Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Weekend Edition

Welcome to the Weekend Edition. 
Today we pause to celebrate...tea. 
This is National Hot Tea Month.
An essential for writing and reading. 

Tell us about your favorite cup of tea or your favorite cup,
 to be entered for a chance to win this lovely mug!
Winner announced in the next Weekend Edition.

We Have Winners

 Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.

Winners of Tina Radcliffe's Rocky Mountain Reunion from the last Weekend Edition are Bonton, Vesta and Laura Conner Kestner.

On Monday, Janet Dean talked about the smallest block of story in her post “Make Stories Zing with Well Chosen Words.” Words set the tone. Words evoke emotion. Words impact the pace. Words paint a picture. DebH is the winner of a copy of The Bounty Hunter’s Redemption.

 2015 RITA® finalist, Rose Ross Zediker  was our guest on Tuesday with her post, "Confined Settings." There are two chances to win a book today. J Baugh is the winner of  her latest release, Lassoed by Marriage. Shelli Littleton is the winner of her previous book with Barbour Publishing, Dakota Love.

On Wednesday, 2015 Daphne Award winner and SeekerDebby Giusti was your hostess! We hope you didn;t miss this Love Inspired Suspense author's day in the Village! Debby talked about "Getting to the Root of the Problem." Marianne Barkman and Christina are the winners of her February release, Plain Danger, and a "Be Still" coloring book for adults!

 It's always fun when a Villager sails off the island and comes back to visit. Debra Marvin was our special guest Thursday, with her post, "The Timelessness of Jane Austen." Winner of a print copy of Austen in Austin is Beth Schwarzlose. Winner of an ecopy is DeAnna Julie Dodson.  Seekerville ecopy winner is Sarah Claucherty. 

 Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: What would be better than pursuing your dream of writing and supplementing it with a part time job that allows you to set your own hours or utilize your own personal skill set? Join guest blogger B. K. (Brenda) Jackson as she opens the discussion on juggling your dream of writing with the very real obligation of paying the bills.

Tuesday: Sandra Leesmith will discuss "Godly Professionalism." She will be giving away reimbursement for one 2016 membership fee for RWA,  so be sure and join her in discussing how we as Christians present our values in our profession. 

Wednesday: Margaret Daley is our special guest to share about NINC. Novelists, Inc. From Margaret: More than twenty-five years ago, five professional authors banded together with one clear mission in mind: address the needs of career novelists. A quarter of a century later, NINC's more than 800 multi-published writers continue to thrive in an industry that is ever-changing, volatile and brimming with opportunity. Margaret will also be giving away a copy of her Love Inspired Suspense Deadly Noel.

Thursday: Have you met SARAH? If you've ever experienced rejection, you'll want to get to know SARAH. Amanda Cabot joins us today to help us understand rejection and how to overcome! And of course, we have prizes!!

Friday: Best of the Archives: Featuring Ruth Logan Herne and her post, "From Seed to Fruition-Building Characters From Inside Out." Comments are closed on Friday to allow us all more time to write and read.

Seeker Sightings

Rocky Mountain Reunion is having tea and chocolate chip cookies with Sherida Stewart! Stop by Tuesday Tea Review for a lovely review, a yummy recipe, and a chance to win Rocky Mountain Reunion! Use the Rafflecopter.

Thanks to Just Commonly blog for the kind review of Rocky Mountain reunion. It's always a kick when someone gets your writing! 

Janet Dean is signing The Bounty Hunter's Redemption  this Saturday, January 23 from 1-3:00 PM at The Bookmark bookstore at 3420 North Anthony Blvd., Fort Wayne, IN. If you're in the area, stop by and make Janet's day!

There's a secret matchmaker at work in frontier Texas!

In the small town of Dry Gulch, Texas, a good-hearted busybody just can't keep herself from surreptitiously trying to match up women in dire straits with men of good character she hopes can help them. How is she to know she's also giving each couple a little nudge toward love? And what will she do when the tables are turned? This is a collection of four novellas in one.

Mary Connealy's contribution to this novella collection is:  Meeting Her Match
When the tables are turned and a tenderhearted meddler becomes the beneficiary of a matchmaking scheme, her world is turned upside down. As her entire life changes, will she finally be able to tell the banker’s son how much she cares for him?

Missy Tippens will be speaking and signing books at The South Carolina Chapter of American Christian Fiction Writers on Saturday, February 27 (NOTE THE NEW DATE DUE TO BAD WEATHER), 2016, 2:00- 3:00 PM (meeting continues until 5 pm with a critique session) at North Anderson Baptist Church, 2308 N. Main Street, Anderson. The meeting is free and visitors are invited! She'd love to see you. For more info click here.

Thanks to Debra Marvin (Austen in Austin) for this. Sorry I missed it first go round! 
Random News & Information

Thanks to everyone who sent links!

How to Find and Work with Beta Readers to Improve Your Book (Jane Friedman)

Official Premiere: January 23rd, 9 p.m. EST, on the Hallmark Channel, Unleashing Mr. Darcy! Based on Love Inspired and HQ author Teri Wilson's Book! Trailer Here.

