Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Redefining Taglines

Julie here, and I'm going to come right out and just admit it—I LOVE taglines. I love reading them and I love writing them and frankly, if I wasn't an author, I'd probably be a copywriter who specializes in taglines.

Just like our two guests today.

I had the pleasure of meeting Katelyn Bolds and Nichole Parks—two smart and sassy Gilead gals—at ACFW, and let me tell you, it was instant friendship. But when these two gals presented me with taglines for my Cowboy Christmas Homecoming novella—whoa, look out!—it was instant love!

You see, when it comes to writing taglines for my books, I am downright persnickety, probably taking years off the life of my poor copywriter at Revell. Even my agent agreed that I am a stickler for good taglines and could probably write them for a living. 

Needless to say, when these two gals sent me an incredible selection of taglines, they were so fabulous, I had trouble picking just one. Never have taglines gotten by me so quickly and so easily. So if you need help with taglines or blurbs, listen up, because these two gals are not only pros, they are the heart and soul of their own copywriting company, Marketing 15 Services. Without further ado, I give you Katelyn and Nichole ...

Redefining Taglines
by Katelyn Bolds and Nichole Parks

“Katelyn, want to work on taglines?” It’s my second favorite question to ask. The first being, “Lunch?”

The answer is always yes and yes.

Off we go, reading a book proposal or skimming a final draft of the manuscript. As we do so, we’re not only intaking the story, we’re taking note of the author’s style and tone. Before we even think about summarizing the novel into a back cover blurb, it gets boiled down to one line.

That line is known as The Tagline.

Taglines are power-packed punches, encapsulating the essence and excitement of a book. They jumpstart the back cover copy. Sometimes they’ll appear on the front cover or on ads and especially on online bookseller sites like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or CBD. And ... if you get it right, they can also become the perfect tweet.

Writing a tagline can be intimidating for an author. After you’ve crafted 70,000+ words of perfection, how do you cut it down to 20?


First steps first. Get out all of the words. Take five minutes to sit with a piece of paper and a focused mind. Scribble down all the keywords you can think of to describe your book, characters, tone, moral of the story, etc. Doodle, listen to music if it helps, or change your setting.

cover-copy deadline for the Sleigh Bells Ring novella collection (which includes your own Seekerville darling Barbara Scott!) was early June. June! To get in the holiday spirit, Nichole wrote from her tiny, icebox of an apartment and tuned in to her Christmas playlist. Since each novella is titled after a song, she added lyrics to her word bank to create the following list:

sisters, horse farm, thoroughbreds, snow, sleds, sludge, evergreens, reunion, family, boots, mittens, scarves, saddle, sleigh rides, winter wonderland, snowflakes, jingle bells, home for Christmas, love, Christmas miracle, chestnuts roasting, blankets, warm cocoa, presents, Santa Claus, three wise men, lollipops, silent night, hope. . .

It doesn’t have to be sequential or even coherent. 


Next, set your word bank aside and take a moment to focus on the important parts of your manuscript.

Sometimes a word or idea will get stuck in your head.

Ask yourself: How can I incorporate the hook into my tagline? How can I create tension? How can I show the genre of my novel by the tagline?

Every word counts. If you are writing romance, use pronouns instead of names. Try a twist on an idiom such as “the one that got away.” Check out these examples from popular movies:

The twist cliche: Here comes the bribe. . . (The Proposal)
The comparison: He’s the secret. She’s the agent. (Chuck)
The question: What if finding the love of your life meant changing the life that you loved? (Fool’s Rush In)
The statement: Cut loose. (Footloose)

Play around with options until you’ve found what best fits your tone, genre, and hook. If you need more ideas, view the taglines of your favorite movies and TV shows on


This is the time to be silly. Piece together random phrases. Have fun! 

In Jen Turano’s latest novel, Finding Margo, her popstar disappears so well, the map let alone the tabloids can’t pinpoint her location. A duck plays a quirky role in the first several chapters. We got quite attached to it. So it wasn’t surprising that we tried to use it in a tagline.

On the lam with a duck.

Now it may not have made the final cut. But it sure got the ball rolling. 

