Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Weekend Edition

We're celebrating the world of coffee this weekend. Leave a comment for a chance to win a reader or writer mug. Winners announced in the next Weekend Edition.

We Have Winners

Last weekend's winners of With This Ring? are Caryl Kane and Georgia Evans. Winners of Claiming the Single Mom's Heart are Megan Besing and Tanya Agler.

 Giveaway rules can be found here. Drop us a line to claim your giveaway at Please allow us the 6-8 weeks per our legal page to get your prizes sent out. 

All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books!

 Pam Hillman was your hostess Monday with "A Peek into the Life of Pam Hillman - or - How to DO It All By Being Too Dogged-Determined NOT To!" Winner of a Seeker BOC or a $10 Amazon Gift Card is Bonton.

Tuesday Seekerville was delighted to welcome back Revell author  Ann H. Gabhart. She's going to talk about "What Makes a Cozy Mystery." Stephanie Queen Ludwig is the winner of Murder Comes by Mail, the second book in The Hidden Springs Mystery series. 

Wednesday Tina Radcliffe was your hostess today with a discussion of "Classic Romance Tropes." Renee McBride is the winner of a writer craft BOC as listed. Janet Kerr is the winner of a Seeker BOC as available on Amazon.

 Thursday we welcomed back guest Connie Mann with her post "Winning the Creative War." Linda Tillis is the winner of her soon-to-be released romantic suspense from Waterfall Press, Tangled Lies.
Leave a comment for your chance to win a writer mug.

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Seekerville is closed for the Memorial Day holiday.

Tuesday: Mary Alford is our guest hostess with her post, "Finding The Courage to Submit Your Manuscript And The Inner Strength To Move Beyond Rejection." Let chat about what's going on in your writer life. Mary has two print copies of her latest Love Inspired Suspense, Rocky Mountain Pursuit,  to give away to US readers, as well as two ecopies for international winners. 

Wednesday: Time for the June Contest Update and to meet our June Contest Diva/Divo.  The prize vault is open! Additionally, today we unveil our Conference tab, where we conveniently list conferences, retreats, and workshops held annually. Our hope is that you can find one close to you that meets your writing needs. 

Thursday: Seekerville welcomes back L.A. Sartor. Stop by to chat with our friend Leslie as she shares a few of her favorite ways to make your hero anything but a Superman. Leslie has ecopies of the new collection - Simply The Best to give away. 

Friday: Best of the Archives: Today we feature a post called, " POV-CPR-ASAP-WUCIWUG," by Mary Connealy.  Comments are closed each Friday so we can achieve our reading and writing goals.

Seeker Sightings

 Available for only seven weeks. Sixteen dollars worth of books for four dollars in this limited-time collection on sale from May 23 - July 9.  Get your copy here.

Prepare your taste buds. Tina Radcliffe will be guest cooking in the Yankee-Belle Cafe for a limited engagement. See her on Fridays, June 3 through July 15. 

Do stop by!

Leave a comment for a chance to win a Seeker 
Book of Choice or a reader mug.
Random News & Information

Another Roomie Request!  Female looking for roomie for ACFW Conference. Contact Seekerville to connect.

Thank you to those who provided links!

June Calendar is UP!


Copyright Myths—How Familiar are you with the Law?(Author Road Map) **If you blog you should read this!**

19 Authors and their Typewriters (Mental Floss)

 Ask the Agent: How many authors do you sign at a writing conference? (MacGregor Literary)**

The Business of Christian Fiction (PW)**

How Does Kindle Unlimited Impact Authors ( Written Word Media)

Science Explains Why People Who Love Writing are Smarter (

How to Prepare for Self-Publishing: Editing (DBW)

New Look for NYT Bestseller List (NYT)

Grammarly Review: Is Grammarly Good For Self Publishers? (Kindlepreneur) **

Is Your Story Stuck? 5 Questions You Need to Ask (Fiction University)**

Cover the Canvas (Steven Pressfield Online)**

How Routine Unlocks Creativity (Holstee)

Everyone's Getting Into Video. Should You? (Writer Unboxed)**

Writing Tips: Outlining For Genre And Literary Fiction With Libbie Hawker (The Creative Penn)**

Who should you target your submission to?  (SYTYCW) 

**Short on time? Read now, save the rest for later.**

That's it. Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!


