Saturday, January 9, 2016

The Weekend Edition

The Bounty Hunter's Redemption

Celebrating the release of Janet Dean's The Bounty Hunter's Redemption with a giveaway of three print copies. Leave a comment if you want your name in the Stetson. Winners announced in the next Weekend Edition.

 Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.

We Have Winners:

 From last week's Weekend Edition: Lisa, Cathy Shouse and Heidi Robbins are the lucky winners of An Unexpected Groom

 Mary Connealy was our hostess Monday as we started out the New Year facing out fears. Winner of With This Ring is librarypat  and winner of Lassoed by Marriage is Christine.
Mary will be giving away her new releases to two lucky winners. With This Ring and Lassoed by Marriage. - See more at:

 Tosca Lee was in the house on Tuesday to talk about "Writing Sympathetic Characters." Loraine Nunley and Laura L Smith are winners, & may have their choice of: signed hardback Sheba, hardback Iscariot, paperback Havah or paperback Demon.

 Wednesday Tina Radcliffe was your hostess today as "The  Author's Boot Camp Manual for 2016" premiered. It's handy dandy concise guide to all the good stuff you need to write your novel, taken from 8 years of posts. The last guide was in 2011. This guide comes a heavy dose of boot camp tough talk to kick butt your year. This post was NOT for sissies.  THIS is the new home of the guide when you need to refer to it. Two winners of $15 Starbucks gift cards are Tanya Agler and Carol Moncado. Winner of a first chapter critique is Kathryn Barker. Winners of Rocky Mountain Reunion are Barbara Scott and Sally Shupe. Those required to gimme ten are: Mary Connealy and Ruth Logan Herne.

"Why Goals and Resolutions Don't Work," with Love Inspired suspense author Jane Choate. Jane visited on Thursday! Vince is the winner of Jane's January LIS, The Littlest Witness!

Order Your Copy Here

Next Week in Seekerville

 Monday: Elaine Stock is our special guest with her post, "Redeeming the Unlikable Hero." Stop by for this enlightening post and a chance to win her debut release from Elk Lake Publishing.

Tuesday: Myra Johnson offers a glimpse into her writing space with "Write at My Fingertips." We'll talk about the must-have items never far from reach that help keep us inspired, motivated, and productive. Join the conversation for a chance to win a handy-dandy desk organizer caddy!

Wednesday: To Review or Not to Review … That is the Question. And in the spirit of Will Shakespeare, Julie Lessman plans to explore—and answer—that question in a manner so complete, you will be sorely tempted to post a review. Ahem … of course, it remains to be seen whether it will 5-star or 1, but at least there will be a giveaway of any of Julie’s ebooks … OR a signed manuscript copy of her new novella, A Glimmer of Hope, which is the prequel to Julie’s latest novel, Isle of Hope, due to release in February.

Thursday: Ruth Logan Herne is your hostess today and Ruthy loves to talk, so you might want to come prepared with a sleeping bag and pillow. Unless she's boring as heck, in that case drive-by, shout a comment and get your name tossed in the cat dish for a copy of "An Unexpected Groom" book one in Ruthy's new "Grace Haven" series! Ruthy's giving away three copies of this Romantic Times 4-STAR novel, and she'd love for one of them to be you! We're going to talk about how to make your setting reflect your stories, a good reminder for newbies and established authors.  

Friday: Best of the Archives with Tina Radcliffe. Tina's post is "Something's Gotta Give" Comments are closed today to give you more time to read and write.

By Janet Dean

Seeker Sightings 

Janet Dean has an Indiana sighting of The Bounty Hunter's Redemption!!

Stop by Kav's Best Reads for a chance to win Rocky Mountain Reunion and to read a little about this January release by Tina Radcliffe. 

Guess what? YOU have a golden opportunity to say THANK YOU to the author who wrote your favorite book of 2015. There's a ton of great books nominated (including Julie Lessman’s new contemporary Isle of Hope), so whether you vote for Julie’s book or somebody else's, PLEASE VOTE because Christian Fiction needs all the support it can get! 


