Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Using Visual Content to Attract Readers

with guest Tyora Moody.

I want to thank Tina Radcliffe for this opportunity! I have been a huge fan of Seekerville for years and it’s an honor to write about one of my favorite topics. Visual content!

After your book release, there are many ways to make your book visible to potential readers. You might be thinking, “I'm no graphic designer. Is this really important?” Speaking as an author AND a graphic designer, I would have to say absolutely yes.

Think about it. Your primary ways to attract readers start with your online platform which includes your website or blog and your social networks. All of these are very visual platforms these days. There are many ways to show off your book(s) so let’s look at various online platforms below.

Don’t Forget You Need an Author Website (or Blog)

I retired designing websites a few years back, but I still encourage authors to invest in an author website. There is nothing more beautiful, in my opinion, than a clean, well-organized professional website. First impressions are important and even more so in this fast-paced world. I cover how to create a professional website over three chapters in my book, The Literary Entrepreneur’s Toolkit.

When a reader googles your name, be sure to provide them that “official” experience of browsing your author website. Work with your designer or if you’re a DIY kind of person, be sure all of your books, including the latest book release are visually displayed. I’m always surprised when I visit an author’s website and I see no mention of the most recent book release.

Now you may be wondering why am I focusing on the website. As a part of your author branding online, you should always include a link on your social media visuals to your website. This becomes increasingly necessary as you publish more books.

No! Don’t always depend on the Amazon author page as the main place to send people. I love Amazon like anyone else, but you’re the brand. Plus when you don’t encourage people to visit your website, you lose the opportunity to build your mailing list… that’s another whole blog post. I will be back to talk about that another time. ;)

Focusing on Social Media

Next up, I do want to address social media. Social media platforms are mainly about gaining visibility and encouraging traffic. I recommend that authors try NOT to be everywhere. It’s okay to at least claim your name on a platform, but you really need to focus on 1-2 platforms or else you won’t have much time for writing.

Now ALL the platforms that you are on should at the minimum have your latest book release in the cover photo. The social media platforms that are your main focus should be displaying as much visual content as possible.

Social Media Avatars or Profile Photos

I recommend using the same headshot you’ve used on your website also on all your social networks. This is how readers get to know or recognize you. Changing your profile photo too often will confuse people. A lot of authors will use this space to “promote” their book cover. There are plenty of opportunities to show your book cover. Don’t be shy! Show your face so readers can connect to you.

Social Media Cover Photos

Cover photos represent the first opportunity to showcase that you’re an author. They are usually the largest graphic allowed by the social network platform so make your cover photos count. Cover photos can be found on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and Youtube. Pinterest does allow for you to add custom board covers.

View a few examples of cover photos in the slideshow below:

Social Media Posts

The heart of your social media activity will be what you post. Of course, the main image you’re consistently going to post is your book cover. The simplest way to include an image of your book is to add the direct link to your book on Amazon or any online bookstore to a social media post. Most social networks will automatically display your book cover. You may be tempted to add “buy my book” every single time. You want your posts stand out, but not be annoying. In fact on platforms like Pinterest and Instagram you want to really step up your visuals. How interesting is an Instagram feed that displays the same book cover over and over again? Well, really any social media profile… that’s not a good look!

View a few examples of social media posts in the slideshow below:

As a recap from the slides above some ideas that authors can use are:

1. Create memes from their book(s)
2. Extract quotes or short excerpts from their book(s)
3. Find people who look like your characters
4. Gather quotes from famous writers or people that relate to their book
5. Gather Bible verses and create motivational graphics
6. Create an Infographics or visual map of the characters and/or setting in their book
7. Create a video book trailer or explainer video

I do want to caution to be aware of copyrights. Don’t just grab other people’s content from Google or their social media profiles. We will talk in the next section about creating your own original creations.

Creating Your Own Graphics

At a minimum, cover photos and posts on social media platforms provide prime real estate to display your latest book release or books. If you want access to a social media image size cheat sheet, visit

There are also plenty of design tools out there that don’t require you being a Photoshop whiz or keeping up with that cheat sheet. Here are some websites that offer super easy ways to create your own professional looking graphics.


