Saturday, November 12, 2016

The Weekend Edition

A little treat to keep you happy as you write or read to THE END.
Happy November! Leave a comment for a Pumpkins Spice treat of your choice. Any mentioned in this post, including the mug, as long as it's still available on Amazon!

We Have Winners

If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes. Send to

The winners of Cowboy Christmas Homecoming  are, Rhonda Starnes, Rose, Marianne Barkman, Abigail Mitchell, Kathy Donley, and Mary Preston

Monday Mary Connealy asked the eternal question....How is being an author like a four-car pileup in rush hour? Stacy T. Simmons is the winner of Room at the Inn for Christmas (ebook).
"Welcome to the Lone Star Cowboy League: Boys Ranch." Seekerville was totally thrilled to welcome Love Inspired Associated Editor, Shana Asaro and the authors behind this heart-warming continuity series. Connie Queen, CatMom and Cindy Regnier win a bundle of the first three books in the series. 

Wednesday Gilead Publishing's super girls Nichole Parks and Katelyn Bolds visited to talk shop with a great post on "Redefining Tag Lines." Cathyann40 is the winner of her choice of paperback or ebook copy of Cowboy Christmas Homecoming, Gilead's Christmas novellas that have just released featuring Seekerville's own Mary Connealy, Ruth Logan Herne, and Julie Lessman.

 Waterbrook Press and Love Inspired author Ruth Logan Herne talked about Wranglin' That Cowboy Without Using Spurs on Thursday. Sandy Smith and Kathy Bailey are winners of "Silent Night, Star-lit Night."  

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday:  Christy Barritt, award-winning author of fifty quirky mysteries and spine-tingling suspense novels, is our special guest. Stop by for a discussion on the difference between mystery and suspense and everything in between, with her post, "Solving the Genre Conundrum: Suspense v. Mystery." The prize vault is open.

Tuesday: Tina Radcliffe shares "Comfort Reads." Stop by for a chance to win a comfort reads giveaway!

Wednesday: Publishers Weekly Bestselling Author Debby Giusti will talk about "Writing Strengths and Weaknesses." Stop by to analyze the strengths and weaknesses in your own writing and learn ways to improve your craft and your stories. Leave a comment to be entered in a drawing for Debby's latest release, Plain Truth, plus a surprise gift.

Thursday: Jewell Tweedt will be here to tell you, Be awesome! Be a book nut!

Friday: Join us for the Best of the Archives. Glynna Kaye shares "A Word From Your Inner Critic." On Friday's comments are closed so we can catch up with our reading and writing.

Seeker Sightings

Starting Monday, November 14TH!!!! 

Hop over here beginning Monday and join in on this wonderful fall historical contest featuring more than 55 of your favorite authors (including Ruthy, Mary, Myra, Julie and Pam!) with chances to win a book from each... and a Kindle Fire! Contest goes from 11/14 to 11/21!

LET'S PARTEEEEEE! Join Mary Connealy, Ruth Logan Herne, Julie Lessman, and Anna Schmidt for a "cool" Facebook party for Cowboy Christmas Homecoming on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17 from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EST. Lots of gab, goodies, and giveaways, so mark your calendars and come on by!  Here's the link: CCH FB PTY
Random News & Information

Thank you for sending links!

A Key to Great Writing: Making Every Word Count (Jane Friedman)**

  FROM PAGES TO READERS: My Field Trip to Harlequin's Distribution Center (Maggie K Black)**

Writing Contests: Facts and Fakes...And How to Tell the Difference (Victoria Strauss)**

The Ultimate List of Bookish Gift Ideas ( Christian Shelf-Esteem)

The Importance of an Author’s Online Reputation (The Independent Publishing Magazine)

7 Things to Remember When Giving (or Receiving) Feedback on a Manuscript (Fiction University)

On Being Profound (Writer Unboxed)

Five Free Ways to Build Readership (Books & Such Literary Management)

Copyright Basics (Copyright Alliance)

Fiction Basics: The Act Two Disaster (Fiction University)**

The Great Expectations Contest. Pay now at the early bird price. Send your manuscript later. Open to unpublished manuscripts.  Check it out here.