Social Media for Authors (The Western Fictioneers)

How To Gain Followers On Instagram: The Author’s Guide (The Author Blog)

If you're a reader, do send your snail mail address to for a Door Hanger!

Hot and Cold Book Categories of 2015 (PW)

How to Use Price Promotions to Market a New Book Release (BookBub Partners)

Make Your Hero Suffer (Steven Pressfield Online)

Publishing Advice: 12 Top Tips on Setting Ebook Prices (ALLi)

22 Ways to Support Your Favorite Authors (Janette Foreman)

Here’s How to Write The Ultimate Guest Post (BadRedheadMedia)

Finally, congratulations to Villager Natalie Monk, who signed with agent Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Literary Agency.

That's it, now have a great writing and reading and watching the NFL playoffs Weekend!


  1. Natalie!!! Way to go, girl!

    Too tired to read the links now. I'll come back later.

    Coffee's ready.

  2. Thank you, TINA for another GREAT WE. Thanks, too, for the lovely door hanger! Mom thought it was cute. Now I need the cup! Thank you Debbie for the book. I can JARDLY wait for it to get here. TINA, I'll just send you my address for both the book and the cup. Okay? I love it. Congratulations to winners and authors signing!

  3. Thanks, Helen. I'm going to bed too. WOOT! to Natalie and those wonderful writers who saved the category!!!

  4. LOL! You are too cute, Marianne!!!

  5. Woo-hoo, Natalie! Congratulations on signing with an agent!

    Thank you fora great WE, Tina!

    Congratulations to the winners!

    My favorite cup of tea is a cup of decaf Good Earth that either my husband or my son prepare for me on the evenings whenI'm writing. And my favorite mug is one my hubby bought me one year for Valentines. It's red with a single engraved flourished heart in the center. He serves me coffee or tea in it about every day. It's got a couple chips, but I can't imagine not using it.

    Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

  6. Congratulations everyone! Tina, wonderful job once again :)

    My favorite mug is the one I gave my sister for Christmas this year. It's black with a chalkboard design that shares Jeremiah 29:11. It's her favorite Scripture, and I happened to find the only mug like it at the campus bookstore one day. It was especially perfect for her this Christmas because she reached an amazing milestone in her career as a Christian elementary teacher just before the holidays. (Also, she just loves mugs and the hot drinks that go in them. ;) ) I made her cry on Christmas morning, so mission accomplished!!

    Would love to be added to the WE drawing. Great mug, Seeker ladies!

  7. Congrats Natalie! That's wonderful news.

  8. Thanks for another great Weekend Edition, Tina - and a special thanks for the copy of "Rocky Mountain Reunion", love the storyline and so looking forward to the wonderful reading it will provide!!

    Congrats, Natalie - looking forward to becoming acquainted with your writing!!

    Congrats to all the winners, including those entered in the contest - who had their fees refunded!!

    I'm a tea drinker and love many of them - some of my faves are fruity red and green teas. I have some beautiful tea cups - including one with a beautiful peacock on it (a recent birthday gift), and a Christmas gift to myself this past December: a set of dishes, with matching teapot, pitcher and bowl, and of course - cups. However, the most sentimental cups are those left me by my grandmother.

    Please enter my name in the drawing for the cup - thank you!!

  9. Congratulations, Natalie!
    I'm happy to hear the Golden Heart is a go this year. I think I can figure out some of the initials...he he.
    I have a coffee mug purchasing addiction. I love to go to stores such as TJ Maxx or Marshalls and purchase logo mugs. One of my favorite mugs for tea is bright red with "Love, Peace and Joy" on the front.
    Thanks for a great WE Tina!
    Keep Pounding CAROLINA PANTHERS!

  10. Congratulations Natalie! My favorite tea this winter is Candy Cane peppermint, with a little sugar & cream. I don't really have a favorite mug, although I seem to favor an insulated go cup :)
    Toss me in please, I think the cup is a keeper!

  11. Congratulations Natalie!

    Congrats to all the winners this week.

    My favorite tea is Blackberry but I can't find it anymore in the stores. I am not a fan of Green tea. I do love mugs of which my favorite is one that has the covers of series by Felicia Rogers.

    Praying that everyone is able to stay in and stay safe this weekend with all the storms.


    Oh, that just feels so darned good to cheer someone on to their dream!!!!



    Mind you, I crashed and burned with FOUR entries (I'm turning beet red, admitting this!!!) in the GH one year, yes... four entries. None of which anyone liked, and all four of which are now published (two indie, two with publishers)

    So I know the agony of defeat, and the joy of the contract. Go get 'em, ladies and gentlemen!!!!!!

  13. Marianne, you're a hoot!

    Helen, I'm having that second cup now, and it's SO good. Thank you.

    I am spending today (after a couple of errands) finishing a book... That is my weekend goal, to get this done with time to polish.

    (and yes, it needs polish!)

    Taking a deep breath of joy. 'Sall I'm sayin'. Joy. And a big toothy grin!

