Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Weekend Edition

Welcome to the Weekend Edition!
As we launch into the FINAL WEEK OF SPEEDBO!
Be sure to share how you're doing in the comments!

If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes. Send to

 Check here to see if you were a Speedbo winner this week!

Monday: Janet Dean gave us a lift with her post "Speedbo got you down? Give yourself the gift of Kindness." The winner of a five page critique is Kathy Bailey. The winner of one of Janet's eBooks is Caryl Kane.

Tuesday: Amanda Cabot joined us as we discussed "The Power Of A Family Tree." The winner of an autographed copy of A Stolen Heart is DebH.

Wednesday: Bestselling author Elizabeth Musser was in the house to offer a glimpse into her very unusual writing life and how she's managed to remain relatively (but certainly not totally) sane! The winner of her most recent release, The Long Highway Home, is Terri Tiffany.

Thursday: Jill Weatherholt was our special guest with her post, "The Payoff of Perseverance." She's celebrating her debut release from Love Inspired. Toni Shiloh and  Evelyn Hill are winners of  Second Chance Romance!

 Monday:  Seeker Tina Radcliffe brings her friends to Seekerville to share, "Deadline Tales From Trenches." Speedbo, book deadline or contest entry deadline, you are not alone as you madly dash toward "The End." Stop by for fun and a cool giveaway!

Tuesday: Sandra Leesmith will discuss the importance of hiring an editor before sending your manuscript out and/or indie publishing your book. She has invited Rachelle Rea Cobb, a freelance editor to answer questions.  Sandra will be giving away five copies of Rachelle's helpful book: Write Well: A Grammar Guide.

Wednesday: As the end of March looms, Glynna Kaye offers "Speedbo Countdown! Getting Yourself to The End with a Quick Win," and the opportunity to be entered in a drawing to win a copy of her May Love Inspired release, The Nanny Bargain.

Thursday: Tina Radcliffe brings you "The WHY of Motivation." We'll talk about Stupid Heroine Syndrome and all sorts of fun things. See you there! 

Friday: We bring you our final Speedbo Best of the Archives posts. Comments are closed on Friday to allow us more reading and writing time!

Check out Tina Radcliffe's short romance, Matchmaker Dad in the April 3, issue of Woman's World Magazine. On sale, NOW!

April is coming! Time to polish those Speedbo manuscripts. Held one time only this year. Details and sign-up information here.

Thanks for the link love!

Congratulations to the RITA and Golden Heart finalists. A special Villager shout-out to  GH finalists Dianna Shuford and Laura Conner Kestner. And to RITA finalists, Karen Witemeyer, Kara Isaacs, Carol J Post, Margaret Browning and Robin Lee Hatcher. Here's the list: you should be reading RITA finaling books in the category you are writing or targeting. 

Discover the Joy of Inspirational Romance with 3 FREE Love Inspired ebooks!

The State of Social Media Demographics: 2017 Benchmarks [Infographic] (HubSpot)

5 Tools Every Indie Author Should Use (Social Media Just for Authors) 

 How Do I Stay Published With Lackluster Sales (Janet Reid, Literary Agent)

How To Rescue a Book in Danger of Dying (Writers Helping Writers)

As we enter the last week of Speedbo, let's lift each other in prayer and recall the words of Elizabeth Musser from her post on Wednesday.


  1. Another great weekend with great links. Thanks, Tina.

    Congrats to all of the winners. I can't believe this is the last week of Speedbo! Have a great weekend!

  2. Jackie! You beat me tonight. I'm working on six things at once and chugging caffeinated ice-tea.

    Sleep is over-rated. We can sleep AFTER Speedbo, right???

  3. Congratulations to all winners!

    Congratulations on another WW story, Tina ~ That's wonderful!

    Thanks for a great weekend edition of Seekerville. Can't wait to explore all the helpful links. :-)

  4. Heading to bed after a 4,500 word writing spree. It was like I couldn't stop once I got started. Can't believe that I am now at 32,,501 words so far this month. I will come back and check all the links in the morning. I am sure this is not what the doctor had in mind when he told me to rest. But now I will be able to rest because it is out of my brain and into the computer.

    Tina I will look for your magazine. I love to read your short stories.

