Saturday, April 29, 2017

The Weekend Edition

If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes. Send to

Winner of a box of Love Inspired books is Tanya Agler.

Monday: We welcomed Lisa Carter. Winners of The Deputy's Perfect Match are Barbara Fox and Stephanie Sullivan.

Tuesday:  Martha Alderson, the Plot Whisperer joined Sandra Leesmith and shared about developing plot. Winner of an hour consultation is Loraine Nunley. Winner of Martha's book Writing Blockbuster Plots is Lara. Winner of her choice of one of Sandra Leesmith's books is Deb H. 

Wednesday: Winners of Glynna Kaye's The Nanny Bargain are: Vince, Cindy W, and Wilani!

Thursday: Our guest blogger was Candice Sue Patterson. Winners of How to Charm a Beekeeper's Heart are Jeanne T (print copy) and Josee (ecopy)! 

Monday: Mary Connealy is your hostess!

Tuesday: We're delighted to welcome back Eva Marie Everson with her thoughtful post, "The Choices We Make." Stop by to chat and you could win a copy of her latest release from Tyndale, The One True Love of Alice-Ann

Wednesday: Jenni Dewitt is our special guest!

Thursday: Connie Queen is our hostess today, with her post, "Stripping Your Characters of the Their Identities: Ramping Up Internal Conflict the Easy Way." Stop by to chat and welcome Connie! Oh, and did we mention that she brought an amazing giveaway??

Friday: Today we bring you The Best of the Archives. Comments are closed to allow us all to catch up on our reading and writing.  

Cover Reveal! Myra Johnson's upcoming Love Inspired romance, Her Hill Country Cowboy, is now available for pre-order! Watch for the official release next August!

Join Tina Radcliffe at the Valley of the Sun Romance Writers meeting, May 9, 2017. Details here. 

Join Ruth Logan Herne on Friday, May 5th, over at Petticoats & Pistols for some down home fun talk about writing Western, and how this vast country differs from sea to shining sea! Ruthy will be celebrating the new release of Peace in the Valley with a delightful giveaway of the bestselling first book of the Double S Ranch trilogy Back in the Saddle! See you there! 

Want a character named after you in Julie's summer release, His Steadfast LoveThen you better hurry, because Julie's InD'tale Magazine contest ends Sunday evening at midnight (4/29), so what are you waiting for? Here's the link: Enter Julie's Contest HERE

Deal Alert!! From May 5-11, book 1 in Julie Lessman's Winds of Change series, A Hope Undaunted, will be on sale for only 99 cents, so if you haven't read book 4 in Julie's O'Connor saga, you'll want to take advantage. 

This is Julie's favorite book she's ever written, so if you've already read it and liked it, then please spread the word, okay? Here are the links for the sale that runs MAY 5-11: AMAZON / B & N / CBD

Look who's doing lunch! L-R. Stephanie Queen Ludwig, Mary Connealy, Julie Lessman and Sharee Stover.

Thanks for the link love!

Character Archetypes: How to Enrich Your Novel’s Cast (Now Novel)

The Organized Writer-helpful charts, templates, and worksheets...(Annie Neugebauer)

7 Things to Do When You Want to Give Up (Instead of Giving Up) (

4 Common Copy Editing Issues to Watch For (Jami Gold)

Should You Have More Than One Bio? YES. Here’s Why… (Writer Unboxed)

Tips to Turn Off Your Internal Editor (The Write Conversation)

Top Five Character Pitfalls and Ways to Avoid Them (Romance University)

Is Your Query Letter Ready for Submission?-Infographic (David R. Slayton)

5 Types of Rough Drafts ~ An Infographic (Writer Off the Leash)

Resurrect a Forgotten Manuscript (WD)

Angela's Fantastic Finds for Writers (Writers Helping Writers)

The Complex Power of Mapping the World of Your Novel (Writer Unboxed)

 'Screen Fatigue' Sees UK ebook Sales Plunge 17% as Readers Return to Print (UKGuardian)

"Win It Before You Can Buy It"

We've got two more copies of Ruthy Logan Herne's Peace in the Valley because it's an "all about cowboys" kind of day!  Leave a comment to have your name thrown into the big ol' Resistol hat, as we chat about faith, hope, cowboys and ... love!



    All these new releases! Love those covers! I see my TBR pile growing.