This has become one of my favorite online tools. It's FREE! For my clients who come to me for book covers I still continue to use tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, and now Affinity Photo (really love!) I have found in the past year when it comes to making graphics for my blogs and social media, hands-down Canva is worth pulling up in the browser versus opening desktop software.


I have used this tool before and it's definitely very good. One of the things I like about it is it allows you to do a bit more editing like cropping where you can't do that with Canva. It's FREE to use, but does offer a pro version. I just realized they have a mobile app too.

Stock Photos and Background

Sometimes you can’t always find the image you may be seeking. That’s where stock photo and websites for creatives come in handy. Here are a few below that I enjoy using. (Free images) (Free Images)

Alright, I hope I gave you enough to get your creative juices flowing in the area of visuals.

What’s your visual content plan for your current or next book release? Have you used one of the tools or websites I mentioned above?

About the Author

Tyora Moody is the author Soul-Searching Suspense books which include the Reed Family Novellas, Eugeena Patterson Mysteries, Serena Manchester Series, and the Victory Gospel Series. As a literary-focused entrepreneur, she has assisted countless authors with developing an online presence via her design and marketing company, Tywebbin Creations LLC. For more about visual content and how to attract readers to your book, visit The Literary Entrepreneur.

Seekerville is so excited about Tyora's visit and this very excellent post, that we're giving away two Kindle copies of the Literary Entrepreneur's Toolkit. Two winners will be announced in the Weekend Edition!


  1. Oh wow Tyora! This is an awesome post and I can't wait to try some of your suggestions. There is so much to learn- and that's a good thing. I've got to have your book so please enter me in the drawing.

    You're so awesome I've brought blueberry donuts and milk to Seekerville today. Trust me they're great.

  2. As a reader, I love to connect with and keep up with authors online. I've signed up for many newsletters & follow them on Facebook, Twitter and some on Pinterest (though I don't go on there as much) Amazon is good to give me a basic knowledge of an author, but I will most likely get more info from their blog.

    I've also used both Canva and Picmonkey to create book quote graphics for the authors I influence for (street team), I knew about Pixabay but not UnSplash. I'd also add Morgefiles for a free picture source too. Thanks for the new site (UnSplash), I'll be adding that to my list :-)

    Since I'm not a writer, I'll pass on the giveaway. Wonderful resource post for writers Tyora, very informative :-)

  3. Where did the time go? I looked up and it's 9:44 in Arizona. As I NaNo my way to today's goal.

    Welcome, Ty! So thrilled to have you here.

    Writers!! Ty is full of the best information. Do yourself a favor and sign up for her newsletter.

    I have learned so much already.

    And she is so techy, I want her to give some techy how-to classes too. Like, how did she do those slide shows. Can you give a class on how to use Prezi? I just signed up and want to exploit it.

    So much to learn?

    At any rate..WELCOME.

  4. I use the pay version of Canva and PicMonkey and love them both and sometimes use them together. I also use Corel Paint Shop Pro 8 which is not nearly as user friendly.

    I also use Crestock (a buck a photo) and a pay as you go $29 a month Bigstock if I need something special.

    It's just so much fun to have all these tools open up the world for me.

  5. Oh, this is such a good post. I had to read it twice and write down a list. I really don't pay attention to most of these things and I know it makes a difference to readers. Thanks for sharing all your knowledge!

  6. Welcome, Tyora! Great stuff here! This post is definitely a keeper for the Seekerville notebook(s). Thanks so much!

  7. Tyora, Lots of great information in your blog today. The tech world moves so fast this is a great way for us writers to catch up. Loads of good information and inspirational tips. A most unique post. Thanks for taking the time to inform us. Have a blessed day.

  8. Good morning, Tyora.

    There is so much great information here, I'll definitely keep this post. Thanks so much.

    In the past I've taken pictures on my own, and now my new daughter-in-law does a great job with photography.

    There's so much to learn. Plus I want to continue learning to write better. It kinda makes my heart race and the phrase, "So much to do, so little time," pulses through my brain.

    Thanks for sharing, Tyora!

  9. Seriously, Jackie. Sometimes I have to take a deep breath and just say, one thing at a time. One thing at a time.

  10. I just got an email saying one of my favorite authors has a YouTube Channel. sigh. Is this what I have to do next?

    A day with Tina vacuuming.

