Saturday, September 24, 2016

The Weekend Edition

We're celebrating the release of Ruth Logan Herne's The First Gift, this weekend. Leave a comment to get your name in the mailbox for one of three copies to be given away!

We Have Winners

If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes. Send to

The Pithy Winner of an Amazon Gift Card from last week is Barbara Burke.

Monday Janet Dean was your hostess. She talked about writing kissing scenes in her post "'Pucker Up' Your Hero and Heroine Within Publisher Parameters." Evelyn Hill won a Seeker eBook of her choice.

Tuesday Angela Meyer was our special guest with her post on "Building Your Email List." Vince is the winner of Where Healing Starts.

 Publisher's Weekly Bestselling author Debby Giusti was your hostess
Wednesday in Seekerville. She shared with her post "Amish Fiction. What's the Draw?" Winners of Amish book packs are Connie (Older & Smarter), Tina Marie Watson, Linda Moffitt, Bonton, Andrea Woodard, and Beth J (Beth's Favorite Recipes) and Trixi. 

 Love Inspired author debut author Laurel Blount was our very special guest Thursday. She's bringing you "Fun with Storyboards." Vicki Marney is the winner of a cool giveaway that includes Laurel's release, A Family for the Farmer.

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Lisa Carter returns to Seekerville with her post, "Mission Possible—Ground the Reader." Stop by to chat and pick up some tips to take your first chapter to the next level. Plus you could win a copy of Falling for the Single Dad. 

Tuesday: Sandra Leesmith will discuss placing ads to promote sales. Sandra will ask readers to share their experiences with placing ads. What works and what doesn't work. One writer commenter will win $25.00 toward an ad of their choice. One reader commenter will win a Seeker book.

Wednesday: Glynna Kaye joins us with "5 Tips for Taking Your Writing to the Next Level, " with an opportunity to entered in a drawing to win her November Love Inspired release, "The Pastor's Christmas Courtship."

Thursday: Cara Lynn James is your hostess today.

Friday: Best of the Archives with Julie Lessman. Comments are closed on Friday to allow more reading and writing time!

Saturday:The  Birthday Bash Begins with the October Contest Update. Stop by to meet our October Diva/Divo. The prize vault is open.

Sunday: The Weekend Edition is on Sunday in October. We announce our weekly winner in the WE ED. Week 1 winner will be announced on Sunday, October 2.    
Buy Link
Seeker Sightings

You're invited to the Seekerville 9th, Birthday Bash.October 1-31.

 We'll blog 7 days a week in October with a giveaway, EVERY SINGLE DAY.  October is when we give back to our Villagers for the journey!

Every comment is an entry for our Grand Prize an iPad mini or one of our weekly giveaways of either an Amazon gift card ($50) or a Kindle Fire.

Two great covers!
You can preorder Glynna Kaye's The Pastor's Christmas Courtship here.

Wednesday, September 28th, join Myra Johnson on Lena Nelson Dooley's blog, A Christian Writer's World. Don't miss the Castles in the Clouds interview, and you could win your own copy!

Tina Radcliffe will be speaking to the Phoenix area chapter of ACFW, Christian Writers of the West, today, Saturday, September 24th. "What Have You Done Today To Make Your Dreams Come True?" Details here.
On Friday, September 30, 2016, Ruth Logan Herne will be inducted into the Hilton High School Hall of Fame! Ruthy is crazy excited about this. It's open to the public, so if you're from upstate New York, come on over to Hilton High School's auditorium at 2:30 on Friday. There will be a community reception immediately following the induction ceremonies.

Round Two of "THUNDERCLAP," this time for Ruth Logan Herne. Ruth, Mary, and Julie are all part of the Christmas Cowboy Homecoming collection from Gilead Press, due out next month!!! By clicking on the link below and offering "support" you're agreeing to get a notice that the book is coming out... and it builds our group of book-loving supporters! So if you want to help a struggling author this Christmas (cue the carols and hymns!) click below and then click to support! 

