Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Let's Talk Turkey!

Sandra here and if you’re like me, you’re getting ready for the big turkey dinner. And probably trying to write NaNoWriMo at the same time. So I’ll make this short and sweet.

Preparing to write a novel is very much like preparing for the big dinner.

1.     Make a list of ingredients you need.
·      Turkey
·      Stuffing
·      Yams
·      Green bean casserole
·      Cranberry sauce
·      Pumpkin pie
Write an outline of the elements of your story:
·      Characters
·      Main conflict
·      Setting
·      Minor characters
·      Romance
·      Resolution

  •  Prepare the turkey
  • Write the first draft

3.     Prepare the stuffing
Edit first draft and fill in strong action words

4.     Prepare the Yams
Embellish the emotional elements

5.     Prepare the green bean casserole
Embellish the setting. Bring it alive.

6.     Add the cranberry sauce
Spice up the romantic tension.

7.     Bake the pumpkin pies
Resolve the black moment and get to the happy ever after.

8.     Decorate your table
Gather photos for an enticing cover

All of these preparations take time, but good planning and steady progress result in a wonderful meal and a terrific romance novel.

Finally, gather all the family and friends and pray. Its time to thank the Lord for all His blessings and inspiration.

Please comment and share a wonderful recipe or something you are thankful for this wonderful day of thanksgiving and be eligible for a surprise package of Seeker books.

I am thankful for my Seeker sisters and all the Seeker Villagers out there. Your encouragement has meant so much to me over the years.

Recipe for Yams:  

2 cans cut sweet potatoes
1 can apricot halves
3 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon

Drain sweet potatoes and apricots but save ½ cup of the juice from each.
Place in greased baking dish
Combine brown sugar, cornstarch and juice in a saucepan and boil.
Pour over sweet potatoes and apricots.
Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. 

My two novellas that were out with the Seeker collection are now available in print copies which do make lovely stocking stuffers or gifts for a teacher or friend. They are available now on Amazon.com in case you need to shop early for Christmas.

Debbie fell in love with surfer, David Martin. Against her parent’s wishes, she married her first love. Would the help of an angel and the influence of the Christmas season bring forgiveness and redemption?

Elena Delgado loves her father’s new business partner, Stephen Edwards, and wants marriage and a family. As they work together, will Stephen notice her? Or is he still in love with the fiancĂ©e who left him?  

Sandra Leesmith writes sweet romances to warm the heart. Sandra loves to play pickleball, hike, read, bicycle and write. She lives in Arizona with her husband and during the hot summers, she and her husband travel throughout the United States in their motor home where she enjoys the outdoors and finds wonderful ideas for her next writing project. You can find Sandra's books here on Amazon. Three of Sandra's most popular books are also audiobooks at Audible.  

You can read more posts by Sandra here.


  1. There's always something to be thankful for :-) We are able to go up to visit my sister-in-law in Washington again this year, always a good time with family, fun and FOOTBALL!! Our tradition is to watch the Apple Cup on Friday; college football between the Huskies and Cougars (WA State rivals). We get LOUD cheering the Cougs...haha!!

    As for recipes, my favorite out of all the fixings on the table is pumpkin pie!! I learned years ago how to cook and prepare pie pumpkins (or sugar pie pumpkin depending) and then I just use the recipe printed on the back of a Libby's canned pumpkin I saved. I also use my recipe for the crust from my old Better Homes and Garden cookbook...easy peasy :-) OH SO GOOD!!

    I still can't believe Thanksgiving is on Thursday, what happened to this year???

  2. P.S. Thanks for the opportunity to win a surprise package of Seeker books!

  3. What fun analogies! Sandra, this is a delightful recount of the step-by-step process... And with really good food involved. Total bonus!!!!

    Trixi, I love pies, too! And making pumpkin pie is a pleasure. I use the Libby's basic recipe too, except I add an extra egg, a 1/4 cup more sugar and I substitute nutmeg for the ginger...

    I have deep pie pans, so a pie-pan takes 1.5 recipes to fill.... and I love using our home grown pumpkins! I put several pie-ready bags in the freezer this fall. So good!

  4. Hi Sandra. Loved your analogies between Thanksgiving and writing. I am thankful that my mom is still with us. She was told yesterday she is dying and there is nothing more they can do for her and the lame-brained doctor told her when she was alone in the early morning. Then he called me a half hour later to tell me. I told him he should have called me first so I could be there when he talked to her. We hope to bring her home on Wednesday and have home health care come it to help us out. My heart is heavy this morning but I am thankful that my mom is saved and loves the Lord.

    May you all be blessed.
    Cindy W.

