Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Weekend Edition

It's starting to look like Christmas in Seekerville...
Leave a comment today for a chance to win an autographed copy of
The Pastor's Christmas Courtship!
Winners announced in the next Weekend Edition.
We Have Winners

If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes. Send to

The Pumpkin Spice winner from the last Weekend Edition is Sharee Moore.

  Christy Barritt, the award-winning author of fifty quirky mysteries and spine-tingling suspense novels, was our special guest on Monday with her post, "Solving the Genre Conundrum: Suspense v. Mystery." Winners of an ecopy of Disillusioned are Megan Brummer and Dana McNeely.

Tuesday  Tina Radcliffe shared "Comfort Reads." Renee McBride is the winner of a comfort reads giveaway!

On Wednesday,Publishers Weekly Bestselling author Debby Giusti shared "Writing Strengths and Weaknesses." We analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of our own writing and learned ways to improve your craft and your stories. Kaybee is the winner of Debby's latest release, Plain Truth, a journal, The Writer's Prayer, and a $9 Starbucks Gift Card.

Thursday Jewell Tweedt was our guest with Be Awesome! Be a Book Nut! Winner of Lesson's Learned-Grace's Secret is Bettie.
Seeker Glynna Kaye with her new release!
Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Janet Dean is your hostess as she shares her love of this country and its history in her post "I'm Thankful to Live in America." Leave a comment for a chance to win either Janet's Christmas novella "A Daddy for Christmas" or one of the historical eBooks written by Seekers Pam, Julie, Cara, Janet, Audra, Ruthy, Mary or Myra.

Tuesday: Let's Talk Turkey! Sandra Leesmith will discuss how fixing turkey dinner is like writing a romance novel.  Join Sandra to share recipes and Thanksgiving fun. Be eligible to win a surprise package of Seeker books. 

Wednesday: Seekerville is delighted to welcome editor and author Barbara Scott back with her post, "What Does an Editor Really Do?" Stop by to chat. Leave a comment and you could win a copy of the Christmas novella collection Sleigh Bells Ring, which includes Barbara Scott’s “I’ll Be Home for Christmas.” Romantic Times named it a Top Pick and gave the book a 4-1/2-star review.

Thursday: Seekerville is closed today to give thanks and eat turkey. Happy Thanksgiving.

Friday:  Join us for the Best of the Archives. Today's post is "True Lies." with Seeker Myra Johnson. On Friday's comments are closed so we can catch up with our reading and writing.

Seeker Sightings

Tina Radcliffe is DELIGHTED to have lost count of the # of her sales to Woman's World, but she knows she has a story out this week. That's really something to be thankful for!

Huge thanks to radio personality and blogger Cyrus Webb for naming Ruth Logan Herne's "Back in the Saddle" to the Top 50 Best Books of 2016 list! 

Join Debby Giusti at the Love Our Readers' Luncheon on FEB 11, 2017, Marietta, GA. Tickets on sale now! For reservations and information check here.

Enter for a chance to win books by 55+ of your favorite authors. Including Ruth Logan Herne, Pam Hillman, Myra Johnson and Mary Connealy! Click Here to Enter--Only Two Days Left Until the Contest Closes.

The Cast of the Christmas Story, a very special Christmas devotional.
Mary Connealy, Pam Hillman and Julie Lessman are among the contributors. As well as Seekervillager Barbara Scott. Click Here to Download

Seekers and Villagers are in USA TODAY!!!! Read more about favorite holiday traditions. From Mary Connealy Julie Lessman, Ruth Logan Herne, Anna Schmidt, Barbara Scott, Lynette Sowell and Lenora Worth. Click to read.

 Get your name in MeezCarrie's Thankful Hearts GiveawayOn the Reading is My Superpower blog. 10 books + $100 Amazon Gift Card. Included in the giveaways is Mary Connealy's Christmas Novella, Room at the Inn for Christmas. And Mary also has a day all her own on Reading is My Superpower. About the Thanksgiving Season and what she is thankful for. Click Here


Random News and Information

Thank you for sharing links!

Going to RWA 2017 Orlando-Disney World with us? The schedule is up. Click here.

Some Formatting Tips That Wil Make Your Copy Editor Happy (Romance University)**This is for all writers, published, unpublished, indie & traditional.

