Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Birthday Weekend Edition Week 5

Welcome to #5 Birthday Weekend Edition in celebration of our 9th Birthday. That means Seekerville is starting year TEN! On November 5, we'll draw for our Grand Prize, an iPad mini. All commenters, October 1- October 31, get their name in the birthday box for this drawing.

Leave a comment today for a chance to win a copy 
of the Star Inn novellas, available for any e-reader for $1.99! Time to kick off the holiday season with great Christmas reads!
Do You Hear What I Hear?
 Silent Night, Star-Lit Night or Room at the Inn for Christmas.
Two e-copies of each are up for grabs. 
Winners announced in the next Weekend Edition.

 We Have Winners

If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes. Send to

This week's winner of a $50 Amazon Gift Card is Sharee S!

Winners of Ruth Logan Herne's "Home on the Range" from the weekend edition are Sharee Stover, Rhonda Starnes and Beth Erin... Congratulations, ladies!!!

 Carol Moncado returned to Seekerville Monday with some techy help for  us! "Nine (Plus) Tips for Using Dropbox." Winner of her ebook Saving Grace is Nicky Chapelway.

 Pam Hillman was your Seekerville hostess on Tuesday!  Winner a $10 Amazon Gift Card is S. Trietsch.

 Sandra Leesmith shared "Nine Ways To Promote Yourself," on Wednesday. She discussed methods that worked for her. She is offering a special treat to a lucky commenter who shares what has worked for them both as a writer and a reader. Winner of a crystal chocolate kiss is Amber Schamel. And winner of her Christmas novellas is Jubilee Writer.

 Seeker Tina Radcliffe had on her hard hat for "Deconstructing a Romance Novel." And she shared a little about the book, "The Bestseller Code," as well.  Winners of two packs of Classified Christmas Mission and Rocky Mountain Cowboy are Just Commonly, Dana McNeely and Jill Weatherholt.

 Melanie Dickerson returned to Seekerville with her post, "Top 9 Reasons to Read the Seekerville Blog Every Day." Melanie is generously giving away a hardcover copy of The Silent Songbird, which releases November 8th. Winners are Sherrinda, Boos Mum and Meghan Carver.

Saturday was Time for the November Contest Update! Did you stop by to meet Diva Renee McBride. Winners of book prize packs are Trixi, Sylvia and Fedora. Winners of a first chapter critique (up to 15 pages) are Terri Weldon and Suzanne Baginskie.

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: A Seekerville birthday cheer and welcome for Jen Turano who is leading the party grand finale with her post, "Top Nine “Who Knew” Moments Since Becoming a Writer. "And Jen brought some amazing book prizes with her.

Tuesday: Author Jordyn Redwood returns to Seekerville with her post, "Should Authors Write Book Reviews?" Jordyn brought a fun prize package with her that includes her debut Love Inspired release, Fractured Memory, and a whole lot of goodies. 

Wednesday: We're delighted to welcome Tyora Moody to the Village. Her post is "Using Visual Content to Attract Readers." We're giving away two E-copies of The Literary Entrepreneur Toolkit: Building and Managing an Online Presence for Authors.

Thursday: Kara Isaac returns to Seekerville today! Her post is The Benefits of Being a Middle Distance Writer. Kara has a giveaway of a copy of Close To You or Can’t Help Falling (winner’s choice) as well as a block of some of Kara's favorite New Zealand chocolate up for grabs.

Friday: Join us for the Best of the Archives. Sandra Leesmith will bring back the popular post from last year, Angels Unawares. On Friday's comments are closed so we can catch up with our reading and writing.

  Saturday/Sunday: The Weekend Edition returns and we announce the GRAND PRIZE winner of an iPad mini!

Seeker Sightings

Cover reveal and available to order. Janet Dean has re-released one of her favorite novellas from the Seekerville Collection. A Daddy for Christmas.

 In time for early Christmas shopping, Sandra Leesmith has two Christmas novellas from the Seekerville Collections in Kindle and print.
Click on images to enlarge.

