Monday, March 20, 2017

Speedbo Got You Down? Give Yourself the Gift of Kindness

Janet here. The Seekerville Speedbo challenge is to write as many words as you can during the month of March without revising. How are you doing with that? If you’re doing great, making or exceeding your daily goals, congratulations! Take a bow! You’re knocking it out of the park. We’re proud of you!!

But what if you’re not? 

What if you’re failing to meet your goal? What if the large number of words other Speedboers report writing each day is slipping your self-confidence to the soles of your shoes? What if the words you’ve written seems like drivel? Are you beating yourself up? Furious at yourself for not knocking that chirpy little editor off your shoulder? Are you certain you’re not a writer and never will be? If you’re experiencing discouragement during Speedbo, this post is for you.

When we fail to meet the expectations we set for ourselves, some of us think or speak negative, hateful words to ourselves. I’m a_____! Fill in the blanks. Perhaps words like loser, idiot, phony come to mind. Words we would not say to another human being. The worst part is that self-condemnation is counterproductive and has a negative impact on our health and happiness. Use negative self-talk often enough and it will become a pattern.

So what will help us be kinder to ourselves?
  • Recognize we're human. We are never going to be perfect. We’re going to make mistakes. Failure is part of life. Take comfort from the fact that when we fail, we're not alone.  
    Replace negative thoughts with positives
  • Recognize that failure today does not mean we'll fail tomorrow. In fact, failure can push us to work harder next time. When we give ourselves grace after failing, we're more apt to try again. 
  • Recognize that the way we think is our reality. Positive thoughts breed a positive life. If caught in a rut of negative thought patterns, memorize Scripture that focuses on our thoughts and on gratitude. Read Norman Vincent Peale's The Power of Positive Thinking. Go here and read about the failures of successful people. 
  • Recognize how we react to failure is a choice. We are not helpless. It may take practice to rid ourselves of negative self-talk but it can be done. Refuse to voice negative thoughts. Change the subject if a conversation turns negative. Choose to give yourself the gift of kindness.
  • Recognize that destructive words fed to children can have a far-reaching impact in adulthood. If that's been your sad reality, perhaps talking with someone, a trusted friend or professional, can help you achieve a healthier perspective.
  • Recognize we have a loving God who wants to help us in every area of our lives. Talk things over with Him. Ask for His guidance.

Refuse to let setbacks defeat you. Failure isn't an excuse to give up. Instead, dust yourself off and try again. If you keep positive thoughts in your head and God at your side, you are equipped to take actions that will get words on the page.  

Speedbo on!

Feel free to share how Speedbo is treating you.

Do you have tips to share that help you fight self-criticism? 

For a chance to win a critique of your first five pages or for a chance to read an eCopy of one of my books, leave a comment.


  1. You are so right, Janet. We are so quick to see our lackings and so blind to the uniqueness God gave us! Thanks for such a thoughtful post.

    I fight this by pinning things about the journey that make me smile on the board over my desk. I don't care if it doesn't look like a spread for Better Homes & Garden. It's my office and it makes me HAPPY!

    1. TINA, what a cool idea to have reminders of all the things that have brought you joy on this journey right in front of you! Love it!


    2. Now that is a fun idea to pin happy achievements to a board on the wall. I like that even more than journalling them because they'll be in front of your eyeballs every day on a board! Totally going to use this. ;)

  2. Janet, I try so hard to be an upbeat person, but today has just been one of those beat me up days. Thanks for this encouraging post and your words of wisdom.

    Oh, I would love to win a critique.

    1. TERRI, we all have those days. We're allowed. :-) Hugs to you!

      I'm with you on trying for an upbeat, positive attitude. It sure makes life more fun and productive. And as Norman Vincent Peale said, enables us to scatter sunshine. Isn't that a cool image?

      You're in for the critique.


  3. I kinda feel like you wrote this post for me. I've improved but I haven't hit my mark yet. My soothing thought is "the journey is all."
    A critique would be lovely!

    1. LAURA, keep on keeping on is a writer's motto. That's not always easy. But you're exactly right, we don't want to focus so much on the target that we miss the positives on the journey. There are so many!

