Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Speedbo Countdown! Getting Yourself to The End with a "Quick Win"

Here we are, only a few days before March’s book-in-a-month Speedbo challenge ends. Where did the time go?
If you participated, right about now you’re probably feeling one of the following:
Triumphant: Woo hoo! Things are going great beyond your wildest dreams!
Enjoying Yourself: You’re not quite “there” as far as meeting your goal, but you’ve made respectable strides and, above all, you’re having a little FUN!
Sorta Enjoying Yourself: This was harder than you imagined it would be, BUT you’re making some progress that feels good. Most days, anyway.
Not Enjoying Yourself Much At All: You bit off more than you can chew by setting unrealistic expectations. So no matter what progress you’re making, you find yourself comparing it to the original (maybe misguided?) goal--which steals away your sense of accomplishment no matter how far you’ve come.
Bottomed Out: Anything that could go wrong, went wrong. Kids (or you) got sick. Day job overtime skyrocketed. Your computer caught a virus. You wrote yourself into a story corner and can’t find your way out. Or you stumbled across a published book with a similar storyline and the other author wrote it far better than you think you’ll ever be able to.
Maybe you’re feeling a combination of ALL of the above!?
So, with just a few days of March remaining, how can you end the month on a positive note no matter where your feelings are at the moment?
Putting things in perspective is a given. The world doesn’t end on March 31. But what if you haven’t even come close to where you’d hoped to be and feel as if you’ll be limping across the finish line? Or you’ve ALREADY thrown in the towel?
That’s where establishing a “Quick Win” for these final days may make all the difference in how you feel about this month’s efforts.
Yeah, “quick wins” are customarily established at the beginning of something—say, for a new employee or a new project to get things rolling on a positive note. It serves as a motivator and fends off frustration. But there’s no law that says that even though you may be weary and even a little bit disappointed in your progress that you can’t set a “quick win” here at the midnight hour.
Time’s limited, of course, so it’s important to be level-headed. No letting your eyes get bigger than your stomach stuff. You need to rationally pick a realistic mini-goal that you know you can complete, one that will energize you. One that is FUN. One that no matter how successful or less than successful this month’s efforts have been, it’s something that will leave you crossing into April with a smile of satisfaction.
As Seeker Tina always points out “What have you done TODAY to make your dream come true?” What’s a dream “quick win” that will spark your imagination and energize you for the final days of Speedbo?
It may—or possibly may not (GASP!)—be related to your original goal.
It could be pushing on to write The End. Or skipping ahead to write the First Kiss or The Black Moment or the final scene. Maybe it’s drafting a query letter to an editor or agent. Maybe it’s writing a back cover blurb for your story—just for fun. Maybe it’s polishing up that first chapter. Or brainstorming titles. Or…or…or….
It’s up to YOU. Will you slink out of the month…or gallop into the next?
Please share with us today where YOUR feelings are about the past month. What is a “quick win” you plan to apply to the remaining days of the Speedbo challenge? Any advice you can offer to those who are feeling discouraged about the level of their own progress? Any ideas they could apply for a “quick win”?
If you’d like to be entered in a drawing for a copy of my next Love Inspired, “The Nanny Bargain,” mention it in the comments section, then check the Weekend Edition to see if you’re a winner!
GLYNNA KAYE treasures memories of growing up in small Midwestern towns--and vacations spent with the Texan side of the family. She traces her love of storytelling to the times a houseful of great-aunts and great-uncles gathered with her grandma to share candid, heartwarming, poignant and often humorous tales of their youth and young adulthood. Her Love Inspired books--Pine Country Cowboy and High Country Holiday--won first and second place, respectively, in the 2015 RWA Faith, Hope & Love Inspirational Reader’s Choice Awards. Appearing on the shelves later in April is “The Nanny Bargain” and in October 2017 “Mountain Country Cowboy.”
The Nanny Bargain. Concerned for his orphaned twin brothers, outdoor-gear shop owner Sawyer Banks urges new employee Tori Janner to apply for the nanny position their grandparents are advertising…and spy for him. With plans to start over in Hunter Ridge and dreams of reviving her quilting business, Tori takes the job—but refuses to report to Sawyer unless the boys' welfare is in danger. But soon it's her own heart that's in jeopardy. Because after spending time with the committed bachelor, she starts to see the depth behind his easy charm—and begins to imagine herself as his wife. Pre-order HERE!


  1. Your book looks fun. For sure put me in for it. :) As for March--God has been good. Despite surprise galleys and then edits from my publisher, I still managed to finish my goal with time to spare...not sure how it happened. I know experience goals don't always pan out the way we hope, so I love your "quick win" idea. We should celebrate our matter how small it seems. Still progress. :)

    1. Good morning, Angela! Congrats on meeting that goal despite galleys and edits. The thing about those is that you can only GUESS when they might arrive on your doorstep, then have to work around them as best you can. Mine hit his month, too.

      So while I made very little headway on the next book, I CAN look back with relief that edits/AAs for the last book are out the door and quietly celebrate being free to move on to the next! Like you say, a little progress is still progress!

  2. Glynna,
    It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.
    My Speedbo is a great success ( I have developed a new approach to my work) and a great failure (I did not come close to my initial word-count goal).

