Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Birthday Weekend Edition Week 4

Welcome to #4 Birthday Weekend Edition in celebration of our 9th Birthday. That means Seekerville is starting year TEN! Every week we have a fabulous giveaway  ($50 Amazon gift card or a Kindle Fire) and on November 5, we'll draw for our Grand Prize, an iPad mini. All commenters, all week get their name in the birthday box for all drawings.

Get Your Copy Here.
This weekend we celebrate the release of 
Ruth Logan Herne's Home on the Range. 
Leave a comment for a chance to win one of THREE copies! 
Winners announced in the next Weekend Edition.

We Have Winners

If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes. Send to

This weeks Birthday winner of a Kindle Fire is Evelyn Hill.

From the last Weekend Edition, winner of a surprise package of books is Caryl Kane. Winner of the Descriptive Thesaurus book of choice in print or ecopy is Shanda Miller.

Monday was "Conflict: Roadblocks to Your Character's Happy Ending" with Janet Dean. Chill N (Nancy C) is the winner of a Seekerville ebook of choice. 

Seekerville was thrilled to have Terri Reed join the birthday celebration. Her post was "9 Ways to Develop Story Characters." Terri brought a mega-birthday surprise! Connie Queen is the winner of a prize package that includes her heartwarming holiday release from Howard Books, A Family Under the  Christmas Tree, and her latest Love Inspired Suspense release, Identity Unknown.  Terri W, Heidi, and Sandy Smith are winners of the copies of the Love Inspired Suspense Classic—2 books in 1 volume—Double Cross and Double Threat Christmas.

On Wednesday, Publishers Weekly Bestselling Author Debby Giusti talked about her writing journey with "9 Tips in 9 Years." Jodi Janz and Suzanne Baginskie won copies of Plain Truth, a journal, The Writer's Prayer and a $9 Starbucks Gift Card! Congrats, ladies!

On Thursday,  Literary agent Amanda Leuck from Spencer Hill Associates was our special guest with her post, "9 Tips for Querying an Agent." Rhonda Starnes is the winner of an Amazon gift card.

Friday: Seekerville is delighted to welcome Misty Beller today. Her post is "9 Steps to Market a New Book Release." Winner of the first three books in her Mountain Dreams Series is Deanna Stevens.

Saturday we shared, "The Real Story: How 13 Writers Left Unpubbed Island." We went back to Unpubbed Island and shared the Seekers' first sale stories. Winners of Seeker E-Book of choice, are Jessica Baughman and Jackie Layton.

Click on the picture to read this RT 4 1/2 Star TOP PICK! Review.

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Carol Moncado returns to Seekerville with some techy help for us! "Nine (Plus) Tips for Using Dropbox." And she brought a special giveaway!

Tuesday: Pam Hillman is your Seekerville hostess today!  

Wednesday: Sandra Leesmith will share "Nine Ways To Promote Yourself." She will discuss ways that work for her. She is offering a special treat to a lucky commenter who shares what has worked for them both as a writer and a reader. 

Thursday: Seeker Tina Radcliffe has on her hard hat for "Deconstructing a Romance Novel." And she'll talk a little about the book, "The Bestseller Code," as well. The prize vault is open!

Friday: Melanie Dickerson returns to Seekerville with her post, "Top 9 Reasons to Read the Seekerville Blog Every Day." Melanie is generously giving away a hardcover copy of The Silent Songbird, which releases November 8th, to three select commenters.

Saturday: Time for the November Contest Update! Stop by to meet our monthly Diva/Divo. The prize vault is open!

Sunday: The week 4 winner will be announced today & the Grand Prize winner will be announced on Saturday, November 5.

Seeker Sightings

Order here.

Bundle up and stop by to visit Glynna Kaye on the Love Inspired Authors Website.

A Taste of That Most Wonderful Time of the Year! 

If you aren't enrolled in My Rewards, you can do that here. 

