Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Weekend Edition

Don't forget to download your free copy of The Boden Birthright by Mary Connealy. Just in case you want to do a little online shopping when you do, Mary is giving away a $15 Amazon Gift card to one commenter this weekend. Winner announced in the next Weekend Edition.

We Have Winners

 Giveaway rules can be found here. Drop us a line to claim your giveaway at Please allow us the 6-8 weeks per our legal page to get your prizes sent out. 

All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books!

From the last Weekend Edition: Chillin' (Nancy C) and Cheryl Baranski are winners of ecopies of Runaway Bride.   

Is book promotion looming on the horizon like a gigantic chore you'd rather skip? Monday guest blogger Laurie Schnebly Campbell helped us figure out what works for you. Meghan Gorecki is the winner of an opportunity to participate in Laurie's June online class titled Promotion For Your Personality.

Jill Lynn was our special Seekerville guest on Tuesday. Please stop by for her post, "A Season For Everything: The Importance of Being Right Where You're Supposed to Be." Suzanne Baginskie is the winner of her May, Love Inspired release, Her Texas Family.

 2016 Christy nominee Beth Vogt was our guest Wednesday with a post  entitled "Circumstantial Evidence: A Tale of Two Mondays." It’s good to know that, while the circumstances of our life change from day to day, we have the promise that Jesus is the same yesterday and today and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8) – and that truth makes all the difference in our lives. Deanne Patterson is the winner of Almost Like Being in Love, which releases the end of June.

Thursday Ruth Logan Herne waxed on about stretching your wings and taking chances. Vince and Wilani are the winners of an Audible version of either her acclaimed Refuge of the Heart  or More Than a Promise, two books that have left readers talking... and sharing! 
The Boden Birthright
Next Week in Seekerville

Monday:  Seekerville is delighted to welcome Love Inspired Suspense author Liz Johnson and her aka, Revell author Liz Johnson with her post, "One Author. Two Genres."  Stop by to chat. One commenter will receive a copy of Red Door Inn.

Tuesday: Dr. Richard L. Mabry is our very special guest today with his post, "On the Shoulders of Giants." Does Christian fiction make a difference? Let's chat about writing giants. One commenter will win a copy of Medical Judgement which releases today!!

Wednesday: Publishers Weekly best-selling author,  Debby Giusti is your hostess today. The ACFW Conference is only a few months away, and Donald Maass is presenting the Early Bird Workshop. Debby will share some of what she's learned from Maass and how she uses his techniques in her writing and in the writing group she hosts. Even if you're not going to ACFW, stop by to learn more about Maass and his workbook on "Writing the Breakout Novel." Two giveaways. Leave a comment and you might win!

Thursday: Today join Love Inspired Historical author Sherri Shackelford for "The Ten Commandments of Adding Humor to Your Writing": In fiction writing, the author is tasked with invoking emotion. Joy is an emotion. Laughter brings your characters together and gives them a common bond. For non-fiction writers, studies have shown that humor enhances how well people enjoy what they’re reading and help them recall what they’ve read. Laugh a little and you might win one of three giveaways of her May release, Special Delivery Baby!

Friday: Best of the Archives: Today we feature a post called, "Remember Everything You Know," by Mary Connealy. Comments are closed each Friday so we can achieve our reading and writing goals
Download your free copy here.
Seeker Sightings

Safe in the Fireman's Arms

More good news! Tina Radcliffe has sold her 15th short romance to Woman's World. Check newsstands the last week of June for A Classic Romance (tentative title.)

Look what's coming!

The 12 Brides of Summer Collection with Mary Connealy & Pam Hillman. Preorder here.

 No Way Up, by Mary Connealy coming soon. Preorder here.

 Her Unexpected Family by Ruth Logan Herne, coming July 19. Preorder here.


 The California Gold Rush Romance Collection with Pam Hillman, coming in August. Preorder here.

 Castles in the Clouds by Myra Johnson, coming in August. Preorder here.

Plain Truth by Debby Giusti, coming September 1. Preorder here.

Heart & Soul, coming MONDAY, MAY 16 for preorder, is a great novel bundle of five "deeply spiritual and utterly romantic" best-selling novels from five award-winning authors for only $3.99. This is a limited-time collection, on sale from May 23 - July 9 only, so do check it out!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The 12 Brides of Summer Collection by Mary Connealy

The 12 Brides of Summer Collection

by Mary Connealy, Pam Hillman and others

Giveaway ends June 01, 2016.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway
The Boden Birthright

 Random News & Information

Thank you to everyone who sent links!

