Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Weekend Edition

This weekend we're celebrating audio books.

Sandra Leesmith is giving away five audio books to weekend commenters. 
Winners choice of one audio book. Your pick from from these titles! 
Winners announced in the next Weekend Edition.

We Have Winners

 Giveaway rules can be found hereDrop us a line to claim your giveaway at Please allow us the 6-8 weeks per our legal page to get your prize sent out.  

** Effective 5/31/16 all winners are required to submit their address and phone number to verify their identity even if they win an e-prize. This is due to scammers attempting to claim prizes. ***

All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books!

Weekend Edition Winners of Mary Connealy's No Way Up are Winnie Thomas, and Rachael Koppendrayer.

  Janet Dean is your hostess Monday. She shared about chacterization in her post "Put Meat, Not Fat, on the Bones of Your Characters." Dawn Leonard is the winner of The Bounty Hunter's Redemption. 

  We were super excited to have Villager Meg Brummer guest host in Seekerville on  Tuesday with "The Art of Drive-By Writing." Vince is the winner of a Seeker Book of Choice.

 Author and professional coffee drinker, Jaime Jo Wright was our guest on Wednesday, with her post, "End of Chapter Hooks." Sandy Smith is the winner of her choice of a print or e copy of The Cowboy Bride's Collection from Barbour Publishing, featuring her novella, "The Cowgirl's Lasso!" 

Thursday Erica Vetsch returned with "You've Got Style." She shared the ins and outs of an author Style Sheet. Katie Hart is the winner of His Prairie Sweetheart

“…sit back. Relax. Kick off your shoes, put up your feet, and get your ear buds in. It’s audio book time!” ~ David Radtke

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday:  Today we bring you a contest primer along with advice from divas, with a post called, "How to Be Successful in Romance Writing Contests: And Stop Throwing Away Money." Let's get ready for the big end of year contests (the Genesis and the Golden Heart) NOW. Lots of information. Bring your questions. The prize vault is open!

Tuesday: Come on over and join in the First Annual Strawberry Festival with Ruth Logan Herne! June is berry month in the Northeast, and what better way to celebrate that than to chat about why SMALL TOWN ROMANCE is such a hot seller in multiple genres, and nobody loves sweet Americana more than the Ruthinator. Come on over for some old-fashioned strawberry shortcake with real whipped cream and let's talk about Main Street, U.S.A. and romance! 

Wednesday: Brandy Vallance returns to Seekerville with her post, "Writing Scared: The Best Way Out Is Always Through." Stop by to chat and you could win a copy of Within the Veil, her brand new release.

Thursday: Tina Radcliffe brings you "Angst, Torture, and a Very Bad Day: Conflict!" Let's share the pain. The prize vault is open.

Friday: July 1. The Best of the Archives with Tina Radcliffe, bringing you a second look at professional jealousy with her post "I AM NOT..." Comments are closed on Fridays to give us all more writing and reading time.

How Audio Books Promote Literacy
Seeker Sightings

Summer reads from Seekerville authors! 

 Love Will Find a Way. Coming soon from beloved Seekerville authors, Sandra Leesmith, Myra Johnson and Cara Lynn James.

No Way Up! Releasing in July from Mary Connealy. Preorder here.

Her Unexpected Family. An August release from Ruth Logan Herne. Preorder here.

 California Gold Rush Romance Collection featuring Pam Hillman. Available August 1. Preorder here.

Castles in the Clouds from Myra Johnson. Releasing August, 26. Preorder here.

It's not too late to stop by the Yankee Belle Cafe and check out the Hutzler Banana Slicer. You'll be glad you did. And if you check out the blog post and come back to Seekerville and tell me you did, I'll put your name in for a $10 Amazon gift card. While a comment in Yankee Belle Cafe is appreciated, don't have to comment unless you want to. But anyone who already commented is already entered in. I am an equal opportunity briber. Winner announced in the next Weekend Edition.

GIVEAWAY on Julie Lessman's Journal Jots blog in honor of NATIONAL KISSING DAY (June 24)!! So come on by to check it out and enter to win an ecopy of both Julie's new contemporary, Isle of Hope, or it’s brand-new prequel, A Glimmer of Hope. And if you already have IOH, Julie will substitute with book 2 in the Isle of Hope series, Love Everlasting, which releases this September, so either way, it’s win-win! Note: Check Julie's blog out next week, too, for the cover reveal of Love Everlasting!! Here's the link:Julie's Journal Jots Blog


Random News & Information

Thanks to everyone who sent links. Lots of news this weekend. Pace yourself!