  14. My favorite mugs are a set of 4 hand-painted Polish coffee mugs from Debby Giusti. I've always loved the look and feel of Polish pottery, and these hold the perfect mug of coffee (too big and it cools too fast, too small and I can't foam the cream!!!! Such a conundrum!) and I've used these with spiced orange tea, too, and they're perfect

    Beth loves them.

    Mandy loves them.

    So when we're together, we make steaming hot cups of coffee and giggle while we play with baby Lena and Finn....

    Thank you, Debby!!!! And God!!!! (Because Debby really had nothing to do with the cute babies....)

  15. Congratulations to all the winners.

    I have two favorite mugs (both given to me by former students). The first is a Kelly Rae Roberts Dear Wold Mug. It has a beautiful woman painted on it and includes the quote "Dear World, Thank you for your smallest of moments that bring the greatest of beauty." The second mug isn't as ornately beautiful, but the quote on it is just as powerful. "Imagination crates beauty, builds dreams, and gives us hope."

    I'm a coffee girl, but I'm trying to cut back some on my caffeine intake so I've recently started drinking more hot tea. My favorite at the moment is hibiscus which is supposed to help lower blood pressure, so it's a double win.

  16. Woo hoo! My second book giveaway goes to Beth Schwarzlose. I don't even have one yet myself, but I won't forget!

    Congratulations Natalie! Tamela is awfully good to her fillies.

    As for tea, I'd love the expense account to only drink from tea shops, but I stick with traditional medicinal as it's supposed to be the purest. As for coffee, I pretty much drink anything, including yesterday's. I know. Ugh. oh well.

    Tina, did you ever check out that photo of you and Capt. Wentworth on the Seekerville FB page?
    I must go change out of my Regency garb myself...

    have a great week everyone. It was wonderful to see all the shiny new faces!

  17. Thank you for letting me be a part of the Yankee Belle Cafe this week!! It was more fun that a Birthday Party!!!
    And I hope it brought some new traffic to your site. I know a lot of my friends (and an aunt and a cousin or two!) stopped by but didn't leave comments!


    What are you reading at this time?

    I believe that comments obtain an added dimension of interest when you know what the contributor is currently reading.

    For example: I am currently reading "An Unexpected Groom", "Always With You", and "Where the Dogwoods Bloom".

    I always read three to five books at the same time to see how well they compete against each other for my attention. It's like a horse race. This is great fun if the stories are different enough so you don't mix up the events in one story with the events in another story.

    BTW: are you like me in that I just have to know what someone is reading when I see them on the beach, doctor's office, or anywhere else in public? Sometimes when I can't manage to see the cover of the book, I just ask people point blank what they are reading? Do you ever do this?


  19. "If You Have No Regrets, You Need to Get Out more."

    I was just about to correct this 'lack of regrets' by going out more when it occurred to me that I did regret not going out more and for that reason was able to stay in with a clear conscience.

  20. Thanks, Tina for another great WE! And thanks for my copy of Rocky Mountain Reunion. Terrific read!!! I've posted 5-star reviews on Amazon and GoodReads.

    Congrats to all the winners! Recommend Seekerville to every writer and reader you know. This site is truly unique.

    Favorite tea of all time: Strong, freshly brewed Good Earth tea we used to sit and sip in the Good Earth Restaurant in Palo Alto, CA.

    Favorite, fun cup: Bought at the Upstart Crow bookstore at Seaport Village in San Diego. One side features a black crow...the other side says "Coffee is my drug of choice."

    Most used cup: A Nashville Starbucks mug. It holds more.

    Please throw my name in the hat for the mug. Thanks!!!!

  21. Did you know Upstart Crow is what Shakespeare's detractors used to call him? A little bit of English major nerdism. ��

  22. VINCE, I love your lack of regret on not going out more, so funny, I couldn't have said it better myself.
    I'm starting The Bounty Hunter's Redemption that I just received from Janet. Thank you JANET for your generosity. Looking forward to a relaxing reading day.

    Congrats to all winners and a standing ovation for NATALIE for her wonderful accomplishment!

    JANA, loved your black bean recipe at the café, wrote it down and will be trying it soon! And what a lovely Texas gift sent to Ruthy, so sweet of you.

    I have dozens of coffee cups, but the one I use everyday is a 6" tall English one with a specific shape called Dunoon Glencoe (you can google it to see the shape). It's a light thin china. I only allow myself 12 oz. of coffee most days so this mug is the perfect size after I add my half-in-half. Then I switch to tea later in the day. My fav is ginger peach by Republic of Tea. I keep both regular and decaf on hand, so satisfying.

    Thanks for another stellar WE, TINA.
    Hope everyone has a great weekend! Stay safe and warm out of this snowy weather.

  23. We had our first baby calf yesterday.
    I'm going to be posting pictures on Facebook as the parade begins.

    Mary on Facebook

  24. Did I miss the Pdf of the New Year's recipes? I have been looking for them.

    Congratulations on your Baby calf, Mary!

