Saturday, February 4, 2017

The Weekend Edition

Welcome to the Weekend Edition!
"Look How Far We've Come!"

If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes. Send to

Monday:  Susanne Dietze brought us," Managing Madness: Meeting 8 Deadlines in 12 Months." Amy Davis Ballard (Christian Teacher Public School) is the winner of her debut release from Love Inspired HistoricalThe Reluctant Guardian.  Thank you, Susie!!

Tuesday: Molly Jebber was our special guest with "Amish Tidbits." Connie (cps1950) and Trixi are the winners of  Two Suitors for Anna. Molly, thanks for this double giveaway!

Wednesday: And from Danica Favorite's "Career Choice as Characterization" Amber Schamel is our winner of Danica's "For the Sake of the Children"! Congrats, Amber! 

Thursday:  Virginia Carmichael aka Mary Jane Hathaway, returned to Seekerville with her post, "Going Against the Flow." Winner of the boxed set of the first five books of the Cane River Series is Meghan Carver. The winner the awesome cookbook River Road Recipes, a collection of classic creole and Cajun cuisine from the Cane River community near Natchitoches, Louisiana, is Megan Brummer. Thanks, Virginia, for this giveaway!

Monday: Mary Connealy will be talking about brainstorming and there will be the first ever in the known universe giveaway of her February release Long Time Gone.

Tuesday: Seeker and Love Inspired author Tina Radcliffe brings you another Writer Rehab Series feature,"Top Ten Ways to Fritter Away Your Writing Hours." These methods are tested by a panel of experts and come with the Good Frittering Seal of Approval. Naturally, there are two really cool frittering giveaways as well. 

Wednesday: Yeah, yeah, yeah … roller-coasters can be fun … but NOT in your career! Join Julie Lessman when she discusses the highs and lows of a hybrid author, including a giveaway of her latest e-book and a print copy of Splickety Love Magazine, which includes Julie’s revised ending for Gone With the Wind.

Thursday: Come by as Ruth Logan Herne talks about "discoverability" that rascally intangible we all need to know more about as bookstore shelf-space thins and folks (sob!) read less... Let's talk about choices we make and chances we take as we examine this from the inside out... and Ruthy's got two copies of her newest Grace Haven Their Surprise Daddy to give away (once they arrive!) 

Friday:  Best of the Archives will feature Sandra Leesmith's "Show Don't Tell" Part 1. In case you didn't have time to click on Sandra's past posts in her January blog "Show Don't Tell" Part 3, she will feature Part 2 in the March 17, Best of Archives. 

Debby Giusti invites Seekerville friends to join her at two delightful reader events.  Romancing the Smokies  March 17 - 18. Knoxville, TN. A getaway weekend filled with authors, readers, books, yummy food and lots of fun!

Love Our Readers' Luncheon Atlanta Metro Area. February 11, 2017. A delightful luncheon with your favorite authors! Reserve your seat at Debby's table!

Thanks for the link love.

27 Social Media Principles You MUST Know to Succeed Online (Visual Social Media) 

Update Your Social Media Strategy for 2017

Book Promotion: Do This, Not That (The Book Designer)

20 Ways Authors Use Videos to Engage with Readers (BookBub Partners)

Becoming a Map Builder  (Glimmer Train)

What Are You Writing? Word Count. Standalone, Series or Serial (The Creative Penn)

Describing Your Character: How To Make Each Detail Count (Writers Helping Writers)

Story Genius on Backstory (Writers in the Storm)

How To Fill the Holes in Your Plot (Fiction University)

Inspirational RITA winner, Serena B Miller's book, An Uncommon Grace, will be on the Hallmark channel on Sunday, February 12. (Also author of the book/movie Love Finds You in Sugarcreek). See the book giveaway here.

Win a Romantic Getaway for Two courtesy of Harlequin! Details here.

Christian Writers of the West: February 18, 2017- 1:00 pm with Cynthia Hickey. "The Right Choice (For You.)" The differences in publishing choices and tips on succeeding no matter which path you choose.  Location: Denny's Scottsdale. Directions here.