 9 Authors Who Finished A Novel During NaNoWriMo, Proving It Can Be Done (Bustle)

NaNoWriMo 2016 Tip #1: Read 148 Tips From Previous Years (GalleyCat)

Did you know that Sara Gruen's, Water for Elephants was written during a NaNoWriMo?
Short on Time? Read ** First and come back later for the rest!

That's it! Have a great reading and writing Weekend and do leave your favorite Pumpkin Spice recipe, if you have one. Pumpkin Spice Trifle from Kitchn.


  1. Happy Weekend Seekerville! So many fun things going on. Contests to enter. New releases to buy!!! WOOT.


    If you don't like pumpkin spice then I only have one thing to say to you:

    MORE FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. That should be construed as unAmerican... #everythingpumpkin #allthingsapple

  2. TINA....I LOVE pumpkin spice (most) anything!!! So you'll have to share :-)

    I'll come back tomorrow to read the comments and add another of my own...I have a book calling my name.....

  3. Yeah, I'm definitely one of the crazy pumpkin-spice-everything types!

    Fun weekend edition! I'm looking forward to the Booksweeps and I've already spent too much time reading through the links tonight.

    Back to writing...!

    1. Megan, the links always distract me too! I try to make myself come back to them later at night when I have more time to read the articles.

  4. Loved the October Program!

    Great Guests & Most 'Cut and Paste' Writing Craft features I've Seen in a single Month!

    Seekerville Just keeps Getting Better!

    Next year it will make it a Decade & There will be ten smart tips per feature!

    Good Show!

    1. You're the best, Vince! Are you a pumpkin spice fan? How about Linda????

    2. Vince, that's right. Hard to believe it's been a decade! But that's a wonderful thing. :)

    3. Hi Ruth:

      Linda loves everything pumpkin. I don't like it one bit. I love everything coconut and coffee flavored and Linda does not. Linda loves cucumbers and I think they taste like watermelon rind. I think there are sets of tastes that form a pattern in individuals that are analogous to being left handed and right handed. This difference could be used to show contrast between hero and heroine and strike a cord of awareness in the reader if they are the same way in their tastes, too.

      Look for patterns where others don't. Give your stories insights that strike the reader also as insights. Just an idea.(:O>)


    4. BLESS YOU, Vince ... you sure add your own excellence to Seekerville, so THANK YOU!!


  5. Thank You!!

    Looking forward to another great week.

    1. Mary, congratulations!!!! I hope you love the book!

  6. Tina, thank you for another wonderful WE! It's so much fun to see all the things happening, and ten years ago, who'd have thought there would be five of us in a contest giving away beautiful historical novels???? SWEET!!!! I hope you all get over there this week and put your name in for the books and the kindle...

    And I love the pumpkin spice giveaway. It's November. Cozy fires, leaf-strewn lawns and pumpkin everything.

    I'm quite happy right now!

  7. Congratulations to all of the winners!
    Pumpkin spice...YUM!
    Great WE, Tina. Thanks for taking the time out of a busy NaNo month to put this together. This year, unlike years past, I'm really enjoying NaNoWriMo. I should reach the half way point this weekend. Enjoy the day!

    1. GO JILL!!!!! That's wonderful!!! I'm cheering you on with pumpkin spice latte!!!!

    2. Yay, Jill!! I hope you accomplish all you plan to get done!

  8. Tina, thanks for another great WE! Jill, way to go! You're ahead of schedule, and ENJOYING the process!
    I'll pass on the pumpkin spice, but I've never seen the biscotti.
    Have a blessed weekend everybody!

  9. Good morning, Seekerville! Another yummy Weekend Edition, perfect for settling in to read with one of those autumn-inspired treats!
    Pumpkin spice! YUM.

    And chilly days also call for dark chocolate cocoa topped with whipped cream and cinnamon!! Gotta love this time of year!

