Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Weekend Edition

Order Your Copy Today!
Leave a comment this weekend for a chance to win one of two ecopies of Runaway Bride. Winners announced in the next Weekend Edition.

We Have Winners

 Giveaway rules can be found here. Drop us a line to claim your giveaway at Please allow us the 6-8 weeks per our legal page to get your prizes sent out. 

All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books!

Jana, Valri, Patti Jo, Megs Minutes, and Jan Christiansen are winners of  Spring into Love, the 9th Seeker collection, featuring some of your favorite Seeker authors. 

Monday Mary Connealy revisited "Taglines." What is a tagline? Can you create a tantalizing tagline for your manuscript? Kathryn Barker, and Jana Vanderslice are winners of Mary's May 4th release,  Runaway Bride.

Tuesday we brought you the May Contest Update today and our May Diva, Megan Besing. J. Baugh  and Megs Minutes are the winners of Alicia Rasley's ebook, Conflict without Combat. Deanna Stephens is the winner of a surprise package of books. 

Wednesday Barbara White Daille returned to Seekerville today with her post " 7 Secrets to Writing While Stressed." Voni Harris is the winner of her choice of an autographed print copy of A Rancher’s Pride or The Cowboy’s Little Surprise, book one in The Hitching Post Hotel series

Seekerville rolled out the red carpet for yet another royal visit on Thursday. This time it was The Blurb Queen! Time to give your blurb the royal treatment. Jeannette Hill is the winner of an $25 Amazon gift card in honor of her highness! Robin Mason is the winner of a Seeker ebook or print book of choice, as available on Amazon.

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Is book promotion looming on the horizon like a gigantic chore you'd rather skip? Join guest blogger Laurie Schnebly Campbell as she helps you figure out what works for you. Laurie will be giving away the opportunity to attend her June online class titled Promotion For Your Personality to one commenter!

Tuesday: Jill Lynn is our special guest today in Seekerville. Please stop by for her post, "A Season For Everything: The Importance of Being Right Where You're Supposed to Be." She's bringing a copy of her May, Love Inspired release, Her Texas Family, for one lucky commenter.

Wednesday: 2016 Christy nominee Beth Vogt is our guest next week in the Village with a blog entitled Circumstantial Evidence: A Tale of Two Mondays. As writers, we’re all about concocting plot twists for our imaginary characters. It’s good to know that, while the circumstances of our life change from day to day, we have the promise that Jesus is the same yesterday and today and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8) – and that truth makes all the difference in our lives. Giveaway will be a copy of Almost Like Being in Love, which releases the end of June.

Thursday: The sun has started to make an occasional appearance in upstate New York, so Ruth Logan Herne is feeling less frenetic than usual and it would be to your benefit to take advantage of this rare opportunity to meet "Mellow Ruthy" as she talks about diversifying. Join her as she waxes on about stretching your wings and taking chances, and she is willing to BRIBE YOU IN THE DOOR by offering an audible version of either her acclaimed  Refuge of the Heart or More Than a Promise, two books that have left readers talking... and sharing! 

 Friday: Best of the Archives: Today we feature a post called "My Unbalanced Life," by Mary Connealy. Comments are closed each Friday so we can achieve our reading and writing goals.
Runaway Bride
Seeker Sightings

On sale. The Lassoed by Marriage Romance Collection: 9 Historical Romances Begin After Saying "I Do" with Mary Connealy and a stellar cast. $0.99

The ACFW Foundation 2016 Online Auction is in full swing. All proceeds go toward scholarships for the ACFW Conference. For the writer: Professional edits. Critiques. Mentoring Sessions. For the reader: Gifts. Books. Crafts. Check out these handcrafted wooden signs donated by Seeker Pam Hillman and Dirt Road Blues. Pam would love to see a Seeker Villager have the winning bid on these items. :) You can find them in the Crafts section of the auction. Bidding ends May 10th.

You do not have to belong to ACFW to bid.

Adventures at The Word Sowers Christian Writer's Conference.

Thank you to Stephanie Queen Ludwig, Sandy Smith and anyone else who donated pictures.

Top L - R Stephanie Queen Ludwig & Sherri Shackelford. Group photo 

Middle L-R Georgia Evans and Mary. Dawn Ford, Mary and Rose Ross Zediker. Rose and Sherri.