Sometimes it just takes looking at the word in a different light or upside down to find a connection. That was the case for Julie Lessman’s novella in Cowboy Christmas Homecoming. Her hero's name is Cole.

We must have read through that word bank ten different times before we connected Cole to “coal in your stocking.” And ended up with "Grace has been good all year, but she’s still getting Cole for Christmas."

Once you’ve got a list of potential taglines, read them out loud and get your writer-friends’ opinions. Let it sit overnight if you need to think about it more. One always sticks out to us as the winner.

Try it out. So ... what’s the tagline for your WIP? 


Leave a comment or question for Katelyn and Nichole and be entered to win a paperback copy of Cowboy Christmas Homecoming, featuring four warm and fuzzy Christmas stories with cowboys to help you saddle up for Christmas.

Long story, short. We’re your new best friends. We know that creating your platform can make you want to jump off a platform. And back cover copy just never seems to cover enough of the story. And there’s always that risk that your elevator pitch will freefall. But friends don’t let friends pitch a fit. We got your back. 

Nichole Parks (not to be mistaken for Nicholas Sparks) packs a punch as copywriter. Her fingerprints are all over covers of Gilead Publishing’s books. When she’s not cuffed to her inbox, Nichole evades blind dates and loves on her latest dark humor manuscript. Always with a flair for the traumatic… Stalk her on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram.

Katelyn S. Bolds balances work as freelance writer, social media guru and coffee addict life coach. She is married to this guy named Sam. At times this DIY life might get a little crazy, but she takes it one day at a time. A little yoga, a lot of organization, and a holistic approach make for a Bold Life. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.


  1. Welcome to Seekerville. So delighted to have you visit.

    I now have tagline envy!

    Do you gals have a website?

  2. As a reader, I have a hard enough time trying to condense my book reviews down, I'm not sure I could do a! I try to "hook" other readers in the first sentence or two on my review. I've always wondered how someone comes up with the back page blurb and I've not heard of taglines until now :-)

    My thoughts went immediately to coal in the stocking when I read the name Cole....maybe it's not as hard as it sounds!

    No need to add my name for the book giveaway as my copy arrived on Saturday, along with the "Sleigh Bells Ring" collection :-)

  3. Very interesting. I'm trying to thing of a tagline for what I'm working on. The election has fried me. Will sleep on it.

  4. Katelyn and Nicole thanks so much for visiting Seekerville!
    I love taglines.
    Romantic comedy with cowboys (that's me!)

    I've read some that are so fun, so witty, so brilliant in their use of words, the twists, the puns, the double meanings, the deeper meanings.
    I love this post.

  5. A great tagline will certainly get my attention.

  6. This is fantastic!
    Thank you so much. Great info here ladies!

    And what an adorable photo of you with the books. LOVE it!

    Agree with Walt. Election has fried me and I'm heading to bed finally! Wshew!

    May God grant all those elected tonight wisdom and grace as they lead our country.

  7. How fun! There are SO many aspects of writing required for a book, not just the thousands of words of the story itself! I hadn't much considered taglines, but a good one can really encompass the story in a nutshell! Great post, and very fun to think on how authors can go about distilling their tales into a sentence or fragment!

    And echoing May the K9 Spy (and KC Frantzen)'s prayer, yes, may God's grace and direction continue to guide our leaders and each of us ongoing. He is still Lord and King over all!

  8. I enjoy a good tagline and enjoyed your post. I always thought the back copy blurb was written by the author themselves. I learned something new today.

    Love your pictures!

    May everyone be blessed.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  9. Welcome, Katelyn and Nicole! There's nothing like a great tagline. Thanks for visiting, Seekerville. Your pictures are great!

  10. Hi Nicole and Katelyn,

    Welcome to Seekerville, and thanks for sharing with us today. I remember seeing you at ACFW in Nashville and thought you all looked like fun girls. After today, I know you're fun. I'm impressed with your talent. This is definitely a keeper post today. Thanks again!

