Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Top Ten Tips for Making Speedbo Work for You

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1.      EMBRACE THE COMMUNITY. A small group, setting shared (though individual goals) supporting each other, mentoring each other, being accountable to each other.
2.      THE PERFECT IS THE ENEMY OF THE PROGRESS. I think Spock might’ve said this first…or maybe it was Shakespeare. I looked it up. I’ve never heard of him. Also no one’s ever said THIS before. PROGRESS. Write. Anyone can use Speedbo anyway they want, but for many of us, in a Nano type mindset, we just write, forward march, get those words on paper.
V is for Speedbo (If you turn off spellcheck!)
3.      IT IS THE ONLY MATH IN WRITING. Add it up. 1000 words a day, 30 days. 1000 x 30 = 30,000 this is over half a Love Inspired. It’s a LONG novella. It’s over a third of a trade paper length fiction, which mine are…they are 80,000. IN A MONTH. Pick other numbers, set them as the goal, do the math, YOU CAN NOT FAIL TO GET A BOOK WRITTEN. Maybe not the first month, but the second or third.

Free Book You Don't Have Time to Read
4.      LEARN WHAT WORKS FOR YOU. Speedbo is a mount out of time. Fast writing, writing sprints, sustained forward progress, this is SPEEDBO. This is not you. We talk everyday here about how to write, but none of us knows what works for you. Trust your own methods. Yes, try other things. Yes, absolutely learn all you can. But what works for YOU, works for YOU. 

5.      FILL THAT PLASTIC CRATE WITH WATER. You’ve all heard the old saying. Get a plastic crate or tub out and put in three bowling balls. It’s full. Put in baseballs, they fill in all the empty spaces around the bowling balls and now the crate is full. Except...put in marbles and they roll in a the empty spaces around the balls. NOW the crate is full. And then pour in water.

Are you really filling empty minutes wisely? Are you really so busy you never read, never watch TV, never … whatever. THERE IS MORE TIME IN YOUR SCHEDULE THAN YOU KNOW.

6.      PLAN AHEAD FOR YOUR NON_WRITING LIFE. That means crock pot meals. Frozen pizza. Asking for help and accepting it when offered. Pet your kids, husband and cat good-bye. (okay let’s not get crazy. The cat may inspire you)

Choosing Winner by how Ambition You Sound
7.      PLAN AHEAD FOR YOUR WRITING LIFE. I hope you did this. Cleared the deck, you had to turn in your goals. Did you plot beforehand? Did you clear out all the little writing chores, the blog posts, the small jobs, the old work you keep playing…is that pushed aside? Then you’re ready to WRITE. 

8.      GET OFF THE INTERNET. (that’s more a great idea than a real RULE. You need to answer email and like things on Facebook and check Seekerville right?) Oops there goes an hour of writing time every day. (at least)

9.      WHEN 30 DAYS ENDS, YOUR WRITING IS JUST BEGINNING!  This is a great way to form a habit. Write every day. Write every week day. Sit down and open that document and WRITE. IF you’ve done it for 30 days you can do it forever.

10.  YOUR BOOK ISN’T DONE WHEN YOUR BOOK IS DONE. In Speedbo, everyone does what they want to do, but if you truly embrace the speed writing then, at the end of Speedbo, you’ve got work to do. REVISIONS. Maybe we should have another month we call SpeedRev. You know what? I’m letting someone else name this one. It's a novella collection, you might have time to read something SHORT

If you want to, tell me your goals. If you've got your own tips, let's hear them. If you're NOT doing Speedbo, commit this month to entertaining the rest of us. I'm giving away a novella collection, you might have time to read something SHORT. Leave an ambitious sounding comment to get your name in the drawing for a signed copy of With This Ring? A Novella Collection of Proposals Gone Awry.


  1. V Stands for Speedbo, but only if you turn off your spellcheck. lolololol.

    I love that.

    Mary, what are your Speedbo goals. Are you going to shame me and get in the Guiness Book again this March????

    Hey folks there are Speedbo incentives to be had as well. Check the Speedbo tab. Comment to get your name tossed in. If you want a critique holler. Ask Kim, Sally and Jessica how much blood they lost in the process. NOT MUCH I PROMISE.

  2. Those who are participating in Speedbo....get ready, get set and GOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

    Mary, I have this book so no need to enter my name, I just wanted to encourage and cheer all you writers onward :-)

  3. READY, SET, GO!!!

    I'm finishing a proposal to start off. Then once I get it submitted, I'll jump in on the next project.

    Y'all have a great first day of writing!

  4. As for me, revisions, finish a book (20 K),two short stories and 25 pages of a strange new project.

  5. I have a stack of With This Ring? So I don't need another, but I want to finish half a rough draft this month. I have to have this book turned in in 4 months....(do not cry, do not cry) I'm still dealing with moving to another city, you know, things like bank accounts and traveling back and forth to the old house on the weekends to get it fixed to sell, blah blah blah.

    Oh and the in-laws are coming this week, didn't know about that, so also this week I shall be cleaning! And doing taxes, and homeschooling...and 1/8th of a book. I think that's enough for one week. But I had to finish some marketing stuff today before I can start.

  6. Oh, and add in a line edit of my August book, it's bound to come this month.

  7. I am in for speedbo (I think, never done it before!) I want to get my current book drafted. Hopping over to the Speedbo tab to sign up all officially like :)

  8. Kind of lame compared to others, but I'm writing a critical book review for one of my classes ... I also have a midterm paper or two I'll be working on this month. =)

  9. Jeepers, Melissa, your month makes me want to cry.

  10. Hey, Mary! Whoohoo!

    My Speedbo goal is 20,000 words because I will be in Australia (supposed to be vacation)for more than two of those precious Speedbo weeks, but I still plan on writing and (pull up your chair because I'm going to whisper this) I am aiming for over 20,000! NO LIMITS. Right? I worked really hard the past few days editing the first fifteen pages of a new MS I started last month so I am ready to start writing new words March 1. I am psyched!

