Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Weekend Edition

We're celebrating the release of Rocky Mountain Cowboy
the final Love Inspired installment of the adventures of Paradise, Colorado. Leave a comment for a chance to take home your own cowboy.

We Have Winners

If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes. Send to

From the last Weekend Edition celebration of Julie Lessman's Love Everlasting in paperback. Jackie and Connie are the winners of a signed paperback copy of Love Everlasting and Trixi, Wilani, Renee McBride, and Laura Conner Kestner are winners of Kindle e-book copies.

 Christina Rich was our special guest on Monday! Christina returned, with her post,"Being You Through the Hard Times." And she brings a sleigh full of Christmas presents. Winners of her latest Love Inspired Historical The Negotiated Marriage are OhioHomeSchool and Phyllis Wheeler. Winner of her backlist and art print is Holly Ison. Winner of Christina Rich art print is Cindy W. Winner of a first chapter critique is Kaybee.

Tuesday: When your editor says it's time to submit front/back matter and cover art information, don't be caught by surprise. Myra Johnson offers tips in her post "Book Production Prep Begins Before You Write the First Line!" Winners of one of Myra's three Christmas stories are: One Imperfect Christmas—Sandy Smith. Rancher for the Holidays—DebH. Designs on Love—Wilani. When claiming your book, please mention your preference of paperback or ebook.

On Wednesday, Julie Lessman as she celebrated the spiritual side of Christmas in "JOY TO THE WORLD: Infusing the True Spirit of Christmas in our Writing." Donamae Kutska is the winner of her choice of a signed paperback copy of her choice of either Julie's Cowboy Christmas Homecoming or A Light in the Window, plus her choice of either Isle of Hope or Love Everlasting in e-book.

Seekerville welcomed back Jan Drexler on Thursday. Jan was in the snow, building scenes with her post,"Having Fun with Revisions." Heidi Robbins is the winner of a prize pack that includes, Hannah's Choice and Mattie's Pledge! 

Preorder here.
Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Janet Dean headlines our first post of the week chatting about hope in her post "Hope: Waiting Expectantly." She's giving away three eBook copies of her Christmas novella A Daddy for Christmas, a delightful story of second chances.

Tuesday:  Pam Hillman is our hostess today!

Wednesday: We are delighted to welcome Villager, Terri Weldon to Seekerville with her post, "The Destructive Power of Procrastination." Stop by to chat with Terri and you might win an e-copy of her holiday novella, The Christmas Bride Wore Boots.

Thursday: Jolene Navarro joins us in Seekerville for her post on archetypes, "Your Life is a Cast of Characters." Leave a comment for a chance to win Forever Christmas Kiss or The Soldier's Surprise Family. Two winners.

Friday: Best of the Archives. Tina Radcliffe is your hostess. Comments are closed on Fridays so we can all catch up on our reading and writing.

Preorder here.
Seeker Sightings


 Save the Date for Harlequin's Community Open House on December 21!

The Community Open House is a reader-focused event that lets Harlequin series fans connect with their favorite authors and each other. 

When: December 21, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. EST

Check out this amazing Love Inspired Romance Promo featuring books by Ruth Logan Herne & Tina Radcliffe. Giveaway runs through December 19. Click here to enter.


Come join us for 12 Days of Christmas Treats at the Cafe! We're doing daily giveaways!

Now Through Dec. 19th --  Join Julie Lessman for a fun interview on Beth Erin's Faithfully Bookish Blog where Julie lists five favorite kisses she's written plus one you've never seen! The giveaway will be a signed paperback or e-book copy of Julie's latest release, book 2 in the Isle of Hope series, Love Everlasting, plus an e-book copy of book 1, Isle of Hope, so here's the link:
Faithfully Bookish Blog

FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO FAMILY FICTION MAGAZINE! Check out the December issue for a cool article with Julie Lessman on Cowboy Christmas Homecoming along with to-die-for Christmas recipes by Ruth Logan Herne, Julie Lessman, and Lenora Worth. Just subscribe FREE to Family Fiction -- one of the top Christian magazines in the CBA -- and enjoy great articles on some of your favorite authors like Karen Kingsbury, Francine Rivers, Liz Curtis Higgs, and Mary Connealy. Simply subscribe at the link below and happy reading!  