    A day with Tina emptying the litter box.

    Sigh, again.

  11. Hi Tyora. Thank you for a tremendous post full of information. I guess you could start working on a graphic in PicMonkey and then upload the edited photo to Canva and continue working on it to get a better range of tools.

    Please enter me in the draw for your book. Thank you.

  12. Ruth Ann Dell. I do that. Sometimes I do Canva to PicMonkey and back again. Great minds!

  13. Great tools! Definitely agree with the importance of a well designed website. As a reader, when I look up an author, trying to find their website is the first thing, then checking out a little about them and their books.

    I love Canva. PickMonkey, I'm till getting use to, but if you know Photoshop, that's how I like to do my graphics for book quotes I like.


  14. TYORA, this is a good post and packed with information. This is an area I'm not necessarily weak in, mostly because I haven't done it and I don't know if I'm weak or not. I've fooled around with PicMonkey, but mostly for family things.
    I did start an AFS for one of my books that has done well in contests. It's an Oregon Trail story, and that stuff is fairly accessible.
    I can also relate to the advice to have one profile picture. I was using a really bizarre one on here for about a year (guys, remember the Rice Krispie igloo?) and finally got it changed.
    We need to be so many things that the authors of yore didn't need to be, but we've also got the tools to do it, so we shouldn't complain.
    Kathy Bailey

  15. I agree with JACKIE, we need to learn to write first, but this is all part of the package.

  16. That was a Rice Krispie igloo? Oh, my gosh, I turned my head upside down trying to figure that out, Kathy Bailey (Kaybee). Thank you for putting me out of my misery!!!

    I like your face.

  17. GOOD NEWS. I was having a bad week, my secular job is in turmoil right now with a lot of changes, and DEBBY prayed for me earlier this week. Today my cup overfloweth. I was just informed that I am the overall winner for Phoenix Rattler. This is the first time I have been an overall winner. Feet have not touched ground.
    This is the power of prayer and of a writing community.
    TINA, can I be a diva again? Maybe next year?
    Kathy Bailey
    Unhinged with joy in NH
    Or mayhap just unhinged

  18. TYORA, welcome to Seekerville. Thanks for all this great information! I'm not one bit techy so I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, but I need to do what I can to make my books more visible to readers. Thanks for the gentle shove to give your suggestions a try.


  19. KATHY B, mega congratulations on being an overall winner in the Phoenix Rattler!!! Proud of you!!


  20. Oooooooo... I love this post. You make things sound so doable, especially for me, since I'm a graphic artist first, writer wanna be second. Unfortunately I'm also somewhat of a social media hermit. I need to get up to speed on the freebie online media tools - they sound fun. Someday, I wouldn't mind doing book covers and social media stuff like you do. I'm not very savvy on the freelance work stuff though. I'm not good at selling myself. (Just ask my mom or present boss - they shake their heads at me).

    I do love cool author pages. I need to visit more, but then I'm afraid I'll end up busting my book budget for want of books. ;)

    This is an awesome post!!!! Thanks for sharing your savvy with Seekerville!

    p.s. please put my name in the draw, Tina...

  21. Yay Kathy B on the Phoenix Rattler win!!!! Trying to decide which I should do in celebration, my Snoopy dancing or my Kermit the Frog arm flail. Hmmm, maybe both - just not at the same time.


    and I second your comment on the power of prayer and community, especially Seekerville

  22. Good morning, Tyora and welcome to Seekerville. I love all this information. I know social media is such an important part of marketing and the posts that have images obviously catch my eye.

    I need to spend time learning to create relative images!!!!

  23. Kathy B! You rock, girlfriend. Congrats on the awesome Phoenix Rattler win!!!!!!!

  24. Hello Terri,
    Thank you for reading about visual content today. Blueberry donuts sound wonderful along with my black coffee this morning. I hope you get a chance to try out some of the tips and check out The Literary Entrepreneur's Toolkit.

  25. You're welcome, Trixi. Unsplash has some really unique high res photos. I hope you find some you can use for your influencers projects. Those sound like a lot of fun!