California Dreaming Conference -Featuring Goal, Motivation & Conflict's Debra Dixon. March 24-26 in Brea, California. 

Coming March 1.
Save the date. 
Our SIXTH Annual Speedbo.
Seekerville's Book-in-a-Month Marathon. 
Start clearing your schedule and teaching the dog to cook.
Sign-up begins February 18.
Writing. Critiques. Gift Cards. Books.


  1. Happy weekend!! This was a great WE, Tina. The Write Conversation post was so good. It helped me know what I"m doing right already, but it also gave good direction for what else I can do social media-wise for this year. LOVED it. I hope to check out more posts later this weekend.

    Congratulations to all the winners!

    Enjoy and stay warm, everyone!

  2. Have a great reading and writing weekend, Seekerville!!

  3. Cajun recipes?! Oh my goodness yum!!! Thank you, Virginia!

    And congrats to all of this week's winners :)

    And oh boy, Speedbo really sneaked (snuck?) up on my this year! I've got to get some planning done... so, signing off now. Have a great weekend Seekerville!

  4. Happy weekend, Seekerville! And huge congrats to the winners.... I'm looking forward to a fun week with all o' youse!

    Who's got Superbowl stuff going on? We're a smaller group than normal this year, but we're planning big while staying small because FOOD is essential... and my little grandkids love to think they're at a MAJOR 1/2 SUPERBOWL PARTY AT GRAMMY'S!!!

    (They are easily pleased and fooled!!!)

    We'll be making chicken wings, quesadillas, desserts and milkshakes...

    Hey, we party here! :) (And I bought my frozen wings two weeks ago because up here in Rochester, all of the stores SELL OUT of chicken wings the first week of NFL in September... and Superbowl week.)

    I've got my first 1K done for today, working on Grace Haven 5 (coming next February) and love, love, loving Josie's story!!!!

    So who's working this weekend? And who's hosting Superbowl fun?

    1. RUTHY, a side note...

      THANK YOU for being a bright light on Facebook this week. :-) I've taken a bit of a social media fast, but I've so enjoyed your updates when I've hopped on FB for a few moments.

    2. I'm working this weekend AND hosting a Superbowl party too! Joey's so excited for all of her friends to come over and she "loves football!" (Although, I'm not sure she really knows what that means...haha)

      And I second Cynthia. Thank you for calling everyone on FB to be better. It's been nice to have that at the top of my newsfeed instead of all the polarized, emotional fighting!

    3. Ruthy, we're having a party at our house! I was going to make wings but ended up buying ribs instead. Plus I'm making those ham and cheese and sandwiches that you bake with melted butter and poppy seeds on top--in the Hawaiian rolls.

    4. Missy!!! Hawaiian roll sliders!!!! We did the ham and cheese ones with our New Year's celebration. I posted the other two in Yankee Belle, but the ham and cheese looked great! I would pretend I tried them, but I didn't because there was SO MUCH FOOD.... so I bet they're amazing!!!! I almost bought a whole thing of ribs, but then I realized with only a handful of adults, that was overkill... so I might come to your place for Southern BBQ ribs, Missy!!!! (searches for plane tickets....)

      Megan and Cynthia, hasn't it been fun???? I think back to C.S. Lewis and his "Screwtape Letters" which was the diabolical exchange of how to steer people to evil... and it was all geared toward political turmoil and keeping the pot stirred.

      If I'm going to stir a pot, make it a kettle of soup! :)

    5. My Cowboy, who doesn't care for football except the Nebraska Cornhuskers, is asking me what we're going to eat for the Superbowl.'re watching the Superbowl?
      Sure (as if it was a 'sure')
      Popcorn and hotdogs?
      There's only two of us, I'm not making some big spread, we can't eat it.
      We bought one of those shrimp rings with the dipping sauce in the center. We'll have that....and popcorn and hotdogs.
      I didn't mean to overexcite any Seekervillagers with the wild excitement of my food.

