Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Weekend Edition

Speedbo, our Fifth Annual Book-In-A-Month Challenge, 

Speedbo Incentives for Week One: For one reader, a surprise package of books.  For one Speedbo participant (must have signed up), a writerly sign. For another Speedbo writer, a first chapter critique of an inspirational or sweet romance. This chapter may not exceed twenty pages. Remember, all Speedbo prizes are mailed out after April 1. During Speedbo we write. 

We Have Winners

 Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.

 Last weekend we celebrated TWO MILLION page views in Seekerville. Winners of surprise giveaways are: Mary Curry, Marianne Barkman, Chill N, Jackie Layton, Carol Garvin, Jackie Smith, Megan Besing, Sally Shupe, Sharee Stover, Rhonda Starnes, Jill Weatherholt, Tanya Agler and Jeanne T.

Please send your Amazon associated email and your snail mail, and we'll let you know your surprise.

Monday we welcomed some of your  favorite Love Inspired Historical Authors for a "Focus on Love Inspired Historical novels" and they shared their "Insider Tips." 

And we also had a short Q & A with Editor, Emily Rodmell. Winners of Love Inspired Historical novels from the very generous LIH authors, are: Heidi Robbins, Anne Garboczi Evans, Cynthia Herron, Crystal Collier, Sherida Stewart, Lane Hill House, Janette Foreman, Wilani Wahl, Cindy Regnier, Sandy Kirby Quandt, Valri, Connie Queen and Natalie Monk.

Please send us your Amazon associated email and snail mail to save time and we'll let you know which book you won.

Tuesday  Sandra Leesmith introduced us to an artist of a different craft. Linda Needham is a photographer and Sandra  shared  some of her skills as an artist. Winner of a set of Linda Needham notecards and an autographed novel of choice by Sandra is Beth Schwarzlose.

Wednesday Glynna Kaye chatted about facing the obstacles to our writing goals in "Dead End or Temporary Delay? Your Choice." Winners of Claiming the Single Mom's Heart, are Sandy Smith, Trixi and Olivia.

Thursday we welcomed Cheryl St. John back to Seekerville with more of her words of wisdom!  Winners of copies of Cheryl's Want Ad Wedding  AND Sherri Shackelford's Special Delivery Baby, are Debbie Clatterbuck, Melissa Jagears and Wendy Newcomb.

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Davalyn Spencer returns to Seekerville with "Passion. Period." Stop by to chat! She's got a giveaway waiting for two commenters!

Tuesday: Mary Connealy starts off Speedbo! with her Top Ten Tips for Making Speedbo Work for You. Mary will be giving away a signed copy of With This Ring? to the most ambitious and/or enthused commenter.

Wednesday: Melanie Dickerson is our Speedbo guest with her post, " Writer Unplugged: Facing My Own Fears. Stop by to chat and you could win a copy of her Regency release, "A Spy's Devotion."

Thursday: Time for the March Contest Update. Stop by to meet our amazing March Diva/Diva. Of course the prize vault is OPEN!

Friday: Best of the Archives is all about Speedbo with a trip back to March 4, 2012 and Glynna Kaye's motivational post, "On Your Mark, Get Set...for Seekerville Speedbo!" We'll also announce the Speedbo giveaways for next week. Comments are closed on Friday's so we can achieve our reading and writing goals.

Seeker Sightings

Seekerville is delighted to be able to share this Glynna Kaye cover reveal! This is the first look at her May 2016 Love Inspired release, Claiming the Single Mom's Heart. You can preorder now. 

Missy Tippens will be speaking and signing books at The South Carolina Chapter of American Christian Fiction Writers TODAY! Saturday, February 27, 2:00- 3:00 PM (meeting continues until 5 pm with a critique session). Meeting will be at North Anderson Baptist Church, 2308 N. Main Street, Anderson. The meeting is free and visitors are invited! She'd love to see you. For more info click here.

Available now...

The Agent's Secret Past, by Debby Giusti, winner of the 2015 Daphne du Maurier Award for Suspense ...

and Courting Ruth, by Emma Miller ... 

A two-in-one reissue that features Amish heroines you're sure to love! Get your copy HERE!

Debby Giusti will be speaking at the Tyrone Public Library, Tyrone, GA, today, February 27th, 1-3 PM. Join her there! 


