Saturday, April 8, 2017

The Weekend Edition

Welcome to another Weekend Edition!

If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes. Send to

Winner of their choice of a cowboy and a little chocolate to sweeten up the deal is Megs Minutes.

Winners for reimbursement of the TBL contest entry fee have been notified. Names are not released to maintain the contest integrity.  Congratulations and best wishes in the contest.

Monday: Mary Connealy talked about Beauty and the Beast vs It's a Wonderful Life. The winner of a signed copy of Long Time Gone is Jackye.

 Tuesday: Jen Turano returned to Seekerville today with her post, "Eight Interesting Tidbits About the Gilded Age." What a FUN POST!! Jen is generously giving away 5 (Yes! Five!) signed copies of her latest release from Bethany House Publishers, Behind the Scenes. Winners are Rose, Lyndee, Abigail Mitchell, Winnie Thomas and Connie Queen.

Wednesday: We welcomed author and literary entrepreneur, Tyora Moody back to Seekerville with her post, "Building a Mailing List." The giveaway is the winner's choice of an e-copy of The Literary Entrepreneur’s Toolkit: Building and Managing an Online Presence for Authors OR an e-copy of  Broken Heart: A Novella. Winners are Cathy Shouse and Jeanne T.

Thursday: Iola Goulton visited Seekerville from New Zealand. Stop by to meet this author and editor and a 2016 Genesis winner. Her post was "Creating Diamonds from Coal (or self-editing your Speedbo Manuscript)." And Iola is generously giving away an e-copy of fellow Kiwi, Kara Isaac's RITA finaling book, Close to You. The winner is Jill Weatherholt.

Monday: Join guest DiAnn Mills as she shares "5 Ways to Create Passion in Your Story." DiAnn will also be offering a giveaway!

Tuesday: Break out those grammar books and sharpen your pencils! Grammar Queen returns with a refresher course on those pesky English errors she finds the most annoying. This is Grammar 101, Seekerville-style, which means plenty of snark (and probably a giveaway or two)!

Wednesday: Meet special guest reviewer T.J. Mackay of InD'tale Magazine (News & Reviews for the Self & Small Published Reader in all of us!) when she discusses "Christian Fiction in a Secular World: A Light Under The Bushel?" Not only will you have the opportunity for a free subscription to InD'tale Magazine, but a winning copy of your choice of one of Julie Lessman's e-books. 

Thursday: Janet Dean is in the house talking about sexual tension in her post "Tips for Creating the Push-Pull of Romance." Leave a comment for a chance to win a $15 Amazon gift card.

Friday: Today we bring you another Best of the Archives. Comments are closed on Fridays to catch up with our reading and writing obligations.

Still time to visit with Myra Johnson on Shannon Vannatter's blog for a chance to win a copy of A Rose So Fair! Meet Rose Linwood and Caleb Wieland, plus read an excerpt from chapter 1!

Mary Connealy's Tried and True, book #1 of the Wild at Heart series is on sale for a very limited time for $1.99, ebook

Check out Julie Lessman's interview in InD'tale Magazine where she talks about writing "Passion With a Purpose" in the world of Christian Romance.  

Then take advantage of a FREE SUBSCRIPTION to InD'tale Magazine and you're eligible to enter Julie's giveaway of a character named after you in her next book, His Steadfast Love, due out this summer PLUS your choice of two of her books, paperback or ebook.

Thanks for the link love!

GET CONNECTED! Check out the ACFW Chapters HERE & the RWA Chapters HERE (Click on 'Chapters' for the drop-down menu.)

Reflections on Rejections: How I Learned to Query by Working as a Lit Agency Reader (Writer's Digest)

Best Book Writing Software: How to Plan a Novel Using Excel (The Write Practice)

Harlequin author Marie Ferrarella 275 Book Milestone. She Writes a Book A Month (OCC Register)

The Devil's in the Details (Romance University)

A Fun Way to Brainstorm Story Ideas (Fiction University)

 22 Writing GIFs All Content Marketers Will Understand (AND NOVELISTS TOO!!!) Hubspot

Stuck on your Plot? Change Your Story Question (Fiction University)

Casting the Spell (Writer Unboxed)

Protect Your Online Privacy (The Authors Guild)

The Career View (Books & Such Literary) 

That's it! Have a great writing and reading weekend!


  1. Happy Weekend. May all your writing and reading dreams come true!!

    1. Reading? Maybe. Writing? Not so much. This is Saturday at my house. :(

    2. I meant for our readers. I am doing a Pam, myself today. Hiding and writing.

    3. It's a GORGEOUS day in St. Louis, so how I wish I was outside on my deck writing, but am still outside "writing" this comment while I enjoy the company of a dear friend on her incredible screened-in porch!

      But I'm hot to get back to my latest WIP, book 3 in the IOH series because things are definitely heating up ... ;)

      Hugs and Happy Weekend, all!

    4. Palm Sunday at church. A special service to uplift a special day beginning Holy Week. God bless you all, my Seeker buddies and our Seekervillagers

  2. Good morning, Seekerville!!!

    Wishing you all a wonderful Palm Sunday weekend... and a beautiful and blessed Holy Week.