  11. Welcome! This was interesting to read. I love to be entered in drawing.

  12. The advice was interesting. I have never thought about how authors came up with their taglines

  13. Good morning, Seekerville!

    Welcome, Nichole and Katelyn! And thank you for addressing this topic. Blurbs and taglines are SO hard for me. I'm tucking this article away and hoping it will help me out when I'm ready to tackle my next blurb in a couple weeks.

    Haha, I had to read your name twice, Nichole. Almost thought it was Nicholas Sparks.

    Thanks for the great post!

  14. Welcome Nicole and Katelyn!! Taglines are interesting, and I really like when I find a good one. Thanks for the giveaway. Enter me!

  15. Hi Nicole Parks (not to be mistaken for Nicholas Sparks)

    Hi Katelyn S. Bolds , A little yoga, a lot of organization, and a holistic approach make for a bold life.

    I love your tag lines, ladies! I've read and reviewed Cowboy Christmas Homecoming (and Finding Margo too). Gilead is putting out some wonderful fiction and you two are doing a great job.

    So nice to see you both here at Seekerville!

  16. Welcome! As a reader I appreciate what you do! I love to read Taglines!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    Becky B.

  17. Mary a way.....

    A great tagline will always get my attention....

    Is kind of a tagline!

  18. Great post, Katelyn and Nicole, love learning new things. Thank you!

  19. Good morning, lovelies. Thank you so much for the warm welcome!

    Tina Radcliffe: A website? Yes! We sure do. Hope to see you there!

    Trixi: You sound like a natural! I gotta admit: The "Coal for Christmas" was my favorite tagline. Because it was long we decided to use it for promotional use instead of on the back cover. :) Enjoy your copies of Cowboy Christmas Homecoming and Sleigh Bells Ring.

    Walt Mussell: You said it. *yawn* I stayed past my bedtime. It was a historic night. But in order to write a historic tagline, you're right! It's best to do that on a full night's sleep.

    Mary Connealy: Finding new taglines is such a treat. I'm guilty of surfing for inspiration. Katelyn and I love, love, love the tagline for Longhorn Christmas. "Sometimes you've got to take love by the horns." :)

    Mary Preston: You and me both, sister! Thanks for the comment.

    May the K9 Spy (and KC Frantzen): We had such fun with that photo! // God bless our country's leader. And God bless America. And God bless us with a good night's sleep tomorrow!

    Fedora: The publishing industry is full of surprises. I'm always learning something new and more than happy to pass on what I know. Thank you for stopping by!

    Cindy W: It depends on the publisher and author. Some authors can't stand the idea of shrinking their story. It's painful for them. Others get excited by the challenge. With Gilead Publishing, we did quite a bit of brainstorming together. // Stop. Really. You're going to make us blush! Thank you for the kind words! Glad you enjoyed the post and pictures.

    Jackie: Such high praise! Next time come and say "hello!"

    cathyann40: Welcome to the drawing, my dear. Thanks so much for the comment!

    Kirsten Rinehart: ;) Katelyn and I like to keep things interesting for sure. There's so much that goes on behind the curtain! We're still learning all of the behind-the-scenes tasks.

    Amber Schamel: It's not the first time and it won't be the last! A lot of the time I'll introduce myself like "I'm Nichole Parks. Like Nicholas Sparks." It typically helps people remember to include the "h". // If you need help with your blurb, you know where to find us. ;) Good luck!

    Kelly Bridgewater: Katelyn and I like to keep things interesting. :) Thanks so much for the comment.

    Tracey Hagwood: You're awesome. Reviewers are such a vital piece of the publishing process. Marketing would not be the same without you. // Thanks so much! A lot of squinting went into creating our taglines. We just sat there, squinting at the screen, moving words around until we got them to sound right.

    ohiohomeschool (aka Becky B.): I appreciate you! And your comment. So glad you stopped by this morning.

    Laura Conner Kestner: Thank you, friend!

  20. Good morning Katelyn and Nicole, Thank you for joining us in Seekerville and what a great topic and post. Taglines are my worst nightmare. I just don't think that way I guess. LOL. But I love them. I so admire people who can write them.

    You've given us some great tips on how to form one. Thanks so much.

    Have fun today and thanks again for joining us.