Julie Lessman Blog Interview/Giveaway
February 25 - March 2, 2016: 
Join Julie Lessman on the Scribbles and Somedays blog for a fun interview and THREE giveaways! Here's the link and hope to see you there:
Scribbles & Somedays Blog

It's Time to Fall in Love Treasure Hunt- February 10-29, 2016: Join Debbie Lynne Costello, MaryLu Tyndall, and Julie Lessman as they celebrate the release of our latest books with some fabulous prizes, including 2 Kindles, Amazon gift cards, gift baskets, and books galore!

Visit each of the blogs on the scheduled dates above for the rules and Treasure Hunt clues and good luck!

Debbie Lynne Costello
Julie Lessman
MaryLu Tyndall


Enter the Penguin/Random House Sweepstakes. Win Back in the Saddle by Ruth Logan Herne. Sweepstakes ends on March 3, 2016.   

Waterbrook will be giving away additional copies of  Back in the Saddle on Thursday, March 3, at the Yankee Belle Cafe, when Ruthy shares Isabo's Cinnamon Roll recipe!

Random News & Information

Thanks to everyone who sent links!

Manuscript Matchmakers! 


Attention Published Authors: Only a few more days until the Inspirational Reader's Choice Award closes for entries March First! Rules and entry form can be found
on the FHL website: 

Behind the Scam: What Does It Take to Be a ‘Best-Selling Author’? $3 and 5 Minutes.(Observer Business & Tech)

Publishing Acronyms (The Steve Laube Agency) 

Ten Tips to Create a Positive Social Media Buzz—To Be and Not To Be (The Write Conversation)

The 4 Deadly Mistakes Fiction Writers Make (and How Fixing Them Will Get You Noticed) (Ted Dekker)

Practical Ways to Handle the Passage of Time in Fiction (Aliventures) 

 3 Reasons Your Writing Routine Will Land You On the Floor (Elizabeth Spann Craig)

How Much Will You Give Away (Writers in the Storm)

Putting Books in Print. Worth the Hassle? (Romance University) 

3 Mistakes You Made Writing Your First Book (and How Not to Make Them Again) (The Book Designer)
 What Does a Writer Need to Know About Marketing? (MacGregor Literary)

That's it. Have a great writing and reading weekend and don't forget to sign up for SPEEDBO!


  1. I am first????????????

    How can this be??????

  2. COFFEE IS HERE!!!!!!

    I am listening to "Breath of Heaven" and working on a Christmas novella set in 1889....

    What a different, non-commercial, lovely, industrious time.

    We are so blessed. And a trifle foolish.


    Thank you for a wonderful WE! CONGRATS TO ALL GAZILLION WINNERS THIS WEEK and a huge thank you to our guests and authors who contributed to celebrate TWO MILLION VIEWS!!!!

    I am so crazy grateful to all 1,999,998 and even to the remaining two who were somewhat standoff-ish.




    This place rocks.

  3. Good morning! I got up at 5:15 to get in training for Speedbo. I'm prepping this weekend.

    Thanks for all the great links, and have a great weekend!

  4. Great WE. Love the advice from mom! Congrats to all the winners...but then everyone who visits Seekerville is a winner, right?

  5. Happy Saturday! Congratulations to all the winners...including myself! Yay! I love surprises. :)
    Thanks for the great WE, Tina!
    It's cold this morning in Charlotte, time for another cup of coffee.

  6. Tina, thanks for another great weekend edition and for all your work and dedication to keep us informed and motivated to reach our goals.

    Ruthy, I don't know why you wouldn't be first all the time. I honestly don't think you ever sleep...nap, maybe, but sleep...LOL. I wish I had a fraction of your energy!

    Good morning, Jackie.

    I love the warmer weather that's hit north Alabama, but now that small signs of spring are starting to appear (and our indoor puppy is starting to shed) it's time for my seasonal allergies to hit. I woke up this morning with sinus drainage, sore throat, and a cough. So it looks like I will spend my Speedbo prepping weekend vacuuming, dusting, and cleaning to get rid of allergens and germs. Plus, I'll be drinking plenty of hot tea with lemon, honey, and ginger.

  7. Good morning, Seekerville!

    What fun. I signed in under the wrong name last week and I won a prize! I guess "Mary" has been missing Seekerville.

    Suddenly I feel like watching The Patti Duke Show. Please tell me I don't sound totally insane and someone else knows what I'm talking about!!!

