Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Facebook Party

Earlier this month, I participated in a Facebook Party. I had never done this before so I was pretty nervous about the outcome. I didn't even announce it to you because I wanted to be sure I could do it first. Living in the motorhome, my Internet service can be iffy. Because of all the photos and graphics on Facebook, it will often freeze up on me.

But we did do the party and it was a blast. Faith, Hope and Love Chapter  which is the Christian chapter in Romance Writer's of America sponsored the Facebook Party.  The chapter is going to host a Facebook Party each month that features four of our Christian authors. You can find the FHL Facebook page if you click here:  FHL FACEBOOK

Tanya Stowe, our Director at Large, initiated the parties in our efforts to provide modern promotional events for our published authors. I interviewd Tanya and she will share with us how to set up a Facebook Party.

Tanya Stowe, Director at Large of Faith, Hope and Love Chapter of RWA

1.     Hi Tanya and welcome to Seekerville. You have been hosting Facebook Parties for the Faith, Hope and Love Chapter of RWA. Can you explain to us why FHL decided to do this?

FHL’s purpose is to support our members in all facets of their career. It’s a daunting challenge to keep up with the changing face of publishing so our job is to help our members meet the challenges whether that’s understanding Indie publishing or navigating the tricky waters of social media. We’re doing our best to help broaden our members’ understanding and scope of social media not only with our Facebook Parties but also with Monday Twitter day. These sessions give tips and how to’s as well as provide an opportunity to get to know each other better. We’re also hoping to institute monthly webinar meetings with questions and answers on branding, building a platform and making Pinterest work for authors.  There’s so much to learn and so little time! Lol!

2.     Can you describe what a Facebook party is?  Why would it be of benefit to an author?

I look at Facebook parties a bit differently than most folks. Facebook is where a number of my faithful readers hang-out. My reader demographic is on Facebook so I see FB parties as an opportunity to connect, to meet and greet readers and hopefully, like we are doing each month, introduce them to new writers in our genre. I think a lot of people look at Facebook as an advertising tool…and it is. Of course you want to spread your name across the media and reach folks interested in your genre and style of books. But mainly, a Facebook party is to connect with readers so they can get to know you and help build your brand.

3.     What are the technical requirements for Facebook to host a Facebook Party?  Since the FHL Facebook page is a group, are you named an administrator?  Or what gives you power to set one up?

All that’s necessary for a Facebook party is to have a Facebook page. I highly recommend creating a public page for a number of reasons. Foremost it’s important to protect your privacy and that of your family. But it’s also a good thing not to inundate those close to you with book updates and releases that are essentially for your readers. You could hold a FB party on a personal page but your friends and family won’t thank you for the multiple posts and comments coming across their screen continuously for an hour or more. In addition, I suggest holding your FB party on an event page. I’ve done parties on my reader’s page and on the event page of my reader’s page. It’s easier for the participants to follow the party on the event page and those annoying posts won’t go out to your entire list. So the long answer is yes, it’s necessary to be an administrator of your public page to create an event and send out invites.

4.     Can you list the steps taken to set up a Facebook Party?

Below the banner on our public page are three tabs, Liked, Following and More. Click on More. Go down the list until you find Create an event. (See Screenshot)

Click on it.  A menu box will pop up with questions about your event. Answer the questions. Choose a date and time…remember to pick a time that will be friendly on both coasts.  Once you’ve completed the questions you’ll be sent to an event page and your event will automatically be posted on your public page, announcing your event. Once you’ve created your event move to the right hand corner of your event page to the Invite tab (See Screenshot)

Click on that tab and you will be able to send invites to readers and friends you think might be interested. Then on the day of the party, show up, start posting on your event page and engage, engage, engage. If you build it they will come!

5.     I was one of the authors featured on the last Facebook Party. You sent me a list of questions and things you needed, like book covers, author biography, etc.   Can you share that questionnaire you sent to each of us?

It’s a real simple list:

Short bio with website and social media links. Because FHL is a non-profit we do not allow links to booksellers but if you are holding a personal face book party, of course you would include those.

The cover of the book you are promoting.

A short blurb and perhaps an excerpt of the book.