Free Subscription to Family Fiction magazine

NEW YEAR'S EVE REMINDER!!! Set your party-hearty calendars for December 31st where Audra, Ruthy and a lovely group of Seekers and villagers will lead the way toward pet-love, fun, faith and fiction as we work together to Kick Discouragement to the Curb with our Seekerville Rockin' It New Year's Eve party, perfect for geeks like us! Party in your jammies, leave comments to be tossed into hourly drawings and spend the day working, writing, partying or whatever suits your fancy... with us! Grand prize for the day is a Kindle Fire... and we're so excited to spend another day with you! And as we celebrate the sweetness and therapy of our Furry-friends (discluding the black bear who is determined to live in Ruthy's yard!) Ruthy invites you to send pics of your fur-friends to they'll include as many beloved buddies as time and space allow!

Preorder Here
Random News & Information

Thanks for sharing links.

Did you check out the Love Inspired Author Pets on Facebook? More coming Sunday, December 18.

Mount Hermon is running a First-Timers Contest for the 2017 conference. Ten winners will each receive a full scholarship, including economy lodging and conference meals.There is NO FEE to enter this contest. It is open to both published and unpublished writers. Details here. Deadline is December 30th. (Kathy Ide)

WHO CAN YOU TRUST…TO GET YOUR WORK PUBLISHED ALONGSIDE A NEW YORK TIMES  BESTSELLING AUTHOR? St. Martin’s Press is giving 5 lucky winners the opportunity to be published in A Divided Spy* by New York Times bestselling author Charles Cumming. 1,000 word essay, Deadline January 17, 2017. Each winner will also receive $250!!  Details here. (St. Martin's Press)

Today's Indie Authors are Media Owners (The Book Designer)**

Should You Buy An ISBN? (Jason Matthews)

The Revision Circle: Does My Story Have Too Many Problems? (Writers Helping Writers)**

 Survey Indicates Indie Publishing is Pot of Gold for Some, Work in Progress for Many (Marie Force Blog)**

Revising your novel – make it a playground, not a torture chamber (bookbaby Blog)

3 Steps to Use Empathy to Craft Inspirational Stories (The Write Practice)**

Rival Archetypes for Your Novel (Live Write Thrive)

Make Settings Come to Life with Sensory Details (Jami Gold)**

5 Ways Authors Can Increase Their Discoverability on BookBub (BookBub Partners)

7 Misconceptions About Revision (WD)**

Short on Time? Read ** First and come back later for the rest!

That's it! Have a great reading and writing Weekend.


  1. Merry Christmas, Seekerville. Have a great reading, writing and shopping weekend!~~ One week until Christmas!!

    1. One week and I don't have the shopping done or a single gift wrapped. Will be a busy week ahead. But I'm happy to have the cards out so I can concentrate on the rest.

      Are you ready, TINA?


    2. Janet, all mine get mailed. So yes, I am done!

    3. I did mine all online, Myra. Super easy that way.And if a site doesn't have free shipping, I don't buy.

    4. Oh, Janet, seriously? That doesn't sound like you, my friend! And I'm with Tina -- I buy most of mine online, so it's been a breeze this year, praise God!

      Gosh, I remember years of having to buy/wrap over 60 presents and make over 30 rum cake and cookie plates for neighbors, teachers, friends. I am happy to say that that woman is no longer alive ... ;)


    5. I have gifts to wrap and cards to mail. But Christmas is still a week away so I'm not least, not yet! :)

    6. LOL, Julie. She's dead in my house too.

    7. LOL, Tina ... PRAISE GOD!! She wasn't very bright. Generous, yes, but not very bright. ;)


    8. We have a delightful blend of both here... I love buying stuff for the 14 grandkids... But I love gift cards for everyone else.

      Buying for kids (while they're young!) is way fun, but I'm sure I'll get to the point of money or gift cards some day!

  2. Happy weekend! I'm loving this year's holiday celebrations... except I'm not getting much reading in! Thank goodness for novellas ;)

    1. My reading is piling up as well, Heidi. I have so many Christmas stories to read and they call to me.

  3. What a great WE, Tina. Congrats on Rocky Mountain Cowboy! And congrats to all the winners!

    Merry Christmas, everybody!