Bottom L-R Sandy Smith Selfie, Mikal Hermanns and Mary, Top Cheryl St. John, Bottom Mary Connealy.

Random News & Information

Thanks for the links!

Attention Writers! Your input is needed. We are compiling a list of your recommended conferences, annual workshops and retreats for fiction writers. Please send your suggestions to Thank you!

Congratulations to the 2016 ACFW Genesis Finalists! 

Congratulations to the 2016 Christy Award Finalists! 

Congratulations to the 2016 Selah Award Finalists!

Congratulations to the 2106 Unpublish Daphne Finalists (Sharee Stover & Terri Weldon)

The Worst Ways to Begin Your Novel: Advice from Literary Agents (The Write Life) **Worth Rereading!

Yank Your Reader into Your Story with a Great Opening Line (The Book Designer) **

kc dyer to Visit Scottsdale's Poisoned Pen with Diana Gabaldon (Phoenix New Times)

Facebook Branded Content Policy Change and What it Means for Bloggers (Como Blog) 

“We would have paid her the same if she weighed 500 pounds”: Publishing, Weight, and Writers Who Are “Hard To Look At” (The Toast)**

A Few Misued Words and Phrases (Steve Laube Blog)

In July 2016 HARLEQUIN AMERICAN ROMANCE will become HARLEQUIN WESTERN ROMANCE. Same great stories, new name! (Harlequin)

For those into needless pain and suffering: Why Should a Writer Become Part of Goodreads (The Author Road Map) & Why I Read My Goodreads Reviews (Writer Unboxed) & Goodreads Introduces Kindle Ebook Giveaways Program (DBW)

Branding 101 For Authors:What You Need To Know (BadRedhead Media)

Authors and Their Pseudonyms:INFOGRAPHIC (GalleyCat)

What's the Difference Between Plot and Story? (Jami Gold)

HarperCollins Picks BookShout App for Direct E-book Sales (PW)

 Tips for Effective Elevator Pitches (Susan Spann)**

**Short on Time?-These are Must Reads**

Have a great reading and writing weekend, Seekerville!


  1. More interesting links--what I look forward to each week.

    The coffee pot is set for morning.

  2. Coffee. Coffee. Coffee.

    Have a wonderful reading and writing weekend, Villagers. I'm tucking into my cave to finish a project and then start another. Love those self imposed goals!!!

  3. Oh, and congratulations to all the finalists. Wow, we have a lot of talented writers out there.

    The Genesis Semi-Finalists! WHOA! Here are the Villagers who are on that list:

    Tanara McCauley (double semi-finalist), Martha Hutchens, Megan Besing (triple semi finalist), Iola Goulton, Cynthia Herron (double finalist), Laura Conner Kestner, Jeanne Dickson, Rhonda Herren Starnes, Elizabeth Van Tassel.

  4. Thanks for another great WE, Tina!

    Since I'm feeling like a giant blimp wearing sweat pants and torn T-shirt, and sporting hair standing on end, I was especially intrigued by the article titled, "We would have paid her even if she was 500 pounds and hard to look at." How comforting. ;(

    I can clean up real good if I need to. Right now, I need 2,000 words a day. Stay out of my way.

    Congrats to the contest finalists just named for the Genesis, Christy and Selah awards. Wow. Can't wait for ACFW to see who wins. So many writer friends in that group. Great job entering your work!

    Love the cover of Mary's new book. What a great dress!

    Back to churning out words. Have a great weekend everyone!

  5. "Mellow Ruthy" huh? Intriguing ... LOL, congrats winners (and also award finalists)! I should be back around normally once I finish my last academic paper ever (for the foreseeable future at least)! But I also entered a fanart contest last week and found out a few days ago that I was one of the finalists! They're putting it to a vote on Facebook, so if anyone's curious or would like to help me out by voting, I posted all the details on my blog. :-) The winner gets a phone chat with the author, so that's really cool! ^_^

  6. Congratulations to all of the finalists for the Genesis, Selah and Christy awards. Several Seekers on the list...Woot!
    Thanks for the terrific WE, Tina!
    Glynna - THANK YOU for your time!