A question or two you would like to propose that relates to your writing career or your book, anything that you think your readers might find interesting. Since we feature four authors on the FHL parties, we don’t have time but in the past I’ve posted recipes, historical tidbits and movie trivia related to my books. Have fun!

And of course, a giveaway. That can be a book or swag, anything to liven up the fun. But be sure the giveaways are done randomly. Facebook does not allow prizes to be given as rewards for an action on the part of the participant. The prizes are given randomly just for showing up and participating.

6.     How did you put our questionnaire answers into the Facebook party?

If you have an active group participating, they will be chatting ninety miles a minute and asking all kinds of questions. If there is a slow down in the posts, I’ll post a question to get the chatter going again. If the group is very talkative, I have to make sure I get all of the information in during our allotted time. I like to keep the parties to an hour or so I try to post something every 15 minutes.

7.     What have been some of the responses to the party? Should authors think about Facebook Parties as a viable promotional tool?  Why?

Of course Facebook is a viable promotional tool. But it’s important to understand the basics of how it works. People are on Facebook to connect with other people. If you approach FB strictly to promote, than more than likely you will not consider your FB party a success. People do not join Facebook to buy things. They join to connect with people. So if you approach the parties as just that, a reader party to get to know your reader friends, then you will have fun. They will have fun and they will come back again and again and more importantly, they’ll tell others about you. That’s a good thing.

8.     Tanya, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions and share with us the process of hosting a Facebook Party. What books do you have coming out now and in the new year? 

My Heart’s Haven sisters and I have a new collection coming out in April. My novella is called That Doggone Baby

In addition, we’ve just started a new series called Love at Christmas Inn—a family resort where Christmas is celebrated year round.  We’re having lots of fun with it.

Some of our Seeker friends have been in Facebook Parties as well.  If you see one announced, it is a fun way to get to know and support your author friends.

To visit the Facebook Party I was in on December 7th, click  here:  FHL Facebook Party December 7, 2016

Tanya will visit us off and on throughout the day so if you have any questions, please ask and she will answer them when she checks in. I might be able to answer some myself. (I'm getting so techy,  it scares me LOL)  Those who comment will be entered to win an ebook copy of Tanya's Love At Christmas Inn. You will also win one of my ebooks of choice.

Remember to check in and join us for our New Year's Celebration.  Lots of prizes and fun!!

Sandra Leesmith writes sweet romances to warm the heart. Sandra loves to play pickleball, hike, read, bicycle and write. She is based in Arizona, but she and her husband travel throughout the United States in their motorhome and enjoy the outdoors. You can find Sandra's books here on Amazon. Three of Sandra's most popular books are also audio books at Audible. You can read more of Sandra's posts here.


  1. Welcome, Tanya! Thanks so much for taking the time to share how this works. Facebook parties are as scary to me as Goodreads!

    Love your book covers too!

    And on a random note, hope everyone had a great Christmas!

    1. Hi Tina, I'm with you on Goodreads also. LOL But it is wonderful for readers.
      I had a wonderful Christmas. The sun finally came out. smile

    2. I agree, Tina. Goodreads scares me too. I enjoy FB much more, mainly because I know the folks who are on my page WANT to be there so we have fun!

  2. I've attended a lot of FB parties and love connecting with authors this way! I don't think I'd want to be the one organizing it though, it makes me appreciate those who do. A lot of thought and hard work goes into them.

    Adding to what Tina says, as much as I love Christmas, I'm glad the all the hullabaloo is over for another year. Time to relax and get back to a more normal routine :-)

    1. I love the holidays, too.... but I'm always ready to get back to normal in January! Our hullabaloo continues for a couple more days as kids come into town to visit... And that's delightful! But next week's back to work quiet will be wonderful, too!

    2. Hi Trixi, how fun that you enjoy the FB parties. Since you are an avid reader, it is encouraging to know that the work we do to put on a FB party is meaningful and enjoyable for the readers. Thanks for sharing that.

      Yep , getting back to normal. sigh But we're like Ruthy, that won't happen until after New Year's Day. Speaking of New Years, I hope you'll join us for the New Year Party.

    3. Hi Trixi. Because my readers have become my friends on FB, it doesn't seem like work at all! It's a party with people I like!

