Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Weekend Edition

Welcome to the Weekend Edition!
"Look How Far We've Come!"

If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes. Send to

Weekend Edition Chocolate winners are: Phyllis Wheeler, Walt Mussell, and Cate Nolan.

Monday: The winner of a copy (ebook or print) of Alone by Edie Melson is DebH!

Tuesday: Four winners today! Cindy W. is the winner of the heart-shaped pencil holder. Winnie Thomas is the winner of Myra Johnson's novel Castle in the Clouds. Caryl Kane is the winner of a $10 Starbucks gift card. Stacy Simmons is the winner of a Seeker book of choice.

Wednesday: Debby Giusti lead us in a discussion of "The Mentor's Role in The Hero's Journey." The winner of a copy of "The Writer's Journey," by Christopher Vogler is Meghan Carver.

Thursday: Winner of a print or ebook copy of Dr. Richard Mabry's  latest release, Medical Judgement is Connie Queen.

Monday: Join Love Inspired Historical author Janet Dean for her post "Strong Inciting Incidents Generate Strong Stories." Leave a comment for a chance to win an eBook copy of The Substitute Bride. 

Tuesday: Dr. Dennis Hensley is our guest today sharing his expertise as both a writer and college teacher of creative writing with his post on writing dialogue. Leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of one of his craft books or one of his fiction books.   

Wednesday: Join Love Inspired author Glynna Kaye for "Training vs Trying: The Benefits of Perspective" and an opportunity to be entered into a drawing for a copy of her May 2017 release, The Nanny Bargain. 

Thursday: Karen Witemeyer returns to Seekerville with her fun post, "Using Readers for Story Inspiration." One lucky commenter will win an autographed copy of the book that started the Ladies of Harper's Station series – No Other Will Do.

Friday: Best of the Archives: "Never Miss a Chance to Speedbo" with Tina Radcliffe. Comments are closed on Fridays so we can catch up with our reading and writing.

COVER REVEAL! Glynna Kaye’s May 2017 release of “The Nanny Bargain” – a "Hearts of Hunter Ridge" series inspirational romance set in mountain country Arizona. Pre-order here!

Concerned for his orphaned twin brothers, outdoor-gear shop owner Sawyer Banks urges new employee Tori Janner to apply for the nanny position their grandparents are advertising…and spy for him. With plans to start over in Hunter Ridge and dreams of reviving her quilting business, Tori takes the job—but refuses to report to Sawyer unless the boys' welfare is in danger. But soon it's her own heart that's in jeopardy. Because after spending time with the committed bachelor, she starts to see the depth behind his easy charm—and begins to imagine herself as his wife.

Debby Giusti invites Seekerville friends to join her at Romancing the Smokies  March 17 - 18. Knoxville, TN. A getaway weekend filled with authors, readers, books, yummy food and lots of fun!

Thanks for the link love!

TBL Details and the Contest Score Sheet Can Be Found Here!

 9 Statistics Writers Should Know About Amazon (Jane Friedman)

Book Marketing: What to Expect in 2017 (Ryan Zee)

Inner Conflict (Michael Hauge's Story Mastery)

5 Ways to Help An Author You Love (PR by the Book)

How to Protect Your Creative Work (The Creative Penn)

The Secret of a Successful Mystery: Making the Reader a Participator (Writers Helping Writers)

Remove the Barriers in Fiction (The Steve Laube Agency Blog)

Quiet Doesn't Cut It: Why Your Brain Might Work Better In Silence (Fast Company)

Naming characters: 5 steps to find fictional character names (Now Novel)

Got Galleys? What They Are and Why You Need Them (Writer Unboxed)

All About Beta Readers: 7 Ways They Can Improve Your Book (Anne R Allen)

8 Ways to Troubleshoot a Scene–and 5 Ways Make It Fabulous (Writers Helping Writers)

Writers Police Academy Registration Opens on Sunday. Details here. 
Sisters in Crime is once again is offering a $150 registration discount to all SinC members attending the WPA for the first time. The WPA Golden Donut Contest, a fun, prestigious 200-word short story contest also opens this Sunday. The winner of the 2017 contest will once again get a FREE registration to a 2018 WPA event in addition to the cool trophy.

Seekerville is getting ready for 2017 Speedbo. Read the rules here and prepare for the sign up that begins TODAY! Everyone who signs up by 11:59 pm March 1,  is included in a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card

For each additional fifty participants, We toss another $25 gift card into the mix. Weekly prize giveaways for WRITERS & READERS are listed here. All prizes on the list may be claimed April 1. During March we WRITE!

Don't delay.  Get ready for Speedbo NOW!