Cover reveal. Coming in November. Tina Radcliffe is re-releasing three of her favorite novellas from the Seekerville Novella Collections. Sign up for her newsletter here, to get notified when they release.

 Tina Radcliffe shares that she has sold a new series!

October 26, 2016 - SECOND CHANCE RANCH by Tina Radcliffe Fiction: Women's/Romance Tina Radcliffe's The SECOND CHANCE RANCH series, set in Timber, Oklahoma, about a children's ranch for orphaned, abused and neglected children that is owned and operated by siblings, who fight to make a success of the ranch and find love, to Giselle Regus at Harlequin Love Inspired, in a nice deal, in a four-book deal, by Jessica Alvarez at BookEnds (World)

Random News & Information

YOUR LAST CHANCE TO CONSIDER nominating Seekerville for the 18th Annual Writer’s Digest 101 Best Website for Writer’s Award. Send an email to with “101 Websites” in the subject line. We are an Inspirational Romance Writing Community.

Thanks for sending links!

Only 8 weeks until Christmas! Check out Gift Ideas for the Bookworm (Reading is My SuperPower)**

Going Deeper: Elicit Greater Emotion Through Deep POV (Novel Rocket) **

How to Use Twitter Analytics: 15 Simple-to-Find Stats to Help You Tweet Better (Buffer)

17 Scariest Things About Social Media (The Write Conversation)

Facebook marketing tips from social media thought leader, Mari Smith [video] (GoDaddy)

Abandon Your Draft and Become a Writer (Bookbaby Blog)

In Search of Clear and Accurate Words (Author Culture)

The Three Pillars of an Author Platform (and How to Build Them) (the Verbs)

Building a Believable Chain of Events in Your Novel (Jane Friedman) 

Back to Basics on Backstory (The Book Designer)**

How To Use Data Science To Write And Sell More Books (The Creative Penn)**

This is Why Keywords and Metadata are Important for Book Sales (BadRedhead Media)**

Getting Ready for NaNoWriMo? Resources:

Check out the NaNoWriMo’s new Young Writers Program.

 Getting Unleashed for NaNoWriMo with Scrivener for IOS (Gwen Hernandez)

How to Prepare for NaNoWriMo: Your 4-Week Success Plan (The Write Life)

5 NaNoWriMo Hacks To Keep Words Flowing (WHW)

Buddy Tina Radcliffe here! Let's do it together!

  Short on time. Read ** first and come back later for the rest.

That's it! Have a great week and thanks for sharing our birthday with us!


  1. Thank s for another awesome WE, TINA! YOU ROCK!!!!
    Congratulations to all the winners!

  2. I love the Weekend Edition! I always feel so pumped and ready to go for the next week--or in this case, NaNoWriMo. Let's do this!

  3. Congrats again, Tina!!!

    I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday.

  4. Happy weekend! Congrats to the winners! Happy birthday to Seekerville! Looking forward to checking out the links and another fab week here :) Please put my name in the hat for the Star Inn novellas, they are on my wishlist!

  5. Another one of your great weekend editions, Tina! Thank you! There's always so much to catch up on when I stop by. This birthday month has flown by and I haven't finished reading everything from last week yet. :(

  6. Super duper congrats on your four-book deal, Tina!!

    Congratulations to all the lovely winners and to Renee McBride for being the Contest Diva!

    Can't believe I've missed so much of the birthday party this year! Okay, I'm NOT going to get on here and whine about how much I miss Seekerville and all the sweet Seekers and Villagers, but I Lord knows I DOOOO!! Crazy wacko health issues have knocked me off kilter this month, then there's the becoming-my-norm lack of internet, and my first official novella deadline that have completely Tsunami-ed me (20K words is feeling REALLY tight right now, lol). WHERE did October go?

    At any rate, I'm pumped about all the new Seeker fiction I've seen selling and releasing! Way to go, ladies! Is it selfish to cheer y'all on just so I can have more great fiction to devour? #SelfishReaderCheeringYouOn #HappyBirthdaySkrvlle #NineYearsAwesome


  7. Good to see you, Natalie!!!! So excited about your release too.

    Hope you're feeling much improved.

