Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Weekend Edition

If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes. Send to

Winners of Ruth Logan Herne's Peace in the Valley are Connie and Marcia!

Monday: Winners of Ruth Logan Herne's Their Surprise Daddy are Jenna Victoria and Cynthia Herron. Winners of Ruthy's upcoming Peace in the Valley are Meghan Carver and Terri Weldon!

Tuesday: Winner of a copy of Laurie Schnebly Campbell's Believable Characters: Creating with Enneagrams book is Hellie Sinclair!

Wednesday: Debby Giusti was our hostess with a great overview of The Writer's Journey, by Christopher Vogler. Debby held three drawings. Each winner will receive a copy of her May Love Inspired Suspense and the first book in her Amish Protectors seriesAmish Refuge! They will also receive a two-in-one that features Debby's story, Plain Danger,  and The Shepherd's Bride, by Patricia Davids, for a total of THREE stories! Congrats to the winners: Josee, Natalie, and Jackie!

Thursday: Winner of Shannon Vannatter's Love Inspired release, Winning Over the Cowboy is Bettie.

Monday: Lisa Carter is our guest with her post, "Ten Habit of Highly Effective Christian Writers." Stop by to see the list and comment, You could win one of 2 copies of The Deputy’s Perfect Match. Thank you, Lisa!

Tuesday: Sandra Leesmith will share how plot whisperer, Martha Alderson, helped her deepen her plot in her new WIP. Be sure and comment because Martha is offering a free hour consultation. Sign up on her website for free monthly plot tips.

Wednesday: Join Glynna Kaye today for "Flying at Night: The Search for Your Story's Core" and an opportunity to win a copy of her May Love Inspired release "The Nanny Bargain."

Thursday: Candice Sue Patterson is our special guest today. Her post is "It’s All in the Details:  Make Your Scenes Come Alive." Do stop by to chat. Candice is giving away a print copy of How To Charm a Beekeeper's Heart! And because Seekerville loves this delightful book we are giving away an ecopy!

Friday: Today we bring you The Best of the Archives with Ruth Logan Herne. Comments are closed on Friday to allow us all more reading and writing time!



Join Ruth Logan Herne today over at with her buddy Jill Weatherholt as they talk about Ruthy's newest release "Their Surprise Daddy"... with fiction taken straight from the headlines and a wonderful giveaway! Stop over and chat with us to get your name in that famous cat dish of Ruthy's!

Glynna Kaye welcomes spring and a new release at Love Inspired Authors!

Tick ... Tick ... Tick ... Only ONE MORE WEEK to win a character named after you in Julie Lessman's next book, a signed copy, and two of Julie's other books, paperback or e-book! How?

Just check out Julie's interview in InD'tale Magazine where she talks about writing "Passion With a Purpose" in the world of Christian Romance. Then head on over to Julie's website to enter her InD'tale Magazine contest to win a character named after you in her next book, His Steadfast Love, due out this summer, a signed copy PLUS your choice of two of her books!
Oh, and you'll want to take advantage of the FREE SUBSCRIPTION to the fabulous  InD'tale Magazine as well, so what are you waiting for -- here are the links! InD'tale Magazine HERE  

Thanks for the link love!

Why Do Readers Stop Reading? (Writers Helping Writers)

11 Ways Exercise and Writing Are the Same (Book Launch Mentor) 

The 25th Annual Lone Star Writing Competition is open. Deadline June 4, 2017.

Wait...Who Looked at This? (Janet Reid, Literary Agent)

[Bracket] Shorthand Helps You Draft with Lightning Speed (bookbaby Blog)

The Decline of Organic Facebook Reach & How to Outsmart the Algorithm (HubSpot)

Freelance Writing IS a Viable Career (Don’t Listen to the Naysayers) (Jane Friedman)

K-lytics: The Easy Way To Use Data To Improve Your Book Sales (The Creative Penn)

Writing Cinematically: 10 Movie Techniques to Apply to Your Novel (Novel Rocket)

Leave a comment and let us know you want your name in the box-for the box. Winner announced in the next Weekend Edition!

Have a great Weekend!


  1. Please put my name in the box for the box. It was a great week in Seekerville

  2. Congratulations to all of the winners!
    Thanks for the links, Tina...looks like some great articles.
    I'd love to be put into the box!
    I'm looking forward to Ruthy's visit at Stop by and say hi, she's giving away some great prizes.