  26. Thank you again for the opportunity, Tina! Sure, that sounds like a blog post to write. I'm a fan of most of Google's products, even more so since I purchased a Chromebook. There products are free and really easy to use whether you're on a desktop, tablet or smartphone.

  27. Welcome Tyora!
    Thanks for sharing your words of wisdom with us today - - lots of great info. here that I plan to re-read after more coffee! Since I'm not pubbed yet, I'm learning all I can and storing up tons of ideas---so your post is a big help. :)

    YAY to Kathy B. on your WIN!! :)
    Laughing at Tina's "cleaning the litter box" comment - - hey, I can certainly relate to that, LOL.

    Just baked a Georgia peach cobbler (yes, it's okay to eat cobbler at breakfast, hehe!). Please enjoy while it's warm. ;)

    Blessings, Patti Jo

    p.s. Please enter me in the drawing!

  28. Tyora, good morning.

    All of this makes so much sense! But what stood out to me the most is when you were talking about using the same pic of our self so people recognize us. Makes sense, but I wouldn't have thought of that.

  29. Kaybee, congratulations!!!

    Things can turn around in an instant!

  30. Thank you, Mary Jane! I hope you have fun with your future social media and/or blog post graphics.

  31. Thank you, Jill. Glad to share a helpful post.

  32. Hey Tina,

    There is always something! LOL! A Youtube channel isn't necessary. Like a blog, I would only consider one if you are going to post content. I use my author one for posting book trailers and I have one for The Literary Entrepreneur for posting book marketing tips.

  33. You're welcome, Suzanne! Thanks for stopping by to read about visual content.

  34. Thank you, Jackie! Original photography is definitely a plus for making your social media posts stand out.

  35. Welcome, Tyora! These are great social media & book promo tips!

    I'm a big fan of Canva. Love it that they have several different template sizes to meet various social media requirements. Lots of free images & design elements, too!

    And I totally agree about keeping your profile photo consistent between platforms AND not changing it too often. Unless there are serious privacy concerns, I much prefer seeing someone's actual face than a book cover, picture of their dog, etc.

    Question: What are your thoughts about how often to change cover images for Facebook, Twitter, etc.? Should we be using those as "billboards" for our book releases and such, or is it better to coordinate with, say, our website banner?

  36. Ruth,
    That's a good idea! I have created templates in Photoshop or Affinity Photo. Then, I uploaded that template to Canva so I can use it to create "branded" posts. So much easier using online tools. I think PicMonkey has apps now, but I fell in love with Canva once I found the Canva iPad app. ;)

  37. FYI, TINA, I would very much enjoy watching a YouTube video of you vacuuming and cleaning litter boxes. Then you can watch one of me doing the morning crossword puzzle and picking dog hair off my pants.

  38. TRIXI, Unsplash is GREAT!!! So many wonderful photos for FREE! And new ones are always being added!

  39. Thank you, Just Commonly! The author website is your official home or hub online. It will show up in Google's search results first. There is so much more you can add for readers on a website versus on social media.

  40. Hello Kaybee,
    Glad to be able to share! Sounds like you have used graphics for a contest. Graphics really do help elevate your social media posts so they appear more visible to people viewing your feeds.

    Praying for peace over your job situation.

  41. You're welcome, Janet!

    When you have some free time try out one of the free tools like Canva or Picmonkey. I encourage you to just play and have fun. Start with some of your favorite bible verses or quotes. Starting with text and a nice background will help you get your feet wet. People love bible verses and quotes!

  42. Thank you, DebH.

    As a fellow introvert, I want to encourage you to play with some of these tools or use the graphic design tool you currently use to create graphics. My graphics are how I have advertised my business. I'm not a salesperson either! If people like your work, God will send them your way. Social media has been a blessing because you can quietly put your work out there and you will be surprised at the response. ;)

  43. Thank you, CatMom! I love your handle. I'm a cat mom myself. LOL!

  44. TYORA, you're right. I've done memes but they aren't anything to brag about. When techy isn't who you are, it's hard to see trying this stuff as playing but it's not like it's a test and I'll fail. I need to stretch and grow. Thanks for the encouragement! I love your positive nature.

    How do you manage to write suspense and do all the tech related things for authors?