  21. Good morning Sandra!

    It is so much fun to be here!

    Taglines are definitely in a world of their own.

  22. creating clever taglines is an art. I love trying my hand, but there are times I think my "clever" doesn't translate well. I'll have to try some of your processes and see if my clever improves.

    I love the ones you shared. Y'all have a gift and it's awesome that you can share/help others so well.

    Thanks for visiting and sharing your wisdom with Seekerville!!

  23. Oh, I loved working with these gals on Cowboy Christmas Homecoming!!! Nichole and Katelyn, it's so good to have you here and I'm so excited about Marketing 15!!!

    Ladies, these women have brains, style and a thought process that puts old on hold and brings new, lively ideas to the floor with a panache I love!

    They were marvelous with taglines, with copy, with promo ideas... and what a pleasure to meet both of them in Nashville! Waving madly from upstate New York!!!!

    Julie, thank you so much for hosting this Dynamic Duo!!!

  24. Did no one bring food???


    I have a wonderful pastry tray, loaded with cream puffs, eclairs, cream cakes and tarts! Let's get this tagline party started with great food!

    I brought fresh coffee!!! And tea!!!

  25. Nichole and Katelyn! Thanks for the info and the smiles. Best wishes with M15 -- really like that logo :-)

    Nancy C


    Okay, I'm embarrassed to be one of the LAST ones here today when Katelyn and Nichole are my guests, but I have a good excuse, I promise!!

    My husband and I (notorious early-to-sleepers) actually stayed up till the bitter end (uh, bitter for the opposition, but OH, sooooooooo WONDERFUL for those of us who have been praying against the tide of corruption in our country), so I'm a littttttttle slow this morning.

    That said, WELCOME TO SEEKERVILLE TO TWO OF THE SWEETEST, SHARPEST, MOST ADORABLE young women I have ever met -- you guys ROCK!!

    And you know, Nichole, rereading that tagline about "Cole" in Grace's stocking, I am kind of shocked I didn't lean toward that for the jacket blurb, but I guess I fell in love with "Accidents happen, and then there's Grace ..." Honestly, they were ALL SOOOOO good, I had difficulty deciding on my favorite, so I'm glad you got to use two of the best in promo and on jacket blurb.

    Miss you guys, and looking forward to future get-togethers like we had at ACFW!


  27. KATELYN and NICHOLE, welcome to Seekerville. Thanks for the terrific tips for writing taglines! I love the idea of creating twisted clichés. The examples are exciting. I'm going to create a word bank for my wip and see where it leads.

    Thanks, JULIE, for bringing their expertise to the blog.


  28. Welcome to Seekerville, Katelyn and Nichole. As a reader, it's often those tag lines that draw me in! Yours is a fun post, and I'm really glad you came.

  29. DebH: Hopefully our tips help! We've found that it's useful to have a brainstorming partner. Just remember to give yourself grace. Putting the "bad" or cliche ones down on paper is just part of the process. Good luck! And happy writing!

    Ruth Logan Herne: I adore you. :) Working on the tagline for your novella was a bit of a stumper. But I'm so glad we crafted "Love at first frost." Waving madly from Kansas City.

    Chill N (aka Nancy C): Katelyn is such an extraordinaire. She created that logo for us. Thanks so much for joining the conversation, love.

    Julie Lessman: I remember we nearly had half a page of taglines for you! It was torture to decide on which one to use because they were all so fun. // We're so grateful you invited us to host today. It's a real treat to hang out with you Seekerville ladies. // And I'm dragging today too, but so glad I stayed up to witness it all unfold. What a night! I'm glad to have the excitement of guest posting to keep me awake today.

    Janet Dean: Anytime, friend! The twisted cliche's are among my favorites. There's just so many ways you can go with a tagline! Happy word-banking. :)

  30. I struggle with this. I finally came up with one for my web site, but haven't for any of the books I've finished and am now polishing and editing. Do I need to have this done before I send it with a query letter,

    Hope everyone is having a great day.