    Now I'm off to hit the WIP -- need another 5K this weekend!

  10. Another great WE Tina! I love all the pumpkin spice pictures. I just bought some Pumpkin Whipped Yogurt and it tastes divine. I'll have to try and find some of the pumpkin biscotti. It looks yummo!

    I would love to be entered in the pumpkin spice giveaway. I especially love the mug.

    Thank you for the great links as well.

    I pray everyone at Seekerville will have a blessed today.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  11. Congrats to all the winners!

    Tina, Thanks for another great WE! And I love pumpkin spice anything!

  12. Thanks, Tina! Another fantastic WE!

  13. TINA, great weekend! Congratulations winners!

    I've waving my hand for a cup of pumpkin spice. Gotta admit I've never tried it but i love pumpkin pie so know I will. Glynna's hot chocolate sounds great. It's chilly here this morning.

    All these opportunities to win books is exciting!


  14. Another great WE!! I love the pumpkin spice theme. :) I've been on a pumpkin spice kick (like usual) this fall. I've shared a couple of posts on the Yankee-Belle Cafe about it. :) One post showed my pumpkin spice bagels, pumpkin cream cheese, and pumpkin spice latte for breakfast.

  15. What a great WE, Tina! The article on using fewer words was great! It got me thinking about ways to trim my own writing. I do like my words... ;)

    Congratulations to all the winners!!

  16. Congratulations to me! And all other winners! And I'm so excited for those doing NaNo! Way to go!
    TINA thanks for another great WE! I love pumpkin, so I'm sure I'd LOVE pumpkin spice, so please share.
    Less than 10 days before you'll need to share your great weather with us!

  17. Tina, pumpkin anything is my fave! rates third behind peanut butter and chocolate...but really close. Thanks again for such a terrific WE! Can'take wait to read the articles.

    And congrats to all the winners! Isn't Seekerville the best?!!

    1. Barbara, I love peanut butter & chocolate, too! Reese's Peanut Butter Cups--YUM! But I have a friend who cannot stand the PB/chocolate combo! I just don't understand her at all.

  18. Tina, pumpkin anything is my fave! rates third behind peanut butter and chocolate...but really close. Thanks again for such a terrific WE! Can'take wait to read the articles.

    And congrats to all the winners! Isn't Seekerville the best?!!

  19. Nonni's has pumpkin biscotti?? This, I gotta find.

    Congrats to ALL the winners. And cheering on those of you in NaNoWriMo!

    Wishes for a weekend doing what you want :-)

    Nancy C

  20. GREAT WE, as always Miss T!
    CONGRATS to all the winners!
    I am squealing (well, I *will* after I gulp some coffee!) about winning some of the Boys Ranch cowboy books!! THANK YOU!!!! :)
    Hope those doing NaNo are having a productive month so far! Cheering you on!! :)
    Thanks to TINA and ALL of SEEKERVILLE for being the BEST!!!!
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  21. TINA, wonderful WE! Congrats to all the winners!

    HAPPY WEEKEND! Rooting for those who are participating in NaNo!!!!

  22. Happy weekend all!! GREAT WE Tina! I'm battling through NaNo with schizophrenic word counts. UGH! But forward motion is good yes? Congrats to all the winners! And Fall is the BESTEST time of year. I love all things Pumpkin Spice and the colors of the leaves. OREO Pumpkin Spice cookies are awesome :)

  23. Congrats to all the winners. Looks like a fun week coming up. Happy writing, especially all you NaNoWriMo writers.

  24. Thanks for another great WE! Congratulations to the winners! I'm not a fan of pumpkin anything, other than our Jack Russell dog named Pumpkin lol. I am looking forward to the cold and lots of snow. Well, not so much the cold, but for some reason it doesn't snow when it's warm outside. Off to write some more. I don't think I'll make my NaNo goal, but I've been writing every day. And that to me is a winner. Now to keep that up when NaNo is over! It's put me in the habit of getting up and writing first thing.