    So I'm going for an easy win. Tomorrow I compose the back cover blurb for the book I am plotting. And my smile is already here as I contemplate that fun.

    I'd love to win your 'Nanny Bargain.' I am partial to twins as a twin mom myself.
    Laura R

    1. I love that you developed a new approach, Laura. Sometimes that can make all the difference. And I'm a big believer that if we made an improvement in our production... we are winners!

      (But I don't give out participation trophies... :) I do give pats on the back!)

    2. Laura, while you may not have made that word count goal, it sounds as if you've established a solid foundation with a "new approach" to your writing that will carry you forward!

      Your quick win sounds like a fun one to wrap up the month! :)

    3. Ruth,
      Thanks for that pat on the back.

  3. I'm sorta enjoying myself.
    Yes, I feel short. Yes, I somehow lost a month's worth of work. Yes, I took a cruise. Wait, that was planned. And yes, my husband took vacation last week to work on the house which meant I did too.
    But I still managed to work on chapters. I didn't lose everything because some of my chapters were saved in separate documents. Yay!

    Quick wins? I decided today to enter the TBL contest if I can get my opening ready by the Saturday deadline. It's a different ms so I'm having to switch gears.

    All is good.

    Thanks for the post, Glynna.
    And I love the Nanny Bargain cover!

    1. Oh, I've lost work before and I know that sinking feeling.... and the head-bang-against-the-wall.

      Go you! Glad you enjoyed the cruise and I hope you're able to enter TBL!!!!

      And switching gears can be the best freshening process there is.

    2. Good morning, Connie! Sounds as if you had a "patchwork" month of writing, but I sure hope you enjoyed that cruise and that you found some time to relax and regenerate.

      So glad you didn't lose ALL your work. That's such a feeling of PANIC.

      Your quick win to wrap up the month sounds like a good one to refocus on. We're rooting for you to make that TBL deadline!

    3. Connie, sounds like you accomplished so much during March! Good for you! Entering the TBL is a Quick Win for matter how your manuscript fares in the competition. Just getting pages ready for submission is a step forward. So proud of you!!!


      PS: How was the cruise?

  4. Great post Glynna, I didn't do speedbo so don't have those emotions for speedbo. But I do have a feeling of triumph for finishing a manuscript. Yay.
    Have a great day.

    1. Congrats on finishing the manuscript, Sandra!! That's always such a WONDERFUL feeling. :)

  5. I'm enjoying myself. I haven't reached all my goals but I did quite a lot. I'm all for a chocolate bar and a pat on the back.

    1. Patting you on the back, Tina, as I hand you a dark chocolate bar! A friend of my folks just got back from 2 weeks in Iceland and brought them back a box of amazing Icelandic chocolate that they are willing to share!

  6. My thoughts are with all of the writers taking the Speedbo challenge.

    Count me in for a copy of “The Nanny Bargain" thank you.

    1. Good morning, Mary! Your name's in the kitty dish! What's the weather like where you are? Moving into fall now as North America heads into spring?

  7. Hi Glynna! I enjoyed this post. "The world doesn’t end on March 31." Our goals don't end either. Any progress we made during the month is a good thing. Staying positive is key. Congratulations on "The Nanny Bargain!" What an adorable cover. I'd love to be entered.

    1. Our goals don't end. So true...

    2. Total, absolute agreement. We charge forth. SMILING!!!!

    3. Hi, Jill--you newly published Love Inspired author you!! :) I'm so looking forward to reading your March release, "Second Chance Romance." :)

      And you're SO right...we meet one goal and march toward the next.

    4. Jill, UPS dropped off your Second Chance Romance last night and I've almost finished it! Awesome book and voice! Yes, I know I should be writing, but....

    5. Thank you so much, Marcia! I'm so happy to know this. xo

  8. Glynna, what a great post, and I want your font. What one did you use, I'm not even kidding, that came through PERFECTLY!!!!!

    I use Quick Wins or Mini-Rewards all the time. ALL THE TIME. Not just for Speedbo or deadlines, I keep myself tuned in (and the world tuned out) by using those systems to keep myself working... and then to let myself enjoy the time off time!

    This is so huge to my success, that I wish I could shout it from the mountaintops, and bottle it and give it away because being a self-encourager is a huge part of believing in yourself.

    No one hands you anything in this business. Even the mega successful authors (and there are only a few dozen of them, and that's okay!) don't get a pass on work, and it feels so good to meet those goals. First the little ones... then the bigger ones. Piece by piece, step by step...

    Glynna, you got me on my soapbox!!!! :) Great post!

    1. Good morning, Ruthy! The font is Arial 12.5. I'm always experimenting to find one that's not TOO big and not TOO small.

      I'd say your mini-rewards system is definitely working--keeping you recharged to keep up with all the writing demands you're juggling!

      I have to give myself mini-rewards, too. Sometimes that's jumping ahead to write the epilogue or it might be playing around with ideas for a future series--anything for a little mental diversion from the intense schedule I have to keep in order to write 2 books a year while working full-time. I can't sit down and say "today I write a BOOK" or it's too overwhelming--but I CAN sit down and tell myself as a mini-goal "today I write this scene." And mini-goals add up!