    Great WE, Tina. Thanks for all the links to explore.

    Congrats to all the winners. :)

  8. Great Weekend, Tina! Fun to see that long list of winners this week!! I'm thrilled with those 2 million viewers. Wow, Seekerville rocks!

    Wish I could plop into Missy and Debby's talks today. I'd love every minute listening to their wisdom and cheering them on. Have a great time, gals!

    I'm signed up for Speedbo and ready to go!


  9. Good morning, Seekerville! Yet another jam-packed issue of the Weekend Edition. Thank you, Tina!

    TWO MILLION. That still boggles my mind! Thank you Seeker Villagers!! And congrats to all this week's winners!

    MARY C -- You're NOT insane. I know what you're talking about. :)

    And now we have a final weekend in February (PLUS an extra day!) ahead of us to prep for Tuesday's 2016 Speedbo launch! I hope to diligently write today and build up momentum on my current WIP to carry into March.

  10. Ruthy you listen to Christmas music to get you in the mood to write a Christmas novella?

    Wow, I think I need to go listen to some rousing gold miner music.

    Or maybe Youtube has a video of someone chiselling.


  11. I do have tips for Speedbo but I'm open to YOUR TIPS TOO! START COLLECTION ADVISE TO SHARE!

  12. It's COLD in Charlotte, JILL? How cold is cold there?

  13. RHONDA -- Sorry about the allergies right here when Spring is finally starting to peek out in the South. Sounds like a good plan to clean house this weekend so you can be ready to go full speed ahead this month!

  14. Ah, JACKIE got up early to warm up for Speedbo, too! :)

  15. Congratulations to all the winners!

    i woke up to a sore throat and cough this morning. Hoping it disappears by Tuesday because I am beginning Speedbo sick or not.

    I wrote the End on my third book yesterday

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  16. I'm feeling odd today.

    :( It's nice outside and yet, as a Nebraskan I absolutely know better than to believe in SPRING in February.

    A Poem
    by Mary Connealy
    Winter's icy cruelty lures me into false hope only to descent icy truth upon my scarfless neck.

  17. WILANI -- Sore throat. Not good. So many nasty colds & flu are roaming the countryside. Sounds as if you're determined to "carry on" through Speedbo, though!

    Congratulations on THE END! That's fantastic!

  18. I can relate to your poem, MARY! I know better than to think winter is done with us in the high country this early in the year when most years we get healthy snowfalls on through March and April...and even a few inches in May. The National Weather Service says we haven't see the last of El Nino in our part of the country despite this warm dry spell in February.

  19. Congrats to all winners....I am happy to be one! Agreeing with Debby "everyone who visits Seekerville is a winner, right?" ....such a wonderful place to visit. I am thankful for it!

  20. Debby, I'm so excited about your re-release with Emma Miller! So exciting!

    Congrats to all our winners from last week! I hope you all have a great weekend.

  21. Mary/Cate you just have a lot of names to keep up with! You're not crazy. :)

  22. Rhonda, I hope it's just allergies and that you feel better. I hope you're not getting the crud I had last week.

  23. Wilani, I'm sorry you're sick, too! Uh oh, Ruthy. I think we passed our germs along.

  24. ANYONE IN SOUTH CAROLINA...I hope you'll come see me today! 2:00 pm.

    I'm nervous. Always get nervous when I speak.

  25. So many great links chock full of great advice. I clicked about 3 of them ... and the Ted Dekker one is LONG. Will have to save it for later.

    Are these designed to lure me away from writing?

    I need to write an article that says, "Nothing to see here, folks. Move along, and go WRITE!"


  26. Thanks for another great WE, TINA! Wow--2 million views! That is amazing!

    MISSY, you'll do great. When you spoke at our meeting a few years ago, it was one of our best turnouts!

    Must get busy on the usual Saturday chores. Hubby is waiting for me downstairs so we can pay bills, then it's on to cleaning. Last month we rethought our strategy and decided to divide the house into four sections. We clean one section every weekend, so if anyone ever wants to visit, let me know and I'll figure out which part of the house will be presentable enough to give you access.

    Guess what's on the schedule for today. That's right, the upstairs. Which includes my office, the most cluttered room in the house.


    SUPER CONGRATS to all our winners this week, although ALL of us are winners because we belong to Seekerville, right??? LOL ... just saw that Deb made the same statement, so it MUST be true!!