  25. Good morning, Seekerville! I'm looking out my office window at some lovely yellow and orange fall leaves. I much prefer late spring and summer weather, but I have to admit, the autumn colors are so pretty to look at.

    Just . . . not so fun to rake. And rake. And rake. We have something like 75 trees in our yard, maybe more.

    Another super-duper job on the WE, TINA!! You're the best!

  26. VINCE, thanks for your sweet words! October was an awesome post and party month.


  27. MYRA, hope Project Guy is up to raking leaves. Hate to think of you handling the job alone.


  28. SALLY, you're definitely a winner! Go you!


  29. OH. MY. GOSH!!! That Nonni's pumpkin spice biscotti has me drooling SO much, I'm sending Keith out to get some today because, YES, he does all the shopping. I may well be one of the few women on earth (gasp!) who hates shopping of ANY kind (except online shopping)!!

    WOW, WOW, WOW ... that link on The Ultimate List of Bookish Gift Ideas is AWESOME!!

    Tina, AWESOME WE, my friend, and SUPER CONGRATS to all the winners!!


  30. Pumpkin spice? Did somebody mention pumpkin spice?

    I'm in for the biscotti. :-)

  31. Happy Weekend, Seekers! Congratulations to all the winners! Apple pie is my pumpkin spice ;)

  32. Congrats to the winners. So glad for Saturdays in which I can catch up on all the work that was neglected over the week due to school and college.

  33. Thank you, Walt for joining team PS.

  34. I love pumpkin anything so please count me in!!!
    Happy Weekend to all!

  35. Ah, Tina went back to straight comments... I thought I'd tempted her to the dark side of embedded! Obviously I hadn't changed it back Thursday night... (fiendish laughter ensues!!!!)

    Vince, I bet that's part of the basis for opposites attract! Here's my theory: Two sugar lovers should never marry. A salt snacker and a sugar snacker are much better suited.

    If a salt snacker marries and ice cream lover or a cake lover, he is far less likely to come home late and find his CHIPS GONE....

    Ditto for the wife. Chances are her Chocolate Cake Crunch ice cream is still in the freezer while hubby eats popcorn!!!

    I'm pretty sure I'm on to something here! :)

  36. Myra, I'm raking today with five little peeps.... Wait. Six little peeps. We will be covered before we're done!!! But it's good... making a memory with Grammy!

    And there is apple crisp in the house.



  37. Everything is turning into a pumpkin, including Seekerville. :) Thanks for all the great links, the line up for next week, and the giveaways.

    I've got several fingers in the proverbial pumpkin pie...deep in edits for The Promise of Breeze Hill, writing a novella AND the 2nd book in the Natchez Trace Novel series. Not to mention that CHRISTMAS is coming up and our g'baby will be 10 1/2 months old. It's going to be a GRANDbaby Christmas! :)

  38. Tina, you've found so many yummy pumpkin flavored treats! I want to sample all of them! YUM!

    I'm sipping hot tea. Cool weather has finally come to Georgia! Our leaves are still so pretty although I doubt they'll last much longer. It's been a glorious fall!

    Congrats to the winners!!! Looking forward to the week ahead. Oh my gosh, Thanksgiving is right around the corner. What happened? I blinked and the year zipped by. Days are passing much too quickly.

    Happy Fall! Happy Pumpkin!

    Happy Almost Thanksgiving!


  39. Congratulations, winners, and happy reading! Thanks everyone, for a terrific, informative week!! Have a lovely weekend!

  40. Pumpkin Spice? Chocolate Santas?
    To me November Means
    Christmas Novellas!

    I'd say my favorite romances are Christmas novellas. They are the shortest and sweetest way to an HEA experience!

    It's been said that 'You Can't Judge a Book by its Cover' but from a marketing POV, a reader absolutely must be able to judge a book by its cover. That's not always the case!