To prepare we're giving away three copies of 2k to 10k: Writing Faster, Writing Better, and Writing More of What You Love by Rachel Aaron. (for Kindle) Let us know if you want to be in the sneaker for this book! Winners announced in the next Weekend Edition.


  1. Great WE as always, Miss T!!
    CONGRATS to all the winners!!
    Will check out those links after some sleep! zzzzz....
    Need to sign up for SPEEDBO - - sooo excited about my Speedbo project this year!! :)
    Will set out peach pancakes and pecan waffles for Saturday breakfast (maple syrup and *real* butter too!). Also bacon, grits, and eggs!

    1. Oh my, what a way to wake up on Saturday morning. Thanks Patti Jo. Yum pass me those peach pancakes.

    2. Nooooooo, Patti Jo, you do this ALL the time! I'm on a diet, and you bring something peach. Sigh. I know it's only cyber food, but just mentioning the word "peach" gives me hunger pangs!!! ;) Uh, I think you need to put out more pancakes -- I just ate them all. ;)


  2. Coffee's brewing!

    I always enjoy the WE and the links.

    I just finished a manuscript, so am in editing mode rather than writing.

    1. Thanks for the coffee and congrats on finishing your manuscript.

  3. Just sent my email to sign up for Speedbo. I'm looking forward to it! Also looking forward to this weekend with some down time.

    Hope it is a great weekend for everyone.

  4. Happy Weekend Edition! Thank you folks for coffee and breakfast. Doing a night time sprint! Woo hoo! May the writing force be with you.

  5. I have signed up for Speedbo and am finishing current projects to free up March calendar... BREATHING DEEP.... We can do this, it's so much fun to Pump Up the Jam, Pump it up, pump it, pump it!!!!! (remember that song????)

    Or "We are the champions, my friends.... and we'll keep on fighting, til the end... we are the champions, we are the champions, no time for losing, cause we are the champions..... of the world....."

    Guess who has spent her life listening to (and encouraging others to listen to) motivational songs???

    Guess who has the theme from "Rocky" as her ring tone???

    WE CAN DO THIS!!!! Go sign up right now, and commit your head to whatever you can do. Don't prove it to us... prove it to you!

  6. Congratulations to all of the winners.
    Thanks for the great links, Tina. Happy Weekend!

  7. Thanks for a great WE, TINA! Congratulations to all the winners!

    Thanks for breakfast, PATTI JO!

    RUTHY, thanks for the musical motivation!

    I'm reading the links and then getting to work. Happy Writing and Reading everyone!

    1. Laughing, but you are so welcome! Bring on the Eye of the Tiger next!!!!

  8. Congratulations to all the winners! Thanks for the breakfast and coffee. Tina, thanks for the links.

    Have a great weekend!

  9. Congrats to the winners and thanks everyone for the interesting posts and comments.

  10. Yay another weekend. Congratulations to the winners. And wow, I hope there will some writers taking advantage of the FHL Touched By Love contest entry fees.

    Happy writing everyone.

  11. Looks like a good lineup for next week. I have always admired Dr. Hensley.
    I have been studying Hero's Journey on my own and enjoyed the post earlier this week. Using it right can add another layer of richness to our work.
    I will be prepping for Speedbo, Genesis and working on my WIP this weekend.
    God is blessing me. I got a nice contract for a nonfiction piece, the profits from which I hope will propel me to my goal of full-time writing. I also got an assignment from a source I thought was dormant. Things are looking up in my nonfiction career. I would like to quit the newspaper and write full-time in fiction and creative nonfiction. We'll see.
    Tina, thanks for another great WE. I probably won't be back on today. Have a great WEekend.

    1. Great news, KB! Congratulations on the assignment!

    2. Congratulations on the non-fiction contract, Kathy!! Woo hoo!!! And also on the new assignment!

    3. Such great news, Kathy! Congrats on both non-fiction requests!!!

      I'm revamping the opening of my next story to more closely align with The Writer's Journey. I think the slight shift will make an interesting addition...subtle but important. Glad you found value in Campbell and Vogler's work as well.

    4. WOW, Kathy, that is GREAT news, girlfriend!! Super congrats on the non-fiction contract!!


    5. Kaybee, congratulations!!!!!! Keep us posted!

    6. Congratulations, Kaybee! Way to go!

    7. KATHY, I'm thrilled for you!!! Sounds like you're making huge headway on your goal.


  12. Great weekend!! Happy Saturday, everyone! Gorgeous cover of The Nanny Bargain. Have signed up for Speedbo. Now to get the story ready to go!