  4. Woo Hoo!! So excited to see that I won an e-book copy of Love Everlasting!! Thank you, JULIE!!

    Congratulations to all the winners!!

    TINA, I downloaded a free copy of Christmas Angel, thank you so much!! And thanks for a great WE!! And a huge CONGRATULATIONS on the release of Rocky Mountain Cowboy!! It's next on my TBR stack! Can't wait!!

    For anyone who might have missed it, there's an opportunity to win a free copy of Rocky Mountain Cowboy in yesterday's (Friday's) archives post. Btw, TINA, I loved that post, because (drum roll please) that Rule of Three thing is the ONE thing that I'm able to automatically do correctly in writing. I may struggle with POV, passive vs active, and episodic writing (see what I did there?) but I have the "threes" down. I've used it in news stories, emails, even personal correspondence (oops, did it again) for years. If only I could master "show and not tell" so easily. I'm still struggling with that, but I'm not giving up!

    I'm off to read the links, and then running out to buy groceries and a few gifts. The temperatures here in Central Texas are supposed to be in the mid-70s today, and then drop down into the 20s by tomorrow morning. I want to be done with shopping before that happens! Merry Christmas, everybody!!

    1. I love your excitement, Laura!!!

    2. Laura, I'm adding my congratulations on First Impressions. Doesn't that feel marvelous? What a nice way to end a year....

    3. WOW, Laura, mid-70s to the 20's overnight? YIKES! I thought St. Louis was bad with the big temp drops!!

      SO glad you won, Laura -- I hope you'll enjoy it!


    4. Julie, it was 72 at midnight in Nashville, but only 26 degrees at 6:30 this morning. Brrrrr.

  5. Thanks for another great WE, Tina. Congratulations on your release of Rocky Mountain Cowboy! Don't enter me in the drawing. I'm fortunate to have my copy and I'm looking forward to reading it over the holidays.
    Congratulations to all of the winners, and a big congrats to our friend, Laura Kestner on her First Impressions award...YAY!
    Merry Christmas!

    1. Merry Christmas , Jill.👍 And yes, congratulations, Laura, First Impressions WINNER!!!

    2. Yay, Laura! Congrats!!! So thrilled about your win!

  6. TINA, you rock the Weekend Edition every single week! Thank you! Your short story in the latest WW was wonderful and ended with promise of a happy ending. Congrats on the release of Rocky Mountain Cowboy! Can't wait to read it!

    Congrats to our winners!

    If you check out the author pets on the Love Inspired page, scroll down to see the dogs Debby and I love. Hers is top middle, mine are bottom middle.


    1. The pups are so cute!!! My grand kids were thrilled to see their Bear on Facebook!

  7. I'm so excited, I won an art print by Christina Rich. Woo! Hoo! Thank you so very much!

    Thank you for the great weekend post Tina. I'll have to come back later to take it all in as I have some final shopping to do and preparing for tomorrow's church service but I truly look forward to indulging in all the links!

    Blessings to all!
    Cindy W.

  8. Good morning, Seekerville! GREAT W.E. TINA!

    A week away from Christmas? Unbelievable! But it's LOOKING a lot like Christmas here--got up before 4 to start writing and no sign of snow. But peeked out at 5 and the ground was covered. High of only 31 today with gusts of 40-50, so you can imagine what the wind chills will be. But it sure beats what my writer cousin in Iowa is getting--16 for a high today, MINUS 11 tonight and a HIGH of 3 tomorrow. Figure in the wind chills she'll be getting, and I'm quite happy to be living in Arizona now!

    Temps in the 70's, LAURA!? Usually this time of year your part of Texas is pretty nippy--looks like that cold front moving in will hit hard tomorrow.

    Can hardly wait to get your book, Tina! I'm so mad at the local Walmart--NO December Love Inspired contemporaries yet, so looks like I'll have to order on-line. They have the historicals and suspense, but nada contemps. This is the second time that's happened this year--including when MY May book came out. So lost sales for all the May LI authors. I'm hoping for better when yours is issued, Tina, or I'm going to complain again.