    My favorite Christmas Novella of this season is "A Heart Full of Hope" by Sandra Leesmith. The setting for the whole book is at Christmas time along the gorgeous Costa de la Luz in Spain! The area is stunningly beautiful and Sandra makes the reader feel like being right there on location. The cover art, however, looks like you're in the northern USA as snow is falling. In other words, the cover art looks like almost every other Christmas novella and not the 'one-in-a-thousand' it actually is.

    Readers who would love reading this story may never learn, from the cover art, just what kind of story is 'hidden' inside.

    Here's a marketing idea:

    I just posted a link of a short video showing the Costa de la Luz in a comment to a review of "A Heart Full of Hope" on Amazon. I don't know if Amazon will let it stand or not. However, it's there now.

    Doing this gave me an idea: might an author include a link to a video on Youtube showing the scene of her novel? It would be worth a try. Also, could a reviewer of the story post such a link? I put one in a comment. Will it be allowed?

    If you can show a great location with a link in a story blurb, then you can really sell the location of your book -- especially if you are as skilled in making physical locations come to life as Sandra is. You might also link to another one of your books which features the same location -- this is allowed and provided for by Amazon -- as long as the other book is sold on Amazon.

    Links to other books and videos of locations (often created by Chambers of Commerce and thus very professional and salesworthy) can help you leverage the selling power of the internet without adding any extra cost! Better yet, doing this will add that power at the point of purchase: which is the best time to 'sell' a prospect.

    I'd love to hear about any Seeker's experience with this marketing idea. I think it should work well to the degree Amazon allows it. Also, authors can do the same thing on their own blogs, newsletters, and guest blog appearances. I really believe that location sells books!


  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Addendum:

    Just in case anyone is interested in seeing the short video about the "Costa de la Luz" setting, it is here:

  43. Please enter me for the pumpkin spice special.

    I am safe from the smoke and fires.I came to stay with my parents.

    All was well till my world began to spin.

    I woke up this morning from a dream. My first thoughts were that would make a great book

    My mother said surely you are not going to write it now

    I told her I need to write down the idea so I won't forget.

    Isn't this life of a writer fun

  44. Sorry for the stilted writing above. I was writing on my phone with the room spinning and I hate typing on my phone. The fires are still strong and new ones being set every day. My sister in law drove me to my parents yesterday and I am able to breathe again. I will probably be here through Thanksgiving

    My dream was that I was on top of a mountain in the fall with the mountain on fire all around me and an arsonist was chasing me while setting new fires. I wonder why I dream such a dream seeing as I live in the mountains where fires were surrounding me in real life. I am looking forward to Monday's post so I can see if this would be suspense or mystery when I decide to write but first I must finish the historical book I started on Nov. I and the romance I started last March for Speedbo.

    I hope everyone is doing well. Now that the vertigo subsided I want to check out the links.

  45. Happy WE everyone and I forgot it is that time of year again....NaNo time!! Sounds a bit like Mork and Mindy, remember that?? Where Mork says Nano Nano??? HAHA...maybe that's just me being delusional :-\

    Moving on.....

    Congrats to the winners this week. I hope all you writers are plugging along with your NaNo goals.
    I'm looking forward the the Cowboy Christmas Homecoming FB party on Thursday. I have a copy of the book, but I'm really wanting to connect with the authors!! I really enjoy when you gals take time out of your busy schedules to come chat! It's a fun and crazy time :-)

    As for the pumpkin spice, I'm thinking that Pumpkin Pie Spice Cookie Butter looks scrumptious! I've tried homemade pumpkin butter one time and it was out of this world GOOD!! Had it on toast or PB & J sandwich or a nice lightly toasted bagel....yummy in the tummy!! And Trader Joes is super good to boot :-)

    Inspirational Historical Romance giveaway, yes please!! Looks like a great contest with some wonderful books/authors.

    I think that's about it for now....happy rest of your weekend everyone and a blessed SONday tomorrow :-)

  46. RUTHY....I agree about the comments! Maybe with enough pumpkin spice food/drink we can entice Tina to change it back to embedded??? An interesting concept ;-)

  47. Not on my watch.

    The deal is whoever puts up the post gets to pick the type of comments.

