Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Birthday Weekend Edition Week 2

Welcome to the SECOND Birthday Weekend Edition in celebration of our 9th Birthday. That means Seekerville is starting year TEN! Every week we have a fabulous giveaway  ($50 Amazon gift card or a Kindle Fire) and on November 5, we'll draw for our Grand Prize, an iPad mini. All commenters, all week get their name in the birthday box for all drawings.

Today is our cake celebration. Let us know your favorite type of birthday cake, for a chance to win a birthday surprise  (BOOKS - BOOKS - BOOKS) package! For an international reader a Seekerville ebook of choice.

 And for one writer, an ecopy of Janice Hardy's Understanding Show, Don't Tell: And Really Getting It. 

Winners announced in the next Weekend Edition.

We Have Winners

If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes. Send to

Birthday Week 2 Winner of a Kindle Fire is Cynthia Herron!

  Baley Field, J. Baugh, and klkfrog are the winners of an e-book copy of Julie Lessman's Love Everlasting, Book 2 in the Isle of Hope series.  

 Mary Connealy was your hostess Monday in Seekerville! Mary will be giving away three books to three winners. In Honor of our NINTH Birthday, Mary is talking about "9 Ways to Face Your Fears." The winners are Pamela Lunsford-No Way Up, Stella Perry-12 Brides of Summer and Cynthia Herron-Cowboy Christmas Homecoming.

Join guest Alison Stone was in Seekerville on Tuesday with her post, "Things I Learned When I Took a Leap of Faith: How a Category Romance Author Found Her Way While Writing Her First Single Title Book." Elaine Stock is the winner of a signed print copy of her new release from Waterfall Press, Pointe and Shoot.

 Dani Pettrey was our special birthday guest Wednesday with her post "Nine Ways To Grab an Editor’s or Agent’s Attention." JenBCo is the winner of Cold Shot and a Starbucks gift card. Beth Erin is the winner of an ecopy of Shadowed.

Thursday Sherri Shackleford returned after her last post (find here). So here she is with a follow-up, "A Hero with a Sense of Humor: How to Create the Ultimate Leading Man." Jackie Smith and Tracey Hagwood are the winners oA Family for the Holidays and Abigail Mitchell and Rebecca McLafferty are the winners of Cowboy Creek Christmas. 

Sue Brower, Editor from Gilead Publishing LLC, was our very special birthday guest on Friday. Terri Reed, Valri and Sharee Stover are the winners of Cowboy Christmas Homecoming, and Nicky Chapelway is the winner of Sleigh Bells Ring.

Saturday we welcomed writer, speaker, and social media coach Edie Melson who runs the popular The Write Conversation blog! She’ll be sharing "9 Ways to Increase Your Social Media Presence." Suzanne Baginskie is the winner of her choice of one of Edie’s books (listed in her bio).

Chocolate All the Way
 Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Ever felt like your writing life was a wasteland? Come hang out with Missy Tippens as she gives "9 Tips to Survive a Writing Dry Spell." Join the conversation, and one lucky commenter will win a beautiful pocket journal!

Tuesday: Myra Johnson comes your way with "9 Tips for Growing Your Writing Skills." Are you utilizing some of the most effective methods for improving your craft? Check out Myra's suggestions and share your own for a chance to win a copy of The Oregon Trail Romance Collection: 9 Stories of Life on the Trail into the Western Frontier (including Myra's novella, Settled Hearts). 

Wednesday: Join Julie Lessman in a fun interview with her Revell editor, Lonnie Hull Dupont, when she picks the brain of one of her favorite people in the industry. Giveaways include a paperback or e-copy of Lonnie's delightful new memoir, Kit Kat and Lucy: The Country Cats Who Changed a City Girl's World and a three-book giveaway from Julie.

Thursday: Amble on over today as Ruth Logan Herne shows you how making bullet points about your story saves you time... and revisions! While she's in bullet-mode she's got several copies of her 4 1/2 Star "Top Pick" new Double S Ranch story "Home on the Range" in the prize box! Leave a comment for a chance to celebrate Ruthy's upcoming release by winning it before you can buy it!

Friday: You asked and we delivered! Folks wanted to know about income tax + writers so we invited the lovely and talented Jean Gordon to come by... she'll be giving you general information on dos and don'ts, and she's giving away a print copy (U.S. only) and an e-copy of the first book in her Team Macachek series: Mending the Motocross Champion.