      You're in for the critique.


  4. Janet, your gentility and kindness shine through this post. You have a sensitivity that I lack... and a beautiful grace. You brat.


    This is a wonderful example of that self-examination or examination of conscience I talked about last week... when we look within ourselves to see what's going right and what's going wrong.

    Wonderfully presented here! Thank you!!!

    1. RUTHY, I'll hold hands while you kick butts. :-) Start with mine. The important part of self examination is making decisions and then taking action. You are my favorite action figure!


    2. Ruthy, you are not mean. Or insensitive. Or you have a different definition of it than I do, I'm just sayin'.

    3. KAYBEE, exactly. She tries to make us believe she's tough through and through but inside she's a marshmallow.


    4. Making decisions and then following through and taking action. Bingo. Then add a dash of God inspired pep talks.

      *Adjusting my cowgirl hat and setting off a bit more determined*

      Git 'er done! #speedbo17

  5. Great post, Janet! I'm far from knocking it out of the park this month, but I've been slow and steady and trying to ignoring those doubting voices. Thanks for this!

    1. JILL, slow and steady gets you where you're going. As to those negative voices, stuff cyber cotton in your ears and remind yourself that you're writing for God.


  6. Erm... I've sort of given up this month because of a bunch of stuff life-wise. The spirit is willing but...

    I'm not feeling too guilty - yet. This post will help me not flagellate myself too much. Thanks Janet. :)

    1. DEBH, never beat yourself up when life stands in the way. Life is what you're here for. There's still eleven days left in Speedbo. Hoping they're kinder to you.

      Hugs, Janet

    2. I agree with Janet. Life IS what we're here for. One of the most important lessons I've had to learn is that the writing will still be there.
      Kathy B.

    3. KAYBEE, true. Housework, too!


  7. Hi Janet, thanks for the pep talk. I'm moving slower than I had hoped, but I haven't given up yet. Eleven days to go. Believe is my word for 2017, and I'm going to believe I can still make my goal.

    Have a great day!

    1. JACKIE, believe is a great "one word"! I'm getting this image of the Little Engine that Could. He believed he could and he did. Cheering you on to the finish line!!


  8. Great post, Janet! Thanks for the encouragement. It's harder than I thought to just write. I want the opening just so. I want the scenes just so. But my encouragement for today: You can't have the next bestseller if you don't write the story! So write the story! Whatever that looks like to get the story down on paper. Because you can't edit what's not there. And editing is the fun part, for me anyway lol. Happy Monday and happy Speedboing!

    1. SALLY, we must be twins separated at birth. I can so relate! I keep revising, even though I don't want to. I'm a revision addict. I'm sure the reason is the same as yours. It is more fun for me to revise than to come up with the next scene that'll move the story along. Still I'm making progress. We'll get there!


  9. Thank you, Janet. This is something we all have to keep learning. I'm older now and I don't beat myself up nearly as much because I've realized for the amount of things I get wrong, I get an equal or larger amount right. We need to celebrate our successes, in writing and other areas of life, and remember Who they come from.
    Ah, Speedbo. I'm working on a Christmas-themed romance, I hope for LI, and I started it in January and gave myself Speedbo to finish it. So it's a three-month book. I have done books in one month before, for Speedbo and NANO, but they were novellas. Maybe I'll try a full book- in-a-month next year. That said, I have three chapters to go on my draft of my Speedbo book-in-three-months. That would be fine and dandy and I think I'm going to make it, but I've been derailed by the revise-and-resubmit. Which is as good a way as any to be derailed. I guess. I need to carve out some time this week to do that.
    I am optimistic.
    Put me in the drawing, you can never have too many critiques.
    By the by, my old critique partner has just sold her second book, and my current crit partner has just sold her second book!
    Thanks, Janet. May be back later.
    Kathy Bailey

    1. KATHY, you have loads of wisdom and tenacity! We do need to remember to celebrate our successes and the talent God gave us.

      LI loves Christmas stories. Congrats on getting the majority of your Christmas story written!