  5. Hi Sandra! I loved your analogies...they're so true.
    Praying for you and your mother, CINDY W.
    This year, I'm thankful for my continued good health, my family, friends and of course, Seekerville.
    Wishing everyone a safe and blessed Thanksgiving.

  6. Good morning Seekerville!

    Sandra I loved your post today. This year we're eating at my brother's house and I'm only cooking the turkey, mashing potatoes, and fixing salad. But as I prepare these foods, I'll reflect on my story and remember your post. Thanks!

    Cindy W, I agree that was cruel, but God is love. I'll pray for your mother and your family in the days ahead.

    I'm thankful for Seekerville where I've made so many friends. Thanks for all you do for us! Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Hi Trixi Oh yum. I love pumpkin pie also. And I saved a recipe from a Libby's can also. It is the best and I think it is because it uses brown sugar, don't you think?

    What fun memories. Not much football at our house since my Mom passed away. She was the one who loved to watch the game and she'd get all of us cheering for her team. Now we go play pickleball in the morning and get up our appetite to feast. smile

    Have a blessed holiday.

  8. HI Ruthy I was sure you would use pies from your yard. I've seen the photos on Facebook of the huge crop of pumpkins you have. Now Trixi mentioned she uses pie pumpkins. So are there different kinds of pumpkins you use for different things? I've seen them different colors, but figured they weren't ripe yet but I know nothing about gardening.

    How do you know what kind to buy in the store?

    I can just imagine your house full of the wonderful smells of baking and sounds of family. Have a blessed one.

  9. Oh Cindy my heart aches for you. What horrible news and yes, they should have called you first. Your Mom has you with her and that is such a blessing to be thankful for. I will keep all of you in prayer. Do you have hospice care in your area? They are wonderful and really know how to help not only the paitent, but the family as well. They told my mom she had a few days left and it was a year later she passed. So know one but the Lord knows the time He wants her "home". Treasure those moments you still have as they will comfort you later.

    I miss my mom, but the memories still bring such joy. Hugs Cindy. I"m praying.

  10. Thank you Jill We can always use prayer. smile I think that is what has kept us going all these years. Prayer and friends like you. We are thankful also.

    Have a wonderful holiday.

  11. Hi Jackie Wow, you still have a lot to cook, but I agree, better than being responsible for the whole meal. chuckle. And I'm glad you'll be able to think about writing now. At least preparing the turkey is the main dish so you can focus on the main plot.

    We are so thankful for you also. It has been fun to watch all your victories and progress lately.

    Happy holidays.

  12. Sandra!

    Such a cute post. LOVE IT!!!

    Although I should be, I am not officially or unofficially doing NaNoWriMo this year. November is just to hectic for me with two family birthdays, an annual shopping day and Thanksgiving. And believe it or not, December slows down for me, so I will be back at adding word count to my WIP then.

  13. P.S. I'm trying a new pie recipe this year. It's the German chocolate pie that has been shared by almost every friend I have on Facebook! Anyone made it yet? German chocolate cake is my favorite so I hope this turns out good.

  14. Hi Rose I agree about waiting on NaNoWriMo. Thanksgiving is hectic as we always travel and there is a lot to do. But I still do keep my daily word count so that helps. smile

    I haven't seen that recipe so hope it turns out for you.

    Best wishes on writing in December. That month will be here before you know it.

    Happy holidays.

  15. Hey Rose Can you share the recipe with us? Maybe others besides me haven't seen it.

  16. What a fun post! There is always so much I'm thankful for. My healthy family, food, a roof over my head, and of course the freedom to read my Bible. This year it is up to me to make the green bean casserole. Now I need to find a recipe!

  17. I love the cover on "Holiday Homecoming."
    Writing is harder than cooking.
    Kathy Bailey

  18. I'm grateful for our country, for family, for freedom, for the ability to write stories and for wonderful readers who read those stories, for my Seeker sisters and the Villager friends who support and encourage me. Also for health, which is so important. Most of all, I'm thankful for my faith and for God, without Him I would not exist.

    Your yam and apricot recipe sounds yummy! I may try it, Sandra. Thanks!

    I'm heading into the city to visit a dear friend in ICU. Please pray for Jeanna. She was paralyzed in an auto accident 20 years ago. Her faith is amazing, but she's on a ventilator and needs prayers.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

    Love your memes, Sandra, especially the cute turkey!


  19. HI Susan If you look at Campbell's cans of cream of mushroom soup, they have the recipe inside the label. I've seen it there often and they usually include it around the holidays. I'll look and see if I have one here in the motorhome. If I do, Ill post it.