The 12 Brides of Christmas Collection made the ECPA bestseller list for the THIRD MONTH IN A ROW!!!!

Stop by Soul Inspirationz for at chance at many of these fabulous January Love Inspired releases!

Now Available

 Random News & Information

Thanks to everyone who sent links! It's a LINK-EXTRAVAGANZA!

BookBub by the Numbers in 2015 [Infographic] (Book Bub Partners)

 13 Agents Seeking Southern Fiction NOW (Writers in the Storm)

 This Formula Solves The ‘Show, Don’t Tell’ Writing Dilemma Once And For All (Mandy Wallace)

7 Ways to Nail Your Author SEO in 2016 (The Book Designer)

Five Tips For Writing A Book Description That Isn’t A Bore (BookBaby Blog)

Hello 2016! I’ve Been Waiting Ages for You (Catherine Ryan Howard)

Self-Publishing 2015 Round Up. 2016 Predictions Plus My Creative Writing Process (The Creative Penn)

PW and BookLife's Top Self-Publishing Stories of 2015 (PW)

 Book Marketing with BookBub is Serious Business (Color Your Life Published)

Infographic: Reading Has Its Benefits (The Digital Reader)

 How to Use Instagram to Build Your Audience (DIY Author)

 5 Industry Issues for Authors to Watch in 2016 (Jane Friedman)

RWA Member? check out Tips for a Successful Goodreads Giveaway (RWA)

The ACFW Genesis and Carol Awards are now open (


Love's Complicated based on Rene Gutteridge's book, My Life as a Doormat, premieres this weekend on Hallmark. 

Mercy Street. January 17, on PBS (YouTube Preview)

Unleashing Mr. Darcy. From Teri Wilson's HQ release. Premieres January 23, on Hallmark (Check to see if you can log in on your computer to Hallmark Everywhere!)

  That's it! Have a great reading and writing weekend!


  1. Great WE, again, TINA!!! Love it. And since I've got Janets book, I'll leave for someone else and since my puppy is demanding attention, I'm off to spend the day with him! Thanks, I'll start off with coffee and pumpkin roll.

  2. Happy Weekend, Marianne and all the Villagers!

  3. I'm early! Which is unusual. :) If I stay up a little longer, I'll run into Ruthy as she's getting up and I'm going to bed. :)

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  4. This was one of my favorite weeks reading Seekerville. You gals posted such awesome blogs everyday. And the Best of the Archives is just what I needed.

    Fantastic WE, Tina. Please put me in the drawing for Janet's book.

    Missy, hope you can get to sleep soon. I'm shooting for 3:00.

    Have an awesome weekend.

  5. Goooooood morning Seekerville!!!!!!

    Tina, what a wonderful WE!!!!! Hugely wonderful, thank you so much! And congrats to all the winners, happy dancing for you.... Well, I'm really sitting, having coffee, but I WILL dance in a little while.


    I'm looking forward to a day filled with writing, then tomorrow church, a beautiful baby shower for a long-awaited baby, and then kids and food and football.

    It's the simple things in life that make it so amazingly special!

  6. I loved the boot camp! I even shared it with a friend who just started writing. By the way, one of my Christmas gifts was my initial membership in AFCW. My first step was taking the critique class this week. Yeah! I made it through that. It reinforced so many of the things that you Seekers have shared. Thank you.

    Congrats to all the winners. Have a great weekend.

  7. Congratulations to Janet on your new release! And congrats to all the winners this week!

    Tina, thanks for another great weekend!

  8. Why was Missy Tippens up so late?????

  9. Happy WE,dear Seekers and Villagers. Congrats to all the winners. Enjoy. Congrats to Janet on her new release. I think I'll get that one from the bookstore.

    At my house we're praising God for my husband's recovery from a moderate heart attack. Getting back to normal never felt so good. A special thanks to Debby Guisti for her "thinking of you" note. She's such a sweet Christian.