      I can't think of a better way to be derailed from that project than by an editor's revise-and-resubmit! Congratulations! Pulling for you! With the success of your critique partners, I'd say you're getting great feedback.


  10. Hi Janet:

    Your words today are music to my ears! They represent a positive way of life.

    Always endeavor to think in terms of positive affirmations. Emulate the Olympic champions who creatively visualize successful attempts, complete with muscle memory, immediately before each event. This has proven to be the most successful approach to capturing the gold!

    Avoid giving reality to fears by studying how to overcome them. Instead dwell on the habits of success.

    Remember Matthew 5:39, "But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil..." for such resistance empowers that evil just as Newton's third law illustrates that "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." This statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects.

    The Bible and Newton come to the same conclusions. A whole expression of Christianity is affirmed in the Unity faith. Live abundantly in positive affirmations and crowd out unwanted and harmful thoughts without even thinking of them.

    This is a way of life that lets one let go and truly let God.

  11. Janet, your post is very inspiring for this first day of Spring!

    1. CONNIE, thanks! I'd forgotten this is the first day of Spring. Yay!


  12. VINCE, beautifully said! Dwell on our failings and we're engraving them in your mind. Worse, we're discounting the power of the Spirit within us. I love that you said to dwell on the habits of success and go for the gold. Not to just dwell on success. The habits--the hard work--is what will get us there.


  13. Kindness can be hard to find in this world, but I can always count on it here. Thank you, Janet! I'm not doing as well as I had planned this month, but we are just getting back to routine after Spring Break. There's still time...and I never regret the time with my children, even if it does mean I'm slow with the words.

    1. MEGHAN, time with your kids is always special, but there's something extra special about spring break. They're blessed to have you as a mom.

      Hope the words flow today!


  14. Beautifully said, Janet--a perfect pick-me-up for the last couple of weeks of Speedbo!

    I am SOOO guilty of negative self-talk, and the biggest downer for me is the comparison trap. It's a habit I have to continually work on. It reminds me of the scene in the Bible where Jesus is on the shore with the disciples after the resurrection, and he's walking along with Peter. Peter asks Jesus something about John's future, and Jesus answers, "What is that to you? You must follow me."

    1. MYRA, thanks for the reminder from Scripture that we aren't to compare ourselves to anyone. Even our fingerprints are all different, proof that each of us is uniquely and wonderfully made. Isn't that mind boggling?


  15. Well done, Janet!

    I'm behind my ideal schedule for Speedbo but there's still a chance I'll make my goal. Even if I don't, every bit of progress is a beautiful thing :)

    May God bless you and all of Seekerville!

    1. PHYLLIS, We may not always hit the bulls eye with our arrows, but hitting the target makes us pretty decent shots. Here's to progress! :-)

      God bless you.

  16. Hey, Janet! Thanks for the positivity! That is always appreciated by me! (Oops! A passive sentence. Oh well. I sometimes break the rules. I'm giving myself a break!)

    I had to finish my edits before I could actually start my SpeedBo challenge. And since they are now turned in, and since later today I'm going to be sitting in Panera Bread by myself for an hour, I am going to finally start this new book and thereby start my SpeedBo words. Yay!!! I'm really excited about this book! It's an Aladdin retelling, and it's been percolating in my head for a year or more. So, here I go.

    1. MELANIE, yay!! You get to play with a new story at Panera! With your story percolating for a year, it should write itself. ;-) Kidding, but wishing you all the best with it.

      What's your favorite Panera lunch? My granddaughter introduced me to the Kale chicken Caesar salad. Love it!


    2. Janet, I like their tomato soup. Honestly, not a big fan of Panera's food, but I have a lot of friends who like to go there, so I'll try that next time. LOL! Thanks for the suggestion!

  17. Good morning Janet and all. I'm swinging by quickly before heading out for a track meet in South Dakota. But, I've printed out my MS to edit on the way and back.

    I'm not SpeedBo-ing as fast as I'd like to be. That internal editor is a clingy little gal. But I'm past the halfway mark to my goal so that's good. Still 11 days to kick it into high gear.