Congratulations to Diva Laurie Tomlinson. In her own words: "Can't be more thrilled to announce my first book contract with Harlequin Heartwarming!"  

 The 2016 RITA and Golden Heart Awards Ceremony will be streamed live on the Internet on Saturday, July 16, starting at 8 p.m. PST. The URL is

Oregon Christian Writers (OCW) will conduct its 27th annual summer coaching conference August 15–18, 2016, at the Red Lion on the River Hotel (Jantzen Beach) in Portland.  For more information check them out here.

Business Musings: The Midlist Rules!(Kristine Kathryn Rusch)**

How Much Christian Content Should a Christian Fiction Book Have? (Ask BHP)**

Overcoming the Emotional Obstacles to a Writing Career (Writers in the Storm)**

  7 Ways to Have a Jane Austen Summer (Gilead Publishing Blog)

And the Bride Wore Black (Romancing History)

The Legal Side of Writing for Anthologies (Writer Unboxed)**

 Book Promotion: 10 Ways to Build Your Author Mailing List without Paying for Facebook Advertising (ALLi)

 25 Things People Say to Writers—And How We’d Like to Reply (The Write Conversation)

Dangers for Prawny Authors (The Passive Voice)**

 10 Goodies to Help the Plot-Twistiness of Your Crime Novel (The Graveyard Shift)

Why Indie Presses are Opening Bookstores (Literary Hub)

‘The Oxford Comma’s Unlikely Origin’ Video Goes Viral (GalleyCat)

Overdrive Helping Librarians Reach New Readers (DBW)

9 Visual Tools to Create Awesome Social Media Images (Social Media Examiner)**

Short on time? Check out these links and come back later for the rest! **

 Chasing Publishing Trends (JA Konrath)******  Loving this article! Tell us what you think of a Seekerville coloring book-any and all suggestions accepted- to get your name in the draw for a $10 Starbucks gift card. Winner announced in the next Weekend Edition.*******

We expect you to have lots to talk about this Weekend Edition! Bring on the comments and have a great reading and writing weekend.


  1. Thanks for more good articles. I need to go back and read some more of them.

    The weekend coffee pot is brewing!!

  2. Great WE as always, Miss T!
    CONGRATS to all the winners, and looking forward to another wonderful week in Seekerville!
    I visited the Yankee Belle and left a comment - - the banana slicer comments on Amazon are a HOOT!! ;) I stumbled across them a couple of years ago and laughed so hard I cried, LOL.
    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and stays cool in the summer heat!
    Am setting out pitchers of Peach Tea to enjoy all weekend! :)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  3. Happy Weekend Seekerville.

    Congratulations to Laurie Tomlinson on her sale to Harlequin Heartwarming. Welcome to the Harlequin family!

    Sandra has audiobooks to giveaway and we have a few other secrets tucked into the Weekend Edition.

    Hope you find them.

    We have a full week of fun before another holiday weekend. WOOHOO!!!

    Banana Slicers for everyone!

  4. I love the Weekend Edition! Although... I just spent a ton of time reading the articles and didn't finish the short story I meant to finish tonight. Now the dilemma: try to eke out another 1200 words? or sleep and finish tomorrow? Hmmmmm.....

  5. I know Meg! I took an hour and a half nap and now and up for at least a few hours.

    Naps save me.

  6. Scratch that. Option number 3: stay up all night reading comments about that banana slicer!

    A 2-star review that has me giggling: "I tried the banana slicer and found it unacceptable. As shown in the picture, the slicer is curved from left to right. All of my bananas are bent the other way."

  7. lolololololol. I love that. It is absolutely hysterical.

    I can only allow myself a few comment reads per day!!

  8. Myra! I LOVE your new cover! That dress!

    Tina, great post over at Yankee Belle Cafe. I commented!

    Happy summer and stay cool!

  9. You are in Heidi!!! Zoodles to you!

  10. Ah man, when I saw Hutzler banana slicer and knew what it was I was so in awe that you had one! Then I see it's just on your wish list. Totally bummed you don't have one.

    I do believe my hubby the knifesmith would disown me if I bought neon knives.

    As to your coloring book, what would you do? Oh, You could change all your covers to drawings of just outlines with photoshop, I did that with one of mine. So seekerville covers should make a good sized coloring book! - not sure how many would buy it, but hey, it's an idea. FB photo:

  11. LOL. That link is so not coming up. LOL.

    Do you live in an area of the world that actually has a Starbucks now? Suburbia????

    I love my neon knives. Does your hubby watch that knife reality show???

    Yes. It's only on my wish list. I do have a budget. Only one gadget a month. I got the avocado slicer this month.