    6. I WISHED I was watching the Superbowl....but we gave up TV about a year ago since we really weren't watching it in the first place. Why feel like we're throwing money away?? The ONLY think I miss is NFL football :-)

      Your Hawaiian Roll sliders sound SO GOOD Ruthy!! I love making mini-sandwiches from my homemade dinner rolls. I have a recipe for Hawaiian rolls but I've yet to make those, and they are my favorite!!

  5. Congratulations to all of the winners!
    Thanks for another great WE, Tina. No Monday next week? Does this mean I can stay home from work? Please say yes.
    Happy weekend!

    1. There is ALWAYS Monday, Jill--sorry! The info for Seekerville just didn't make it into the Weekend Edition by release time. I believe Mary is up on Monday with a post on brainstorming.

    2. Yes! Something to mess with Connealy over, LOL!

      Whatever she's got going for Monday, it will be marvelous, of course. :) (I'm being nice!!!)

      And I forgot to put mine in until 7:00 AM this morning, so the first 95 folks that checked in... Looked at a blank Thursday, too.

      And if there's anyone I'd brainstorm with, it's the Connealy... she feeds great ideas.

  6. A change to the ending of Gone with the Wind? I don't know I if i can handle that lol. Speedo coming up? I have time to finish the story I'm working on and get another one started. Great timing! When reading next week's schedule what's going on Monday? Always fun, surprises, and tons of information in Seekerville. Happy weekend!! I am deciding to not leave the house and write all day. Which means not being on Facebook. Hours can be lost. It's like a bottomless rabbit hole. I'll bet people have lost days while there lol. Happy writing and reading this weekend!

    1. Sally, Mary will be posting. The info just didn't make it in the WE. So be sure to be here!

    2. Yay! I will be there! I first thought is it a holiday I forgot about? I was hoping so I'd have a day off work lol.

  7. Congrats to all winners!

    Looking forward to this week at Seekerville, but sure hoping I don't earn Tina's Gold Frittering Seal as one of those pesky distractions :)

    While some are watching football, I'll have more time for reading! Whatever everyone's doing, enjoy!

  8. Congratulations to all the winners! Tina, thanks for another great WE!

    Debby, what a fun time in TN. I hope you have a great turnout and tons of fun!

    Have a great weekend everybody!

    1. Thanks, Jackie! I'm getting SWAG ready for that event. Love finding cute goodies to give the gals at my table...and to stuff in the goody bags as well!

      The FEB 11, Love Our Readers Luncheon, will have a Valentine theme. I've got lots of candy to satisfy even the biggest chocolate addictions! Plus other giveaways. Can't wait!!!

    2. I love Valentine's themes, Deb!!!! Oh, swooooon!!!!

  9. Happy weekend, Seekerville! I can't believe how fast January blazed by and February seems to be keeping right up there to break speed records. YIKES. I'll need to start Christmas shopping before I know it!

    How many of you are hiding out to WRITE or READ during the Super Bowl????

    1. Glynna, I better not since we're having all the kids here to watch our beloved Falcons play!! :)

  10. Congrats to the winners! Thanks, Tina, for the SPEEDBO reminder! I'm ready to dive into the third book in my Amish Protectors series.

    Hope to do a cover reveal this week for the first book, AMISH REFUGE. #lovethecover


    Not that Super Bowl matters to me (ducking in case Ruthy throws a chicken wing at me!), but it matters to Keith, so I am the good wife who supports him and his team. But I'm really there for the BBQ wings, shrimp cocktail, and shrimp chowder, make no mistake!!

    LOL, Glynna, I definitely will be writing on Sunday since I can do that during a football game, just not during the commercials (commercials grab my attention every single time, especially during Super Bowl!).

    LOL, Sally, I hear you on the alternate ending for Gone With the Wind, but the assignment was to rewrite a different ending to a classic, so what else could I do? I guarantee I am NO threat to Margaret whatsoever, but I sure had fun! ;)

    SUPER CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS and have fun, everyone else!