  1. GREAT WE, Miss T (as always)!!
    CONGRATS to all the winners!
    LOVE your photo in the coffee cup, Tina! :)
    Everyone have a safe Memorial Day as we remember those who fought for our freedom.
    Will read the links after I've had some much-needed sleep!
    Hugs, Patti Jo
    P.S. LOVE the writer mug! Please toss my name in the drawing!

  2. What a great WE, Tina! And can I just say, I LOVE that writer's mug! I can't think of a better super power to have. :)

    I'm too beat to read the posts tonight, but I'm definitely checking out some tomorrow. :) I'm looking forward to next week in Seekerville. :)

  3. Tina, thanks for all the work you put into the WE. It's fantastic as always! The links look incredible. Can't wait to click and read tomorrow.

    Good night!

  4. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND EVERYONE. As for Moi. I salute those who have enabled me to live free.

    And my to-do list is six miles long.

  5. Tina, thank you SO MUCH for another fabulous WE edition! Will have to ck out the links.

    Congratulations to all winners!

    P.S. May I just say...that I LOVED Julie's hair in Friday's archives post! :)

  6. Thanks for the great WE, Tina! Congratulations to all of the winners.
    Where can I buy that mug? I love it!!!!
    This weekend I'm remembering those who died for our freedom.

  7. Happy 3-day weekend, Seekerville! And TINA--you've done it AGAIN! I'm trying to get this latest WIP revised, layered & polished so I can get it out the door and this W.E. is distracting me!!

    LOVE the clever photos! AND that delightful mug!!

  8. Yay a three day weekend which means more writing time.

    We are spending the weekend in the gorgeous Teton National Park and plan to hike and bike ride on all the trails we can manage. We've already seen elk, sandhill cranes, deer, pronghorn and coyotes. Of course we've seen lots of birds also, great blue heron, ducks (many varieties) robins, western tanangers Oh my the list goes on.

    This year marks the 100th anniversary for our National Parks. I thank the Lord for giving our forefathers the insight to preserve this beautiful creation for generations to enjoy and learn about our history, geology, ecology, geography, etc. How many of you are visiting a national park this year?

  9. Great WE Tina Congrats to all the winners.

    Love the chef idea. Can't wait to check out Yankee Belle and see what's cooking.

    Thanks to all of you (Tina and Cara) who served our country. I'm thinking of all my family who served and died in service to this country. I thank them for helping us have all the freedom, abundance and advantages we so enjoy. Don't ever take them for granted.


  10. Jill!!! AMAZON! Prime means free shipping of course. Are you a mug-aholic like me?

  11. Great weekend edition Tina. I love the pictures...especially yours in the mug. Clever. :)

    Congratulations to all of the winners.

    I'm enjoying taking trips through the much information. Thank you.

    I would truly love to win a mug! Thank you for the chance.

    Have a wonderful safe holiday weekend everyone and remember our troops and vets on this Memorial Day. God bless them all.

  12. Love the coffee foam picture of you Tina!!!!!

    Great weekend edition, as always.

    Congratulations to all of the winners.

    And a BIG Thank you to all of you who are currently or have serve our country.

  13. Is that coffee mug with your picture in it for sale? Or to win? What better thing after a cup of coffee but to see your smiling face? Lol!!!
    Thanks for a great WE!!! Congratulations to all the winners. Have a great long weekend!

  14. Had to stop in again to say - - SANDRA, enjoy your time in Teton National Park!! :)
    One of my grown nephews visited there a few years ago and the photos he shared with us were amazing---would love to visit there myself one day!
    I echo your thoughts about the 100th anniversary of our National Parks - - such treasures!! :)

    Setting out Peach pancakes, bacon, pecan waffles, and warm maple syrup if anyone needs breakfast. Enjoy! ;)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  15. Great weekend edition, Tina. I love coffee and coffee cups. I definitely need the writer mug! Although, mountain man might not agree since I have an overflowing cabinet full of mugs that students have given me through the years, but that's okay, if I win the writer's mug, I'll just sneak it into the cabinet and not tell him. Of course, he's bound to notice when I'm drinking coffee out of it every day. ;)

    Wishing everyone a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend. Praying for the families who've lost loved ones who died fighting for our freedoms.