  12. I do live in a big city now. I'm a big city girl. :( I'm sure there's a starbucks around here, google says 17, but I don't drink coffee, but I had a legit idea for a coloring book so I had to comment and I figure, if I win, I could regiveaway. I'm totally a regifter. :)

    Hubby was actually given the opportunity to go for casting calls for that reality show if we're talking about the same one. Forged in Fire? We don't have tv, but people have told us about Forged in Fire. I think he's somehow watched an episode because he totally told me that he wishes he could have done it because he would have at least beat so and so by doing such and such. But no, we decided to move, start a new job, carry two mortgages while we travel back to the old house every weekend to get it ready to sell, and accumulate a lot of debt instead. So much more fun!!!!

  13. Oh yes, that has to be the right show, I recognize some of his knife buddies as contestants.

  14. Yes! Forged in Fire!! 17 Stsrbucks! Snd you don't drink iced tea? And yes debt is grand!

  15. Typo alert,using phone. Virus scan in progress on computer. Can use word but not Internet. Apparently I should be writing at two am.

  16. Great WE as always Tina! Congratulations to all the winners this week!

    A BIG Congratulations to Laurie Tomlinson for your first book contract! I bet you are happy dancing! I signed up for your newsletter to keep on target for the release.

    Tina, I loved your blog post at Yankee Belle Cafe. Those gadgets are all so awesome! I want them all. :)

    As for the coloring books...I'd love to see a Seeker coloring book. I think it would be awesome to see all of your book covers as coloring pages. Sweet!

    May you all have a blessed week!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  17. Thanks for a great WE Tina! Congratulations to Laurie on her first contract...Yay!
    The Amazon comments on the banana slicer are hilarious!

  18. TINA, the Weekend Edition is packed to overflowing! Thanks!

    Congratulations to Laurie Tomlinson!! I'd love to hear her Call story!

    I have an adult coloring book. Got it for Christmas. Haven't colored yet. Maybe I'm too relaxed and don't need to up that. LOL I'm sure a Seeker coloring book would get me going.

    Congrats to the winners!

    I'm in awe of Sandra's audio books. Would love to have more books in the audio. My eyes get tired but my ears never do. I'm sure my DH doesn't have that problem. ;-)

    Happy Weekend all!

  19. Thanks for a great WE, and thanks for all the great links! Have a great weekend everybody!

  20. Thank you, TINA. Since the WE is kind of a catch-all, maybe someone could answer this for me: if an editor or agent requests a full from a contest win, how long should you wait until contacting them and how should you do it? If at all? I know the publishing world moves slowly.
    An agent who asked for a full from one of the 2015 contests just got out of agenting, saying she couldn't stand the emphasis on platform versus talent. She still had my full from October, guess that ship of fools has sailed.
    Congratulations to Laurie from an occasional Alley visitor.
    Kathy Bailey

  21. I comment over at the Café AGAIN. I predict there will be as many comments there today as a Seekerville post. You don't want to miss Tina's must have gadget guide people.

    Congrats to Laurie on her book contract.

    Terrific article on adult coloring books, almost as funny as the Yankee Belle Café, (almost). Can't help but laugh at his ultimate guides to coloring triangles, squares and circles (outside the lines I might add, I think that's the writers edition) that have him able to compete with the major publishing houses, or that its available as an ebook, or that he's not responsible if you try to color your ebook, lol.

    I now know of two people without a tv, Melissa being one of them. Melissa's comment about not drinking coffee while living near 17 of them, had me googling how many I lived near. Did you know that 80% of Americans live with 20 miles of a Starbucks and the other 20% no more that 170 miles? I live within 20 miles of FIFTY, crazy!

    Thanks for the great WE Tina!

  22. This past year I decided to cut back, to be sure, almost cut out time on forums and interesting blogs—to use my time writing and studying writing. But I do still reserve Saturday mornings for Seekerville. :-)

    I've been reading the articles the last two hours. Good stuff this morning—thanks Tina!

  23. I love that idea of a Seekerville coloring book! How fun is that?? That is now
    my second favorite hobby, right after reading Seekerville authors..

  24. Wow another fun weekend edition. Thanks Teenster You always have such fun and interesting things to share. I'm like MMegan and got so involved in reading the articles, I forgot to get on and comment. LOL

    And I've had my earbuds in too. Yikes, Hubby cringes when he sees those earbuds because he knows he won't get a word in edgewise. LOL

    But he does. And he's spoiled so I have no sympathy. chuckle.