  45. Thank you, Connie Queen.

    Yes! I just came back from an offline book event. What was really cool is how many readers recognized my face from Facebook. It makes a huge difference when readers meet you in person. They feel like they KNOW you!

  46. Thank you for the question, Myra.

    "Question: What are your thoughts about how often to change cover images for Facebook, Twitter, etc.? Should we be using those as "billboards" for our book releases and such, or is it better to coordinate with, say, our website banner?"


    I usually keep a banner with my book series on Facebook, Twitter, etc. As I draw closer to the release of a new book, then I usually switch out the cover photos to focus on the new release.

    If it's another book in a book series, then I may feature the book(s) that are available in the series and highlight the new one.

  47. Yes! This does get my creativity going! Thank you! I'd love to win a copy of your book!

  48. I always learn so much from you, Tyora!

  49. This sounded way to techy for me...glad you're here though.
    Praying for the authors who are on Nojno time this month! Way to go!

  50. I'm with CatMom - storing up information for future use. Thank you so much for the post. It's a side to the industry I try not to think about since I am (or should I say, WAS) completely clueless. But you laying it out so clearly and concisely really helps, and I'll definitely be referencing this post again! You are brilliant.

  51. Hello Janet,

    Thanks for your question!

    "How do you manage to write suspense and do all the tech related things for authors?"

    I have cut back a lot on my literary services for authors so that I can write. I mainly design book covers, book formatting and smaller graphic design projects (bookmarks, postcards, etc). I block out time for writing, which mainly ends up being on weekends.

  52. Thank you for stopping by, Marianne! Like I tell my clients, start small and have fun with it so it doesn't become overwhelming.

  53. Thank you for stopping by, Rachael!

  54. Oh, wow! Tyora, you've packed so much excellent information in this post that I want to try all of these ideas. I've always been a visual person, so this information speaks volumes to me. Thank you for freely sharing with us today.

  55. Thank you for all the congratulations. I wasn't sure if I should announce it myself, but figured we were between contest updates so I had to get it out somehow. Anyway, I appreciate all your help.

  56. Rhonda N, welcome to Seekerville.

    And Kathy Bailey, CONGRATULATIONS. That's my local ACFW chapter!!!

  57. And THIS Tyora, is why I need a keeper. Yikes! Those headers for social media are incredible, and I see the value. But I need a Xanax right now, because I'm having a panic attack.

    I still forget how to take pictures on my Smartphone. Step One: Take the protective cover off the back to expose the camera lense. Step Two: Keep your finger off the camera lense to take the picture. Step Three: Don't even try a selfie. Step Four: Refer to steps one through three and then figure out which button to push. Not a techie here.

    I'm glad God invented the computer to make it easier for me to write, but I'm awash with words like "meme," and don't get me started on acronyms. For Pete's sake, my family didn't even own a TV until I was eight or nine, and then Daddy had to crawl up on the roof to turn the aerial just right so I could watch Captain Kangeroo while we yelled directions out the window at him! Plus the urban legend is true. We used aluminum foil on the rabbit ears to improve the picture quality. Your a little young to know what rabbit ears are. I can even remember the invention of the remote control!

    Okay, my heart is slowing down a bit now. And THAT, my dear Tyola, is why God gave us you. :) Thanks for the great info!

  58. Uh, that's "you're". Where's auto-correct when you need it?

  59. Tyora! Thanks for being on.
    I've been using Canva to create images most often to use in Seekerville.

    Here's a question. I've found it easier (Mary the Queen of Dubious Shortcuts) to create the image on Canva and instead of Downloading it, I instead just do a screen capture of it.
    I think this is a far lower pixel image but it's good enough for my purposes.
    I've been wondering if that's wrong. Am I losing something by doing this?

    Also I love those sample facebook headers and twitter images. Makes me want to go refresh what I've got up.

    Thank you. This is an informative and ENCOURAGING post.
    I'm going to go hunt through your links!

  60. Barbara, all I can say is, I've had pretty good luck with Canva and SWEETIE! I am such a huge techno dork.

    If I can do it, YOU can do it!