    WOOT! May the writing and reading force be with you this weekend, peeps.

    1. Good morning, Tina in Arizona! Enjoy your weekend!

    2. I agree, Tina -- the covers are getting better and better!

      And, Ruthy, I have to say that your trade covers are some of the best I've ever seen, so hope they fly off the Walmart/etc. shelves!!


  2. Congratulations to all of the winners. Thanks for another great WE...the terrific links, Tina.
    MYRA, I love that cover!
    Happy writing!

    1. Morning, Jill!!!! I had so much fun with you last weekend, thank you!!!! What a great blog!

    2. I had fun too, Ruthy! Thanks so much for visiting. Inspyromance is a great blog. Like Seekerville, it has so much reader interaction. Let me know when your next one is coming're always welcome.

    3. Thanks, Jill! And they actually got the Western tack right!

  3. Congrats for winners and releases. Please put my name in the Cowboy hat for Peace in the Valley. Have a super weekend everyone.

    1. Bettie, you're in! And wishing you the very best weekend, too!

  4. Wow, so many great links. Thanks, Tina! Congratulations to all of the winners.
    Julie, did you cut your hair? It looks very pretty! All of you ladies look beautiful!
    Happy Weekend!

    1. I love that pic of the four of them.... and I miss getting together with writers, we're few and far between in WNY.... but I love seeing them have a good time!

    2. Hey, Jackie, yeah I get it trimmed to shoulder length every now and then, so thank you for noticing!!

      Yeah, Ruthy, I hear you. How I wish we all lived closer together!! :(


  5. Happy weekend!! Lots of informative stuff. I would love to have my name entered for a copy of Ruthy's book Peace in the Valley! Can't wait to read this one! Supposed to be beautiful outside here. Going for a run and then hang out outside. Have a great weekend!

    1. Sally, tucking your name in right now!!!! Enjoy the nice weather!

      And you're going for a run.... I am so stinkin' proud of you!!!!!

    2. Made it 5 1/2 miles! I have to run 7.4 Saturday for a race my son wants me to run with him. Then I'm running 8 miles in June. I want to run a half marathon while I'm running this much lol. Once i do I'll go back to 3 or 4 miles because i dont think i can keep that up. And, i made it through a Ruthy critique and survived!

  6. No time to write much (I have plenty of New Roman but not enough Times, that's a writer joke), but I wanted to enter the drawing. Am always open to a Ruthy book.
    Getting back to my writing after the adjustment of an 8 to 4:30 job. Printing out chapters and red-penciling them on my lunch break. I found a quiet room, tucked away, where I can work in peace.
    Also adjusting to visiting Seekerville at the crack of dawn, I think I made it a couple of days last week, yay.
    have a good weekend
    Kathy Bailey
    Undaunted in NH

    1. Adjustments can be hard... but they can also come with their own reward systems. And look at you, using your time so well!!!! Kathy, that's awesome!

    2. Kathy, I'm glad you're able to print and take it with you! Good for you for fitting writing in your new schedule!

    3. Fun joke, Kaybee! :-D

      Nancy C

  7. Congratulations to all the winners! Happy Weekend Seekerville!

    Please toss my name in the cowboy hat for a copy of Peace in the Valley.

    1. Caryl, tossing your name into that oh-to-die-for cowboy hat!!!! :) Happy weekend!

  8. Good morning all. Lovely new covers, great WE.

    Peace ... in the Valley, everyone! :)

    1. There'll be peace in the valley for me.... someday.

      There will be peace in the valley for me.... Oh Lord, I pray!


      LOVE THAT HYMN and I'm so glad I finally got to write Trey's story... I've had that outline in my head for probably 7 years.... And I could see it, but didn't have the right series to put it in... and then I did!!!! :)

      No idea gets thrown away.

  9. Congrats to the winners!!!

    Yay to Tanya for winning the box of books! How fun is that!!!

    Ruthy, I love all you've provided today that features Peace in the Valley! Great title, great cover, great quotes from the story!!!

    1. Debby, I think every one of us searches for that peace in one way or another... even the most faithful of faithfuls has challenges and doubts from time to time. And that image of peace in a verdant valley.... I think of the 23rd Psalm, and the grace of God.... Walking in those footprints.

  10. Good morning, Seekerville! Loving looking out my window and seeing trees FULL of lovely green leaves!


    Hope we can get our usual Saturday chores done quickly so we can get outside and enjoy this gorgeous day!