  25. Congratulations, Natalie! Enjoy the thrill.

    Congratulations to all the winners. Wishing those of you who won the GH reimbursements and anyone else entering the contest all the best. Looking forward to celebrating with many of you come March.


    And best wishes to all you contest entrants!

    Nancy C

  27. Thanks for the terrific Weekend Edition, Tina! Congrats to all of our winners!! Looking forward to the week ahead.My favorite tea is Earl Gray. But I'm coffee drinker unless I'm sick. Then out comes the tea.

    Thanks, Tracey, for taking the time to read The Bounty Hunter's Redemption. Authors appreciate readers more than we can say, especially all the support of those who hang out in Seekerville!

    Natalie, way to go!!! Thrilled you've made this big leap toward publication!

    Hope everyone is safe and sound with the weather this weekend. I'll be heading out to my signing soon. Always a thrill to connect with readers! Tonight I'll be watching Unleashing Mr. Darcy.


  28. Vince, you sound like me. I used to keep a book in most every room so I could always have a story at hand. Right now I'm reading Janet Dean's The Bounty Hunter's Redemption. Almost finished and looking forward to the the hero's final confrontation with the bad guy. Maybe then he'll come to his senses. lol

  29. Yay Natalie!
    I love tea. Just plain old tea. No brands, no flavors and definitely no sugar. How boring is that? That cup is great. I think I need a new cup

  30. Wooo hooooo !!!! congratulations Natalie. Way to go.

    Great WE Tina

    Not too fond of tea but when I do drink it, I prefer minty teas. My niece always has Teavana tea which is really delicious, but I think ridiculously priced. But I have to admit, it does taste good.

  31. that is exciting news that there were enough entries to keep inspie golden heart category. YIPPEE!!!!

  32. Congrats, Natalie! Tamara is wonderful. Lucky you. Lucky Tamara. :)

    Waving to Marianne! Glad you won!

    And Christine, who hasn't stopped by yet.

    Ruthy, so glad you're enjoying the Polish pottery mugs. That's how I drink my tea, as well. Two cups of coffee in the morning, then tea in the afternoon...usually just plain tea, nothing fancy. I take it with sugar and a bit of milk. Years ago, hubby and I sponsored an Australian military couple when we were stationed at Fort Belvoir, VA. The Aussies are wonderful folks who enjoy their tea...with milk. I picked up the habit.

    Raising my cup to all the winners.

    It's snowing in GA! Praying for all those caught in the storm. We're having light accumulation, but I've lived through two D.C. blizzards so I'm sending warm soup and prayers for continued power to all my friends along the Eastern Coast. Stay safe!

  33. HI Vince I don't read more than one fiction at a time. I am probably reading non-fiction and inspirational stuff at same time.

    But one thing I do is read the end when I'm about 3 chapters in. Drives my hubby nuts. LOL But I want to be sure I'm going to want to read the rest. Or I'm just impatient. ???

  34. I'm so excited about the Golden Heart Inspirational category! Word is that Seekerville helped to make it a go! Congrats to all those who entered. We're proud of you, and we're cheering you on!

  35. I usually read one book at a time...and I never peek at the ending. :)

  36. I drink some sort of chamomile each night, usually Stash Mellow Moments. Also decaf Chai with Vanilla creamer at night. Makes a nice Chai Latte imposter.

    And in the summer, iced Passion Tea unsweetened and Black Tea Lemonade iced.

    Otherwise java all the way.

  37. YAY for the GH Inpsy category!!! Congratulations to all the Seekervillagers who entered!!!

    Oh, I love tea! I brew a pot of Earl Grey every morning and love to try other kinds, too! Just bought a bag of Moringa Madres from Thistle Farms, a wonderful ministry for women who have survived prostitution and trafficking.

    Hope everyone on the East Coast is staying safe and warm!

  38. CONGRATULATIONS NATALIE!!!! Congrats to all the winners this past week.

    Enjoy some hot tea!!!! Stay warm Seekerville!

  39. Congrats to Natalie!!!! Exciting news!!!!

    I drink herbal teas. Savoured my peppermint tea while reading this WE. Something very comforting about peppermint tea on a chilly morning. But my favourite tea is cranberry/orange and I've run out and it is only made in Nova Scotia and I have to wait until the summer for my friend to bring me back more. Sob! I will console myself with a good book.:-)

  40. Hi Kav:

    If you don't mind buying from a Nevada company, check this out:

  41. Jana, wasn't that so much fun???? And you were a marvelous hostess, baker and all around CUTE PERSON!!!!!!

  42. Vince, you are so funny!!!!

    Staying in now to finish a book, so I'm not reading, I'm writing and checking the cute snow videos my boys are sending me of NYC and the Blizzard of 2016.... They're tough upstate guys so they're out in it, walking around, making snowy NYC memories.

  43. I cannot believe Sandra does that.

    (drops head in hands and shudders....)

    I have to be chronological, I have to go in order, I have to write in order... Isn't it funny how differently we're all wired?

    I don't read more than one fiction book at a time. If I like it, I read it. If I don't, I don't waste time.