  61. Ty, the question was asked and I'll ask again. HOW DO YOU JUGGLE so many hats?

    And fiction wise, plotter or pantser. I'm betting plotter.

    Desktop writer or laptop/tablet wanderer?

    Do you create memes with your phone app?

    You have a Mac. That much I do know, because one of the photo programs you mentioned I checked out and it is only for Mac. :)

  62. Tell us the scope of what you offer at Literary Entrepreneur.

    One company right? Or am I thinking you have two companies?

  63. TYORA, thank you for sharing these awesome tools. I know the authors here in Seekerville greatly appreciate them!

    As a reader, I enjoy seeing memes with quotes that stood out in the story.

    Have a wonderful day!

  64. Thanks, MARY, for the shot of encouragement. I'm impressed with you and the other Villagers who have actually heard of Canva and PicMonkey. You've convinced me to dip my toe in the water.

    Hey, TINA! I think a Seekerville You Tube channel is a great idea!! Sort of a Comedy Central for writers.

    And please, TY, throw my name in the cat dish for your book. Boy do I need it.

  65. OK, I signed up for Canva, and I'm more confused than ever. Do I need to pay for the business upgrade to use my own pictures for a Facebook banner? I'm sooooo glad they have tutorials.

  66. I've never not had the paid version of Canva, so I don't know, Barb.

    But if you go to this page and scroll down to the bottom, you can try the paid version free for 30 days.

  67. Barbara I don't pay for Canva at all. They have 'paid' images and 'free' and I just pick the free.
    I can upload book covers. I'm sure I could do fancier more beautiful things if I paid but so far I haven't done it.

  68. I pick free images 80 percent of the time, that's doesn't have anything to do with the paid or free version.

    Like PicMonkey if you get the paid version of Canva you get more Design options.

    It's of course not needed if you only use it once a month. I use it daily with Seekerville, social media and my web page, so for me it's a necessity since I can't do creative on my own.

  69. Welcome, Tyora! I just bought your Toolkit and can't wait to read it for lots of great information!

    Thanks so much for the tips you shared today. I really enjoyed the examples on the slide show to give me some ideas!

  70. I've used Picmonkey for a while but have recently tried Canva. I'm still learning it. I'm amazed at the great work I've seem people do on these sites. I just wish I could figure out how to do it myself.

  71. What a great post. Definitely a keeper. Thanks for sharing!

    Please enter me in the drawing.

  72. Thanks Renee, for stopping by to read.

  73. LOL! Hey Barbara, it will be okay. My golden rule is to have fun with it.

    As long as you let people know you have a new book release.. that's a good start! Just adding the amazon link is cool too! Show that book cover. Just not too much where you run people away. ;)

  74. Hey Mary,

    Whatever works for you. As you can tell from my slides, I had lots of fun with my screen capture.

    But back to Canva, usually if you select the web version, the file size isn't too bad. I imagine with the screen capture you may have to do some cropping later unless you have that handy feature on a Mac, which I love!

    Command-Shift 4 are used quite often throughout the day. ;)

  75. Hello Barbara,

    No, you can use Canva for FREE. I wouldn't pay for an upgrade unless you really, really like it.

    I do pay for Canva because I like the fancy "resizer." You create a design Facebook and then you take the same design and hit resize for Twitter, Instagram, etc... that saves me a bit more time then creating 4-5 separate files in Photoshop.

  76. Barbara, Mary,

    Yes, that's right. Look for "FREE" in the corner of images. If you do end up with a paid image, it's a $1 per image.

    Most of the time I find my own images other places and then upload to Canva.

  77. Thank you for purchasing a copy of The Literary Entrepreneur's Toolkit, Missy! I appreciate it and hope you enjoy.

    By the way, I have FREE email courses + a workbook for Instagram and Twitter on under the FREEBIES section. I'm working on a workbook for Facebook.

  78. Tina,

    Oops, I need to scroll back up a bit. Sorry, I missed your questions.

    Ty, the question was asked and I'll ask again. HOW DO YOU JUGGLE so many hats?

    Ty: I don't juggle very well sometimes! LOL! Usually client work is 3-4 days a week and by the weekend Fri-Sun, I work on my own projects whether fiction or nonfiction. This year has been mainly nonfiction because I wanted to get back into blogging.