    Hope everyone has a restful Sunday. I plan on cleaning out my office to prepare for NaNo.

  8. Congratulations to all. Another great week ahead.

  9. Congrats Tina! What a fantastic way to celebrate Seekerville's birthday. This site is great and you are all an inspiration for me. Keep up the good work.

  10. Natalie Monk, it's such a pleasure to see you! But I'm sorry about the health and Internet issues, sweet thing... We tend to take health for granted until something happens... and then we're reminded of how wonderful good health truly is. Bless you!!!! And I'm so thrilled for you with that novella. It will be wonderful.



    This is wonderful news! GO YOU!!!! And what a marvelous concept!!!!!

  12. Carol Garvin, good to see you! You know, it's a little different because the WE is only on Sunday, and there's always so much going on Sundays... so we're in the same boat!

    But we'll be back to two days of WE soon... and then I can check links.... and then write.... check links.... bake cookies.... write.... etc.

    That extra day is a wonderful thing!!!!

  13. Okay, who does NANOWRIMO?

    I never have. I keep working the way I always do, 1-2K/day....

    But I want to hear if you like it... or if it helps?

    Maybe it just brings writing to the forefront of your head a little more?

    I'm traveling today and my phone doesn't play nice, but I want to hear more about this!

  14. And about these novellas.... Mary and Margaret and I got to work with St. Martin's Press on these sweet stories... and I think we're the first inspirationals they've published through SWERVE, their e-first publication....

    And we had a ball working with SMP. Their staff was wonderful and how fun it is to put these sweet stories out there at a price everyone can afford?

    They use a different marketing plan, and when you're in business, it's good to shake things up here and there, so we're excited about this release and hope you love it!

    The concept is an inn, The Star Inn, run by a woman named Angel Rafferty in a tiny town called "Heywood", Oregon... in sight of Mount Hood.

    The concepts of travel, cold, a baby born in December, forgiveness, a star and an angel (only in this case "Angel" is a person) bring together parts of the original gift of Christmas in beautiful stories of travelers who stop at the inn.

    What a fun idea!

    I hope you love reading them as much as the three of us loved writing them!

  15. Congratulations for another wonderful WE Tina. Also, congratulations to all the wiiners!

    This has been a wonderful month and it is so hard to believe it is over with tomorrow. Time truly does fly when you are having fun! :)

    I pray everyone will have a peaceful and blessed day and week ahead.

    Happy Birthday Seekerville!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  16. Another great weekend! Congratulations to the winners! Tina, what awesome news! I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to read more of your books! I'm gearing up for NaNo! Just a few more days until the madness starts lol!

  17. Congrats to all of the winners, and thanks for the great links.

    Congrats to Tina on a four-book deal and her new LI coming out. Way to go!

    Have a blessed day, everybody!

  18. Thanks for this weekend edition and Congratulations to all of the winners.

  19. Good morning, Seekerville. I can hardly believe this month will soon come to a close! Or that we've been blogging here for NINE years! Where has the time gone?

    Another great W.E., TINA. And congratulations on the new series contract! Woo Hoo!

    Best wishes to all of you who are diving into NaNo--we'll be cheering you on! I've never officially tackled it, but with my next book due by the end of the year, I WILL be racing ahead to get in a healthy word count in November!

  20. Congratulations to all of the winners!

    And happy birthday, Seekerville. The birthday month has really flown!

  21. Happy Sunday everyone. I hope it's lovely!!!

    Natalie, hope you feel better soon. And you're going to rock those 20k words. #yougotthis.

    Tina, whoop-whoop!! :) I'm reading your: Safe In The Fireman's Arms: ...and you already made me laugh before chapter must love poptards ;)

  22. Lol or rather poptarts....goodness #spellcheck.

  23. Stopped by for a quick peek at the WE before getting ready to teach Sunday School this morning, and what do I find?


    Looking forward to more Tina books! Happy dancing in the Black Hills!

  24. Another fun birthday week! Always fun to visit Seekerville.. Congrats to the winners!
    Please put my name in for the Star Inn novellas

  25. TINA, thank you for another awesome WE!

    CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners!