WIN A CHARACTER NAMED AFTER YOU in Julie Lessman's November paperback release of Love Everlasting AND a signed copy, PLUS signed copies of three of Julie’s novels and a framed quote. Details can be found HERE!


FREE DOWNLOAD on Julie Lessman's A Glimmer of Hope the prequel novella to her award-winning novel Isle of Hope. Get your free e-copy of AGOH at AMAZON, BARNES AND NOBLE, or KOBO.


50% SALE on Julie Lessman's award-winning ISLE OF HOPE, the 5-star novel on Family Fiction Magazine's Top 15 Novels of 2015! Buy Link. 


BOOK 2 IN ISLE OF HOPE SERIES coming September 30! Preorder Julie Lessman's new novel, Love Everlasting here. Preorder Link

Random News & Information.

Thank you to everyone who sent links.

The Talented Blind-Person Spot (The Monday Morning Memo)**

What to Do After You Write a Book (The Write Practice)**

Future Perfect? Past Continuous? What are All the Verb Tenses? (ProWritingAid)

Mastering the Art of the Scene (The Book Designer)**

Why I Write:Part One (Steven Pressfield)

Getting Ready to Launch a Book? Start with These 5 Questions (Jane Friedman)

How Bookbub's Selection Process Works (Bookbub Partners)**

Facebook and Author Marketing (Tim Grahl)

33 Common Words & Phrases You Might Be Saying Wrong (WD)

How to Fight the Comparison Battle (The Write Conversation)   

How Will an Author Platform Make You a More Successful Author? (BadRedhead Media)**

Short on time? Read the ** articles and come back for the rest later.

Have a great reading and writing weekend. See you next Sunday, when we eat cake! Birthday cake!

October birthday bash! 31 days, 32 giveaways!


  1. Sorry for the delay. Someone changed the post to draft.

    Have a lovely weekend, Villagers.

  2. very delicious! Can hardly wair to devour it.

    1. Lost half my post.
      This is for Ruth Logan Herne. Your book sounds...

  3. Great WE, Tina. Congratulations to all of the winners!

    I finished reading The First Gift last night. I think you all will love it.

  4. Oops, that was probably me because you taught me to keep it in draft for you and I did!!! My bad!!!

    Such a fun week in Seekerville.... and I loved our delve into Amish fiction this week, Deb Giusti, that was an amazing post and an amazing day. The comments were marvelous... and so broad-based that it was better than running a survey.

    I'm in NYC, heading home today so I'll be absent all morning but I love that Franciscan Media put this beautiful romance out there! KUDOS TO THEM. And I hope you guys love it when you read it!!!

  5. Jennifer, Blogger has the hiccups!!!! Thanks for being here!

  6. Jackie, thank you for those kind words! I'm glad you loved the book!!!!

  7. I love the premise of First Gift. Definitely throw my name in the dish.

  8. Bettie, you're in, and I loved the premise, too... Weaving Cassie's story between Kerry's romance just seemed to fit perfectly. Sometimes it does take a village...

  9. Thanks for the great WE, Tina. The Blogger Gremlins strikes again.
    First Gift sounds wonderful, Ruthy...I'd love to be entered. Have a great weekend!

  10. Congrats to all the winners! So thrilled that SEVEN Villagers won books from my "Amish Fiction? What's the Draw? blog on WED! Tina was/is so generous to join me in the giveaway!!! If you've already received a copy of PLAIN TRUTH, let me know when you provide your mailing address and I'll substitute another story.

  11. I'd love to be entered for a copy of First Gift.

  12. Another Ruthy book!!! Woot! Ruthy, your production rate is amazing. Aren't you releasing, like every month? Love your stories!