If you need help or want to be walked through the receipt submission process, email us at
Can the brother left behind and a woman without hope
work together for the good of two precious children?
Home on the Range

Random News & Information

Thanks for sending links!

It's that time of year when we ask you to please consider nominating Seekerville for the 18th Annual Writer’s Digest 101 Best Website for Writer’s Award. Send an email to with “101 Websites” in the subject line. We are an Inspirational Romance Writing Community.

3 Ways Writers Can Instantly Spot Telling (Writers Helping Writers)**

Questions to Ask an Agent (Books & Such Literary Management)

Which Reading Nook is Perfect for You (Bethany House Books)

Synopsizing Your Way to Revision Success (Writer Unboxed)**

9 Tips to Building the Book Cover Design You Always Wanted (Jane Friedman)**

Why I’ve Moved From Scrivener To Vellum For Formatting Ebooks (The Creative Penn)
An Evernote Guide for Writers: 5 Ways to Use it for All Your Projects (The Write Life)

10 Tips to Help You Get More Twitter Followers (Novel Rocket)

Promoting a Sequel in a Book's Back Matter (With Examples!) BookBub**

 Writing a Series: How Much Do We Need to Plan Ahead? (Jami Gold)**

 23 Million Books Sold. How To Have A Successful Long-Term Writing Career (The Creative Penn)

What Kind of Writer are You? (Steven Pressfield)

Book Promotion: Do This, Not That (The Book Designer) ** 

Short on Time? Read ** First and then come back for the rest!

Happy Sunday, readers, and writers!


  1. Happy weekend! Congratulations to the winners! I'm getting ready to start a new book tonight and I'm drumming my fingers together trying to decide what to pick! Too many good books waiting is a blessing ;)

  2. It really is, Heidi.

    Happy Sunday everyone.

    Congratulations to Ruth on the release of one good looking cowboy!

  3. Congratulations, Ruthy! (And Glynna!)

    I live in cowboy country and boots/hats are not my thing but THAT COVER is beeeeyouuuuutiful. It makes me heart go pitter pat! What a touching story, too. :)

    Off to read all those links (except the reading nook one because I'll cry all the years until I get one).

  4. Mary Jane, thank you for being an endorser for "Home on the Range"! I'm so glad you had the time to do that!!! (I know you didn't really HAVE the time, but you took the time and that meant so much to me!)

    And yes, you're about due south of the Double S Ranch... and I had so much fun using this Washington setting. It's gorgeous... and add some rugged cowboys to the mix, well.... :)

  5. Tina, thank you! Great WE as always, and I'm staying firmly away from the link to why Vellum is better than Scrivener....

    Because I'm doing A-Okay with good old-fashioned Microsoft Word... and I've wasted no time trying to assimilate a new program.

    Call me rigid, but that 1k/day doesn't care what program we use... and if we all did that, we'd all be writing 365,000 words/year.

    Nothing takes the place of settlin' down in a chair and gettin' it done. :)

    At 500 words/day, you'd have THREE Love Inspireds done in a year.


    Oh my stars....

  6. Heidi, that's a wonderful problem to have, my friend! Go you!!!!!

  7. Congratulations to all the winners! It's hard to believe we are entering the last full week of October and the birthday celebration.

    Every time I see the cover of Home on the Range I smile and sigh at the wonderful story behind the beautiful cover. I ya'll haven't picked up a copy yet, please do yourself and pick one up. It is a wonderful heart stirring story. You'll be blessed.

    Everyone have a wonderful day!

    Many Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  8. Good morning! Thanks for all the great links and congrats to the winners.

    It looks like another amazing week ahead for Seekerville! Happy Birthday!

  9. As always a great weekend edition. Congratulations to all of the winners!

    Lots of links to read!

  10. Congratulations to all of you prize winners but all of us have been winners while reading these great posts!

  11. Congratulations, winners! Thanks for the great birthday month posts. I've learned so much from each of them. Happy weekend!