  10. Lots of great stuff today!

    Happy dancing with Janet. WAHOOO! When Ruthy's coffee kicks in, she'll start.
    We can keep the New Years all-things-book celebrating going....
    May there be many more in Seekerville!

    Must relish other posts from the week as I missed most of them.
    Playing catch up in several areas of life, but my one word is TRUST so... I will!
    It'll get done. And I hope Missy gets some rest...

    Thanks for a terrific WE. It IS a link extravaganza (love that word)!

    Happy Saturday everypawdy!

  11. Congratulations on your release, Janet! The cover is so beautiful. I have to say, I've never seen anyone so nicely dressed in our local Walmart. :) You look great!
    Thanks for a terrific WE, Tina. I'm so looking for to the upcoming Hallmark movies.

  12. Congratulations on the the new book, Janet. I'm raising my hand to have my name thrown in the Stetson for a reader's copy. And Jill's right, what a classy look for Walmart, you look beautiful!

    Thanks for an as usual read worthy WE, Tina. I'll be tuned in to Loves Complicated tonight!

    I'm sure Ruthys coffee has kicked in by now, I can feel the music and the dancing going on in upstate ;-)

  13. Great links to peruse in a bit! First, caffeine.

    Please put my name in the hat for the giveaway!

  14. Another super WE. Thanks Tina And congrats to all the winners. Yippee!!!

  15. Janet I'm so excited about your new book. And how fun to find it in the store. Yippee!!!

  16. Another Great WE, Tina!

    Congratulations to all the winners!

    I picked up Janet and Ruthy's books this week at Walmart

    Hoping to get a lot of editing and writing done this weekend.

  17. Great weekend!! Thank you so much for a copy of Rocky Mountain Reunion! Can't wait to read it!! Spending the day writing. Wrote almost 10,000 words this past week. Finished one story late last year and am working on editing it, and am almost finished with another one. Yay! Seeing the end in sight is so much fun! Have a great weekend everybody! I saw in the forecast we make see some snow flurries. I hope it turns into a snowstorm. I am ready for some snow!!

  18. Question of the Weekend:

    Is Julie Lessman and Julie Klassen the same person?

    For almost six years now it seems that every time one of these authors is up for an award, so is the other one! The type of books, the length of the books, the general tone of the writing...well, all I can say is that a case could be made that they are the same author separated by a hundred or so fictional years.

    Has anyone out there in Seekerville ever seen both Julies at the same time at one of the writing conferences?

    Curious in Tulsa

  19. Congratulations to all the winners!

    Congratulations on your latest release, Janet! You do look great.

    Congratulations on those 10K words, Sally! Impressive.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.

  20. Action of the Weekend

    I just voted for Julie Lessman's "Isle of Hope" as my favorite Christian fiction novel of 2015! (The link is given next to the leaping Lessman in today post). And while I have not actually finished all of the novel at this point, one does not have to eat an entire filet mignon dinner to know it's a five star delight, I did my best to support Christian fiction's 'edgy' frontier.

    However, in Christian fairness, I must say that also up for the award for best Christian Fiction novel are Ronie Kendig and Lacy Williams. I've met these two authors over the years at the Tulsa ACFW chapter and they are both wonderful speakers, teachers and gracious ladies. I regret that I have but one vote to give in the acknowledgement of excellence.


  21. Wonderful news, Elaine!!!!!!! I love praise reports.

  22. Such high praise, Terri! Thank you so much!!

    And Janet! Congrats on the release and the gals are correct. You look beautiful in your picture.


    "The Bounty Hunter's Redemption"

    While anyone can review a book, how many actually give real time progress reports? How much you like a book -- as you are reading it -- is also very important.

    For example: I've read many books that were not that enjoyable to read, as I was reading them, but when I finished the book, I was finally in a position to have a 'God's Eye View' of the total story, and from that POV, I had to admit the work was at least a 4 1/2 star achievement.