 Book Industry Guild of New York Discusses Faith-Based Publishing (PW)**

 Royalty Clauses in Publishing Deals: How (& How Much) Authors Get Paid (Writers in the Storm)**

Don't Summarize (Michael Hauge-Story Mastery)**

Plot Obstacles: Too Easy, Too Difficult, or Just Right? (Jami Gold)**

Business Musings: Long-Term Thinking: The Option Clause (Contracts/Dealbreakers) (Kristine Kathryn Rusch)**

Write The Heart Of Your Story. Tips For Writing Emotion With CJ Lyons (The Creative Penn)**

Should I Still Have a Website? (The Steve Laube Agency) 

With Print Book Sales Stabilized, Return Rate Lowers (PW)

 Nielsen: Big Five US eBook Sales Down in 2015 (The Digital Reader)**

Lean Into Your Fears (Books & Such Literary) ***

Pixie Dust (Writer Unboxed) **

50 Ways to Effectively Market Your Book Without Going Crazy  (Mixtus Media) 

Useful Links for Independent Authors (A Newbie's Journey into the Publishing (and now Film) World) **

Stepping Off the Hamster Wheel (Romance University)

Top 10 Non-Publishing Blogs Every Publisher Should Read (Bookbub Partners Blog)**

 An Explanation of Different Publishing Rights-Publishing as a Second Language (The Write Conversation)

  **Short on time? Make time for these or bookmark for later!**

That's it. Have an excellent reading and writing weekend! 


  1. What an exciting WE EDITION. Who'd have thought all those years ago, when we were all hunkered down on Unpublished Island in those huts, that we'd see all these books release. Time to go put a bunch on preorder.

    Happy Weekend Seekerville.

    Buns in chair. Hands on Keyboard.

    (I hear Western NY may get snow on Saturday!!! Oh, my goodness. Will winter ever end?)

  2. Congratulations Tina!
    How exciting to be a finalist in the Greater Detroit Bookseller's Best Award!
    I'm thrilled for you!

    AND #15 Woman's World sale! This girl is on fire!
    So very happy things are going so well for you!

  3. Thanks to a little prayer from my friends! (Wink!)

  4. Oh yeah, and now who's smiling about multiple preorders, hmm?! See how easily it can happen with all these good books coming out? :) I know, my 15 in 5 weeks was excessive, but you know I don't feel bad about it a bit, LOL!

  5. LOLOL. A gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do.

  6. So true!

    I don't know why I'm still up at 12:30, but I'm wide awake! It's not looking to good for getting much done tomorrow, eek! Glad it's Saturday!

    And please no more talk of snow, it just doesn't fit with my beach vacation I just planned :)

  7. Great WE edition Tina, as always! Congratulations on being a finalist in the Greater Detroit Bookseller's Best Award!

    I think it is awesome that you all have so many books published now and you all are still going strong. The Lord is so good!

    May everyone in Seekerville have a wonderful and blessed weekend!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  8. Tina!!!! Fifteen stories to Woman's World!!!!!! That's a blessing right there, for sure!

    And thank you for this delightful WE. It is smack-dab marvelous, and I even popped over to a couple of quick links.... and now back to edits.

    I'm leaving lemon bars, though. Although if it does snow this weekend (we've got low thirties either tonight or tomorrow night, the days are blending....) we'll plow it into the soil "poor man's fertilizer" like you read about in "Little House on the Prairie"!

    We have leaves. Gorgeous, green leaves, and everything is beginning to look lush, so no matter what Mother Nature does, we're tough. She can dish it out and we'll just keep on, keepin' on.

    My grandkids are loving the Phoenix zoo pics I had printed up for them. They think I was in a Wild Kratt's Adventure!

    And Zach and Erin sent me a gorgeous framed pic of us at the Grand Canyon for Mother's Day... So amazing to see in person, and it will be fun to have it on the wall!

    Coffee is here!

  9. Tracey, I'm coming down there to hug you.

  10. What? Another Woman's World story? That's amazing, Tina...congratulations! Congratulations also on being a finalist in the Greater Detroit Bookseller's Best Award. Good things happen to good people. :)
    Thanks for another great WE!

  11. Tina, congratulations on another short story for WW!

    So many great books to preorder by Seekers! Congrats ladies!