    Thanks, Seekerville!

  11. Rachel, jump in!!!! We'd love it!

    Melissa, you still have four months for that book??????

    Oh, honey, made in the shade! And this does sound like a busy month for you, so send the kids here, I'll watch 'em.

    No. Wait. Send the in-laws here. Perfect!!!!!

    I'm keeping my Speedbo simple. 2K/day is my goal. I can spread that out over ongoing projects, but that's a workable goal that with a couple of writing sprints/day should be doable... And I'm going to front-end load (do more the first three weeks) because Holy Week and Easter will always budge writing. So I'm prepping ahead, knowing there are multiple lovely church services that week!

  12. I have With This Ring. Count me in for Speedbo. I'm registered and aiming for 10 pages per week. Let the fun begin!

    I may be a turtle compared to others, but my goal is realistic for me.

  13. Hi Mary! Having a day job, I must utilize my time wisely, so number 8 is critical for me. My goal, to finish my line edits and work on a new project.

  14. Bettie, turtles win the race most often. Steady, ongoing production is what most successful authors do. There are a few rabbits who wait until the end and sprint, but most of us do exactly what you're planning to do.... I love your 10 pages/week! Go you!

  15. Jen, your life is different right now as you're finishing up your degree. And it's hard to switch on and off from technical or academia-style papers to fiction, but writing is writing and I bet you're chomping at the bit to be done!!!! I'm so proud of all the hard work it took to get you there!

  16. Lyndee!!!! I am your biggest cheerleader and I'm waving pom poms for you! (but I am not wearing a short skirt, that ship sailed a long, long time ago!!!)

    I'd have a ball writing in Australia!!!!!

    G'day, Mate!

  17. Good morning,

    I'm a tad later than planned, but I wanted some extra time with God to start Speedbo!

    As much as I'd like to write this month, I need to edit and revise my WIP. My goal is to finish by the end of the month.

    May the Lord be with us all this month as we work for his glory!

  18. AND WE'RE OFF TO A RUNNING START on Speedbo for the next 31 days! Wishing you all the best!!!

    And for those of you who haven't yet signed up -- IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO JUMP IN THERE!

  19. YIkes, I haven't signed up yet but do plan to finish a novella and my wip. That should take care of the month of March. I have four pickleball tournaments this month also. YIKES. But when those are done, I'm off the tournament circuit. At least for several months or until I foolishly get talked into it again. Say no. Learn to say no. That is my word for this year. LOL

  20. Kate I think raising an adorable baby sounds like a wonderful goal. Enjoy it because they grow up way too fast.

  21. Did anybody bring some food this morning? I'm hungry. We received a lovely box of Edibles yesterday from sweet friends because we pet sat for them and are they yummy. Fresh fruit cut into balls and then covered with chocolate. I'm willing to share. Oh yummy, I think I'll go grab one now.

    I have plenty of Chocolate Velvet coffee too.

  22. Kate, I'm laughing! Learning by absorption, I'm a big fan!!!

  23. Good Morning!

    I'm going read a 'how to' book for writing mysteries, do the exercises at the end of each chapter and hope to have a rough draft of the proposal package finished at the end of March.

    That is what the book promises! Am I naïve to believe it?????

    I also have 13 short stories to revise/polish.

  24. Good morning!

    I'm registered for Speedbo and ready to rock this thing (even while fighting a horrible sinus infection that has thrown me for a loop)!

    I set my goal at 40,000 word (10,000 per week), but I'm having second thoughts about such an ambitious goal since I didn't finish my revisions on the requested r&r that I'm working on. So with that said, I'm going to lower my goal to 7,000 per week (1,000 per day). I plan to work on revisions in the morning, and Speedbo in the evening. But first, I must leave now for the day job!

    Happy writing, all!!

  25. GOOD LUCK IN SPEEDBO! You can do it!

    Happy Writing!!!!

  26. My speedbo goals, Tina are pretty stinking ambitious and I'm not even being all that good of a girl.

    WHY? Because I've got a book to write and it is due April 1.
    I'm planning to finish this book (30,000 words)...do revisions on our next Seeker novella...it's done but not polished. THEN I need to POLISH that book due April 1. I plan to get away from it for at least a week (so those 30k words need to get done fast) and then do revisions.
    And then (yes AND THEN)I've got another novella due May 1. And I haven't written one word on that yet.
    So not time to breathe. SPEEDBO is just exactly what I need.
    And excuse to shut up and write.

  27. TRIXI Thank you so much! We need encouragement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's one of the things Seekerville is here for. to encourage everyone to go go go!

  28. Melissa life can get so hectic, and yet the due dates just keep coming!!!!!!!

    God bless you, girl. Stop moving. Just refuse.

    And when your beloved in-laws show up...........put them to work!

  29. Good luck with the proposal, Missy.
    God bless you! Those are the beginning and if we don't get them right, there's no book!

  30. In preparation for SPEEDBO I revised and polished two other books, just to get them out of the way; drafted a few guest blogs, just in case; entered "Touched By Love"; and put myself out there for Manuscript Matchmakers. SO the deck is cleared for the novella I want to write in March. I hope to make it a Christmas novella. My goal is 10 chapters by the end of March, it's up to me how I get there. And I'm PANTSING and I've never PANTSED before, so this should be interesting.
    Kathy Bailey
    Uncharted in New Hampshire

    We have people sign up after it's starts so you're GREAT!

  32. Artist Librarian good for you. Your goals are NOT lame.
    These are important accomplishments. We'll root for you right along with everyone else!