    Have a great day, Seekerville. Now I'm off to dig back into my current WIP. Wrote almost 10K last weekend, but have family birthday celebrations this weekend, so don't expect to hit that mark this round. But EVERY word is celebrated when you're on a deadline! :)

    1. GLYNNA, I'm so impressed with 10k on a weekend! I'm praying for your deadline.


    2. Snow!!!!! Glynna, I am so jealous!

    3. Come and get ALL you want, Tina! I'll even give it to you for FREE if you take what you want from the driveway and sidewalks. :)

    4. 10K last weekend. Good for you, Glynna! I'm trying to write in between Christmas prep...not the easiest to do! :)

  9. Congratulations to all the winners!
    Congratulations TINA I'm sad that everywhere I read it's the last of the books set in Paradise, Colorado, though. I loved that little town.
    TINA you're so good at making each WE ROCK. Thank you!

    1. Actually, there is one more coming, Marianne. Subscribe to my newsletter to find out more.

  10. I would LOVE to be in the draw for Tina's book!!

    Glynna, I, too, am aggravated at my Walmart for not having many of the LI books; right now they have TONS of kids Christmas books and that is about all! sigh

    I love the pets on that page, Janet D....yours and Debby's are sooo cute!

    Congrats to Laura!
    Merry Christmas to all!

    1. Jackie, you are in!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Jackie -- there are tons of kids books at my Walmart, too, but nobody seems to be buying them. I think part of the problem is that books are impulse items--but if people can't SEE them...! When the books were up at the front of the store they sold like hotcakes. You had to get in right when the LI's came out to nab one. Now the books and magazines are stuck in a far back corner next to electronics and I don't think most people even know they're there.

  11. Happy One-Week-Before-Christmas, Seekerville! I have my family e-letter about ready to go. Just have to go through my contacts list to check for any updates. We mail very few cards anymore, mainly only to older family members who never joined the computer generation.

    Congrats on your new book, TINA! Looking forward to reading it very soon!

  12. Tina, congratulations on another release! That's awesome news!!!! And I bought your Woman's World last night (the one with Marie Osmond on the cover, folks, and Marie is looking good!!!) and can't wait to read the story!

    We are busily putting the house back together after the floor renovations... We're batting 50%... one room looks so sweet and old-fashioned and nice.... and one looks like a bomb went off because that floor turned out to be unsalvagable... but we're made of stern stuff around here, and we can pretend that floor is pretty for visitors!

    I'm a writer. I'm good at pretending! :)

    My edits and revisions are all turned in and I'm delighted to be working on the ending for my Guideposts mystery "A Light in the Darkness" set at a lighthouse on Martha's Vineyard... And I'm having SO MUCH FUN with it!!! :)

    Must go get us food.

  13. Okay, chocolate cream pie.... and banana cream pie.... and fresh coffee for all!

    Must have coffee....

  14. Snow... well, there is 2 feet in the back yard and about 14 inches in the front, so the wind rearranged things... but the freezing rain later may minimize the prettiness of all of this.

    It is gorgeous out there, (and yes, I'm inside, looking out right now!) but if I had time today to go play in snow, I would.

    This week, maybe???? We'll see what Mother Nature brings!

    I am anxious to build my first snowman of the year, and this weeks storm came as I was finishing revisions on a CHRISTMAS BOOK!!!!! Party bonus, I couldn't have planned it better! Snowing outside, and a snowstorm in the book... and a BABY in the book (I do love babies!!!)

    I'm so excited about Christmas! GRINNING!!!!

  15. Happy to win stuff, especially critiques. It is snowing here and I have all my errands done, so I am happily at the computer and watching it come down. I have food, firewood and writing projects, what's not to love. Also, according to the post above, I am a Winner.

    1. Kaybee, you are always a winner to us!

  16. RUTHY, I love chocolate cream pie, it was my late father's favorite, I like the kind where you cook the pudding on the stove first.

  17. Excited to be one of the winners, thank you!

    Merry Christmas and May God bless all of Seekerville!

    1. Merry Christmas, Phyllis! And hi to your mom!

  18. Congratulations on the release of Rocky Mountain Cowboy!! I'm at my parents' for Christmas and instead of snow it is pouring down rain. Have a great Saturday!!

  19. TINA, WONDERFUL WE, MY FRIEND, and it's soooooo nice to be snowed/iced in with hubby and reading this in front of a fire while he plays Christmas music! It has never felt more like Christmas to me this season than right this minute, and it's a very good feeling!