  16. Tina said her to-do list was six miles long. We could have the longest running Seeker blog post EVER if Tina just posted her to-do list! Hope you're getting a lot marked off this weekend.

  17. Wow, what adorable coffee mugs! I envy the lucky Seekervillagers who get to look for those in their mailbox one day soon!

    Breathing a sigh of relief this weekend after getting one ms. out the virtual door to my editor and also making significant progress this week on book 3 in my Flowers of Eden series.

    Now on to Saturday chores and hopefully some relaxation later in my backyard hammock with a good book! Lovin' summertime!!!

    Have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend, Seekervillagers!

  18. Wow!!! So many great articles to read this weekend, Miss T! I'm working all day on an edit or I'd read everyone right away.

    Congratulations to all the winners!!!

    I'd love to get my hands on one of your writer please throw my name in...well, I suppose, the mug. They call me the coffee queen around here. ;-) The only other "writer" mug I have is waaaayyyy too small. It's from a San Diego bookstore called The Upstart Crow (what Shakespeare's critics called him in his day) and says, "Coffee is my drug of choice."

  19. So many children have no idea why we observe Memorial Day. Please teach your children and grandchildren that it's more than hot dogs and coleslaw and the official start of summer fun. May this nation never forget the ultimate sacrifices our troops have made to obtain and preserve our freedom.

  20. Thanks for the great WE, Tina. Lots of great posts to look forward to.

    Thinking of those who paid the ultimate price this Memorial Day weekend and feeling profoundly grateful for their sacrifices.

  21. I always look forward to the weekend link browsing. Thanks for them.

    Congratulations to all winners.

    There's fresh coffee!

  22. Great WE Edition! I'm excited to have won a copy of With This Ring! Thank you!

    Congratulations to this weeks winners!

    May you each have a blessed and safe Memorial Day Weekend!

    Please enter me in the drawing for a reader mug.

  23. Aren't those adorable mugs. Everyone who asked is added to the drawing. HA!! Marianne, the foam one with my smiling face is strictly for fun.

  24. I love the Tina foam coffee pic, so cool! The book mug's neat too! Heading to Amazon to check out their mugs!

    Tina, and all veterans, thank you for all you have done to protect America and our freedom, I'm forever grateful!

    Have a great Memorial day everyone!

  25. Please enter me for the mug. Would love to have it!

    Hope everyone enjoys a wonderful and safe holiday weekend.

  26. Love coffee and have a hard time starting my day without it. The mug is great. A book would be too. I'm looking forward to seeing thetopics this week.

  27. Hi Tina:

    Did you know that 'Russo' is the second most populous surname in Italy?

    Is Chef Tina going to cook Italian food at the Yankee Belle Cafe? If so, I have a special request:

    Red sauce ravioli with meat and cheese in the center!

    I had my first ravioli years ago at a real Italian restaurant. It was an appetizer. It had red sauce with a meat and cheese filling. The pasta was somewhat crisp. (This has something to do with being 'al dente', I think.) It was so good that I wished the whole meal had been just ravioli.

    Well, I've never been able to get that kind of ravioli again. No ready made ravioli has even come close to being as good. Also, it seems most restaurants make ravioli with soft pasta and white sauce without meat. It's awful. It tastes like French food.

    Can you show us how to make this type of genuine red Italian Ravioli?

    I'd sure try to cook it myself as I don't think I'll ever be able to find it again in a restaurant or anywhere else.


    P.S. I'm about to order a customize coffee cup, Discount Mugs #7102, that reads:


    The Power is in the Stars

    Should I order some extras as prizes for Seekerville friends?

    Also: That coffee cup with the books on it. By now you have enough Seeker author books to have them all be your own books. Such a mug would make a wonderful premium prize. Besides, a very good high resolution photo, which allows the titles to be read, would also make a very impressive bookmark to give away.

    Just a little food for thought.