  33. I also like RUTHY'S goal of spreading out her 2K over ongoing projects. I may do that next year. But since I don't have any ongoing projects, see above, I'm going to try something totally out of my comfort zone...A PANTSED NOVELLA.

  34. Lyndee, good for you for getting 'your affairs in order' so to speak.
    And wow, Australia?
    Enjoy your trip!
    You'll have stuff to write about then!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. MARY and MELISSA, you surely do have full plates, but the writing will get done because you want it to.

  36. Bettie, ten pages a week is nice steady forward progress, good for you.
    And here's a hint Ruthy taught me about pages. If you're running behind, don't be afraid to triple space and set your font at 16

  37. JILL, I agree with you, the day job is a whole new wrinkle. (I have two.) That's why I'm pantsing, I didn't have time to plot and plan. Well we'll see...

  38. Would love to be in drawing.

  39. I love rewriting. Have you ever saved the first draft and after several takes later looked back. It's amazing how your story changes and your characters develop along with conflict and scenes that make it so much better. But, first you have to write that first draft. So I'm signing off to write for my first day of Speedbo.. At 1:00p.m., I volunteer at the library for a book sale. I plan to write more later tonight. I am so ready. Let Speedo begin, ladies.

    1. Rewriting is how my current outline developed. It is almost completely different from my original draft. Hope the library went well, and good luck on that first draft.

  40. Jill I worked around a day job for years and it almost seemed like I got MORE done back then. Not sure why, something about the routine of it. I had to get going, the day was scheduled.

    Good luck. Welcome to the wild world of SPEEDBO

  41. Wow, Jackie, extra time with God, this is a WORLD CLASS EXCUSE!

  42. Aw Kate, 14 month old baby. Such an adorable age. Wow, what a precious blessing. You just take care of that little sweetie. The book will always be there.

  43. Mary, you said it perfectly!! Great post! I'm laughing at dump the dh and kids, but hang onto the cat for inspiration. Is there a rent-a-cat service. Oh, wait, I'm allergic.

    I've got house guests coming this week so it'll be a shaky beginning, but I'm excited and looking forward to our daily trips to Seekerville. Readers, I'm counting on your entertaining comments!


  44. Good morning, Rose.
    I had lunch with Rose the other day. It keeps me going to talk to writers!

  45. Rhonda, you sweet thing. Sinus infections are awful. I'm frowning while I type.

    And if you make your goal that is FANTASTIC.

    And if you don't, no one's gonna call a cop. Being ambitious is what Speedbo is all about!

  46. Hi Caryl! Thanks for the encouragement!

  47. So excited for Speedbo this year! I need to finish a novella and get rewrites to a proposal off to my editor. And it's Mary and my birthday month, so we have some serious celebrating to do! :D

  48. Wishing everyone an exciting and productive SPEEDBO!! I just now signed up! Whooo-hooo....guess that tells ya, I made no preparations for this! Since my life is peppered with suddenlies (unforseen, unexpected) I'll make it work!!

    Finishing my tea and toast... now, off to write!!

    Almost forgot, would love to be entered in the drawing! Thank you!!

  49. Rhonda, that's a great goal on both ends. And I'm so sorry you're sick, I hate sinus infections. I'm frowning for you.


  50. Laughing at Mary's 16 font and triple spacing!!!!!


    Hey, we do what we have to do, missy!!!! ;)

    I'm back at work on a sweet novella right now, and I know I've got revisions or edits or something coming this month, so I'll write in the AM, and revise in the afternoon, and then greet my school kids with packaged cookies! A girl has to prioritize during Speedbo!!!

  51. So many great tips here, Mary--thanks! I just need to complete revisions on the second book in my Flowers of Eden series in the next couple of days and then I can go full "Speedbo" ahead on my next wip.

    Oops, just remembered I promised Project Guy I would help him do more interior painting this month. WHY DID I DO THAT????? Hmmm, if he does all the prep work, I should be able to pop in for a few hours over a couple of days to do the cutting in around the woodwork (always my job). I can always be plotting in my head while I'm painting, right?

  52. Writing! Thanks for the tips, Mary.

  53. kaybee every year I plan to do this. Get everything all done and out of the way and HIT IT with new work.

    And then.......I don't get everything done I need and I end up using speedbo to do all the stuff I planned to do to get READY for it.

    There might be a proverb in there somewhere.

  54. Suzanne you know, I always wish I'd do that, save the old versions, and then I never do.

    I do have some old unpublished books though and when I've looked back at them it's with a heading feeling of pleasure because I HAVE gotten better!

  55. Janet, sweetie, how many times have I told you writing is incompatible with human interaction.
    All these strange references to FRIENDS.

    I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the term.

    You've got some ambitious plans for speedbo!

    good for you.
    are you really REALLY coming to Omaha for this writer's conference?
    I know you are, it's just that I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  57. Kathryn! Yay welcome aboard the USS SPEEDBO.

  58. Myra how badly does your house really need to be painted.
    (honestly, would you do it if it didn't? Probably not, so FINE!)

  59. Loved these tips, Mary.
    As soon as I woke up this morning, my first 2 thoughts were: It's March....and it's time for SPEEDBO!! (yes, it's also voting day here in GA, and I'm heading out in a few minutes to do my civic duty). :)
    My goal is 55k words (a Love Inspired-type manuscript). And as soon as I return home from voting I'm diving in!
    Must admit my heart skipped a beat when I read the part of your post that said to say good-bye to your cat - - but then I felt much better when you added that the cat might inspire you - - mine do! (Plus there's something soothing about a tuxedo kitten curling up on your feet as you write, LOL). ;)
    I'm setting out a warm Georgia peach cobbler with extra cinnamon, and some pecan praline bars if anyone needs something *sweet* as they write!
    Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  60. You're welcome Jessie. Hope you get some good out of them!