    1. I have loved your iris pics on facebook! We're at tulip and daffodil stage right now, but the iris are growing taller.... and greener!

    2. I'm afraid the early-spring freeze nipped some of the buds. Doesn't look like they'll bloom at all this year. Watching one more that's getting close, though! It has been so fun to watch for each one and be surprised by the glorious colors!

    3. That happens, doesn't it??? My new ones from last year are small, but I've got established beds from Dave's grandmother..... and I keep sharing the wealth because they're just gorgeous. And every now and again a color pops up that we didn't plant.... so a cross between two????

      And yet the tuber will be right in with the others.

      I love those surprises!

      So maybe next year they'll be hearty enough to withstand a nip. I love that you get them so early!

  11. Congratulations to all the winners. Please enter me in the drawing for Peace in the Valley. I have the first two and would love to have this one.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

    1. Wilani, I'm putting your name in the Stetson right now!!!

  12. Congratulations to all the winners and authors!

    Planning to read at least four of this week's links too :) Great weekend edition!

    May God bless all of Seekerville!

  13. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! It's gorgeous here in Georgia.

    1. It's such a treat to have sweet weather, isn't it???

  14. Also meant to say those are some gorgeous covers on the new books!

  15. Congrats to all the winners.

    Can't believe it's the end of April already. This year is flying!

  16. Hi Myra:

    So happy to see you've another Love Inspired book! I thought you last LI, "Rancher for the Holidays", was one of your best. I've already pre-ordered "Her Hill County Cowboy" because I have one special romance rule: "If it has horses in it, Myra is the best." I can still feel how good it felt to read, "A Horseman's Heart",
    "Where the Dogwoods Bloom"
    , and "A Horseman's Hope" all in a row. I stopped reading everything else until I finished. Is this new LI going to be part of a series?


    1. Thank you so much, Vince! Thrilled to know how much you enjoyed those books!

      Yes, I'm planning a "Hill Country" series for LI. Just turned in the second book and am working on a proposal for three more. Hoping my editor will love them just as much!

  17. Hi Tina:

    As if you don't have enough to do, you keep giving these classes, that are wonderful but that 99% of us can't get to! How about making a recording and starting a Seekerville podcast library? What's one more little task when it could do so much good? : )

    "Why Your Blog is Dead"*

    May 9, (If you're in Phoenix, Bell and 45th Ave. do drop in.)


    *My blog did die!!! (Actually it is in suspended animation.)

    1. I could use my corporate jet and do a tour.

    2. Tina: You can already write well enough to be published. Now if you just use Patterson's mega-selling techniques, you'll be able to buy your own jet. :)

    3. True. And let me assure you that becoming the next James Patterson is still on my bucket list. The problem is I now have six buckets. I can never die.

  18. I'm excited to see the new releases and can't wait to start reading. And thanks for all of the great links. Today is the most perfect day to leisurely spend time exploring them. I love to listen to the rain.
    I'd love to be in the pot for Peace in the Valley- Love the cowboy with the guitar

    1. Isn't it amazing, Barb???? I love the sound of that... "the most perfect day..."

      I'm tucking you in for Peace in the Valley, a story I absolutely love....

  19. Oh my goodness! I'm just now seeing this. Thank you SO MUCH and congratulations to the other winners too! I'm sending an email right now, and I look forward to next week's posts. You ladies are awesome and SO inspiring. Thanks again!

    1. Stephanie, congratulations!!!! You are most welcome, and I'm tucking you in for "Peace in the Valley".... Happy weekend!

    2. Thank you, Ruth! Happy weekend to you too!

  20. WOW! Love seeing all the latest releases! Busy season for Seekers! Right now at my Walmart they have on the shelves both Ruthy's and my May Love Inspireds AND Ruthy's latest two Waterbook-Multnomahs in mass market paperback. And Debby Giusti's latest Love Inspired suspense should be joining them any day now! Fun!

    Congrats to all the winners! :)

    1. Glynna, I bought your book and Ruthy's at my local Walmart. My May two-in-one was there, but AMISH REFUGE will be on the shelves May 1st...or sometime soon thereafter.

      Didn't we all have books that released last May? How fun to be on the same schedule!

