sightings

$1.99 POST-CHRISTMAS SALE on Julie Lessman's award-winning novel, A Hope Undaunted, which was on Booklist's Top 10 Inspirational Fiction for 2010!

Psssst ... this is Julie's FAVORITE book she's ever written!

Order A Hope Undaunted HERE.

Hourly prizes and one BIG GINORMOUS PRIZE!

Random News & Information 

 Thank you to those who submitted links!

God With Us (Bethany House Fiction)

 How to Know Your Book’s Cover Needs a Redesign (BookBub Partners)

 How To Build Your Author Brand From Scratch (And Why You Need To) (The Book Designer)

Start Building Your Author Brand (Writers in the Storm)

 Writers Give Yourself a Break (Fiction University)

 Stop Forcing Authors to Take Unlimited Financial Risks (Passive Voice)

 Best Practices for Author Facebook Pages and Groups (Jane Friedman)

 Looking Into a Killer’s Eyes to Bring a Character to Life (Writer Unboxed)

The Myth of Everyreader (Jane Friedman)

Christmas Anthologies (Barbara Vey) 

Got gift cards or $$ for Christmas?
  Here's our last tribute to holiday gifts.

23 Quirky, Geeky, and Bookish Stocking Stuffers (Quirk Books)

20 Affordable Gifts for Readers (Real Simple)

A Special Writerly Gift: The Kauai Writer's Festival 2016

Apparel and Gifts for Writers at The Writers Store

Details here.
That's it! Have a great weekend!


  1. Pooh, what an awesome after Christmas gift. I Love that quote, and John Wayne. If it's coming from you, TINA, I'll gladly pick it up. Another great WE. Last of 2015!
    I hope you all had a glorious Christmas. We did. And now Mom last and youngest sister is celebrating in Heaven with Jesus! Hard for Mom, but we were sort of expecting it to be soon.

  2. Pooh? That must have been auto-correct! I meant to say oooh
    I forgot to say, our TINA ROCKS, and so does Seekerville!

  3. Awe, give your momma hug for me.

    The tin comes from Amazon straight to your front door. But we'll schedule some in person time soon!

  4. I keep thinking my word for 2016 is going to be bold, and it seems like "Reach for the Stars" will compliment boldness nicely.

    Tina, I'm so excited to win your new book, and I can't wait to read it.

    Have a great weekend Seekerville!

  5. Congratulations to all of the winners!
    I'm thrilled to win a copy of your latest book, Tina. I checked out our local Walmart again, on Christmas Eve, still no sighting.
    Looking forward to the big NYE bash!

  6. Happy Boxing Day, Seekerville. Sunshiney and cold today so I think the winter season is finally taking hold at last. Snuggled up under a pile of bankies with my laptop and a good book. Best way to spend a lazy, post-Christmas rush day. Loved the links for bookish gifts. I could go broke fast!

  7. Congratulations to all of the winners!
    Looking forward to New Year's Eve! Love your parties!
    I'm ready for a quiet day at home with a good book.

  8. Have a wonderful after Christmas weekend everyone!

  9. Sunshiney and cold here too. 48 degrees in Arizona. OMGOSH I AM FREEZING!!!

  10. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!!

    Tina, it's 70+ degrees here. We've switched weather! :)

  11. Marianne, I'm sorry about the loss of your aunt.

  12. Jackie, I need to get to thinking on my One Word!

  13. Tina, thanks for the great Weekend Edition! Congrats to our winners!

    Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas!

    New Year's Eve is going to rock here in Seekerville!


  14. Marianne, sorry to hear your mom lost her sister. So hard, especially at Christmas.

    Hugs, Janet

  15. I hope everyone had a joyous Christmas, and of couse, the season continues through the Epiphany so we can continue to celebrate. Merry, merry to all!

    We're warm in GA, but winter will hit in a few days...and the prediction is for lots of snow. I'm ready for cooler temps. Santa carried an umbrella this year and almost got caught in the torrential rains. Thankfully, he made it through the stormy weather and was able to deliver toys to all the girls and boys.


    "Fear is a bully that draws his power from the thoughts of those obsessed with him."

    "Fear thrives on attention."

    "Fear loves a fight because fear, like evil, cannot be hurt. 'But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also'*. Fear dies when it is ignored."
    *King James Bible Matthew 5:39

    "Don't water your fears. Let them die of neglect."

    "Fear often starts out as a friend who when over indulged gradually becomes a frenemy only to morph into a full blown enemy when given obsessive attention."


    "The optimist reaches for the stars.
    The philosopher reaches for the wisest stars.
    The marketing genius induces the stars to reach down to him."

  17. Well done, Vince! Well done!

  18. It's hard, Janet. Mom is realizing that it is impossible for her to,fly home for the funeral, which makes things easier for us.

  19. Enjoying some grandkid time this weekend and loving the warm southern temps!!! Hope everyone had a blessed Christmas!

    Great quotes, VINCE! Looking forward to our fun NYE bash!

  20. Yea!! So excited about winning a $25 gift certificate for Amy's services at Book Promos by A Girl and her ebooks! Thank you, Seekerville!!