    1. WOWZA!!! 4,500!! Wilani, you are amazing. WOOOHOOO!!! GO!!!

    2. Wilani, you rocked it! Hope you had a great night's sleep with all those words out of your mind and onto the page!


    3. You are on a roll, Wilani! Great going!!!

    4. Wow Wilani! That's fantastic!! Major congrats!

      Nancy C

    5. Wilani, that's awesome!! And you have 6 more days. Whoot!

    6. Wilani, that is such good news... I'm just grinning and happy dancing for you!!!!


    TINA!! LOVE that meme that says, "A Day Without Reading is ..." LOL ... I read that at 5:07 AM in the morning and grinned wide, which is hard to do that early in the morning, as least for me!!

    And sleep AFTER Speedbo??? How 'bout during coffee breaks?? I'm behind, so I have to reallllllly crank this week.

    WILANI, WOW, WOW, WOW!! I am SO impressed, not only with your 4,500 words in a day, but 32,501 for the month so far -- you ROCK, girlfriend!! I dhave written that much in a day only once or twice in my career, so that is truly special!



  6. I am so happy I won a critique. Now to decide which book to send the five pages from. I also won a Speedbo critique, but can't send my sample in until April 1. It is like Christmas with all these critiques.
    These are interesting times, as characters in the Terry Pratchett books say. This week I Quit The Day Job. Actually semi-retired. I still have freelance work for two newspapers, freelance work for a college alumni magazine, and a summer temp job. But that's an 8 to 4 thing, and when I go out the door at 4 I'm done. But freelance and temp work is much more controllable than a day job. I'm in the 'gig economy' now! And I'm positioning myself to be a full-time writer.
    I read an article one time by Pamela Redmond Satran (who gave us "Younger," but I try not to judge), and she said her writing routine is to do her fiction in the morning, when she's fresh, and then do her nonfiction, which brings in the bucks, in the afternoon. This is the schedule I'm going to try once I get done with the temp job. I am excited about the vistas opening to me and the more flexible schedule. It was time.
    I have two more chapters to go in my Speedbo manuscript, so I guess I'm doing okay. I'm going to step back this weekend and work on the revise-and-resubmit for my Oregon Trail story. I'm a project juggler, not everyone can do that but it works for me.
    Wilani, what a great effort, I don't think I've ever done that many words in a day.
    Tina, congratulations on another short story sale, I hope to be able to read it. Short stories are a genre I never mastered, but maybe some day...
    A good WE. But it is the weekend and I must go trample out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored...
    Kathy Bailey

    1. Kathy, you're another example of plan the work and work the plan. Congratulations on semi-retiring and positioning yourself o write full time!

      Send your critique along when you're ready.


    2. It's good to know when your most creative hours of the day are, Kathy. What I have found works best for me is to do my busy work in the mornings while I'm still getting my brain in gear, then write in the afternoons. After lunch seems to be my most productive time, plus I have all those mundane tasks out of the way and they aren't nagging me to work on them.

    3. >>her writing routine is to do her fiction in the morning, when she's fresh, and then do her nonfiction, which brings in the bucks, in the afternoon.<<

      Kathy, this is what worked for me. I also sent emails and made phone calls about the non-fiction work in the afternoon. Usually contacts called back in the afternoon. Time zones made 'afternoon' variable. Reading emails is under my control :-)

      One trick to encouraging contacts to call back in the afternoon is to say "I'll be in my office from 1 to 5 pm" ... even if you don't have an office :-) Sometimes those phone calls have to be answered in the morning (deadlines). I learned not to beat myself up about the interruption but also not to use it as an excuse to get sidetracked. It was a very, very steep learning curve :-)

      Best wishes with your writing,
      Nancy c

    4. Great ideas, Nancy. I'm sort of the opposite of Myra and more like Kathy. I have to write in the am when I am fresh and then do non writing biz in the late pm.

  7. Congratulations to all of the winners!
    Nice job, Wilani!
    Thanks for another terrific WE, Tina. And congratulations on another WW sale. I can't compete with you girl!

  8. Wow, Wilani! I think I may have hit 2,000 words once in one day last year, but usually I'm glad to make a thousand (which I have--after most of a month, I'm even sitting 1.5K ahead of schedule right now).

    1. Rachael... if you could hit that 1K/day for a year... that's a bunch of books, sweet thing. I always plan a two-year calendar to see what I need to put where based on the 1K/day. If I get a chance for more, great... but if I keep my scheduling at that level, that's 4-5 books/year.