Saturday: Glynna Kaye will join us for "5 Steps To Getting Your Writing Goals Back On Track." With only a few months left in 2016, what can you do to ensure the year doesn't go out on a whimper because you've wandered off the path? She'll be giving away three copies of her hot-off-the-press release, "The Pastor's Christmas Courtship."

Sunday: The Weekend Editions are on Sundays in October.  Week 3 winner will be announced on Sunday, October 16.

Seeker Sightings

All proceeds benefit Avondale Public Library. Tina Radcliffe is one of the faculty presenters for 2016. Information can be found here.

To celebrate the beginning of fall, Ruth Logan Herne and Julie Lessman have teamed up with more than 40 fantastic inspirational contemporary romance authors to give away a huge collection of novels, PLUS a Kindle Fire to one lucky winner! You can win Ruthy's novel, Home on the Range and Julie's novel, Love Everlasting, plus books from tons of other top authors! So, enter the giveaway by clicking HERE beginning TOMORROW, MONDAY, 10/10 -- the link will not be live till then, so good luck, and enjoy!  

18 Giveaways END at midnight TONIGHT, Sunday, 10/9, for Julie Lessman's new release, Love Everlasting, so take advantage of these multiple opportunities to win your choice of Love Everlasting or Isle of Hope! You can check out the list of blog-tour links HERE.

FREE DOWNLOAD on Julie Lessman's A Glimmer of Hope the prequel novella to her award-winning novel Isle of Hope. Get your free e-copy of AGOH at AMAZON, BARNES, AND NOBLE, or KOBO.


50% SALE on Julie Lessman's award-winning ISLE OF HOPE, the 5-star novel on Family Fiction Magazine's Top 15 Novels of 2015! Buy Link.

Random News & Information

It's that time of year when we ask you to please consider nominating Seekerville for the 18th Annual Writer’s Digest 101 Best Website for Writer’s Award. Send an email to with “101 Websites” in the subject line. We are an Inspirational Romance Writing Community.

Thank you to everyone who sent links. You rock!

What Does it Mean to be 'Indie'? (Writer Unboxed)

Amazon Adds Free Books to the Ever-Growing List of Prime Benefits (Wired)

Selling Your Book and Other Tips on Query Writing (bookends)**

Are You Using an Editorial Calendar? (The Literary Entrepreneur) **

Writing Fiction: 7 Steps To Write Your First Novel (The Creative Penn)**

31 Fun Field Trips for Writers (The Write Conversation)

Are You a Push Marketer or a Pull Marketer? (Jane Friedman)**

Kensington Unveils Two New Digital-First Imprints (PW)**

10 Ways You May Be Hurting Your Online Platform (Novel Rocket) 

Update on Customer Reviews (Amazon)

17 Tricks To Get More Things Done During the Work Day (Entrepreneur)

Four Kinds of Pace (Writer Unboxed)**

The Three Ps of Writing Success (Fiction University)**

Short on Time? Read the ** and come back for the rest later.
Regarding Amazon review policy: We will include this in the winner letters in Seekerville and add it to our legal page.

The new policy should be read here in its entirety. Please do click on all links in the policy.

NOTE THIS LINE IN THE POLICY! Book authors and publishers may continue to provide free or discounted copies of their books to readers, as long as the author or publisher does not require a review in exchange or attempt to influence the review.

 Seekerville states this:  If your giveaway win was a book, please remember how valuable reviews are to authors.


  1. Happy congratulations, week 2 winners! And happy reading!!

    Thanks for all the birthday fun, Seekerville! My favorite kind of cake is one of the light, Chinese-style cakes. They're a very light yellow cake, almost like angel food, filled with fresh fruit and whipped cream, and frosted with more whipped cream. Mmmm... But to be honest, I love most kinds of cake, and will happily eat them all!

    Happy birthday cake for everyone! :)

  2. Congratulations to all the winners!

    I see some links I'm really looking forward to checking out . . . Tomorrow. Yawn. :)

    My favorite birthday cake is actually a pie. I make chocolate truffle pie for my husband's birthday every year. It lives up to it's name. I can't really eat it, but if I could, I'd probably eat half of it as a happy birthday to me gift. ;)

    In real life, we usually go out to dinner for my birthday because I refuse to make my own birthday cake. I usually order a flourless chocolate cake since I'm gluten free. :)

    Happy Birthday, Seekerville!