  28. Vince, what name ranks #1 in Italy?



  29. Barbara, you're so right. We need to spread the word about the real reason for Memorial Day!

    My hat's off to our Seekerville veterans!

    Thanks, Tina and Cara, for your service to our country!!!

    Also giving a shout out to my father, hubby and son! God bless our military heroes, past and present.

    Happy Memorial Day to all!

  30. VINCE -- have you ever FRIED ravioli with rich red sauce for dipping? I think I had it for the first time in the Italian district of St. Louis decades ago. YUM!

    So right now I'm serving up a heaping plate of that amazing delight to celebrate having just typed THE END on my latest WIP! Now I have the rest of a long weekend to polish and shine! :)

    SANDRA -- I'll probably be back at the Grand Canyon again this year if company from the Midwest comes in as planned.

    AND HEADS UP to those of you who are National Park lovers AND are 62 years old or older. You can get a lifetime pass for something like 10 or 20 dollars when you hit 62. When it comes time to touch that milestone, you'd better believe I'LL be signing up on my birthday!

  31. Wishing all my American friends and family a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! Please put my name in the hat for the writers mug! truly are all our veterans both American and Canadian.


  32. Vince, I recently chatted with Dr. Gina Barreca, a celebrity commenter, and author. Barreca is my maternal grandfather's name. Gina's roots were also from Sicily, but I can't find a familial connection. I am wondering how popular the name Barreca is in Sicily.

    Okay, and I am doing very little Italian cooking in the Belle. I am so Americanized it's sort of sad. I have all the great recipes handed down, but they call for serving large numbers of people and are time-consuming. I guess I should learn to cut them down to size, right?

  33. Thank you, dear Laurie Wood!!!

  34. Glynna and Myra, congratulations on reaching THE END!!!

  35. Great WE! I would love to be entered for a writer's mug.

    I finally got the Internet on Thursday and now I am continuing to get settled in my new home I am renting. I have lived with my brother for seven years and have been praying for a few years that when it is the right time I would be able to be out on my own again. All of a sudden it was the right time. It is such a cute house.

    It will help my writing to be in my own place. I can write when I want to write and not worry about someone being upset. Same thing with my reading.

    I hope everyone will have a great weekend

  36. Yipppppie!!! Congratulations, Wilani!!! So happy for you!!!

  37. TINA, wonderful Weekend Edition! Love the photos and the writer and reader mugs! Congrats to our winners.

    This week my DH and I made a trip to the family plot to place flowers on his parents' grave. I looked around that cemetery overwhelmed by countless number of small flags waving beside headstones, each flag acknowledging someone who served our country and protected our freedom. It was an emotional moment for me. I hope veteran's groups will always place those flags so we won't forget.

    We're gathering with our family tomorrow. Will watch the 500 race. Have a cookout and play some ladder ball. I wish there was a way to help our teenage grand kids understand the significance of the holiday. Any ideas?

    Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend!


  38. GLYNNA, the National Parks pass is one of the best expenditures we've ever made. One pass lets in the entire car. Amazing!


  39. Indiana is celebrating 200 years of Statehood this December. There's been articles in our paper of interesting facts about the State and significant people and places. I'm saving those clippings. You never know when they'll trigger a story.


  40. TINA, if you want those family recipes to be cut down, you could ask for them as your Christmas gift, perhaps written in hand.

    Or just invite Seekerville to dinner. :-)


  41. I have the recipes in a cookbook, Janet. I compiled them all, including my Dad's secret sauce recipe, when I lived in Tulsa and all the kids were little. Had it printed and bound professionally.

    I have everything I need to do it myself. All I need is motivation. If you could let me know when that goes on sale, I'll stock up.

  42. Tracey!!! What have you been up to, dear reader??

  43. Sandy Smith, how's the tornado story coming along?

  44. Great weekend edition. I've only gotten through half the links so far. So much great info in one place! We had our long weekend last week in honour of Queen Victoria. I love how you guys honour your military. Have a great weekend everyone! We finally have warm weather up here...dare I say it's too hot? LOL I so wanted a spring.