    We have a great used book store in the village and they raise money for the library (and we know I love libraries!!!) so I donate all those unread books there. Someone will love them, it's not that they're not good, they're just not my cup of tea. (GET IT????? PUN INTENDED!) So now they become someone else's fave!

  44. Debra, I'm thinking what is she TALKING ABOUT?? Found it. Put it in the WEEKEND ED.

    What a wonderful thank you present. Now if only the Broncos win, I can die happy!

  45. Really, you have to write in order Ruthy?

    I am about to write the last chapter of a book I am only on Chapter 8 of.

    I like to write it as soon as it comes to me. That way the ending is NEVER EVER RUSHED!

    I write scenes as I know they are going to happen. Of course that is why I am spending the last three days moving them around and editing.

    To each his or her own insanity.

  46. Barbara, I thought Upstart Crow was a rock band. Thanks so kindly for the review.

  47. I read several books at the same time, but different genres or fic/non fiction, but only because I am impatient.

  48. All these beautiful mugs. Going to look up Tracey's now. Love peach tea from Republic of tea as well.

    Oh, Rhonda is here today!!!

    Hey there!

  49. Wonderful WE as always, Miss T!
    CONGRATS to all the WINNERS!! So happy that Inspy remains for the Golden Heart this year - - so sad that it didn't make it in some of the past years. CONGRATS to all those whose fees are reimbursed! :)
    Also CONGRATS to NATALIE on signing with Tamela!!
    Everyone stay safe and warm - - we actually had snow on our deck and front steps this morning! Yes, here in my part of Georgia that's a BIG deal, LOL. ;)
    Hugs, Patti Jo
    p.s. Just baked some Georgia Peach muffins - - enjoy them while they're warm (yummy with *real* butter) ;)

  50. p.s. Forgot to add a TEA comment - - I have *tried* to like hot tea, but for some reason I just can't enjoy it. :( My sisters LOVE it and don't understand why I don't, LOL. Sweetened iced tea is great, though. But my real love is COFFEE!!
    Hugs, PJ (grabbing another coffee mug right now) ;)

  51. Ruthy, I'm with you. I have to start writing at page 1 and all the way to "The End" in chronological order. Otherwise, I'd be sooo confused.

  52. I adore hot tea! What a great WE edition. Congrats to the winners and a big congrats to Natalie!!!

  53. I used to drink Lipton's Gentle Orange. Anyone remember that tea? So nice on a cold day. Decaf, so perfect in the evening as well.

    Then Lipton stopped making it! Grrrr! Or at least, it's not sold in the SE! If anyone sees it in your part of the world, let me know!

  54. Myra, the work Thistle Farms does is inspiring! Thanks for sharing the link.

  55. Myra, instead of clicking on your link for Thistle Farms, I went to a screen, typed in www. and then thistlefarms and then .com. DON'T DO IT ANYONE! It's probably .org, right? Anyway, as soon as I typed in the address, my computer froze and a pop-up appeared and kept playing a warning over and over that I had downloaded a virus and I was to immediately to call the "Microsoft" support phone number on the screen.

    I DID NOT do that. Instead, I went to my phone and found the number for Microsoft support, which was different than the one in the pop-up, and called Microsoft directly. I'm on a waiting list to be called back.

    The pop-up recording almost made me frantic, so I turned the sound off. Then calmly, I shut down my computer, waited a minute, and rebooted it. Voila! No more pop-up. No more annoying message screaming at me about a dangerous virus. No more text that said the virus was siphoning off my bank info, credit card info, etc.

    I had heard about a similar scam that directed you to call an official number that would show up on your phone as legitimate. Instead, it was a criminal operation that convinced people to hand over sensitive information or allow someone to take control of your computer.

    My mama didn't raise no fool!

  56. All that said, I LOVE Thistle Farms products. It's based in Nashville and was started by an Episcopal priest here to minister to women in the sex trade. They do amazing work, and their products are top notch. I learned about the ministry from a friend who attends the church where it was founded. They even displayed their products at a pre-Christmas craft fair held at our church.

  57. Always in order. I might see what the scene will be a week or two down the line, but I just store it mentally and build toward it.

    Aren't we a crazy fun mix????

    My reward (like eating the little triangle tip of a piece of pie) is writing the ending, because that motors. That's like speed dial because I've been building its platform.

    But I love that we're all different.

    (and you're not really surprised that a steady-as-you-go tortoise like me plods along, scene by scene, are you???? #yankeepredictable)

  58. Thistle Farms looks amazing. Myra, thank you for getting the word out about it!

    I wouldn't have known they existed.

  59. Hi Tina:

    I really like your Regency photo. Which Austen characters are you supposed to be?

    I would say, Anne Elliot and Captain Frederick Wentworth from "Persuasion" because the man's jacket looks somewhat like an admiral would wear.

  60. National Hot Tea month?!?! Perfect! I love to celebrate (anything) with afternoon tea. My go-to tea of choice is Earl Grey. My favorite tea cup....a beautiful blue pottery one made by my DIL....including a matching tea pot.