    Ruthy said: "I am first???????????? How can this be??????

    Because you get up before the roosters, my friend!!

    And TWO MILLION page views STILL blows me away!! Here's to another two million in record time ...

    Jackie said: "I got up at 5:15 to get in training for Speedbo. I'm prepping this weekend."

    Oh, way to guilt me, Jackie!! ;) Seriously, you go, girl!! :)

    Hugs and HAPPY WEEKEND, ALL!!

  28. hahahaha, Mary Curry signed in under the wrong name again. Way to go Patty and Cathy!!

  29. Cue Rocky music. Speedbo prep has begun!!!

  30. I get here,and all the things I want to say have already been said!
    All visitors to Seekerville ar winners. ✅
    Seekerville rocks✅
    Great WE edition again✅
    Congratulations to the gazillion winners✅


  31. Mary said: "Suddenly I feel like watching The Patti Duke Show. Please tell me I don't sound totally insane and someone else knows what I'm talking about!!!"

    Far be it from me to tell ANYONE that THEY are "insane" with my track record, but I'm drawing a blank, Mare, and I LOVED the Patti Duke show, so fill me in!!

    WHOO-HOO, WILANI -- congrats on wrapping up book 3!! Now to tackle book 4 in Speedbo!! But first, we need to get rid that impending cold, so praying right now ...

    MARY C SAID: "( It's nice outside and yet, as a Nebraskan I absolutely know better than to believe in SPRING in February."

    Smart girl. :)

    Missy, I agree with Myra -- you wilL be AWESOME today, and sending some prayers your way to ease the nerves.

    Glynna -- LOVE the new cover!!! Missy, yours is soooo cute with that adorable baby, makes me want to have one all over again. Will do the next best thing and read your book instead ... ;)

    Debby!!! OMG, I LOVE that cover on your reissue -- talking about drawing readers in!!

    Okay ... if Ruthy can listen to Christmas music to write her Christmas novella, I can drink peppermint tea to write mine, right???

    Hugs and Happy Weekend!

  32. What a fun WE! And thank you in advance for the surprise package. I'm tickled to be a winner. :) Congratulations to all the winners this weekend.

    RUTHY—You inspire me. I'll just leave it at that. Oh, and I think, "Breath of Heaven" Is on of my absolute favorite Christmas songs. Ever. :)

    WILANI—I hope you feel better soon.

    JACKIE—You GO!

    Thank you, Seekerville for being the amazing encouragers you are!

  33. Congratulations to the awesome winners and to Seekerville! Two million! Woohoo! That sure is something! Thanks Tina for a great WE as always. 😊

    Thanks Ruthy for the coffee. I didn't sleep well last night at all and feel very sluggish this morning. A strong cup is what I need. Many thanks! A pretty day here in Maryland and here's to a blessed weekend to you all.

  34. Happy Weekend everyone! I'm excited I won Glynna's book!

    Well must get back to writing. I am actually getting a short story ready to send in the mail today.

  35. I won a surprise! Oh boy, oh boy! Congrats to all the winners . That's a long list.

    Wil return to read links later ... with a nice glass of iced tea. Freakishly warm weather for February, but it helps make up for the record snowfall a year ago today :-)

    Happy weekend to all!

    Nancy C

  36. Hope you feel better, Wilani. Sleep is the best way to beat it. Take a nap.

  37. Marianne Barkman, how do you make those cool check marks. You techno savvy gal, you!!

  38. Thank you Seekerville for my LIH win....and congratulations to the other gazillion winners!

    Beautiful cover, Glynna! I want to sit on that porch and enjoy the view. Congrats to Debby on the re-release. Wish I could attend the talks by Debby and Missy.

    Great WE, Tina! Love the "If you need a sign....." sign. My sign was flashing last week, so I'm all signed up for Speedbo and got an early start yesterday in #1k1hr, plus I have a casserole and a few Lean Cuisine dinners in the freezer. Thanks for the links. The "first book mistakes" article helps me focus.

    Mary/Cate, it took me awhile, but now I can say you're not crazy....just have me wanting to look up episodes.

    Hope those feeling under the weather, some because of the weather, are better soon.

    Happy weekend of reading, writing, and Speedbo prepping to all!