  25. HI Melissa Can you believe the new interest in coloring? I first heard of it in a Valley of the Sun RWA meeting. An adult coloring book was one of the prizes. So I ran over thinking it was going to be pictures of hunky heroes and was disappointed to see all the tiny squiggly lines to color. Then right after a friend invited me to color and it was peaceful, but really???? How much time do you really have to do this?

  26. Laurie, Congrats!!!!!! woohoooooo Your first contract. That is sooooooooooo exciting. Love it.

  27. Hi Janet, That is sooo true. I fall asleep reading a book anymore, but an audiobook keeps me awake. That is a good thing at this stage of life. LOL

  28. I"ve seen those neon knives and other neon kitchen utensils at Bed, Bath and Beyond. At least you won't misplace them with all that bright color. LOL

  29. Hi Kaybee Usually three months is a reasonable time to wait. And I would contact them the same way that you sent the manuscript. If you sent hard copy in mail, I'd send a hard copy letter in mail. If you sent electronically, I would use the same addie you used to send it.

    And you can always use the phone, but do that very sparingly. They are busy and don't want to be interrupted.

    When you do contact them, keep it simple. You requested my manuscript ( title) and I sent it (date). I am checking to be sure you received it and also wanted to know the current status. Thank you for your time.

    That's the way I do it anyway. And if phoning, you may not actually talk to that editor, but if you leave that message with their assistant, that works too.

  30. Kaybee Regarding the manuscript with the agent who went out of business, I would write and ask for it back. Otherwise, assume it is available to send elsewhere and keep a copy of info stating she is out of business. Oh yes, I would ask that agent for a list of all places they have submitted the manuscript so you don't resubmit to same people. You have the right to know that and have that info.

  31. Tracey I'm laughing at how many Starbucks there are. I have to be desperate before I dish out that kind of money for a cup of coffee.

  32. Which reminds me. Thanks Helen for the free coffee. Yay. Love starting out with a cup in the morning.

  33. Good morning, Seekerville! Beautiful morning in the mountains. And what a jam-packed Weekend Edition, TINA!

    Congratulations on the contract, LAURIE T! Exciting times!

    So neat to have your books in audio, SANDRA! :)

    I can't believe all the Starbucks! I don't drink coffee, so don't get to take advantage of them. But I DO save a LOT of money! :)

  34. Sandra and Glynna,
    I don't go to Starbucks often, once in a while with a friend for a treat. I make my own carmel coffee with cream at home, so I'm saving $ too :)

  35. Tracey -- I don't have any idea, really, why I'm not a coffee drinker. I come from a long line of coffee drinkers and I LOVE the smell of it. Sounds as if you've found the best of both worlds--an occasional treat and a way to save money, too!

  36. Mary Hicks!!!! So lovely to see you. And you look even more lovely than usual.

  37. TRACEY!!!

    I checked 31 Starbucks near me.


  38. I agree with Sandra. Three months just to ask if it was received is reasonable, Kaybee.

  39. Hi Glynna How is the weather your way? I know the desert has been sizzling. Are you getting some wonderful summer weather?

    It has been freezing here. They keep promising temps in the eighties but it hasn't gone above the sixties. YET. Natures air conditioning. smile

  40. Hi Mary Hicks How smart you are to manage your time. So glad we're included in it. That's quite an honor as we all know how valuable your time is.

    Have a great weekend.

  41. I'm in the Pacific Northwest. Starbucks EVERYWHERE!!! And they are serious coffee drinkers up here. I think they are in self-defense because its so cold all the time. LOL

    Coffee does warm up those insides as well as your mind.

  42. Tracey Caramel cream??? I'm heading your way. smile

  43. HEIDI, thank you! Actually, the final cover has larkspur flowers to go along with the series title, Flowers of Eden. The sisters are Bryony (book 1), Larkspur (book 2), and Rose (book 3, coming next year).

    Busy week here! Son-in-law & 3 granddaughters have been visiting while Mom & their teenage son have been on a mission trip to Jordan. The group flies home today (prayers for safe travel appreciated!), so we're hanging out watching My Little Pony movies until sil leaves for home in a bit.

  44. A Seekerville Coloring Book? I love it! Bring it on!
    Tina, is there going to be a live stream of the RWA/Kiss of Death Awards too?
    On the topic of Starbucks, we have ONE here and it's inside Target. Although that's beneficial because you get to shop while you sip have to get OUT OF THE CAR.'s just wrong.

  45. Myra I thought Heidi was talking about our new cover for the anthology. Both covers are lovely.

    I really LOVE ours. smile So excited for its release. Yippee!!!!