    1. Thank you, Sally! They got some cute kids for it!

  13. GLYNNA, I forgot to say congratulations on your new book - I love that cover!

    1. Thanks, Laura! Those kids look like they're up to something to me. :)

  14. TINA, thank you for a great WE Edition! Congrats to all the winners! Enjoy your weekend.

  15. Thanks for another great Weekend Edition! Congrats to all the winners! I'm signing up for Speedbo :-)

  16. Congrats to our winners! I'm excited that seven writers can enter Touched by Love without spending a penny! Please don't let this awesome opportunity go to waste, writers.

    Lots of interesting, helpful links to check out.

    Happy Saturday!


  17. Patti Jo, thank you for the delicious peachy breakfast!

    Wishing you all the best with your Speedbo project! Can you share the premise?


  18. Glynna, your cover and story look great! Twins mean double the fun.


    1. Hi, Janet! It was such fun story to write with those sweet little boys. :)

  19. Fun to check in every Saturday and catch up with the latest! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Congrats to all our weekly winners, and to Glynna on the beautiful cover!

    1. Thanks, Myra! I always look forward to seeing my covers for the first time.

  20. Have a great weekend, everyone!!

    I'm so excited about Speedbo! (Of course, now I'm trying to figure out how we've gotten to March already! Didn't we just have New Year's??)

  21. Replies
    1. Thanks, Missy! I don't think I'll ever tire of opening that digital image to see what the artist has come up with!

  22. Another great weekend edition!

    Congratulations on your new cover, Glynna!

    Please enter my name in the sneaker for the writing book!

    May God bless you and all of Seekerville!

    1. Thank you, Phyllis! Now I can't wait to hold the book in my hands. Won't be long because a May release should be showing up on the store shelves by mid-late April!

    2. Glynna, you, Ruthy and I will all be on the shelves at the same time!!! Woot! Love your cover! I know the story will be delightful!

    3. You know, I just realized that today! I knew Debby and I were out in May, but didn't realize Glynna was on board... SO FUN!!!! We are so amazingly blessed!!!

  23. Hi Pantsers & Plotters:

    Janet Dean has the perfect topic Monday to kickoff Speedbo!

    "Strong Inciting Incidents Generate Strong Stories."

    I've been working on a theory related to this topic that you may want to consider over the weekend to prep for Speedbo.

    I believe there are two major types of Inciting Incident:

    1. The Open ended incident which is so rich in possibilities that dozens of blockbuster endings are possible. This is the Pantser's best friend.

    2. The Closed ended incident which is like a lock that only one key can open. For example: a mystery which has ruled out so many suspects that there seems to be no way to solve the mystery. This opening favors the master plotter who stumps the master mystery fan with ingenious twists and turns and brilliant red herrings.

    Of course both types 1 & 2 have to be 'strong' enough to carry a full length novel. I am just suggesting here to select the type of incident that best supports your style of writing.

    I enjoy nothing better than helping a pantser write a blockbuster stand-up-and-cheer ending!

    1. We all want to write a blockbuster, Vince, so thanks for the input!

    2. I agree with Debby.... Vince, your voice is being heard!!! Thank you!

  24. School kids in my area of GA are on vaca! Lots of families are heading to delightful spots where it's sunny and warm. I want to go someplace too. Hmmm? Maybe the grocery. We need food. :)

    Plus, the temp is due to rise this afternoon. It's been raining all morning, but that should end as well. Maybe I can plan a staycation.

    Excited about SPEEDBO! But I'm holding onto this last week in February. I still have lots of work to do!


  25. Oh, Speedbo is coming at a perfect time for me this year! Whoot! And I need that 2k to 10K book...checking it out now! :)

  26. Jill, I picked up a copy of your book in Walmart to add to my reading pile.

    Hoping Speedbo will be a success this year. I need some success. I set low goals just to help but then have goals for what I would love to have done.

    Having yet another weekend of extreme vertigo. I will rejoice in the goodness of the Lord and do what I can. I have an appointment with a Specialist on Friday and hoping I will get some more help.

    1. I forgot to add to have my name in the sneaker.

    2. You are in Wilani!

    3. After church today, Wilani, I heard two women with vertigo talking about ginger oil helping them. Evidently you circle your ear with a tiny bit of oil. I don't use oils, but I have heard a number of folks talk about them. Just an FYI.

  27. Vince, looking forward to the discussion on Monday! Romance novels pretty much have a closed ending, at least with who they end up with but there's all kinds of possibilities on the how. :-)


    1. Hi Janet:

      I was thinking more of ways to solve the conflict that is keeping the hero and heroine apart in romances. It's a matter of degree. For example I see "The Bounty Hunter's Redemption" has being much more open ended than "The Substitute Bride".