    2. I admire you, Glynna! Two books along with such a demanding day job--and all the snow you have to shovel through your very long and cold winter--is inspiring. Plus, I love your stories!!!

    3. Thanks, Debby! The juggling gets pretty crazy around here sometimes! Fortunately, SPRING is almost here so even the snows (like last week's overnight 8-incher) melt SO much faster than the November-February ones!

  9. I would love to win a copy of The Nanny Bargain.

    1. Hi Cathy Ann! Your name's in the kitty dish! :)

  10. Please throw my name in the hat for your book. Thanks for the encouraging words. This turtle writer is all but waving the checkered flag. Woo hop! Thank you Speedbo. I've been skipping around doing odd scenes to patchwork quilt into a piece that got bogged down. Gotta go to work. Have a great day writing.

    1. Love the "woo HOP" Bettie! :) Sometimes that's what woo hoo feels like, doesn't it? Jumping for joy?

      Congrats on getting those scene gaps filled in this month! I'd say that definitely deserves a BIG woo hoo!

  11. Hi Glynna,

    Thanks for the encouraging words. As I neared the end of my WIP, there were two threads I wasn't happy with. I'm trying to figure out where to weave them into the story so it makes more sense. So, I wasn't feeling too great about that, but after reading your post I feel better. Thanks!

    Speedbo has definitely been a great motivation for me.

    1. Hello, Jackie! So glad Speedbo's been a motivator. It feels good to set definite goals and have a concentrated time to focus on them. And when midnight on March 31 hits, you can still move forward with weaving in the things to your story that you feel need to be strengthened. A month of Speedbo is just the beginning!

  12. Glynna, thanks for the upbeat post. I'm satisfied with my accomplishments toward my goal of writing a proposal. I have the word count. Just need to figure out a whopper ending for that third chapter. I've got a couple days so here's hoping I get that quick win.

    The Nanny Bargain looks and sounds great! Can't wait to read it. Funny thing is I'm writing about a nanny. But I'm not throwing the story out. There's room for two of us. :-)


    1. Mornin' Janet!! Congrats on wrapping up the proposal. Yes, the ending of that third proposal chapter is critical to win the reader--but you don't want it SO "hooking" that the editor says she wants it moved to the FIRST chapter. LOL.

      If you haven't noticed, fictional nannies have been around almost since the beginning of story-telling time!

    2. Ah, you make me think of Jane Eyre, one of my favorite stories. We're in good company, Glynna.


  13. I was definitely not a "winner" with my speedbo goals, but one thing I did do was say "no" to a lot of other things this month, which was refreshing and cleansing in its own way. So, though I made no progress on my story, I began learning how to organize and plan ahead so the next time I do this I will be ready for it.

    1. Good morning, Glynis! Sometimes stepping back from an original goal in order to lay the foundation for the success of FUTURE ones is wise--and to be celebrated! It sounds as if you've put yourself in a much better position to move forward with your writing.

    2. Sounds like you're on the right track, Glynis! Practicing saying no so you can prioritize your time is a huge accomplishment!

  14. Thanks for the encouragement, Glynna. I haven't been a winner in Speedbo this year and I will spare you all the excuses. However, I have made good progress and that will be my quick win - comparing where I was on March 1 to where I am today. I am excited to read The Nanny Bargain! The cover looks so fun.

    1. Good morning, Cindy! Looking back over the month to see what you HAVE accomplished, even though not what you'd hoped for, is an excellent quick win for ending Speedbo month on a positive note!!!

  15. Interesting. I was telling myself some of these same things this morning. I've not worked much on the story I intended to work on, and on which my Speedbo goal was based, and so I feel a little bad about that. But I've worked MUCH more on a manuscript I've been editing and I started a new short story. So I don't feel I've had a stellar month, but I do feel it's been good. And yes, Day Job Overtime has skyrocketed. So I'm not that much of a sloth. :)

    1. Hi, Dana! ANY progress made during a month when you have a day job deserves a high five and a rousing cheer. I know how very hard that is and how uncontrollable. No matter what, the day job that pays the bills has to come first even when the Muse is calling!

      It sounds, though, as if you've made good use of the time you've been able to squeeze in--editing takes a LOT of time, but is so necessary--and starting a new short story is a big leap. Congrats!

    2. I have the utmost respect and admiration for you gals who hold down day jobs AND manage to squeeze in writing time.

  16. Glynna, that's such a cute cover on The Nanny Bargain!

    For a last push goal, I'd like to write a new scene today. I'm not anywhere near finishing the novella I had hoped to write this month. Craziness in my life interfered. But I'd really like to push through and write a couple of thousand words today. Which means I'll need to take my computer while getting my car serviced today.

    1. As all the Seekers & Villagers know, Missy, sometimes LIFE just happens and the craziness won't let go. The fact that you're even able to THINK about writing in the midst of it amazes me. Your end-of-the-month quick win sounds like a good one!