    In fact, there is a group of highly reviewed authors who regularly get 4 1/2 star reviews but who also do not sell that many books. (They blame the low sales on the publisher's lack of marketing support). I believe, however that the low sales are because the books are not very enjoyable to read as you are reading them. That is why it is so important to be continually rewarding the reader for reading on each and every page.

    In progress review of
    The Bounty Hunter's Redemption"
    at 62% into the story.

    Best feature is the conflict. All parties to the conflict are highly sympathetic. Justice seems to be on both sides of the conflict. Even the conflicting parties can see and feel the merit of the other side's position. I find this type of conflict 100 times more interesting than having a purely good verses evil situation.

    The solution to the book length problem is so obvious that even secondary characters bring it up to the hero early in the book.* It is amazingly interesting to see how the author keeps the conflict alive under these conditions. I wouldn't want to try and do it.

    So at the 62% mark, The Bounty Hunter's Redemption" has been a 5-star page-turner that I am thoroughly enjoying on a page-by-page basis.

    I believe that the success of the story as a whole depends on the nature of the conflict that is introduced from this point on so that the obvious resolution to everyone's problem seems to become impossible to achieve. There is plenty of foundation for such conflict to arise. How the author is going to do this, is half the fun of reading the book!

    Recommendation: If "The Bounty Hunter's Redemption" is in your TBR pile, move it to the top!


    *Lesson to be learned: If you have a situation in a story that has an obvious solution, have a character bring up that solution early in the narrative. This will disarm the reader from thinking she has everything all figured out and that there is little real reason to finish reading the story. That the solution was mentioned by a character makes the story even more interesting to read on a page-by-page basis.

  24. Looks like another wonderful week in Seekerville.

  25. Congratulations to JANET on your new book! I thoroughly enjoyed it--classic Janet Dean at her finest!

    Gloomy skies here with rain predicted. Probably a good thing to keep us indoors and taking care of all those household chores that tend to get put off until the weekend. I think Saturday is my least favorite day of the week. :( Am I among the rare few who look forward to Mondays so I can get back to the work I love???

  26. What a scrumptious array of links to peruse throughout the day. Makes the glow of Seekerville last all the longer. :-) And we need that glow up here -- a very, very, very gray and dreary day. Perfect weather to curl up with a book and tap away at keyboard. Happy weekending, everyone. Oh -- don't enter me in the draw for Janet's book. It's at the very tippy top of my TBR pile and I'm reading it next.

  27. Wilani, happy birthday yesterday to you!!!! God bless you, dear and faithful woman!!!!

  28. I have written, touched up my hair, made a dozen bows for a shower tomorrow and now I'm back to my story....

    A story I'm enjoying more than I should, most likely, because it's just crazy charming.

    And yes, it involves kids and messed up relationships, a vineyard and sweet romance...

    Come on, it's my signature profile!!!! :)

  29. Janet!!! Did you read Jill's comment, LOL?????

    Our Janet looks amazing before she steps out the door, and God has blessed her with beauty.

    The brat.

    I would not be looking the same way in the same picture, but I too appreciate how absolutely lovely she is, Jill!

  30. Elaine! That is such wonderful news. Oh, that is a weight off of many hearts! Happy dancing!

  31. Happy Weekend, Seekerville! I'm thrilled with all the nifty promo images you created, Tina!! Thank you! I'm so impressed!

    Congrats to all the winners!

    Looks like a wonderful week ahead.


  32. Elaine, we're relieved to hear your hubby is doing so well!

    Praising God for hearing and answering prayers.

  33. Our Internet was down all morning. Thankful it's up and running and I can hang out in Seekerville.

    I brought toasted cheese sandwiches and tomato bisque for lunch.


  34. Bettie, congrats on taking huge steps to see your dream come true! Proud of you!


  35. Jill, We stopped at Walmart on our way to dinner. I had to get a picture of The Bounty Hunter's Redemption on the shelves. If you saw me now... LOL


  36. Tracey, we have plans tonight but I want to see Love's Complicated. Will DVR it.

    Thanks for your interest in my book!