    2. I have Deb's on preorder from Amazon just in case I don't get to Walmart (have I mentioned how much I love Walmart???) with farm season starting. My extra hours get swallowed up outside and I don't want to miss it! Glynna's is already here on my shelf!

  21. What beautiful covers! Thank you for sharing them :)

    1. Evelyn, you're welcome and I haven't met you (I don't think!!!) so welcome to Seekerville when I'm manning the coffee pot... and the pitcher of tea.

      Taking requests!

  22. Loved the pic of Mary, Julie, Stephanie and Sharee! How fun to be together!!! You all look so lovely...and happy! Waving and sending hugs!

    1. Debby, I loved that too. The chance to get together with other authors is such a blessing. And they're such nice people. Stinkin' nice!!

    2. Thanks, Deb, and I agree with Ruthy. Authors are such a unique breed, that it's always fun to get together! ESPECIALLY when one of their names is Mary Connealy!! ;)


  23. I slept through the Yankees amazing comeback last night over the Orioles.... And today's game is in the Yankees favor right now, so as I clean up from chicken coop building.... A little New York Yankee background information going on!

  24. The links and the WE just get better and better. Thank you Tina -- and all you link-sharers.

    Myra, that's a lovely cover for Her Hill Country Cowboy. Looking forward to the read. Anything Texas, you know :-)

    And oh my gosh, Trey Stafford's book is almost here ... May 2 according to my preorder ... uh ... I mean Ruthy's latest book is almost released.

    Isn't it fun to see Seeker and Seekervillager pictures? Thanks for sharing. It looks like everyone was having a good time.

    Oh! Congratulations to all the winners!

    Wishes for a super weekend for everyone. Looks like storms in part of the country -- stay safe.

    Nancy C

    1. Nancy, you're right, we get links from all over... Seekers and villagers who see things, and that's such a huge help!

      And laughing in delight about your words, oh my stars, I love, love, love these three cowboys... and last week I got two folks who asked about Rye's and Josh's story... so I might look into that for the indie market. Such great heroes!

      But Trey.... oh mylanta, I've been wanting to "fix" Trey for a long time. And now I had the chance!!!!

    2. Thanks, Nancy! If I had to leave Texas, at least I can return in my novels! Three things I really, really miss:

      1. Real Texas barbecue
      2. Springtime bluebonnets
      3. Authentic Tex-Mex

  25. Congratulations to all winners!

    Hope everyone's having a super weekend! We're currently experiencing massive amounts of rain with area flooding...and more is on the waaaaay....

    Thanks for the wonderful links -- Can't wait to ck them out.

    Also, LOVE Myra and Julie's beautiful new covers! AND love the photo of all the pretty ladies. :-)

    RUTHY, is Peace in the Valley the second Stafford book then? I enjoyed Back in the Saddle so much!!! Can't wait to read more!!! (And thank you for including the fabulous cherry cake recipe. I hope to try this soon!)

    It was a great week in Seekerville and looking forward to the next.

    1. Thank you, Cynthia! Stay safe!

    2. Cynthia, "Home on the Range" is the second book. That's Nick's story.... and it's beautiful. They've republished them as mass market paperbacks so they're all across the country right now... Walmarts, Targets, Krogers, Wegmans, Winn Dixie, Winco, everywhere you find Love Inspired books or straight romance... you'll find Ruthy cowboys! Isn't that so cool?

      So Peace in the Valley is #3 of the trilogy.

      And that cherry cake recipe came out so well, and so easy! Amazing how delightful when you start with a white cake mix and add all that cherry juice and chopped cherries.... I've put it on Yankee Belle Cafe, too, because it's a great recipe to share.

      Let me know what you think when you read the next ones!

      Tucking your name in for Peace in the Valley!

    3. Aw, thanks, Cynthia! And I thought of you today, my friend, when Carol Moncado came by my townhouse to visit. Wished you had been with her, so if you ever get to Lake of the Ozarks, PLEASE send me an email, okay? Would LOVE to give you a hug!!


    4. Cynthia, I hope the rains stop soon and that you're out of harm's way!

  26. Congratulations to all the winners! And congratulations as well to the ladies listed in the Seeker Sightings update! Looking forward to reading those books! Thanks for the great WE update, TINA! Off to read the links!