    And thank you Myra for all the work you've done on this anthology. Myra is soooooo talented.

  46. Hi Sharee I will try and get info from the Kiss of Death Awards when I'm there. Hopefully it will have a live feed also.

  47. Sandra, well, its carmel syrup with half and half but it works for me. Would love to share a cup with you, come on over to the east coast :)

  48. Oh yes, and congratulations to Sandra, Myra and Cara on the novella collection, so pretty, as is Myra's newer book cover, beautiful!

  49. Tina, nope don't drink tea either. When I went to China that was the main thing I was not looking forward to. Every now and then I'll take a sip of hubby's raspberry tea at different places to see if I like it, occasionally I do, but otherwise unless it's the only thing in the country to drink and I can't get water... :( I didn't use to like chocolate either (HOW can I be a writer?) But my second pregnancy fixed that, I eat too much now.

    Sandra, I've actually always been a colorer and still do, however, the squiggly lines are not my idea of fun either. I color Barbie or Princess coloring books (basically anything with pretty evening gowns etc. in it, not like a ton of swimming suits, fancy dresses is where it's at!) and I have a stack of them and a box of crayons that I DO NOT let me kids even touch. I'll buy my daughter a duplicate if she wants one (and then I just go ahead and buy a second one for myself if it's that good, they're harder to find now without a whole bunch of boring everyday clothes in it) and get her own crayons!

  50. Sharee, no live stream from KOD Awards. Are you a chapter member? They will send the results online through the loop pretty quick. If you are not, let me know and I will send them to you when they come through. I imagine they will be tweeting them fast too. So watch your Twitter feed. As we get closer I will post the Twitter hashtags for various events in Seekerville.

  51. What a great weekend edition, thank you, Captain Teeena!!!!

    I'm gone most of this weekend with kid things, but I am happy to have my broken computer restored to me, and Norton sent back all of my files.... so we're edging back toward normal after an un-normal week.

    And that's okay, abnormal is what makes great story fodder, isn't it? If everything was Truman Show normal, we'd have no readers!

  52. Congratulations to all the weeks winners. Congratulations to Laurie Tomlinson on her first contract.

    Please enter me for a drawing for one of Sandra's audible books.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  53. It's been fun working on the novella anthology with SANDRA & CARA! We've traveled to the great outdoors for these sweet love stories--and that's my daughter & son-in-law in the cover photo! :)

  54. Stopping back in Saturday afternoon before heading to a baby shower - - I'll be melting by the time I get there, LOL - - good ol' Georgia HEAT! :(
    CONGRATS to Laurie T. on signing your contract!! WOOHOO!!!! :) I was half-asleep when I commented after midnight and forgot to say that!
    MYRA, praying for safe travels for your family members flying home from Jordan!
    Hope everyone is staying cool and having a delightful weekend!
    Hugs, PJ

  55. p.s. Looking forward to reading the novella anthology MYRA, SANDRA, and CARA!!!! :)

  56. I thought those were fake people, Myra. Seriously. I thought you photo chopped them in. Wow, that makes that gorgeous cover even better.

  57. Is it chopped or shopped?

  58. I am a coloring book snark.

    I did buy them for older girls.... but I think I rank coloring books right up there with huge jigsaw puzzles. Either God grants one patience for those things or he doesn't...



    Takes me right back to Erica Vetsch's style sheet about slowing down, but that is no fun whatsoever, so I'm sticking in high gear for the moment.

    God makes a grand variety!!!

  59. Tracey, 50 Starbucks....


    That's temptation station for sure!!!

  60. Thanks for the prayers, PATTI JO! The mission team should be landing in Atlanta any minute now. Then a 5-hour drive home, so continued prayers for safe travel appreciated!

    Yes, TINA, those are "real" people, not fake "photo-chopped"--LOL!!!! When we were deciding on a cover image, I sent my Montana daughter & son-in-law on a photo-hiking expedition. This is one of the shots they sent me. Did very little to it except add some cropping and lighting effects.

  61. RUTHY, then those coloring books by Konrath ought to be right up your alley!

  62. Ruthy,
    Only 6 Starbucks in my immediate 5 mile radius, but there are 45 more between the 5-20 mile mark. I never realized how many until Melissa sparked my curiosity.