  3. Ruthy's looking forward to being there, too, Jill! :) Thank you so much for inviting me, and we could just sit and swoon and look at hunky heroes on Ruthy-covers for a while. I'd be okay with that. BIG GRIN!

    Congratulations to all winners! I'm so excited that "Peace in the Valley" is getting into reader's hands now for pre-reading before it's released... and that folks are loving it. That means so much to authors... we like to make people happy!

    Enjoy a great writing weekend, my friends. We're still busy and a little crazy with spring break stuff here, kids in and out... and kittens, going to new homes!

    Enjoy a blessed post-Easter weekend of life and love.

    HE IS RISEN!!!!

  4. Thanks Seekerville for all these great posts and giveaways. Please enter my name in the box for the box giveaway.

  5. Another fun WE. Love all those links and news. Have a wonderful week. Happy writing.

    1. Sandra, you too! I'm having fun with a special project for the weekend... and then back to contract stuff on Monday.... and I love doing both!

    2. You always amaze me. Your energy level is something to be admired. And I love how you use it so wisely. Blessings dear friend. Have a great weekend.

  6. Thank you for another great WE. Please enter my name IN the box to WIN a box. Thank you and many blessings for all of you!

    1. Connie, you're welcome. We love doing it for you!

  7. For some reason right now, my house seems to be buried under stacks of books. Have I just gotten disorganized or have their multiplied?
    It's a little.........teeter-y around here!

    1. Sounds an awful lot like my house, Mary! Project Guy is always getting on my case to get rid of some. But how does one choose???

      And that doesn't even count the books hiding away on my Kindle that I have probably even forgot I downloaded!!!

    2. Moving helped solve the problem for me. I gave away hundreds of books to the library! :)

  8. Next week sounds awesome. I'll try to get back here for some of the fun.

    I'd love to win the box of books.

    Thanks for the generous opportunity to win. You ladies are awesome.

    1. I love my life when Andrea Strong finds her way to Seekerville with all those sweet babies!!!! I see so much Ruthy in you, my friend. And I'm SO SORRY ABOUT IT, LOL!

  9. I'd love to win the box of Love Inspired books :)

  10. I would LOVE to win the box of books! Since my back surgery, I have mostly lurked...hope to get back online more. I can NEVER say THANKS enough for the prayers, cards, from my wonderful Seeker're just the best. I am recuping ok...slowly. I am off to visit Jill/Ruthy (two of my favorite prayer warriors) at Inspy!!
    Happy weekend to all and thanks again!

    1. Thinking of you, Jackie! Glad you're taking it easy and recuperating. Just think of all the books you have time to read now!

    2. So glad to hear you are recuping, Jackie...even if it is slowly. Slow and steady wins the race! Hope you're able to get some reading in...that's always been a great escape for me. I'll keep on praying for your full recovery.

    3. So thankful you're feeling a wee bit better despite the slowness of it. Prayers continuing for a FULL recovery! Take good care of yourself.

    4. Be good to yourself, Jackie!


    5. Hang in there Jackie. Healing takes time and it sounds like you're doing all the right things. Blessings.

    6. Jackie, it's good to see you when you can get here. I hope you get better each day!

  11. Well, Project Guy is away in Texas this weekend for a huge Sigma Chi fraternity reunion with his pals from what used to be Texas A&I (now Texas A&M at Kingsville). So it's just me and daughter & fam (don't tell GQ about my horrible grammar!). What kind of trouble can I get into while he's away?

    1. The only trouble I anticipate for you, Myra, is a knuckle rapping from Grammar Queen.


  12. Wow! What fun this week! Congratulations to ALL winners. And thank you, SEEKERVILLE -- I love Ruthy books and can't wait to dive into Their Surprise Daddy!

    Lots of great links to check out later, too. AND looking forward to another fabulous week. :-)

    Would love to have my name thrown in the box for MORE books. ...Because we can never have too many books, right? ;-)

  13. Good morning, Seekerville, and welcome to a weekend full of writing possibilities! Congrats to the winners...and thank you, Tina, for another W.E. full of links to tempt me away from what I SHOULD be doing. :)

  14. I would love to have a box of books! How are my dear Seekerville friends doing? I miss you all and the community. I'm busy taking my crazy life one day at a time right now. Love you ladies!!! ��

    1. Linnette, how is everything going? How is school??? I'm not sure what point you're at right now, but good for you! I love your courage!

    2. Linnette, it's great to see you!

  15. Congrats to all the winners, and I would love to be entered in the drawing.

    Hoping that I can get some writing time in today after all my chores and my brother's soccer game.