How to Write Backstory but Not Bog Down Your Book (Now Novel)**

Attention Villagers: The Inspirational category of the SARA Emma Merritt Contest needs our help. Let's give it to them. Do you have an inspirational story you would like to get in front of an editor from Bethany House and an agent from 3 Seas Literary Agency? San Antonio Romance Authors has opened the 2016 Emma Merritt Competition to published and unpublished authors for an unpublished work. The entry is the first 5k-8k of your original work. Deadline is Nov 30. For more information here is the link: 

Steve Laube Launches a Writer’s Learning Center, New Imprint (PW)

This post is a classic: The Straight Dope on PM (Jennifer Represents)

7 Signs Your Book is Professionally Published (The Book Designer)
Advanced Craft Tips (Romance University)**

Look at these other library shelf program options instead of Goodreads: &

Mastering Stylistic Tension (Writers Helping Writers)

13 Literary Mugs Every Bookworm is Sure to Love (BookBub Blog)

Using Archetypes to Learn More About You and Your Characters (Sara Letourneau Writer)**

Four Traits of a Master Writer and How You Can Develop Them (Writer Unboxed)

How to Find Publishers (Jane Friedman)**

Publishing Scams: Six Red Flags That Scream "Rip Off" (Tech Featured)

An Introduction to Effective and Descriptive Metadata (DBW)

Now Novel’s NaNoWriMo Hub: How to be NaNoWriMo Winners (Now Novel)

Short on Time? Read ** First and come back later for the rest!

That's it! Have a great reading and writing Weekend.


  1. Great WE, Tina! Congratulations on your most recent sale to Women's World! That's so exciting. :)

    Congratulations to the winners this week, too. :)

    I enjoyed the article on tension. It gave me some great food for thought. :) I'm hoping to stop back and read more this weekend.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!

  2. Tina, thanks for another great WE! You've given us some great links to check out!

    Congrats to all of the winners and congrats to everybody who has a new release out!

    Blessings to you all today!

  3. Oh my, I love Glynna's cover!
    Congratulations on another WW story, Tina! I'll be sure to pick up a copy. Thank you for taking time away from NaNo for another great WE! WE appreciate you! Happy writing!

  4. Congratulations to all the winners this week! And Tina, I look forward to your story in WW. I buy the magazine ever week. Congratulations!

    May you all be blessed this weekend!

    Cindy W.

  5. Congratulations winners! Tina, thanks for a great WE and congratulations on another sale to Woman's World! I'm loving this time of year and counting down to the first snowflake. Which just might be this weekend! !

  6. Great weekend edition. Thanks Tina for all the links. Looks like a lot of great reading coming for Christmas holiday season.

    Congrats to all the winners.

    Have a wonderful thanksgiving week.

    Happy writing.

  7. Congrats to Glynna on her new book...and congrats to all the winners!

    Yay, to those who are in USA Today! Woot!!! So wonderful.

    Tina, great links and info. The WE is always fun.

    Happy Almost Thanksgiving. Prayers for all those traveling this weekend.

  8. Glynna! Congratulations on your new release. It's getting me ready for the season. Although I am not seeing any chances of snow in my forecast. (Sigh)

    Absolutely LOOOOVE the cover.

  9. GREAT WE, Tina! Congratulations to this week's winners!

    GLYNNA, congrats on your release!


  10. Glynna! I love your work. I only wish you'd write FASTER!!!

    I know, you're busy! I get it!

  11. Wow, so much good news in Seekerville today! Congratulations to GLYNNA on a new Love Inspired romance!

    And to TINA on another story in Woman's World! Must make sure to look for it next time I'm out!

    Babysitting two little (5, 2) granddaughters today while daughter & SIL & two older kids are down south packing to move . . . IN WITH US!!! Yes, our household is about to quadruple in size!!! Unfortunately, not our actual HOUSE!!! We are watching a lot of Little Einsteins and My Little Pony and Lion King videos.

  12. Congratulations, Glynna! And all the winners!

    May God bless you and all of Seekerville!