  21. Hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas. I have been at my parents and will be returning home Sunday afternoon. I have had a great time with Mom and Dad who are in their late 80's. I have loved doing things for them and helping them. Looking forward to a new year. An opportunity to continue serving the Lord as well as developing as a writer. I hope everyone has stayed safe in the crazy weather and in the storms yet to come this weekend.

  22. Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! Congrats to ALL the winners.

  23. Great WE as always, and CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners!!

    I am celebrating that I'll *finally* be able to read e-books, LOL, thanks to Santa bringing me a Kindle Fire! :) (Also thanks to a special Seeker with the initials T.R. convincing me that I really DO need a Kindle). ;)

    Hoping everyone had a very blessed Christmas Day, and will enjoy the remainder of this Christmas season (I'm still enjoying my fragrant fir tree - - as long as it stays fresh, I'll keep it up!).
    Holiday Hugs, Patti Jo

  24. What a wonderful week this has been! Christmas day was a blast with the grand-girl and her momma of course :-) Ham, mashed potatoes & gravy, stuffing, rolls, cranberry sauce and my pumpkin pies with coolwhip for dessert! And ending with a toast of Martinelli's sparkling apple cider. Couldn't ask for a better day if I tried. I hope all of you were surrounded by family too & ate some good food 'til you were stuffed :-)

    Congrats to all of this weeks winners! Can't wait to read your newest book Tina, thanks for that :-) Looking forward to the New Years party, although it starts at 3am my time (PST). I don't think I'll be getting up quite that early to! So I'll just leave the blinking necklaces & 2016 crazy glasses at the door for the early risers to grab as they go through. I'll check in when I get a cup of coffee or two later in the morning :-) It's gonna be fun!!

  25. I think Face Your Fears is wonderful but I am still avoiding mice. Just so you know!

  26. My Favorite Fear Quote
    & How to describe a character down
    to his soul in a just few short words:

    (aside to ANTONY)

    Would he were fatter! But I fear him not.
    Yet if my name were liable to fear,
    I do not know the man I should avoid
    So soon as that spare Cassius. He reads much.
    He is a great observer, and he looks
    Quite through the deeds of men. He loves no plays,
    As thou dost, Antony. He hears no music.
    Seldom he smiles, and smiles in such a sort
    As if he mocked himself and scorned his spirit
    That could be moved to smile at anything.
    Such men as he be never at heart’s ease
    Whiles they behold a greater than themselves,
    And therefore are they very dangerous.
    I rather tell thee what is to be feared
    Than what I fear, for always I am Caesar.

    Julius Caesar, Act 1, Scene 2, Page 9

  27. .
    "A fear of mice is an endearing quirk that makes one a more sympathetic character deserving of our love and affection."

  28. ***

    "Of course I have fears but I don't worry about them. I just play one fear off against an opposing fear and let them fight it out. I have better things to do."

    "A rational fear is like a caution light: something you should welcome. An irrational fear is like the monster under the bed: something for a parent to handle. "


  29. Congrats to the winners! & may our New Year be awesome!

  30. Vince, you are really getting into this, dude!!

  31. Great WE as always, TINA. Looking forward to the New Year's Eve bash, except I'll be working all day. :( Will have to pop in once an hour to see what's going on. There's no way I'll be able to keep up with the commentary though. Will have to wade through that later.

    Put me into that Lassoed draw, please. Would love to win THAT collection.

  32. Hugs back to you, Patti Jo!

    Love the quotes, Vince.

    Myra, enjoyed your beach pics on FB. We're balmy in GA, and our lake it high due to the rain. The sun is peeking through the clouds now!

  33. Vince did you just make that up? So it's your OWN quote?

    Whatever it sounds great to me.

  34. Thanks for the kind comments about my quotes. I find it great fun to create quotes on serious topics that sound quotable. I think of them as 'Famous Quotes' that no one has ever heard of before. : )

    Weekends are my fun time!

    Thanks again.


  35. Psalms 27:1
    The LORD is my light and my salvation-- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life-- of whom shall I be afraid?

    I truly think if we could all CLAIM this verse and really accept and believe it...the world would be a wonderful place.

    I think we fear so much, most of it not really dangerous stuff, more like fears we have haunting us, enlarged by us. But this verse, a perfect companion to, "To live is Christ and to die is gain."

    And also "Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world."


  36. Vince I hope you're saving them.

    You can publish a book called 'Deep Thoughts.'

  37. Hope everyone enjoyed a lovely Christmas. It's been a while since last here. This week the temps in Philly were an unseasonable 70 degrees so went for many long walks with hubby and sons. Can't remember ever doing that in late Dec. Congrats to all the winners from last week. Thanks to Tina for the links. The 23rd Psalm has a calming effect. When fear strikes I also get comfort from the verses Mary quoted. Enjoyed many of Vince's quotes. A wonderful week to all and blessings from above in the new year.

  38. Pat!~!~~ Merry Christmas! Amazing weather for Philly! What a treat~

  39. Congrats to all the winners. I loved chatting with all of you at the New Years Eve Party and the authors were awesome . Please enter me for the gift card and books.
    Deanne P.