  31. Marianne Barkman: Such a warm welcome! Thank you! I've got to ask: What's your favorite tagline? #curious

  32. Wilani Wahl: Technically, you don't NEED a tagline. But it sure does enhance the back cover blurb. I'd recommend writing one and using it as a transition of sorts in your query letter.

    Next time you take an editing break, make a word bank. See where your creativity goes

    Thanks for joining the conversation!

  33. Hello Katelyn Bolds and Nichole Parks! I am amazed at the creativity that a tag line has. I LOVE Ronie Kendig's tagline - Rapid-Fire Fiction. I also LOVE Julie's tagline Passion With A Purpose.

    Thank you for ALL you do to support and promote Christian fiction.

    Please enter me in the drawing.

  34. Greetings Katelyn and Nichole!! What a wonderful post. I love the ideas for taglines 'cause you're right, they're hard to do after 80,000 words. Thank you for the practical advice on how to develop one. I'm printing and saving this one. :)

  35. Awesome post, ladies, and awesome ideas. I am definitely going to use your techniques!
    I have two books I'm shopping around right now. One is an Oregon Trail story and the tag I've been using is, "Michael once betrayed Caroline's trust in the worst possible way. Can she trust him to get her to Oregon, and can he trust himself to accept God's forgiveness?" This packs some punch but is probably too long.
    The other one is a post-World War I story about work in a settlement house in Hell's Kitchen and the tag I've been using is, "Violet O'Connell found everything she needed among people who had lost everything."
    LOVE the idea of a word bank and the puns. "Cole for Christmas"? Amazing!
    Would also love to win the book, huge fan of Christmas novellas, especially in print because I hate to spill hot chocolate on my devices.
    Kathy Bailey

  36. Hello Katelyn and Nichole ~ Welcome to Seekerville! *waves*

    I, too, adore taglines. I played with several before honing mine (with help of a wise friend): Heartfelt, Homespun Fiction. Simple, but sums up perfectly who I am and what I write.

    Thanks so much for your tips and suggestions. A word bank--love it! I also like the creative process that goes into taglines for my stories. The one I used that I finaled in Genesis with... Is the sure thing worth risking for the possibility of maybe? That line summed up the entire story and made critique partners and judges want to read more.

    Thanks, also, for the wonderful tagline examples you gave.

  37. Caryl Kane: High five from one tagline lover to another. :) Thanks for joining in the conversation!

    Sharee S: Printing?! That's possibly the best compliment a blog post can receive. Hopefully our tips can be of service when you write your next tagline.

    kaybee (aka Kathy Bailey): Awesome comment!(curtsies) You're too kind! Really. // It looks like you've got a great head start! Katelyn and I found that romance is the easiest genre to create taglines for since there are so many romantic phrases to utilize. And with historical you have the opportunity to use old-timey words. Have fun!

    Cynthia Herron: Simple and sweet! Well done. Thanks for your comment!

  38. Thanks for the great tag lines. Since I'm currently writing nonfiction, my tagline is rather generic - "Sharing the Heart of God wth the Hearts of Women."

    Please enter me in the drawing.

  39. Edwina Cowgill: Happy to share! Not every tagline needs to be catchy. The important thing is that it conveys a theme or conflict.

  40. Hi Katelyn and Nichole:

    I also love taglines. I'm really enjoying your post. I like to add a few comments to the discussion based on my experience.

    For maximum effeteness, when thinking taglines also think fusion: that is, the tagline should reflect the title and, more importantly, the cover art. If these three elements deliver different messages, then your communication efforts will be muddled.

    Also, taglines need not be creative or clever or rhyming. Their goal should be to attract the favorable attention of those readers who would most enjoy reading the book. They should help instantly reveal what the reader is going to get with a given book or author.

    For example, two of my favorite author taglines are:

    "Romantic Comedy with Cowboys" for Mary. With this tagline I know exactly what I am going to get with her books. (Unless it's "The Bossy Bridegroom" :)).

    "Passion with a Purpose -- Inspirational Romance for the Heart and Soul" for Julie. I love this one because it nails it for the author and it also answers those who say Julie's 'edgy Christian' fiction is too passionate. No it's not. The passion has a purpose. This is just brilliant. Anticipate and diffuse the argument before it even comes up! Why couldn't I have thought of this one?