  3. A black forest cake. Yum!
    Happy Birthday Seekers!!!

  4. Happy birthday WE two Seekerville!! Congrats to this week's winners too :-)

    My favorite cake?? A delightful homemade carrot cake with homemade cream cheese frosting sprinkled with chopped pecans on top!!! Some of my favorite memories are going to the Village Inn resturaunt with my mom and meeting my grandma there. We'd order dessert & coffee, their carrot cake was to die for!! Thick layers of cake with even thicker layers of was so big of a piece you had to take half of it home! Yummy :-)

  5. Oh, my goodness! I popped on since I was up late, and I can't believe I WON the Kindle Fire AND Mary's Cowboy Christmas Homecoming! WOW--THANK YOU so much, Seekerville! I'm THRILLED!

    Congratulations to all winners! What a wonderful birthday month!

    Thank you, Tina, for bringing us another fabulous WE edition, all the great links, and the exciting preview for next week! Your hard work and diligence are so appreciated.

    My favorite cake? It's a recipe my mother gave me, similar to the one Fedora described above. It's an angel food cake, with whipped cream and pineapple filling between the layers and the "icing" is more whipped cream and pineapple. My second fave would have to be a big ol' chocolate sheet cake with chocolate frosting. Mmmm.... :-)

    Let the birthday celebration continue!!!!

  6. I do like chocolate cake.

    Congratulations everyone!!

  7. What a great week at Seekerville! Congrats to the winners! Normally I would say chocolate cake is my favorite, but this time of year I *really* love a good spice cake with cream cheese frosting... yum!

    Happy weekend!!!

  8. Well Fedora and Cynthia, these cakes of yours sound amazing. Recipes please.

    Fedora, have you told us where you hail from? Reader or writer?

    Congratulations, Cynthia!!!

  9. Happy Birthday, Seekerville. And thank you, Villagers for another year.

  10. First, I want that bottom cake whatever it is!!!!

    Second, my cold developed into a nasty bug on Friday night, so I was out for the count yesterday.... But so happy to see this delightful Weekend Edition!!!!

    Tina!!! I love that you're doing these talking sessions/presenting! GO YOU!!!!! That is awesome. They are truly blessed to have you.

    What a delightful week, and I'm so glad Jean Gordon is coming to play with us... Although around here "playing" is not a term we use for taxes.... :)

    But it is what it is and I love her stories AND her advice!!!!

    Happy birthday SEEKERVILLE!!!!!

  11. Fedora..... Now I must check this out. Where do you get Chinese cake? My one problem with Chinese restaurants is that there is no dessert....

    I am beyond intrigued, Fedora!!!!!

  12. Jeanne, I'm so sorry you have to be gluten free! GRRRRRR........

    But you're gorgeous and you seem to manage it beautifully and I am so glad we got to see each other in Nashville.


    We do pies for some birthdays, too. For Jon's we do banana cream pie... or cookie cake. He doesn't like cake (strange duck!) and he was willing to come into this hot mess of crazy we call family here, so God bless him... He's a champion!!!

  13. Congratulations to all the winners! Especially Cynthia..a double winner, Yay!

    My favorite cake was a German Chocolate Cake by mom always made from scratch. She also iced the entire cake and not just the layers and top as most bakeries do. She used to make these cakes for all the California Angels baseball team between 1976 and 1984. The players all called her "Mom" and loved her cakes. One player, Bobby Grich, had the same birthday as my Mom and since it was in the off-season, he would tease my Mom, "Where's my cake" and so she would make him one. Since he was my favorite player at the time, he received a few cakes each season. :)

    Thank you for the great weekend Tina! I'm heading off to church but will be back to visit several of the links.

    Happy Birthday Seekerville!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  14. When I grew up in Hawaii, Dream Cake was my favorite birthday cake --it's this airy chocolate cake layered and topped with a kind of whipped cream "frosting" and chocolate curls ... super light and delish! I wish I could bake it myself, but we'd always buy it from a local bakery ... =)

    So regarding the Amazon review policy change --it says books remain the same, but I've now seen some people say not to state that you received a book in "exchange" for a review. I know there's a ton of book bloggers on here --what do you think?

    My current line is "I received a complimentary copy of this book from [source] for review purposes." Should I change it? I've also seen "... copy of this book from [source] to facilitate this review" --I obviously prefer mine, but I could see myself switching to "facilitate" if need be ... does either or work? What do you have in your review disclosure?