      I love the reality of that. Congratulations on developing such a stellar habit!

  9. Thanks for the great week past and I look forward to this coming week in Seekerville. Congratulations to all of the prize winners!

  10. Another great weekend edition. Congratulations to all the prize winners!

    I'm way behind on my Speedbo goals. This week has been a total bust. It was Spring Break and my daughter, son-in-law, and grandbaby have been here all week. We took a short three day trip to the Smoky Mountains at the start of the week, and ended the week with daughter and grandson being sick, which meant a lot of time sitting and holding my sweet baby boy while trying to get his fever down. They are feeling better today, so I'm going to try and slip away for a couple of hours to write at the coffee shop.

    Wishing you all a wonderfully productive last week of Speedbo!

    1. Rhonda, you're doing lovely things. You can have your own Speedbo when the timing is better. Good to hear your daughter and grandbaby are doing better. Hope those hours in the coffee shop are productive.


    2. Taking time out for family should NEVER give you a guilt trip, Rhonda! Enjoy them when you can! I'm reminded of that every day with our daughter and family living with us. Hard to ignore those grandkids when they're either being way too cute for their own good or get screamingly annoying.

    3. Thanks for the encouragement, ladies!

      This grandbaby is moving to Arizona this summer which will put him a three day (or hard two day) drive from Alabama versus the seven hour drive to where they currently live, so I am definitely loving on him as much as I can while he's here. Also, we just found out he's going to be a big brother! Due date is in November!

    4. Rhonda, grandma time is precious! A new baby on the way is so exciting! Congratulations!


  11. Great Weekend Edition. Thanks Tina! I want to check out several links. And will grab a copy of WW! Always love your short stories, Tina, and always enjoy the magazine. It's always positive and fun.

    Congratulations to our winners. Looking forward to the week ahead and to getting words on the page and finishing strong.

    Speedbo on!


  12. TINA!!! Congrats on yet another WW story! You are rocking those, girl!

    I feel pretty good about my Speedbo goals. I finished the draft of my wip, then started on my next proposal. Did some character planning and wrote a chapter or so on it, then went back for a round of revisions on the wip. Yesterday I made good progress fleshing out a synopsis for the proposal. Figure if I go back and forth between planning the story and writing it, eventually I'll "see" enough of what happens to complete a coherent synopsis. Not fun with my pantser style of writing. :(

  13. Confession time. I've only written approx. 330 words of my 10,000 goal. But I should finish the second round of these edits today (I hope) and will have the whole week to write. Yay! And yay to all those who are working hard and getting the words written! Thanks to Seekerville for being such a catalyst for meeting goals and succeeding!!! Go Seekerville! Go SpeedBo! :D

    1. And congrats, Tina! You are the short story queen! I think I'll go get me a Woman's World mag today and read your story!!!

    2. Trying ate my post.

      Another amazing weekend edition, TINA -- and congrats on yet another Woman's World sale!!

      Congratulations, too, to all the Golden Heart and RITA finalists!! Exciting times. :)

      Way to go on your Speedbo word counts, ladies!

    3. Melanie! I bet you will get your goal yet. You have become a rabbit on the road to words!

    4. Mel, I got edits in the middle, too, and that made the goals quake in their boots... I know exactly where you're at. And then those back-to-back storms and all those folks needing shelter... But we'll get there. Go get 'em!

  14. Happy weekend to all. Kudos to GH and Rita finalists, all the winners here and to Tina. The romance with a gardening background and Chrissy's matchmaking dad was a winner for this gardener. I Hope everyone is meeting their writing goals. I appreciate the links too.

    1. Pat! So good to see you! How are you doing? What's new in your writing world?

  15. I'm excited to have won one of Janet's ebooks! Congratulations to all the winners!

    TINA, thank you for another fabulous WE! Congrats on your WW story!

    I'm cheering on those who have accepted the Speedbo Challenge! WRITE ON! WRITE ON!

    Enjoy your first weekend of Spring!

    1. Thanks for your sweet excitement, Caryl!


  16. Congratulations to all the winners! Thanks, Tina for another great WE! And congrats on another WW story - they should just give you a weekly spot! My Speedbo word count is off, but I hope to be back on track this weekend. Off to read the links, and then it's nose-to-the-grindstone time. Happy Writing, everyone!