    Congratulations to this week's winners and to Natalie on her good news!

    Congratulations, good luck and a BIG thank you to the GH inspirational entrants! I appreciate you all for contributing to the inspirational category so it will continue.

    Thank you, Tina, for the WE.....and the mention of my Tuesday Tea review post. Hopefully I'll be serving celebratory orange and blue cupcakes late Sunday afternoon!

  61. That's it. Anne and Fredrick. Early version of P & P. Free on Netflix for streaming.

  62. So excited to find my name among the winners! Can't wait to read Rocky Mountain Reunion - thank you so much! Congratulations to all the other winners!

    My favorite cup has just one word written on it - FAITH.

    Best of luck to all who entered the GH contest! I planned to enter and then had computer issues on the day of the deadline. Definitely shouldn't have waited until the last minute for something that important.

    NATALIE, I'm so happy for you - I hope all your dreams come true!

    Love that picture, TINA!

    Off to check the links - thanks for another great Weekend Edition!

  63. That photo trick was just too good to pass up. Thursday's Austen-anza was a blast despite the Keira vs Jennifer conflict. Of course there is Jane Austen teas out there.
    Today, we might want "Compassion for Mrs. Bennet's Nerves" tea, or we can just settle in and enjoy the snow.

    Has anyone seen a link for the Inspy short list?

  64. I am watching Unleashing Mr. Darcy.

  65. Wilani, good for you!!!! I have to see it on the rebound, sleep reigns early here for early wake-up call.... Tell us what you thought!

    Deb Marvin, that pic ROCKED!!!! Still giggling like a schoolgirl!

    I have declared an Elizabeth Bennet truce....

    With a favorite quote:

    "In marrying your nephew, I should not consider myself as quitting that sphere. He is a gentleman; I am a gentleman's daughter; so far we are equal."

    Go get 'em, Lizzie!!!!

  66. I am looking forward to orange and blue cupcakes, and that's actually an EXCELLENT IDEA, Sherida!!!! Must make some!!!

  67. Congrats to all the winners!

    It's hard to pick just one tea! I love Lady Gray (wife of Earl Gray). ;) Very smooth and mild. Dessert tea: Chocolate Mint. Yum-o!

  68. Hi Ruth:

    You wrote:

    "I have declared an Elizabeth Bennet truce...."

    Did I miss something? Does anyone not like Elizabeth Bennet? My favorite heroine of all time? What actress plays Lizzy is open to debate but Lizzy herself: priceless!

  69. Hi Tina:

    Okay! What's going on? I thought that Regency photo was you and your husband at a period event. But now I'm wondering if it is you and your husband photoshopped. Or is it you and an actor who actually played an Austen hero in a movie? Given my 'Y' chromosome, I still need a little help on these things.


  70. Hi Tina:

    You wrote:

    "Now if only the Broncos win, I can die happy!"

    Don't die too soon. The Broncos have to win two games -- not just today!

    Bad news: The Brady Bunch is back and ready to play.

    Good news: The Pats have not done well in the thin air of Denver.

    I didn't get my fairy tale ending when NASCAR driver Jeff Gordon didn't win at Homestead. I'm really looking forward to seeing Payton Manning retiring after winning a Super Bowl ring!


    P.S. Say a few prayers and check the inflation of those footballs!

  71. I loved Unleashing Mr. Darcy. Now I want to read the book. I put it on my wish list.

    Now, I am thinking a cup of tea is in order. It is only 12 degrees here in the mountains of NC. Snow is still on the ground Church is canceled for this morning. We are hoping for a service at 3:00 this afternoon.

    It is a good morning to read and write.

  72. WHOO-HOO, NATALIE -- SUPER CONGRATS on signing with the Steve Laube Agency -- VERY COOL!!

    And soooooo proud of all our GH entrants -- you go, girls!!!

    LOL, Tina, LOVE Deb's Austen pic of you!!

    VINCE SAID: "I always read three to five books at the same time to see how well they compete against each other for my attention. It's like a horse race. This is great fun if the stories are different enough so you don't mix up the events in one story with the events in another story."

    LOL, only you, Vince!! Horse race, indeed! This is proof that your mind goes well beyond human capacity ... at least the human capacity of a 65-year-old CDQ!! ;)

    My favorite tea is orange spice, although peppermint is nice too! My favorite cup was one I had when I worked at a travel company -- same mug for many, many years and I loved it. Black lid that prevented "clown lips" lipstick marks, which I hate. :)

    Wilani, I watched Unleashing Mr. Darcy last night, too, and really liked it. One of the better Hallmark movies. :) And BLESS YOU for the review on IOH, my friend -- you are now entered in my contest!! :)

    Hugs and Happy Weekend!

  73. Congratulations to Natalie for signing anot agent and to the winners! Happy news for writers who submitted to the contests too!

    I'm partial to Asian teas. I find them "lighter". My particular favorite is the jasmine green tea.

    Happy weekend everyone. My back is sore from the shoveling. Still need to dig out! We had 38" according to our measuring tape last night! Stay warm!