  12. Congrats to all the winners! Thanks for the great week of fabulous posts! Looking forward to this week too!

  13. GOOD MORNING, SEEKERVILLE!!! AND SUPER CONGRATS TO OUR WINNERS!! Cannot BELIEVE we are heading into Week 4 -- YIKES!!! We're gonna blink, and it will be Christmas ...

    Ruthy!!! Cannot wait read Home on the Range, darlin' -- it looks AWESOME!! And I agree with Tina -- that's one good-looking cowboy!!

    Tina, GREAT WE, my friend -- especially like the Vellum link -- WOW!! That intrigued me enough to format my own books, so THANK YOU for including that!

    HEIDI SAID: "I'm getting ready to start a new book tonight and I'm drumming my fingers together trying to decide what to pick!"

    I hear ya, Heidi -- but what a wonderful dilemma, eh? ;)

    Happy Sunday, everybody!


  14. Is October almost over? How did the month pass so quickly?

    Congrats to all the winners!!!

    Ruthy, love your new cover!!! Love that cowboy! Congrats!!! Must buy. Can't wait to read!

    GA has turned cool at last. Trees are changing colors and we're into fall. Lovely days. Plenty of sunshine, but with cool mornings. A refreshing change.

  15. Yet another AMAZING weekend edition, TINA! I'm still smiling about your post from yesterday--will probably go back and read it again. So many wonderful memories of the Seeker's journey to publication!

    I'd been writing stories since grade school and dreaming of being a published writer by the time I hit high school, plugged through a lot of years writing on a manual typewriter, then finally started winning contests only to get slam-dunked by severe illness and having to slowly make my way back to the winner's circles years later. So publication was so much more for me--and I know for ALL of us--than the "call stories" can capture. Thank you for these reminders of God's faithfulness.

    Congrats, RUTHY, on the release! LOVE the cover!

    Now off I go to tweak my AAs for the May 2017 book! Glad to have this one behind me and be able to focus on the current one! :)

    1. Glynna, I'll have a May 2017 release too!!! We can celebrate together.

  16. Congratulations to the winners!
    Thank you Misty Beller for my gift.. looking forward to reading your books :)
    Ruth's book, loved it!

  17. Ruthy, congratulations on the release of your beautiful Home on the Range and the FABULOUS RT review...TOP PICK and 4-1/2 STARS!!! Well-deserved, I must say!!! Has anyone mentioned the kissing scenes?!?! Some might sweet cowboy kisses in that book!!!

    Congratulations to Glynna on the upcoming book....looks like frosty fun! I love Christmas stories!

    Congratulations to the winners!

    Tina, thank you for the WE and yesterday's fun trip down the Seekerville memory lane.....wonderful!

    What a great e-book sale Harlequin is having...I'm picking up some Seeker books I didn't have yet.

    Looking forward to next week and reading the links after church.

    Wishing Seekerville a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and a good Sunday of reading and/or writing to all!

  18. Another fantabulous WE, TINA.
    Congratulations to all the winners this week.
    Congratulations, Ruthy on your new release....and that makes me a winner, too, because new books = happy me. Who said you couldn't buy happiness?

  19. Congratulations to RUTHY on your new release. You are so prolific!
    I'm still shaking from yesterday and the stories about The Call and leaving the island. You prove -- in a good way -- that anyone can do this. Who works hard and trusts the Lord.
    Kathy Bailey

  20. RUTHY, I stick with Microsoft Word too except when I have to do spreadsheets on my story arc etc., then I go with Excel. Word works for me; I have bent and shaped it to my will.

