Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Weekend Edition

This weekend the prize vault is open with a few reading treats. Let us know if you haven't read them. We have two of each book to give away in print. Winners announced in the next Weekend Edition.

We Have Winners

 Giveaway rules can be found here. Drop us a line to claim your giveaway at Please allow us the 6-8 weeks per our legal page to get your prizes sent out. 

All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books!

From the last Weekend Edition the winner of a $15 Amazon gift card from Mary Connealy is CentralEast2.

Monday Seekerville was delighted to welcome Love Inspired Suspense author Liz Johnson and her aka, Revell author Liz Johnson with her post, "One Author. Two Genres."  Jackie Smith is the winner of  Red Door Inn.

 Dr. Richard L. Mabry was our very special guest Tuesday with his post, "On the Shoulders of Giants." Does Christian fiction make a difference? Kathryn Barker is the winner of Medical Judgement which releases today!!

Wednesday: Publishers Weekly best-selling author,  Debby Giusti  was our hostess. The ACFW Conference is only a few months away, and Donald Maass is presenting the Early Bird Workshop. Debby shared some of what she's learned from Maass and how she uses his techniques in her writing and in the writing group she hosts. Two giveaways. The winners are Cynthia Herron and Terri! Both ladies will receive a copy of Debby's latest LIS, PLAIN DANGER, along with a surprise gift!

Thursday we joined Love Inspired Historical author Sherri Shackelford for "The Ten Commandments of Adding Humor to Your Writing": In fiction writing, the author is tasked with invoking emotion. Joy is an emotion. Laughter brings your characters together and gives them a common bond. For non-fiction writers, studies have shown that humor enhances how well people enjoy what they’re reading and help them recall what they’ve read. Patti Jo, Connie Queen and Cindy W are the winners of Special Delivery Baby! And in honor of her NRCA final she's giving away a copy of  The Rancher's Christmas Proposal. Congrats to Sherri. The winner is Barbara Scott.

Claiming the Single Mom's Heart
Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Pam Hillman is your hostess today. Stop by to visit with Pam.

Tuesday: Seekerville is delighted to welcome back Revell author  Ann H. Gabhart. She's going to talk about "What Makes a Cozy Mystery." Chat with Ann and you could win a copy of Murder Comes by Mail, the second book in The Hidden Springs Mystery series. 

Wednesday: Tina Radcliffe is your hostess today with a discussion of "Classic Romance Tropes." What's a trope? Stop by to find out. She's got some classic writing giveaways as well.

Thursday: Welcome guest Connie Mann! Connie will share about "Winning the Creative War," and will be giving away a copy of her soon-to-be released romantic suspense from Waterfall Press, Tangled Lies.

 Friday: Best of the Archives: Today we feature a post by Julie Lessman.  Comments are closed each Friday so we can achieve our reading and writing goals.

With This Ring?
Seeker Sightings 

Congratulations to the Seekerville 2016 Holt Medallion Finalists!

Heart & Soul, is now available for preorder here. This is a great novel bundle of five "deeply spiritual and utterly romantic" best-selling novels from five award-winning authors for only $3.99. This is a limited-time collection, will be on sale from May 23 - July 9 only, so do check it out!


Four Weddings and a Kiss on sale now for $1.99
Including Mary Connealy's novella:
 “Spitfire Sweetheart” 
Maizy MacGregor is an unruly tomboy. When she causes an accident, injuring neighbor Rylan Carstens, she becomes his unlikely caregiver. Rylan has never noticed how pretty his infuriating neighbor is, and he never expected to fall in love. 

Also contained in this volume novellas by 
Margaret Brownley, 
Debra Clopton and 
Robin Lee Hatcher

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The 12 Brides of Summer Collection by Mary Connealy

The 12 Brides of Summer Collection

by Mary Connealy, Pam Hillman and others

Giveaway ends June 01, 2016.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway

Random News & Information.

Thanks to everyone who sent links. 

 JUST ADDED.  Female looking for roomie for ACFW Conference. Contact Seekerville to connect.

 The Tara Contest celebrates it's 25th year Silver Anniversary, and is offering the final winner in each category a $25 prize along with the silver flamingo pendant they usually receive. The contest ends Wednesday, May 25th and is low on inspirational entries. Published authors can enter.  Inspirational Final Judge is Raela Schoeherr /Bethany House!!  HELLO!! If you were waiting for a sign, this is it!  Details in the May Contest Update here or go straight to the site here. 

Make Your Own Shelfie Contest from Harper Collins. Video here. Contest details here. **  (Remember Harper Collins owns Thomas Nelson and Love Inspired)

Thriller reader or writer? Sign up for The Big Thrill-the free online magazine of The International Thriller Writers. Sign up here.