    Please enter me in the drawing.

    Have a blessed SON-day!

  26. Hi everyone, I just wanted to pop in and sat hello and happy birthday week. I'm one of the authors of today's giveaway. It was so much fun working with Ruth and Mary. I hope you all enjoy the stories as much as the three of us enjoyed working together.

  27. Off to church in a bit, but wanted to stop by and say hi! Thank you for another wonderful WE edition! CONGRATULATIONS, TINA!!!!!!!! So proud for you!!!!!!!

    Congrats to all giveaway winners!

    This has been a fabulous month of learning, fun, and camaraderie here at Seekerville. Looking forward to another fun, fantastic year. :-)

  28. TINA.... squeeee! Just signed up for your newsletter. :-)

  29. TEEEEEEENNNNAAAA!!! SUPER CONGRATS on the 4-book deal, my friend -- you're going to be VERY busy and wonderfully so!!

    SUPER CONGRATS to all the winners -- hard to believe our birthday month is almost over!!

    NATALIE, so very sorry about the health issues, but HOW exciting to be closing in on your very first novella -- you go, girl!!

    LOL, RUTHY ... you don't need NANOWRIMO, girlfriend, you're RuthyWRIMO!! ;) I have never officially tackled it, but I thought I might this year, just for fun. And those St. Martin's Press novellas sound WONDERFUL!! Hope they do well, my friend. :)

    CARYL SAID: "Have a blessed SON-day!" LOL ... I like your take on the spelling, my friend, and YES, I think I will have a "blessed SON-day" since I'm with my grands for the first time in six months, INCLUDING my new one-month old miracle baby, Genevieve (Evie)!!! God is good!!

    Happy Weekend, All!


  30. Hey Seekerville! We are are coming down to the wire on the SEEKER NINTH BIRTHDAY MONTH!!!!!!

  31. I've had this in my head for days so I'll share it here. A little, lighthearted Christian bit by Mark Lowery.

    He said you could tell Mary know her son was God because of the way she acted when he died on the cross.

    If HE, Mark Lowery, was dying on a cross, his mother would be pitching a fit.
    But Mary knew. She was there and in terrible grief and agony but she never said a word, because she knew. She knew it had to happen and there were no words.

    It just haunts me because I know what I'd feel like if something terrible was happening to my child. Deserved or not. But if NOT deserved you'd be screaming, begging, fighting, dying to save your child.

    Mary remained silent. Because she knew.

    That is a Christmas message that is haunting me as I think of that baby born in a manger and a mother who held her child in her arms. She KNEW if no one else believed her, that her child was virgin born. She knew from the moment an angel came to her, that she was chosen to be the mother of God.

  32. We've written these three novellas and they are set in the most beautiful victorian inn. I know, it's all fictional, but to me it because such a welcoming place.
    Ruthy and Margaret's characters are passing through and find a peaceful place and the spirit of Christmas.

    In mine, Room at the Inn for Christmas, the daughter of the inn's owner, long gone away, comes home and finds herself beckoned from her fast paced life. A life she felt had slammed it's door on her years ago.

    And now, it's just possible there may be Room at the Inn for Christmas

  33. Tina always make the weekend edition glow.
    With our books as giveaways it's glowing for Christmas. :)
    But I spent last night at a Halloween party and it wasn't CHRISTMAS lights glowing.

    My sister always throws this huge, off the wall Halloween party, her front yard decorated like a graveyard, her garage a jail with animated, life sized zombies trying to break down the cell walls.

    Unbelievably crazy and fun.

    Her living room garnished with her SKULL collection, her VAMPIRE BAT collection, her ghoulishly carved pumpkins and fake cobwebs and severed hands and eeries wall paper, yes she has removeable WALLPAPER.

    I actually heard my sister say these words last night as we sat in her living room together.
    "We forgot to put out the rats."

  34. TODAY AND TOMORROW the grand finale wrap up for the Seekerville Birthday Bash.

    Thank you all who've hung out with us so faithfully all month and remember the PARTY NEVER ENDS AT SEEKERVILLE.