  13. Congrats to all the winners.

    Glynna, I bought your book a couple of weeks ago and added to my TBR pile. I love your writing.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

  14. Congratulations Glynna on your new release. I love it!
    Congratulations to Ruthy, I'm sure he had that book up higher than that, though!
    Congratulations to all the winners
    Thanks for a great WE TINA. I hope your writing in NANOWRIMO is blessed. You do so much for us! YOU ROCK, GIRL!

  15. TINA, thanks for the great Weekend Edition! Congrats on another sale to Woman's World. I love the magazine and your romantic short stories are a highlight.

    Fun to see all the good news and interesting links!

    GLYNNA, congratulations on the release of The Pastor's Christmas Courtship! The cover is beautiful and the story sounds terrific! It'll be perfect to put me in the mood for Christmas.


  16. We had a big change in temps overnight. This morning a few snowflakes are floating around in the breeze. Winter has arrived.

    We've had such a warm fall that I can barely believe Thanksgiving is this Thursday. The traditional turkey, dressing, gravy, pumpkin pie and all the sides is my favorite meal of the entire year. Anyone else love it as much as I do?


  17. MYRA, Your home will be a big blessing for your family during this transition. I'm sure that will top the list of what they're grateful for this Thanksgiving. Give those little grandkids a squeeze from me.


  18. Another fabulous WE edition. Thank you, Tina!

    Congratulations to all winners and to Glynna on your new release--LOVE the cover!!

    A round of applause to Tina on another Woman's World story and to Ruthy for her recent nomination. *claps hands*

    I'm not NaNoWriMoing but to those who are... Go, go, go!!! :-)

    I'm on a self-imposed deadline and chocolate seems to be in order. Someone stop me!!

    Here's to a great weekend! (Exclamation points are okay here, right?)

  19. Forgot to say THANK YOU for the links! I've already read a few! :-)

  20. Congrats to all the winners. Yay. I won this week.

    Congratulations to Tina for another magazine article. Way to go!

    I just finished reading The Pastors Christmas Courtship. It's a fantastic story that I will enjoy reading again sometime. A great tale of forgiveness and finding the right path in life.

    It's not very romantic but I'm going to be published in a music teacher's lesson book. All profits going to the music organization but a little fame..ha. A few of my little animal doodles will be included so I'll be listed as an illustrator, too. Wow!

    Have a super Thanksgiving everyone!

  21. BETTIE, how wonderful! Congratulations! Giving back is what it's all about!

  22. Thanks, JANET! I know the kids are grateful. They're in a difficult time of transition right now, with SIL between jobs and contemplating returning to the mission field sometime next year. We do what we can to help.

    Forgot to mention the soon-to-be SEVENTH addition to our household--our daughter's cat!!! Thankfully, our dogs have already spent time with him and they tolerate each other pretty well. Next problem: finding a convenient but unobtrusive spot for the litter box. And I need to think fast because he'll be arriving later this afternoon!

    So . . . we will shortly have 4 adults, 4 children (ages 14, 11, 5, & 2), 2 dogs, and 1 cat, all living under one roof!


  23. Bettie, that's wonderful news. Congratulations.

    Myra...I'm sorry but you made me want to sing..."And a partridge in a pear tree!!!"

  24. That's ALL I'd need, TINA--A BIRD!!!!!

  25. Happy Weekend everyone. I am busy finishing my Christmas shopping as my family is celebrating at Thanksgiving. Also getting pictures developed for my son's college album to give him when he graduates four weeks from today. So much going on.

    Glynna, congrats on your book. No need to put me in the drawing as I already won the book. It is a great Christmas read. Still need to write a review. Will do that soon!

  26. Bettie, my first published work was for a Sunday School Christmas Program play for which I was paid $75. Nothing has even been as thrilling.
    Good for you finding smaller publications, it builds your resume and that counts!!!

  27. Cynthia if you lived nearer I could stop you eating chocolate by eating it all myself (yes I'm generous like that!)

  28. Sandy, WTG girl! Finishing the Christmas shopping? SWEET!

  29. Mary, I will still have some shopping to do for my husband and son when we celebrate ourselves at Christmas, but nice to have the shopping for the rest of the family done.

  30. Tina, I forgot to say congrats on another WW story. I always enjoy yours. Will have to check for it when I go to the store.