  61. Wow, Patty Jo, 50k is huge. GOOD LUCK!

  62. Thanks for the peach cobbler, too.
    I can never see peach ANYTHING without thinking about you. :)

  63. Hi Mary!! I'm nodding my head in agreement with all you've said in this post and getting my fingers warmed up to jump into SpeedBo. Getting off the internet is the big one for me to keep my focus on my story. It's hard when I'm researching or looking for pictures. I start out with the best of intentions to get what I need and then get back to writing but somewhere along the line I end up web surfing until I find myself looking at recipes or something that has absolutely NOTHING to do with the story. Hoping Speedbo keeps me focused :) And yes! Can we please have a revision month?!

  64. Oh, Mary! How right you are. THE PERFECT IS THE ENEMY OF THE PROGRESS. I have another saying for you. THE PANIC IS THE ENEMY OF THE PROGRESS. And I am on the edge of panic, since I have a deadline to write an 80,000 word book by April 1, and I have exactly 19,960 words written. That leaves roughly 60,000 words to write in the month of March. Oh, and I just got my second round of edits for the previous book, which are due March 18. Are you getting this? I have to write almost an entire book this month, do a second round of edits on another book, endure--I mean, enjoy--Spring Break (I really do not want to ignore my kids), and my mom is coming for a 2-day visit. On top of all this, the woman who absolutely hates scary government forms (me) has a daughter going off to college in the fall and has been informed by the #%&* Financial Aid people that I "have been selected" to fill out another form which asks all the same questions as the FAFSA I already filled out, that I must e-file my taxes, link it to the FAFSA, apply for student housing, etc. etc. etc. AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

    Okay, that's it. No more freaking out. God gave me the word Peace a couple of years ago and I am now going to ask God to restore the peace, sniff some essential oils, put on some Andrea Bocelli, and get to work. And pray. Help me, Jesus. I can do all things through Christ . . .

    Yay, Speedbo! BTW, I'll be hosting tomorrow, and I'll be soliciting prayers for my sanity. Thanks. Because panic does not help creativity. At all. :-)

    1. You can do this! Remember that verse you shared on the ACFW group, Psalm 68:11-12. Just think about the kings and armies as deadlines and stress. With God, you'very got this! Prayer for you and all Speedbo this month!

  65. MARY, with 7 grandchildren having left their marks (literally!) over the past 5 years we've lived in this house, painting is definitely in order.

    Getting started on those editorial revisions again this morning. Why is it some days I'm just enthralled with my own writing and other days (like today) everything looks like drivel???

  66. Thanks for the essential oils reminder, MELANIE! I need to refill my diffuser and add some Envision to help me get through my revisions.

    Hmmm, wonder if the company could concoct a "Revisions" oil blend . . .

  67. I stayed up late last night to write so no time to write again before work this morning. But I'm planning on later this evening and tonight. And then I have a vacation day tomorrow. WooHoo! I'm going to take full advantage of a whole day to write. Hopefully, I can get a lot of words to add to my goal to make up for when the day-job cuts into my writing time.

    And now that day-job is calling.
    I'm cheering you all on today. My library patrons need good books to read, so keep writing! :-)

  68. Getting words on the page is my first priority! Revisions come later.

    Turn off the internal editor and WRITE!!!

    Cheering everyone on throughout March!!! Let's SPEEDBO!

  69. My goal is to write 1k a day. Hoping if I get behind at the beginning I can catch up. Coughing till I almost pass out is not very creative. I am in bed with my laptop. I even dreamed about my characters what little I was able to sleep. I'll try to check in later with a word count for the day.

    By the way, A Glimmer of Hope arrived on my Kindle this morning;

  70. My ambitious sounding statement: I survived Tina's critique! I'm still standing. We won't talk about those red marks streaking across the floor whenever I venture away from writing, revising, and researching. And, I'm going to write that 30,000 goal I submitted for Speedbo, maybe, possibly, definitely going to exceed it! So, all you encouragers, I need you! And that chocolate that Missy Tippens is sending my way, perfect timing!! Let's do this!

  71. Myra, we needed to paint the side entry that the kids always used to use, and then the living room, so I'm using my painting time as my break between writing stints...

    And working on one thing in the morning, and a second piece in the afternoon.

    As odd as it sounds, it's working beautifully! And working on the second story clears my head for the first one the next day!

    Painting relaxes me, and once the prep is done (filling all those little dings and dangs) and smoothing dog scratches.... and sanding putty.... and washing woodwork from years of sticky fingers... Oh my stars, once I got to the painting part, it was like a rest.

    Which is my fault for letting it go so long!

  72. My goal is to rewrite, revise and edit a book I wrote a few years ago, hoping it advances in the LI historical event going on. Oh, wishing for the Speedbos of the past where all I did was write, but this year I really need the impetus of Speedbo to get me going on this. I love this story and I hate cutting but the cutting floor is going to see a big part of it - in favor of better parts, of course. Mary, SpeedRev is a great name. I'd sign up for that!

  73. Well, I'm lying on my side, trying to minimize the pain of a backache, while holding a baby in the crook of my arm to help her fall asleep, but I signed up for Speedbo and, God willing, I'll get some usable words down on paper. This is my first time doing anything like Speedbo. I have a really hard time not editing as I go along, so I think the key for me will be not to edit as much as usual since that seems to be my working method. Very excited to have found this supportive community of writers. My goal (feasible or not) is to get roughly 30,000 words in a novel I've been tinkering with. So far a lot of brainstorming, but that combined with some actual writing will hopefully get me where I want to be (eventually). Godspeed, everyone!!

    1. I am right there with you when it comes to turning off the internal editor. Praying for your back, little one, and writing goals!