  21. Another wonderful WE, Miss T!!
    CONGRATS to all the winners!!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to SEEKERVILLE - - the BEST place for writers AND readers!! :)

    It's another gorgeous day in my GA neighborhood - - am about to dive back into my WIP.
    Please enjoy the birthday cupcakes I've baked for Seekerville - - frosted with fudge, vanilla, or peach (of course, LOL) icing! ;)

    And CONGRATS to RUTHY on your newest release - - I'm going to need a special bookshelf for Ruthy books! :)

    Hugs, Patti Jo

  22. And the birthday celebration continues! Yesterday was so fun reliving so many great memories of the past 9+ years.

    Congrats to all our weekly winners, and congrats to RUTHY on another new book, Ruthy! You are on fire!

    As for Vellum vs. Scrivener, I think I'll stick with Scrivener for the time being. I've gotten some practice recently formatting manuscripts for both ebook and print book. There's a learning curve, but I'm starting to get the hang of it!

  23. Oh where, 0h where is our hostess of the day?
    I brought ranch chili and corn bread for the noon crowd!!

  24. Thank you, Sherida! I'm picking up some excellent reads too! Do you use my rewards?

  25. Stopping back in for chili and corn bread....yum! Tina, I do have the rewards account....but I haven't taken the time to figure out the scan and submit. If I don't get it to work one of these days, I'll send that email to ask for help. Thanks again, Tina, for everything! You are the best! :)

    Now to read the links.....

  26. And just saw the birthday cupcakes Patti Jo brought by....I'll try one of the Georgia peach ones....delicious!

  27. Happy birthday again, Seekerville!!! We should start planning your 10th (a whole decade!) birthday. A cruise? A retreat? A huuuugggggeee party? Confetti. Giant cake. Chocolate fountain? Gorgeous cowboys? carried away.

    I'm still impressed with all of your publishing stories from yesterday. Wowzer!! God is so good!

    RUTHY, love the cover of your new book! How many have you published now? Your output amazes me.

    Tina, thanks again for another valuable WE. You're a wonder. Can't wait to explore the links.

    And finally, congrats to all the winners. :-)

    Have a great Sunday afternoon everyone!

  28. Oh, my, yes. Let me know and I will show you how to do the rewards. Happily.

    Free books are a wonderful thing.

  29. Cindy, thank you for those kind words.... I'm so glad folks are loving this story... this series!

    Thanks sweet thing!

  30. If anyone was wondering what I do on Sunday... Well, sometimes I clean out an old chicken house and (with Mandy's help) install a new floor for baby chicks.... Who should be flying in here via the United States Postal Service on Wednesday or Thursday... Hoping for Wednesday!

    But now I'm showered and ready to rock and roll... and cook Chicken and artichoke French for supper....

    But the chicken coop is DONE!!!!

  31. Deb, thank you! And I'm in full agreement on loving the change in the weather, even though our forecast will shift to white in a few weeks... but that's so calming.

    NOTHING GROWS IN WINTER!!!! :) Ruthy gets extra time for good behavior.

  32. Glynna, thank you!!!! Hey I brought fresh coffee and iced tea and a cooler of sodas.... And we've got streusel pumpkin muffins, too, perfect for an October afternoon!

  33. Jackie, Rose, Connie, Sally and Sharee.... Thanks for the birthday wishes, lovely ladies! I love a month-long birthday. That's the BEST!!!!

  34. Sherida, thank you!!!! And I love kissing scenes, too... romance is romance, after all!

    And I can't wait to cozy up and read Glynna's newest story... SIGH....... She's amazingly talented and makes me smile, every time!

  35. Marianne! Thank you, lovely lady!!!! When do you head back to Tina's neck of the woods?

  36. Kaybee, I'm just from the if it ain't broke, don't fix it mentality... and I'm comfortable with how I'm doing things, and I love my productivity, so there's no reason for me to change...

    and you know me: I love what I'm doing. Sitting down and writing isn't a hardship, it's an absolute joy. I'd invent more hours in the day if I could... But I can't, so I'll just enjoy God's calendar! (and stretch it a mite, New York style!)

  37. Hahahah!

    I'm laughing because I just saw an e-mail from Tina "WHERE IN THE WORLD IS RUTH LOGAN HERNE???"