      Like Sandra, I live in a motorhome. We just sold our home and downsized and it's been a crazy hectic three months so yes, I'm ready for quiet too. But of course, I've come down with the flu! We have a large family so we can't seem to get through the holidays without someone getting sick.

    4. TANYA, I'm so sorry you have the flu! Hope you'll feel better soon.


    5. Oh Tanya, Bummer about the flu. At least it should be over before new years.

  3. Sandra and Tanya, good morning!

    I love facebook parties. They're crazy fun and just plain crazy, but it's a wonderful thing to do to create a buzz and some excitement over releases or holidays or just life!

    I always have someone in the background (my daughter Beth does this for me) to pull the winners names and make those announcements because it keeps things running smoother. So if we're doing a 90 minute party, and doing prizes every fifteen minutes, Beth watches the clock, pulls the winner and makes the announcement.

    That way I get to chat, I can bounce around from conversation to conversation and mingle with everyone and not have to keep an eye on the clock.

    1. Hi Ruthy, Great idea to have an assistant to help keep things on target. I know, that the timing is the most difficult part.

    2. Ruthy, that's a great idea to have someone helping!

  4. Also... it's smart to turn your notifications "OFF" when you're throwing a facebook party because they'll be coming in dozens per minute and that's too much for a lot of computers to handle... You can turn them back on after the party and save your sanity!

    Tanya, thanks so much for being here today, this is a great way to show folks the opportunities that are out there.

    1. Another good recommendation, Ruthy! I've been to a few of those events that are so crazy I can't even keep up.

    2. Hi Ruth. Thanks for reminding me. Yes, I have an assistant on the FHL parties too because they are so busy. But when I have smaller ones, I can usually handle them myself. Do whatever makes the experience more fun!

    3. Hi again Ruth, That is a good suggestion to turn of notification if your computer is having trouble processing. However, I leave my notifications on so I can click on it and read down the list to make sure I've commented or responded to everyone. Periodically, I pause and read down the list just to make sure I haven't missed anyone. So it can be a useful tool as well.

  5. Good advice. LOL Keeping one's sanity is key.

  6. Welcome, Tanya! Thank you for taking the time to explain the ins and outs of a Facebook party. I've attended many, some more calm than others. I agree with Ruthy, turn off the notifications because that alone will drive you crazy. Thanks for inviting Tanya, Sandra. Happy New Year!

    1. Opp. Not used to this new format. LOL. My reply to yur comment is below.

    2. Thanks, Jill. But as a moderation, I make good use of the notifications...especially when it gets crazy. I like to make sure everyone is greeted or gets an encouraging word from me. I've had some authors who run over their allotted time, not speaking or taking up others time, of course. They simply stay online making sure everyone who bothered to attend gets a "hi and thank you." The party will be over and they are still greeting folks through the notifications. I think that's commendable too.

  7. HI Jill, I'm so tickled so many of you know about Facebook Parties. They are new to me so that is why I wanted to share. Good advice with the notifications. smile
    Happy New Year to you also. I'm picturing lots of writing. smile

  8. I've never been to a Facebook party even though I've been invited to several.

    I'm going to have to step out of my comfortable box and try one.

    And yes, I'm about ready for everything to get back to normal. Love the holidays, but love it when they're over too.

    1. Hi Connie Queen, Oh please try one. They really are easy. I was surprised. smile And if its easy for me, then it has to be really easy.

      Enjoy the new year coming up and the peaceful month of January. Yay

    2. Yes, Connie. I think you will enjoy a well run FB party.

  9. Hello TANYA and SANDRA! I have so much fun at Facebook parties! I usually try to bring "refreshments" to enjoy. FB parties are a great way to interact with authors and hang out reader friends. I can't believe I missed the December FHL party.

    I'm excited about the Seekerville New Year's Eve Party!!!!

    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    1. Hi Caryl, I am so excited to discover you all know about FB parties already. woohooo. so where have I been hiding? LOL
      And yes, we are excited about our New Year's Eve party. Always a fun way to end the year and start a new one. yippee!!

    2. HI Caryl. Maybe we will see you at the January FHL Facebook party. I didn't know about the Seekerville New Year's Party but now that I do...I'll have to attend.