    Tracey, I'm ready for the beach, too! I'm counting the days, but for now I've got to get ready for work. (I also like to plan what books I'll take on vacation.)

  12. TINA, as our granddaughter would say, "You are smoking!!" Thrilled you've had another sale to Women's World and better yet, this is your fifteenth sale! Every time I buy the magazine because you have a story in it, I enjoy the issue. It's so upbeat, colorful and chock full of tips. Mega congratulations on The Bookseller's Best final!!! That's a great contest!

    Great Weekend! Fun to see all the Seeker books releasing. Congrats to all of our winners!


  13. Wow! What an exciting weekend edition with all the book releases, sales and contest final!!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS Seekerville Ladies!!!!!

    And Kudos to you Tina for making your 15th sale and being a finalist in the Booksellers Best contest!

  14. The Boden Birthright is a great book. I look forward to reading more.

  15. Congrats, Tina, on #15....sure hope I catch that issue! And congrats on the finalist award. Wow, you are so right....sooo many books to preorder. Therefore, I want to be entered for Mary's giveaway gift THANKS.
    Happy weekend to all; I am thankful to be recuperating well from surgery and thankful for all prayers.

  16. Congrats TINA on making the very prestigious GDRWA Booksellers; Best finals! And congrats on another Woman's World sale!! I'm happy dancing north of you!! I've put that release week on my calendar to make sure I don't miss it! :)

    FINALLY starting to see some tiny leaves on the trees here in mountain country. Thankfully, with all the ponderosa pines it never looks "bare" in the winter, but it's so nice now to see some REAL GREEN. I've actually had the windows open during the day the past few days--70's (BIG difference from when you visited a couple of weeks ago, RUTHY!). Still 30's at night. But by June we should be over the possible frost/freeze hurdle and I can plant flowers!

  17. Congratulations, TINA! Another Woman's World story, AND a finalist in the Greater Detroit Bookseller's Best Award! You are amazing!

    Congrats to all the winners this week, and also to the authors of all those wonderful NEW BOOKS! Can't wait to read each one!

    TINA, I got my prize in the mail yesterday and I LOVE IT!!! It's too cool to drink coffee from (I've already warned my husband to step away from the cup :-) so I've put it on the shelf above my desk where I can see it while I'm writing. Very empowering :-) Thank you so much! And thanks for another great WE!

  18. Congrats winners. I'd like to be entered for gift card.

  19. Tina congratulations on both the sale and the finaling in the Detroit Booksellers award.

    The links all look great this week and I will check them out.

    Please enter me for the gift card. I am loving Boden Birthright. I can't wait to read the first book in the series when it comes out.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  20. TINA!!!

    Congrats x 2!!!

    Woot! A Greater Detroit Booksellers Best Final is fantastic! Loved Safe in the Fireman's Arms! Great warm and fun! Glad it's getting extra recognition!

    And another sale to Woman's World!!! Fantastic. You rock! Always!

    Congrats to all the Seekerville winners. Looking forward to the week ahead.

  21. Another great WE. Thanks Tina Congrats on another sale to Women's World. woohooo Go girl. And I love the premise of your new LI coming out.

    I can't believe May is half over. Where does the time fly? I must be having fun. LOL

    Congrats to all the winners this week. Seekerville is so much fun. We love giving away goodies.

  22. Tracey Did you say "beach vacation"? Oh my, how lovely that sounds. Have fun and take a nap today. smile

  23. Oh Yummy lemon bars from Ruthy Thanks, they will hit the spot. smile

    Your photo of Grand Canyon sounds lovely. I know you had to be in awe.

  24. Hey Tina, I forgot to congratulate you for the Greater Detroit Booksellers Best Final.

    Way to Go!!!!

  25. Wow, TINA!!!!!! Congrats on the GDBB final (loved that book!) AND on yet another story in WW!!!! You are amazing!!!

    And another packed WE, too! Have I said this already? YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!

    LOL--GLYNNA is excited about having weather warm enough to open the windows. I'm bemoaning another cool front this weekend. The last two weeks I've been able to take my laptop out to the screen porch and prop my feet up on the lounge to write. Just heavenly! But we won't get above 70 for the next few days, and to me, that's FREEZING!!!!