    I'm here, but you didn't want me covered in chicken manure, I promise you that! (Maybe I didn't want me covered in chicken manure....)

    We're still running our farm stand, too... and just about plum out of pumpkins! AMAZING.... and so fun.

    And I did bake chocolate chip cookies and pumpkin muffins for the baked food side of the stand, but that was mostly last night. No one wants chicken coop woman baking for them..

    Totally understandable!

  38. I am stuffed!! We had homecoming at church today. Lots of visitors, singing, preaching, and then a huge potluck dinner. There was the pumpkin squares that were amazing... and I'm not a huge fan of pumpkin pie OR pumpkin bread, but these were so yummy!

    Then I get home and see ranch chili and cornbread in the comments and my first thought is, "Oh, that sounds good!" Seriously, I'm so full I can hardly move, and I'm still drooling over virtual food. SMH

    Great WE!! Ruthy, congrats on the release of Home on the Range! :)

  39. Patti Jo, I'm loving the cupcakes! THANK YOU!!!!!

    I knew I could count on you to cover for me!

    (slips like a stealth ninja into the room....)

  40. I'm gong to pass on the Tex Mex food... But I'm loving the pumpkin muffins and the cupcakes. I might be on a sugar high...

    Barbara Scott, thank you! A cruise....YES!!!! :) How fun would that be?

    Or a quiet writer's retreat, someplace quiet.... Did I mention quiet????


    We are so blessed to have this opportunity to celebrate together. I love the gathering of friends and family and good books and wonderful (no calorie!!!) virtual food.

    And to celebrate another release... it never gets old. It never gets ho hum. It never gets blase...

    Because each one is truly a labor of love... and a delight.

    I think we could use some hot chocolate up here in the north...

    Who'd like some?

  41. TINA, thanks for the terrific Weekend Edition! Congratulations to our winners! Thanks for the chili and cornbread for lunch. Love both.

    And to you, RUTHY, on your new release with that hunk of a cowboy on the cover!!

    HEIDI, books are such a blessing! Hope your fingers go to the perfect read for this moment in time. I just finished reading Charlotte's Web. Yes, a children's book, but a book I love. I bought it when I taught before we had children. Then read it to our girls. Now our daughter will read it to her students. Such fun to see a book travel through time and into young hearts.

    Off to take a walk outside on what is a beautiful fall day.

    Happy Sunday!

  42. Happy Weekend, everyone. I am having a little more down time so enjoying it. Should be working on a story I need to send in the mail this week. Will get to that in a bit.

    I won a book so I'm happy! :)

    Ruthy, I'm with you on Microsoft Word. I can barely manage that, so don't think I'm going to try anything else. Have no idea what Vellum is.

  43. Ruthy you are ALMOST OUT OF PUMPKINS?
    I saw a picture and there were thousands, millions, zillions of them. WOW!
    Way to Go Farmer Dave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (and Ruthy, too, of course!)
    We have a guy who parks in the Catholic Church Parking Lot all summer with a pickup load of whatever her farmer's garden is producing. Tomatoes, sweet corn, watermelon, squash, LOTS MORE.
    So maybe you need to fan out (not that you need to) and have a satellite sales location.

    Just brainstorming!

  44. Happy Sunday,me everyone. It was anther wonderful week in Seekerville.

  45. Ruthy, why is Home on the Range cheaper in both paperback versions than it is in Kindle?

  46. Heading home after a weekend of watching the grands play soccer and baseball. Four games in all. Such a fun way to enjoy the weekend!

  47. Patti Jo Thanks a bunch for the lovely birthday cupcakes. I'll have one vanilla, one chocolate and a dozen PEACH. Georgia peach of course. You must have frozen some while they were in season. yum.

    Happy writing.

  48. Ruthy, I can't believe ALL OF THOSE PUMPKINS are gone. I saw how many you had on your Facebook post. How fun is that?