  15. Good Sunday morning, Seekerville! Congratulations to all of the winners, and thanks for another great WE edition!

  16. Popping in quickly this morning before I get ready for church! Cake--oh my!! Top two faves are Texas sheet cake and CHEESEcake!!!!

    Happy birthday, Seekerville!!!! <3

  17. Noooooooooooo!!! We have to CHOOSE only one cake??? Well, I am a classic white-cake freak (no yellow in it at all, please) with whipped cream icing. SIGH. But ... and this is in honor of Tina ... I kill for Italian Wedding Cake ... ;)

    HAPPY WEEK 2, SEEKERVILLE, AND SUPER CONGRATS to the winners, especially sweet Cynthia!! SOOOO thrilled for you all!!

    Artist Librarian, I think Tina is the one to answer that question because frankly, I don't really fully understand either, especially with all the hullabaloo going around about reviews from bloggers. If it were me, I wouldn't put any disclaimer at the bottom.


  18. Thank you, Dani and Seekerville! Congratulations to all the winners!
    I love ICE CREAM CAKE or a giant cookie ;) I'm not picky about desserts

  19. Thank you, Dani and Seekerville! Congratulations to all the winners!
    I love ICE CREAM CAKE or a giant cookie ;) I'm not picky about desserts

  20. I missed being here yesterday! We went to the Va Tech-UNC game and needless to say we got a little wet! But, it was my second game and I had so much fun hanging out with friends, even if I am still wringing out the water lol. Great weekend and congratulations to the winners! My favoritr cake is chocolate w chocolate fudge icing. Happy birthday month, Seekerville!

  21. Congratulations to the winners and on to week three! I love Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Icing.

  22. Congratulations to all of this weeks prize winners! I think with all the great information in the blog posts last week that we are all winners!

    My favorite birthday cake? German chocolate all the way with a double dose of the frosting. YUM!

  23. I love all the information that is jammed into the WE! Congratulations to all the winners!

    My favorite cake is German Chocolate or Cheesecake.

    Happy Sunday, y'all!

  24. Happy birthday Seekerville and congrats to all the winners.

    Hmm...favorite cake? I'm with JULIE...can't pick one. I'm going to say either an ice cream cake, because ice cream is awesome, or a cheesecake. Hope this comment turns out when I hit send. Auto correct wants to change it to "cheeseburger".

  25. Congratulations to this weeks prize winners!

    My favorite birthday cake is chocolate.

    BLESSINGS on this beautiful SON-day!

  26. Happy Birthday WE Two Seerville! Congratulations to all winners! Lots of happy reading!

    My favorite cake is the chocolate marble cake my Mr. Darcy makes for me every birthday (love this tradition). I'm also a fan of most chocolate cakes. Why most? I never liked fruit with chocolate.

    Happy Sunday!

  27. Tina's been baking!!!!!!!!!!

    And taking pictures!

  28. Birthday cake? Strawberry Shortcake. Italian Creme Cake is 1st runner up.

    Congrats to all you winners!

    Looks like a super collection of WE links. Will settle in with a cup of tea -- wishing I had a slice of strawberry shortcake for accompaniment.

    Wishes for a lovely Sunday!

    Nancy C

  29. Congrats to all!

    I'm not too picky about cake. I love many kinds :)

    Looks like it's going to be another great week in Seekerville. Thanks for all the chances to win each week!

    Have a wonderful day. I'm enjoying the fact that we have cool, autumn temps, as it's my favorite season :)

  30. Wow! Another juicy Weekend Edition, TINA!

    Hmm. Favorite cake...a plain white one or a red velvet, I think! But for my own birthday I often love a piece of PIE! :) Cherry or apple or pumpkin.

    I can't believe how quickly the trees have changed color here in the Arizona mountains--or that as of late yesterday afternoon there's already SNOW on them. Thank goodness I'm at a 7,000 foot elevation and not the 11-12,000 where that snow is! I'm NOT ready for winter!

  31. Congrats to all! I must say I carrot cake so long as it's homemade and not a cardboard facsimile. Black forest cake is probably my favorite though, especially if baked with the cherries on the bottom--makes for a super moist, flavour infused delight. :)

  32. Congratulations to all the winners this week!
    And TINA, how do you do it, 9 going on 10 years of fabulous WE 52 times a year and you still outdo yourself. YOU ROCK! And you inspire me. Thank you.