  31. Happy Thanksgiving, Seekerville Friends!! :)
    Great WE as always, and CONGRATS to all the winners!!
    Sooo many great books mentioned today - - YAY! I'm currently reading Glynna Kaye's latest (THE PASTOR'S CHRISTMAS COURTSHIP) and LOVING it!! (of course, I love ALL of Glynna's books!) :)
    MYRA, so glad you're welcoming a CAT into your household!! :) If I lived close by I'd leave a supply of cat food (and litter, LOL) at your doorstep. Since I feed approx. 9-10 "strays" on a daily basis, in addition to my own 6 indoor kitties, I keep plenty of food/litter on hand. ;)
    CONGRATS TINA on another story featured in WW !! :)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  32. I hope you're all having a great weekend! Can you believe Thanksgiving is nearly here?!!

    Wish you all a blessed holiday with friends and family! I'm so thankful for all of you!

  33. Bettie, that's wonderful news!! Congrats on the publishing AND illustrating credit!! I'm thrilled for you. :)


  34. Goodness, Sandy, I can't imagine having to get gifts bought before Thanksgiving! I'm usually still shopping a day or two before Christmas. :) I hope you have a wonderful double holiday!

  35. Argh. Christmas shopping done????? Fingers in ears..lalalalalalalalalala.

  36. TEEEEEENA!!!! Definitely a great WE, my friend, and hopefully GREAT sales on your umpteenth Women's World story -- SUPER CONGRATS!!

    Glynna, LOVE your cover -- love the pic, the balance of it, the snow -- VERY "cool"!!

    And, Ruthy, WOW, SUPER CONGRATS on making Cyrus Webb's Top Best 50 Books of 2016 -- that is AWESOME!! I absolutely LOVED that book, so it's well-deserved, my friend!

    SANDY!!! Good for you in getting the shopping all under wraps -- now you can enjoy the holidays, girlfriend!!

    And, BETTIE -- SUPER CONGRATS, girl, because "published" is published and quite an honor.

    Hugs and Happy Weekend!

  37. I just learned some shocking news. Sandie Bricker is with Jesus. I don't know any details.

  38. Hey Bettie, congrats on publication and the bonus illustration credit. Way cool!
    GLYNNA, congrats on your newest release. The cover is awesome.
    TINA, congrats on your latest We story. I gotta get to the store to get my copy.
    RUTHY, you know I love your stuff... glad to see "professionals" agree.

  39. TINA, Congratulations on your newest WW story!! And thank you for another great WE!! Congratulations to all the winners!!

    GLYNNA, Congratulations on your newest book!! That cover is so pretty!!


  40. I've been MIA trying to finish a project and finally back at the keyboard. So excited for all the fantastic superstar writers, projects and prizes!!

    Congrats Tina on the WW story!

    Have a great weekend all!

  41. Holy smokes, I was gone today and we've got 50 comments... and a great WE, Tina!!! Danke!

    Glynna... congrats on the beautiful book. What a great cover and a marvelous story!

    And huge congrats to all winners! I love to see who won what... it makes me smile! Surprises in the mail are The Best!!!

  42. RUTHY, just realized I forgot to say congratulations on Back in the Saddle being named to the Top 50 Best Books of 2016 list -- that's wonderful!!!

  43. Bettie!!! That is great news! Congratulations on being included in the lessons. That's wonderful!!!

  44. Maryanne, Cyrus Webb was so nice when he interviewed me for Back in the Saddle last spring.... what a nice man! But I had no idea that he'd be including me and "Saddle" on his list... but I'm so glad he loved the book. That made my day!

  45. Sandie Bricker will be missed by many. She had a big heart and a sweet soul. She touched hearts and her easy humor and smile are renowned.

    She will make angels laugh and saints snicker and God will be pleased.

    She'll be missed down here.

    She's already been welcomed there, in the New Jerusalem. Here's a beautiful hymn we've sung at many funerals... It's one I love. I picture Sandie there now... being hugged, shaking hands and seeing old friends. This Day in New Jerusalem This song paints a picture of heaven for me... And it probably pales in comparison to the real thing.

  46. Congratulations to all the winners! Super looking forward to Thanksgiving Break next week, hoping that I'll actually have time to write when I won't have any school (though i will still have some college).

    Night y'all.