  74. Love reading everyone's goals for Speedbo!

    WILANI, 1K a day is a great way to get those words written--but so sorry you've been feeling poorly. Hope you feel better soon!

    SALLY, I would be so delighted if I could get another 30K written on my wip this month! Hope you do even better! Chocolate definitely helps!

    CINDY R, yay for entering your ms. in the LI historical pitch event! You go, girl!


    We have 117 Speedbo writers!! Think about joining 1K1HR on Facebook to meet your daily word count.

  76. YEA! It's Finally Here!!! My goals for Speedbo:

    #3) Write in a Prayer Journal with an actual pen & paper for 5 mins a day. Real writing in cursive (mostly) with my hand. :) :)

    #2) Finish “Ferocious Faith: 40 Days of Prayer”. That means completely written, revised, edited, proofread & to the printers. (Sorry, I owe a couple of you Fierce Faith & Fierce Faith 2.0. I've got to do a final, final proof & put all the chapters into one pdf).

    #1) Write fiction for 1 hour a week total!!!! (That is a wimpy goal, but I totally plan to Blow that Goal Away!! At least I can come away a Superstar by meeting that goal! My life isn't very predictable right now, so tiny goal & Big Win make sense!)

  77. And can I say how EXCITED I am to finally have a chance to write this story in real words!!! It's been so fun to write it in my head that I can hardly wait to actually write it!! And my friends keep doing funny things that I'm keeping track of to put in the book!! YEA!!!!!!!
    I know writing is incredibly hard. But I just can't help being HAPPY about this!!!!

  78. Yikes. Today is the first day of the rest of my writing life!

    Today is Speedbo!

    Let's go! :)

  79. Wonderful post with goals that can apply to other areas of one's life, Mary - thank you!!

    Since I'm a writer of reviews and online comments and ramblings, only - I'll focus on accomplishing more reading and review writing on a daily basis. There are always extra available moments to be found if we look for them - guess Facebook has decided to help me find a few, since they have decided to block most of my sharing ability - for whatever reason.

    Cheering on all Speedbo participants, more writing = more reading opportunities for me - a "win-win" situation.

    Please enter my name in the drawing for a copy of "With This Ring" - thank you!!

  80. ArtistLibrarian working on your education is super and it will be so worth it when you finish. I feel your pain. My 30 year old decided to go back to school and thought she would short cut the English with an 8 week accelerated online English class. Boy oh boy was that a rude awakening. And then she looked her instructor up on RateMyProfessor . . it was a very bad draw all the way around. She's on the last paper this week — something about a Pit Bull law.

    And who ever mentioned sinus infection – my sympathies there too. Same daughter has been fighting sinus/ear infection. We tease her that she caught it from her horse who just went through 2 rounds of antibiotics for his sinus infection. (Alisha's Dr. bill was so much cheaper than the horse's vet!)

    So my Speedbo goal is to finish a rewrite of my WIP. I'm almost halfway there and I figure I need to cover about 1500 words a day. This is a first try.

    And I want to make my first 20 pages as sparkly as I can for a certain red pen – I hope to count myself with Sally Shupe!

  81. I'm ready to write!

    I set my goal at 30k. But honestly, I tend to struggle w/wayward thoughts after the first 500 words. (No, I'm not ADD.)

    The laundry needs switching.
    What was that new recipe I wanted to try?
    Look at the doodle bug crawling across my floor.

    No, seriously, I do struggle to stay focused so I plan to write 500 words on my new ms and 500 on a story I lack about 12k on.

    1k/day is very doable, but I'm going to do it Connie-style.

  82. Is there a Speedbo for readers....because there should be!!! I have MANY books lined up that need to be read and reviewed...what would be a reasonable goal for me? Definitely something to think about! :-\

    1. Love it! Needs to be a month when my husband is out of town though. He gets jealous of my all nighters. ;-)

  83. TRIXI! Start it. This is brilliant. Speedbo for readers.

  84. Sharee, HI!!!!!!!!!!!
    If we get ahead...........we can do pizza!:)

  85. Wow, Melanie. I'd comment further but face it. You don't have time to read my response.

  86. Myra I know just what you mean. Not about the painting, but about reading your own work later, after the struggle to write and revise and feeling like it's coming so hard...and then you read it and think, "Hey this is pretty good!"

  87. Wilani every writing day is a clean slate. Sure catch up if you get behind, but if not, we embrace the Christian grace of forgiveness so pick up and go on.

    I love that we've all set our own goals. this is what Speedbo is all about!!!

  89. LARA you sweet thing. hug that baby. God bless you for staying in there and writing.

  90. Well, I just counted up my books....15 total (unless I missed one or two somewhere). A reasonable goal for me would be half of that, so say 7? I know for a fact that I read 9 books each in January & February, my Pinterest board says so! Anyone else want to join me? I think lots of good food to fuel us would be in order :-)

    And off I go to finish the one book I've started (43% through)....Happy writing and reading everyone!!

  91. Lord willing, I'm gonna finish a novella or put a good dent in next book in my series. Who knows, maybe both. :) First, I need a serious dose of wisdom and direction on which to tackle. God help me.

  92. KAYBEE Two! That's a big wrinkle. Good luck. Don't tell anyone, but I enjoy pantsing. :)

    MARY You're correct. When I take time off from work, I think I'll get tons of writing done, but I actually accomplish more when I'm on my day job routine.

  93. "The only math in writing." I love that.

    I don't math well.

    I set a doable goal for myself this year - - hoping that I'll surpass it. Surpass a goal? Is that possible?

    Okay, so now my goal is to surpass my goal....

    My Bottom is In the Chair, my Hands are On the Keyboard (BICHOK), I'm turning the internet off, and I've sent my Internal Editor out of town for the month. Time for the first 1K coming up!