    Happy fall.

    Happy writing.

  49. Super congrats to all the winners. Wowza!!! Lots of prizes and lots of winners.

    I LOVE BIRTHDAYS! I LOVE BIRTHDAYS! Me snoopy dancing. la la la la

    PS Hubby's birthday coming up. Have to think of something super duper. Friends coming over. That is fun. But he's such a special guy, need to think of something special special.

  50. Tonight they are having a big party here at the RV resort. And we all watch

    Funny thing is, there are more Seahawk Washingtonians here at the resort than Arizonians. We're here instead of home. I know. Crazy us!!!. Lol And we love all the snowbirds that come south for the winter. And want to play with us.

  51. Fantastic WE and barkday bash!
    Been traveling since 12:45am but had to stop by to say congrats to all the winners, but aren't we all winners here?!
    Why yes, yes we are!

    Have a wonderful rest of the day. Will read rest of the comments later when I'm not so bleary-eyed! The ones I've scanned just above this are fun. Especially Sandra Snoopy dancing. JOINING YOU in spirit. :)

  52. Great WE as usual, Tina!

    Thank you for the Amazon Gift card! I can't wait to order some new writer craft books. There were a few listed in Terri's post that I put on my wishlist.

    Ruthy, congratulations on the new release. I absolutely love the cover!

  53. Janet... I love Charlotte's Web. It's such a soulful story of sacrificial love and loss and redemption.... Who wouldn't love Wilbur???

    Now, I still eat pork (I love pork chops and applesauce!) but I don't eat Wilbur.

    That would be wrong on multiple levels.

    And thank you for those congrats! I love how this story came out!!!

  54. Congrats to all the winners! I love your cover, Ruthy! And once again, Happy Birthday, Seekerville! It's a bummer that this month is flying by! I will miss the celebration!

  55. Mary, we've run out of ORANGE pumpkins two weeks ago, so we're selling green ones now!

    IT'S SO FUNNY....

    But it's still delightfully busy here, and we're thanking God for a great season. Dave and Seth hand-watered all the pumpkins and squash through the worst drought ever in WNY... but we ended up with beautiful stuff.

    We've got hundreds of pumpkins going to places this week, we had to HIDE Them... My garage is full of pumpkins!!!! And winter squash.

    And baby chicks hatch tomorrow and get flown to us by Wednesday... so new babies on the farm.

    Life is never dull here and I wouldn't have it any other way.

  56. Pam, your church morning sounds wonderful. I bet I'd love your church community.... and thank you for coming by and celebrating with us!!! There's plenty of food here, too... but ours is virtual, so no guilt for any of us.


  57. Sandy Smith, I'm glad I'm not alone.

    I've taught myself everything I know, and it's been a fun curve for years, but I'm resisting learning new things... partly because they're new and partly because I'd rather write.

    And I'm working on two sweet projects right now, between before-and-after school care and I'm enjoying my writing time.

    You and me can enjoy it together!!!!

  58. Walt... that's such a good question. I have no idea... But I love the paperback price!!! So I'm steering people whichever way they want to go.

    Thank you for stopping by today!

  59. I am EXCITED to have won a surprise package of books! Congratulations to this week's winners!

    Have a wonderful Son-day! BLESSINGS!!!

  60. Debby and Glynna: I have a May 2017 release too!!! We'll all be out together.

    I finished the AA's this morning, and just finished a proposal last evening, so I've been focusing my time this past week on finishing one project and dipping into the next.

    I love that we're sharing shelf space!!!!

  61. Debby, I'm sure you had a great time... I loved spending time with the kids and the grand kids, and running from place to place. Thank you for making time to stop over here!

  62. Sandra, we sold thousands of pumpkins. No exaggeration. We will more than double them for 2017 because folks loved the low prices, and coming straight to the farm... and we liked it, too! So many families and so much fun.