  37. Sarah, your name's in the Stetson.

    Have a great weekend!


  38. Hi Sandra, I'm smiling like the Cheshire Cat. Thanks!


  39. Janet, Love's Complicated repeats all weekend on Hallmark.

  40. Wilani, thanks for buying my book! I got Tina's and Ruthy's. If anyone doesn't have their books, they're discounted at my Walmart.


  41. Sally, you are rocking it!! Proud of you for getting 10k on the page! Wow!


  42. Vince, you may be onto something with the Julies. LOL I'm sure Julie L will deny it but its fun to have a sleuth in the house.


  43. Thanks Keli! Is your book releasing in Feb?


  44. Happy Weekend everyone! Even though I didn't have time to comment on each post this week, I read them! Always such a joy to come here and spend time with y'all!!

    Congratulations Janet Dean! Please toss my name into the Stetson for a copy of The Bounty Hunter's Redemption!! Thank you!! And, I agree with other commenters...rarely have I seen anyone looking so spiffy at a Walmart...except maybe on a Sunday after church!

    Nice job Tina on passing along all those wonderful links!!

    Off to write and take care of Antique Mall business!!

  45. Vince, delighted you're over halfway through the book and are enjoying The Bounty Hunter's Redemption!! The external conflict would have an easy solution IF the characters' internal conflicts didn't exist. But alas they do. And there's more trouble ahead.


  46. Myra, thanks for your sweet words and taking the time to read my book! I know how hard it is to keep up with Seeker novels and novellas. We are blessed!


  47. I am late to Seekerville today but couldn't pass up the chance to win a copy of The Bounty Hunter's Redemption. It looks great, Janet! I voted for Julie's IOH at Family Fiction. Lots of great books but they can't top Julie.

  48. Walt, I always love the Weekend and especially the Weekend Edition. Tina always outdoes herself.


  49. Kav, the book must've arrived! Yay! Hope you enjoy the story. It's gloomy here, too. No better time to lose oneself in a book.


  50. Ruthy, has to be the coconut oil. LOL


  51. Tina, you made my day!! This is great. I will watch tomorrow, along with Downton Abbey. Thanks to Hallmark and Public TV and HGTV, I'm becoming a screen addict. Need some intervention.


  52. Kathryn, your name is in the Stetson. Love that we're using that today as that hat plays a part in my story.

    I love antique malls! They're getting to be endangered, just like bookstores. Hope yours is thriving.


  53. Cindy R, thanks for your interest. Lots of great books to vote for, but Julie's book got mine, too!


  54. I decided to clean our self-cleaning oven today. Now there's fumes in the house, which proves I waited too long. I'm shut up in my dh's office in avoidance mode. My office overlooks the great room and odors must rise on the heat. The odor is stronger up there. Reminder to self: clean the oven in the summer.


  55. Great list of helpful links as usual. Thanks.

    Christine Lindsay

  56. Congratulations to Janet & Congratulations to the winners! Some awesome books & prizes ;)
    Toss me into the Stetson please...

  57. Ruthy races to Amazon and orders a gross of coconut oil, because desperate times require desperate measures!!!!

  58. Great WE as always, Miss T.
    Almost done polishing GH entry - - but battling tears today - - my son is driving back to Pittsburgh, and I'm one of those moms who wants my kiddos close by...sniff.
    Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
    Hugs, Patti Jo :(

  59. Another great WE, Tina! Thanks!!! No need to put my name in the Stetson for The Bounty Hunter's Redemption. I've already ordered it. :)

    Have a great weekend, everyone!

  60. I took the survey in family fiction and used the write in line to vote for Refuge of the Heart by Ruthy, my favorite book of 2015. It changed me and also prompted my 2016 one word, compassion. I'm looking up verses with compassion in them, I hear God speaking to me, "now what are you going to do about it?" So yes, I'm going to be deliberate about showing an act of compassion or kindness to someone in need weekly, if not more. Thanks Ruthy.