  17. Happy Weekend, Friends! :)
    Great WE, as always, Miss T! And CONGRATS on yet another WW story published - - YAY!!!!
    CONGRATS to all the winners this week!
    This next week looks like another awesome week in Seekerville (of course, EVERY week in Seekerville is awesome!). :)
    Love what Elizabeth Musser wrote and Tina shared with us - - sooo important (and I need that prayer since I tend to look at upcoming tasks--including medical appointments--and feel super overwhelmed *sigh*).
    Please enjoy the goodies I've baked: Cinnamon streusel muffins, Pecan pie, and of course, peach cobbler. ;)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

    1. Patti Jo, I often feel overwhelmed. I'm praying for you and your medical appointments.


    2. Oh, doctors.... :( But cinnamon streusel muffins, my friend??? YES!!!!

      We've got cherry pie here today, I felt the urge to spring some sour cherries out of Freezer Prison and I can't deny a level of excitement. :) A lovely Mass this morning at a new "old" church and it was freshening.

      Still smiling!

  18. What a terrific quote from Emily Freeman in her post about 8 Things Whole-Hearted Creative Women Do Differently: "She understands the soul and the schedule don’t follow the same rules." That one goes into my collection of quotes.

    Congrats to the RITA and Golden Heart finalists. What an accomplishment. And congrats to this week's Seekerville winners.

    Oh boy, another Tina story in Woman's World. Have you noticed how the magazine almost always has a weight loss guide on the cover ... right along with pix of desserts? :-)

    Thank goodness there are 31 days this month. I'll need every one of them to meet my Speedbo goal. I'm pleased with how it's going so far, considering all the interruptions.

    Hope Speedbo is going well for you writers. Cheering you on!

    Nancy C

    1. Dieters are like writers, Nancy. We want our cake and eat it too AND we want a quick fix to success. HA!! That could be a blog post.

    2. Laughing at this because Tina's last one (or one of the last ones) had Marie on the cover... AND THE DIETING!!! With food!!!

      Ayuh. Darned if we do, darned if we don't.

  19. Tina, I love your WW stories. That so-so magazine found a real treasure when they found you! (the only time I buy it is if there's a Tina story) Confession: I am not on track with my Speedbo goal but I haven't given up yet. There is still a week left. Even if I don't make it, I still have more done than I would have with Speedbo. Thank you Seekerville!

    1. Cindy, you are too kind. You need to start working on WW stories next.

    2. Cindy, you have just nailed the goal of Speedbo, how I see it, anyway... to help us become more productive, not by anyone else's measure, but in a step by step fashion that works for us.

      So YOU DID THAT!!!!!

      And I'm calling it a success!

    3. Hang in there Cindy. I'm with Ruthy. You've already succeeded.

  20. What a fantastic week as we found out who the RITA and GH finalists are - congratulations to everyone! - and we've all been working towards our Speedbo goals. I've found I work much better if I do the email/wake-up/chore stuff in the morning and then am primed to write for the afternoon. Speedbo's helped me realize that's part of my process. And while I'm not going to hit my overly-exuberant personal goal I've figured out a better system for getting the words down and how it's okay to go back and forth in my WIP to work on what's pushing at my mind to get written *now*. Time to stop being a linear thinker! I'll be out today so plan on grabbing this week's WW to read your story, Tina. :) thank you for another excellent WE - loved all the links!

    1. Laurie, this is interesting. There are a lot of writers who go back and forth with scenes... that's a gift. I'm linear, and that works for me, but I'm always amazed at how many people can do a book like a producer does a movie... Shoot all the coffee shop scenes here, shoot the dark scenes in the street, shoot the kitchen scenes... Isn't that an amazing talent and YOU HAVE IT. Go you!

    2. What a blessing to find your rhythm. Way to go. Hang in there.

  21. Yay, I won a critique. How long do we have to send that in? I thought I saw something about that in the Speedbo rules but looked and didn't see it. Do we just send as an attachment to the Seekers email address?

    Congrats Tina on another WW story. I just picked up the magazine this morning. I need to start working on a story for them.

    Off for a family weekend. All my siblings will be back and we are celebrating my mom's birthday tonight and my nephew's Eagle ceremony tomorrow. Will be more difficult making my Speedbo goals but will write in the car.

    Happy Weekend everyone!

    1. Sandy, for all our prizes the rules are the same. The difference with special Speedbo prizes is you cannot claim them until April 1.