    I was hoping to get more recipes today. Hopefully other will share. They've mentioned what they cook, but I want to have extra recipes to try out.. chuckle.

    Yes, those things are all a blessing. Many don't realize what a true blessing it is to be able to freely read our Bible.

    Happy holidays.

  20. Hi Kathy Thank you for the compliment. Vince says I need to change the cover for Hope For the Holidays because it doesn't really show what the book is about. I think he's right. At least Holiday Homecoming shows there is an angel in the story. smile

    Cooking is easier, I agree. smile But at least a book lasts longer.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  21. Hi Debby Yes, I'll be trying that recipe also. My sister gave it to me as its my job this year to bring the yams.

    I agree that we have so much in this country to be thankful for. I thank God every day that He put me here, especially in the Southwest. smile

    Thanks for the compliment on the memes. Tina taught me how to use Canva.com Yay. Myra is thankful for that. LOL

    I'm praying for your friend. Blessings this holiday to you and your family too.

  22. Happy Thanksgiving, Sandra!

    You gave us a great analogy! As far as novel writing goes, I'm getting ready to put the turkey in the oven next week (i.e., in the middle of plotting and character development).

    And for Thanksgiving, we're hosting the meal for our family, plus folks from church who don't have extended family close by. So we'll have between 20 and 25 (there's always a last minute addition!). I'm fixing the turkey,dressing, sweet potatoes and dinner rolls. Others are bringing the rest of the meal. We've done the meal this way for several years now, and it's always a wonderful time.

    I shared my dinner roll recipe at the Yankee-Belle Cafe yesterday. Here's the link: http://yankeebellecafe.blogspot.com/2016/11/homemade-dinner-rolls.

  23. Cindy,

    I'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers. Doctors don't know everything, and they certainly don't know the hour of our passing. I'll be praying that you and your mother will find joy in the time you have left together, however long that will be. {{{hugs}}}

  24. Green Bean Casserole for Susan

    Partially cook two packages of frozen green beans (French style good)
    Mix with 1 can undiluted cream of mushroom soup in 1 1/2 quart baking dish.
    Top with buttered crumbs or crispFrench fried onions

    Bake in oven 375 degrees for 15-20 minutes

    6 to 8 servings.

  25. Hi Jan Oh I missed Yankee Belle yesterday. I will go check it out. You always have terrific recipes there. smile

    And what a blessing that you include others in your family gathering. All the family we used to share Thanksgiving with have passed away so friends have been inviting us to join them. I think that is so sweet. Thanksgiving is a wonderful gathering and time to be thankful for all of our blessings.

    Have a blessed time as I know you will. smile

  26. Cindy,

    I agree with Jan - Doctors don't know everything, and they certainly don't know the hour of our passing. My father passed away this October 30th, but he had a stroke NINE years ago. Over that time, he and my mother faced SEVERAL times when Doctors indicated they couldn't do anything for him, leaving them both stunned. But the Lord had more for him, each of those times. May your heart and your mother's heart be comforted. Praying for you.

  27. Sandra, I laughed at your comparisons. Yams as emotional elements, cranberry sauce to spice up romantic tension! LOL

  28. Hi Dana Well, at least I made you laugh which is good for your body. LOL

    Have a wonderful and blessed holiday.


  29. Sandra, I'm in the last stretch of the first draft of my current wip. I was just thinking of what all I needed to add in my other drafts. Thanks for the reminder!

    I'm a pie girl. (Cakes are alright, but I just don't crave them like pie.)
    One of our new favorites is the Eggnog Pie posted last year in the Yankee Bell Café. Except I add 1/2 cup spiced rum. Umm.
    I have so many recipes I wouldn't no where to start, and I'm inconsistent on what I take to Thanksgiving lunch.

    I'll find a recipe in a bit and share.

  30. SANDRA!!! VERY clever, my friend, and I'm now I'm starving!! ;)

    I'm with Trixi, Ruthy and Connie -- I'm definitely a pie girl, too, and pumpkin is some of the best! I use my mom's Bourbon Pumpkin Pie recipe, which is the best I've ever had because just a touch of bourbon gives it a unique spicy taste I've never tasted in any other pumpkin pie.

    My daughter is making a special pie recipe I made up for a pie contest once, that actually won an award. It's called Apple Cranberry Crisp Cheesecake pie. Basically, I combined a number of my favorite recipes, so it's really dee-lish. Unfortunately, I can't share it in this comment because it's part of a Christmas recipe blog I have coming out in December, but I'll try to remember to promo that in the WE.

    My stomach is rumbling, so I better go get breakfast! ;)


  31. Hi Connie Queen Oh I hope you will share a recipe. I love to find new ones.
    You mentioned Thanksgiving lunch. Is that when you celebrate?