  26. Glynna I know you are enjoying the warmer weather. I bet the snow is melting fast. We are coming up for a quick trip today to take care of some business. I might pop by for a hug. Just a hug because I know you are writing. And hubby is driving so I can write too. yay.

  27. Look at all those books releasing!
    Ladies can you remember when NONE of us were published?
    It just doesn't seem that long ago!
    Although my first book sold in 2005...that was Golden Days.
    And my first book to release...Petticoat Ranch...was in 2007.
    Yes the first one sold came out AFTER the second one sold. By about eight months. Weird.

    Anyway, I guess I have been at this a while now. Coming up on Ten Years.
    Still I never get over the thrill.
    And we all started together and here we are, still together.
    What a blessing!

  28. Sandra I was reading to my grandkids yesterday and guess which book they brought me? Hector Wants to Play...A Sandra Wardman book about a gila monster!
    She said it's one they love!

  29. Tina we had FROST overnight here!

  30. Congrats winner. Looking forward to reading The boden Birthright.

  31. I was just emailed the entire list, so congrats to all the finalists!!

    Below are the finalists in the 2016 Booksellers' Best Awards. Winners will be announced in San Diego at the RWA National Conference and posted on our website at ;

    Thank you to all who entered this year. The 2017 BBA will open to entries beginning in October.

    Best First Book
    Treasured Claim by Jami Gold
    Blood Surfer by Debra Jess
    At His Command-Historical Romance Version by Ruth Kaufman
    Falling for Texas by Jill Lynn
    You Really Got Me by Erika Kelly

    Erotic Romance
    Dragon's Melody by Ophelia Bell
    Triple Dare by Regina Kyle
    The Other P-Word by MK Schiller*
    The Gilded Cage by Lauren Smith
    The Gilded Chain by Lauren Smith

    Paranormal Romance
    Raging Sea: A Novel of the Stone Circles by Terri Brisbin
    Mortal Musings by Aria Glazki
    Blood Surfer by Debra Jess
    Sentinel Lost by AE Jones
    Treasured Claim by Jami Gold

    Young Adult Romance
    When I Find Her by Kate Bridges
    The Golden Braid by Melanie Dickerson
    I LOVE HIM, I LOVE HIM NOT by Ella Martin
    Confessions of a Queen B* by Crista McHugh
    Letting Go by Jessica Ruddick

    Historical Romance
    Stolen by the Highlander by Terri Brisbin
    Montana Snowfall by Caroline Fyffe
    A Pirate's Command by Meg Hennessy
    If the Viscount Falls by Sabrina Jeffries
    The Art of Sinning by Sabrina Jeffries
    At His Command-Historical Romance Version by Ruth Kaufman

    Short Contemporary Romance
    Arresting Developments by Lena Diaz
    The Engagement Game by Jenny Holiday
    Agent Bride by Beverly Long
    Finding Christmas by Jeannie Moon
    Texas Rebels: Falcon by Linda Warren

    Inspirational Romance
    To Win Her Favor by Tamera Alexander
    The Memory House by Linda Goodnight
    Double Cross by DiAnn Mills
    Dance of Grace by Stacy Monson
    Safe in the Fireman's Arms by Tina Radcliffe

    Novella Romance
    To Mend a Dream by Tamera Alexander
    Victoria, Bride of Kansas by E.E. Burke
    Kissing Mr. Wrong by Kerri Carpenter
    One Night with the Cowboy by Eve Gaddy
    The Heiress and the Hothead by Sabrina Jeffries

    Romantic Suspense
    Cold Fear by Toni Anderson
    Cold in the Shadows by Toni Anderson
    LOCKED, LOADED and LYING by Sarah Andre
    Stacking the Deck by Anne Marie Becker
    Untrue Colors by Veronica Forand

    Long Contemporary Romance
    It Had to Be Love by Tamra Baumann
    Love Somebody Like You by Susan Fox
    You Really Got Me by Erika Kelly
    His First and Last by Teri Osburn
    A Perfect Catch by Anna Sugden

    Mainstream with Romantic Elements
    Maggie's Way (Montana Bound Series: Book 1) by Linda Bradley*
    Tiffany Girl by Deeanne Gist
    Vanished by Elizabeth Heiter*
    The Most Famous Illegal Goose Creek Parade by Virginia Smith
    Ransom Canyon by Jodi Thomas

    *GDRWA Member

  32. Jackie Smith, how are you feeling these days? Up running marathons yet?

    Thanks, Villagers for the kind words. A Diva never dies. She just enters another contest.