  17. This is my first comment on here. I have published three books, The Long Road Around the Corner of Hope, Crawling to the Light, and Wise Turned Foolish. I have five more I'm working on: Two Suitors (working title), Professional Fans, Stone Solid, Active Waiting, and Kill the Locust. I'm happy to be a new seeker. Except for Two Suitors, which is contemporary romance, all of the other titles are contemporary Christian fiction. If anyone would like more information on any of this, I will gladly send it to you.

    1. FAYE! Welcome to Seekerville! Thanks so much for commenting!
      I just picked up a copy of The Long Road Around the Corner of Hope. Thanks for sharing your writing life with us at Seekerville.

    2. Welcome to Seekerville, Faye! So happy you've joined us. And congratulations on all those books--both published and in the works! Such intriguing titles. I'm sure folks here will be looking them up on Amazon!

      Please tell us a bit about yourself--how long have your been writing, etc. ?

    3. We're always delighted to welcome new Seekervillagers, Faye! Looking forward to getting to know you!

    4. Welcome, Faye! Happy to have a new Villager in Seekerville! Make sure you stop by the buffet table for donuts and coffee. And get a NEW VILLAGER badge from the membership booth! SO HAPPY TO HAVE YOU HERE!!

    5. Faye, so glad you left a comment so everyone can say hello!!! It was wonderful being with you at Romancing the Smokies! Don't be a stranger to Seekerville! We're a fun community of writers and readers and we welcome you with open arms!!!


    6. Faye, we're so glad you joined us! Thanks, Debby, for letting her know about the blog!

      We look forward to getting to know you better, Faye.

  18. I am between Triumphant and enjoying myself. After having what I call some epic fails at Speedbo and Nano. I decided to make two goals one that should be easy to reach even when health or life throws its darts at you. I made that goal. My higher goal was to how far I could smash that goal and shoot for double if not triple. of the original goal. At the moment I am 5 1/2 k short of reaching double that goal. I have 3 days to write it so I know it is attainable.

    For those who are struggling this year. I want to share what happened last year as an encouragement. If it could go wrong with my health last year it did during the month of March. I felt pretty discouraged but as April rolled around and I was feeling better, I set a small goal to continue and participated in Camp Nano where you can set your own goals. I managed to blow that goal away when I learned that editing can boost that word count. I was told to consider 250 words for each page I edited. So including actual writing on the story I started in Speedbo and editing on the other books I had written previously I ended up with over 90K words last April. So if you are struggling there is always next month even if you are not participating in something like Camp Nano.

    This year I set a goal to write each day. I have failed but have come as close as I can. January was a rough start due to the sudden passing of my Mom, after allowing myself a few days to grieve I began again with the Lord's strength and have a document where I am keeping my word counts for each month. A count for actual writing and a count for words edited as well as a total for each month. I want to keep pressing forward. If life happens I try to create an achievable goal and keep on going.

    Thanks for all your encouragement this month.

    1. Wilani that's great. That close to triumphant sounds pretty fantastic to me! YAY!

    2. Good morning, Wilani!! Between Triumphant and Enjoying Yourself--great place to be!

      Congratulations on that INCREDIBLE goal-breaking accomplishment! WOW. I know how rough of a year this has been with health issues and the passing away of your mother, so your progress is truly amazing.

      Thank you, too, for your encouragement to those who are struggling this month and not coming close to the goals they'd set for themselves.

      Best wishes on attaining that last 5 1/2 K you're shooting for!!

    3. You've had quite a productive month, Wilani! Way to go!

    4. Thanks for sharing, Wilani! You're amazing!!!

      Healing hugs headed your way!

    5. Way to go, Wilani! I'm sure you can double it!

  19. Hi Glynna. I'm feeling DECENT about my goals. Not great ... no milestones reached. But I've accomplished what I wanted to accomplish mostly. I had just really hoped to kick Speedbo's butt and really get a LOT MORE done than I'd hoped. But I'm doing okay!

    1. Good morning, Mary. DECENT IS GOOD!!! More than good, actually. We all have stuff going on "behind the scenes" but with extra effort you always seem to manage to overcome whatever gets thrown at you and INSPIRE the rest of us!

    2. I have to agree with you, Mary. "Decent" pretty much describes my Speedbo month. But, hey, we got work done! That counts, right?

    3. Mary, I'm pretty much at "decent" too. Which is not a bad place to be.
      Myra, LOVE the new head shot!

    4. Mary, does Speedbo even HAVE a butt? Is it alive? Just wondering...

  20. Thanks for this post, Glynna.

    I'm pretty much enjoying myself. Though my story is ending up a bit longer than I originally thought, and I'm still 5500 words away from my goal, which is far away for a gal that 1,000 words in a day is top performance.
    But thanks to the posts here at Seekerville, I'm not giving up. I'm going to try to hit my word count goal, even if I don't get to type THE END just yet.

    1. Hi, Amber! 1,000 words a day is VERY GOOD, so celebrate that for sure! You're SO CLOSE to The End--then you get to catch your breath and start the revise and polish process which is MY favorite part!! I'd say you've done GREAT for your Speedbo month!