  61. Wow! I can see I missed a great week here in Seekerville!

    I want to thank you all again for your prayers. I had prayed that my anesthesiologist would be one that I used to work with & God answered that prayer. My surgeon said my knee was really ugly. He said there was absolutely no cartilage left, so it was time. The only really bad pain I have is when I do my exercises. God is so good.

    My husband also needs prayer for energy. He'trying to take care of me and my 87 year-old mom too.

    I would love to win a copy of Janet's new book.

  62. I'm so looking forward to Mercy Street. Oh My. I need a new obsession after Downton's last season!
    Please put my name in the hat, also, and then I'll try to make may way through all the great links today.

  63. Christine, the links are always amazing! Thanks for stopping by.


  64. Deanna, thanks! Seekerville is a fabulous place to celebrate prizes and releases, anything!


  65. Ruthy, I've been wanting to talk to Rhonda Starnes. She uses coconut oil to whiten her teeth. The uses are endless. Hope down the road we don't learn it has a downside.


  66. Patti Jo, I saw your handsome son with you on facebook. Hard to say goodbye to our kids. Proud of you for pushing on with the GH polishing.


  67. Barbara S, thanks bunches! There's tons of books to choose from with little time to read so I'm grateful for each sale. Hope you enjoy the story.


  68. Tracey, that's a lovely tribute to Ruthy's book! If we only had more people like you intentionally looking for opportunities to show compassion and kindness. Bless you!


  69. YAY so glad Cindy is doing well from her surgery!

    Janet, please put me in the hat for your looks like a great one!!!

  70. CindyW. Glad to hear you are on the mend!!!! XXXX

  71. Cindy W, I was hoping to see you today!! Thankful to hear you're doing well after your surgery. Bless your hubby for taking care of you and your mom. Saying a prayer for him and sending him a book. :-) Seriously the book is for you to read during your recuperation. Send Seekerville your address.


  72. Debra, thanks for entering. The Stetson is filling up. Love it!


  73. Jackie, thanks! Your name is in the hat.


  74. My dear 91-year-old aunt passed to Heaven today. A visit with Aunt Hilda always put a smile on my face. I can imagine she's having a lively reunion with family right now.


  75. Oh Janet, what a lovely tribute to your Aunt Hilda -- visits always put a smile on your face! May others be able to say the same of us one day :-)

    Nancy C

  76. Thanks, Tina, for shelving the boot camp manual in the library. That chair looks very comfy.

    Congrats to all the winners, and to Janet on release of The Bounty Hunter's Redemption. Don't enter me in the drawing ... the e-book is waiting for me on my iPad.

    Now to settle in for some link reading.

    Nancy C

  77. Tracey, what a wonderful thing to do! Thank you so much, my friend! You just made my night!!!

    Compassion is a beautiful word, and I love that Magdalena's story stayed with you. It has stayed with me, too, and when I see things like the situation in Madaya, Syria, I just want to grab hold of those precious babies and feed them and rock them and tell them what life is like in a green, lush land of opportunity.

    We are so amazingly blessed.

  78. Patti Jo, I cried every time I dropped a kid off at college. Mean old Ruthy CRIED....



    We mothers have gentle hearts!!!! But I'm glad he's spreading his wings, I'm a big fan of that!!!

  79. Congrats Winners! Happy Saturday.......

  80. JANET, my sympathies on the loss of your aunt. We should all be so lucky to be remembered for making people smile.

  81. Hi Janet:

    I'm sorry for the loss of your aunt Hilda and take heart in how you see her transition to be with our Lord. I imagine there are even more smiles in heaven tonight than there were yesterday. Blessings.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Great WE, Tina! Going to check out those links in just a bit.

    Janet, congratulations on the release of your newest book! Please enter me in the drawing. Also, congrats to all the winners this week!