  63. Melissa That is so cool that you have Barbie coloring books. Now I did enjoy sitting with my kindergarten students and coloring with them. It is relaxing. But I'm just laughing that you have your own set of crayons. That is too precious. And I'm sure your daughter loves having her own crayons also. smile

  64. I agree with you, Ruthy. I gave up coloring books a long time ago, although I did try an adult one. No patience or time. :)

    You know what would be helpful? SWAG samples to show what's most effective. And a blog post on one-sheets to hand out when a book is forthcoming. Our Gilead contemporary Christmas anthology, Sleigh Bells Ring, won't be available until Sept. 19, but it would be great to have something to hand out with the cover, synopsis, ISBN, price, etc. :)

    Thanks for another great WE, Miss Tina!

    Would LOVE a $10 Starbucks card! Since it's so hot here, I'm hooked on their iced coffees now. Yum!

  65. Ruthy I'm in awe that you survived a computer crash. Yikes. I think I would just roll over and call it quits. Oh my. I'm so glad you got it all back. Yay for Norton.

    Happy writing and gardening my friend.

  66. Home after an eight-day good to be back to Seekerville!

    My travels? A high school reunion in Northern VA, the Mount Vernon area. I'm a Mount Vernon High grad. So fun seeing all the old gang. Also made me think about doing a reunion story. Lots of ideas floating through my mind right now.

    Visited with our son for two wonderful days! He's in the DC area, working at a new job. We toured George Washington's Grist Mill. Had lunch at Cedar Knoll, a lovely restaurant that sits along the Potomac, toured Fort Belvoir where I lived during high school and then with hubby when our children were little. The second day started with church at Fort Belvoir, then a trip to Arlington Cemetary to visit my parents' gravesite and watch the changing of the guard. Then on to Old Town Alexandria for a bit of sightseeing and a yummy dinner near the wharf. Old Town was where we went during high school for Saturday afternoon shopping and dates in the evening. So many wonderful memories.

    From there we headed to Southern Pines, North Carolina, for three days with our daughter-in-law and grandson, waiting for their DC area home to be ready. Our son returned to NC today. The family will pack and move this week. We were able to help with some of the pre-packing jobs and also had so much fun with our little grandson. Be still my heart!!!

    Hubby and I headed along the coast on our return trip and found a cute oceanfront hotel in Surfside Beach, south of Myrtle, for some beach time. The entire trip was delightful, but it's always good to be home!

    Congrats to the winners!!!

    Lots of great online articles to read. Thanks, Tina!

    Love the new Seeker anthology! The cover is very eye-catching!

  67. FYI...

    My high school reunion was the night Denise Hunter's Hallmark movie aired! BUT, it's being rerun tonight at 7PM EST. Looking forward to watching!!! Wanted to spread the word in case any of you missed it the first night.

  68. Melissa, love your cover as a coloring page. How fun! Photoshop? Hmmm...

  69. Oh Myra I'm so glad you mentioned the cover because I'm so tickled with it and sooooo proud of you. Myra uploaded the files also. I'm so happy and thankful we have so much talent here in Seekerville. Yay.

    And I love, love, love the cover. Myra's right. All of our characters are involved with hiking or walking in the woods. So Perfect cover.

    It really has been a pleasure working with Myra and Cara. I'm so excited.

  70. Thanks Patti Jo Its so encouraging to know folks are excited. Yippee. I love it when new books come out. Can hardly wait for Myra's also. Myra, isn't your story tied to your book coming out? How special is that?

  71. Hey Barbara I think one sheets and swags were covered in the blog posts last week. Check them out. Or are you referring to something specific? Maybe so. smile. Okay. I'll hush up.

    1. Sandra, do you anyone who designs one-sheets?

    2. Sandra, do you anyone who designs one-sheets?

  72. Hi Debby So happy you had a lovely trip. Sounds like you had a great time.

    I saw the movie. It was great. Anyone else see it? If not, tune in and get it recorded at least. I love Hallmark movies anyway-smile

  73. Played pickleball this morning and guess what? Not a good time to listen to an audible book. LOL Need your concentration. But I was teaching some friends who are newbies at the game. That was fun. Then I practiced for the tournament next weekend. Frontier Days in La Pine, Oregon next weekend and they are having a tournament as part of the festivities.

    Talk about small town. Ruthy you would love it. They had a rhubarb festival last weekend with all kinds of things made of rhubarb. Rhubarb pie. YUMMY!!!

    So this little western town is having a rodeo and fair and lots of arts and crafts booths of local artists. I can hardly wait.

  74. Wilani I'm so flattered you are in for another audible book. You must have liked the one you won earlier this month. Yay. That touches my heart. smile

    Happy weekend.

  75. It finally warmed up here. I'm off to the pool for a quick swim. Hooray for sunshine.

  76. love the WE as always Tina. I'm avoiding the banana slicer reviews on Amazon because I still have to get things done today. The post over at Yankee Belle Cafe was an eye opener. So glowing knives really work?? The comment section was very funny as well.