    The girls set up a "photo op" on the front porch for kids/families, and we were just gobsmacked by lines of cars...

    It was wonderful.

    Thank you, God!!!!!

    Seth and Dave are already discussing how much more acreage they can do. We have 40 tillable acres, and about 6 acres of woods, so they've got some playing room.

    Wasn't it amazing to see all those pumpkins?

  63. Happy Birthday! Seekerville. Had a great morning at church Had my nap and ready now to go back for the evening service.

    Ruthy please enter me for a copy of Home on the Range. I am in the middle of Back in the Saddle which is awesome. Of course I just love your books.

    It was great seeing my family this weekend and to have 7 of my great nieces and nephews lined up in front of me in church ranging in age from 6 months to 8.

    The leaves are gorgeous this weekend. My friend is going to pick me up tomorrow for a ride on the Blue Ridge parkway.

  64. Sandra, that's a riot... You don't usually watch football, do you? But how fun to do this with the whole RV park! GO TEAM!!!!!

  65. Happy birthday Seekerville!

    Congratulations to all the winners!

    May God bless everyone here <3

  66. Wilani, you're in! And I'm so glad you love Back in the Saddle... I love this series, I love writing cowboys, and I'm just delighted at how people are reacting to them. It's honestly been a wonderful experience...

  67. Caryl!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Happy dancing for you!

  68. Valri! I haven't seen you in a little while, I'm so happy to see you today!

  69. KC, thank you for coming by! It's always Pawsome to see you!!!!!

  70. Hi everyone,

    Congrats to all the winners and thanks to Tina for a great weekend edition!

    Blessings to all!

  71. Congrats to all the winners this week. I just love the cover on Ruth's book. Thanks for all the writing links. I am getting reading to soak in some good advice. :)

  72. Congratulations, RUTHY! That is one beautiful book!

    Great WE, TINA! Thank you!

    Congratulations to all the winners! Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  73. Happy to hear we'll be sharing a release month in May, DEBBY! :)

  74. My goodness Ruthy! Thousands!!! What incredible fun. When we visited hubby's brother in New Hampshire, we went out and picked apples so going out to the country to get pumpkins from the farm must be a HUGE event. I bet you had a blast greeting all of those folk.

    Happy dancing thinking of all those Ruthy pumpkins in people's home cause you know prayers went with them. smile

  75. Wilani, sounds like a wonderful fall family adventure.

    Happy days

  76. THOUSANDS OF pumpkins, RUTHY! WOW. I hope sometime you share on the blog some photos of those fields of punkins!!!

    And you have a May 2017 release, too, RUTHY! Is that one an LI? I'll have to be sure to get a photo of the 3 lined up on the Walmart bookshelf!!

  77. A great bunch of links!! We've had a crazy busy day and haven't been home long. But now I'm bundled under a blanket ready to catch up. Can't wait to read all these great article!

  78. Cindy W. I agree. This month has flown!

  79. Ruthy, I wish I could get one of your pumpkins! I still need to buy one. My favorites are the short, round, warty ones. :)

  80. Happy 4th Birthday weekend, Seekerville! Congratulations to Ruthy for Home on the Range book release and to the prize winners! enjoy!!!

  81. Hi, Edwina! Thanks for the congrats et all!!!!

  82. Loraine, thanks for stopping in today.... and thanks for the cover kudos. They did a great job on these!

    Have some cake, darling.

  83. LAURA!!!! Thank you so much! And I'm looking forward to a great week... Wishing you the same!

  84. Sandra, it's been great fun and the families in our nearby towns are loving it... and we can't wait until next year!

    I can't even say how much crazy fun it's been.

  85. Happy weekend everyone! Congratulations to everyone! Sorry I'm so late, I was out of town on a two day vacation and have only just got back.

  86. Glynna, my Grace Haven 3 "Their Surprise Daddy" comes out in May.... and Peace in the Valley is now coming out in May, they're doing a mass market paperback version of it so it's hitting a lot of stores at the same time as our Love Inspireds...