    I am so thrilled and delighted by this new contract. You work so HARD and this is well deserved.

  36. Hi Margaret!!!! We had great fun didn't we, hunting up and decorating the details for our beautiful Star Inn!!!

  37. I am addicted to Pop-tarts. I even avoid that aisle in the grocery store because they follow me home. However, I am very particular and discerning Poptart addict. Brown Sugar Cinnamon only..occasionally the Frosted Chocolate Vanilla Crème.

    They are yummy with a champagne glass filled with sparkling water.

  38. Thanks for the lovely comments on my new contract. I am delighted and honored. Actually I pinch myself at intervals. I am quite bruised.

  39. Ruthy does 1-2 K a day every day. BooRah.

    The rest of us normal people do NaNo.

    Remember: Don't measure yourself by another person's yardstick. Do what works for you.

    NaNo. NaNo. NaNo.

  40. The concept for Second Chance Ranch was brainstormed with my editor, Giselle Regus and myself and fine tuned by the real world Second Chance Ranch located in Alabama.

  41. Be sure to buddy me if you do NaNa, Julie.

    Got some great writers doing it this year. Excited to encourage each other along.

    I have an end of year deadline too and thrilled to power through to the end.

  42. Happy birthday week five, Seekerville!

    Congratulations to all the winners! Congratulations to the authors on the new releases and the re-releases and to Tina on the four-book contract! Yay!!!!

    WE question....should have asked yesterday during the contest update....does the Genesis give feedback? And the Golden Heart does not, correct?

    Happy Sunday of reading and/or writing to all of Seekerville! I'm off to read the links.....

  43. Congrats to winners!! It has been such fun reading the blog every day this past month. I might just keep it up. LOL. ;) Oh all right, I WILL keep it up!

  44. Soooo exciting about your contract, TINA!!! Way to celebrate Birthday Month, huh?

    And congrats to MARY & RUTHY on the Christmas novellas!

    Our weekend chores are still in full swing (yes, we did take time off for worship and Sunday school this morning). Project Guy is getting our makeshift greenhouse ready for winter deck plant storage, although it's hard to imagine winter coming when it's heading toward 80 degrees this afternoon and for most of this week!

    However, Project Guy is about to have some forced downtime. On Tuesday he has foot surgery scheduled, so I guess I'll be running and fetching for him for at least a few days.

    Must go see what he's up to. Happy partying, Seekerville!

  45. Genesis DOES give feedback. Golden Heart only a number and your placement ranking.
    Top -Middle-Lower.

  46. Tina Congrats on your contract.

    It is hard to believe this special birthday month has drawn to a close. It has been quite a celebration.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

  47. October has flown by! It's been a superlicious birthday month of incredible posts and meeting new friends. Every Sunday I spend the afternoon reading all of your linked articles, Tina. Thanks again for a terrific WE!! Congratulations on your 4-book contract. Wow!

    Congrats to all of this week's winners, authors of new releases, and super Seekerville that encourages us all.

    And many blessings to all of you and may the Lord grant you the desires of your heart this year.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Congratulations, Tina! I was so thrilled to see the announcement last week.
    I'm used to Seekerville taking a day of rest on Sunday that I forgot to stop by earlier. Congratulations to all of the winner! And to me too! Yay! Thanks for posting the link on FB, Tina. :)
    Sending an email to Writer's Digest now...Seekerville is always #1 in my book!

  50. Tina, I failed to mention, I am doing NaNo again this year. I blogged about it on Friday. My book that's been published was my first NaNoWriMo participation. Of course, it was a terrible mess, but it was a start.
    I buddied you, but I'm not sure if I'm official on their site. I couldn't remember my password since I haven't done NaNo since 2012, so I tried to set up a new account. It kept telling me I was an "imposter." I think I finally go in, but it's not allowing me to download a photo or bio. Either way, I'll be writing along with you.

  51. Jill, I hadn't Nano'd in a LOOONG time so used a different email address.

    I'll go look for your buddy. :) Glad to have you along.

  52. Thanks, Barb!

    And thanks, Wilani.