    We like pie also. We have pie for birthdays instead of cake. yum.

    Looking forward to hearing from you later.

  32. Julie You are a BIG TEASE!!! You better remind us of that recipe. It sounds yummy.
    And bourbon in pumpin pie. That sounds really good. How much do you add and do you take something out so it isn't too runny?

    Have a wonderful holiday my friend.

    Love you even though you are a tease.

  33. SANDRA, love the comparison of cooking Thanksgiving dinner to cooking up a book. :-)

    I'm thankful for Jesus, for my family and friends, which includes all of you here in Seekerville, and this great country of ours.

    Our Thanksgiving dinner is traditional, except instead of cranberry salad, I make a jello recipe. It's tasty and better received by my family. Here's the recipe:

    1 large box cherry jello
    1 can Bing sweet cherries, drained
    I can crushed pineapple, drained
    2 cups sour cream
    chopped pecans (optional)

    Add two cups hot water to jello, mix well
    Then add 2 cups sour cream and the drained fruit
    Pour into a 8 x 11 pan and chill

    Our daughter is making the pumpkin pies so this year I'm making persimmon pudding, something I love but most of our family doesn't.

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  34. CINDY, I'm praying God will comfort you and your mom and help her feel well enough to enjoy the holidays and the precious time you have together. As others have said, only God knows our future.

    God bless you.

  35. Hi Janet Thank you for sharing that yummy sounding recipe. I'm so thankful for this country also. I so loved your post yesterday. smile

    I have to agree with your family. You get all the persimmon pudding to yourself. LOL

    Have a wonderful and blessed holiday.

  36. With it being Mom and me for Thanksgiving this year, I think I'll make my favorite again this year...a reservatio at the restaurant. Mom prefers ham, I will take turkey every time. Pumpkin pie is something I don't get year around, nor do I bake it, so that's a treat. Yams or sweet potatoes is a staple in our home.
    Cindy W. My heart aches for you. The doctor told my Moms oldest sister while she was alone too. What burns is that we had asked them to wait till we could get there!

  37. SANDRA, there is method to my madness. ;-) Actually one offspring plans to try it. Travel Guy will probably take a taste. I plan to take some to my Bible study gals who are curious. Still there will be plenty for me. The problem is I love pumpkin pie so I'll have both topped with whipped cream.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  38. Love your analogy, Sandra!

    However, you have made me hungry for pumpkin pie!

  39. Ha ha Myra Me too. Better get busy in the kitchen. Thursday will be here before you know it.

    Have a wonderful and blessed holiday.

  40. Hi Marianne Oh you are so smart to go get that dinner at a restaurant. No cooking. No dishes to wash. Yay. And you both get what you want. smile

    Are you still home or are you in Arizona? We cooled a bit but still having super great weather.

    so sorry about your Aunt. You know the doctors don't get trained for people skills and how to handle that kind of news. So sad.

    Have a blessed holiday and give your mom a hug from me.

  41. I love this post. We are going out to eat on Thanksgiving since I am visiting with my parents who are both 87. As for my nano novel I am still plugging away on it. I discovered this year that there is a name for someone who is both a plotter and a pantser and that is plantser. I took an on line course on preparing to write a book in a month. I did more planning with that including writing the blurb, and goals and motivations down. Then on Nov 1 began writing. Then had to stop to do a little more research about the time than life happened. The fires arrived and asthma and Vertigo battled with me. But I have stuck with it. Along the way I have had to add to my outline as I've continued to research. One of the biggest challenges has been trying to come up with authentic Cherokee names. I am still loving this book and facing the challenges that come my way.

    I have so much to be thankful for. Seekerville is one of them. My family is another. The Lord is so good and so faithful. Friends both actual in real life and those on social media especially the seekers and villagers who are so encouraging to this fledgling writer who has so much to learn.

    Thank you to all of you who have encouraged and taught me so much about the world of writing, the know how, the joy, and the ability to stick through and not give up when the going gets rough.

    I want to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving.

  42. Hi Wilani What a blessing it has been to know you also. smile So glad you discovered you were a plantster. I like that. I've never heard it before.

    How wonderful that you've been able to get so much writing and research done in spite of vertigo and fires. Whew. We do get tested don't we?

    Best wishes on your NaNo project. Hang in there. You're doing great.

    Have a fun time with your family.

  43. Hi, Sandra! Great post.

    I'm still powering through NaNo and will use the rest of the week to catch up.

    Thrilled that Marianne is back in town. Hasn't the weather been GORGEOUS? RAIN, GLORIOUS RAIN!!!