    And fiction wise, plotter or pantser. I'm betting plotter.

    Ty: I'm plotter. I write cozy mysteries and romantic suspense. I also always have a lot of characters so it's important for me to keep up with writing.

    Desktop writer or laptop/tablet wanderer?

    Ty: Definitely laptop/tablet. I have finally learned how to use SCRIVENER. I was so thrilled when they finally came out with the Scrivener app for iOS.

    Do you create memes with your phone app?

    Ty: I use my iPad more than my phone. I have the Canva app on my phone, but I still like the larger screen.

    You have a Mac. That much I do know, because one of the photo programs you mentioned I checked out and it is only for Mac. :)

    Ty: Yes, I have a Mac and a Chromebook.

  79. Tina,

    Right now with The Literary Entrepreneur, my main goal this year was to pick back up on blogging. Next year, I will come back with a new season of the podcast starting in January 2017

    Instead of coaching so much, I'm doing more online courses and email courses.

    This past summer I started the "Weekend Reading with The Literary Entrepreneur." If you would like book marketing tips delivered to your inbox, you can subscribe at (RIGHT SIDE BAR)

    ARCHIVES are at

  80. Thank you for stopping by, Leslie!

  81. TYORA, thank you for answering my questions on Canva. Free is good!! I just hopped over to your website and was totally impressed. I've bookmarked your page for later. :)

  82. WOW, TYORA ... you said a mouthful, girlfriend!! And ALL so clearly that even a techno-illiterate like me can understand, so THANK YOU!!

    I have just favorited a number of the websites you suggested, so THANK YOU for all the cool info -- you ROCK!!


  83. Great post, Ty! You always suggest something new that I have to try for graphics. Off to Google I go!

  84. Michelle Stephens! Welcome to Seekerville. Have a donut!

  85. Oh, I already subscribe. Momma didn't raise no fool.

  86. Must look into the Chromebook. I have Scrivener. Have taken the class. Don't use it.

    But if you just started using it, that means there is hope for me.

  87. I don't have any social media at the current moment, but my mom does have a blog that she features my books on so... YES!

    At least I'm doing one thing right.

  88. Thanks for letting me know about the freebies section on your website!

  89. You're welcome, Barbara! Have fun!

  90. Thank you, Julie! Glad you enjoyed the blog post.

  91. EXCELLENT!!! Tyora, THANK YOU for all this information! Though I don't yet have a book to promote, I do have a website which needs updating....and your advice will certainly help. I do try to add visuals to my Twitter and Facebook posts. I found your examples very helpful.

    My son works for Adobe, so I've enjoyed using a few of the free Adobe products to create visuals....Adobe Spark Post can include a simple motion graphic which is eye-catching. Also, I'm playing with Adobe Spark Page to creat something longer. Fun to experiment.

    Tyora, thanks so much for visiting Seekerville! I love all your suggestions....and your name! Blessings!

  92. Michelle, thank you for stopping by and reading the guest blog post. Glad you learned something new.

  93. Thank you for being a subscriber, Tina!

  94. Joseph Michael's Learn Scrivener Fast class was what prompted me to learn Scrivener. That investment was worth it!

  95. Nicky, sounds like you're doing fine! I always tell authors do what works best for you. If it's overwhelming, take a step back and find out how you can make it simpler or create a easier system or workflow.

  96. It's never to early to start building a platform, Sherida. When I started writing my first novel in 2006, I purchased a domain name. By 2008, I had established my main social media channels - Facebook and Twitter.

    I like Adobe products too! I have been meaning to try out Adobe Spark, especially their videos. Looks cool for creating a short promo trailer.

  97. Woohooo!!!!! Congrats KAYBEE!!!!! That is definitely divaworthy news!!!!

    Love all the information in this post, Tyora. And I have a question -- is it okay for a reader to make a meme using quotes from a book? Or would that be considered copyright infringement?

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. Hey Kav,

    I would check the copyright page of the book first. Usually publishers allow for a quote in terms of a review or if what you're posting leads to spreading the word about the book.

    So if you're an influencer creating a meme, definitely include the book cover to help spread the word to other readers.