  7. Happy Mother's Day to all mothers in Seekerville! Hope you get a little pampering. If not, pamper yourself. No returns on a gift from ME to ME. :-)

    Great Weekend Edition, Tina! Congrats to all the contest finalists! And to our weekly winners.
    It's fun to see so many familiar names.


  8. MARY, love the cover of Runaway Bride and the premise! I just ordered it on Amazon.


  9. PAM, the handcrafted auction items are terrific! Hope they bring in some nice money for ACFW's scholarship fund.


  10. Congratulations to all the finalists and winners! Happy Derby Day! (It's a big deal in KY.) And happy Mother's Day!

    Now I'm off to the auction!

  11. Congratulations to all the winners this week!

    Happy Mother's Day to all the moms!

    Blessings to everyone,


  12. AHH!!! I won something!?!!?! Ya’ll make my life so much fun. *big grin* (btw, you know I"m happy when I type ya'll and I don't edit it out! lol).

    Ooo - Looking forward to Laurie Campbell's Monday topic. I’ve been researching book promotion. It’s a vast subject!

    Mellow Ruth’s audiobooks huh? I’m bookmarking that! When my library starts up their summer reading program, I like mixing things up with audiobooks. (They work great too when you are working out in your yard!) ;)

    A craft auction! What a COOL idea. :D

    Congrats to all the Seekerville winners and to all the Contest winners and submitters! WooHoo!

    Loved the Pseudonym infographic. I’ve noticed author’s using them to focus on certain target reader groups/organizing their branding.

    Oh - and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY/WEEKEND. (Milk it for the whoooole weekend girls.) Whether you are the happy mom to humans, felines, or canines - you rock! =) Blessings!


  13. Tina - Yay! Coffee/Tea + a quiet writing cave = pricelessly wonderful. Have a great writing weekend!!! =D

    The Artist Librarian - Congrats on being a fan art finalist! Fan art and fiction have always intrigued me. Last night I found a new Christian author (to me) who’s rewriting Pride and Prejudice..I bookmarked it lightening fast! lol. What is your major/Do you have a particular focus?

    Janet - I agree. The cover is quite nice and the thumbnail does a great job of standing out on Amazon....did I mention I've also been studying Kindle book marketing? :D

  14. SUPER CONGRATS TO OUR VILLAGER FINALISTS!!! Tanara McCauley (double semi-finalist), Martha Hutchens, Megan Besing (triple semi finalist), Iola Goulton, Cynthia Herron (double finalist), Laura Conner Kestner, Jeanne Dickson, Rhonda Herren Starnes, Elizabeth Van Tassel -- YOU GUYS ROCK!!!

    LYNDEE SAID: "Right now, I need 2,000 words a day. Stay out of my way."
    LOL ... I'm moving, I'm moving!! Sooooooo impressed, Lyndee -- you go, girl!!

    WHOO-HOO, JENN (Artist Librarian)!! Congrats on the fanart final!! Praying you go win this puppy!!

    MARY ... love the cover of Runaway Bride and to be honest, the title really intrigues me because of the movie. Anxious to see what the story is. :)

    RUTHY ... saw your new cover yesterday, and I LOVE IT!! You get the nom for the author who has the MOST books out in one year with the absolutely BEST covers -- WOW!!

    TINA ... another stellar WE, my friend. Happy writing weekend, girlfriend!!


  15. Helen, coffee is much appreciated this morning.
    I hope you made the big hundred-cupper.

  16. CONGRATULATIONS to the contesters in our midsts and there are a LOT, yay!
    This must be the contest season because it seemed like a new announcement came everyday!

  17. Lyndee, I went and read that article.
    It was to me, more than anything else, a reminder of how much marketing an author is expected to do.
    Like we really need to be photogenic.
    But isn't writing a great book enough?
    And btw why do almost all the people who win The Voice and American Idol look beautiful? Is that a coincidence? Shouldn't your singing voice be the main factor?

  18. Artist Librarian congratulations on the contest final in ART. How cool is that!
    And congratulations on getting the paper done, too. It sounds like you're really busy, but doing great things!

  19. Jill don't forget the Daphne! Sharee Stover is a good friend and almost a neighbor. (we only like ONE HOUR apart. That's pretty good in rural Nebraska)
    Sharee! If you stop in today I AM SO THRILLED FOR YOU!!!!!