  10. I love Facebook parties. They are fun and I always tend to learn something new about the authors conducting the parties.

    Many blessings to all today!

    Cindy W.

    1. Wow another person who knows about the parties. Yippee.
      Have a wonderful new year with lots of writing. smile

    2. Hi Cindy! Those kind of comments are the reason I do FB parties. Thank you!

  11. I enjoy attending facebook parties. Although I have discovered they can eat up my time; so I pick and choose and only do the ones for the authors I know. Also I prefer the ones that are for only an hour or hour and a half. the ones that take several hours with several authors can really eat up my time as both a reader and writer.

    I have a problem when I attend facebook paries because it will send my comments into the feeds of my friends. I get flack from some people because I am an avid reader and they think I am wasting my time living in a dream world. Is there some way to adjust my comments are only for the party goers to see. Actually some of the discussions are fun only for the party goers and make no sense to others. Like the historical fiction parties where you pick an outfit from the time period that you are going to wear. I have had friends wonder where I bought such an outfit and why would I be wearing it. I hate having to worry about what I say that someone who is not a reader or writer would not understand.

    I do love the parties and enjoy them best if the author keeps them hopping with new discussion questions every few minutes. In order to do this it must be planned out ahead of time by the author. It is helpful to the author when they have an assistant like Ruthy said.

    I have enjoyed Christmas and will leave my decorations up until the middle of January so that by the time I finally got all of them up I want to enjoy them when I am not in a rush for all the holiday activities. I am most excited about getting back to mu reading and writing.

    1. Hi Wilani, I really don't know how to turn that off. i sure hope mine aren't doing that either. If Tanya comes on board we'll ask her. or maybe someone else here knows.

      I'm with you on keeping decor up. I celebrate the twelve days of Christmast. I like the lights on these dark winter mornings.

    2. Good question, Wilani. I didn't think mine were going out to my other followers. So maybe I accidentally turned something off.

      When I had kids home, the rule was the decorations stayed up until the guy came to turn on the sprinklers in spring. (Inside decorations and I did not have a real tree). By then I had to have them put away before he had to access the basement. HAA!!!! If I am going to take all that time to put them up, you can darn well bet I am going to enjoy. Now I put up a tiny tree (two foot) with lights and I have a bare branches LED tree that stays in my office year round. It makes me happy!

    3. Great idea to have the bare branches tree all year round. Love it. I love the colored lights.

  12. Good Morning Seekerville!
    I love Christmas and all it's meaningfulness, but I actually enjoy the week after a lot. Everything's been done, the presents unwrapped and the holiday food eaten. There's more time to reflect on Jesus birth. I think about Mary being a new mom with a baby now a few days old, out in the elements. I had a baby on Christmas day too, so as I reflect on my own baby's birth I think about that baby born so long ago. (I named my baby Noelle, she's now 38). We all know the birth of a baby is only the beginning of much care, nurturing and love needed. Mothering Jesus, our Savior, the days, weeks, months and years involved, I can only imagine what that was like at that time in history!

    I've been to a few FB parties and some are so fast and furious it's impossible to keep up with all the comments and changing of guests, but they are still a lot of fun. Ditto the turn off notifications! I also find I have to use my desktop computer, so much easier for me to keep up than on a portable device.

    I'm looking forward to seeing all my Seeker friends here this weekend, but until then take a minute to remember the few days old baby Jesus.

    1. Hi Tracey, Oh how precious to have a Christmas baby. Love that. And I love her name. Hmmmm a great name for a heroine.

      And yes it is wonderful to reflect upon our Lord Jesus.

      Happy New Year!

    2. I had a baby on December 27th!!!

    3. We had a baby in our family just before Christmas this year. It was a blessing.

    4. Tracey, my daughter (only) is named Noelle, too!!

    5. Love all these Dec babies! And Jackie, your daughter has the same name, spelled the same way, how cool is that?! We keep finding things we have in common don't we Jackie?!

      My Noelle was 11 days early, something just told me she was coming on the 25th! Hubby being such a guy said well we got that social security number on the books just in time before the year ends, LOL!