    The month is scary in how fast it zipped on.

  53. Congrats to the winners!!!

    I'm in for NaNoWriMo! Must sign up. First must finish AAs and submit to editor tomorrow.

    I left a huge bag of chocolate candy on the breakfast bar. Enjoy!!!


  54. Love all the new releases and re-releases!!!

    Yay to Tina's new series and 4 book contract!!!

    It's all good in Seekerville.

  55. CONGRATS to Tina on the 4 book deal.....YAY!! Congrats to all the winners!
    Seekerville is the greatest!

  56. Congratulations Tina! So awesome.

    I can't believe the Seekerville birthday month is nearly over. It has been so much fun and I won a couple of books!

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I had two free days of no work at either job. That hasn't happened in a very long time and won't happen again for the rest of this year anyway I'm sure.

  57. Congratulations to all the winners!! All the new books look so beautiful, and sound so interesting - congratulations everyone!!

    Thank you, TINA for another wonderful WE!! And congratulations on your new four-book contract - so happy for you!! And you're doing, NaNoWriMo, too?! That's incredible. I'm so glad you use those super powers of yours for good and not for evil.

  58. Tina try a little Vitamin D oil on those pinch bruises. Chances are you can keep pinching yourself for MONTHS.

  59. Sherida, the Genesis does give feedback. It's got a nicely laid out score sheet with good room for advice. (Unless it's mine, then run for your life!)

    Go here to look at the score sheet you'll get.

  60. TINA, terrific Weekend Edition! Congrats to our winners! I'll be checking out some links that grabbed me.

    Our fabulous birthday month is winding down. I'll miss all the cake but we can't party forever. There's work to be done.

    Happy Sunday!

  61. Hi Myra. Good luck with your wounded Project Guy.

    God bless you both

  62. Sometimes the caregiver needs as much help as the care=receiver

  63. Hi Barbara! Thanks for hanging around with us and adding to the FUN!!!

  64. Good luck and God bless you to al who are doing NANO. It can be an exciting time of TESTING YOUR LIMITS....DISCOVERING WHAT YOU'RE CAPABLE OF!!!!!!!!!

  65. MARY, RUTHY, MARGARET, the Star Inn Novellas sound terrific! Huge congrats! Just reading the premises sent the first thrill of Christmas spiraling down my spine! Can't wait to read them!


  66. NATALIE, praying for your health and your novella deadline. We have missed you!


  67. SANDY, glad you got two days off! Hope you had a chance to kick back and relax!


  68. Or maybe NANO is just about writing a lot of words. Perhaps their IS no deeper meaning!!!

    Mary 'The Philosopher' Connealy

  69. MYRA, will be praying for a good outcome with Project Guy's foot surgery. Run and fetch puts you in puppy mode. :-)


  70. Debby brought Candy to our almost Halloween Seekerville Grand World Series of Blogging Conclusion Eve. (I think that's the OFFICIAL name of todays Weekend Edition)

  71. MARY, I'm blown away by all those decorations and collections your sister uses for her Halloween party! Whoever invented removable wallpaper for Halloween should make it available to the rest of us. Every wallpaper we've had has been a pistol to remove.


  72. Who's for the Indians? Who's for the Cubs?

    I'm not a great fan of baseball, but my DH has followed the Cubs most of his life and I'd like to see him happy so I'm in the Cubs column.


  73. Oh my, I'm embarrassed I called yesterday the Weekend Edition!☺️ I'll chalk it up to the lateness of my response.

    TODAY is a great WE Tina. Tons of great info.

    Congratulations to all the winners. I'm so blessed to have won a first chapter critique.

    1. Oh and definitely throw my name in the hat for the books being offered today.

  74. Sandy I hope you have survived the sting of yesterday's HUSKER DEFEAT.

    Okay, I shouldn't have gone there. My tears have shorted out my laptop keyboard!!!!