  21. Glynna, this is so encouraging. I definitely bit off more than I could chew but I've accomplished more than if it hadn't been Speedbo month. I've discovered my new (to me) writing process, which previously I'd been fighting within myself. I've written every day - that in itself is huge. So, my little win will be remembering that I'm WAY ahead of where I was last year at this time. And next year I'll be further ahead yet. And there's still three days to go. :)

    1. Good morning, Laurie!! It sounds as if you've had some "breakthroughs" despite biting off more than you can chew and process discovery will really help you in the writing realm as you move forward. Congratulations on writing every day. That's a BIGGIE.

  22. I need to step out for a bit, but look forward to returning the catching up on all your "quick win" plans! You're inspiring me--and I'm sure many others as well!

  23. Thanks for the pep talk, Glynna! I'm feeling pretty good about reaching my Speedbo goals, even with all the family interruptions. The first draft of my wip is awaiting the next round of revisions, and I've gotten a decent start on a new proposal. Just need to figure out the black moment and how everything resolves.

    1. Hey, Myra! You have a ton of stuff going on right now, I don't know how you're managing Speedbo, too! Sounds like you REALLY accomplished a lot this month!

  24. Well done, Glynna!

    Please enter me in your drawing for a copy of your next Love Inspired, “The Nanny Bargain,” thank you! And may God bless you and all of Seekerville!

    1. Hi, Phyllis! Your name has joined the others in the kitty dish! So glad you stopped in to join us today. :)

  25. Thanks, Glynna. I'm galloping into April, sending off my Christmas story for three other pairs of eyes, though I know it's not quite ready yet. But I did it, and am entering corrections from the second pass. Many weeks I've had appointments/commitments away from the house four days out of five. I still left my Sundays free and got the job done.
    Ideas abound and I'm ready to dig into the next projects.
    Go Speedbos, you can all do just what the Lord designs to accomplish through you.
    Be a blessing.

    1. Congrats, LoRee, for what you've accomplished...even with your many days away from the house! You're so right! Everything is possible with God.


    2. WOW, LoRee! Galloping into April--that's what we love to hear! You must be a STELLAR time manager with having so many other commitments yet making great headway! Congrats!

  26. Please enter me for the The Nanny Bargain. I am not a writer. But feeling good about March. I have gotten many things accomplished.
    Becky B

    1. Becky, always a joy to have you join us in Seekerville. We LOVE readers!!!


    2. Nice to hear, Becky! Speedbo can be whatever we need it to be, for any project!

    3. Becky, I love that we have so many readers here now! When we started we were all kind of new, but this took off so nicely as writers AND READERS found us! Yes! So glad you're here!

    4. Hi, Becky! Your name's in the dish! That's great that Speedbo month has been productive for you. I should probably take your idea for a writing-free Speedbo month myself and catch up on all the projects that get shoved aside for writing. Closet cleaning & checkbook balancing, maybe?? :)

  27. I didn't get the word count I wanted, because I had to stop and do edits for another book. But I'll be pushing on in April for Camp NaNo!

    1. Toni, edits count! It's working toward our many goals and seeing success that counts. Congrats on all you've accomplished.

    2. Toni, how exciting to have edits! I always count edited words, too. :)

    3. Missy, I do, too... edits are serious biz and they take time... and they're so important!!! Toni, I love that attitude... go get 'em, Tiger!

    4. Hi, Toni! I was deep in edits from my last book this month, too, so no big word counts for the current WIP. During edits I like to read my manuscript through from beginning to end 2-3 times. That's about 8 hours each round for a Love Inspired-size book. So pat yourself on the back for getting through those!

  28. Glynna, love the idea of Quick Wins! I accomplished a lot of projects during March, edited a manuscript and moved forward with a new WIP. No, I didn't finish writing a story, but I was working hard and am happy that some of the projects were completed...and all were submitted on time!

    Finding the joy...

    1. Making deadlines is always to be celebrated, Deb! Congrats!

    2. Deb, those are sweet, sweet words... edited and moved on.... :) Big Ruthy Grin!!!

    3. Hi, Debby! You got a TON done this month! Big time congratulations! Such a relief to get things off your To Do list, isn't it?

  29. Hi Glynna! I'm kind of feeling a combination of all of them. I had some great word counts on a story I was trying to finish, then the story got put on the shelf, so I had a few days of no word count while trying to revamp and then started on a new story, so Speed-bo was really helpful to keep me motivated. Your story sounds amazing (as do all your stories) and I would love to be in the drawing. :)

    1. You nailed it, LeAnne--motivation. Speedbo is our month for refocusing and reprioritizing. In my mind, the total word count isn't nearly as important as adjusting our mindsets about what is possible.

    2. Hello, LeAnne! Motivation is the name of the game for Speedbo, that's for certain. And most of the time it rolls right into April and onward, building up momentum as you go.

      I've dropped your name in the kitty dish! (Sure hope Ruthy washed it out. I should have borrowed Mary's Stetson...)

  30. What a motivational post! I have far exceeded my goals for Speedbo (then again I wasn't expecting all that much in the first place), and I am pleased with how much I have written. It is true that I am not done with my book (or anywhere close!) but it's a long book, and I still have time to finish it in the months to come. I've proven to myself that I am capable of writing my book every day- even the ones where the words aren't coming.