  45. A warming trend, Kav. We figured it out today. In the next five years, summers in Phoenix should warm up to 130 degrees. We are making long-term plans to get out before we become roasted and toasted.

  46. Hey Tina! Remember all my pre-orders you were teasing me about? Well, I've been knee deep in all those new May releases. I've read ten I pre-ordered plus an additional five-fifteen books in a month, is there such a thing as a book glutton? I think I need treatment for my addiction, LOL! No wait, I don't want to get over it!

    Writers gotta write and readers gotta read :)

    (I have been lurking in the background though)

  47. Oh yeah, definitely get out of all that heat before you melt! The East coast is always a nice place to retire to, just think of all the ocean breezes ;)

    Can't wait for your stint in Yankee Cafe! Let the fun begin!

  48. OH, MY GOSH, Tracey!!! Wow, good for you!! You and Trixi and Kav, single-handedly keeping the book industry afloat. YEEHA!!!

    Yeah, the big girls let me come play for a bit. I'm jazzed.

  49. Tina and coffee foam???? LOVE IT!!!!!!

    This is a busy planting weekend here on the farm, which means lots of kids and grown-ups around, and lots of work....

    But it's good!

    And tomorrow we go to the parade to honor our veterans and current military, and then the cemetery to plant flowers and make things pretty.... and then home to do the same.

    It's a blessed family day of remembrance and good times.

    I love it.

  50. Lovely WE!!!!!

    Tracey and Kav, if I don't thank you often enough for being avid readers and sharers, let me do so here: THANK YOU!!!!!

    Huge thanks to all of our readers who take the time and spend their hard-earned money to support Christian fiction.

    You bless us, every day. I am so very grateful.

    Now I need foamy coffee!!!!!

  51. Coffee mugs. I am a mug snob. I have certain mugs that I love, and I will wash them if needed to have coffee.

    I will not use the random mugs.

    Debby Giusti sent me the MOST FAVORITE MUGS of all last year, done in Polish pottery, and every morning I begin the day with one of those, and use it throughout.

    Beth is in love with them, too.

    As is Mandy.

    Debby, you made all three of us so happy!!!! :)

    It's funny how preference reigns with certain mugs. The feel, the weight, the size, the way they deliver the delicious coffee to your mouth....

    Am I the only person who is like this????

    (remember, it's not nice to hurt feelings, so humor me a little, okay????) :)

  52. vince and Glynna You have made me hungry mentioning ravioli. And fried ravioli? Yum. And Vince, I agree, the kind with meat and cheese is the best.

    Yay Glynna. You wrote THE END. woohooooooooo

  53. Janet and Glynna You are so right about that Senior Pass for the national parks and national forests. It only costs $10.00 and you get in all the national parks, national monuments and historic parks free.

    The pass also enables you to camp in the national parks and national forests half price. It is the best $10.00 we ever spent. So getting older has some advantages. smile

  54. yay Mtyra You finished a book also. wooo hooooo

    You and Glynna need to go out and celebrate.

    Vince The coffee mug idea sounds great.

  55. oops Myra sorry about the t in your name. yikes. I hit a key by mistake. And didn't proof read. The Grammar Queen will get me with a ruler for sure. lol

  56. You are right Writing is a superpower

  57. Hi Tina:

    The most common surname in Italy is Rossi which means red. Russo is number two in Italy and number 752 in America. (Mooney is 904 in America.)

    It seems russo, in dialect, has also meant red or redheaded or red bearded in the past. From what I can tell most Italians don't think the surname Russo (which means Russia today) has anything to do with coming from Russia. It just happens to be a surname that has a meaning like the name 'Bell'.


  58. Hi Glynna:

    You were right on! I searched 'fried' ravioli and the Food Network had this recipe and video:

    This was just the wonderful ravioli I enjoyed so much. I probably like everything that is fried. : )

    The cook thinks the recipe originated in St. Louis! It looks plenty simple enough for me to make it.



  59. Janet, I don't know how to play ladder ball. We usually play 4 Square with our grands...great for all ages!

  60. Wilani, I saw the pictures of your new home on FB. Lovely!!! In my mind's eye, I can see you there! Congrats. So very happy for you!