    This gal is not up to the constant up and down searching that embedded requires.

    Time is money. Time is books. Time is time.

  48. Extra prayers for those in the vicinity of the fires. As a Colorado girl I know what it's like to have to breath that stuff. Awful for anyone with respiratory issue.

  49. Trixi, we are a house divided on embedded comments!

    And I'm excited about the Facebook party, too! Yee haw, some cowboy time with great peeps!!!

    I'm gettin' out my cowboy hat and some well-used stompin' boots. :)

    Wilani.... so glad you're at Mom and Dad's house! Lord bless the person who took you there. Stay safe and we'll keep praying. This is an awful situation.

  50. Vince, that's a lovely story, isn't it? But the problem with a cover that looks European is that it could lose American Christmas appeal.

    I know what you're saying, but I wonder if Christmas might test the rules a little? What do you think?

  51. Tina: I have been craving pumpkin pie for two weeks. Now you add some spice to it. Yummy. Yesterday I found pumpkin pie ice cream at Publix. I also had a sample of apple pie ice cream. pretty good. But I bought the pumpkin pie ice cream. Not sure how it tastes yet. I have pumpkin spice creamer for my coffee and also pumpkin spice coffee. I am ready and expecting my best friend and her hubby coming to visit from the hills of Tennessee On Friday. I am excited.

    Happy Sunday to all Seekerville members. Congratulations to the winners.

  52. I love to buy pumpkin spice everything the day after thanksgiving when it is all half price! My favorite is a pumpkin spice latte, but I've never seen the Pumpkin Spice cookie butter -- wow, I'll have to look for that! Thanks for running so many great contests.

  53. Pumpkin Oreos look disgusting but I am willing to give them a chance. I'm open minded like that.

    (especially with cookies)

  54. Susan Stitch, I am humbly ashamed to admit I have not thought of that. I adore PSL. But it has no actual coffee in it. That's so sad.

  55. Suzanne, I salute you. Welcome to the club. Pumpkin Spice ice cream is right up there in the evil department. Amazing.

  56. Looks like there are a lot of pumpkin spice lovers here! I love pumpkin cheesecake, which usually is hard to find except for this time of year. The Oreos and Cookie Butter look interesting. I haven't tried those yet.

  57. Wilani, so glad you're out of the fire area. I love your story and can see that exciting first chapter with the heroine on the run from the arsonist!

    I was in the North Georgia Mountains on WED and went through a very smokey area. Praying for all those suffering from the fires. Praying for rain too!

    One of our Georgia fires was started by kids playing with matches. Oh my!

  58. I think I have to drive a long way to buy biscotti. I've never seen it near me.

    But I like it when I get it.

    When should I head out??? It's dark.

  59. I love the pumpkin spice enthusiasm! This bodes well for all!

    Dave brought home eggnog two days ago.

    I am very happy. I don't read the side, I don't care about the calories, this is such a treat this time of year!!!!

    EGGNOG!!!! :)

    Eggnog and pumpkin pie! (Double happy!!!)

    Edits and eggnog. Alliteration at its best!!!!

  60. Once upon a time I made a pumpkin pie from scratch. It was a lot more work than opening a can of pumpkin and it didn't taste any better. I'm not as adventurous as I used to be.

  61. RUTHY....oh yeah,I bought PUMPKIN eggnog last week from my local grocery store...and since I'm the only one who drinks it, I get the whole half gallon to myself (insert maniacal laugh)!

    You and I are foodie sisters...who'da thunk it?? 😉

  62. RUTHY....oh yeah,I bought PUMPKIN eggnog last week from my local grocery store...and since I'm the only one who drinks it, I get the whole half gallon to myself (insert maniacal laugh)!

    You and I are foodie sisters...who'da thunk it?? 😉

  63. Congratulations to the winners and I would love any of these treats offered!
    Thank you!!