    6. Tina! Happy birthday to your Dec 27th baby!

    7. Love all the December babies. My mom's birthday was in December and we always had fun making it a special day.

      Tracey, your hubby is funny. Sounds like mine. LOL

    8. Tracy, I had a baby on Christmas. Truly felt that we were living the Christmas story. I always told Joseph that only special children shared a birthday with the Lord! :)

    9. Awww. Sweet. And you're right. What a blessing.

    10. Hi Debby, I think I remembered we had both had babies the same day and we share an anniversary as well. I love that!

    11. An anniversary too? You two must be soul sisters? Well we're all sisters in Christ. smile

  13. Thank you, TANYA and SANDRA. This is great, one more way to connect with people. I am going to try this when I'm published, what fun! I'm not highly skilled in technology, but my daughter will help me. We need every tool we can get our hands on, and it is truly a Brave New World.
    Kathy Bailey

    1. Hi Kaybee, How great that you have your daughter to help you. That will make it even more fun. You''l be like Ruthy and her daughter. And I agree, the more tools we have the better and from the comments so far, it seems that readers really enjoy these parties.

    2. Absolutely. Double the fun with your daughter!

  14. I always enjoy FB parties and I try to take part in all that I can. The only drawback is if your Internet service isn't up to speed 😀.That is why it is good for the authors to allow the participants to post after the party is over.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Connie, Good to know about allowing participants to post after. I find it is handy when you can't get to the party at the time because of work or other commitments. At least then you can see it when you can. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.
      Glad to know you enjoy them as well. Always enjoy knowing what readers like. It helps with the promotion we are required to do.

    2. Yes, Connie. I mentioned in one of my previous posts that many authors are very good about greeting all of the participants. It's a really good thing.

      I'm on the west coast so I'm sorry I'm so late in responding!

  15. A THOUGHT ON WRITING that has absolutely nothing to do with Facebook parties. If you want a good example of Making It Worse, watch this season's "Poldark" on PBS, and not for Aidan Turner. Ross's trial for looting George's wrecked ship. These two episodes are a powerful example of "making it worse." Demelza appeals to Ray Penvenen and to the judge, with no success. Ross's court-appointed attorney pleads with him to apologize, with no success. His loser servant Jud takes the witness stand, tries to help him and only makes things worse. George doesn't buy the jury, but it looks like he's buying everyone else. You can almost see the noose tightening, it's almost certain doom, and then Ross gets HIIMSELF out of it. Amazing, and a good writing lesson, plus you get to look at Aidan Turner.

    1. WEll looking at Eidan Turner appeals, but the rest isn't something I usually watch. Thanks for the heads up. When you encounter poor writing, it is always an opportunity for a writing lesson. Chuckle

    2. Um, I meant that it was a lesson in GOOD writing, because of the way the writer(s) create suspense, but whatever. You know how we're always being told to "make it worse" for the hero and heroine? Oh well...

    3. This is toooo funny. I totally misunderstood you. Well we can learn from both. Right?

  16. Tanya, welcome! Thanks for taking some of the mystery out of FB parties. I've attended a good many but have never held one. I may get brave and try it!

    By the way, I LOVE your Love at Christmas Inn boxed set cover! I love how the scenery wraps around.

    1. Hi Missy, Tanya did make it sound easy didn't she? It was amazing and fun.

    2. Thank you, Missy. FB parties are easy. Jump in. The water is fine.

      And thank you for the compliment on our book cover. Delia Latham, one of our multi-talented authors designed it. She does great work.

  17. Good morning, Tanya, Sandra and Seekerville. Who turned off the heat? It's cold here, but I guess it's all relative. I enjoy FB parties too, but can't always keep up. I don't know if it's all that much different than our New Years Party except the place it's held. Looking forward to the weekend, though I get tired just thinking of it!

    1. Ha ha, Marianne, I'm with you. New Years Parties are so much fun, but exhausting. I'm so glad New York is hours ahead of our time so I can watch the ball drop in Times Square early and then go to bed. LOL

    2. Hi Marianne, That's why I recommend holding the party on the event page. I think it makes it easier to follow and I've done ti both ways.