    I have an empty house today so back to the cave I go!!!

  33. Another great WE, Tina! Thank you! And thanks to all who sent the fantastic links. Lots to read!!

    I hope you all have a great weekend!


  35. hahaha on the Diva quote, Tina!! :) Funny that you said that. Not an hour ago, I pinned your finalist meme on Pinterest to the Contest Diva board. :)

  36. Okay, where did I miss seeing a new WW sale?? Congrats on that too!!

  37. TINA!!! YAY! You're in with a great crowd if finalists!!! Well deserved.

  38. TINA, CONGRATULATIONS on the BBA Final! Congrats to this week's winners.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  39. Woohoo -- what a packed WE. I had to read it in snippets. Congrats Tina!!!! Awesome news all round. And look at the lineup of Seeker books heading our way. Makes me very hap!

  40. Sales. Finals. Way to go, Tina!!!

    I've brought fresh coffee.

    Now back to read some more of those links.

  41. Congratulations to the winners. I am excited about Mary's new novella1. I just snagged it.

    Have a good weekend.

  42. Boy, Tina, this is an EXTRA jam-packed weekend edition! I'm TRYING to make headway on my WIP with a deadline of only a few weeks away, but you are NOT making this easy! :)

    Thanks for posting the BBA finalist list -- Anne Marie Becker is a friend of mine and she finaled in the Romantic Suspense category, so I just shot off a congratulatory email to her!

    And I see Seekerville guest bloggers Jill Lynn and Ruth Kaufman finaled in the Best first book category -- as did Jami Gold whom Sandra and I enjoyed breakfast a few years ago at Desert Dreams Writers Conference. I'll have to come back and go through the rest of the list for more familiar names!

  43. Tina just helped me work through a blogger/Google + problem that had locked me out of this blog and others that I'm on.

    God bless, Tina! She held my hand and walked me through a number of steps that eventually got me back in! WHEW! Can't tell you how troubling it is to be locked out of Seekerville.

    To celebrate, I ran to Fresh Market and came home with an assortment of cup cakes and petit fours for everyone! Tina gets the Double Chocolate Fudge with chocolate icing! But there are plenty of others on the buffet table. Enjoy!

    Thank you, Tina!

  44. Woo hoo! I just had company - SEEKER SANDRA popped by! And we hope to get together for a REAL visit next week!!!

    And YAY TINA for helping DEBBY find her way through the Google+ woods and back to being able to post in Seekerville! :) What a yummy way to celebrate, Debby! Thanks for sharing!

  45. I'll do anything for a cupcake.

  46. So many great new books coming up! I can tell this is going to be a summer of reading- good thing we're taking a few road trips... :)

    Please include me in Mary's giveaway, congrats on your new book!

  47. Looking forward to another Woman's World story from you Tina! I always enjoy them.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

    Please enter me for the Amazon card!

  48. Congrats to all the winners from this week!

    A special congratulations to Tina for being a finalist and for selling another short story! You Rock!

  49. Another great WE, as usual! Looking forward to a great week coming up! I'm in the middle of moving so I looking forward to each day when I can take a break with Seekerville and relax with all of you! All of you rock!

  50. So many books, so little money! And I just found out that the gift certificates I have for books at are country specific....oh well, I'll have these to read next winter! Whoop Whoot!!!!
    Great WE again, TINA!!!!YOU ROCK!!!!

  51. Jake MacLaughlin is a finalist in the GDBBA contest! How exciting! Oh ... wait ... I mean 'Safe in the Fireman's Arms' is a finalist. Which sort-of kind-of means TINA is a finalist since it's her book. Right? :-)

    Thanks MARY for the copy of 'Runaway Bride.' More about the Kincaids and Trouble in Texas folks. Yippy!

    Congrats to all the winners -- and to the Seekers on all those upcoming releases.

    So many good links this weekend. What an amazing resource 'Useful Links for Independent Authors' is.

    And #15 for TINA!!!!! They really should just give you your own page. A Tina story every week :-)

    Wishes for a lovely weekend to one and all!

    Nancy C

  52. this is the first day all week I haven't have to go somewhere and I celebrated by.... going somewhere.
    It got BORING at home.

    I'll have to ease back into being a homebody.