    1. SHAREE, if you deck my pesky editor, I'll take care of yours. Mine never listens to me.

      I'm past the halfway mark too! Here's to a strong finish!


  18. So far with my Speedbo goals I have been able to keep them and even go over them most days. My current word count that I wrote this month is 39,693. It is way more than I thought I would write this month, but I'm still maybe only halfway done with my story- if that.

    My internal editor is quite a nag and several times this month it would stand on my shoulder screaming into my ear about how horrible my story was and how I had to go back and rewrite it. The entire story. To help silence it whenever I was/am not happy with something I have written for whatever reason I go and make note of the changes I want to do on a to do list I am keeping for when Speedbo is over and I start revisions. This so far has helped me ignore my internal editor considerably.

    1. NICKI, huge congrats on those 39,693 words!! That's awesome.

      Your "To Do" list is a great idea as it enables you to move on, knowing you won't forget to handle whatever is bothering you later.


  19. Love this, Janet! You said, "If you keep positive thoughts in your head and God at your side, you are equipped to take actions that will get words on the page." I need to print that out and put it near my computer. So easy to forget in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Thank you so much! Happy Writing, everyone!!

    1. LAURA, so glad you stopped in! Congratulations on the Merritt contest final!!

      Sometimes we're so close to the trees, we don't see the big picture and the progress we're making.


  20. This weekend has been a struggle to write because of the worsening of my bronchitis. Since I woke up in the night choking, I called the doctor and after a run around because they are so busy, I finally got an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow. Why when you have COPD would he not want to see me when I am struggling to breathe and have been on an antibiotic for a week and feel worse after a week then before. Yet this is all in the Lord's hand and I know I will write as soon as I can knock this. I have met my goal this month of writing something every day. Plus was so productive the first of the month and met the original goal in 15 days. Now my goal has been to blow that one away big time. Isn't it wonderful that the Lord is in control.

    Thanks for the post Janet. It is important to keep a positive attitude. Prayers are greatly appreciated.

    1. Wilani, I'm so sorry about your bronchitis. It does seem strange they won't let you come until tomorrow. My doctor's office takes walk-in appointments, which is nice. I'm guessing that isn't an option for you. But do go to the emergency room if you are truly struggling to breathe! Take care of yourself.

    2. WILANI, I'm praying for you! A friend has bronchitis and a sinus infection. She sounds just terrible. Maybe you've got something else going on, too.

      Congratulations on meeting and surpassing your goal.

      Hugs, Janet

    3. Sandy, good advice for Wilani to go to an emergency room if she can't catch her breath. We need to listen to our bodies.


  21. Oh Janet - I needed this so much! Thank you! I press on toward the goal, albeit from behind. I am on spring break this week (I work for the school district) so hoping to accomplish much. Again, thank you!

    1. CINDY, I'm pulling for your accomplishments this week! Keep on keeping on and the words will pile up!


  22. Thanks, Janet, for this encouraging post. I have met my goal of 1,000 words a day for this whole month. I really related to some of those negative comments you stated--that I am writing drivel and that I'm not really a writer. I'm writing some scenes that I am not sure will even need to be in the book. Other scenes are probably not in the right place, but I will never know until I write it down I guess. Now that I am on spring break, I can take some time to work on my timeline a bit better and see where things belong. But at least it's in there, and I can move it around or delete it later.

  23. SANDY, congratulations on meeting your 1K a day for the entire month!! Your writing muscles are in great shape! Hope Spring Break enables you to get a firmer handle on your story and more pages written.

    Having to eliminate or move scenes happens to most of us. I realized my heroine would not behave as I had her behaving in one scene, but when I rewrite, I'll still have elements I can use from the original.


  24. Love this sooooo much, Janet. I've been uber discouraged 'cause I'm not meeting my goals as piddly as they were so this has been a blessing to read today.