    Janet Dean introduced me to Sister Shubert's rolls a bunch of years ago. I won't eat anything but them on Thanksgiving anymore. They are AMAZING. And how they came out with a pretzel roll. EVEN MORE AMAZING. They take a few minutes in the oven and you have carbalicious goodness.

    That is my recipe for Thanksgiving.

  44. Love all the good recipes being posted.

    This may or may not good at Thanksgiving, but I love it!

    My husband doesn't like Cole Slaw but we needed to find a recipe for our bbq business.

    5 cups cabbage
    1 20oz can crushed pineapple (in juice not syrup)
    1 gala or honey crisp apple shredded
    ½ cup heavy cream
    1 cup mayo
    ¼ cup sugar
    3 tablespoons vinegar
    Salt and pepper to taste
    Combine cream, mayo, sugar, vinegar, salt and pepper in bowl. Whisk until smooth.
    Combine cabbage, pineapple and apple. Mix by hand.
    Pour sauce on cabbage and mix well.

    People love this on a pulled pork and sausage sandwich with jalapenos and spicy bbq sauce. Probably don't want bbq for Thanksgiving but the slaw is still good.

  45. Hi Sandra:

    Love your Writing/Thanksgiving analogy. I would add the experience that my mother would spend over 24 hours cooking the various parts of the Thanksgiving dinner and, at our house, it was devoured within 45 minutes! And then hours of football!

    It's the same thing with readers! An author labors over a year on a novel only to hear a reader tell her: "I read it in one sitting! What's next?"

    I think there is one area where the analogy breaks down however and that's the lack of pantser cooks who don't know what's going to be on the Thanksgiving dinner table until after they cook it!!! (I'm definitely a reciper/plotter! :))

    BTW: Have you seen the 11 minute YouTube video on Costa de la Luz -- all 211 miles with many beaches and really nice English rock songs? I can just see Elena and Stephen riding horseback on those beaches! Did you know there are at least five horseback/beach riding tours on the Costa?

    "A Heart Full of Hope" has become my favorite Christmas novella!

    Idea: Need to write about a character's home in a foreign country? Watch the videos of similar homes for sale on YouTube. I've been watching the 'for sale' videos of homes with horses on the Costa de la Luz and you get to see the inside of the homes with furniture and all. Very easy to write from this material. There is even a real estate company that specializes in homes with stables for horses!


    P.S. here's where you can see the 11 minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJA22qF1O38#t=5.0984449

  46. You had me up until the yams (yelch!). But seriously, I see where you are coming from in saying that preparing a turkey is like preparing for a novel. I haven't had ALL that much experience in helping bake the turkey in the past, but it looks like I'll be doing more to help this Thanksgiving.

  47. How fun, Sandra!! Yes, I can see the similarities. :)

    Thanks for sharing the recipes. I love the idea of putting apricots in sweet potatoes. I've never heard of that!

  48. Tina, we're also big Sister Shubert's eaters!

  49. Cindy, I'm so sorry to hear this news on your mother. You're all in my prayers.

  50. TINA, thanks for giving me credit for a recipe. LOL Sister Schubert rolls won't be on the menu this year. :-( Our grandkids are embracing Hawaiian rolls. They're even quicker so they'll get their way but I'll miss the crunchy, buttery goodness of Sister Schubert rolls.

    The persimmon pudding is baking. Next I'll make and freeze lasagne for dinner on Black Friday. Tomorrow the jello recipe and setting the table. Thursday morning is constant cooking to get the turkey, dressing and side dishes ready for a 1:00 meal.

    Every year I'm nervous about the gravey. My mom used to make it. I should've paid more attention. I taste and season, add cornstarch, broth and neck meat and stir then season some more, then add the turkey drippings. Somehow it always turns out but I'm never quite sure how I did it. LOL


  51. I am most thankful for a close family unit and the Lord in my life. After that comes friends and the wonderful ladies/community that is Seekerville. I hope to one day produce SOMEthing from all the great info I've learned here.

    No recipes today from me. I'm the worst cook in my family. Both my brothers are awesome cooks, but me? well, I'm not terrible, but I'm sort of a pantser chef. I do like trying recipes from other people though - just no guarantee I'll follow the directions to the letter - especially when I don't have some of the ingredients.

    We're traveling to brother-in-law's house, where Grandma just recently moved into the "mom-in-law" suite. First thanksgiving in 30 years not at the HOME house. It got sold in September. The big house was too much for eighty-something mom. New Traditions will be made, I'm guessing. :)

  52. Thank you for this helpful (and tasty, LOL!) post today Sandra. :)
    I am so very thankful for my many blessings - - not the least of which is my wonderful SEEKER friends!
    I hope you and all the Seekers and Villagers have a safe, blessed Thanksgiving.
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  53. I also meant to say I'm thankful for all of you!