  33. My favorite birthday cake is any I don't have to bake, but seriously I love a red velvet chocolate cake. Don't care for the cherries in the German chocolate cake, though.

  34. Good Morning (again) from the Ozarks! *waves* It's a gorgeous SON-DAY here!

    TINA, you asked for Mama's cake recipe-- Here it is (I believe she got the original recipe years ago from a church member) and I included in my monthly newsletter a while back:

    Mama's Heaven in a Cloud Angel Food Cake

    1 box angel food cake mix or... you can use your favorite homemade version

    Frosting: 1 Box sugar-free, instant vanilla pudding
    (For a variation, you can try chocolate pudding instead)
    1 Large tub Cool Whip
    1 Can crushed pineapple

    Prepare cake mix according to directions on box. After cooked and cooled, your cake's ready to frost. (For a layered cake, Mama carefully slices off the top portion of the cake with a sharp cake knife and then spreads a generous dollop of "frosting" between layers.)

    Frosting: add juice from pineapple to pudding mix. Stir. Then fold in the drained pineapple and Cool Whip.

    Note: Do not add water to pudding mix, only pineapple juice.

    (This easy frosting recipe is making its rounds. The pudding is that secret ingredient that sends your guests to heaven on earth.)


    Thank you for reminding us to vote for SEEKERVILLE in WD's annual Best Websites for Writers issue!!

  35. My favorite cake is chocolate with chocolate frosting. Chocolate cake with white frosting will also do.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend. We are having beautiful fall weather here inn Nebraska.

    Please enter me in the drawing.

  36. Artist Librarian and all Villagers

    I made a note at the end of the WEEKEND EDITION on Amazon's new review policy. Personally I would simply say-" I received a free copy of this book from the publisher (or from the author). Period. That's all you need to say.

    NOTE THIS LINE IN THE POLICY! Book authors and publishers may continue to provide free or discounted copies of their books to readers, as long as the author or publisher does not require a review in exchange or attempt to influence the review.

    Additionally please know that if you are an Amazon Affiliate you cannot review on Amazon. The policy also states that if you have not spend 50 bucks on Amazon (overall) you cannot review.

    1. Thanks for clarifying the review policy, Tina!

  37. Gosh, I got a recipe from Cynthia!!! Thank you!!

  38. TINA, thanks for putting the Amazon policy in EZ-speak for me!


  39. Marianne!! It's good to be appreciated. Thank you!

  40. I just saw the words "Chocolate Truffle Pie." Recipe please. You cannot taunt us without providing a recipe!!! ")

  41. Happy Birthday Seekerville! Please enter me in all drawings. I would especially love the book on understanding Show Don't Tell which is an area I am struggling with but striving to apply to my writing.

    Congratulations to all the winners this week. I'm praying I will be able to be online more this week as well as to be actually writing and reading. the Lord is so good even in the down times physically. He keeps my spirits high in trusting and praising Him.

    This last week was so bad I finished reading some books and now I need to write the reviews but cant remember which books I finished. Today I am creating a list of the one ones I know I finished and can hopefully solve the mystery. Of course I will end up getting scolded by some who think I should be resting instead of reading. They have no clue that I am reading far less than normal and feeling guilty that I am not reading as much or writing. It is a fine balance.

    Any way Thank you Seekerville for all the help you have been. I would be no where in my writing if I had not found you and all your helpful teaching posts that are written in a way I can understand.

  42. Interesting about the Amazon Affiliate rule, TINA. That's going to affect lots of people!

    BTW, as JULIE said, thanks for simplifying the explanations for us!

  43. WILANI, we're so glad you found Seekerville, too, and we're blessed to have you as a Seekervillager!

  44. Oh mercy, so many good things to catch up on. I've had a horrible, no good, very bad week so I'm way behind. Just read the Gilead Publishing blog from Friday. I'm so excited about them!!!! And will ardently support them!!!!

    Happy 2nd weekend birthday bash, Seekerville!

    As to birthday cake...well, I love all kinds of cake but a Dairy Queen ice cream cake is kind of fun! Or Baskins and Robbins where they have half cake and half ice cream and you get to choose which combination and then they frost it all with real birthday cake kind of icing. Woot. Don't enter me in the draw though -- I'm outside the states and don't read ebooks.

  45. Inside Out Chocolate Cake is our family favorite served at every birthday celebration. Easy peasy and so chocolaty good!