    With social media it doesn't hurt to check with the author to be for sure.

  100. "My son works for Adobe, so I've enjoyed using a few of the free Adobe products to create visuals....Adobe Spark Post can include a simple motion graphic which is eye-catching. Also, I'm playing with Adobe Spark Page to create something longer. Fun to experiment."

    Okay, adding this to my list.

  101. Another app I tried for a month is Ripl. For twitter and FB animation. Love it, but 8 bucks is too much money.

  102. Another important graphic in publishing: the book covers themselves. They can really make or break the deal.

  103. Hi Ty! (Waving) Glad to see you in Seekerville. Love all this good tech advice. I'm a DIY'er and have used both Picmonkey and Canva before, but as I look to do a website for my editing services, it still can all be so overwhelming.

  104. Tyora, this is great! I'm saving this in my Marketing & PR file in Scrivener. I love PicMonkey and have had several folks recommend Canva. I really need to check it out!

  105. Kathy B: Congratulations the Phoenix Rattler win. Tina your sure are in the know on most of the tech stuff. Wow, I am impressed. Seekerville, never stops giving. Loved today's blog and all the assorted commenters who shared their two cents. A great learning experience.

  106. Ty, I raced to your website and signed up for the newsletter.

    Tina - thanks for telling us to do that.

  107. LOL, Terri! I love your enthusiasm.

  108. Ty, Thank YOU for being so generous with your time and knowledge. We look forward to you next visti (which I wisely scheduled!)

  109. Sorry I am so late. This has been a wild day. Spent most of it in bed with the world spinning due to the Vertigo. Managed to make it to church to teach the 4 ear olds tonight. Then wrote a grand slam total on Nano of 285 words. I figure it was better than nothing. Now I am getting caught up on Social Media and then will hit the sack and hope the vertigo goes away.

    I printed this off so I can read later. I thought I was setting up a blog but apparently it was a web site. Now to continue tweaking the sight as I try to figure out what I am doing. It is on Wordpress. This was one of my big fears when we started this year of conquering our fears.

    Hope everyone is doing well. I was going to try and keep ahead of Tina on Nano but I am way behind her now!

  110. Thank you, Boo! You're right! The book cover is the most important marketing tool. It's important to have a visually pleasing cover.

  111. Hey Patricia! Good to see you. Yes, there are quite a few good website services now so its hard to choose. I'm still a WordPress gal!

  112. Very interesting post, Tyora! Seems super helpful for authors and aspiring authors! Thanks for taking the time to share some of your wisdom!

    (No need to include me in the draw :) )

  113. Thank you, Pam! Picmonkey is great. Canva offers many more templates and they always have new ones. I think you will like it.

  114. Tina, thank you for the invite! I have enjoyed hanging out with all of you today. I look forward to coming back in 2017. Blessings!

  115. Thank you for stopping by, Wilani. I hope you feel better soon.

    Thank you, Fedora. I appreciate you stopping by to check out the post today.

  116. Tyora, this was so very interesting. With such busy schedules, it was reassuring for me to read that I could focus on 1 or 2 primary social media venues instead of stressing over so many that I wouldn't have time to write. Although I am a member of different venues, I am only "very active" on a facebook, pinterest... Anyway, this was great information that I will be using for sure. Many thanks for this great lesson! Blessings to you...I definitely want to read your book! I'm your newest fan! :)

  117. Hi Tyora!
    Thanks for all the good info. :)

  118. Tyora,

    Wonderful meaty post! Thank you so much.

    Good checklists too - I LIKE it!

    (Sorry I'm late to the pawty. Haven't had Internet for nearly a week as I've been traveling.)

    Looking today, I can't see the slide shows so if anyone is monitoring comments... Perhaps check. (Could be on MY end of course. What?!) ;)

    Question: I've just loaded my e-books on other sales sites besides A. On my website, do you have recommendations on how to link to all the sites? I've been nosing around on other author sites and there are a variety of ways. Some of the BIG names do not link their books to a sales site at all, which surprised me!

    Thanks for being here in Seekerville and for a most excellent post!

  119. Thanks for a very useful and information filled post. It doesn't seem as overwhelming when it is listed out this way. I love you as a teacher and this post shows why.