    My old advertising boss would often say: "It's not creative if it doesn't sell. Don't fall in love with your own creativity."

    Remember: you're not a creative fiction writer. You're a salesman hired to move product!!!

    That's really the way it was.

    Please enter me in the drawing for "Cowboy Christmas Homecoming". And thanks for sharing your knowledge with us today.


  41. Hi Nichole!! Hi Katelyn!! Jumping up and down waving at you!! Folks, these two are a dynamic duo of creativity, talent, and enthusiasm.

    When I received the back cover copy for Sleigh Bells Ring, I was shocked at how good it was. Writing taglines and marketing copy are NOT my gift. I'm so thrilled you've gone into business together. Boy, do I need your help on the tagline for my historical novel. Let's "do" lunch. ;-)

  42. Hi Nichole!! Hi Katelyn!! Jumping up and down waving at you!! Folks, these two are a dynamic duo of creativity, talent, and enthusiasm.

    When I received the back cover copy for Sleigh Bells Ring, I was shocked at how good it was. Writing taglines and marketing copy are NOT my gift. I'm so thrilled you've gone into business together. Boy, do I need your help on the tagline for my historical novel. Let's "do" lunch. ;-)

  43. Love the word bank idea! I'm definitely going to try it on my next attempt at composing a tag line!

  44. Welcome, ladies! It was fun meeting both of you at ACFW, if only briefly. Sounds like y'all have a blast working together!

    Thanks for the great tips on how to develop taglines. Frankly, I would MUCH rather come up with a catchy tagline or even a back-cover blurb than try to condense my 90K novel into a 5-page synopsis!

  45. What a fun post! Coming up with catchy tag lines is harder than it looks, but you guys make it look SO easy! :) Welcome to Seekerville.

  46. This is so much fun! I'm going to work through the steps and see what I come up with. I'm always afraid that my little taglines are so cheesy! How can you tell the cheesy ones from the really good ones? :)

  47. Vince: Great thoughts. Thanks for joining the discussion.

    Barbara: You're so sweet! I really appreciated all the "Ringers" input on the back cover copy. It really shows each individual voice and story. We'll have to work out a time to "do" lunch.

    Grace Hitchcock: Thanks! Let me know how it goes.

    Myra Johnson: :) A "blast" might be putting it lightly. Since we have different writing styles and perspectives, it creates a great balance when we collaborate. // And I too would much rather come up with a tagline than a synopsis. (Shudders) Synopsis. Bleh.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Pam: Thanks for the welcome! We love being here.

    Megan Brummer: Isn't part of the fun that taglines can be cheesy? :D That's what Nichole and I always start with and then add a twist to make it unique!

  50. Pam Hillman: Not easy! Just practiced. Once you get in a rhythm things start to take off. Thanks for the comment!

    MEGAN BRUMMER: *How can you tell the cheesy ones from the really good ones?* Most of the time I shudder to write the cheesy or cliched ones down. It can be tricky for the romance genre. So let's walk through one.

    Here is a back cover blurb I wrote for a romantic suspense novel "Spur of the Moment":

    Seconds into proposing to his long-time girlfriend, Branson Kelly receives a call that his sister was murdered. Her will saddles him with two orphaned nieces. And one big pain in the you know what.

    But it’s not like Molly Jefferys is happy about the situation either. She lost a best friend. The girls lost a mother. If Branson thinks he can tote them around the rodeo circuit, then he’s got another thing coming. Because Molly has rights. Parental rights. She got to be "auntie" to her daughter, and now she has a chance to be more.

    When the killer threatens their girls, Branson and Kate must do whatever it takes to keep them safe. . . Even marry spur of the moment.

    Branson is the man of her nightmares. Molly is the damsel distressing him. -- This (non-cheesy) tagline is a twist off two cliches. The man of her dreams. A damsel in distress.

    Some of the potential (non-cheesy) taglines were:
    They’re the best at bringing out the worst in each other.
    Just how far does loving your enemy reach?
    Becoming the worst match is their best option.