  FYI: Save the Date! Faith, Hope and Love, the Inspirational Romance Chapter of Romance Writers of America®- Annual General Meeting (open to the public, free, even to non-conference attendees) will take place during the RWA conference on Wednesday July 13th from 1-4 p.m. There will be refreshments, praise & worship, 2nd annual inspirational editor and agent panel, and final results of FHL’s Touched By Love Award and Inspirational Reader’s Choice Award.  While the exact room is TBD, the AGM meeting will be in a conference room on the San Diego Marriott Marquis & Marina property. Announcement of the room assignment will be closer to July 13.

Happy National Strawberries and Cream Day. See if you can put that in a novel.

Show Me the Money [Traditional Publisher Survey] (Brenda Hiatt)**

Don't Hate the Query Letter: Master It (Writer Unboxed) **

Become a Resilient Writer by Remembering These 15 Things (The Write Conversation)

Are Amazon Ebook Giveaways a SCAM? (Query Shark Bait)

How to Sell Books and Build Your Email List Through Facebook Ads [podcast] (Boot Marketing Tools)

Plot Obstacles & Character Agency (Jami Gold)**

A Step-by-Step Guide to Making an Audio Book Using ACX (Bookbaby Blog)

The Magic of TK (Steven Pressfield Online) **

Facebook Branded Content Policy for Pages & How it Affects the Little Guys (The Write Conversation) & Promoting Your Book on Facebook: Three Tips (Australasian Christian Writers)

Business Musings: Long-Term Thinking: The Non-Compete Clause (Contracts/Dealbreakers) (Kristine Kathryn Rusch)**

Too Late Too Little for Twitter? (The Media Briefing)

Bezos Confirms Plans for More Amazon Stores (PW)

How to Start Using Hashtags Effectively Right Now!(BadRedhead Media)**

**Short on time? Read these now and the rest later!**

Have a great reading and writing weekend.


  1. I think I need sleep, I read one link as "Bozo confirms there will be more Amazon stores" and instead of thinking I read that wrong, I was like, they're really bringing back Bozo the clown for that?

  2. Great WE as always, Miss T!
    Sooo happy to win Sherri Shackelford's LIH! Thank you!! :)
    Must read those links (when I'm more awake LOL).
    Hugs, Patti Jo

    p.s. Laughing at Melissa J's BOZO comment!! ;)

  3. Thanks for the links.
    Coffee's on.

  4. Well it could be Bozo and Bezos. But I am betting you still need sleep, MJ. A book and a novella collection releasing soon. You are getting sleepy. Very sleepy.

  5. Congratulations, to you Patti Jo. I ordered the book and it is on my Kindle right now.

  6. Oh, Helen thank you mucho for the coffee. Happy WE ED to you.

  7. Wow, I'm glad I stayed up to read this great WE - excellent as always Ms. Tina!
    Congrats to all the winners.
    Special thanks to Debby G. for the copy of Plain Danger. I'm looking forward to reading it.

    Like Patti Jo, I'll have to read the links later.

  8. Thanks for the terrific WE, Tina! And congratulations to you, Missy and Debby...the Seekers rock!
    Happy Saturday!

  9. Good morning, Seekerville guys & gals! Another FAB weekend edition, TINA! And congrats to all the winners -- especially those HOLT ladies!

    Seeker SANDRA came through town yesterday and we grabbed a few hours for a lunchtime chat! :)

    Now off to work on my WIP...I'm nearing The Black Moment -- AND a deadline just a few weeks away!

    Happy reading and writing!

  10. Seekerville Ladies!!!!

    Congratulations on the Holt Medallion final!!!! You ALL are having an awesome contest year!

    And congratulations to all of last weeks winners.

  11. Wahoo!! Congratulations, Debby, Missy and Tina on the Holt final!!! You're rocking the contest circuit!!

    Congrats to our winners. Looking forward to the week ahead.

    Thanks for the coffee, Helen! I brought biscuits and gravy. Yummy and low cal. :-)


  12. GLYNNA, praying for your deadline. Love you and SANDRA were able to have lunch together.


  13. Congrats to all the winners! Thanks Tina for putting together a great list, as always!

  14. Great WE Tina.

    I'm so laughing. Looks like Seekers are butting heads again in contests. Way to go Tina and Missy And congrats to you also Debby

  15. Waving at Glynna We had such a lovely time yesterday. Thank you Glynna for giving up some of your precious writing time to visit and have lunch with me. I so enjoy seeing you.

    Praying for your deadlines. I know you. You will be fine. smile You are my inspiration for writing with a busy schedule.

  16. Thank you TINA for another great WE. Congratulations to all the winners! I'm staying inside as much as possible today....but I'm hoping the snow will melt soon!