  13. Tina, I know you'll WOW!!! the Phoenix ACFW folks at your talk today. Wish I could be in the audience. You'll light a fire under all those who attend.:)

  14. Happy weekend Seekers! I am book bingeing this weekend on Roseanna White's Ladies of the Manor series. Wow! I love it! I'm posting a series review on Monday so feeling the pressure!
    Please put my name in the drawing for Ruthy's book!

  15. What a great upcoming lineup! Lisa Carter always provides wonderful, insightful blog posts! I'm eager to hear what Sandra has to say about promotion and Glynna's advice on taking our writing to the next level!!! Cara's surprise blog will be great, I'm sure, and Julie's enthusiasm in her posts is always infectious! Plus, did you see all the special offers Julie has provided for her Isle of Hope series!!! Don't miss this opportunity to download those stories!

  16. Beth...a reader deadline! You rock!


  17. All this fantastic news!
    Congratulations to one and all - winners, new books released, talks...
    So exciting.

    I'd like to add my own new release - May's 4th book is FINALLY available in ebook format and hardcover early October. We have a video on YouTube of me reading Chapter 1 (since if May narrated it might be difficult for some to understand.)

    Looking for honest reviews so please let me know if you're interested.

    Thanks everyone. I'm off to the Homesteads Apple Festival to sell books, plush and pet treats. See ya on the flip side... :)

  18. Congratulations Ruthy! I won your book last week and I can't wait to read it!

    Can I just say, again, how grateful I am to have found Seekerville? You all are a huge blessing!

    Enjoy the weekend lovelies! It's sweater weather here in VT this weekend after an unusually warm September. Heading out to cheer my boy as he zips down the soccer field.

  19. Happy Weekend, Seekerville! Another great bunch of informative links, TINA!

    Just like JOSEE's Vermont, it's sweater weather here in the Arizona mountains, too. (Guess I'd better find some time to wash up a few!?) Currently 32 and only up to about 60 expected for a high (it hasn't gotten out of the 50's the past two days). So it's a perfect day to cuddle in with a cup of hot chocolate and write, write, write! :)

    K.C. -- Congrats on another "May" book!

  20. Congratulations to all the winners this week and to Tina for another great WE.

    A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Ruthy for being inducted into the Hilton High School hall of fame. That is just so awesome!

    Many blessings to everyone throughout this coming week!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  21. Ruthy, I just started reading The First Gift and oh my it touched my heart from the very first page. Thank you for writing this story.

    Cindy W.

  22. It's October birthday month already? time is flying!

    I wish I could beam myself up and over to Arizona and hear Tina give her talk, I've no doubt it'll be inspiring!

    Ruthy, congratulations on delivering another outstanding book, The First Gift! You're such a prolific writer and every book is so good! Love stories that revolve around social issues, western cowboys, Christmas and historical novellas, and LI too. I love how you are able to cross categories and time periods so well. You deserve that Hall of Fame recognition, I wish I could be in NY to applaud for you.

    I can't be in Arizona today or NY next week, but I'll be thinking about you both and cheering you on from Virgina! Go team!

  23. Have a good time on the blog Wednesday Myra, I'm sure it'll be great!

  24. TINA, thanks for the terrific Weekend Edition! Congrats to all the winners and to Ruthy on the release of The First Gift. GLYNNA will soon have a new book on the shelves. TINA is speaking. RUTHY will be inducted into her high school Hall of Fame. Great news all around! Next week's line up looks great!

    Busy day. Will have to check out the links tomorrow. Have a lovely weekend, Seekerville!


  25. What a great WE, Tina! I have read a couple of the links so far. Good stuff!

    Congratulations to the winners!

    I can't believe it's time to wish you guys happy birthday again! The year is FLYING past!

  26. Congratulations to all the winners. Congratulations to Ruthie on her new release. I can't wait to read it.
    Have a great weekend.
    Becky B

  27. What a great WE. So many wonderful links to check out.

    May & KC.... Congrats on the new release! :)

  28. Beth, I'm with you...have a ton of reviews to post. Luckily they're all written!
    Another great WE. Thanks, TINA
    CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners. Debby's books are awesome.
    TINA if there's a pesky fly bothering you today, maybe it's me😊. I know you'll do well.
    Ruthy, I thunder lapped for you. I'm looking forward to the book.