  18. Good morning, Seekerville! Sandra, thanks SO much for having Tanya provide this great information. Definitely one for my Keeper File. :)
    Echoing what Missy Tippens said about the Love at Christmas Inn boxed set cover - - very appealing! :)
    Holiday Hugs, Patti Jo

    1. Hi Patti Jo, Yes, that cover is lovely. I like the one with the dog myself. Of course I love pups and really miss mine this winter. Need to get another pet sitting gig.
      Happy New Year!

    2. Thank you, Pattie Jo. Delia Latham does awesome work and I'm lucky enough to have her as a writing partner as well. That Doggone Baby cover was designed by Nicola Martiniez and her covers are amazing too. They both do beautiful work.

  19. Welcome to Seekerville, Tanya!

    Facebook parties are amazingly fun and can be FAST. I've been to a few and they run like wildfire. :)

    The last one I was part of was during the release of a novella collection, so there were 9 authors involved. One of the other authors set it up, and then we all committed to being at the party and posting new content every so often.

    We gave away one big prize (a Kindle, I think) and some smaller prizes, and kept the ball rolling with games, questions, and chattin with all our guests.

    With that many authors, the one thing I did was to post a link to a puzzle meme (the title of my novella was "Love Is a Puzzle") and people had fun seeing how quickly they could assemble the puzzle to see the cover and blurb about the story. They also had to assemble puzzles to see my hero and heroine and that was fun.

    It was a rocking party. Those kind are exhausting, but it's a good kind of tired. :)

    1. That's a fabulous idea, Pam and I'm sure it added to the fun tremendously! Love it!

    2. Hi Pammers, I agree with Tanya, That puzzle idea sounds like a hoot. I love puzzles so you would definitely have me hooked.

  20. I never thought about needing to turn your notifications off at a party.That needs to be done for an attendee too. Once you make a comment at a party you get notifications of other attendee's comments.

    I have to admit, I always get lost at FB parties and forget to refresh the screen. So my fear is user based. HA!!!!

    1. Hi Tina, I try to remind folks to refresh during the party and personally, that's why I keep my parties on the event page.

      I forgot to mention earlier that I don't don't believe the posts go out to your your whole list of friends when you are on the event page. It's easier to follow and if you turn off the annoying sound, you can still receive the notifications so you can scan the list and see what you might have missed.

      Hope that helps everyone!

    2. I have no clue where the notifications dealy is so will have to look this up. sigh. More to learn. But hey, keeps me young. I hope.

  21. Thank you for inviting me, Sandra. I love talking about something I enjoy doing. As I mentioned before, I'm on the west coast so I'm a little late in responding but I will check out the page throughout the day and try to get back to folks.

    Thanks and Happy Facebooking!

    1. Thanks so much for all your comments Tanya. You can see we have several who are facebook party fans already. Yay. Sorry you aren't feeling well, but at least with online contacts we don't catch germs. Stay rested and hydrated. Hugs.

  22. TANYA, welcome to Seekerville! Thanks for this detailed post on how to create and handle FB parties. I really appreciate your efforts to help members of the FH&L chapter get the word out about their books via Facebook and Twitter!

    Blessings, Janet

    1. Hi Janet, I am just amazed when all these folks come up with all these cool ideas. Way above my tech knowlegde. LOL Thankfully we have friends who teach us and share.

  23. Interesting stuff--thanks for joining us, Tanya! I've participated in a Facebook party or two, and also visited other authors' parties, but they still intimidate me something fierce! Things just move too fast and furious, and I'm afraid of missing something.

    1. Hi Myra, I'm with you. fast and furious it is. But so fun and it appears the readers love them, so I guess we need to do as Ruthy says and pull up our big girl panties and party. Yay And you're more techy than I am so if I can do it, it will be a piece of cake for you.

  24. Thank you for the great break down on Facebook parties. I have been to several and just love the opportunity to learn more about authors who I love or who are new to me. I also appreciate learning about their processes and getting to know fellow fans. :) Thanks again!

    1. It is amazing me how many of you already are facebook party fans. Here I thought I was bringing you something new. LOL. Well its new to me. Glad you enjoy them and I'm really loving the feedback that you do enjoy them. Thanks Kelly. Happy New Year.