  20. Janet isn't that cover great? :)
    And I stared at those pictures Pam was selling for a while yesterday, I am definitely going to be watching the auction numbers on those!

  21. Good morning, Seekerville! Woke up to snow on the roof tops again. Only a few more weeks of this, hopefully. Usually it's safe to plant flowers after Memorial Day weekend, so that will be my reward for completing this latest WIP!

    Another great W.E. edition, TINA. Happy cave writing today!

    Congrats to all the contest finalists and semi-finalists! LOVE seeing those Villager names on the lists! You make us proud!

  22. Today IS Derby Day isn't it, Jackie?
    I also have three nieces graduation from College, three different colleges, and a high school Graduation party to go to, today.

  23. MELLOW Ruthy? I'm expected to fall for THAT? Yeah, right. :)

  24. Hi Edwina!
    It's a beautiful day for a Mother's Day Weekend
    (Yes, I said weekend, I think we should make it a Monday Holiday, too, c'mon!)

  25. MEG! Hi! I got your book in the mail from the FACEBOOK PARTY FOR CFRR!
    Coming in August in Nashville!!!

  26. JACKIE -- Thanks for the Derby reminder! I'd totally forgotten. I'd better check the Arizona post time.

  27. Good morning Julie!!!
    Well, when I say Runaway Bride, I"m talking serious running away.
    Not just leaving the dude at the altar but running FOR HER LIFE!
    Good thing a handsome Texas Ranger is there to help....... :)

  28. Stopping in for some of that much needed coffee. I will deny Anything I say before I have my first cup of coffee!

  29. Great WE, TINA! And congrats to MARY on yet another new release! Honestly, you super-prolific Seekers just blow my mind!

    Congrats to all our Seekervillager Genesis semi-finalists, too! You rock!

    We've had a chilly, rainy week in my neck of the woods, but I'm beyond thrilled to see more springlike weather returning just in time for Mother's Day Weekend. We'll be back in the 80s by tomorrow--YAY!!!!!!

    And it's KENTUCKY DERBY DAY!!! I don't care much about the odds. I just like watching those gorgeous horses. And the ladies' hats are cleverly entertaining, too!

  30. Tina, another wonderful WE edition! Thank you SO much for all the great links! You and others put so much time/work/love into this community and it has made all the difference. Blogging and...oh yeah...WRITING aren't for the fainthearted. But...ohh, the rewards! THANK YOU, also, for the encouragement. We feel the love! :)

    Congratulations to all contest finalists! I'm humbled and honored to be among so many friends and fellow writers.

    Will have to check out all the new releases by writing friends and add to my to TBR pile. (Now about a foot high!)

    It's a roller coaster of emotions this weekend--grad prep over our way! Our youngest baby bird is preparing to fly away to college. Oh, my gravy. *sniffles* How did this happen so quickly? Any tips for this soon-to-be-semi-empty-nester mom? *sigh* Today, we're immersing ourselves in the next Captain America movie (DD's movie choice), and later, crab legs (soaked in butter). I know. Tough. :)

    Oh, and please, remember to play for my piggies. (Burned toes.) I met with a little accident last week and blogged about it (Pea Accidents Happen). Hoping I can jam my tootsies into that new pair of sandles, but... :/

    Sorry for the bunny trail. That's what sleep deprivation does. Time for coffee! Helen, fill 'er up! Great weekend to all and Happy Mother's Day!

  31. *Pray* Should be *pray* for my piggies. They hurt! Please. And thank you. :)

  32. So sorry about your tootsies, CYNTHIA! Oh my, yes, graduation time is bittersweet, but I know you are so very, very proud!

  33. Thanks for another great WE TINA. I hope hearing those words never gets old. Congratulations to all the winners of any and all contests!

  34. Hey Mary!! Yay! :) Thank you! I love checking my mail now.

    I would like to go to the CFRR. But I decided not to register until it was closer. I have found over the past 2 years, I can’t plan things too far in advance. :)

  35. Oh - and have fun with all the graduations and parties! ;)

  36. I missed that it was Derby Day! Thank you so much for mentioning it! I like the horses *sigh* and the hats. Not many places to go now days where you can dress up!