  29. Josee, enjoy your sweater day at the soccer field. It's still so hot in MS!

    Hmmm... for some reason, my phone is telling me that it's 63 in New York. Ruthy, I guess you need to know that this morning. If you can see the temp on your phone for MS, let me know, 'k?

  30. Ahh... there's MS weather. It's 81 here and supposed to get to 93 today. And Sunday, it's supposed to get up to 97! :(

  31. Tina, wish I could hear your talk today! I know it's going to be awesome! :)

  32. CONGRATULATIONS to this weeks' winners!

    TINA, thank you for another fabulous WE!

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Please enter me in the drawing for Ruthy's book.

  33. Congratulations to all the winners for this week!

    Have a safe, blessed and wonderful weekend, everybody

  34. Josee, good luck to your soccer star! You mentioned sweater weather. My area is due to hit 92 degrees. Must think "cool" when I pack for my trip to Montreal! :)

  35. Congratulations to all the winners.

    Tina, Wish I could hear you speak today. I am sure you will be good.

    Ruthy, I would love to win a copy of your book. If not I will find a way to buy a copy. I love your books as well as all the seekers. Although due to the Vertigo still overtaking my body, I am way behind on my reading and my writing has come to a standstill although as thoughts come to mind I have added the notes to their respective notebooks so when I can see well enough to write I will have them. Surely it will go away soon. But in the mean time i will continue to rejoice in the Lord and rest in His faithfulness.

  36. Happy Weekend, Seekerville Friends!! :)
    Great WE, Miss T - - as always!
    CONGRATS to all the winners! And CONGRATS to Ruthy on the release of another amazing book!! (Please toss my name in the cat dish for the drawing)

    CONGRATS to Ruthy also on her Hall of Fame, and to Tina for her upcoming speaking engagement!! :)

    I'm sorry I was absent most of this past week, BUT the reason was I stayed super-duper busy WRITING!! Set a deadline for myself and made it!! :)

    Since today is my "baby boy's" 25th birthday, I'm setting out cake to enjoy! And this will whet your appetites for the Seekerville Birthday Bash coming up soon - - more cake - - YUM!! :)

    Hugs from sunny Georgia, Patti Jo

  37. Happy birthday to your son, Patti Jo! The cake is delicious!

    So proud of you making your deadline!!! I'm clapping and cheering in Peachtree City. Can you hear me?

    Sending lots of hugs and mega congratulations!

  38. Hey, Seekerville! Crazy, crazy few days for me. Busy helping our daughter do some fix-ups around her house. Weeded flowerbeds, added mulch, stained a bench . . . I've lost track of all we've been working on! In between projects, of course, is reading stories to granddaughters & playing My LIttle Pony. Or letting them try to put 5,000 ponytails in my hair!

    Congrats to RUTHY on her new release and her Hall of Fame recognition! And congrats to last week's winners!

  39. Yes Debby! Think COOL weather clothes for your trip although it can get very warm through mid-October. You just never know!

    My son played well, soccer is definitely his sport! My youngest is down for a nap, I've got my baroque classical station on, a candle burning and a cup of tea by computer.

    Time for more revisions!

  40. Congratulations, Ruthy, on your new release!! I'm convinced you've cloned yourself. Your fingers must be a blur on the keyboard to produce as many books as you do. :-) And a big congrats
    to you being inducted into the Hall of Fame. Yay!!!

    Thanks for another great WE, Tina. Even though I was AWOL from Seekerville last week, I don't want to miss a single day in October. Happy birthday!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Myra, I remember those Little Pony days! So much fun!!!

    Josee, I'm right there with you, working on my new proposal. Toasting your tea with mine! Happy writing!