    I've just completed my 50,000 word goal that I set last week when I saw that I was 45,000 words in, and I was wondering what I should spend the next couple days doing. Should I just muscle on and get a couple thousand more words in? But after reading this post, I'm thinking that maybe I should take a little break (I've certainly earned it!). Plus my back cover blurb needs to be written.

    And for all those who haven't been able to get as much done this month as you would like. Don't give up! I believe in you! Now all you've got to do is believe in yourselves.

    I would like to be entered for the drawing for your book. Thanks!

    1. Congrats on the 50K! Definitely reward time!

      Speedbo is all about stretching ourselves and exploring what we really are capable of!

    2. WOW, Nicki, you really took this challenge seriously! Congratulations!

      Yes, I think you definitely earned doing something extra fun for these remaining "quick win" days of Speedbo! ENJOY!

    3. Yay, Nicki! You rock!!!

      Congrats on achieving your SPEEDBO goal! :)

  31. I'm okay with where I'm at. On the minus side, I still have two chapters to go, and unless The Lord Taketh Away some of my other commitments, they won't be done by Friday. But I have to look at WHY they're not done, and one of the reasons is a revise-and-resubmit request. It's a bird-in-the-hand situation. If I had a contract for the Speedbo project, it would be done. But the R-and-R took precedence. I'll just let the Speedbo book slop over into April, it's only two chapters. It will get done. Also on the plus side, I'm ONLY two chapters short of a draft, and I have spent March getting to know two really cool people (my H and H). It is all a matter of perspective, and nobody needs the glass-half-full concept like writers. Yes? No? Maybe?
    Anyway, back to the post, these are good points. Glynna. And it all depends WHY we're sidetracked. If I could have my parents back for one hour, I'd happily be behind on Speedbo. If I had a sick kid, Speedbo would go to the apocryphal back burner. Day job, not so much, but God wants us to do our best at those until and unless He sets us free.
    God is faithful. I announced my intent to semi-retire and people are coming out of the woodwork with freelance opportunities for me. Honestly I don't know what they were doing in the woodwork in the first place, but it's none of my business. It's newspaper and magazine work, which is fine with me and will leave time for my fiction.
    Please put me in drawing for book.
    Kathy Bailey
    Undergoing a sea-change in NH

    1. Oh, yes, the R&R took precedence!

      I agree--the WHY is the question we have to ask ourselves, and you named plenty of good reasons to readjust goals and reprioritize.

    2. I am totally on board with this. Readjusting, checking those priorities... Myra, yes. Perfect...

    3. Kathy--a Revise & Resubmit opportunity isn't to be missed! I've always heard that so many of those requests make by editors and agents aren't taken seriously and the opportunity is lost.

      I'm excited for you for all these "woodwork" opportunities. It definitely sounds like God's timing to "step out and find out" what He has planned! :)

    4. Kathy!!! Celebrate that R&R! The editors are serious about liking your voice/your writing/your style when they ask to see something again!!! Woot!

      Plus, I love that you're getting freelance jobs. The Lord provides!


  32. Well, Glynna, I have to say I'm sorta enjoying myself while I'm bottoming out. But, what an inspiring month for me! I'll be polishing up my first twenty pages for that critique I won, so that's a win-win for me.

    I did manage to put in a beautiful garden this month. Looking forward to an awesome bounty that I share with friends and neighbors.



    1. Good for you, Marcia! I'm not much of a gardener, but I did put in some work on a small flowerbed last weekend. I love springtime!

    2. Hello, Marcia! Polishing up those first 20 pages as you wind up the month and move into April should give you some good momentum and pull you out of the "bottomed out" category. Sometimes we surprise ourselves when we look back over the month and see how much we accomplished even though we may not have met our original goals.
      I'm sooo, jealous of the garden!!

    3. A garden sounds lovely! And 20 pages. It's all good! :)

    4. Thanks, ladies for all your encouragement. My work is slow because of my two helpers...procrastination and inner editor. They've been with me a long time, and I'm an "old dog". 'Nuff said.

      Myra, I got your book, A Rose So Fair in the mail today. Yay for me! I didn't realize it was the third book in a series. Guess I'll have to look for the other two now. Love the cover!

    5. That inner critic is one that I really have to fight against, too. Stand your ground and back him/her down!

  33. Hello Glynna! While I'm not a writer so I'm not doing SPEEDBO, I'm sending lots of good vibes for all those who are doing it! Good post today!
    Please put my name in your drawing! You KNOW how much I love your books - every last one of them - YAY!!!!

    1. Valri, you readers are the reason we work... the reason we write... the reason they hire us to write.

      I'm celebrating YOU!!!!

    2. Waving to Valri, one of my long-time encouraging readers!! Yep, your name's in the dish/Stetson!

      Thank you for sending everyone good vibes--we can use all we can get! :)

    3. Waving to Valri! We always love to see you in Seekerville. :)

  34. Hi Glynna
    My month got busted up writing-wise, but I learned a ton of cool stuff here at Seekerville, so it's still a win of a month for me. As y'all have said before, I can always do a personal Speedbo at any time. I keep repeating that for me.
    I would love to have a copy of The Nanny Bargain.

    1. Hello, Deb! I'm glad you learned "cool stuff" here this month even though the writing wasn't where you wanted it to be. And YES you can create your very own Speedbo month.