  75. Laura can you BELIEVE all those books????

  76. Terri don't learn anything new at this point. Starting this week we are back to the weekend edition on two days.

  77. MARY, my head is truly reeling, but I'm determined to hang in there so I can enjoy the very last moments of "Halloween Seekerville Grand World Series of Blogging Conclusion Eve." You ladies are such a hoot :-)

  78. Greenhouse is assembled. Planted some irises a dear lady sent me last week from her amazing garden. Whew!!!

    JANET, our puppies get treated a LOT better than the humans in our house!

  79. Congrats to all the winners and to everyone with new books coming out.

  80. Love going back and reading comments that have been posted since I was here, LOL - - my Seekerville friends are such good, wholesome entertainment! :) (Not that I would want any other kind of entertainment!!)

    Janet and Sandra, LOVE those book covers!
    Tina, can't remember if I've offered my CONGRATS on here for your 4-book contract!! YAY TERRIFC TINA!!!! :) (and please put some aloe cream on those bruises from all your pinching!) ;)

    Tina, frosted or plain brown-sugar cinnamon pop-tarts? ;) Just curious - - I love the frosted kind, but I'll eat most any flavor with or without frosting!

    Another gorgeous day in my GA neighborhood - - good for writing, so am getting back to my WIP.
    Hugs, Patti Jo (who made sure to VOTE for the Seeker blog!) :)

  81. MYRA, nice to know you'll get a pat on the head as you run and fetch. ;-)

    How big is this greenhouse you mentioned? Does it have a source of heat to keep your plants from freezing? Or is warmed by the sun?


  82. Tina, So wonderful to read about your four book contract. Stop pinching yourself and shout Hip Hip Hooray four tiimes at the top of your lungs outside your front door on Halloween night. I don't think the trick or treaters will notice. Chills will run down your spine and you may be able to finally sleep. Your stomach must be doing flip-flops. This is such incredible news. Kudo's to you.

    Sending a big collection of thanks to all the tireless volunteers of Seekerville for presenting the best Birthday celebration ever. Looking forward to year ten and the daily blogs and writing exchanges and information that everyone shares.

    I am back from the land down under in early voting-ville. Worked an extra hour because my replacement had an airplane problem and called she'd be late in arriving. No breakfast or lunch and one bathroom break. Oh, does it feel good to be home and reading the Seekerville blog.

  83. PATTI JO, thanks for supporting Seekerville! You're terrific!

    I'm delighted you love the cover of A Daddy for Christmas. The little girl just melts my heart.


  84. SUZANNE, sorry about those missing meals and missing breaks. You must've had a big voter turnout.


  85. Happy Birthday Seekerville on this 30th day of October. Too late to set the table with goodies. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday everyone. Just one more day to celebrate left. Hmm. Ponder this: Do you wish your birthday was celebrated the whole month it's in???

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. Greenhouse is assembled??? Myra is that like a euphemism for 'you're up from your nap?'
    Or do you have a LITERAL greenhouse??????????

  88. Hi Patti Jo! Glad you stopped back in. :) Are we voting on Pop-Tarts???

  89. Janet, We did. On Saturday we had just under 11,000 voters in our county in our eight polling places. Today we had many new, first time voters and were at half of Saturday's amount when I left at 2:00 p.m. Just amazing.

  90. I like the strawberry ones. But then I would gladly eat the brown sugar ones, frosted or not. I didn't get into this shape by being picky!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  91. Suzanne don't tell Tina to stop pinching herself. I've got this mental image going that's incredibly entertaining. I don't want it to end.

  92. I love these post! I have them all saved in my e-mail

  93. Hi Tanya! You're SAVING Seekerville????

    Thank you. We are HONNORED!

  94. Hi all! I'm catching up on my seekervilleness. Can't believe it's already the end of October. Gads, the stores are filled with Christmas stuff. I'm not ready! Hold! Pause! Giggle.

  95. One more day to party in Seekerville, then it's NaNoWriMo.

  96. Frosted Patti-Jo. FROSTED!

  97. FROSTED is an excellent choice, Tina!! ;)

    Mary C, strawberry is yummy too! Hmmmm...maybe they'll introduce Peach pop-tarts one day? :)

    Myra has a GREENHOUSE?? Oh my - - one of my long-time DREAMS....(besides being pubbed and visiting the New England states, LOL) is having a small, backyard greenhouse!