    SUPER CONGRATS to the winners -- books and movies are my FAVORITE things to do over the holidays, so happy reading!

    Everything's perfect except one thing, and that is that Tina's Rocky Mountain Cowboy which I preordered is NOT going to be delivered to my Kindle till Jan. 1st -- what's that all about??? It was going to be one of my Christmas reads ... :(

    Oh, and Tina, by the way -- when I read Rocky Mountain Cowboy, I may just visualize the cowboy from Rocky Mountain Freedom, the book that was in line after yours when I searched Amazon. ;)


    1. December 20 print and January 1 ebook. Yes. That guy is cute, Julie, but Joe Gallagher is cuter.

    2. LOL, okay, Tina ... I'll just imagine Joe G. with his shirt off ... ;) And, yes, even at age 66, I am STILL a juvenile delinquent!

      I only do e-book anymore -- I'm spoiled. :)


  20. TINA, thank you for another fantastic WE!

    Congrats to all the winners!


  21. So much information, Tina. Thanks for a great WE! And congrats on your newest book. Another hunky cowboy! Be still my heart!

    Waving to all the Seekerville winners! Congrats!!!

    Ho! Ho! Ho! Today's hubby's birthday. I've brought Inside-Our Chocolate Cake to celebrate all the December birthdays.

    We have a lot of December birthdays in our family. In fact, I had a Christmas baby. Anyone else?

  22. I had a choice on number 2. December 24 or Dec 27. So I had him December 27, Debby. Almost a Christmas baby. Inside Out Chocolate Cake??

    1. A good choice, Tina!

      Yes to the Inside Out Chocolate Cake. It's filled with chocolate chips almost as if the rich icing is on the inside. It's our birthday favorite! Served with vanilla ice cream, of course!

    2. No Christmas babies... but 12/9, 12/26, 12/30 and 1/2 so four grandkids in three very busy weeks! So funny!

  23. Super WE. Thank you!
    Nice to be festive here and elsewhere online because it's misty rainy chilly here.

    If you're still up for it, please be praying for our beloved Anna. She's still missing after 3 weeks.
    We're in middle TN. Here's one of our online "ads" for her in case you would mind looking. You just never know where they end up.

    We're confident God knows her circumstances, and ours. Nothing surprises Him! Resting in His goodness and mercy while doing all we know to do.

    Lots of pets missing it seems. We're watching for all.

    Everyone, have a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic New Year!

  24. Still praying for Anna, KC!

  25. Great weekend edition. I have so much to catch up on.
    Congrats on your near release Tina!
    Glynna had a 10k weekend? That's awesome.

    1. I had to go reread Glynna's post. 10K IS AMAZING!!!

  26. Yay, I won a Christmas book. Excited about that.
    Just got back from my son's graduation from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He graduated with high distinction. It was a great time other than the fact we had to drive on ice the 130 miles down Interstate 80 to get there yesterday.

    1. Congrats to your son, Sandy. Proud parents! Glad you got home safe.

    2. Sandy, I saw this on facebook! Congratulations to you!

    3. I saw it on FB too! Congrats to your son. I know you're proud!!!

    4. Adding my congrats, Sandy. Like Debby, I saw that your son had graduated with honors. That's awesome!


  27. I don't know where my post went. I clicked Publish and it took me to gmail and when I clicked back it was gone so I will try again.

    I am having a great weekend so far. Merry Christmas to everyone.

    Congrats to all the winners. I am excited about the books I won.

    I am enjoying baking and all the wonderful things of the Christmas season.

    Next break in my baking and I'll come back and read the links.

    1. Yum! What are you baking, Wilani?

    2. Tonight I have made candybar brownies and peppermint cookies

  28. Great WE Tina. Congrats on Rocky Mountain Cowboy release too. Would love a shot at winning it. I LOVE all Colorado romances, especially yours and Audra's. I so miss my home State. *sigh*
    Made Graham cracker houses with Guppy & his best bud (forgot to get gingerbread house kit). I think they ate more frosting than what decorated their little homes.
    do look not ready for Christmas.

    1. Deb, I've become a true believer that "ready for Christmas" should always be the state of our hearts... not our homes!