  61. Ruthy, you're easy to please. Glad you're enjoying the Polish pottery!

    Yes, I have a certain mug for my morning coffee. Another one for my afternoon tea. They each are perfect for their own specific uses. :)

  62. Vince, when I was dating hubby, he told me Giusti was like Smith in Italian. Actually, it is a popular Italian name. His fraternal grandfather came from Italy and settled in the North Beach area of San Francisco. Another brother went to South America. My fil was a child when the big earthquake hit. Later, he went on to work for Bank of American (the bank started soon after the quake) and ended up managing the North Beach branch.

  63. Sending hugs to all the Seekerville readers!!! Thanks for your support...and your wonderful reviews!

  64. TINA, sorry I can't be of help. It's harder for me to come up with motivation for myself than for my characters. Love that you have the cookbook!! It'll be easier to have Seekerville for dinner than to cut down the recipes.


  65. DEBBY, ladder ball is an outdoor game played with three cord connected to two balls that you and your opponent throw at this ladder contraption. The rung they land on determines your points. Of course most of mine go into the shrubs. :-)

    Is four square a card game?

    My mother taught me to play double solitaire and we played it for years. I taught it to my daughters and they've taught it to their kids. So fun to have marathon games, winner playing the next person.


  66. Looks like a great week coming up..
    Love that mug!

  67. Love the mug! I'm pretty sure a good coffee mug helps writing juices to flow :) Blessings to all this weekend.

  68. Happy weekend! Congrats to all the winners! Hope everyone has an enjoyable Memorial Day, we're planning to visit our local cemetery with our girls to place some flags. Thanks for sharing the links- I'm particularly interested in the one about Kindle Unlimited. Please enter me for the reader mug- it's just perfect! :)

  69. love the WE edition and the pictures are awesome. I like that writer's coffee cup. Will be enjoying the weekend with my military hubby and giving him extra hugs and loves. Thanks to all military current and retired for your service!!

    would love one of those mugs.

    thanks to you Seekerville ladies for all you do

  70. GREAT WE, TEENSTER, AS ALWAYS. Had a bit of time lounging with my prayer partners on our veranda after a boat ride and before heading out for dinner, so reading the WE is the PERFECT laid-back summer break.

    LOVE the coffee mugs, Tina!! Some of my faves are my Rhett and Scarlett mugs that I used to only use on weekends, kind of like a celebration. :)

    GOD BLESS those service men and women who continue to guard our freedom and those who have died to do so -- we are forever in your debt.

    LOL, CYNTHIA ... I have a hair-loss problem going on right now, so trust me, I'm kind of partial to my hair in that pic too! ;) Wish I had some of it now ... :)

    SANDRA ... hiking/biking in the Tetons National park sounds WONDERFUL and soooo much healthier than what I'm doing this weekend. Sigh.

    PATTI JO ... had pecan waffles this morning, but no peach pancakes, unfortunatley. Or, maybe I should say "fortunately." ;)

    MYRA ... congrats on getting one ms. out the door and starting another!! You go, girl!! Glynna, praying you get yours out the door too, sweetie!!

    VINCE SAID: "P.S. I'm about to order a customize coffee cup, Discount Mugs #7102, that reads: I WRITE REVIEWS The Power is in the Stars."

    LOL ... that's my kind of mug, Vince!!

    GLYNNA ... toasted ravioli are a St. Louis invention, down on "The Hill," which is an old-fashioned Italian neighborhood with some of the best restaurants in St. Loo!!


  71. Fun pix, Tina. And what cool mugs. Even if I ask you to enter me in the drawing, please don't. I have no more room. Not even for one more. Although, I could use a mug to hold pencils on my desk ...

    Congrats to all the winners and to Glynna and Myra. If you've reached 'The End,' that means I need to read all the faster or I will never catch up.

    Coming back later to read links. For now I'll grab one of my gazillion mugs and make a nice, relaxing cup of tea. After all, it's only 92 here :-)

    Wishing everyone an enjoyable and safe Memorial Day weekend.

    Nancy C

  72. Thanks for all the congrats on finishing the book! :) And Congrats to getting yours done, too MYRA! Hope edits are going well, TINA! Busy days!