      All prizes must be claimed within 8 weeks of announcement or are forfeited. Seekerville is not responsible for any lost, damaged or misdirected prizes.

    2. Sandy, enjoy this special time celebrating your mom's birthday with your family. Congrats to your nephew on making Eagle Scout!


    3. Sandy, what a wonderful weekend. God bless you and your family as you gather for Mom's birthday... and an Eagle Scout!!! What an amazing accomplishment. Congratulations to that young man!!!

    4. Congrats on winning. Hope your weekend is a blessing.

  22. Another great WE!! Thanks, Tina, for putting Elizabeth's beautiful prayer into a meme!

  23. Congrats to all the finalists!! I meant to say that earlier. :)

  24. I am wondering if anyone is planning to join camp Nanowrimo for April. I would love to find a cabin of Christian writers. I would be willing to try to set a cabin up if I knew of others.

    1. Am sending a prayer that you find the perfect roommate. hugs

  25. Great WE! I have the grandbaby asleep so I'm sprinting right now. I will admit I've fallen behind due to some revision requests from my agent, but I'm trying to get back on track this week. Looking forward to one last week!

    1. And your grandbaby is ADORABLE. You can do this, LeAnne. I'm picturing you hitting that send button with a winner manuscript. Stay positive. Read Mark 11:22-24.

  26. Our prayers were answered, Jackie Smith is home and recovering from surgery. She'll visit when she's no longer "loopy" from the pain medication. She's appreciative of all of the prayers.

  27. Jill, thanks for the update on Jackie! Glad she is recovering well.

    CONGRATS to all the RITA and GH finalists!

    SPEEDBO update:
    I ended up spraining my right elbow, so I've fallen WAY behind on my SPEEDBO goal since typing and computer navigation is painful. Actually, I was behind on everything.

    But it's getting better, and I'm not giving up yet. Hopefully I can get there this week.

    1. So sorry about your elbow, Amber!

    2. Amber, glad your elbow is getting better!


    3. Amber, I've known you long enough to be amazed at your youthful tenacity. You never give up on anything and you are a wonderful example of perseverance... and production. I'm praying for complete healing because elbows are unsung heroes in typing. :(

    4. Bummer about the elbow. But you have the attitude of a winner. Hang in there.

    5. Sniff, sniff, thank you so much for those kind words, ladies. Ya'll are the greatest. ♡

  28. Congratulations to all the winners!

    I'm about 40-70% to my Speedbo goal, depending on how you look at it. Hard to believe it's the last week already.

    May God bless all of Seekerville!

    1. Phyllis, I think I'll use your math (the 40-70% rule) to report my goals as well. That's my kind of math. lol

    2. Laughing!!!! COMMON CORE MATH!!!! A new lesson in subjectivity!

    3. Hang in there Phyllis, Sounds like you've done a great job. 70% is nothing to sneeze at.

  29. I've completed just over 45,000 words so far this month. I'm hoping to reach 50,000 by the end of next week.

    1. Nicki, congratulations! I'm sure you'll make your goal.


    2. Nicki, isn't that wonderful and amazing? Aren't you so stinkin' proud of yourself????

  30. Congrats Tina. You're going to take over that magazine's fiction page! I'm still speedbo slow poking along but meeting my goal every day. I'm happy and have finally established that daily time to write. That in itself is a great accomplishment and feeling of relief. Yay Wilani. Keep those words coming. Congrats to all the winners. Have a great Lord's Day!

    1. Bettie, thank you for your kind words... And a blessed Sunday to you as well!

    2. Thanks, Bettie. From your lips to God's ears.

  31. Congrats to the winners!!!

    Tina, so excited about your WW story!!! Can't wait until the magazine hits the stands! Always love your stories.

    And a Tina class! Fantastic. What a great opportunity for anyone needing a bit of direction with writing. Thanks, Tina, for always being so generous with your time and talent!

    Saving Elizabeth Musser's quote...her blog touched my heart!

  32. I'm new to this site and enjoying the camaraderie here. At the moment I am in my 98-year-old aunt's house excavating memorabilia which I'll surely use on future blog posts. The resources here are spectacular.

    1. Marian, welcome aboard.... It's nice to have you here! And I'm half sighing, half cringing over the task before you.... I have a daughter who helps me go through old stuff so I don't get too sentimental and A. Keep Everything and B. Tell Each Item's Story....