    1. Nicki, I'm always running behind... hence my getting up really early to get an hour of quiet writing time in!!!

  16. Great week in Seekerville!

    Ruthy, I appreciate your post in the archives yesterday. I had just contacted our local 911 dispatch office to see if I could observe them. I don't think I come off a smooth as you suggested. But I called instead of writing a letter and I always stammer if I nervous on the phone. Yes, I was nervous...

    Everyone have a great weekend.

    1. I'm always nervous when I ask for help, but I figure that's normal... so we just keep asking! Good for you, Connie Queen!!!!

    2. Y'all are braver than I am! I need to work on it some.

  17. Congratulations to all the winners and authors!

    Please enter my name in the box-for the box.

    May God bless all of Seekerville!

    1. You're in, Phyllis! And I'm accepting your blessings on behalf of all... and wishing them back to you!

  18. Happy Saturday, Seekerville! It's a lovely day in the Arizona neighborhood. The bougainvillea in my yard are blooming a bright purple pink.

    I am off to meet with the lovely ladies of my local ACFW chapter. The topic today is THE ROMANTIC ARC, so I am bringing amour with me.

    May your day be full of delight and joy!

    1. Tina, bougainvillea is one of our favorites! We just bought a hibiscus, mandevilla and a geranium tree, but we're keeping them inside. It's chilly here in Indiana but will be warming up tomorrow.

      Have fun at your local chapter! I'm chained to the desk. Too much running around yesterday.


    2. How did your talk go? So wishing I could have been there. Hugs.

    3. Tina, I know you must've had a great time!

  19. Congrats to all the winners. Thanks for all the links. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Please enter me in the drawing for the box of books.

  20. Happy Weekend everyone. It is a busy one for me. Book group this morning where we celebrated the birthday of our 93-year-old member, then work at the book store this afternoon where a local author is signing books, and date night at the community theater tonight. I need to get some writing in this weekend. Hopefully a lot of time on that tomorrow.

    Please enter me for the box of books. Even though I have too many books, I can never have enough books. I know that makes perfect sense to everyone in Seekerville! :)

    1. Sounds like you had a fun day, Sandy. Wow, a 93 year old member. That is encouraging. smile

  21. Wonderful Weekend Edition! Congratulations to our winners. I'm excited that some lucky reader will end up with a box of Love Inspired romance novels!

    Next week's lineup looks great. Off to chat with Ruthy and Jill.


  22. Finally got internet at my new place. It's threatening to snow here🙁 But that gives me a chance to settle in. Great to see you all

    1. 95 for us'ns here in NV today, Myra.

    2. Yay Marianne, Moving is exciting and also stressful at the same time. Hope you are liking your new place.

    3. Marianne, I can't imagine snow right now! I'm glad you got Internet!

  23. Congrats to all the winners! I love seeing all the joy Seekerville spreads. I would love for my name to be put in for the box of books.

    Have a great week everyone!

  24. Please put my name in the drawing for the books! The biggest score is reading the wealth of information you ladies post on this blog. Thank you all!

  25. I've got an empty shelf on my bookcase wall...enter my name please!

    Ruthy, I'm just tickled pink to win Peace In The will look right nice next to my copies of Home On The Range and Back In the Saddle. Yay me!!!

    Congratulations to all the winners. What an awesome week in Seekerville. I especially enjoyed Debby's post on the Writer's Journey. I think my light bulb is starting to glimmer!

    Weekend Blessings,


    1. I see your shining light, Marcia! So glad you got something from the blog! :)

  26. Kind of interesting

    into a Google search engine, type....
    Google My Activity

    It will bring up a page with everything you've searched for. and you can delete things you don't want listed or just see what you've searched for on Google. Pretty interesting

    1. Thanks for the tip, Mary! I wonder what someone would think of some of the research sites I've checked :-)

      Nancy C

  27. Yay! I'm a winner. Congrats to all the winners and authors of new books. Please throw my name in the hat for the box of books. I was on break this week. Wrote 6000 words and read a couple of how to write books. I feel good!

  28. I'll throw my name in the hat for the box.


  30. This week's posts were great. I'm always up for a box o books. Have to go wander over to see Ruthy at inspyromance. Love seeing Seeker ladies elsewhere with villagers.

    1. I am having so much fun over there!!! What a great bunch of smart, savvy ladies!!!

  31. Home from a delightful all-day workshop presented by Laurie Schnebly Campbell...yes, the same Laurie who was our guest on Seekerville. She had lots of hands-on exercises that allowed me to fine-tune the internal conflicts for my hero and heroine. Thank you, Laurie!