  74. One of my favorite mugs is this huge orange one that has the word Faith written all over it! It's great for a big cup of coffee or tea :D

  75. I love Jasmine Tea and I have a mug that I use constantly that say Kindly GO AWAY I'm Reading. Congrats to Natalie for signing it gives me hope for my future.

  76. Hi Ruth:

    I'm reading, "An Unexpected Groom," and I'am very impressed by the reactions of the K9 dog "Rocky".

    These dogs have an amazing range of emotions and patterns of behavior. For example: when I was working my dog on post at night I could tell by the dog's behavior -- when he 'alerted' on something 'out there' -- what that thing was likely to be.

    One alter was for humans, very dangerous.
    One was for rabbits.
    One was for other K9 guys sneaking on my post as a test (they did this about twice a month. The dogs were always expecting someone trying to penetrate the area.)
    One was for another dog.
    One was for a vehicle long before I picked it up.
    And one was for the relief truck taking us back to the base. My dog could hear that truck's engine a mile away.

    All the above only address the dog's alerts. This is only a small fraction of the dog's predictable behavior.

    Since your hero has the same kind of knowledge of his dog's various reactions, I'd like to know how you got this information. I read the acknowledgements and did not see any specific mention of K9 handlers.

    I know this is 'inside baseball' but to me it's information that adds to the reading enjoyment. It is really an advantage to have authors available on Seekerville to answer questions as you are reading their books in real time.

    Of course, you have the right to remain silent about your sources. : )


  77. Hi Julie:

    Thanks for your kind comments about my habit of reading several books, of the same kind, at the same time. I find doing this to be very productive in learning things about the writing process that might not be obtainable in any other way.

    Philosophers like to learn new ways to learn things more than they like just learning new things. (It's like wishing for more wishes which, in this case, philosophers are allowed to do.)

    I highly recommend that writers try this way to learn new least once... just to experience how rewarding it can be.

    I'll just mention a few advantages below. There are many more.

    Advantage of reading several books in the same genre at the same time.

    Compare, Contrast, Experience.

    When reading three to five novels at the same time, notice these things:

    1. which characters are more memorable. If you are jumping from three to five different books and you can't remember the characters in one story but the characters in a different story come to mind with little to no effort, then ask yourself: 'what is the author doing right in the memorable character story?' (Maybe that is something you could be doing.)

    2. settings: if you slip into the setting of a story easily when switching books, then that author is doing something very well. However, if you have little idea of what setting goes with which story, then the setting is weak. (Why is the setting weak and what could you do to make it better.)

    3. Plot: if you have trouble remembering the story line when you jump back into one story but feel right at home in another story, then what is it that is making this crucial difference.

    4. Pace: how fast a story moves may be subjective for each reader who reads it. However, when reading several stories at the same time, the relative speed of each can be felt by the reader. If a story is very slow moving, ask yourself why? If it speeds along, ask yourself why and how can I use this comparison to make my stories move faster.

    5. rewards and reading enjoyment. Ask yourself with each story: am I enjoying reading this? Is the real enjoyment just promised in the future when the 'good stuff' is set to happen? Given all the books I am reading at the same time, which one would I elect to read to the finish and which would I just stop reading altogether?

    I believe that a lot can be learned by this 'horse race with analysis' method that can not be learned in any other way.

    If you do this on a regular basis, you'll notice that many books fail and fall away because of your lack of interest in them. Books you drop can teach you as much as books you can't help but read to the finish.

    Reading several novels at the same time and letting them compete with each other is not a circus stunt: it is a serious way to learn what might not otherwise be discoverable.

    Well, that's the idea, anyway.

    Game time is coming up. We better enjoy today because after today, it's two weeks until the next game!


  78. Vince, that is a scene from Persuasion. Debra cut out the actresses face and put in mine. The actor is Ciaran Hinds. :)

    Ciaran Hinds in Persusaion

  79. Vince, we know a wonderful K-9 deputy and his "Rocky" is the basis for the fictional Rocky. And Mags is based on reader Linda Burkard's dog "Magnolia Blossom" who passed away when this series was just thoughts on paper.

    The real Rocky is a wonderful deputy, and you're right, he should have his moments of glory!

    His owners also have one of our Golden Retriever puppies (who is about 6 now...) and Max is a big goof compared to Rocky's dignified demeanor!

  80. Uh-oh, BARBARA! Glad you got out of that weird site!

    I am so impressed and inspired by Becca Stevens and Thistle Farms. Had my first cup of their Moringa Madres this morning, and it's WONDERFUL!

  81. Just wrapped up a proposal for Book #4 of my 'Hearts of Hunter Ridge' series, so I'm late to the party--but WOW! Lots to read in this jam-packed W.E.!

    Congrats on the agent contract, Natalie!! And congrats to those stepping up to enter the GH!

    Love your Regency "debut," Tina!! :)

  82. Major congratulations to Natalie and all the winners from last week. So happy the Golden Heart remains. Congrats to all those who won the generous reimbursement. Love the pic of Tina with Ciaran Hinds. Hope all here had a good weekend despite snow for many. Church cancelled so spent most of afternoon putting the final touches on a requested article for magazine. Favoite tea is Celestial Seasoning's Tangerine Orange. Favorite cup is one hubby got me that says First Class Mum.