      That creative mind can turn a long task into a very loooooong task... but what a joy to see these things!!!!

    2. Welcome Marian. You will love it here. We encourage each other and share information. And yes, a treasure trove of memories to use in your writing. Yay

    3. Marian, welcome! Enjoy the excavation! I'm like Ruthy, though, and would want to keep everything.

    4. Marian, so glad we're friends on FB!

  33. It's a weekend!!! Congratulations to our winners, and huge thanks to the posters this week... A treasure trove of ideas and options and insights for all of us.

    We have two birthdays here this weekend, so it's a family time, but I'm happy that I should have my Speedbo goals met by 3/31... A couple of long days re-reading (yes, to see where I went wrong...) and then editing and revising showed me what to do... and it was two days well-spent.

    I think I need to blog about that soon.

    Tina, how fun that you're doing another class! Go you!!!!

    And another short story. Lovely. I didn't see that one at our store this morning, but they don't always change over at the same time. I'll keep checking.

    1. That will definitely be a great post. I'm going to watch for it.

    2. Ruthy, I spent last night re-reading. Spent WAY too much time on it. I keep doing that, forgetting it's March!

  34. What a fun WE. I love seeing all the winners of such fun prizes. Yay. And we're in the final week of Speedbo. Congrats to all of you who have entered and are writing away. Yay.

    And the rest of us. Well we are writing away anyway. smile

  35. Went to the Saguaro Chapter of RWA yesterday and saw Roz Denny Fox and Merrillee Whren and many other writer friends. It is always so inspiring. We learned from author Sharon Hamilton the importance of a newsletter in promotion. Wow. Third time this month I'me hearing this. Better listen.

  36. Wowzers, the weekend is about gone and I'm just now swinging through. A stupid cold squelched writing much of this week but I've got 7 days to get it together and still make my goal. Congrats to all the winners!

    1. Sharee, I hope you feel well enough to make your goal!

  37. Happy weekend to all in Seekerville! I've brought samples from the Southwest Chocolate and Coffee Festival we attended yesterday. Lots of caffeine for Speedbo-ers during the final week!

    My Speedbo report: Since March was filled with blessed family activities (not compatable with computer time) my goal was to move my writing career forward. I've joined two professional organizations, revised a chapter, entered a contest, and read three craft books during March. This week I'll be planning a new story. I applaud all Speedbo-ers who are getting so many words down! Great work!

    Congratulations to RITA and GH finalists, WE winners, and Tina on another WW story! I saw Walt Mussell's story is a Kindle Scout winner. Thank you to Seekerville for my Amazon card...and the good idea to use it for RITA finalist books! Thanks for the WE information. I'm off to read some links. Wishing all progress during the last days of Speedbo!

    1. Sounds like a very productive month, Sherida! I've been working through a new how-to book workbook this month and feel like I've learned some new methods I may keep.

    2. Good for you, Sherida!!! Three craft books! Wonderful.

      So excited about Walt's good news! Woot!

  38. I'd said you accomplished plenty, Sherida. All while spending time with family. Well done.

  39. Tina, I have a copy of WW that includes your April 3 story waiting to be read this evening. Congrats!!!

    1. Must get WW on the shopping list so Project Guy can pick me up a copy. I avoid grocery shopping as much as possible.

  40. I am so excited!! After months of not receiving Seekerville emails, I'm finally back on the list! Not sure what happened, contacted FeedBlitz numerous times. What ever they did, finally worked. So, Hello, Seekerville!!

    1. Edwina, I'm sorry you weren't getting emails! Glad you're back! Hugs!!!

  41. I am so excited!! After months of not receiving Seekerville emails, I'm finally back on the list! Not sure what happened, contacted FeedBlitz numerous times. What ever they did, finally worked. So, Hello, Seekerville!!

    1. Glad to see you again, Edwina!!!

    2. Twice as happy to see you, Edwina.

      Twice as happy to see you, Edwina.

  42. Wow, busy weekend in Seekerville! Checking in after a busy-busy weekend of my own and found 104 comments! Yesterday was chore day, both indoors and out. Today we shopped for granddaughter's birthday, then stuffed ourselves at Cracker Barrell. Just got back from walking some of that dinner off with the doggies. Lovely, lovely day now that the rain has moved on through.

  43. Oh, Cracker Barrel. We went during my flat tire debacle. I love that place. I'd gladly get another flat for a shot at that menu.