  94. Happy first day of Speedbo! So I am NOW resolving not to check Facebook until I met my daily Speedbo goals. This month I want to add about 20k to a new story (thus finishing the first draft) and I want to edit at least 20 pages of another story. Let's do this!

  95. Good luck on Speedbo, all you writers! I'm a reader, as you know, so I'm rooting for all of you! I get to reap the rewards of your talent!!!!

    I would love to win a copy of WITH THIS RING? I've been wanting and wanting to read it! Maybe I will get a chance now!!!


  96. And we're off ... Being an editor for a small publisher, I tend to guilt myself out of writing on my own stuff. I always feel like I should edit for my authors. This time I pushed myself to get ahead of editing goals so I have no excuses. Time to crank out the rough draft of a sequel I need to finish. My tip? There's always some other pressing thing, but find a way to schedule in the writing time you need. Happy writing!

  97. Mary, what an absolutely FABULOUS kick-off to Speedbo, darlin' -- LOVE IT!!

    And the first rule I'm gonna apply is #8: GET OFF THE INTERNET!!


  98. wait #Trixi... add one more. I can make it small. Ha ha.

    #Preslaya...you da man. such control.

    I'm writing hundreds of words a day, only it's non-fiction, so my speedbo fiction might be all sludge, but at least it's sludge that can be fixed. Thank you Tina, Mary and all of the cheerleaders. Go get 'em!

  99. BICHOK???

    There's a catchy acronym for you! Thanks, JAN!

  100. Hi Mary
    My Speedbo goal is 750 words per day. Flash fiction month for me. Hoping to garner a Women's World or Splickety worthy story somewhere in the days of this month. Mostly going to try for Something on the page. Guppy is ill, but maybe I can write on pad and paper while little man snuggles for his mommy time.

    Family has been sick for a couple of weeks so I'm behind on a lot of stuff. Still, I can do a few hundred words per day. Gotta get back into the flow for the short stuff and build my courage back to full out books.

    No ideas for different name for a revision month. Revisbo?

  101. Jana these are great goals...I love the writing in a journal, that you're including this Speedbo journey.

  102. TRIXI you should sign up for Speedbo with the reading as your goal!!!!!!!!!!!

  103. Hi Crystal! Thanks for stopping in! Let's Go All Speedbo-ers.

    Speedbo-ers. I have coined a phrase.

  104. My goal is to surpass my goal.

    I love that, Jan. That could be a saying all in it's own.

  105. Preslaya staying off Facebook. That probably ought to have been SPECIFICALLY mentioned in the Stay Off the Internet section.

  106. Valri READERS RULE!!!!
    Thank you for reading!

  107. Debra, no reason you can't count the non-fiction words. MAKE SPEEDBO WORK FOR YOU!

  108. I've been trying to stop by here all morning. I'm excited for Speebo . . . and I'm realizing how much I haven't done to prepare for a successful March. :) I guess I'll be playing catch up for a little while. :) I need to get ahead on getting my blogs uploaded ahead of time. I have a couple written. I think I'll spend the next couple days praying about what to share on my site for the rest of the month and prepare those so I can really focus on my story this month.

    I loved your list, Mary. I'm implementing a few of your items. I need to get my family onboard. Of course, they've helped me a ton during my recuperation from surgery, and so I'll tread lightly and work to do most of my Speedo-related work when they're at school/work.

    Thanks for this great post. I needed it!

  109. Mary, Thank you for ten tips to navigate Speedbo. Have been working this morning, and have edited my pages for the day, so I'm rewarding myself with Seekerville blog and posts. Am going to get back to writing in just a minute, but I want to finish this draft, print it out, and edit it one more time. I also need to write a new synopsis for book that is in the drawer for 6 weeks and outline the book I will write after kids' spring break is over.

    Thank you for some good tips. I don't have a cat, but my Basset hound is always willing to listen and my daughter's rabbit loves my keyboard.

  110. What a great shot of encouragement, Mary! Thank you!!! I'll be checking in here every day, because what would a day be without Seekerville? Empty and lonely! :-)

    I kept my goal low because I have a tendency to set my goals too high and then life interrupts (like those six children!) and I don't make my goal and I feel like a failure. That said, I could definitely do better with grabbing the little pockets of time. What I'd really like to do is finish this first draft, but that inner editor is a real nag.

  111. MARY...would that be legal?? How would I do that?

    And the word goal, I've never liked it because to me it sounds too much like work....and I NEVER want my reading to feel like work....so I vote to change it to something else......maybe reading plan for the month?? Ahh, better :-) What says you??

    **I think maybe I'm being silly now, not enough coffee or something....Ruthy bring it on :-)**



    Truer words were never writ. I thought my Speedbo book from last year was done. Then a beta reader pointed out a giant plot hole. No, no, not pot hole. Plot hole. Although it might as well be a pot hole ... a very deep one. So, one of my Speedbo goals is to fill that pot hole ... uh, plot hole.

    Now to tweak a short story to submit.

    Cheering the Speedbo-ers. And thanking all the cheer-readers ... uh, cheer-leaders :-)

    Nancy C

  114. I think rule #8 is going to be a stumbling block! I've gone off the internet several times now but end up back on to do research for a blog post. . .and then I can't help but check my mail . .and some how I end up back at Seekerville.

    Mary, thanks for a good post with 10 excellent points.

    Go Speedboers!

  115. Got off to a good start and wrote more than my goal for the first day. Haven't written for a very long time and Speedbo is my way of getting into the habit of daily writing.

    Woohoo. Let's all go for it!

  116. Hello Seekerille....I'm not in a position to do Speedbo this year. Have to say y'all make it tempting to try anyways :) Good luck to everyone who is participating!