  43. Ruthy, I've included myself in your Thunderclap. Good luck!!!

  44. Happy Weekend everyone! I am enjoying some time to get things done, like clean my house and hopefully do some writing. I didn't get anything done last weekend. My son is home from college this weekend, too, so having a fun time with him around.

    So excited about Seekerville birthday month! Always a lot of fun.

  45. Missed all of you too, Debby!! I'm working on a rush edit though.

  46. I'm working on revisions and I can't believe how often I find and ferret out passive voice.

    I'm disgusted with myself. But the scene I just worked through is an action scene and I know I KNOW I just powered through that scene, knowing it would need work later.

    I was right!!!

  47. Thanks, sweet DEBBY GIUSTI! I *did* hear your cheering and clapping - - thought it was an afternoon football game at a nearby high school, LOL - - but glad to know it was you!! ;)

    Love reading what everyone has been up to! And MYRA, I'm smiling at your My Little Pony comment...awww, brings back sweet memories of when my girls were little. :)

    Cannot believe it's been a whole MONTH since the CFRR in Nashville! Such a special time! :)
    Back to my chores! Hugs, Patti Jo

  48. I'm so excited about your upcoming birthday bash! I started reading Seekerville during one of your bashes. Congrats to Ruthy on the induction and new book. Definitely put me in the drawing.

    Tina, I hope your talk went well today. When are you coming to Oklahoma to teach?

  49. Loved that yesterday featured The Princess Bride. I saw Mandy Patinkin's Dress Casual live performance this year and he ended with, "Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya! You killed my father! Prepare to die!" Totally loved it - fan girl moment.

  50. What a great WE! And congrats to all the winners :)

    And what an exciting time for Ruthy! Congrats on the Hall of Fame thing. That's so cool! I can't wait to get my hands on The First Gift ... it sounds wonderful!

  51. Back from NYC!!!! And I came home to 60 degrees and sunny, and it is beautiful fall weather in upstate NY!!!

    Jill, I'm tucking your name into the cat dish, darling! And Debby, I am gobsmacked in a happy way by the amazing results of your Amish post.... YES!!!!!!

    What a fun day that was!

    Cathy Ann, tucking your name in!!!

  52. KC, congratulations! That is PAWSOME, my friend! I am not only happy dancing for you, I'm SNOOPY DANCING!!!! FEET IN AIR!

  53. Beth Erin, a binge-reading weekend???? Where do we sign up, darling?????

    Enjoy! And I'm tossing your name in right now, I'd love to hear your opinion on The First Gift!

  54. Cindy W., thank you on both!!! I hope you love the story, and I'm so excited about the Hall of Fame! :) It's such an honor to be able to stand up there and share my "live your dream" story!!!!

  55. Josee, I love sweater weather! It's so much fun to grab a farm sweatshirt again and help folks wind their way through the pumpkins and displays!!!

    And Glynna.... that sounds like the perfect day to write! Nothing like a cool day and something warm to drink, right?

  56. Deb Giusti, you did a great job of holding down the fort while I was traveling home yesterday! I have a smart phone that is fairly cheap and somewhat not smart, so it freezes and doesn't let me post...

    And every now and again (honestly) it's good to be unconnected because it is the perfect time for prayer and reflection!

    Debby, thank you!!!

  57. Tracey, thank you!!!!!

    What kind words those are, I am beyond grateful for them. And honestly, the glory is God's forever because I just long for his spirit to shine through each story.

    And I'm over the moon in love with this job. :) (BIG GRIN!!!!)

  58. Janet, thank you!!! Don't you just love those busy days???

    And Jeanne, it is going quickly, isn't it? But it's all good!!!

  59. Becky, I'm tucking your name into the cat dish! Thanks for stopping by!

  60. Marianne, thank you for the Thunderclap support! I'm not sure how I feel about that whole thing, but it seems innocent enough. I just hate BEGGING!!!!!