      Due to edits & AAs (like a galley) for my books almost always arriving in March, I've seldom, if ever, gotten to do a classic March "Speedbo" -- but with a NEXT book deadline looming, I launch my own in April or May, so definitely keep that in mind. Your name's in the dish! :)

  35. While not triumphant, I'm pleased with my progress. Sometimes these challenges are more about learning how and when we work best as it is total word count.

    I've discovered that I cannot--simply CANNOT--write a rough draft all the way through without going back and untangling the threads, then continuing on. I write forward for a few chapters, then polish, work on what I've got so far. Go back and include plants (not the green kind), then plot out a little further, write those scenes, then polish them up. This is usually done in sections (25%, 50%, 75% mark), etc.

    I might as well stop fighting my natural bent and go with the flow.

    However, I've also discovered that I MUST keep pushing through the jungle/fog/pea soup even when I feel like throwing my hands up and doing something else. Eventually, I'll work it all out in my head and on the screen.

    Just this week I felt that I discovered a major milestone for my characters. That gave me confidence and a renewed sense of "boy, this story IS going to work!!!" thoughts.

    It's one thing to write a one-liner in a synopsis saying the h/hn's goals will change somewhere in the middle, or they will admit to themselves (or a mentor) that they're falling in love, but it's another thing entirely to write to the point and make that happen in a believable way.

    Sometimes you have to write what feels like 40K words of drivel to find that peak to hang you story on. THEN you know you've got it licked. Or at least you hope you do. :)

    1. Hey, Pam!! Yep, Speedbo month is a great opportunity to learn "what works best" for you.

      I can't write straight through either. Every chapter or three I have to do some tweaking and polishing and firming the story up.

      Isn't that a wonderful feeling when a character almost starts breathing on his/her own? Yeah, you have to keep plowing ahead, but the character starts to carry some of the load, which is SWEET.

      Thanks for the insights, Pam!

    2. I totally relate. I'm trying to put together a coherent story idea to present to my editor before I commit to the full-blown proposal. I'm all the way to where the black moment and resolution SHOULD be, but I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT EXACTLY WILL HAPPEN!!!!

  36. Hope I didn't miss anyone's comment. Have to dash again, but I shall return! So exciting to see what everyone's been up to this month. :)

    1. I've been reading the comments. How fun. Great topic Glynna.

  37. I just finished my mini-goal for today! Finished my scene. It may be terrible, but at least it's DONE. :)

    1. Yay Missy. Congrats. I've finished a couple goals today but have one more to go. So that feels good anyway.

  38. Glynna, loving that cover. Just absolutely adorable. They did a great job of creating a fun mood.

    1. It does look fun doesn't it. I agree. Who doesn't love a hike in high country?

    2. Thanks, Tina! Such cute little boys. But where are the ponderosa pine trees??? :)

  39. Well a quick win came up for me today. Plot Whisperer Martha Alderson and I are going to work out a plot for next months blog. We're going to go through the process of plotting. Well now I better get busy and figure out who my characters are and what the big conflict is going to be. The GMC???? If I can get that done I will have a marvelous quick win.

    1. BTW I love the idea of a quick win. Great going, Glynna. I think I'll use that more often. Should help keep me motivated.

    2. Oh, how fun, Sandra! I remember when we both first met Martha at Desert Dreams. I have several of her "how to" books -- but it's been a while since I've been out to her blog. Can hardly wait to hear more about this!

  40. Hi Glynna!

    I can't believe it's the end of March already! Of course, I spent two weeks down and out with the flu. Not the best way to spend Speedbo!

    But now that I'm on the mend, I'm set to pick up my own Speedbo challenge for April. The story still needs to be written, right?

    1. Hey Jan, April is a great month of a personal speedbo. I do mine in June. Sorry about the flu though. Hope you're feeling better.

    2. Hi, Jan! I don't have any idea what happened to the first 3 months of 2017. So busy with work and writing, the time's just flown!

      I'm sorry you were wiped out with the flu. There have been some really nasty bugs floating around this year that just hang on and hang on.

      And YES the story still needs to be written, so April can be your Speedbo II.

  41. Great advice, Glynna! Your post near the start of Speedbo encouraged me to look at March as a way to train my efforts to move my writing career forward. Though I didn't add much to my word count, I did something almost everyday during Speedbo to make my dream come Tina suggests. :)

    For my quick win, I plan to brainstorm ideas for a new story during the next two days...finishing Speedbo on a positive note.

    Please put my name in the hat for The Nanny Bargain. Thank you! And thanks to all the Seekers for the amazing encouragement of the Speedbo community during March. Go Speedbo!

    1. I really like the quick win idea also. You're doing what I'm doing. Brainstorming a new book. Maybe we should get together. smile

    2. Hi, Sherida! That's wonderful that you did some "training" this month and took steps to make that writing dream a reality. And brainstorming the next book is a fabulous and fun idea for a "quick win."

    3. Sandra, we should do that one of these days. I know we'll meet in person in the future. Tucson Book Festival is on our list for next year.