  54. I'm thankful for my awesome family and the fact that my sister got off of work on Thursday (even though she works at a retail store) and will be able to join us for Thanksgiving.

    Also I'm thankful that I have been able to begin pursuing my dream of being a writer even at such a young age.

  55. DebH, I hate that you won't be able to meet in your grandma's Home. But you're right, it's the family that makes Thanksgiving special and hopefully ya'll have a great time.
    This will be my first Thanksgiving w/out my Dad. Mom still lives in their house and she'll still make her normal foods, but it just won't quite be the same.

  56. I am thankful for my salvation, my loving church family and my dear friends. I'm also thankful for INCREDIBLE Christian authors.

  57. Hey Tina Yes, it is great to have Marianne back. I wondered if she was here already.

    And I LOVE your recipe. The easy kind. LOL

    Keep on writing. Go NaNo

    Have a wonderful holiday. Hugs

  58. Sorry folks. I lost my Internet. It goes good in morning, but as soon as everyone is up and running there isn't enough cell power for me to operate. sigh. Had to drive into town. So I'm back for a bit anyway. Its fun though to get away and have some fun time with my Seeker friends. Yay

  59. Thanks a bunch Connie Queen for the recipe. That sounds interesting. And healthy. yay.

  60. Oh Vince That is another terrific analogy. Yes, so much time spent on preparation and then it is eaten in less than an hour. And a book. All those hours writing and read in a day. Thanks for that added analogy.

    But I'm laughing at the panster cook. My Mom was one of those. She could whip up the most interesting things from whatever was in the house or left over. And if we really loved it and wanted it again. well....... that was a gamble. LOL

    And thanks for the heads up on the video. Vince is referring to my novel A HEART FULL OF HOPE that is set on the Costa beaches in Southern Spain. The hero and heroine horseback ride on the beach and Vince thinks I need to put that on the cover of the book. He is right. And I will hopefully soon. The graphic artist who does my books is on a trip right now so I have to wait until she returns. I'm not like Myra who can do her own covers. sigh

    I loved riding horseback on the beaches there. My sister had a horse when we were growing up and we used to horseback ride on the beaches in Southern California.

    Thanks again Vince, You and Linda have a wonderful holiday.

  61. Hey Nicky How funny that you don't like yams. I'm not that crazy about them myself but that is what I was told to bring. So I'll try them. ha ha.

    And great going on helping out with the dinner. While you're cooking you can think of your novel and what needs to come next. I think that is why I became a writer because I love to daydream more than anything. LOL

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  62. Hi Missy Yes, I thought that adding apricots was interesting. I'm not particularly fond of yams, but I love apricots so thought this recipe might work for me. smile

    We are so thankful for you also , Missy. Have a wonderful and blessed holiday.

  63. Janet I'm so laughing at your worry about the gravy. I feel the same way. I'm always so thankful when someone else brings the gravy. LOL

    I'm off the hook this year. Thankful for that. smile

    Sounds like you will be a busy gal. Have fun.

    And you've even prepared for Black Friday. Do you go shopping?

  64. Hi DebH Loving your order of thanks. Yes, close family and the Lord. Can't get better than that. smile

    And how sweet for your Grandma. Yes, a big house is a lot when you get older. And how sweet that you are looking at it as an adventure to make new memories and traditions. Yep, life is full of changes. Some we like and some are just plain bothersome.

    I'm getting older myself so appreciate what she is going through. Personally I'm so thankful to be in the RV instead of the house as the housework is so much less. And no yardwork. Yippee!!!!

    I'll be praying for her and all of you. Have a wonderful holiday full of blessings and new traditions.

  65. Hi Patti Jo Thank you. You are definitely one of our blessings also. Now maybe we should have put peaches in the yams instead of apricots. chuckle. Hmmm won't hurt to try it.

    Hope you have a blessed holiday. Hugs

  66. Oh Nicky How wonderful that your sister will be able to join you. Sisters are the best.

    Have a wonderful holiday and hopefully full of some writing also.

  67. Oh Connie Jean It is tough when one of your family is no longer there. I will be praying for your family and for you.

    As I said earlier, we aren't having thanksgiving with any family as all the family we used to feast with are gone. But hubby and I have fun memories we talk about and we are making new memories with dear friends. But we're finding this is what happens when you get older. sigh So many friends and family "going home"

  68. Hi Caryl And we are so thankful for you.

    Have a wonderful and blessed holiday.