    The adult coloring book craze completely escapes me. Perhaps I'm all colored out after a day of computer graphics/programming. I guess I don't get coloring books because if I want to make a picture, I just draw it. Hmmm... But a Seekerville coloring book sounds like a nifty novelty item.

    DEBBY I wish I had known you were somewhat in my territory. You didn't happen to pass the Virginia Beach area during your coastal travels? I woulda LOVED to meet up with you for a cup of coffee alongside an Interstate during a fuel stop for you. *sigh*

    Must remember to go claim the book I won LAST WE edition. I just realized I didn't let anyone know. Crazy week at home. *sigh*

    BTW, SEEKERVILLE ROCKS! snoopy dancing for Laurie Tomlinson. GO YOU!!! Looking forward to seeing your debut book.

  77. I have a HUGE Christmas coloring book. About 2 1/2 feet tall.

    I've had it for 20-25 years.

    It's in the closet.

    I'm not sure any of the pictures are actually colored.


    I seriously don't have the patience for it, but I'd enjoy it if I was stranded somewhere with nothing else to do.

  78. Tina, thank you for another fabulous WE! Congratulations to this week's winners!

    Enjoy your weekend.

  79. Sandra -- Surprised that you're freezing where you are. What's your elevation? It's beautiful here today. Upper 70's at the moment with rain showers. Smells SOOOOOO good! Don't even want to ask Tina what it's like in the Valley right now!

  80. Debby, yes photoshop. I think I googled a few online tutorials of "turn your photo into a coloring page" or something to do it.

  81. Deb H That would have been so fun to meet up with Debby. You would love her. I know I love times I get to see her. And yes, draw it if you can draw. My drawing looks like kindergarten level so guess I better find coloring books. LOL

    Glynna It is in the low forties at night and doesn't warm up till noon. It got all the way up to a whopping 60 degrees yesterday around 4:00. We are at 4,000 feet but the eastern side of the Cascade Mountains. Cold air drops off those volcanoes at night.

    Pam Seriously? a color book 2 1/2 feet tall and you've actually had it that long???? Oh my, I thought I had clutter. And you decluttered a while back??? You are soooooo funny. Love it.

  82. Tina got a Trente iced coffee at Starbucks with no ice so it would last all day. It was 108 when I left the cave.

    I am writing and not leaving the cave again today.

    Rain. Someone else taunted me with rain today.

  83. I've been chipping away at the links all day but my virus protection won't let me go to the last one. It says Whoa are you sure you want to go there!? So I didn't because I don't want any more computer problems than I already have. Really interesting article about Christian fiction from Bethany House. My definition is a story where there's evidence of a relationship with God or the start of a relationship with God in at least one of the characters. I really do look for a faith thread --I find it enhances the read and helps me connect to the characters more. Not to mention convicting me anew on some faith principles, affirming others. Yawn...horridly hot and humid. I'm headed for bed with the fan on full blast. Gah! Happy weekending.

    Oh and don't enter me for the audio book draw because it doesn't work on my laptop.

  84. Thank you so much for celebrating with me <3 I'm so excited!!

  85. Hi Kav I wonder if the audible doesn't work because you are in Canada. i know Amazon has different urls for Canada. I'll contact ACX and see if there is a problem. I'm sure they have a way to get audible to other countries. Thanks for letting me know. I'll check it out on Monday. They work regular hours Pacific Daylight time.

    Stay cool and happy reading.

  86. Hi Laurie I bet you are excited. You probably won't come back to earth for a bit. But there's lots of work so enjoy that happy excitement. Have fun and again, congratulations!!!

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. Great WE, TINA - thank you! I've read a few of the articles (Business Musings: The Midlist Rules! Kristine Kathryn Rusch was very interesting) and going back to finish up here in a bit.

    Congratulations to LAURIE TOMLINSON! So happy for you! And congrats to all this week's winners!

    MYRA, prayers for safe travels for your family.

    Love the cover of the anthology - congrats MYRA, CARA, AND SANDRA!

    RUTHY, Glad your computer was restored. I recently updated to Windows 10 (kicking and screaming) and was totally lost - nothing looked the same. So when a little message popped up and said: "I'm Cortana, Ask me anything" I whispered, "Where's my stuff?" Didn't help, lol. I'm finally getting used to it, though.

    DEBBY - Sounds like you had such a wonderful trip. I love reunion stories!

    TINA - loved the banana slicer comments so much! There are also similar reviews on Amazon for BIC Pens for Her. Some of them are hysterical, although there are a few that aren't very nice.