  53. LOL, Nancy. I loooove Jake.

  54. At least you're honest, Mary. I want to know how you put out ten books a year when you are never home.

    Could you WRITE THAT BOOK. A self-help book for people who sit in their chair all day and get nothing but a big bum?

  55. An amazing number of books here!

  56. First of, congrats to this weeks winners! Such generous authors we have here :-) Secondly, TINA congrats on the 15th short romance in the Women's World magazine and on being a finalist for the Greater Detroit Bookseller's Best Award! So happy for you!

    Looks like some great books up for pre-order & I also already have my copy of MARY'S "The Boden Birthright" sitting pretty on my Kindle! So I'll be looking to add "No Way Up" to it real soon, looking forward to that! And to the Goodread's giveaway for "The Twelve Brides of Summer Collection", I'm marking my calendar to go over and enter on May 18th.

    Another excellent WE and wonderful week to look ahead to! Thanks for all you gals do for us are a blessing to me :-)

  57. Oh drat, I forgot to add, please enter me for the Amazon gift card, thank can never had too many books! There's so many to choose from :-)

  58. Mary, I'm so excited when I can just stay put and write, and it doesn't happen often enough... So I might be laughing at you!!!!

    Unless you had to go buy coffee or chocolate, in which case leaving the house is totally understandable.

    But I have to say that being down to half-time on the day job is such a bonus... to have a five hour stretch where I can write or fix things that need fixing (in books and in this big old house!) is like a dream come true.

    So no complaints here in upstate where it is crazy cold.... But just for a day, they say.


    Got my sweatshirts and I know how to use 'em!

  59. Congratulations on your contest win, Tina. I'd be jumping out of my skin if my name was listed alongside those other writers. And, WOW! You're making a nice little bonus with Woman's World too.

    I'm looking forward to next week's line up, Tina. Once again, there are some interesting topics and guests on that list.

    I want to thank all the Seekers for the lovely card I received in the mail yesterday. I'm so touched that you're praying for me. I never thought I could actually bond with a group of writers through a blog, but I feel as though I'm part of something wonderful happening here. This ministry is obviously a passion for you ladies.

    Thank you! God bless your ministries! I'm praying for you too. And, I might add, I can't wait to meet everyone in person. Any plans to meet at National? I hadn't planned on ACFW, but might add it if I sell this year. I have to offset the cost somehow, lol.

    Love you guys!!!! Have a wonderful Lord's Day!

  60. Congratulations on your contest win, Tina. I'd be jumping out of my skin if my name was listed alongside those other writers. And, WOW! You're making a nice little bonus with Woman's World too.

    I'm looking forward to next week's line up, Tina. Once again, there are some interesting topics and guests on that list.

    I want to thank all the Seekers for the lovely card I received in the mail yesterday. I'm so touched that you're praying for me. I never thought I could actually bond with a group of writers through a blog, but I feel as though I'm part of something wonderful happening here. This ministry is obviously a passion for you ladies.

    Thank you! God bless your ministries! I'm praying for you too. And, I might add, I can't wait to meet everyone in person. Any plans to meet at National? I hadn't planned on ACFW, but might add it if I sell this year. I have to offset the cost somehow, lol.

    Love you guys!!!! Have a wonderful Lord's Day!

  61. Wow!!! Look at all those books and stories coming out!! You guys are AMAZING!!!

  62. Hey, Mare, I had my Boden Birthright the first day for preorder and it's sitting on my iPad Mini right now, just waiting for me to get through a few books ahead of it, but can't wait!!


    YAY for this week's winners -- Happy spending and reading!!

    I'm a little blown away by all the Seeker releases right now, too, so we go, girls!! ;)

    GLYNNA ... SOOOOO glad you're finally getting some deciduous green, girlfriend -- it looks so pretty with the lighter green mixed in with the evergreen, doesn't it?

    MYRA SAID: "The last two weeks I've been able to take my laptop out to the screen porch and prop my feet up on the lounge to write. Just heavenly! But we won't get above 70 for the next few days, and to me, that's FREEZING!!!!"

    LOL, MYRA, I hear you!! Hit the 80s last week and we were flying across the lake in our pontoon. Today I have two jackets on and a thick blanket outside on my veranda with a heater nearby just in case the wind picks up. Spring has been SUCH a tease to us this year, but I'm grateful for whatever I can get. :)


  63. Wow, MARE ... ten years published??? Come on -- blow us away with the # of books/novellas you have out there!!

    MARY SAID: "Tina we had FROST overnight here!"
    And we (the Lessmans and company) had a crackling fire last night while we watched Shawshank Redemption -- my first time to see it. Had tons of people tell me how good it was and it won tons of Academy Awards including Best Picture, but I never wanted to see it because I knew it was a prison picture with no romance (although Keith claims there was romance, but we won't go there). WOW, WOW, WOW!! When a movie can capture me for 2-1/2 without any romance, THAT'S a good movie!!