  69. SANDRA, the girls go shopping on Black Friday. We get a few gifts bought, have lunch out, just have a blast hanging out together all day!


  70. I misspelled gravy and lasagna. Spellcheck let me down. I think it must've been on lunch break.


  71. I am thankful for my children and my family that will get together on Thursday.

    Becky B.

  72. Oh Janet That sounds fun. In the past, "the girls" from hubby's family used to go shopping on Black Friday. We always spent Thanksgiving with his family and I'd make turkey sandwiches and we'd pile in the car and go shopping. The restaurants were always so crowded and I do love turkey sandwiches so I talked them into having a tailgate party for lunch. We used to have so much fun. Most of them are all passed away now and I know they are up in heaven having the best shopping day ever. smile

  73. spell check knows nothing. It always changes words around. My sis called me one time after I sent an email I hadn't checked first. She was worried and said I had sent such a garbled email that she was afraid I had lost it. Ha ha. Thought I had Alzheimers I think. It was rather frightening when I read it. The lesson to learn is ALWAYS CHECK before hitting send.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Hi Becky That is such a blessing to have your family together for the holidday. I would be thankful for that also. smile

    Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving day. Hugs

  76. Thank you for the recipe Connie It sounds wonderful and like you said - easy. Now that is my kind of pie. Easy.

    I think it is always a good idea to have choices for dessert. Not everyone likes pumpkin pie and that way everyone can enjoy their dessert.

    Now when you mention the recipe was in a cookbook, did you submit it for the cookbook? How exciting.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving day.

    1. Yes, I submitted it but it was probably a year before I received word that it was being published! A very exciting day for me!

  77. Thank you for sharing your recipe and the analogy of writing a story and preparing Thanksgiving Dinner. I am blessed to still have my mother and thankful for my previous memories of my daddy. I am also grateful that I have a wonderful husband, daughter and granddaughter. And most importantly, my personal relationship with Jesus Christ!

    Pumpkin Pie is a given for Thanksgiving Day dessert but I also make French Coconut Pie and I was thrilled to have it included in a recent Gooseberry Patch cookbook.

    The ingredients are 3 eggs, beaten;
    1 1/2 c. sugar; 1 stick of butter or margarine, melted; 1 tbsp. Vanilla; 1 c. shredded coconut. Mix all ingredients together and pour into a pie crust. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 50-60 minutes.
    Very easy but oh.so.good!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  78. Congratulations Connie How fun and exciting. You are a published author. Yay


  79. Here is the link for the recipe:


  80. Thank you Rose Never have enough tasty recipes. smile

    Happy writing.

  81. Fun post, Sandra! And I'll definitely be trying that yams recipe. :) I love that it's not so sugary! I will have to see if I have time to come back and share a recipe. But, one (of thousands) of things I'm thankful for is my amazing family. My husband who supports my crazy dream to write and be published, my boys who make me laugh, teach me how to eat humble pie and help me have fun when I'd rather be in task-mode fill my life with riches and joy.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Seekerville!!

  82. Hi Jeanne Hey I love you new profile photo. I've not seen that one yet. You look great. smile

    Yes, the fact it wasn't all sugary appealed to me also. We'll know after Thursday.

    What a wonderful thought about your boys. They sound fun. Hubby too. My hubby is in charge of fun and he does a great job. Sounds like yours does also.

    Have a wonderful and blessed holiday.

  83. Hi, SANDRA! I really enjoyed your post - thank you! I'm not a good cook, so I won't share any recipes - but I will share that I'm thankful for family, friends (Seekers and Villagers in that group) and a country where I'm free to worship God! There's so much more, but those top the list.

  84. Wilani, I am so proud of you. You keep on plugging in spite of the health problems you've had. You are a true inspiration!

    And I'm all over Laura's shout out about our freedoms. We are so blessed here. What an amazing country, chock full of opportunities! Go God. Go us!!!

  85. Janet and Sandra, Jan Drexler had a great roll recipe on Yankee Belle Cafe yesterday... It's from the old Betty Crocker cookbook, a book I love!!!!

    But Janet, we're big Hawaiian roll fans, too. I buy them all the time and we make them into sliders... Or just eat them with butter.... or without butter. They're sooooo good!

    Here's a link to Jan's post yesterday if anyone wants to try some homemade deliciousness!

    Jan's Dinner Rolls

  86. CONNIE!!!!

    Coconut pie???

    And you're famous too!!!


  87. Connie Queen, you have a BBQ business??? Link please.

    That recipe sounds amazing!!!!