    Congrats to the Seekerville winners! YAY! And a Kindle Fire or $50 gift card every week! Love the October prizes. Plus, the big prize of an iPad Mini! Woot!!! Good luck, everyone!

    It's a beautiful fall day in Georgia. The leaves are just starting to turn. Lots of sunshine and blue skies!!! And pumpkins everywhere.

    I've been praying for all those in the path of Hurricane Matthew. Hoping all Villagers are safe and their homes secure. God blessed us. As bad as it was, the storm could have been so much worse. Giving the Samaritan cured of leprosy who returned to thank Jesus in today's scripture. We have so much for which to be grateful.

    As always, I'm grateful for all of you! Hugs!

  46. Cindy W,
    Sounds like your Mama was a special lady. :)

  47. I cancelled my Amazon Affiliation this week. I don't make enough money on it to risk the wrath of Amazon. And I like doing reviews for new authors. I don't do them on authors I am close friends with often as I don't want my review yanked.

  48. Favorite type of birthday cake? Pfft, that's an easy one. An M&M (though the heath is also pretty good) blizzard ice cream cake from DQ. I mean HELLO, what's not to like? Especially when you love M&M blizzards, ice cream, and cakes. For me it's just heaven :)

  49. Tina, just a reader :) And alas, no recipe from me--my parents used to order the cakes from local Chinese bakeries in San Francisco. We've sinced moved from the City, and haven't found the same thing elsewhere yet ;)

  50. I'm not a huge cake fan *gasp* but if I do eat it then it has to be full of chocolate, frosting and a yummy filling! ;) You ladies always seem to have fun on here! What fun celebrating!

  51. Happy 9th birthday, Seekerville! Congrats to our winners!!! Especially to Cynthia on winning a Kindle Fire! Next week looks great!

    Tina, thanks for the Weekend Edition and all the links. I'll be back to check them out but must make an apple cake with cream cheese frosting for a function tomorrow.

    I've never met a cake I didn't like. :-) I love anything rich, the reason I'm not a big angel food cake fan. Red velvet cake, pineapple upside down cake, white wedding cake, carrot cake, Texas sheet cake--actually any chocolate cake--but my favorite is Lava cake! I've only had it in restaurants so I have no idea how to make it and it's hard to find. The combination of warm chocolate cake oozing chocolate sauce is amazing.


  52. DEBBY, tell us more about inside out chocolate cake or better yet, share the recipe!


  53. I'm thankful the hurricane wasn't worse than it was and thankful for a beautiful sunny Sunday, perfect for a walk along the river later this afternoon. Hope you're all enjoying the day!


  54. I just got my power back on after it being out for 18 hours, courtesy of hurricane Matthew's post-tropical cyclone! Over a foot of rain in 12 hours!

    Glad to be back online and able to congratulate all the many winners!

    Favorite birthday cake, hmmm.. I love most anything chocolate, but we have a tradition of carrot cake for birthdays, so I'll have to go with that!

    It looks like a fun lineup for this week in Seekerville, let the birthday celebrating continue!

  55. I forgot to mention my favorite cake is Red Velvet

  56. Congratulations to all the winners!! Especially Cynthia. You totally scored, girlfriend!!

    My favorite cake? Death by Chocolate. Gooey with thick finger-lickin' chocolate icing. The kind of cake my hubby has to put on top of the kitchen cabinets so I won't eat the whole thing. Please throw my name in the hat for one of the most excellent prizes.

    Thanks for the links, Miss Tina. Now I have something to read during the football game. Don't ask me who's playing. Haven't a clue. :-)

  57. I like a cherry chip cake with whipped cherry frosting :) Happy Birthday!!

  58. TINA, cool that you're part of the faculty of the Southwest Valley Writer's Conference and the proceeds go to a library!


  59. When I was little, my mom made a four layer birthday cake. Each layer was a different color and probably a different flavor. I can't remember. I have her cookbook with this recipe but never wanted to make a cake that required so much effort. Hey, what's wrong with a mix? :-) Actually I do make some from scratch cakes but not many.


  60. With all talk about favorite cakes and the aroma of apple cake permeating my kitchen, my stomach is growling. Off to make the cream cheese frosting. Planning on licking the bowl. :-)


  61. TRACEY, so sorry about the power outage and glad it finally got restored. We had a lot of rain--we're about 4 hours inland--and quite a bit of wind, but at least the power stayed on.