    2. Thanks to you and Tanya, we have learned so much more, Sandra. And it is appreciated! Happy New Year!

  25. Great info, Tanya. Thank you! And thanks, Sandra, for bringing her aboard to share this knowledge.

    Nancy C

    1. Hi Nancy, It has been fun and a big surprise to me as well because so many already know about FB parties. yay

  26. Thanks, Sandra, for inviting Tanya to join us today. I've participated in a number of FB parties and always enjoy them, but I've never organized one myself. The info today was great!

    I enjoy the fast pace of the parties and try to type short responses so I don't get bogged down with long replies.

    Also I open one page and get an intro post ready for when my time frame begins. Then I open a second page to watch the action unfold until it's my turn to hop on board. That's when I go back to the first, already written intro that propels me into the conversation.

    1. Hi Debby, What a great hint. That will be very helpful when I do my next one. Makes a lot of sense. I didn't even realize you had been doing so many. How fun.

  27. I should have mentioned that we just got home from our two-day Christmas celebration with our eldest daughter and her family. So fun! Yesterday we played games and relaxed, enjoying the Christmas ambiance. Such a special time to be with family, and we're blessed that two of our three children live in Georgia. I hope all of you had a joyous Christmas!

    Who mentioned liking this week between Christmas and New Year's? I like it as well. It's always so peaceful and relaxing after the month-long hubbub of Christmas prep. :)

    1. I'm glad its relaxing for you. It is just as filled with events for me. sigh. But so much fun. I love all the family time as well. That is my favorite aspect of Christmas. Happy New Year dear friend.

  28. I participated in a Facebook party in December also. It was fun and I actually saw a few sales as a result of the party.

    I'm scheduled to be on the January FHL Facebook party and I'm looking forward to it. Tanya has done an awesome job promoting FHL authors.

  29. Hi Terri, Thanks for letting us know that you'll be on the January Facebook Party. Do you know the date? Let us know so we can shout it out. I'll be on another one in February. I'm so excited.

    And yes, Tanya is really doing a great job. smile

    1. January the 18th. I'll make sure I tune into the February one to catch you.

    2. Thanks Terri. I'll try and remember to announce it on Seekerville WE. REmind me the week before so we can put it into the WE.

  30. This was so interesting and educational - I've often wondered how FB parties worked. Thank you Sandra and Tanya!

  31. Oh Laura I'm feeling so much better. I was beginning to think I was the only one who was new to Facebook parties. smile I think this has been very interesting. Happy New Year.

    1. Happy New Year to you, Sandra! I've seen people talking about the parties, but I've hesitated to participate because I didn't truly understand how it worked. Thanks again!

    2. So do you think you might want to try one now? They were really easy. I was amazed.

    3. The next time I hear of one I will check it out for sure. Sounds like a lot of fun!

  32. I don't do Facebook, but thanks for the interesting post.

  33. HI Nicky, No problem. We all have different media we enjoy. Variety is a blessing. smile Is there another media you like to use? Its always a fun to learn new things.

  34. Thanks all for the kind words and support. I'm going back to bed to nurse this flu bug I picked up. Blessings!

  35. Thank you Tanya for joining us today. And thanks for answering all my questions for the post. I think you gave us some terrific information. I hope you feel better tomorrow. I'm saying prayers.

  36. I think its really been interesting how much readers really like the facebook parties.
    1.We learned that they prefer the shorter one hour parties. That's good to know.
    2.We learned that we should turn off our notifications, unless we need them to monitor our responses.
    3. We learned that it helps to have an assistant to keep track of time and new informaton so that frees the author to answer questions.
    4. We learned that readers really like getting to know the authors so as an author, we want to be sure we share tidbits of information about ourselves.

    Anyone get other facts out of our comments??

  37. Replies
    1. Thanks Jackie. Hope you have a happy new year filled with lots of writing.

  38. Way past my bedtime folks. It has been a fun day. i'm so glad we have readers interested in these Facebook Parties. That gives me much more confidence in hosting them.

    Have a wonderful and productive new year with lots of writing. smile And Facebook parties.

  39. SANDRA!!! Please forgive my tardiness, but we've been doing a lot of traveling, so we're on the road a lot lately. :(

    EXCELLENT post, my friend, and one I definitely am earmarking for future FB parties!!

    And, TANYA, I'm saying one right now that that flu bug takes a hike SOON, my friend, so get some sleep.