  12. Happy Weekend! Congratulations to all winners!

    I'm closed off in my office today in hopes of a writing marathon. (...Ever just have those mornings where you think what you just wrote the day before is total drivel???? Yeah. That's happening.) Must. Have. Coffeeeee!!!!

    Thanks for all the wonderful links, Tina! Looking forward to next week. :-)

    1. Yeah, Cynthia, I have those times where I read back over my previous day's work and just hate it. I also have times where I read back over it and don't even remember writing it! LOL And every now and then, I think wow, that's pretty good! haha

  13. Good morning, Seekerville! If it's Saturday, you shouldn't even have to ask what's happening at my house. Bills. Chores. Dog grooming (which today includes toenail clipping--yikes!!!!) followed immediately by vacuuming.

    And it's cold enough outside, even though it's sunny, that I'm not even tempted to leave the house.


    1. Myra, we're actually contemplating going to a movie! I can't remember the last time we went to one. It's cold but sunny here.

    2. We saw Rogue One last Sunday. Fun!!

  14. Lots to read this weekend! I hope y'all have a great Super Bowl weekend!!

    GO FALCONS!!! :)

    1. Missy a band whose members grew up in our church will be playing in the pre game party tomorrow for the Falcons--Mountain Faith. I wont be able to see the game ( I don't have TV) but I had better be rooting for them or I will make a few enemies at church. One of our deacon's daughter is a promoter for the Falcons.

    2. Wilani, how special for Mountain Faith. I hate when the pre-game shows don't show the festivities. I'd rather see the groups perform instead of all the game talk! :)

  15. Congrats to all of the other winners and I Am Thrilled to win!
    Blessings to all!!

  16. Congrats to all of the other winners and I Am Thrilled to win!
    Blessings to all!!

  17. Congratulations to all the winners this week. Hope everyone is having a great weekend

  18. A revised ending to Gone with the Wind????

  19. SPEEDBO???
    This could actually work well for me this year. I've got a very achievable goal of having my WIP done by March 1st. Okay, maybe achievable. Okay well, I can finish it up the first few days of SPEEDBO.
    But then I have a novella to write and THAT can be my SPEEBO goal

  20. I will nail my Speedbo goal.... I should be done with one book by the end of February, but then I'm jumping into March with the other one... and a new story I'm so excited about. So I might change mid-stream, but the word count will be there.

    And youse know, I love seeing people set goals!!!!

    It brings out the cheerleader in me: GO TEAM!!!!!

  21. Happy weekend! I just spent a lazy Saturday morning finishing a book... what a wonderful feeling! :)

  22. Congrats to our winners! Looking forward to next week's lineup and will check out two of the links.

    We will have a house guest for a few days. Tomorrow will be packed with church, watching an IU basketball game and attending a Super Bowl party. I'll be pulling for your FALCONS, Missy! And watching the commercials.

    Ruthy, your food and party sound great! I made pizza rye appetizers, but two stores were out of rye cocktail bread and I had to use pumpernickel. Hope they're as good.

    Happy weekend, everyone!

    1. Patti Jo and I claim the Falcons too, Janet! Just saying'!


  23. DEBBY, I'm eager to see your new Amish cover!


  24. It's so hard to believe Speedbo is almost here again. Oh wait, we have to celebrate Super Bowl first. You go, Missy and the Falcons!!

    Julie, I catch the commercials on YouTube the next day. That's so I can replay the Budweiser puppies and horses over and over and over...

    1. Brilliant idea!!!! :) And no Bud Clydesdales last year, I was so bummed. I felt cheated!!!! :)

  25. Debby, I'll be watching for your cover reveal! How exciting :)

  26. Congrats to all the winners! Great links in the WE, Tina!!

  27. TINA, Thank you for another great WE! Congrats to all the winners!


  28. Wow! Is SPEEDBO that close? I'm wrapping up an entry for FabFive to email later today -- I worked on it during last year's SPEEDBO.

    Congratulations to all the winners. Looking forward to next week's posts.

    Have a good weekend, everyone!