    Runaway Bride sounds great! I love those kinds of westerns. <3

    It reminds me a little of Gilbert Morris’ book Joelle's Secret…which was not about a runaway bride…but a runaway gal who finds a romantic adventure. I liked most of JS but I didn't like the beginning :'(

  37. Yay another weekend edition. Congrats to all the winners.

    Super congrats to all the contest finalists. Whoo hoooo!!! Always a thrill to see those.

    Happy writing and reading everyone. I'm off to work on my wip right NOW!

  38. Congrats to all the winners.
    Would so love to win Runaway Bride by Mary Connealy. I love her books. Keep up the wonderful writing.

  39. Congratulations to all the contest finalists. Very exciting.

    Please enter me in the drawing for Runaway Bride.

    Happy Weekend and Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers.

  40. GLYNNA, the scene in your book with Grady talking to Sunshine's little girl about fear was just heartwarming and wonderful.


  41. JACKIE, I love watching the Kentucky Derby! The horses are beautiful and have such heart! I'm not sure what time the race is run. Usually around six, I think. Must check.


  42. Thank You! Thank You! I won a book! Yea! And I just finished "Lassoed by Marriage" & "Boden Birthright". They were Fabulous!

  43. Great WE, Miss T! (as always!) Thank you SO much for all the links - - must read them!
    CONGRATS to all the winners, and I am THRILLED to win the Spring Into Love novellas!! YAY!! Thank you soooo much!! :)
    To all the moms, grandmoms, aunts, and ANY LADY who is important in the life of a child - - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! :)
    I'm setting out a just-baked Georgia peach cobbler (extra cinnamon sugar) with ice cream/whipped cream if you'd like. Enjoy!! :)
    Hugs from sunny Georgia, Patti Jo

  44. Congrats to all the winners!

    What a great lineup of contest finalists! Woot!

    Mary, Runaway Bride grabbed me with that wonderful cover!!! Congrats!

  45. Waving to Jackie on Derby Day!!!

    I lived at Fort Knox, KY, for years and went to the Derby as often as I could! So fun!

    This year, I'm cheering for Destin, horse #9, owned by the daughter and son-in-law of my dearest friend. We're joining her to watch the race on the big screen in GA. Hope to post pics on FB! Go DESTIN!

  46. I love that Harlequin is turning American Romance into Western Romance because the love of westerns is totally reviving.... and as a cowboy and western lover, I'm psyched!!!!

    Tina, great WE as always. Thank you so much for the gift of your time to put this together!

    And Happy Mother's Day to all the moms and close-to-moms out there. What a special time to remember the women who make a difference in a child's life.... Go you!!!

  47. Congrats to all the finalists! That is always so exciting, and I am happy dancing for you!!!! The neighbors are calling the authorities, I'm scaring them!


    And congrats to this week's winner, I have a pile of things to mail out and I've got that on this week's list of things to do. The trip to the village may or may not involve ice cream at Abbott's Frozen Custard!!!!

  48. Jen, AKA: Artist Librarian, Tina edited it a bit, but yes... a kind and gentler Ruthy is coming to visit on THURSDAY!!!! :)

    Or I could be a big, fat liar and it's the same old snark.... but that would be fine, too, a Ruthy by any other name is still... well... a tough, old bird!!!! Laughing!

  49. Meg, the milk it for the weekend???? I just treated myself to a dish of Abbott's Frozen Custard with peanuts.... and sat on the porch listening to the Yankee's game to eat it!


    It was an almost "mellow" moment.

    Not a full minute, I shouldn't have said that.

    But a moment, Megs!!!!

  50. I can't believe I'm disagreeing with Mary, but I know there were some very unbeautiful "Voice" winners.

    I won't name names, they know who they are... :)

    What I like about The Voice (which I haven't watched in weeks!!!! No time!) is the blind auditions, when no one knows what the singer looks like. But boy they had some amazing talent this season....

    Now I need to check and see who's left, right after major edits and yard work.

    (another reason to love winter!)

  51. Julie, thank you! I love that cover and it just jumps off the shelf and into shopping baskets, don't you think?????

    And male-friendly, that's what I love about my cowboy series. MEN LIKE IT.

    Men have read "Back in the Saddle" and loved the book.

    That just makes my day! Thank you for the shout out!