  89. I know, re the Bic pens. Love that one too, Laura!!!

    I had to get rid of Cortana. She was making Siri jealous.

  90. Congrats to all the winners, and wawzah. All these new releases... SO exciting!

    Great links it looks like. Who couldn't <3 an article with "plot-twistiness" in the title?

    Write on everyone. :D And SPEAK on. The audio books. Amazing.

    And speaking for myself, I don't get the whole coloring book thing but many do so... Why not go for it? Anything Seeker is a winner.

    As far as Windows, MS lost me with Windows 8. Went Mac, never looked back!

    Dashing in and out. (as my usual these days - sorry to have been lurking and not writing in. Great content as ALWAYS!!!)

    Hope all are having a safe and fun summer. Enjoy!

  91. Barbara, put that out on FaceBook. There is someone who designs one sheets and the name escapes me. I can't remember who she is.

  92. The ACFW Blog has a two part series on creating a one sheet for the conference.

    One Sheet

  93. Thanks, TINA, for the ACFW link. If you think of the designer's name, let me know. Have a great Sunday afternoon!!

  94. I'm a day late and I'm sorry! I just wanted to tell Laurie congrats once again!!!!!

    And for those of you still on the fence about entering a contest, the Pages From the Heart is really low on inspirational entries!!!!

  95. DebH, yes, we passed the VA Beach turnoff. Does that lead to you? We were close!

  96. I won the Cowboy Bride's Collection. Yay!

    I think a Seekerville coloring book would be great. What would be in it? I think that would be fun.

  97. WHOA, what a busy WE, Teenster, and jam-packed with great links. Particularly interested in the Bethany House blog about How Much Christian Content Should a Christian Fiction Book Have? VERY interesting!!

    WHOO-HOO, SUPER CONGRATS to Laurie Tomlinson on her sale to Harlequin Heartwarming -- WAY TO GO, GIRLFRIEND!!

    Sandra, I have to say that your covers are some of the nicest I have seen -- especially stacked together like you have them -- so appealing and yet so uniform. Kudos to you and your cover designer!

    I have to go on record to say that I would never, EVER buy a banana slicer because I actually like slicing my own bananas, so I'll pass on that one, although the reviews do make me laugh. :)

    So, Melissa, you are a regifter, eh? I used to be, too, but now my memory is so sketchy, I'm worried I'll give a regift to the person who gave it to me!! Very risky for a colander brain, you know. :)

    And I know I'm going to cause a ruckus here, but I don't fully get the popularity of Adult coloring books. I mean I absolutely LOVE doing coloring books with my granddaughter because I am downright anal when it comes to being artistic with a kids' book, because, well, it's fun to do with her. But on my own? When I could be writing instead? Uh, no. But maybe for people who don't write, it's a good way to relax and be creative at the same time, I guess? It does seem like a fun way to spend time, but any time I get, I usually pour into my computer. :| Now ... maybe a computer adult coloring book might grab me ... ;)

    Just got back into town tonight after a wonderfully busy weekend with St. Louis family, so I hope everyone else had a great weekend too!



  98. I'm with Julie.

    I pretty much do two things to relax.

    Watch old TV shows or movie or read.


  99. Hi Julie I'm with you. Coloring when you could be writing???? Or reading???? Although it was fun when I did it with two girlfriends and it wasn't the coloring that was fun, but the visiting. So maybe that is what does it.

    They offer adult coloring classes in these RV resorts I've been going to. So it appeals to a lot of people.

    Thanks for the compliment. Lena Goldfinch and Amber Stokes came up with those covers. I love them. smile Thought they did a great job.

  100. Hi LeAnne Thanks for the heads up on the contest. Always good to know and we do want to support the inspie category.

    Never a problem chiming in late. Some days are like that. LOL

  101. Hey KC Thanks for the compliment. I think it was a compliment. ha ha You are tooo funny.

    And I'm with you on the mac. I love my mac airbook. I mainly liked them because of their one on one classes. Helped me tremendously. Saved Tina a lot of work too. LOL She didn't have to teach me so much after I started the classes.

  102. Barbara I don't know anyone who does one sheets. I took a class at an RWA conference and that is where I learned about them.

  103. hi Debby
    Yep, family DebH lives in Va Beach. Note to all Seekers: If you're ever near the area, I would LOVE to meet up with any of you for a quick cuppa Joe. As long as it fits into your travel plans. My hubby likes to dominate the road when we travel, so potty breaks are short. ;)

  104. Congratulations to all the winners!

    Have a great week, everyone!