  39. Hello all! I just wanted to wish everyone luck with Speed-bo. I'm not going to participate this year. :( I've spent the last month in my own speed-bo as I've been editing a book for an R & R. It's due March 6th. After that I'm going to take a little break and spend some time with poor neglected hubby. We've got a little mini-getaway planned for the next weekend and I'm pretty sure if I brought along my laptop, he might throw it out of the car.

    But I'll be cheering all of you along!

  40. Thanks for a great weekend and congratulations to all the winners! I am so excited to win a surprise giveaway!!! Thank you so much! I have no idea what it is, but I am so excited. I know it will be great! Thank you! Hope everyone has a great weekend! Can't wait for Speedbo!

  41. Oh my. Hubby just helped me go through several stacks of books that were advancing across my office floor. I have way too many!!!! Must figure out what to do with them all. Eight copies have just been committed to the FH&L Inspirational Readers Choice contest. Didn't even make a dent.

  42. Great WE, Tina!

    So excited to see I won a LIH book! Thank you!!!

    Now back to the synopsis and scene chart--getting ready for Speedbo! Yay!

    Congrats on writing THE END again, Wilani!!! Sorry you're sick. Hope you feel better soon!

    Haha, Mary Connealy, I love your poem. :))

    Praying for you as you speak, Missy! Wish I was in South Carolina!

  43. Wow, Lots of winners this week. Congratulations. woo hoooo

    And my mind still boggles at 2,000,000 views. Whew!!! What a wonderful blessing.

    Thank you Seeker sisters, Seekerville friends and all who have made this possible. Special thanks to Tina who made all of this possible.

    Blessings and hugs

  44. I am so excited to see who makes a match in the LIH contest!!! GO VILLAGERS!!!!

  45. Ya know, I think I forgot to thank you for my surprise -- so thank you :-)

    Thanks also for the link 'Practical Ways to Handle the Passage of Time in Fiction (Aliventures).' That blog post and the links following the post were exactly what I needed to help me figure out how to handle 5 days in a WIP. Boy was the 'Behind the Scam' post an eye-opener. I wondered how there could be so many Amazon best-sellers. I printed off the Publishing Acronyms, although I do like the rather creative interpretations I came up with for some of them before I saw the list ...

    Nancy C

  46. So excited to be a winner of a LIH book! I sure do love Seekerville! Thanks a bunch!!!

  47. Haha....someone mentioned that Ruthy gets up before the roosters so that's why she's the first commenter!! Or maybe she drinks too much coffee...hmmmm...must ponder this more.

    Hey BIG congrats to all this weeks winners (myself included), you ladies are so generous! There's some great books just waiting to be read once in hand :-) Enjoy everyone! Can't believe 2 million views, it still boggles the mind. Seekerville's a hopping popular place.

    I wish all you authors success in the month of March for Speedbo! May your words come easy, your plots fall into place & God bless the work of your hands. Praying each one of you makes your personal writing goals!

    I'm looking forward to another fantastic week on Seekerville, looks like some great posts. I'm a bit partial to Melanie, so am especially looking forward to that one on Wednesday!

    Lastly, please add my name for a surprise package of can never have too many! Blessings everyone....thanks for a great WE Tina!

  48. Don't forget that you winners must actually go to to CLAIM your prize :)

  49. Hi Natalie. The freedom when they changed the rules so poems don't have to rhyme.

    It's amazing!

  50. Rhonda, I swear that this is God's fault. First, he made me, and I think the freneticism was part of the package.

    And then he put me in New York for a DOUBLE WHAMMY!!!!! The whole New York minute thing!!!

    And then he started waking me up in the middle of the night and whispered, "If you want to write, do it now! No one will bother you!"

    And he was right!!! :)

  51. I loved the Patty Duke show!

    And she played an Amish woman in some TV movie that I really liked, too.

    Rhonda, I was so distracted by you saying my name and nice things about me, I missed the allergy part, sweet thing. So sorry!!!! Ahhhh..... Choo!!!!

  52. Well, my 20 inches of snow is still melting, so my bulbs are somewhat buried still, no matter what the groundhog says... all I know is we gain an hour of evening light next week, which everyone here will welcome with open arms!

    And I will tuck myself in my rabbit hole and write!

  53. Cue Rocky music???? AKA: RUTHY'S RING TONE!!!!!!!

    Theme from "Rocky"

    I love this music! It fits!!!! :)

  54. Wilani, I just finished a monster cold.

    I was sick and whiny.