  62. Great WE, Miss T! CONGRATS to all the winners!
    Happy Birthday to Seekerville!!
    Looking forward to another great week (and I believe I saw a post one day featuring CATS?!?!). ;)

    YUM!! JANET DEAN, your apple cake sounds wonderful!!
    Even though I love ALL cakes, my very, very favorite is a yellow (or white) cake with CARAMEL icing!! My precious Mama always made one for my birthday, and they were the best. Only a few weeks after Mama passed away, a dear lady at the school where I taught baked one for me, and she had NO idea about the cakes Mama always made for me!! I knew that was a kiss from God. :)

    Hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday! Our weather in my Georgia neighborhood is PERFECT!! :)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  63. p.s. Am LAUGHING at Barbara Scott's comment about the links providing something for her to read during the football games - - LOL!! ;)

  64. Favorite cake? Chocolate, with chocolate frosting (no fudge stuff - for some reason, I care not for fudgy stuff, although I do like fudge - yeah... I'm weird). But I think I'd rather have that Chocolate Truffle Pie Jeanne T mentioned. That would trump any cake for me! Yum! Of course, Glynna's cherry pie is a good one too.

    as for Amazon reviews, I usually say I was gifted the book from the author/publisher with no obligation to provide a review, good, bad or indifferent. And then I proceed to gush over my favorite author like the fangirl I am. Can't help it. The books I'm given are that awesome. (most provided by the wonderful ladies of Seekerville - part of why Seekerville is so awesome - well written stories available all the time!!!!!)

    Great WE as always Tina!!! Guppy's birthday is this coming Saturday, so I'm prepping Lego Avenger themed party. He loves Thor, with Captain America a close second. Instead of pin the tail on the donkey - I've created Get the Hammer back to Thor. Lego Thor missing his hammer. Lego hammers ready to be stuck where-ever. Might do a water balloon hit Cap's shield game too. Think 5 - 7 year old boys might like that?

  65. Well done!

    Congrats to all the winners!

    Well I sure do miss cake. When I could still eat it I loved anything chocolate but a fresh Boston Creme was #1. I'll have an imaginary piece in honor of Seekerville starting its 10th year. Happy birthday! May God bless every member of Seekerville!

    Please do enter me in the drawings.

  66. Congrats to all the winners! Thanks to Tina for a great WE and for explaining the Amazon review policy!
    My favorite cake is carrot cake and a deceased Bible Study teacher made the best of anyone I thought....mmmm.

  67. Congrats to all the winners!

    My favorite cake is my mom's made-from-scratch strawberry cake with made-from-scratch strawberry icing! She baked it every year for my birthday, until she could only stand for just a few minutes at a time. Then my daughter took over - and she definitely inherited her cooking genes from my mom!

  68. I thought I commented already today! I guess that shows how easily distractible I am. LOL

  69. Great links!! And I see talk of cake. Y'all are tempting me to hit the kitchen!

    Red velvet is probably my fav. :) But Edwina, homemade strawberry with strawberry icing is a close second. My kids have requested that one as well.

  70. Janet, your mother's cake is definitely quite a feat! How special that she would do that. :)

  71. My sister in law makes a red velvet cake with fluffy white frosting that is so good it's MOOD ALTERING.

    That's right, don't be blowing into a breathalyzer until it's all the way out of your bloodstream.

    And then one year her beloved black lab ATE THE CAKE.

    I still think it could have been saved. Some definite trimming was called for, but stillllllllll..............

    That seemed to break her spirit...or maybe she became embittered........or you know, maybe she just didn't ever want to be that mad at her dog again.

    But no more red Velvet Cake was to ever appear at a family gathering. :(
    This is a tragic tale with no HEA.

    PS I saw the cake, it happened one year when it was at her house. BIG chunks of it were gone.

    IF she did that herself just because she was sick of making that cake, well, I guess she deserved to retire, huh?

  72. So far none of the reviews I've posted have been pulled. I hope it stays that way. I try on the books that have a cheap enough kindle copy to buy a copy so that Amazon can verify I purchased the book. Of course Amazon has no clue how many books I may have bought at walmart or a local bookstore, yard sale thrift store etc.

    Tina, thanks for the clarification.

  73. Tina to the rescue with the explanation of what the Amazon notice means. Thank you!

    Nancy C

  74. Happy birthday! How is already another Seekerville birthday? Time flies when you've got lots to read/write, I guess. :)

    Cake? Well, I'm more of a pie girl, but my favorite cake is our family recipe for angel food cake. Nice light cake perfect for a variety of occasions!