    Janet, you're so sweet - - thank you for your kind comment!

    The SEEKERS are the BEST!!!! :)

  98. SUZANNE, I'm glad people are voting. It's a privilege. Something we're blessed to be able to do.


  99. PATTI JO, I'm merely reflecting who you are right back at you.


  100. SHAREE S, I've learned that the closer we get to Christmas, the less time I have to read Christmas stories. So reading Christmas stories in November is just smart and a great way to get ready in our hearts.


  101. Great WE edition, Tina! I will miss them on Sundays but I'm glad they will continue on Saturdays! Such a great part of the week!!!! Congrats to all the winners! This birthday party has been fantastic all month! Can't believe it is almost at an more time....HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEEKERVILLE!!!!!!

  102. I prefer frosted.
    Finally an election we can all be happy about

  103. Hope everyone is having a good weekend, Happy birthday Seekerville!!!!

  104. Mary, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those covers of the Star Inn novellas! They are "decorated" so cute! The covers alone make me want to read them! I bet they are great stories! Can't wait to read them! AND the authors are too shabby either LOL :)

  105. Wow what a birthday month this has been. Super congrats to all the winners. I can hardly wait to see who wins the big prize.

    Thank you all for celebrating with us Seekers. You ROCK!!!!!

    Looking forward to another year full of education and blessings.

  106. SUPER CONGRATS Tina on your contract. wooo hoooooooooo

    I know what you'll be doing. smile

  107. Thank you, Tina and Mary, for answering my question.

    Frosted brown sugar for me....but Patti Jo....PEACH would be fabulous!

  108. Did someone mention Poptarts???????? I'd been craving them for the longest of time and finally broke down and bought myself a box of frosted Brown sugar cinnamon (TINA I see it's your fav flavor too!). Already scarfed 2 envelops of them in the last two days....yummm....all that warm sweetness :-)

    Happy WE everyone, now that I have my sweet tooth going, I may have to grab a nutty bar (another of my rare indulgences). Congrats to this weeks winners. I see where a FOUR book deal happened for you?? AWESOME PAWSOME!! More books to look forward to in the future, yay!

    Please add my name for the Starr Inn novellas, great way to begin getting in the holiday mood :-) Can you believe November's just a couple of days away???

  109. So excited for you, Tina! Congratulations! I saw those covers for the Novellas set at the Inn earlier this weevk, very cute!

  110. Janet, I love your cover for your novella. Good for you for getting it out there. Yay!!!

  111. Congrats to the winners! I love to see people win things, especially books. I love the covers on all those beautiful Christmas it really time to read Christmas stuff again?!!! Please put my name in.

    Super psyched for Nano! A little a day, every day, we can do it!!!

    Please excuse all the exclamation points. I have been writing and revising most of the weekend and am on caffeine overload!!!!!

  112. Wow, look at all the comments!! It'll take me a while to catch up! We haven't been back long from the Atlanta Falcons game. What an exciting nail biter!!

    Dana, I'm joining you in lots of exclamation points! :)

  113. This has been an amazing series -- Happy Birthday!

  114. Yay! Happy Birthday celebration! Congratulations to all winners! And to our dear TINA! Woohoo! Yay! Let's jump up and down! Happy for you! Congrats!

    And are we talking about which type of frosting? I'm traditional...vanilla or chocolate will do. 😉

  115. I am so excited for year TEN of Seekerville!! I always learn so much from all you wonderful folks, and it's so nice to have a place I can go where I know my writerly strangeness will be understood. Because of my schedule I don't get to go to many in-person writer gatherings, so I am extra grateful for the virtual ones!
    Thanks for all you do, Seekers. :D Love ya'll.

  116. Oh boy, more good links to read!

    Congratulations to all you winners, to Janet and Sandra for making your novellas available individually -- and special HUGE congratulations to TINA!!!!!

    One more time ... Happy Birthday Seekerville!

    Nancy C

  117. Happy Birthday Weekend I would be honored to win this magnificent gift set. carlaganell(at)yahoo(dot)com