    But my fingers weren't.... so I made them type!

    Go for it, my friend! Tissues at your side!

  55. You know Rufus, we are like ships that pass in the night. I go to bed as you wake up!

  56. Tina, this is perfect! I'll serve the coffee and Danish to our friends and you can rest and we'll all meet for lunch!!!!

  57. Trixi, I am up before the rooster, which means he's a slacker bird!!! But in another six weeks or so, he'll be crowing when I come downstairs... they generally start about an hour pre-dawn, so in May, June and July, he joins me around 4:00-4:30 AM.

    And this is a new, young rooster named Sparky, and he's got the oddest crow!!!! I'm not sure if it will get more normal as he matures, but we'll see! Right now Sparky sounds like a boy whose voice is cracking.

    It is pretty funny.

  58. So you have a new rooster "terrorizing" the neighborhood, Ruthy? :) I always loved waking up to the sound of a rooster's crow at my grandparents' place in rural Texas.

  59. How could anyone ignore Uncle Sam and forego Speedbo??

    Laughing at the teenage rooster's cracking voice.

    This is an interesting village!


  60. Glynna, Sparky was supposed to be a hen... and as they grew I got the sneaking suspicion that hen #26 was really a BOY!!!!! And he's so stinkin' cute!

    So yes, the terror of the neighborhood is back!!!!!

    Janet, you'd love this rooster! I'll post a pick next week, he's black and white muddled. A funny looking fellow!!!

  61. Congratulations to all the winners!! What a fun week in Seekerville, and a fun weekend edition!

    Started out cleaning my office yesterday in preparation for Speedbo, then decided just the desktop needed straightening, and finally settled on just separating the pens, pencils and highlighters into various small piles. I then decided I was a slacker, big time, so I also cleared a small space for my coffee mug. Now I'm ready.

    Off to read the links!

  62. Many, MANY thanks for my "surprise" prize! This is just the best place to hang out. People are supportive and generous... and even a little kooky at times. Just some, though...not everyone. I like that we can come here and just be ourselves.

    Thanks for a wonderful WE, Tina.

    Oh, and I just went and signed up for Speedbo. It was one of those "kicking and screaming" things for me again, but I did it. Now I'm telling my IE to shut up and let me get started on what I've committed to do. :)

  63. Not cleaning anything for Speedbo. It would take me a month.

  64. Ackkk! I wish I could edit out a few of those "just" repetitions. Or maybe all of them. ::sigh:: Ah, well.......

  65. Carol, "just" is one of my favorite words too! :) I wouldn't have even noticed if you didn't mention it.

    I'm glad you signed up!

  66. Ruthy, we have a neighbor's rooster who seems to be really confused. I think it's because I often let the dog out in the wee hours and turn on the flood lights. He doesn't crow when I go out at 1 or 2 am. But if it's 3 or 4 am (like happened recently when I was sick and up at all hours), then he'll crow each time I turn the light on. LOL

  67. Laura Kestner, you're a step ahead of me in cleaning! But I just finished gathering all my tax stuff today, which always helps a little (gets rid of some piles).

  68. Happy weekend! I'm a little late since I dislocated my shoulder tripping over our baby gate in the middle of the night so now I'm in a sling. Most painful thing to happen to me. A bright moment was seeing Tina's post with the winners of the Love Inspired books! I can't wait to see which one I get! Thank you all you wonderful generous authors :)

  69. Great job, Tina. The weekend edition has new information and great comments. Thank you for your use of graphics and pics to enliven our weekend reading. It sounds like many of the town's people are ill or injured. As a veteran of the flu this week, I urge you all to take care of yourselves and take it seriously. (BTW I did have a flu shot.) Prayers for your recovery, Rhonda, and Heidi, from the baby gate injury. This weekend has warmed in mid Tennessee and we have flung the windows open to get those germs out! Spent my weekend inside perusing free writing software so that the next WIP is not just a jumble of files. Current front runner is litlift which also features a plotline generator based on your theme and description. My search has been restricted to web based apps since I have a fondness for dragging one of my multiple devices out of the house based on where I will write. Please enter my name in the cat jar for any prizes.

  70. Thanks, Olivia!

    Oh, man, Heidi!! Hope you feel better.