  17. LOL, Melissa!!! :)

    Thank you, Jill!! I'm so honored to be listed with Tina and Debby and others!

  18. Sandra and Glynna, I'm jealous of you getting to spend time together. What fun!

    Sandra, it is fun to relive old times of contest finals together! :)

  19. Ohh, with this ring has been on my tbr list. I'd love a copy, and the other book looks good too :)

  20. Contest divas unite. I love butting heads with my Seeker pals and other authors.

  21. Snow in May. Oh, you poor thing, Marianne. And 100 degrees here in Phoenix.

  22. Another wonderful WE edition! Congratulations to the Holt Medallion finalists--such wonderful ladies and accomplished authors!

    And yay! I'm thrilled to win Debby's PLAIN DANGER! Thank you SO much!

    Here's to a fabulous, coffee-chugging, chocolate-eating weekend! ...And now...I must finish a kiss. (In my WIP.) *wink*

  23. TINA, you can send me about 15 of your degrees. It's been a little too chilly for me this week on the East Coast. I could go for some sunshine, too. It's been raining and raining and raining! Of course, this beats last year when by summer they were asking people to do voluntary water rationing.

    SANDRA & GLYNNA, how fun that you got to spend some in-person Seeker sister time! YAY!!!

  24. Congratulations to all the winners and I am excited to win Sherri's LIH book. Thank you so very much!

    As always the WE Edition is terrific. Thank you Tina!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  25. Sandra and I were having such a great visit, neither of us even thought about trying to take our picture together to share!! :)

    Oh, and don't forget....I think the Preakness is this afternoon! DEBBY--are your friends running their horse in this one?

  26. I'm afraid for Amazon. They are becoming everything they didn't like about publishing.

  27. Are they losing their vision? Or was this the plan all along?

    Long term planning isn't my gift.

    I'm lucky to plan dinner in time to thaw hamburger. (and it's worse since the invention of the microwave) Which, lets face it, was like 35 years ago!

  28. Wonderful WE! Congratulations to this week's winners. Who's watching the Preakness this evening?!

    Please put me in the drawing for With This Ring.

  29. Myra, I'll send you all of my degrees.

    The Preakness. You guys really watch horses run??

  30. I love watching horses run!

    Betting? Never!!!

    And if you sent me ALL of your degrees, you would be FREEZING!!!!!

  31. Of course I love to watch horses run, Tina! One of the most beautiful sights on God's green earth. I can't even watch that old Black Stallion movie without tears pricking my eyes when The Black stretches out and pounds with all his heart toward the finish line. :)


  32. Hmm, I like watching cute men run around bases. That's pretty much it.

    To each his own.

    Myra. I like freezing. Since the hormones died their slow painful death I have been all about freezing.

  33. Waving to Terri and Cynthia! Send your snail mail address to the Seekerville addy and I'll get your prizes in the mail. So glad you both won!!!

  34. So honored to be a HOLT finalist with my dear Seeker Sisters, Missy and Tina! Shall we call ourselves the HOLT Trio?

  35. Just got home from a Georgia Romance Writers meeting! Heather Leigh presented a program on using FB for promotion. Lots of great information. Always fun to see my GRW buds!

    Tanya Agler is the VP for programs and does a great job bringing in top notch speakers. Thanks, Tanya, for another wonderful GRW meeting and workshop.

  36. Caryl, I plan to watch the Preakness.

    Looking forward to the Belmont Stakes as well. Destin will be running in that race. He came in 6th in the Derby and is owned by the daughter and sil of one of my dearest friends. Always fun to have a favorite horse.

    Wonder if Nyquist will win today? Speculation is that he will. We'll watch and see!

  37. When I stop by seekerville, my only problem is I can't seem to leave. "This link looks interesting, and-oh, look at the new book. Maybe there are more in the series. You mean I can have a character to do that? And..." On and on until I look at the clock and realize it's time for dinner. Poor Natalie was stuck lost, cold, and afraid for 3 days before I got around to letting Sawyer save her. Seriously, thank you very much for all you do.

  38. Georgia, I'm laughing at your comment! Poor Natalie! Thank goodness for Sawyer!

  39. Cynthia, I just checked my email and found your info! Thank you!

  40. Tina-- I love watching baseball LIVE IN PERSON--whether pro's or a church team-- but can't stand watching it on TV for more than a few minutes.

    So far, 4,000 words today. Hoping for another 1,000 before post time!

  41. What is post time? 4K. Way to go!!!

  42. Well, Georgia, you sweet thing you. Here, have a muffin since you missed lunch.

  43. Another excellent WE, Tina. You never disappoint!! :)

  44. I am checking in. Will have Internet on Thursday. I love the house. Still have lots to move. Have been able to write a little. It is hard to comment on phone.