    As much as I want to give up sometimes, I feel like God sends me messages to give me a boost or a shakedown. Like this post. :-) Or last Friday when I was at the hospital rehabilitation centre going through my paces and my physiotherapist said out of the blue, "You should be an author." :-0 What did she just say???? And she repeated it randomly throughout the session. Um, okay...I'll get write on that (get the pun?) Bwahahaha! Her reasoning, by the way, was because I give the most imagination pain descriptions she's ever heard. Apparently they create pictures and really help her identify the issues and even help her understand what other patients have tried to explain.

  25. KAV, I'm happy my post gave you a boost. I'm even gladder that your therapist knew you should be a writer by your vivid descriptions of your pain. Loved the pun!

    Hugs to you.

  26. KAV, by the way, I hope her words were the validation you needed. Cause a writer is what you are.


  27. Julie, such a needed blog post. Thank you!

    I cringe when I hear parents disparaging their children with negative talk, even if they're trying to be funny. Too often, the joke falls short.

    As you mentioned, we frequently think of ourselves in negative terms, which over time does damage.

    I like your idea of turning negatives into positives.

    What a wonderful plan of Christian action that would be for Lent!


    1. DEBBY, funny you should say that because during Lent I'm fasting negative self talk, negative words. Not the typical thing but I've seen negativity creep in and know that's not good for me and doesn't please God. We need to be as kind to ourselves as we'd be to others.


    2. Wonderful, Janet. Are you becoming more aware of negatives? I might try it for the rest of Lent!

      Just sent my proposal to my editor so I'm dancing a jig and rejoicing! Lots of positive talk at this moment. :)

    3. Janet, forgive me for addressing my comment to Julie. I'm blaming it on my bad eyes and poor typing skills! So sorry!

      It is a wonderful post!

    4. DEBBY, I am more aware but they still slip by. Habits are hard to break.

      Mega congrats on getting your proposal turned in to your editor! You have had so much on your plate that I'm dDancing the jig with you!! Proud of you!!


    5. DEBBY, I knew you meant Janet. :-) As tired as you must be, I'm just impressed the name started with a J. :-)


  28. JANET, thank you for this encouraging post! I struggle with negative self-talk. I'm in the process of re-programing my thinking.

    Please enter me for an e-copy of one of your books.

    1. CARYL, wouldn't it be great, if we could re-program our thoughts and all we had to do is re-boot and we'd be a changed person? :-) Sadly few worthwhile things are that easy.

      You're in the drawing.

  29. JANET!! WOW, is this a post so many of us need, including moi!

    I just spent two weeks in Birmingham helping to rehab my daughter and son-in-law's "new" house, and worked 9-9 most days, leaving very little time to write. I did manage to get my goal of 1,000 words a day in about every other day, but tried to make up for when I got home on Saturday, I am now at about half of my goal of 30,000 at day 20 rather than day 15 as I hoped.

    BUT ... there's still eleven days to go and I'm hoping to crank, so we shall see. Not too bad, I guess, since 3/4 of March involves traveling. :|


    1. JULIE, I'm impressed with your productivity when you're working so hard physically. I'm guessing you were able to think about your story while you worked and that helped you get words on the page.

      I'm so impressed that you're the DIY type! I love watching HGTV at night to help me unwind. I'm sure you didn't have any trouble going right to sleep with that grueling schedule.


  30. Janet, I love the optimistic, hopeful tone of your post. You're so right. The way we talk to ourselves, the way we choose to perceive our circumstances will dictate how we respond to them. I never get beyond my need to be reminded of this!

  31. Thank you, Janet. One of the most important things I heard when the rejections piled up was that I am not a failure, but a particular project failed for whatever reason...
    Life happens, as in today I'm under the weather. I'm sure I'll reach my projected word count in a couple good writing days, though. Obviously, I needed to rest today.
    Happy writing day to the rest of you, and pat yourselves on the back, even if all you do is come to the Seekers' blog.

    1. LOREE, I hope you're feeling better tonight! Glad you could rest and recuperate. I'm thankful you stopped by. You're scattering sunshine when you don't feel well.


  32. JEANNE T, thanks! I think most of us need the reminder that attitude toward our circumstances may be the biggest obstacle to overcoming them.