  117. BARBARA FOX, I have a terrible time staying off the Internet, too. I justify it by claiming it's my mental break, and I always try to save checking email, Seekerville, Facebook, etc., for when I come to the end of a long scene or chapter. Then just a couple of minutes and back to work.

    No rules, just write . . . right?

  118. Planning on 20,000 words. Have edit a manual too. Can't set it aside, even if I wanted to. Government has their deadline too. Oh well. It shall get done.

  119. Planning on 20,000 words. Have edit a manual too. Can't set it aside, even if I wanted to. Government has their deadline too. Oh well. It shall get done.

  120. I know it's crazy, but I'm trying for 70K. Call me nuts!

  121. Mary, thanks for encouraging us all! I'm using Speedbo to complete the writing for my new website and I've got to tell you how great it's going today. I'm tracking my results and knocking a lot of writing and research off the To Do's. One moment to share: All of a sudden I realized my plans for media and a very creative blog approach for reaching teens are real when crafting my press release for an upcoming event. Tingles. (the good kind).

    I do appreciate the reminder to cool it on social media or at least only check at certain times. I've turned mine off and it really does help.

  122. Melanie, I will be praying for your new project! I have a heart for you with kids and Spring Break looming; a friends' funeral and helping them a bit; my son's in Beauty and the Beast and this week is Tech Week with late nights and lots of Excellent Carpool Mom (aka me). Bless all of you juggling big things this month, too!

    Love the encouragement here. It's greatly appreciated as I'm walking a new direction with things and it's scary and cool at the same time.

  123. Thank you, MARY, for such an inspiring and informative post for Speedbo kickoff day! I used many of your tips and (I hear a drum roll in my head) I DID IT! I reached my goal of 1,000 words today! And I think they all make sense! Looking forward to tomorrow.

    I'm praying for those who are sick, and those who have so many other responsibilities, you got this!!

    TINA, I went to the Speedbo tab you mentioned and checked out the incentives. Please enter me in the drawing for a 1st chapter critique. Thank you!

  124. Thank you for the helpful hints, Mary. I'm excited to be participating this year. Im committing to 2k/day. I should have a first draft by the end of the month.

  125. Thanks for the pep talk, Mary. I am committing to writing 1,000 words a day again like last year. The only difference is I still want to write short stories, which I don't seem to accomplish, either, so writing those stories will go towards my goal and they will get finished.

    I did write my 1,000 words today even while subbing. I had a lot of time to sit while students were working so I wrote in longhand on notebook paper.

    Please enter me in the drawing.

  126. Two days ago I finished my outline. Two days ago I heard of Speedbo for the first time. Since last June, God has been pushing me toward pursuing publishing. So here I am with the goal of about a chapter a day. In the three and half hour session I was able to write today, I got a a chapter and a half done. I am excited to move forward. I wish I had done some of the preplanning for my blog like sugested. Oh well, live and learn. Good luck everyone.

  127. If you have a stack of WITH THIS RING, it must mean they are print? I'd love that. I'm wIting to read and review all the stories that come out of SPEEDBO!

  128. One of the things that eats up much of my time is the facebook parties that last most of the day and evening. While it has been helpful to learn of new authors and new books, it means I don't get anything else accomplished. I prefer the parties that last for an hour or an hour and a half. I can handle that and still get my writing accomplished if I plan for it. But as a rule of thumb I will be avoiding the longer parties unless it includes an author I am on their street team and then I will try to aim just for the time they are on the schedule.

    I have not felt like reading or writing today. Perhaps yet tonight I can still get a little in. Right now I need to be still seeing as I emptied the contents of my stomach from coughing so hard right after I took the antibiotic.

    Even though I'm having a bad start, I am rooting for all of you in a silent cheer since I can't talk


  129. what a great crowd we have here today. Some NEW names in the comments and I hope that's because you are all sounding off that you've signed up for speedbo!!!!

  130. Jeanne you sounds great in your comment. You've had some healing to do, girl. I hope you're feeling better every day!
    Glad you're with us on Speedbo!


  131. Tanya you worked FIRST then came here.
    That is so SMART and STRONG and self-disciplined of you! The mark of success!

  132. Meghan good for you. You recognized a stumbling block, that feeling of failure, and took steps to handle it.


  133. Nancy C good luck with getting your book done!

  134. Barbara good luck avoiding the time sink of the internet. Good luck to me, too!

  135. I've gotten my 1K in today! Happy Dance! :D
    Thanks for the challenge y'all.
    Oh, and Preslaysa, that's a great resolution regarding FB.

  136. Definition of friend in Webster: one attached to another by affection or esteem.

    You don't recognize the term? That's us, Mare!!


  137. Ruth Ann! Speedbo goaded you into writing again! (oh, go on and let us take credit!!!) :D

  138. Pat W ... (insert the Terminator's voice) WE'LL BE BACK!

  139. Christina, wow! That is truly ambitious!

  140. Elizabeth I LOVE those moments of inspiration.

  141. Laura...ONE THOUSAND WORDS!!!! YAY


  142. Renee 2k/day very good. Report in when ever you want to talk about how it's going!

  143. A Thousand words for Sandy. Sounds great!

  144. CRYSTAL WELCOME TO SPEEDBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  145. Marianne we'll call the readers ReadBo, how's that? :D

    Wow, I've done one hour long parties and it's exhausting. All day! That's overwhelming to think about!

  147. Crystal, an old piece of wisdom I learned some time!

    The Best Writing is Re-writing!

  148. YAY Crystal Barnes (we have two Crystals! Sweet!)
    Thanks for reporting in!

  149. Janet it is on ME
    Mary "Troubled Loner" Connealy

  150. You are in Laura! For the critique that is.

  151. So fun to hear everyone's goals and strategies! I'm just trying to get perfect out of my head and go for 12,000. I feel like a wuss especially after hearing about Melissa's month! And Paula Mowery, I have it on good authority that your authors want you to take care of you too! A happy editor is a kind editor!!!!