    So we'll be on the shelves together and happy dancing!!!!

  87. Nicky! I hope you had a great weekend, sweet thing.

    And glad you stopped in, I'm tossing your name into the COWBOY HAT!!!!

  88. Missy, I love the warty pumpkins! And they sold like crazy.

    And we realized that my love of blocky, thick pumpkins meant that I didn't order enough tall pumpkin seed... so we'll fix that next year.

    And the pumpkin stackers are such a fun thing for folks to do for decorating, and we make it affordable for them. And we sold a gazillion "mini-stackers" once we demonstrated how to do it.

    So fun!!!

  89. Annie! I'm so glad you stopped over, you are such a great promoter of Christian fiction and great stories... and just a warm, loving person who goes the distance.

    Thanks for stopping in!!! I hope you grabbed cake, darling!

  90. Missy, the seasons are flying too fast... and then the years...



    Breathing deep to slow it down!

  91. Congrats to all this week's winners -- including me. Which Seeker ebook to pick. Decisions, decisions, decisions.

    Thanks, Tina, for putting together the WE. These links are such a good weekly roundup for me. Thanks, too, for the tip about the Rewards Program. Although ... did you notice the "luxurious ranch getaway" prize? I've never associated the word "luxurious" with "ranch." Hmm.

    Oh, Ruthy, I have so looked forward to Home on the Range!

    Hope everyone's had a lovely weekend.

    Thank you, Seekers, for your generosity.

    Nancy C

  92. Ruthy, congrats on the new release! What makes it even sweeter? This is a picture of a real dad/daughter on the cover....can you say awwwwwwwww!!! Makes it even more special :-) Loved reading the RT review on it too! (and of course please throw my name in Nick's Stetson for a chance to win a my very own copy!)

    Congrats to this weeks winners! Looking forward to another super fun-filled birthday week here at Seekerville :-) Can't believe how time has simply flown by!

  93. Great WE, as always. Cannot believe how fast Oct passed. My birthday is Saturday (diva day @ Seekerville). Not ready for birthday.
    Must post my review for Home on the Range so people can find out what a brilliant, warm hearted, sweet romance book it is. Must help with the world domination plan of Ruthy, one sweet, heart healing book at a time...

  94. Great WE, as always. Cannot believe how fast Oct passed. My birthday is Saturday (diva day @ Seekerville). Not ready for birthday.
    Must post my review for Home on the Range so people can find out what a brilliant, warm hearted, sweet romance book it is. Must help with the world domination plan of Ruthy, one sweet, heart healing book at a time...

  95. Congratulations, winners! What an exciting week of learning and celebrating! Thanks, all of you who have come to share your hard-earned wisdom!

  96. Congratulations to all of the winners! It's been a great week, and an exciting month! Happy birthday Seekerville! Love this blog. One of my top two favs, along with Lena Nelson Dooley's A Christian Writers World. Would love to win this book. ;) I have book 1 in the series already. God bless, hope y'all have a great week.

  97. Nancy, thank you! I hope you love it, and I'm tucking your name into the cowboy hat!!!

  98. Trixi, I love that this is a real-life "Nick and Dakota" shot! That's such a cool fact!

    And I'm tucking your name into the hat, and thank you for all your enthusiasm. You bless us authors with that all of the time.

  99. Deb H, Laughing!!!! Total World Domination: Yes!!! :)

    That's so funny, and honestly, if sweet books of forgiveness and redemption help here and there, I'm totally in favor of it.

    Thank you, sweet Deb!

  100. Abigail, I'm tucking your name into the hat right now!!! And I love Curtis Granderson, too! He's such a delight. I cheer for him even though he's a Met now... because hey, New York's New York!!!

    Bless you! And cute hubby, too!

  101. Congratulations WINNERS!!! Yay for Home on the Range!!! Can't wait to get mine off the shelf and dive in!