      In a way, all 'mail order bride' stories end by hero and heroine living together and falling in love in the process. The fun is in the period of adjustment.

      As far as "The Bounty Hunter's Redemption" goes, I was perplexed with coming up with all the different ways it could end. I was wrong, time after time. That story is extra rich in possibilities.

      Then there is Julie's "A Heart Revealed" which was a seemingly very closed end story, i.e., loving a married woman who won't divorce, which invented a new way to end which was a stunner -- a good example of the closed end mystery (like the 'locked room' murder mystery problem). Closed end is very hard to do and favors those who are serious plotters. (Or those who pantser but pray to God to get them out of the ending problem after they have written 80% of thee book!)

      In any event, I'll be tuning in around 11 pm Tulsa time Sunday night so I can be at the head of the line for reading about inciting incidents! The strong kind.


    2. VINCE SAID: "Closed end is very hard to do and favors those who are serious plotters. (Or those who pantser but pray to God to get them out of the ending problem after they have written 80% of thee book!)"

      LOL ... I grinned like crazy when I read your parenthetical sentence above, Vince, because I was getting ready to disagree with you for probably the first time ever when I read "Closed end is very hard to do and favors those who are serious plotters." Because I am DEFINITELY a pantster who has been forced to learn to plot for sanity's sake. BUT a praying pantster, indeed, especially on A Heart Revealed! ;)

      Janet, I agree with Vince -- looking forward to your "Strong Inciting Incidents Generate Strong Stories" blog on Monday.


    3. VINCE, true that when they've tied the knot, at least in an inspie, the ending is closed.

      I'm amazed you figured so many ways for The Bounty Hunter's Redemption to end, but then, as the author, I had one in mind.

      I'm counting on you to come up with one or two inciting incidents that triggered a great story--closed or open ended.


  28. Happy weekend! I'm looking forward to some great books to read this week, including two Seeker books! :)

    1. That always makes us smile, Heidi! Love Glynna Kaye's new cover too, I forgot to mention that earlier.

    2. Thanks, Tina! SO much fun to get a peek at new covers, isn't it?!

    3. Hi Glynna:

      I agree with Ruth and Tina that your new cover is outstanding! Not many LI covers are so dynamic. The setting is idyllic, the running kids so real they almost 'blur', and the scene is so inviting I'd like to jump into that cover and walk along with the adults. That's a cover that makes me, a Kindle only reader, miss seeing a book cover on a print book calling me over to read the book. A great cover helps a book compete with the rest of the TBR pile.

      Funny you mention rattle snakes. The last time I was walking along a path like that on the cover -- a first date no less-- we turned a bend and there in the middle of the path was a huge coiled up rattle snake making a holly racket with its rattles. We slowly turned around and raced away!

      Rattles are really good!

    4. VINCE, you could be your date's hero for rescuing her...unless you pushed past her to get away. ;-)


  29. Great WE! Next week in Seekerville looks fantastic. Please throw my name in the sneaker. Writing faster...yes, please. :)

    Looking forward to Speedbo!

  30. Love Speedbo time!!! And I love the cover for the new book, Glynna. It's lovely!

    I am sending my email to sign up for Speedbo as soon as this comment is sent. And I would love to be added into the sneaker for the 2K to 10K book. Have a wonderful weekend Seekers and friends!

  31. Oh Glynna! That is a super cover -- so full of energy. I love 'brother stories' so this one is definitely on the pre-order list.

    Congratulations to all you winners. So many interesting-sounding links to settle in with later. Thanks, Tina, for rounding them up :-)

    I signed up for Speedbo. Have you? (hint, hint)

    Nancy C

  32. Congrats to all of the winners. Please enter me in the giveaway. I'm heading over to enter Speedbo right now. Yay! Have a good weekend everyone.

  33. I'm on VACATION! I can read, write, and play at Seekerville all week. And I won chocolate!!!! Thanks, Seekers.

    And thanks for a great WE, Tina.

    I'll sign up for Speedbo as soon as I narrow down my goal.

    LOVE your cover, Glynna. It makes me want to jump up and catch those boys!

    1. CATE -- they look like a handful, don't they?? But SWEET as can be. :)

  34. Congratulations to the winners! There were some great prizes up for grabs this past week! :)

    Our weekend holds lots of final preparations for my son's National History Day project. And family night tonight. Which may or may not mean homemade popcorn. :)

    Looking forward to reading some of those articles, especially the ones from Writers Helping Writers.

    Thanks, Tina, for a great WE!