  52. The sun's the moment. It's playing hide & seek with periodic snow squalls.

    JANET -- So glad you liked Grady's scene with Tessa! :)

  53. Wishing all the ladies a very special day tomorrow!

    Happy Mother's Day to all the moms and to everyone with a mother's heart!

  54. Congrats all around!! And to those who didn't win or final...keep on keepin' on!! Prayers for encouragement!!

    Just LOVE all those links. We have a rainy day here...and once I finish my next chapter I may take a break and read through them. Will certainly be passing them along!!

    Wishing you all a LOVE filled weekend!

  55. Congratulations to all the winners and all the finalists in the contests!

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Happy Mother's Day

  56. Wow -- I'm just getting around to finishing up reading now. Congrats to all the finalists and semi-finalists. So much fun to find names I recognize on the lists. Woot!

  57. Congrats to this week's winners, to the contest finalists, to everyone who entered a contest, and a special wave to Susan Anne Mason -- Christy finalist for Irish Meadows (First Novel). How cool!

    Lots of interesting links. More western novels to come is super news. Thanks to everyone (and Tina for compiling) for helping keep me up-to-date on what's happening in the publishing realm.

    Now to crawl back into the writing cave.

    Happy Mother's Day tomorrow!

    Nancy C

  58. Congratulations to this week's winners and contest finalists.

    Enjoy your Mother's Day Weekend!

  59. Goodness. Praying for your toes, Cynthia!!

  60. Hey gang. What a day. Our church's spring fundraiser in the morning.
    Mother's Day lunch with one daughter at noon.
    Graduation party in the late afternoon.
    And now I'm home!!!
    At last.

  61. YAY HQ!

    I have a couple of rom/sus that qualify as contemporary westerns.

  62. Stopping in again to say YIPPEE!! Glynna Kaye's May release CLAIMING THE SINGLE MOM'S HEART arrived in my mail today - - Soooo excited!! Thank you, sweet Glynna!!

    Mary Connealy - - whew!! You've had a super busy day! Put your feet up, relax, and eat some peach cobbler (I just set out another one---nice and warm!)

    Hugs, Patti Jo

  63. Mary!!!! How fun would that be????? Writing westerns for HQ?????

  64. I'm diving in on edits, church, edits, then family.

    No time to bake, but might sneak some cookies in someplace!

    Happy Mother's Day, beloved ladies!

  65. Happy Mother's Day! And prayers for those for whom the day holds an element of sadness, for whatever reason.

    SNOW on the roof tops again this morning! :)

  66. Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms out there. My moms are all with the Lord now so I asked HIm to give them all a hug. smile

    Have a blessed day.

  67. Glynna We drove to Flagstaff yesterday to show some friends around. We saw the snow. It was gorgeous. The clouds cleared from the mountain at one point so they got to see how beautiful it is. I haven't seen that much snow on Mt Humphreys in ages. It was wonderful to see.

    But can you believe this weather IN MAY???? How wierd, however, I am loving it. I don't care for the hundred degrees we usually have about now. smile

    Have a wonderful day with your family.

  68. Patti Jo I'm in for some peach cobbler. Thanks. It will be yummy with my coffee this morning. smile

  69. Sandy Smith So glad to see you had a great time at the conference. Fun pictures. Thanks for sharing them.

  70. Good morning, SANDRA! Yeah, the Peaks are gorgeous even this late in the season with the fresh snowfall. I'm always so amazed that when they're snow-topped like that they can clearly be seen from an hour or more away! From the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, you can even see them--and that's probably well over 100 miles as the crow flies!

    Hope you enjoy the book, PATTI JO!

    Once again, lots of interesting links, TINA!

  71. Thank you for another great WE, TINA! Congratulations to all the winners, and contest semi-finalists and finalists! It's been such an exciting week!

    MARY, congratulations on your new book! I'm reading "Swept Away" right now, and really loving it!

    Hope everyone's had a great Mother's Day!

    Off to read the links!

  72. Laura thanks. I really love Swept Away. It's in like my top favorite books.
    Well, top 25 favorites (of my own I mean)


  73. Hope everyone had a lovely Mother's Day. :) Our power finally came back on from the precious day's storm so that made it lovely for me.

    Thanks for all the congrats and congrats to all the finalists :)

  74. Congratulations to all the winners.
    Becky B