  47. Thanks for another great week and for this edition. Congratulations to all of the winners!

  48. Cynthia, thank you!!!! It was a delightful surprise!!!!

  49. Laura, isn't that an exciting memo to get???? I'm still happy dancing!!!! And Cyrus is such a nice man...

    I have been blessed to meet/know so many wonderful people in this biz. And Seekerville has brought so many of us together. What a wonderful thing.

  50. Great WE, and congratulations to Glynna, Ruthy, Tina and all the winners too.
    AND, to Melanie Dickerson, appearing AGAIN on the NY Times Bestseller list! Woot!

    Much for which to be thankful, isn't there?

    Thank you Seekerville. Have a pawsome rest of the weekend, everypawdy!

    I'm happy to say we had a successful arts & crafts show appearance. Made some new fans and anticipating lots of smiles when presents are opened at Christmas... :) Quite a number of Mini-Mays and a few Nykeedas will have super new homes too!

    AND... thrilled to say that May on the Way: How I Become a K9 Spy is now permafree on Amazon, Kobo and Nook! Yippee! We rose to #3 and #8 in two of our categories on Amazon last week. Thank you...

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Gobble gobble gobble.

  51. Woo hoo! I won last week. Thank you, Seekers. Congratulations to all the winners and all the wonderful new releases, too. You guys rock!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone.

  52. I made a trip to Walmart and brought GLYNNA'S The Pastor's Christmas Courtship home with me. I love Christmas stories and can't wait to dig in to this one!


  53. I'm heading to the kitchen to make lasagna for Black Friday. I'll freeze it for an easy dinner after a long day of shopping. The girls and I have a lot of fun and even get some gifts bought, but by the time we get home, we're too pooped to cook. But not to tired to bring out the Christmas dishes, turn on the carols and get in the Christmas spirit. I love this time of year!!


  54. BETTIE, congratulations on publication in the music teacher lesson book! Your animal doodles sound precious. My dad was an art teacher. He would sketch these adorable animals to keep our young kids quiet in church. I wish I had the drawings now. I'm so glad yours will be in print.


  55. RUTHY, huge congratulations on Back in Saddle making Webb's Top Best 50 Books of 2016!


  56. Congrats, Bettie, on your release! Lovely!!!

    Sandy, enjoy your Thanksgiving Christmas. It's always wonderful when family can gather together!

    Myra, have fun with your full house!

    Tina! Another story in WW! Congrats! I want a copy. Will it be in Thursday's issue? I don't want to miss a Tina Radcliffe story!!!

    Ruthy, kudos on making the Top 50!!!

    Hugs to all!

  57. Glynna, congratulations on your newest release! A bad boy turned minister sounds like quite a story :-) Fun cover, too.

    Tina, kudos on ANOTHER sale to WW! Gotta get a copy tomorrow.

    Winners, winners, winners! Enjoy!

    So many good links. I didn't know about Steve Laube's new(ish) ventures. The archetypes quiz was great fun. I took it as myself, and then my heroine and hero of my current WIP. The results of all three were right on. The How to Find Publishers link is a definite keeper.

    Laughed out loud at the mug with the message, "Bother me one more time while I'm reading. I dare you." That could apply to writing, too.

    Good luck to those of you entering the Inspirational Category of the Emma Merritt contest. It sounds like a super opportunity! And cheering on those of you in NaNoWriMo.

    Thanks, Tina, for sharing all these links and this very-usable info.

    Nancy C

  58. Bettie said...
    It's not very romantic but I'm going to be published in a music teacher's lesson book. All profits going to the music organization but a little fame..ha. A few of my little animal doodles will be included so I'll be listed as an illustrator, too. Wow!

    Oh Bettie that is so much fun! Congratulations! Cheers for helping a music organization :-)

    Nancy C

  59. May the K9 Spy (and KC Frantzen) said...
    AND... thrilled to say that May on the Way: How I Become a K9 Spy is now permafree on Amazon, Kobo and Nook! Yippee! We rose to #3 and #8 in two of our categories on Amazon last week. Thank you..

    Loving all this good news! Delighted for you!

    Nancy C

  60. Football in the snow with a sustained 30 mph wind and gusts to 40 mph....

    It was so cold!!!! They finally called the games, and sent everyone home, but what a crazy set of circumstances. Little 8 year old boys, running around, flag football and a snow squall...