  88. Hi Laura You are so funny. I'm sure you can cook something. Did you read Marianne's comment? She said her favorite was the restaurant they go to. We all have our gift. smile.

    And I like your thankful list. So wonderful. You are one of the people we are thankful for also.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  89. Hi Ruthy I went over to Yankee Belle right after Jan mentioned it. Those rolls sound delicious. And I am fixing the recipe posted today by Mindy for dinner. Those pork chops sounded really good with all the mushrooms.

    Thanks for sending the link. I love Yankee Belle. There are always great recipes.

    Happy baking. I can just imagine all the yummy smells that are going to be at your place tomorrow.

  90. Tina I missed that Connie was in the BBQ business. I was too busy looking over that recipe. ha ha

    Way to go Connie Queen. Would love the link also. Nothing better than good bar-b-que

  91. Back in the RV park with limited Internet. Went to a neighbor who has cable wifi and she gave me her password. Isn't she a dear heart? I will give her one of my books. She's an avid reader and will love it.

    So thanks to GrammyPat I'm back in business.

  92. Tina, it's just a Saturday concession bbq business that we started in July. Every Saturday. It would be my husband's dream to make it full time.
    On facebook it's Texas Smokeshack (one word) or www.texassmokeshack.com

  93. Oh Sandra, I just loved this post. So inspiring and definitely the encouragement I needed today.

    I am really grateful for all God has done. A little over a year ago I was facing job loss due to our station closing. It was a rough time. Then God blessed me to continue with the ministry under new hands and bumped me to full time instead of part time. He is SOOOO GOOD! That full time position and some dedication to a Financial Peace University class helped my husband and I become completely debt free. I feel like I am finally able to look at the future with clear eyes. :)

    Now onto finding writing time in this new full time schedule.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  94. Thanks for the website link Connie WE'll keep positive thoughts for a full time Smokeshack. smile

    Always a blessing to have dreams to aspire to

  95. Hi Kelly Thank you for your words of encouragement. What blessings you have experienced and how wonderful that you see them as blessings. You will really and truly be celebrating a thanksgiving.

    We hope you'll share your writing experiences as well.

    Have a wonderful and blessed holiday.

  96. Wow Connie I sure wish I lived in Texas. The menu looks so interesting. I'm drooling now for some Texas Rattlers and the Frito Brisket Pie has me totally intrigued because I love, love Fritos.

    Food trucks are really becoming popular out here. That looks like a western food truck that would be a real hit. Thanks again for sharing.

  97. Well folks, It is definitely past my bedtime. Now that we aren't on daylight savings time, the change over doesn't happen until 10:00 pm. I know. I'm a wimp. I'm up at 4:00 am so this is late for me. When you all go on daylight savings time, then the change over happens at 9:00 pm. I can handle that one. LOL

    So one more day to prepare for Thanksgiving. I hope you are all ready with some wonderful recipes and preparations for family fun.

    Have a great holiday weekend. Have a wonderful thanksgiving.

    And enjoy all of the blessings that surround you.

  98. Be sure and comment. I'll check in the morning for any late night comments.

    Then check the weekend edition for winners.

  99. Sandra,
    I love the analogies! And I plan to try your recipe - it sounds delicious!

    Have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving!

  100. Sandra, I saw your recipe, thank you!!!! That is easy enough!

  101. So SOOO late but here!
    Family is in town ~ dr appts, hair appts, grocery store (3 times this week so far) and on it goes but we're gaining on it.

    Having friends from Knoxville come over as well as our next door neighbors. My marvelous fabulous awesome DH is cooking EVERYthing except what is being brought... With one exception.

    I make cranberry sauce and it's super easy.
    Use the recipe on the back of the bag, but I use 1/2 of the sugar and dark brown at that. I also squeeze in some fresh orange juice. You can add pecans too if you like but we don't.

    Thanks for a delicious post, Sandra. Simple but great analogy ~ the best kinds!

    Happy HAPPY Thanksgiving!

  102. Hi Edwina Let me know how you liked the recipe. I'll be trying it too. smile

    Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely Thanksgiving holiday.

  103. You're welcome Susan It is easy, peasy.

    Have a terrific Thanksgiving.

  104. Happy Happy Thanksgiving back at you KC

    I kept it simple because we are all having days like yours at this time of year. chuckle

    What a blessing your hubby is fixing everything. Yay for hubbies that are true heroes.

    Have a blessed day.

  105. Kelly Blackwell!!!! SO GREAT TO SEE YOU BACK HERE!!!!!

    We missed you!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  106. AND PTL on your miracle, Kelly!

  107. Thanks, Connie Queen. I'll go like it. It sounds like a great fulltime biz to me.

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