    Basically though. . . you'll spot cheesy when you see it. Trust me.

  51. CARYL KANE SAID: "I also LOVE Julie's tagline Passion With A Purpose."

    Wow, Caryl, thank you!! I cannot tell you HOW much I appreciate that because my hubby actually thinks that tagline hurts my sales, but I don't care -- it's the one God gave me when I started, so I'm sticking with it! ;)

    VINCE SAID: ""Romantic Comedy with Cowboys" for Mary. With this tagline I know exactly what I am going to get with her books. (Unless it's "The Bossy Bridegroom" :)).

    I Couldn't agree more about Mary's, Vince, because she is wonderfully BRANDED with that tagline and everyone knows her and it. A few others I really like are Debby Giusti's "Faith with an Edge, Cross my Heart," (with a cross in a heart), "Seatbelt Suspense" for Brandilyn Collins, and I loved Myra's "Where life and love collide" or something to that effect because Myra writes Women's Fiction, so I thought that was perfect. But when I went to her website, it wasn't there, so what's up with that, Myra???

    "Passion with a Purpose -- Inspirational Romance for the Heart and Soul" for Julie. I love this one because it nails it for the author and it also answers those who say Julie's 'edgy Christian' fiction is too passionate. No it's not. The passion has a purpose. This is just brilliant. Anticipate and diffuse the argument before it even comes up! Why couldn't I have thought of this one?"

    LOL ... you would have, if I hadn't of, Vince, because you are SO good at taglines and blurbs, so I'm glad I beat you to it. And like I told Caryl above, my hubby is not crazy about this tagline and thinks that it has hurt me, and he's probably right in the Christian market. But ... I really prayed about it and felt it was God's direction for me, so I stuck with it. But then my hubby always felt my books were a tad to edgy too (can you tell I'm the wild one in this relationship???), so it makes sense that he doesn't particularly like the word "Passion" in my tagline. Which is odd since he married a bona fide CDQ with more passion than brains. ;) Go figure!!


  52. My favorite tag line? I have numerous, but two come to mind
    Passion with a purpose
    Rapid Fire Fiction

  53. Nichole and Katelyn--so good to see you here. I can certainly attest to the talent and hard work of these two young ladies. Great ideas. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  54. Marianne Barkman: I LOVE those taglines and their authors. Isn't it amazing how you hear those taglines and the name comes right up in your head?

    Passion with a purpose = Julie Lessman
    Rapid Fire Fiction = Ronie Kendig

    Richard Mabry: Thanks! We are so excited to be here. It's always fun to work with Nichole, but writing this post was one of the most fulfilling.

  55. Great tips on creating the perfect tagline! You girls rock. Love your creativity. Bet your technique would work for titles too!

    Thanks for being with us today! Hugs!

  56. Hi Katelyn and Nichole!
    So much fun to see you here and learn how you work on taglines! I love brainstorming words, but I can't always get them in such a cute form. My critique partners usually have to tweak them... like a lot. Great tips!

  57. That helps a lot Nichole! Thanks!!

    And now I'm going to have to get my hands on Spur of the Moment...

  58. Debby Giusti: I bet they would! Word banks are uber helpful. So glad you stopped by!

    Janet W. Ferguson: Hello there. We are more than happy to share our process with you lovelies. And I think that process definitely works best with a writing buddy, someone to help you brainstorm. :) Thanks for joining the conversation!

  59. Megan Brummer: Glad to hear it. . . . Regarding Spur of the Moment, that might prove a little difficult since it's buried in my files under abandoned projects. :) But I'm thrilled you enjoyed the back cover copy for it.

  60. Hi, Katelyn and Nichole!!

    Thanks for the wonderful post - I don't write books, however, am always interested in learning more about the process involved in getting those wonderful stories into my hands to read. I love taglines - your advice could be helpful in my writing of reviews also.

    I enjoyed meeting and chatting with you in the hotel lobby at the ACFW conference this past August - your charm captivated me just as it did Julie Lessman, I'm glad to learn more of what each of you do. Thanks for your part in getting those wonderful Gilead books out to us!!