    What a fun week - still reading (and reeling) thanks to that the awesome boot camp post earlier in the week! Thank you, Seekers!

  84. Congrats winners! Also, thank you Seekerville for my snazzy new door hanger --just came in the mail today! ^_^

  85. Janet, just saw the comment about your aunt passing away - so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you have such fond memories to cherish.

  86. Awe, Janet, so sorry about your aunt. But so delighted she had such a long life!!!

  87. OOOH! Glad you like it Jennifer F!!

  88. Janet, you asked about my next LIH. A Home of Her Own is a March release. I look forward to being release-month shelf mates one day.

  89. Janet, ninety-one years... And left people smiling. Now there's a testimony! And I love that name, Hilda... So pretty!

    Thank you for that imagery of Hilda and all celebrating in heaven. I'm smiling, thinking of it.

  90. .
    If You Don't Face Your Fears,
    Your Fears Will Lose Face!


  91. Congratulations to the winners!
    Please put my name in the Stetson for today's drawing.
    May God bless all of Seekerville!

  92. Nancy C, Amen! Hope I remember that.


  93. Nancy, thanks for grabbing my book! Hope you enjoy the story.


  94. Caryl, Happy Sunday! Hope you're having a lovely weekend. It's turned cold with a little snow. Brr. Winter is here in my neck of the woods.


  95. Tracey and Vince, I'm sure there's welcome home party going on in Heaven. If food is involved, Aunt Hilda would want an order of catfish. One thing we did NOT have in common. :-)


  96. Laura, thanks for sharing in the fun of the Weekend and my new book. You're in the drawing. We frequently read and reel around here. :-) Go you!!


  97. Tina, living to be that old is amazing but many do. My dh has a cousin who is 104. Can you imagine?? She plays cards, reads, stays active. Doesn't use a walker.


  98. Keli, sorry I got the month wrong. Thought we were inching closer to the same shelf. :-)


  99. Ruthy, I named my heroine's aunt Hilda in Wanted: A Family. She got a kick out of that, but told me later that she'd hoped to be the baby that's born during the story. :-)


  100. So many wonderful books! Please put my name in the hat for this one :)

  101. Congrats to this week's winners!!!

    Congrats to Janet on her new release. Love the quotes. Who was the artist? Janet or Tina? PicMonkey? I couldn't access their site before due to an internal problem. Must try again. Lovely!

  102. Elaine, rejoicing with you on hubby's recovery!

    Cindy W, so glad to hear from you!

    Patti Jo, sending hugs and love from one empty nest mom to another.

  103. Excited to be a winner this week and looking forward to reading Ruthy's new book! Thank you so much! I love the cover :) Please enter me for The Bounty Hunter's Redemption!

  104. Happy Dance!

    I just noticed I won a book this week! It's Jane Choate's "The Littlest Witness" which features one of my all time favorite romance themes. That is, when a fatherless little boy 'hero-worships' the hero creating a situation which gives the hero a noble purpose which goes beyond simply capturing the love of a good woman. Vicariously speaking such a theme is very satisfying from this male reader's POV.

    BTW: This is a theme found in Janet Dean's "The Bounty Hunter's Redemption". So I've been twice blessed this weekend.

    It's nice to be back in the 'Winner's Circle.' Thanks to all and congrats to all the winners!


  105. Hi Bettie,

    Your name is in the Stetson. Thanks for your interest!


  106. Debby, Tina created the images! She's terrific, a real pro!!


  107. Hi Heidi, congrats on the win! Thanks for your interest in my book.


  108. Vince, Henry is so special to me. Glad you like the hero-worship theme, one of the themes anyway.


  109. Phyllis, good to see you in Seekerville! Thanks for your interest in The Bounty Hunter's Redemption!


  110. Ah, Debby, I know you'll disagree, but the right team won today.

    Tee Hee.

    Is she grinning???


  111. Happy weekend everyone! Just popping in for a minute or two, congrats to all of this weeks winners. Here's to another great week on the Seekerville, please add my name for a chance to win "The Bounty Hunter's Redemption".