    However, if it was chocolate, I'd beg. :)

  61. Pammers, I was so tired of 90+ weather! I'm so glad it broke, but we did have a glorious summer. Pool owners were thrilled, and we have shade trees here on the farm, and a couple of window air conditioners so that helped.... but I do love having things cooler!

    Yesterday I met my son and his wonderful girlfriend for coffee at 8:30 AM.... 60 degrees in Lower Manhattan....

    The day before Zach and I went to Ellis Island and Liberty Island.... 89 degrees and very humid.

    That fourteen hour difference was a wake-up call for real!

  62. Caryl, you're in and good morning to you!!!!

    Hey, Edwina! Happy weekend back to you!

  63. Wilani, I have you in prayer for healing. I'm so sorry this is dragging on. :( I'm tucking your name into the cat dish and asking God to bless you with good health. You have such a loving and giving heart, I know it's hard for you to ask for help when you'd much rather be helping others.

  64. Patti Jo, I'm having a slice of that cake and celebrating Smart Boy's birthday!!! GO HIM!!!!!!

    And thank you for the congrats, what a fun thing we've got going here, isn't it? I love that we can celebrate together (even in a virtual way) because this is a solitary business and being connected with all of you makes me smile... and makes every day special!


    I am so stinkin' proud of you!!!!!

  65. Myra, how nice to be able to jump in and help at your daughter's place. You are rocking this!

    And that list of duties is amazing. Go you!!!!

  66. Josee, you have set the scene for me.... Go get 'em, Tiger!

  67. Barbara Scott, it was so nice to have time with you in Nashville! Thank you for all of your kind words, my friend!

    I was in absentia a lot this week too, so I hear you... but I'm hoping to be home this coming week, with family coming into town for the Hall of Fame induction and a crazy fun time with PUMPKINS!!!! :)

  68. Walt, thank you! We'll see how this turns out, won't we??? And I'll let youse guys know because I consider Mary, Julie and I GUINEA PIGS! snort....

  69. Mary, I'm laughing at this because it is so true!!!!

    Power through, my friend!

  70. Terri!!! You saw Mandy Patinkin in person??? OH BE STILL MY HEART... he's such a talent!

    And his role as Inigo.... LOVE IT!!!!!

    I've always thought The Princess Bride was one of the most well put-together stories out there... to blend humor, characterization, fantasy, myth and romance in such a way is pure genius, isn't it?

    What a marvelous example of how fun this process can be!

  71. Megan, I'm putting your name in and thank you!

    It was such an honor to be nominated... and then accepted??? YES! And they give us time during the day to talk to students, and to share our stories... and I hope, to inspire some young minds to never, ever, ever give up.

    To hang onto their dreams.

    And to look forward, always.

  72. Congrats to the winners! I'm excited to see the birthday party promo! It won't be long. :)

  73. Thanks Glynna, Pam and Ruthy!

    What a busy week/end for everyone.

    Have fun with children and grands, and all the outdoor doings...

    Here's a few from the Homesteads Apple Festival, where it was NINETY degrees. Highly unusual.

    Mary, I'm not happy to read about your revisions but must say that this gives me a little bit of hope that I'm not completely crazy. I really struggled with this book on issues that you mentioned, and a host of others. arg.

    Still - it's done and out there. Won't ever catch up with you though!

  74. TINA SAID: "Sorry for the delay. Someone changed the post to draft."

    I am the culprit, I'm afraid, so my humble apologies. Bad Julie! It will NOT happen again, Julie says, slinking away ... And by the way, Teenster -- how was your speaking engagement at Christian Writers of the West?

    RUTHY!!! Super congrats on being inducted in the Hilton High School Hall of Fame! WOW, I think that is a really cool for a high school to do! Wish mine would do it. :)

    And, I had the honor and pleasure of endorsing The First Gift and absolutely LOVED it, so I encouraged everyone to jump on it because you won't be sorry!