    Still LOTS to do to get my WIP in shape, but I took a break today and had a cookout (Kansas City filet mignon, burgers, cucumber salad, spicy cauliflower, roasted red potatoes, corn on the cob, and fresh strawberries!). This is probably our prettiest day this year so far. Wonderful having the windows open for fresh air, too. Then tomorrow I'll hit the book hard. I chased "weasel words" first thing this morning--time consuming, but oh so necessary!)

    Thanks for the recipe, VINCE!! :)

    JULIE-- that's exactly where I had fried ravioli for the first time. I'd forgotten the name of the Italian neighborhood in St. Louis. Such a neat weekend. The friend of a friend was a docent at the art museum and lived in a high rise right down near Forest Park. So we all went to a Cardinals baseball game one afternoon. Did the museum another day and then one of those nights went out for Italian. Do they still have that "Veiled Prophet Fair" down by the arch? I remember going to that one time--TONS of fabulous ethnic foods.

  73. Thank you for a another great WE, TINA! Congratulations to all the winners!

    Love the pics, especially the coffee foam one. I recently won an "I'm a Writer, What's Your Superpower?" mug from Seekerville, and absolutely love it! I've had friends and family comment on it, wondering where I got something so cool :-) Thank you!

    I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Weather permitting (we've had flooding here so that is "iffy") I will be the volunteer hostess for the day at a small historical museum about 11 miles away (I'm a bit of a museum geek). There's a memorial display there dedicated to the veterans from the area, including handwritten letters from WWII soldiers to their loved ones back home saying they would see them as soon as possible - but many never made it home. One soldier tells his wife he can't wait to get home and see their newborn baby, but he was killed in action just days after he mailed the letter. I've seen this display many times, and it never fails to move me to tears. So very grateful for all who served/serve and for those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

    I just got started reading the links, and the one about Copyright Myths was very informative and interesting. Thanks again!

  74. All these conflicted mug people, lol!

    Laura, glad you like your mug.

    I am starving for fried ravioli now.

  75. Just popping in for a minute to say congrats to the winners of the week! Tina, looking forward to seeing you over on the Yankee Bell Cafe.
    Hope everyone has a safe Memorial Day, let's remember those who've fought for our freedom!

    Please add my name for the reader prizes, thanks!
    (only 2 more weeks to graduation, such a hectic time!)YIKES!!

  76. Hi Sandra:

    A few Marketing Ideas to Share!

    I think the coffee mug artwork, with the book spines showing, would have many effective promotional uses. Of course, all the physical books need not be collected at one location as it would be necessary to photoshop the ebook-only novels in any event.

    The photo would make an interesting wall calendar with each title having a little box to check off, at the foot of each book, after the fan has read that book. (Doing an action like this creates 'reader involvement' and makes what a person reads more memorable).

    It would also aid fans if all books -- that are part of a series -- were displayed side-by-side. (Again: photoshop should make adding new books in the future less of a task.)

    The 'check-off' feature mentioned above plays into the 'collector' (birdwatcher) psychology which, for example, have driven some collectors to try and buy all the different 'beanie babies' as they came out.

    The same bookshelf artwork could make a nice wallet calendar.

    When enlarge the photo would make a nice full size display poster at conferences and book signings. It should be self=standing.

    The great thing about a coffee mug is that, if it is used as a favorite mug, it creates what ad people call 'frequency' -- that is, a 'messaging impression' that the prospect experiences very often. Using such a mug can be a way to remind readers, many times a day, to seek out a new (or as yet unread older) Seeker book.

    As a bonus, if the mug is used in an office/work situation, it is highly likely to be talked about around the water cooler.

    The key element with a mug like this is that it should be given only to fans who want one and who will use it and who have requested one. Such mugs are really ideal as prizes that fans win and then request as being one of several prizes to choose from.


    P.S. As a nice way to inspire and reward loyal reviewers, (for those who write reviews 'also serve' the writing gods), I like the idea of a reviewer's mug prize. (Maybe if they have a mug that claims they write reviews, they just might get those reviews written!:))


    Star Power Drives Dreams