    Nancy C

    1. Doesn't that feel so good???? That you've gotten that far this year? Yay you!!!!!

  29. Happy Weekend everyone! We are planning our Super Bowl menu. Will have pizza, wings, chip and dip, and nachos. I'm thinking I should throw in something healthy. Any ideas? :)

    I am excited for Speedbo. I have just started getting back to my novel that had gotten put on the back burner for a while. Main problem is I feel stalled. I have written everything I know for sure, but have holes that I need to fill and plot points I can't figure out what I need. So I am trying to nail that down in February so I will be ready to finish writing it in March.

    1. First, the Super Bowl is the epitome of unhealthy... why ruin success, darling? :)

      Second, don't be afraid to write some more chaos into the story. A random person, baby, catastrophe is always fun!!!! :)

      Go get 'em, Sandy!!!!!

    2. Thanks, Ruthy! Guess I won't worry about eating healthy today. And I will see what other mayhem I can create in my story.

  30. Congratulations to all the winners. And Debby, I sure wish Atlanta were closer. I would love to do a luncheon with you.

    Hope the rest of you got some writing done. I didn't get any because I was in another pickleball tournament. I don't feel too badly because this is the only one I'm doing this winter. They divide the categories by skill level and age. That helps to be playing your own age group. These young whippersnappers can run everywhere you put the ball. LOL

    Happy writing all. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend.

  31. Great WE and CONGRATS to all the winners!
    Looking forward to the upcoming posts, and super excited about SPEEDBO!! This year the time should work out great because right around late Feb.-early March I was planning to begin my new WIP. YAY for SPEEDBO!!
    Planning to cheer for our Atlanta Falcons tomorrow for the Super Bowl!! Being an Atlanta girl (born, raised, never lived anywhere else, LOL) I am SUPER excited for our home team!! :) Rise Up, Falcons!!
    Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  32. I love the WE! Great links to interesting articles. I'm looking forward to reading them.

    Congrats to the winners!

    It is so hard to believe it is already time for SPEEDBO!

  33. Another wonderful WE!! So many links for me to read up on. Congrats to the winners :-)

  34. Thought I'd stop by during halftime...of the Puppy Bowl. So darn cute!! Thanks, Tina, for another great WE! I'll read all the articles during the Super Bowl. ;-)

  35. Just got home from an overnight with the grands, babysitting (actually having SO MUCH FUN) while my daughter and son-in-law went out! Love being with the little ones. So much laughter! So many hugs! So much love!

    Looking forward to the big game this evening! I heard the Falcons will have the initials of a fallen soldier on their helmets! Be still my heart. That makes me proud to live in the metro-Atlanta area!!! God bless the team. God bless our military heroes in uniform!

    1. I'll second that! (But I want to include the CID who don't wear uniforms.)

  36. Congrats to all the winners! It's just the two of us for the Super Bowl!! Trying to keep hubby healthy for upcoming surgery!

    If I was going to make anything for snacks it'd be a yummy "Hissy Fit" cheese dip!! You can do anything with Velveeta! LOL

    Have ya ever seen anyone pitch a hissy fit? Always great in a romance!

  37. Did you know the mascot of the USAF Academy is a Gryfalcon named Aurora?

    Go Falcons!

  38. Happy WE ya'll!! Wished I was watching the Superbowl but we gave up TV almost a year ago (doesn't seem that long). We got to the point where we just weren't really watching much of it anymore and why throw away money every month when you don't have to? Only thing I miss is NFL football though!

    Congrats to all the winners this week (myself included)!! I love the generosity of all the authors.

    On a different note, I had signed up to be a reader judge in the 26th annual National Reader's Choice Award (OKRWA) and received my package of four books yesterday!! I'm so excited for the honor & just a little nervous as I want to see all of these authors win :-) Thank you guys so much for the heads up on this wonderful opportunity when you posted the links. I signed up for the other one (can't remember the name now), but haven't heard anything as of yet.

    Looking forward to starting the week with Mary!! She's always been my favorite anyway.... ;-)

  39. KUDOS
    New England!

    I've seen or heard all 51 Super Bowls and this one was the best ever! The Pats earned the win. Wait 'til next year.