    TINA SAID TO MARY: "I want to know how you put out ten books a year when you are never home." LOL ... me too, Mare!!

    RENEE ... praying right now for a sale so we can meet you at ACFW, girlfriend!!


  64. I preordered and already read it :) cant wait for then 1st in the series!!

  65. Hurrah Alecia!! We can't wait for the first in the series as well. Standby for more giveaways from Mary Connealy coming in the futute.

  66. Renee, apparently all the Seekers are low budget this year. Only Sandra is going to San Diego. She is planning a get together of sorts. So will let her know you are attending.

  67. Trixi, I am trying to figure out what your profile picture is.

  68. And are right. Seekerville IS our ministry! XXX

  69. Renee, thanks for your sweet words! I KNOW God works through this blog!

    Oh, and today is Pentecost so praying an extra blessing over everyone! Come, Holy Spirit. Fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love!

  70. Congrats Tina!
    Thank you Mary, your book is in my TBR stack :)
    please enter me for the Amazon gift card, thank you.

  71. You know, I ought to open up the old Kindle and re-read The Boden Birthright.
    It's been a while since I've seen it.

    I wonder what I wrote????

  72. Helen thanks for the coffee. I think I need it.
    I'm trying to skip my Sunday afternoon nap.
    I never feel the need to nap any other day of the week.
    Why Sunday?

  73. Sort of crazy hyperactive Sunday service this morning

    It was just always something. Pretty fun.
    We were all supposed to wear red.
    Does your church do that? Red is the seasonal color of Pentacost.
    I even left a note for myself.

    And then.......I forgot!

  74. Acts 2:
    Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them

  75. Mary, we changed our stoles that we wear over our choir robes from white to red today.

  76. TINA....well, I was trying for a cute whimsical graphic but discovered it's too small to hoo! Anyway, it's a picture of an older lady with white frizzy hair sitting in a up-ended wheelbarrow and it says "I plan on becoming a crazy book lady when I'm old"....hahahaha!! I think it's a rather apt description of me, and I'm definitely not that old yet :-D
    P.S. I guess I'll have to change my graphic now :-(

    MARY....I think maybe because it's called a day of rest, so a nap seems to be the logical order of things on Sunday. It's a good excuse anyway, don't you think ;-)

    I also never heard of wearing red for Pentecost (nor did I know it was this Sunday), is that symbolic for the blood of Christ shed on the cross? Or is it for something else entirely? Inquiring minds want to know! Thanks for the fun tidbit, I learn something new every day.

  77. I'm lost on the Pentecost thing too.

    Trixi, I thought it was a picture of Mark Twain. LOLOL. It looked like him reading. Clicking on it wouldn't allow me to see it. Bummer.

  78. It falls on the tenth day after Ascension Thursday (which itself is 40 days after Easter). The Christian Pentecost is based on the New Testament, where it refers to the occasion of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ, as described in the Acts of the Apostles 2:1–31.

    Well there you go.

    I don't actually respect any holiday. So I'm sort of a holiday grinch. Jesus is Jesus every day to me.

  79. Congrats, Tina! So happy for you! You deserve it!

  80. Congratulations, Tina! So happy for you. I'm so glad Maggie's story was nominated because I loved reading about an introverted heroine who wears glasses and was interesting. My type of heroine and a fun book to read.

    One Pentecost story from my church today. During the children's moment, our pastor asked the children why the church was all dressed in red today, and one child said to celebrate the day school's 25th birthday.

  81. Congratulations, Tina and to all the authors with new releases. So many books, so little time :-)

  82. Congratulations, Tina, on your Booksellers Best Award final! I was thrilled to see your name on the list.

  83. Thanks for sharing my fun news, Villagers!!!

  84. Great articles, Tina! Thanks for finding them for us.

  85. TINA...looking at the graphic, it does look like Mark Twain if you didn't know better, lol!
    And you're absolutely right...Jesus is Jesus everyday & we should celebrate Him just because He is Lord!