    Good luck everyone!

  152. Mary, Thanks for your reply. Lots of hugs for the baby, definitely!! She is a gift from God. And the bonus is that I am somehow finding the time to write. I do believe I met my daily goal with over 1500 words. Thanks for the time you're putting into this!

  153. Don't know if anyone else is having the trouble I'm having. Got up this morning planning to do my hour's worth of writing first thing. As soon as my feet hit the floor, my grandson called. He had forgotten his backpack, could I run it to him at school. Of course. Then my brother called and was struggling to get something done for my Mom, who is visiting us from Ohio. Had to help him with that. Got to Crossroads, where I write and just got set up to write when my other grandson, who is home sick with the flu called to say there was no water at his house. (We don't drink the nasty tap water here.) Packed up the laptop and headed to the store for water and dropped it off at his house. Stopped at my house to check on my Mom and found her sitting in her rocker all depressed because we left her alone. Packed her in the car and took her to a movie. On the way home from the movie, a friend who I had not heard from in quite a while called for a long talk. Got off the phone and my daughter called. Got off that phone call, checked my email for the day and found several that needed my immediate attention. Hubby came home, we ate dinner. Church secretary texted me to remind me that I need to revise some class curriculum by the end of the week and I sent out the prayer requests that came in on Sunday out to the church prayer team. Finally, left the house to come back to Crossroads to get in my day's Speedbo writing. So at this point, this comment is the most writing I've done all day. Please pray that the words flow and that my schedule will clear up. THANKS! I'll check back in after my writing session.

  154. I'm having a rough start, too, Jan. Some website issues pushed back a deadline, preventing me from starting today. There's just something about starting all fresh and ready on day one, but you and I can look forward to day two. I'll pray for you.


  155. Thank you, Janalyn. I'll pray for you, too. Love your name. :)

  156. A bassett hound fan club springs up at Seekerville.

    that would be fantastic

  158. Wow what a community of writers with diverse goals and perspectives on Speedbo. I am working toward a 1000 word a day goal, having done anything and everything but write. Fear is the strongest writer's block there is and I would like to add that to the grocery list. It is this fear that makes excuses and makes priorities a moving target. Having said that, I have put the grandchild to bed and now it is time to write. I have a WIP that needs just to be written and so here goes. Please put my name in the cat bowl for the novella drawing.

  159. Lara YAY, I'm at my daughter's house right now getting to play with my granddaughter.

    And 1500 words and that's a glorious day.

  160. Jan it sounds like a conspiracy.
    A SPEEDBO conspiracy.
    I think there's a book here. The Billionaire's surprise Speedbo Triplets

    Title ideas

  161. Janalyn and Jan, don't let one bad day stop you. It all begins again tomorrow. And tomorrow. and Tomorrow

  162. GO OLIVIA!
    Did you see our motto of the year, Olivia?
    FACE YOUR FEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You've come to the right place!
    Take care of that sweet grandbaby!

  163. Alright, I'm off to a bad start today. However, there's still time. I really like the idea of 1000 words per day means a long novella. For me, it means two novellas.

  164. Goodness gracious, Jan! Some days are like that, even some months. Praying it all eases up quickly. Take a breath, relax, and write. :-)

  165. Crossroads was crowded and noisy. Couldn't concentrate, but I will not be defeated. Going to bed early tonight so I can get up before everyone else and get some writing done before I get together with my blog group. I'm about 13,000 words in to my WIP and sort of stuck on where to go next, so I spent my time at Crossroads typing out a prayer clearing my head and asking God to help me with my writing. Tomorrow is another day! Thanks for the encouragement, Mary!

  166. Awesome attitude, Jan. You'll do well with that mindset!

    Thanks for the encouragement, Jan and Mary.

    So here's my goal for the month: write 60,000 words to complete a romantic suspense novel that's on my plate.

    My best tip is to rise early, if possible, to tackle some or all of your writing goal for the day. It's not original, but it works for me.

  167. SPEEDBO!!!! WAHOOO!!!

    I am going for 15,000 words, or THE END on my WIP. I'm working on an It's a Wonderful Life meets Red Badge of Courage type of story. Gotta get to the end so I can begin editing. :D

    I haven't finished clearing out my "little writing tasks" so that will slow me down a little bit, but hopefully I can still do it. I'm a super slow writer.

    Thanks for the tips, and for cheering us on!

  168. I'm another one who didn't get the "little writing tasks" completed. So I must complete an editing job - the deadline is Monday, 3/7. My goals are: to finish revisions on current non-fiction and get it back to publishers ASAP; 1st draft of new book - 30,000 words. Lord, have mercy!

  169. Good morning, all. Is it too late to join? It is, after all, only day 2, I'm sure I can catch up. It is the first I hear of Speedbo. Having done NaNo before, I'd love to take advantage of this one.


    Renee-Ann <><

  170. I have an at least goal and a big goal. I have to do both because this is a really busy month, but I wanted to make a commitment I knew I could keep, but have a goal I could push myself for. I will do a minimum of 12K words, but I would LOVE to get to 35K words.

  171. My goal is to take the idea I has done write it! I want to write everyday. My other goal is to 'give up the editing" and know that the sky won't fall Lon my head!!!

  172. My goal is lame. 5,000 words. LOL! BUT! I'm working for two authors (as their assistant), and they both have a book releasing this and next month...and the book next month is requiring a LOT of marketing work on my end since this is his first indie-published book. And it's nonfiction, which seems to be harder to market. But I digress. :)

    I'm all in for Speedbo!! I'm in.love. with my characters, the plot is fun, and the hero is cuuuuuute. ;)