    Tanya Agler is the GRW programs chair who invited Laurie to be with us. Thanks, Tanya, for all your hard work. It was a very enjoyable day.

    Walt was there! Always good to see Seekerville friends in the local area! Dianna Shuford, our Golden Heart finalist from GRW, was there as well!

    Congrats to this week's winners! Thanks, Tina, for a great WE!

    1. I love Tanya Agler to pieces!!! And it sounds like a great workshop, I saw the pics on facebook and you all look marvelous!!! Dianna, Tanya, Walt, You.... Such a wonderful chance to work with other talented people, Debby!!!

    2. Oh wow, am I jealous. Laurie's workshops are really a treasure. I'm so glad she was able to present to all of you. She is a true mentor to all the writers in our local groups.

    3. She said you had first told her about Seekerville, Sandra. Were your ears burnings...we both talked about how sweet you are!

    4. Ah, Ruthy. I just logged on and now my ears are burning. Thank you so much for that wonderful reply. Oh, gosh. And Debby, golly. I loved seeing you yesterday. You two are so sweet. Thank you both.

  32. A whole box of perfectly, lovely books, yes please!

  33. Congratulations to this week's winners! Oh, and a box full of books? I am ALL IN!

    1. Hi, Stephanie.... tossing your name into the cat dish!

    2. Thank you so much, Ruth!

  34. It's been a great week on Seekerville. So many great posts. Looking forward to diving in again next week. (And I'd love to have my name in the draw for that fantastic box of books!)

  35. Great WE as always Tina - you do great work. I'm thrilled to win a new Ruthy book! And definitely throw my name in the hat for the box of books. That's manna for an avid reader.

    1. Tina is beyond amazing, isn't she? :) And I hope you love Peace in the Valley, my friend... I loved writing it, Trey is one of my favorite heroes... SIGH.......... Tossing your name into the cat dish for the box of books!!!

    2. Congrats Terri. Always fun to win and also to read a Ruthy book.

  36. Congratulations to all the winners this week!

    Next week looks like some really good posts as well. Every subject sounds like they'll be good for the "keeper" book.

    Please add my name to the drawing for the box of books and thank you all for your generosity.

    Cindy W.

    1. Cindy, my friend, you are IN!!!! And wasn't it a lovely week???? Love it!

    2. Hi Cindy. Great subjects next week for sure. Always fun to see you here.

  37. Lots of folks entering their names in the cat dish. Hope that dish is clean Ruthy. lol. Congrats to the winners we've had this week also. Giving away books is one of my favorite things to do.

  38. Put my name in the box-for the box! I can ALWAYS use more books!!

  39. Super links! The one about freelance writing is the kind of resource I wish had been available years ago (we won't discuss how many years ago). Becca's post about why readers stop reading -- another great resource. I need to start listing why I stop reading books, too. And aren't those movie techniques interesting? I wonder how many writers use some or all of the techniques instinctively, to show the reader what they're seeing.

    Congrats to all the winners and authors with new releases. Thanks, Tina, for all you do to make the WE such a goldmine of information.

    And thanks to all you Seekers, and your guests, for your generosity!

    Nancy C

    1. Nancy, you're welcome, my friend! And I won't pretend I got to links this weekend because this house was jumping... I was happy to get my words in... and a beautiful church service.... and lots of kids underfoot.

      So no links for me, but maybe this week.... Kids are back in school. :)

      BIG SMILE!!!!

  40. Please put my name in the box for the box. Have a great week!

  41. Congratulations to all the winners! And thanks for the Seeker sightings update! So many good books to look forward to! Thanks for the great WE, Tina!

  42. Congratulations to all the winners!

    Please put my name in the box-for the box.

  43. Please do put me in the box...well my name anyway, for a box of books :-) One can never have too many!

    Happy blessed WE everyone! Congrats to all this week's winners :-)

  44. Sunday night already - - this weekend flew!
    Great WE as always, and CONGRATS to all the winners!!
    I hope everyone has a safe, productive week ahead. Some medical "stuff" for me coming up, but I'll try to visit Seekerville as much as possible - - BEST place to be!! :)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  45. Hey Catmom, Prayers for you! I am going to look at the Lonestar writing contest so thanks for the tip. Congrats to all on the new releases---I am convinced all of the Seekers do not sleep much at all. Please put my name in the catdish and/or box for that great prize!