  35. HAPPY WEEKEND, EVERYONE!! Super congrats to the winners!!

    And Glynna, I LOVE the warmth and family feel of your new cover, girlfriend!!

    Really enjoyed the Amazon article and especially the article on silence. YAY, I AM VINDICATED!! Keith and I used to share an office (back-to-back, about two feet apart), which was nice for occasional kisses or catching up on things that popped up in our minds, but NOT. GOOD. FOR. WORKING. At least, not for me!!

    You see, Keith needs music, and I need silence, So I told Keith I was going to work out on our deck instead. But the crazy man actually WANTED me in the room (I have no idea why since I can be a real pill about silence), so he said he would get headphones, which he did (this was way back before earbuds). But the poor guy would unknowingly tap his fingers to the music, and it would drive me CRAZY!! So I moved out to the deck 3/4 of the year and even have to wear ear plugs in the spring when the birds got too loud. Yes, that's bad, I know, but at least this article PROVES that silence is actually more productive and beneficial for work, creative or non, so YAY!!


  36. Great WE! I'm really looking forward to Monday's post on inciting incidents... especially while gearing up for Speedbo. I'm going to really challenge myself this year and step out of my comfort zone. I'm usually an extreme plotter, so I'm going to try just a loose outline and a lot more pantsing than usual to see if I can push myself to still get the words down and let the creativity fly in the process. There will be lots of praying, coffee, and chocolate involved...

    And toss my name in the sneaker! I'm gonna need all the help I can get! Haha

  37. Glynna, I forgot to say how much I loved the cover, I was in Speedbo mode!!!! It's absolutely charming... and I love that you and Debby and I will all be out at the same time. Happy Dancing!!!!! Spring and fun with Seekers: Oh be still my heart!

    1. Thanks, Ruthy! I'm a bit worried, though, about those little sandaled feet in rattlesnake country...! How fun to have 3 Seekers with books on the shelf in the same month!

    2. Hi Glynna:

      I'm worried too that three Seeker books at the same time might cause a fan OD.

  38. Just signed up for Speedbo and am so excited to be doing it this year! Please put my name in the sneaker for the book. After church I'm going to enjoy reading my way through those links. Have a blessed Sunday everyone!

  39. Stopping in again (now it's Sunday!) to replenish breakfast table with more pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, and grits. Remember, a good breakfast helps us have more energy (says the lady who often just grabs a cookie *sigh*).
    KAYBEE, CONGRATS on your contract! How wonderful!!
    GLYNNA, meant to mention my CONGRATS on another awesome LI!! Cannot wait to read this one, and I LOVE that cover!! :)
    About to sign up for SPEEDBO right this minute!! And JANET DEAN, you're so kind to ask about my premise---this Speedbo will be a real challenge for me, LOL - - I'm creating a fictional country---complete with a Prince. Heroine's flight makes emergency landing in his country. Never written anything like this, but the idea came to me early one morning, and I liked it! We'll see, LOL. ;)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

    1. Thank you, Patti Jo!

      Your choice of a Speedbo challenge sounds like MAJOR FUN for the month ahead! :)

    2. PATTI JO, wow, that's a fresh idea for an exciting romance!! Love it! Prince and princess stories are big.


    3. Patti Jo, I love the idea of creating a fictional country. :) Sounds like the makings of a Hallmark movie!


    4. Oooooo!!! You know I love this!!!!!

      ...says the woman who was told she can't create a Europeish continent in the middle of the Atlantic and fill it with her own fictional countries... :p

  40. P.S. LOVE that RUTHY inspires with those motivational songs!! :) Hmmmm...maybe the tune from "Rocky" should now be called "Ruthy" !? :)

  41. Thanks for the reminder to sign up for Speedbo! Drop my name in the sneaker for the book!

  42. Happy weekend all! I'm signed up for Speedbo and ready to go! Well, sorta. :) Please drop my name in the sneaker for the book.

  43. Okay. So Speedbo (that autocorrected to speedboat) goals:

    *Edit RECLAIMING HEARTS and get to proofreader by Mar 9 (when we go out of town for 10 days - this is also predicated on finishing the first draft this week - but this book is seriously pouring out and writing itself)
    *Writing 20-30K on the next book (not sure which book that will be - HEART OF A PRINCE or an untitled royalty book)

    Pretty sure I already have 2000-10000...

  44. Yay! I just sent off my email to sign up for Speedbo this year! I'm looking forward to it. :)

    The writing book sounds great! Throw my name in that hat too. A personal goal this year is to up my reading time. So far I've read 2 books and have almost finished 2 others. Yay. Blessings guys!