  27. Thank you so much, RUTHY! Yes! I need to read Home on the Range. Nick had me in knots. Must know the rest of his story. :-)

    1. I think you'll love it.... But I might be biased! :)

  28. MYRA, LOVE your new cover, girlfriend, and it's SO you with a horse on it, isn't it???

    Tina, laughed when I saw the "Why Your Blog is Dead" meme -- too cute!! Wish I could be there.

    Ruthy, can't wait to read Peace in the Valley!!


    1. Thanks, Julie! My stories NEED to have either horses or dogs. Or both. Or maybe the occasional cat.

  29. Day late here. Congrats to the winners! I can't wait to get my Peace In The Valley I won from Ruthy's last post! So excited! It will match the first two in the series.

    All the covers are awesome!

    Thanks for all the great links. Another weekend of learning in store for me. Just finished up two great classes on Self-Editing and Dialogue. My light bulb is burning brighter!

    Blessings and Hugs,


    1. Marcia, this is a mailing week.... and it releases on Tuesday, so I'm thrilled!!! Keep that light burning!

  30. JULIE, I totally forgot to tell you how much I like the cover! So neat the way his arm is reaching out, his hand holding hers, and she is looking 'into' the book. Makes me immediately want to look inside :-)

    Nancy C

    1. Isn't that cover gorgeous? Julie, it absolutely invites the reader "into" the story... So well done!

    2. Aw, Nancy, THANK YOU!! I absolutely adore designing my own covers because I can pour the symbolism in BIG TIME, which I love AND which was particularly important to me on this cover! She's a believer who has lost her way, and he's a pastor who befriends her and tries to pull her back from the dark side. Despite his attraction to her, God gives him the strength to be only her friend, which provides her with the strength of God's grip holding her steady in the storm until HE can eventually calm the troubled waters of her soul. :)


    3. And thanks, Ruthy, for your sweet comment too! I'm definitely praying it will invite readers in to check it out. :)


  31. Hoping everyone is safe as these storms continue!

    Nancy C

    1. Thank you, Nancy. Sincere prayers for those affected by storms. It's amazing how life can be changed in a day.

  32. Hi Myra:

    I was thinking cover art and author styles/voices this morning and I just had this insight: your very beautiful and original "Flowers of Eden" cover art makes me think that your writing style/voice is very fine grain -- you don't get the feeling that things are being left out as you would in a coarse grain style. I think Jane Austen is very fine grain and Lee Child's 'Jack Reacher' stories are rather coarse grain. Both styles fit the authors' voice.

    Just an observation. I think it can help the discovery process if you can take an abstract concept like 'style' and give it a 'sound' analogy like 'voice' and then convert that 'sound' quality as 'tactile'...fine or coarse. :) Anyway, that's what philosophers do. "!!"

    1. Interesting observation, Vince. Must ponder this . . .

  33. First chance to check in this weekend. How many of you have snow like we do here in Nebraska?

    I had a busy weekend attending the Wordsower's Writer Conference in Omaha. It was a great time and I am eager to use what I learned.

    Please enter me for Ruthy's book!

  34. I've been having computer problems but finally I'm back up and running and able to visit the Weekend! Congrats to our winners. Looking forward to the upcoming topics in Seekerville.

    Julie, I love your cover! Your series covers are all cohesive and pretty.

    Myra, love the cowboy on your cover! Oh, and his lady and the kids too. :-)

    Tina, you're a pro on blogs! Know attendees will go away from the meeting with great info. Your graphic looks scary dead.

    Love the photo, Connie, Mary, Julie and Sharee S! Looks like you all had a great time!

    Off to read "Tips for Turning Off the Internal Editor." Always hoping to figure out how to make that stick.

    We've had days of rain. But at least it's not snow, Sandy!


    1. Thanks, Janet! Just incredibly thankful for the Western tack. :)

  35. Been a pretty slow weekend despite the fact that yesterday was my parent's 22nd wedding anniversary, and my little brother's birthday, not to mention the fact that said little brother is also sick (I know, right on his birthday). Just not much going on as far as extracurricular activities. Well, I'm off to go try and get some writing in.

    1. Hope you have a great writing afternoon, Nicki!

    2. Prayers for your brother to feel better soon, Nicki! Stay clear of his germs. :)

  36. Happy weekend! I love the new book covers Myra and Julie! I've been trying to catch up on some older review books this week, and I'm wondering what took me so long to get to them- they are really good. I'd love to be entered in the giveaway for Ruth's new book!