  61. MARIANNE!! Thank you, sweetie -- SO glad that my tagline is memorable. Now ... if I can just get people to think the same of my books, I'll be a happy camper! ;)

    HUGS and more HUGS!!

  62. Bonton: That night in the lobby was one of my favorite memories from ACFW. But to be honest, all of ACFW is one big favorite memory. I loved being in fellowship with so many other story-lovers! // I hope that you're able to use the word bank as a tool for writing reviews.

    I've found it helpful in so many cases. (I even use it to empty all the busyness in my head when I'm stressed. Once the words are scattered on the page, I don't feel so scattered inside.)

    Thanks for joining the conversation!

  63. Thank for sharing your process for creating tag lines. Your approach is very refreshing. Please put my name in for the drawing. Have a wonderful day!

  64. Thank for sharing your process for creating tag lines. Your approach is very refreshing. Please put my name in for the drawing. Have a wonderful day!

  65. Bettie: Absolutely! Thanks for the comment, love.

  66. Nashville was amazing... Hanging out with the wonderful gals and organizers of CFRR and getting to know the gals better in the lobby... It was perfect!!!

    I learned so much by being there!

  67. NICHOLE: wonderful suggestion of using the word bank as a de-stressor. Thanks!!

  68. The tagline of the third book in the series I am working on is:

    Three teenagers. Two worlds. One quest. What could possibly go wrong?

    And on my current WIP:

    Aleria is the Castrelean court's best known secret.

    But the tagline for a story later in that series is:

    Aleria doesn't even remember her past, but that's not going to stop it from threatening her future.

    Thanks for the tips and I love all the taglines you showed as examples. Please enter my name in the drawing.

    1. Nice! Sounds like you've got your hands full with WIPs. Happu writing! Thanks for the comment.

  69. Taglines are so important to the first impression a book makes. I'm impressed that you girls excel at it! Best wishes with your company and all the authors you help!

    Definitely add me in the giveaway- I'm addicted to Christmas novellas...

    1. Yhasss! Taglines are the best. I'm so glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for all the well wishes and comment. 😊

  70. It's so late now it's almost tomorrow so hope I can still say this was a fun post and I hope to be entered in the drawing. I want to win this book!

  71. Katelyn and Nichole, I tried to leave a comment earlier but the app on my phone kept shutting down. I'm so glad you joined us! This was a great post, with some fantastic ideas! I really appreciate you sharing your wisdom.

    1. You are such a dear! It's been such a lovely experience guest posting on Seekerville.

  72. Hello Katelyn and Nichole, I love your Tagline blog. What a great way to come up with a short line about your manuscript. I never looked at it that way. It could also apply to developing a book title in a shorter version. Thanks for telling us about your website in your responses, I will be checking that out too. Bless you both. (Sorry I am so late commenting. I worked the big election Tuesday and I'm just getting back to normal.)

    1. The word bank has endless possibilities. Thanks for joining the conversation. Hope to talk with you further at Marketing15 soon!

  73. I have never heard the term tagline so I loved reading the creativity involved.
    Thanks for sharing!

  74. Oh how fun to read this! I adore reading taglines and the super clever ones have always made an impression on me. I always wondered how you clever girls found those gems. I might have to try some of that in my reviews because I feel I get into a rut. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I'm so glad you liked it! Hope our tips help when it comes to Reviews. Thanks for joining the conversation!

  75. Your job looks and sounds like so much fun!

  76. Thanks for this lesson, Katelyn and Nicole. I get a little confused between author taglines/book taglines/blog taglines...are they all called taglines? Branding is different and so much fun, but yikes! Love your ingenuity and imagination...very inspiring! Blessings to you both.

    1. Yes! . . . At least, err. . . I refer to them all as taglines. Branding definitely comes with ups and downs, but having a brainstorm buddy to bounce stuff off of definitely makes things easier. Thanks for the kind words and comment!

  77. I'm a reader so its nice to see all these tips for the writers out there.

  78. Oh, least they are better than synopses. :)

  79. Great post! Sorry I came in way late, but wanted to say hi!!! You guys are so cute and savvy! Congrats on your great business,
    Cheers, Susan