      How fun to make the houses with Guppy and his buddy! Go you!

    2. Well, Deb H, thank you for those kind words.

      Good for you for making memories with your son!

  29. Tina, congratulations!! I've yet to pick this up but will be doing do soon. :-)

  30. It's not out until Tuesday, so you are ahead of the curve, Walt.

  31. Congratulations, Tina! I'm enjoying Joe's story!

  32. Thanks for all the info and links, Tina. Congratulations on the release of Rocky Mountain Cowboy! Merry Christmas!!

  33. My part of Georgia was 68 degrees this morning. So warm in church! :)

    Tonight will be in the thirties. Such a drop!!!

  34. Tina, as I do every Sunday afternoon, I've been reading the articles you provided the links for. I found one of them fascinating (Survey Indicates Indie Publishing is Pot of Gold for Some, Work in Progress for Many--Marie Force Blog).

    Here's the deal though, since Marie Force writes erotica, I would think the results of her survey on indie writers would be skewed toward that audience. Some of the indie authors who responded make a boatload of money, but would the results translate to inspirational fiction?

    Just a guess here, but I would guess 50 Shades of Gray was a huge success story because "sex sells" and had little to do with it's literary quality.

    Since there are probably hundreds of Christian authors engaged in indie publishing, what do you think about Seekerville conducting its own survey with similar questions but polling only inspirational authors?

    I think the results would give us a better picture of what are realistic goals to set when publishing an indie novel.

    Anyone else want to chime in?

    1. She writes sexy contemporaries, not erotica.

      Look at Carol Moncado. She has done fabulous out the gate with a ton of books releasing close to each other. That's the key to discoverability.

      If we all could do what this author interviewed in the survey did, we all would do well. One book. Two books. Does not equate to discoverability in a saturated market place.

      A 56-year-old contemporary romance author on track to earn six figures in her first year of self-publishing waited until she had nine books written before publishing them.

      “I purposefully held back publishing until I had nine books,” she says. “I know. Crazy. However, in retrospect, this was a smart move, not only because I had a built-in back list coming out monthly for a while, but I also was able to define my brand and understand how the books could work together. They are all standalone with very small tie-ins, but the covers are obviously a series. So, I published four books at once in late 2015 and then released one book each month for the next five months. I really did no marketing at all until most of them were released. This took off the pressure in so many ways.”

      She suggests that in a crowded market, authors need to write quality books and learn about the business end of indie publishing. “This isn’t a gold rush any longer. Take your time and be good right out of the gate. It makes the whole ride easier when you know what you’re doing.”

    2. Ahhhh...I just reread her blog header. It's says she writes erotica as M.S. Force. She must have two brands. Sorry.

    3. Yeah, she indie pubs and pubs for Harlequin and another traditional publisher as Marie Force.

  35. I think a survey of inspy indies is a great idea. However, I can write or create a survey. Slowpokes like me can't do both.

    Me thinks Marie had her many "people" doing surveys while she was off writing. LOL

    Ruthy and Mary write fast. We can have them do the survey!

  36. Great WE as always, Miss T!
    CONGRATS to all the winners, and YAY on the release of Tina's newest Paradise book (which I am LOVING, btw!).
    Hoping to get lots of writing done this week (in between shopping, wrapping, and baking cookies, LOL).
    Holiday Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  37. Hope everyone had a great weekend. Just arrived home after baking and decorating over 250 cookies at my mother-in-law's house. I can't wait to read Rocky Mountain Cowboy next year regardless of whether I win it or not. Merry Christmas everyone.

    1. 250 cookies, Tanya. That's 20.8333333 dozen. EGADS!!!

  38. LAURA! Congratulations on winning the Young Adult category in First Impressions!!

    Congrats to all the weekly winners, too.

    Cheers for Joe Gallagher's book ... uh ... for Tina's latest release Rocky Mountain Cowboy.

    Very glad there will be another Paradise book after this. So hard to leave a place when you've gotten to know everyone so well :-)

    So much good revision info in the links. And the Marie Force link ... wow! Definitely bookmarked.

    Thanks for another super WE, Tina.

    Nancy C

  39. Thank you, Nancy!!! Post NaNo Revision Posts!~