  33. Janet, you said: "Do you have tips to share that help you fight self-criticism?"

    I would like to add to this point of yours:
    "Recognize we have a loving God who wants to help us in every area of our lives. Talk things over with Him. Ask for His guidance."

    Keith is always telling me I am my own worst enemy, which is true of so many of us. And I have always felt that beating one's self up is a slap in God's face because He made us and died for us, and we are precious in His sight.

    But I have to say that it wasn't until this weekend in church that the pastor drove a very important additional point home that I tend to forget. And that is that I need to see self-defeat and self-discouragement for what it is and call it by its right name: sin.

    My pastor talked about striving to please God in every minute of every day, through praise and thanksgiving no matter how negative things appear to be. I've always believed that, but my emotions don't always follow and tend to win out more often than not.

    But my pastor said something that really clicked with me, and that is that emotions do not have a brain. They are ruled by feelings, not intellect. So despite how we feel, we can use our mind and intellect to praise and thank God, focusing on pleasing Him instead of focusing on our feelings. This has brought an element of clarity to me that helps me to KNOW that I not only can do this, but it's what God wants and brings Him glory.

    Silly point, I know, but it has helped me to focus more clearly despite how I feel.


    1. JULIE, that's a huge point. Not one bit silly! Like many things that we sometimes excuse as just how we are, we need to see sin as sin. Negativity, fear, anger, a lack of forgiveness, etc. are not of God and we're not much of a witness either. Aren’t we glad He still loves us, no matter what and we can start fresh every day?


  34. So far, I've been able to meet my Speedbo five days out of a week, which is what I anticipated. But I've been so busy doing that, that I barely have time to do Seekerville!

    1. BOO, You made it! Proof you can do it all! :-) Thanks for stopping in.


  35. What a great post, Janet! I'm really hard on myself in my head. I have to fight negative self talk all the time. I love your suggestions! I find the repetition of positive self talk (even if it feels goofy as anything) really helps. :)

    1. MISSY, Did you see the movie The Help? The little girl's nanny affirmed her over and over. "You is kind, you is pretty, you is smart." Or some such words. That may feel goofy, like you say, but isn't that great?!


  36. I'm plugging ahead with my very small daily goal this year. Last year I frustrated myself and said some of those not so nice things. The lesson learned was to aim for something small and when i exceed it I can pat myself on the head instead of giving myself a swift kick. Im happier this year and the writing is coming easier.

  37. BETTIE, you make an excellent point. When we are happy with ourselves, we're more apt to be creative.


  38. My Speedbo has been a complete bust so far. Real job has consumed pretty much every waking moment since the month began.

    But, report cards are done, and state testing is next week, so I hope to begin to pick up the slack. Make that INTEND to begin to pick up the slack.

    Thanks for the encouragement, Janet.

    1. CATE, I'm impressed when a teacher still has energy to write. Not that other jobs aren't demanding, too, but teachers always have papers to grade, conferences with parents and special teachers, lesson plans, etc. and with meetings often taking up free time, the work has to go home with them. Can you tell I'm pro teacher? Does your system go year around or do you have a chunk of time off in the summer?

      Wishing you the very best with the last ten days of Speedbo.


  39. Great post Janet. I was talking to friends yesterday about the power of positive thinking and how that translates to success. If we picture ourselves successful or accomplishing our goals and dreams, then it happens. Read Mark 11:22-24. What you believe in your heart happens. so yay all you successful writers.

    1. SANDRA, thanks for the perfect Scripture! Don't forget to cheer for yourself!


  40. I so appreciate these encouraging words. Thank you, Janet!

    1. J BAUGH, you are so welcome! Thank you for stopping in.


  41. WONDERFUL post, Janet - - thank you so much. Lots of wisdom in this that we can apply to so many areas of our lives besides our writing. This is going into my Keeper File for sure!
    And I especially needed this because after having a very productive writing weekend, today I haven't come close to reaching my goal. So instead of mentally scolding myself, I'll dive back into my WIP after I post this and write as long as I can stay awake. :)
    Hugs, Patti Jo
    p.s. I also agree that parents/adults need to be careful how they talk to children. Harsh words can do so much damage and harm to children. Sometimes a few encouraging words can accomplish wonders! :)

    1. PATTI JO, isn't it nifty how what applies to our writing, applies to so many other areas of our lives and vice versa?

      Harsh words seem to stick in the mind. I'm so grateful that I had affirming parents!