    Happy reading/writing everyone!

    P.S. I LOVE the book quote graphic Janet made....absolutely swoon worthy :-)

  112. YIKES!! I can't believe I read the WE yesterday and just remembered I didn't leave a comment. I blame it on all the fabulous links that take me away from Seekerville on a million rabbit trails!

    Janet, LOVE that pic of you, my friend!!

    ELAINE!!! OMG, I'm praising God your husband is better -- we've all been praying for him, my friend!!

    VINCE SAID: "Is Julie Lessman and Julie Klassen the same person?

    For almost six years now it seems that every time one of these authors is up for an award, so is the other one! The type of books, the length of the books, the general tone of the writing...well, all I can say is that a case could be made that they are the same author separated by a hundred or so fictional years.

    Has anyone out there in Seekerville ever seen both Julies at the same time at one of the writing conferences?"

    LOL, VINCE, you ALWAYS make me laugh or smile, my friend, and you have NO IDEA how many people confuse Julie Klassen and me, seriously! We both have gotten emails from readers telling us HOW much they love our books, telling Julie K. that A Passion Most Pure is one of their favorite books, and I get the same about any one of Julie K.'s books. In fact, it's SO prevalent that I even wrote two blogs about it a few years ago called "Oh, For the Love of God, Part 1" and Oh, For the Love of God, Part 2. And to answer your question, YES, Missy actually saw Julie K. and me in the same room -- a bathroom at ACFW where Julie K and I met for the very first time, and it's a really funny story, so I hope check the blog out here:


    Oh, and Janet, Vince and Cindy, THANK YOU for your votes -- MUCH appreciated!!

    Hugs and HAPPY WEEKEND (what's left of it!)


  113. Hi Julie:

    This is just too funny.

    The main reason I thought you might also be Julie Klassen is because Julie Klassen had never appeared on Seekerville. I was so sure of this that I did not even do a search.

    However, I when I went back to read your "For the Love of God" posts, there was Julie Klassen's one and only Seekerville post! It was on December 10, 2008 which is less than a month from my first post on Seekerville. I'm sure I missed her post and then never saw her again.

    Now note this coincidence: today's post topic, by Elaine Stock, "Redeeming the Unlikable Hero" echoes this Julie Klassen comment from her first and only post:

    "Even characters we wouldn’t want our sons to date can be effective protagonists. Think of Julie Lessman’s Charity."

    Is this why poor Julie Klassen has never returned to Seekerville? : )


  114. The Results are in!

    I finished ,"The Bounty Hunter's Redemption," (A book featured at the top of this post.)

    First of all: I was right when I wrote, 'there is plenty of foundation' for such conflict to arise making the obvious solution seem unobtainable!

    I think that if there was an award for the best use of the inspiration elements playing a part at every phase of the plot development,"The Bounty Hunter's Redemption," would win it!

    I also think that if there was an award for the best fulfillment of the promise made in the title, "The Bounty Hunter's Redemption," would win it.

    Finally, I think if there was an award for the best choice of scene for the cover of a romance ,"The Bounty Hunter's Redemption," would win that, too. To me, showing Henry being taught to ride that horse by the hero is the key scene in the book. It must have taken a real understanding of the story to create a cover without the heroine on it. My hats off to whoever decided on the cover art.

    Now other than these three award deserving attributes of the story, "The Bounty Hunter's Redemption," is just another heartwarming five star inspirational romance. : )


  115. VINCE SAID: "Is this why poor Julie Klassen has never returned to Seekerville? : ) "

    LOL ... no, I promise you that is NOT the reason Julie has never returned, although it would be a good one! ;)


  116. Vince, I'm late getting back but want to thank you for this wonderful review here and on Facebook! Love Inspired authors give three scenes that could work for the cover and Marketing with input probably from the editor select one. And they nailed it with this cover, picking the perfect scene to represent the story. I'm blessed.