    Debby said: "and Julie's enthusiasm in her posts is always infectious!" "Infectious" is a good word, Deb, especially when it comes to my technical inability which often "infects" my blog and Seekerville's!! ;) But thank you for the compliment, my friend!


  75. I can hardly believe that our birthday month starts THIS week! Where, oh where did the last year go?

  76. Ruthy - that sounds amazing! What an opportunity to impact lives :)

  77. Congratulations Ruthy on your new release and induction to the Hall of Fame!

    Congratulations to all of the published authors and winners!

    Happy almost 9th birthday to Seekerville!

    Please enter me in the drawing for a copy of Ruth Logan Herne's The First Gift.

    May God bless all of Seekerville!

  78. Sunday mornings are always busy! Church takes an hour-plus, but I'm not sure what happens to the rest of the time! :)

    Ruthy, so glad you had a fun trip to NYC! I love it there! At least, I love it during the RWA Conferences. Always sights to see, nice places to eat (I am ALL about food) and people-watching to do.

    Did someone mention summer heat, now that it's fall? We're headed for a high of 91 degrees!

  79. Patti Jo brought cake for her son's birthday a few days ago and I'm following her lead. Today is my daughter Mary's birthday. Some of you know her. She's accompanied me to a few of the RWA Conferences. (NYC, Ruthy! She loves the city.)

    So I've brought an assortment of cakes to celebrate her birth and in eager anticipation of our upcoming Seekerville Birthday!!!

    German chocolate, spice, red velvet, carrot...and many more! Enjoy!

  80. #jealous

    Huge Mandy Patinkin fan as well. He did the first two seasons of Criminal Minds and was absolutely outstanding. I watch them over and over for his performance. I believed he was Jason Gideon.

    My program was nicely received. Of course, I picked a great group to deliver it to. Love CWOW.

    And discovered an attendee who is a lurker in Seekerville. I am officially outing Corina Burch, as a Villager.

  81. Ruthie has had several interesting looking releases lately, would love a chance to read one!

  82. Wow! A lot of things going on in the near future. Congrats to all who have new book releases! Congrats to Ruthy on her induction in the Hall of Fame! Woohoo! I'd love to be in the drawing for The First Gift!

  83. PATTI JO, congratulations on making your writing goal!!

    Happy birthday to you son. The cake is yummy!


  84. TINA, glad the talk went well. Knew it would as I've heard you speak.


  85. Won't be long and we'll be celebrating Seekerville's ninth birthday!! Can't believe how those years have flown. Looking forward to more cake, prize winners, terrific posts! We know how to party!


  86. Took sick yesterday am spending a miserable day in bed. But I wanted to pop in and leave my comment. Congrats Ruthy on the new book, please add my name to the mailbox. Thanks Debby for your generosity! I've not read Plain Danger, looking forward to it.

    I'm praying quick healing for myself as hubby & I are San Francisco bound next weekend for a much needed vacation. Don't want to miss out :-(

  87. Will pray for your healing Trixi. Hope God's will is to heal you and give you safe travel and a wonderful marriage building trip with your husband!


    That's some nice CAKE, too!!!

  89. Congrats to the Seekerville ladies!

  90. KC, I love the crazy busy weekends, too.... it's such a blessing to have busy lives, isn't it? It's pumpkin season here and crazy busy, but tomorrow I'm in hide-out mode: STEALTH RUTHY!!!!

  91. Missy, I know! BIRTHDAY CREEP UP!!!! Next weekend! WHOOO-EEEEEE!

  92. Julie, we can share the blame, darling! I'll take my share. I'll take one for the team. I'll take it on the chinny chin chin!!!!

    But I'd rather blame you, so go for it, girlfriend!!!!! :)

    And I'm so excited about people's reactions to The First Gift. It makes me happy!

  93. Thank you, TINA, for a great WE! I hope your speaking engagement went well - would love to have seen you in person! Congratulations to all this week's winners!