  45. Thanks for another great WE, TINA!

    Congratulations, TINA, DEBBY and MISSY on the Holt final!! So happy for y'all!

    Haven't been here in several days - I know I missed some good stuff. Glad I can still access the posts! Thank you all for everything you do!

  46. Hit 5,000! :)

    Tina -- I THINK post time is around 3:45 Arizona time. NBC? I need to stop writing for a bit and go confirm so I don't miss it.

  47. Hi, Mary the Slacker giving away two books....shows up at last!

  48. Glynna wow, you're going to have a book seriously advanced by the end of the day YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!

  49. 5K. WOWZA. Post as in horses. Okay, that was the missing link I needed.

  50. Hi, Mary the Slacker!!!

    Wilani, how did I miss that you are moving? When you get internet, tell us more.

  51. I'd love to win With this Ring? Four of my favorite authors in one book is great! Thanks for having this giveaway.

  52. Hey, Pam. Good to see you in Seekerville. Your name is in the cat dish.

  53. MARY, loved the Boden Birthright novella (left a review on Amazon) and Swept Away! Plan on ordering the next book soon. Thank you!

    GLYNNA, Congratulations on 5K words today! That's incredible!

  54. I am awash in grandkids (five are sleeping upstairs right now!) and edits and 10 year old Emma's soccer tournament, so we have our own weekend edition going on!

    First, congratulations to all winners and contest finalists!!!!! This is so very exciting and I'm happy dancing for each and every one of you!

    And what a marvelous line-up for next week.... The sun has broken through here which means farm life is breaking through as well, and another plate to spin, but it's worth it to see green leaves, grass, shrubs, flowers.... I love my four seasons, but I'm happy to see green!!!

  55. Sandra and Glynna, I'm so glad you got to have time together!!!!

    I've realized that we're so far flung and there's no Seeker in my area to get together with... but Mia and I manage to get together a couple of times a year, and that means the world to me. Just a little face time with authors and readers. I am having fun with some great local groups of readers now that I'm only working day job 1/2 time, and that's been marvelous.

    I am a people-loving Seeker. I love my peeps!

  56. Love the way the authors are so supportive of each other. I think that is why their books are so good.

  57. Huge congrats to the Holt finalists! Yay!

    Great WE Tina. Appreciate it.

    Mary C - I love when you give away books. Except this time around, I already have them. I'm sorta not good at waiting for your books. I glom on ASAP.

    RUTHY: if you ever need a road trip break near Virginia Beach, Va or along I-85S, please feel free to let me know so we can connect live and in person. I'd love to meet up with you and have you meet the Gupster.

  58. I always learn so much from the WE - thank you for putting it together every week! I don't have either of those books yet so either would find a loving home on my bookshelf.

  59. I was so sorry to miss seeing TINA, SANDRA AND RUTHY in Phoenix this year. I should have stayed another month, huh?

  60. I haven't seen Sandra and Glynna or any Seeker this year. It's really been a cave year. You should see my beard.

  61. Congrats to the Holt Seekers! And to all this week's winners. Love the WE ... the way it sifts down to the really good blog posts and articles. Thank you to the link-senders and to Link Compiler Tina.

    Hope everyone's had a good weekend.

    Nancy C

  62. Laura! I'm so glad you liked it! THANK YOU FOR THE REVIEW!
    I really appreciate that!

  63. You're welcome, MARY! I will do a review of Swept Away next - truly enjoyed both of them!

    TINA, LOL on the beard comment.

    I don't expect to run across any Seekers in my neck of the woods (would love to meet y'all!) but I did find out that Arlene James is a member of the ACFW DFW chapter - the closest one to my house. So I might meet her someday :-)

  64. I hope everybody has had a great weekend. It went fast.

    I already have Claiming the Single Mom's Heart but would love to win With this Ring.

  65. Dear all, I was just looking through the comments, and I read Debby's. Thank you, Debby. That is so sweet of you to write that. I love GRW, and I am so glad you enjoyed the program. Aww. And I thought I couldn't get any more emotional after seeing my church's slideshow today dedicated to the high school and college seniors as my daughter is graduating high school this week.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend. Congratulations to the HOLT finalists.

    I haven't read either book, but I did finish reading Person of Interest the night before the GRW meeting, staying up half an hour past my bedtime. So enjoyed Natalie and Everett's story.

  66. WOW, chock-full WE, Teenster -- lots of great links to peruse!!

    SUPER CONGRATS to the winners this week -- you guys ROCK!!

    AND MEGA CONGRATS to our Seeker Holt finalists -- sooooooo proud of you all!!