  42. Great post, Glynna. I am pleased with how I did on Speedbo this year. I have made my goal everyday with just two days to go. This is the first time I haven't missed a day in the 3 years I've not missed. I finally feel like I'm moving forward in the book I started two years ago.

    Please put me in the drawing for your book. I always enjoy your books.

    1. Sandy, Way To Go!!! Congratulations. I'm so jealous. smile
      Happy writing.

    2. WOW, Sandy! Meeting your goal every day for a month is amazing. I know you're already feeling like you're in the TRIUMPHANT category. Congratulations!

      So glad you enjoy my books! Your name's joined the others in the kitty dish! :)

  43. Glynna, Thank you for the encouragement. I finished a round of edits this morning, having had to rewrite the black moment. Tomorrow is synopsis rewrite day. I'm moving forward and I'm looking forward to more editing on my other WIP before I get ready for queries to go out this summer. Please enter me in the drawing. Happy writing everyone.

    1. Hello, Tanya!! You've really been busy! Edits, synopsis rewrites, etc.! I think you can really feel good about how you're wrapping up the month! And your name's in the dish, too!

  44. TEEEEENA! I finally got to the store to pick up the April 3 issue of Woman's World. I LOVE your "Matchmaking Dad!" You pack so many "warm fuzzies" into your charming romances that leave readers with a smile. :)

  45. Thank you for the encouragement, Glynna! I've been off my word count this week, but I still have a couple of days to try and catch up. Congratulations on your new release! Such a pretty cover. I just recently had a chance to read The Pastor's Christmas Courtship, and I enjoyed it so much! I will leave a review on Amazon. Thanks!

    1. Thank you, Laura! So glad you enjoyed The Pastor's Christmas Courtship! Garrett was a fun hero to write. :)

      Even though you feel you've been off your word count this week, it sounds as if you have a good "quick win" plan for the remaining days of Speedbo!

  46. Welllll... I had to spend more time editing this month than I thought I would, and the 10,000 word goal was a bit lofty, considering I'm always slow at beginnings. So, I only have 923 words. If I get 2,000 more, it will be pretty great, but I'm not even expecting that many. LOL Oh well. I will do better next month.

    1. I do appreciate this encouraging post, though, Glynna! Just what we all need, I'm sure.

    2. Melanie, I'm slow at beginnings too.

    3. Hi, Melanie! I'm slow launching those first chapters, too. There's SO MUCH to get into them that reveals the characters and sets the GMC stage and, unfortunately, it can't be thrown in like a business document with bullet points. :)

      Best wishes for your very own Speedbo in April!

  47. Hi, Glynna. What a fabulous Speedbo month!! I've gained over 24K words (which is good for me) and am 3 chapters from the end of my WIP. Countdown! I may not make it...but then again, I just may! LOL. Either way, I'm happy. Lovin' it! Blessings to you and thanks for this post.

    1. Wonderful progress, Rebecca! And I imagine you'll finish up those final chapters before you know it. Congrats!

  48. GLYNNA, PLEASE FORGIVE MY TARDINESS!! I actually drove nine hours yesterday to get home, so the day was shot before it began.

    So I'm catching up today on all the good stuff I missed, and loved this post!

    You asked: Please share with us today where YOUR feelings are about the past month.

    I would have to say with traveling over 3 weeks out of this month have really wreaked havoc with my goals, but the way I look at it, any writing is a benefit.


    1. Hi, Julie! No apologies--I've been keeping up with all you've been doing and don't know how you've even had time to catch your breath! And yes ANY writing at all is progress.

  49. I hope that all who have participated will be feeling successful and successful Friday night. I have certainly enjoyed all of the posts during this month. Glynna, I would like to be entered in a drawing for a copy of ypur next Love Inspired, “The Nanny Bargain,”
    Thank you and Blessings!

  50. Hey Glynna! Sorry I'm 2 days behind in posting a comment on your blog post, but I've been putting in extra "Speedbo Time" and made it today (March 31)!! SO happy to meet my goal this time!! :)
    Your post is excellent - - I'll admit I always enjoy Glynna-posts! :)
    Looking forward to reading many more LI books written by YOU!
    Hugs, Patti Jo

    1. Congratulations, Patti Jo! I'm SO happy for you meeting your goal!

  51. Hi all!

    After two nights and a day and a half of thunder storms, I'm happy to be back on my computer!

    Where am I?
    I'm currently located in the "Enjoying Myself" category. I had lots of fun and I learned a lot, but I had goals that changed as I became wiser as March went on…does that make sense? lol.

    Congrats to everyone who has been Speedboing - we made it! I know there are only a few hours left, so many of you are probably chasing down the deadline in style. I'm cheering you on!

    Quick Win
    My quick win today was going back over my initial pre-Speedbo goals/planning and assessing my Speedbo journey. I am making plans to re-adjust my Speedbo sails and stay the course for April. :)
    So here is a cyber high-five for "galloping into the next" month!


    1. Hello, Meg! So happy to hear you're ending the month in the "enjoying myself" category! As you've discovered, Speedbo is about much MORE than meeting word count goals. It's a time of self-discovery and "training" for your writing future.

      Your time of reflection on Speedbo sounds like a great "quick win"!

      Thanks for joining us!