  42. I really needed this post. After a rough start to Speedbo and alot of overtime at work, I've been rather down on myself. It is easy to slip into negativity, but your words hit home and I shall work at being the Queen of Positivity...or maybe just a princess-in-training. ;)

    1. Princess Sherrinda has a nice ring to it. :)

    2. SHERRINDA, use whatever title pleases you most and enjoy your reign! :-)


    3. I agree, CATE! I think I'll go by Lady Janet. Not a princess or a queen but doing okay for myself. :-)


    4. You know what's funny? My name is a compromise, Sherry and Linda stuck together. In the past, the Anglo-Saxon name Sherry (Shari) is meant princess or darling. Linda carries a Portugese meaning of beautiful. I don't usually tell people this because it sounds silly to be named a Pretty Princess! lol

      And Cate, I think Queen Cate wound sound amazing. :)

      And Lady Janet does have a nice ring to it.

    5. Sherrinda, your folks knew what they were doing when they gave you that name. We're all royalty, children of the King.


  43. Janet, these are wonderful words: "When we give ourselves grace after failing, we're more apt to try again."

    All told, my Speedbo is going fairly well. I'm editing/revising a previous Speedbo project. I keep hitting 'speed bumps' with non-writing things, but (thanks to lessons learned and wisdom shared during previous Speedbo-s) I'm not beating myself up. I can't express what a difference that has made for this Speedbo. I'm thankful for the words I do get edited ... it's more words than I had the day before :-)

    Thanks for the positive words,
    Nancy C

    1. Nancy C, we all need to affirm ourselves. At least treat ourselves as nicely as we treat others. :-)


  44. Janet, Hi. Thanks for your words encouraging self-kindness. Actually, it's the writing and the editing that encourages me more. I love that part of writing. I tend to get down from the ancillary tasks, and then I have to get back into my manuscript and I'm okay. Praying and support from others is always a big plus. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Tanya, sounds like you're doing the important stuff right. Go you!


  45. Janet, your post is just what I needed. I'm afraid I've already failed the first part. I had to go back and edit the beginning because I had to resurrect one character and let another one die. I don't think I could have written any more without the changes. Mindset and all.

    That said, I'm still behind in my word count. But, I'm giving myself a pass and celebrating the days I do get a few words down.

    Hope I made it in time to be entered for the critique.


    1. Marcia, you're smart to fix what needs fixing instead of pushing on with characters that don't work.

      You're not to late to enter.


  46. Great reminder of the need to not stress out but press forward. At this point in the month I'm a little behind and I know my rough draft is really rough rough rough. (as it should be in finishing a novel in a month.) But I keep telling my self just keep writing, just keep writing.

    1. Jubilee writer, you're doing it right! There's still a week to go!


  47. Checking in a day late, but last night I discovered my wc was off by about 1500 words. Of course I was majorly bummed. I still haven't figured out what happened to those 1500 words, or if the grandbaby somehow hit the DELETE key on an entire scene.

    Since it was after midnight when I discovered it, I just went to bed and decided I'd check on it today. Still haven't found the missing words ... and there might not even BE any missing words... I might have typed in the wrong number on my spreadsheet. But at least I'm not as stressed about it as I was last night.

    1. Pam, I'm so sorry about those missing words! Hoping they reappear or that they're really not gone at all.


  48. Thanks for your encouraging words, Janet. There are some days (like over the weekend) that I have such high expectations and f-l-o-p. Life gets in the way. And other days when I don't expect much, I get 2K which is great for my work schedule. I'm anxious to see where I'll be at the end of the month. Should be very close to the finish line. With that being said, the overall accomplishment counts so much more than the individual days. Love you, Seekers!

    1. Rebecca, love you back! You're doing great!