  75. Just one question on the clarification of the Amazon policy. When we do a review on a book we win from Seekerville, do we need to say it was given to us by the author?

  76. Happy birthday! My birthday is in December and I love my mother's fruit cake recipe. It may be the most joked about desert but her recipe is full of pecans and fruit. It isn't sticky sweet like the commercial ones. I make one every year and freeze it up to enjoy for a while. Hubby had to go completely gluten free so it's all mine. Yum.

  77. Happy birthday! My birthday is in December and I love my mother's fruit cake recipe. It may be the most joked about desert but her recipe is full of pecans and fruit. It isn't sticky sweet like the commercial ones. I make one every year and freeze it up to enjoy for a while. Hubby had to go completely gluten free so it's all mine. Yum.

  78. Happy Birthday, SEEKERVILLE!! Congratulations to all the winners (Go, Cynthia!) and thank you TINA for another great WE!!

    The cakes mentioned here all sound amazing!! My favorite cakes are those made by others :-)

    Off to read the links.

  79. I'm so excited to be a winner this week! Thanks so much! I'm enjoying this birthday bash!!! Congrats to the other winners!

  80. Wonderful first full birthday week in Seekerville. Congrats to the winners.

  81. Happy Birthday, Seekerville. Hmm. My favorite birthday cake? Yes to cake in general. Love ice cream cake. I also love good frosting, so to me, real frosting makes a birthday cake, and I love chocolate or vanilla as long as it doesn't have whipped frosting. At any rate, I love to read recipes of cakes, and my husband is an excellent baker (but he gave up sugar a while back and now he can't eat dessert!).

    I think Laura Kestner had the perfect reply: those made by others!

  82. MISSY, my mom was really a pie baker and not all that fond of cakes but she made that cake when we were little. But she must've wearied of making it as it disappeared. Kind of like Mary's sister-in-law's Red Velvet cake her lab ate. ;-)


  83. Congrats to the winners. I love the bday cake question. (Much more appealing than the "debate.") I make birthday cakes for everyone in my family and they always get to choose so here are their favorites:

    Triple Berry Pie (no cake for my oldest)

    Triple Chocolate Cake (Dark chocolate cake with chocolate mousse filling and milk chocolate icing)

    Vanilla Strawberry Whipped Cream Cake

  84. Fedora, there are no JUST readers. We honor readers around here. Welcome.

  85. I am now officially starving after seeing Josee's list.

  86. Carrot. REAL carrot cake, not spice cake.

    Late to party but celebrating with you!!
    Congrats to Seekerville and all the many winners!!! Woot!!
    Y'all are so very generous.

  87. My favorite birthday cakes were the ones my mom made when I was small. She was not the best cakemaker in the world, but she put a lot of love into them and they were a rare treat. They were actually THE BEST EVER because she would always get the cake uneven somehow or pieces would fall off. Her solution? Just add more frosting! So you'd end up with these huge bonus pockets of frosting when you were eating it! :)


  88. My favorite cake is white wedding cake. Maybe because the wonderful feeling I get during the ceremony when the couple take their vows. It always makes me nolstalgic and reminds me of my own vows. The cake becomes a symbol of their love and I love to see the cake topper of the couple. Today many people sway from the traditional, but I am old fashion and a romantic. Of course wedding cake is not a birthday cake, but it celebrates another great moment in all of our lives if you choose marriage and the annual anniversaries begin.

    Happy Birthday and Anniversary to Seekerville and its community!!

  89. Congrats, winners!! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway opportunities, Seekerville!!

    I'll certainly be voting for Seekerville as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writer's Award!!

    My favorite cake is my grandmother's homemade jam cake, however - it seldom is made anymore since she is no longer alive. Other favorites are hummingbird cake, bakery white cake with white icing, and any cake recipe with peanut butter in the recipe.

  90. Blow out the candles and celebrate. Coconut cake, its light and sweet with lots of gooey icing and crispy coconut.

    As an alternate since its fall and apple time, apple cake.

  91. Happy Birthday, Seekerville!! :)

    My favorite birthday cake is either German chocolate with coconut pecan frosting or a strawberry cool whip jello cake!

    Thanks for the giveaways!

  92. Congratulations to all. I just want a delicious pineapple cake! Happy birthday to you!

  93. Congratulations to all. I just want a delicious pineapple cake! Happy birthday to you!