  83. .
    Broncos Manning Up For Super Bowl!!!

  84. It's a good day in Seekerville.

  85. Happy Weekend Seekerville! I'm so excited, I got my reader's door hanger this past week...I am a happy girl!! I have several books I have lined up to read for review (not like that's ever a chore, lol!), six at last count :-) I'm sure I can increase that if I really want to, but I think I'll take a short break so I don't burn myself out.
    Ah and talking about tea, my favorite of all time is vanilla chai! I like to pair it with a few peanut butter sandwich cookies (oreo type ones). I also like what's called a London Fog made by my favorite coffee shop here in town. Hot Earl Gray, steamed milk & a splash of vanilla with a little froth on top....I always hear Captain Picard's distinctive voice in my head "Earl Gray, hot"...haha!!
    Congrats to this weeks winners & also all who entered the RWA Golden Heart & won fee reimbursements! Looking forward to another fabulous week here on Seekerville!

  86. At long last a chance to read the links and comments -- with a nice warm cuppa at hand :-) Lots of good reading and info, Tina. Especially the 22 Ways to Support Your Favorite Author. Thank you!

    Congrats to all the winners and (one more time) best wishes for all contest entrants.

    Hope everyone is safe and has electricity.

    Nancy C

    From simultaneous multi-novel reading!

    1. It seems that from the last six romances that I've read or am now reading all have scenes where the heroine is about to fall and the hero grabs her to save her. This scene is so ubiquitous that it is almost as if there is a 'stumbling moment' at the start of a novel to counterbalance the 'black moment' at the end.

    Needed: twenty new ways for a hero to get his hands on the heroine without saving her from a fall. 1. He lifts her up to get her cat off the limb of a tree. 2. (Please add some more.)

    2. Unsportsmanlike conduct & delay of reading penalties. When I switched from one book to the next, I encountered a scene in which the hero and his partner both had names that started with "D", were two syllable, sounded much alike and even looked alike on paper. Since it was early in the novel, I had not learned which "D" was the hero and which was the partner.

    Since this happened to also be a scene where it was essential to know which "D" was which, I had to page backwards to find the place where the two characters were introduced to a third party. This pulled me out of the story and delayed my reading.

    Doing this to an innocent reader is truly unsportsmanlike behavior.

    Just some observations that I hope might be of interest to writers.

  88. Great things this weekend! Congratulations Natalie!! Wahoo!

  89. Hands-on Idea Two

    Hero as threshold carrier.

    Example: hero is construction foreman. Heroine has to get to office for important meeting but there is a stream of mud in front of her office building door. She can't ruin her Louis Vuitton shoes in the mud. The foreman just picks her up and carries her across the mud in his work boots without her ever saying a word. Hero smiles, "All in a days work, me lady."

    Hands-on Idea Three

    Hero Falls on Heroine's obstacle.

    Example: Distracted heroine leaves briefcase in public walkway as she answers her cell phone. Hero walks by and trips on the briefcase. Heroine tries to help hero back up off the floor but he's too heavy and she slips and falls on top of him. A cop walks by and asks: "Is this a private match or can anyone join in?"

    Hands-on Idea Four

    Hero as delivery man.

    Example: Heroine is knocked down three times trying to get out of ocean as the waves come in too fast, knock her over, and then pull her back out to sea. Her girlfriends are laughing at this from their chairs on the beach. Finally hero gets off his beach chair, picks heroine up, puts her over is shoulder, and carries her out of the water. Cave man style. He carries her over to where her girl friends are sitting and asks, "Who'd like to sign for her?"

  90. I'm late but wanted to congratulate Natalie on signing with an agent!! :)

  91. Congratulations to you, Natalie! How exciting!

  92. Natalie, congratulations. How exciting for you : )
    My favorite cup of tea , well actually let me correct myself. It's not a favorite cup of tea, it's cups of tea. I am so greedy when it comes to drinking tea and I hate waiting for it to cool off enough to drink it that I make myself 2 cups at once. Yes, I know greedy right ? Right now I am on a kick with lemon tea while reading. Please enter for for the tea mug sipping while reading during the snow storm was what I was all about.

    Deanne P.

  93. Aww! There's no place for celebrating like Seekerville! Thank y'all so much! I've been under the weather, but what a sweet bunch of wishes to come back to when I checked Seekerville!

    Congrats to all the winners and to the GH entrants who saved the inspy category!!

    In 2015 I became a tea drinker thanks to my sweet writer-friend who is the "tea queen" and also happens to have visited Jane Austen's home in England. Not that I'm jealous or anything... Moving on! My favorite tea right now is Earl Grey with a tiny drop of International Delights' Cold Stone Creamery Sweet Cream. Though I must give an honorable mention to Darjeeling. Recently I've tasted and adored Bigelow's "Constant Comment" and an organic Oolong.