    RUTHY, congratulations on your new book - love that cover! I finished "The Pastor Takes a Wife" and truly enjoyed it! I left a review on Amazon.

    I wasn't able to drop in here last week - I hope that never happens again. I missed Seekerville a lot!! Looking forward to next week :-)

  94. Oh my goodness ... winners, Seeker releases, super WE, Seekerville birthday, Ruthy as a Hall of Famer, Mandy Patinkin and The Princess Bride. It's absolutely too much to take in all at once! Must ... catch ... breath ...

    Nancy C

  95. I missed Seekerville during the week so I'm glad I had a chance to catch-up. Debby, your post about Amish books was very interesting. Congrats Ruthy on becoming a Hall of Famer and on your new release. Please put my name in the mailbox as I'd love to read and review it. Thanks to all the Seekers for all you do for your fellow authors and your readers. Keep sharing God's message with us in the form of your Christian fiction books! Enjoy your month-long birthday celebration!

  96. Thanks for a chance to win Ruth's book and for keeping us informed about the exciting events ahead. October will outstanding!!!!

  97. Congratulations to all of the winners!!

    I'm looking forward to reading "PLAIN TRUTH" By Debby Giusti.

  98. Congrats to the winners!
    Another Winning WE

    I'm late to the party. Lots of catching up to do this weekend and much PT. Started reading the new May the K9 Spy book. Also listening to Ruth's "More than a Promise" CD. Wonderful reader with a good range of different voices. I've started reading all the Jack Reacher books in order. The author, Lee Child wrote that he learned to write novels by reading all the Travis McGee novels by John D. MacDonald over and over again to learn what made them tick. That was his training.

    I just noticed on Amazon that Lee Child is listed as a co-author to "The Deep Blue Good-by". (I didn't notice that when the book first came out.)

    I read the McGee novels one after another as soon as they came out. McGee is a lot like Reacher. He only worked when he needed money. He retired first and lived most of his life on a boat in Florida working only as he needed to. He worked outside the law. I think that if you like the Reacher novels, you'll also love the McGee series.

    I see I won a book I really want to read, "Where Healing Starts". Thanks to all at Seekerville!


  99. Vince, I love the reader on "More Than a Promise"! She did such a great job of inflection and putting the emotion into the story... and the fun! She is marvelous!

    I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who studied/read successful authors I liked to find out how to do this! I might not read/like craft books, but I can emulate and that's the kind of education I can champion, Vince!

    I studied by taking copious books out of the library, ABA authors (we didn't have a Christian/inspirational fiction section and I liked the depth and humor in ABA) and reading them, whole series.

    Lee Child and I have something in common! :)

  100. Connie, I agree and you're welcome!!!!!

  101. Dawn Leonard, thank you so much!!!!

    I'm tucking your name into the cat dish (they're most annoyed at the lengthiness of this weekend's progress, let me tell you!) and hope to see you during birthday bash!!!

  102. LAURA!!!! Thank you for getting "The Pastor Takes a Wife".... I had so much fun writing those historical novellas and they opened doors of opportunity for me. I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT and huge thank yous for the review! Happy dancing!

    Nancy!!!! I know, it's almost too much to absorb! EEEEEK! I love good news times, they're marvelous, and give us strength to hurdle those tougher moments... because we know they'll come! So glad you were here!

  103. Trixi, I'm so sorry you're sick. :( Praying for complete recovery and a wonderful vacation.

  104. Tina, I haven't read "Plain Truth" yet, either. I am anxiously awaiting that reward time when I can lose myself in a Giusti book! SOON!!!!!

  105. I would Love to win a copy of Ruth Logan Herne's Book. "The First Gift" Thanks so much for the chance to win. I supported The Cowboy Christmas Homecoming Book on Thunderclap also. Thanks so much for the chance to win. My email is iamabho (at) gmail (.) com