    This is my favorite week of the church calendar. Beautiful services, candles, incense, prayers lifted up in ancient traditions. I love it. We've kept most of Easter faith-filled and pristine, and it's so amazing...

    From the most grievous wrong came the greatest good.


    I cleared my "desk" for this week so I could enjoy family, prayers, cry on Good Friday and rejoice on Easter Sunday.

    We are so blessed!


    And fresh strawberry and custard filled croissants.

    Nothin' but love for youse!

    1. Thanks Ruthy, You have a blessed Holy Week also. Love and hugs as we rejoice together. smile

    2. Can always count on you for coffee, Ruthy!!

    3. Good for you, Ruthy! Easter Week is one of the most important weeks to me, too, so enjoy!


  3. Congratulations to all of the winners! Thank you for my copy of CLOSE TO YOU. I've been anxious to read Kara's book.
    Great WE, Tina. I appreciate all of the links.
    Lots of work to do today! Have a great one!

  4. Whoop! I won a book! THANK YOU to Jen for her generous giveaway.

    Congratulations to all of the winners. And to Seekerville for being there for us!

    Have a great weekend.

  5. Happy Saturday! I hope you all have a great weekend!

  6. Congrats to all of the winners! Have a great weekend everybody!

    1. I'm adding my congrats to our winners!


  7. Congrats to all the week's winners. Have a great weekend everyone. Hoping to get caught up on a lot of projects including writing and reading.

  8. Ruthy is right. It's not about eggs, bunnies or clothes. It's been extremely hard for me to "come apart" lately, but I am going to make an effort this week.
    I'm about 3/4 of the way through my revise-and-resubmit, and in cutting my story I realized a LOT OF THINGS that were wrong in the longer version, sigh. So even if the publisher doesn't bite, I guess it's worth it. Also started the last chapter of my Speedbo project (which is not the last chapter of the book, I wrote the ending before I wrote this chapter).
    Also sent in the excerpts for the TWO Seekerville critiques I won in March, one for Speedbo and one in the regular blog.
    This is a bittersweet time for me, as I am phasing out of my day job to a mélange of temp and freelance work. I will have more time for family and friends, more time to work on the house and yard, more time for ministry and more time for Christian writing. Change is good when it's your choice.
    See you Monday,
    Kathy Bailey

    1. Kathy, praying for peaceful and positive transitions!

    2. Kathy, I was a bit nervous when I quit my day job of 28 years to work from home as a writer, ACFW staff, office "manager" of our farm, and now part-time babysitter.

      It was a dream that was a long time coming, but I haven't regretted it for one moment. I love it!! I do find that I don't get out and spend time with family and friends any more than I used to, though, but that's just because I'm a hermit. lol

    3. Hang in there Kathy. Change is always stressful--even great changes. But as Pam pointed out--so worth it. Blessings and prayers.

    4. Kathy, bless your heart! Enjoy the dream the moves you to where you need/want to be. Prayers are all over you!

    5. Kathy, I guarantee that "bittersweet" is going to turn real "sweet" real soon, my friend, so ENJOY!!


    6. This is a BIG STEP... And my advice is to not fool yourself that you have a boatload of extra time (you know better than that with your busy schedule!) and it's amazing how easily that writing stuff can be put off... which is fine, depending on your goals. Congrats on this, Kathy... It is a bold move!!!

  9. I already told you I was phasing out of my day job, I just wanted to use the word "mélange."

  10. The new mag (InD'Tale) is cute. Took me a few tries to figure it the double meaning of it, but I like it. :)

    I'm going to be nose-to-the-grinstone writing today. Got behind the last couple of days.

    Everyone who gets to play outside, think of me! :)

    1. I thought it meant indie tales but I think you're right. In detail. LOL

    2. Ok, I didn't get the in detail part either. I saw it as indie tales. Thanks for clarifying!

    3. Sandra, it's both ... at least I think it is. Clever, huh?

    4. Hey, guys, I felt the same way ... a wee bit confused. I thought it meant "in detail," too, but the tagline to it says, "News & Reviews for the Self & Small Published Reader in all of us!" So my guess would be it's a double entendre, I think, on indie and in detail that means indie details. :)


    5. Julie, whatever it means, it's adorable!!!

  11. I love the Weekend Edition. Visited several links. Especially appreciated the reminder of how to write Deep POV.

    Sunday is special. The day of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, but also Palm Sunday was the day many, many years ago that our girls chose to live for God. We celebrated their spiritual birthdays as well as their physical birthdays.

    Happy Weekend, Seekerville! Looking forward to Holy Week. Hope you can find time to chat about the push and pull of romance on Thursday.


    1. Lovely, Janet. Wishing your daughters a wonderful Palm Sunday filled with beautiful memories of their coming to Christ!

    2. Its a special day and easy to remember. :-)


  12. Congratulations to the winners and thanks for all of the links in this WE.
    Blessings to all!

  13. Have a blessed Holy Week all of you. We have so much to be thankful for. I'm especially thankful for all of you. Hugs

  14. Happy Palm Sunday Weekend. Waving to Ruthy and agreeing about the special days of Holy Week. Always so moving.

    I just read about Marie Ferrarella who writes a book a month. Oh my goodness! She might have Ruthy beat when it comes to writing speed. Amazing! But a fun article. Thanks for the link, Tina!!!

    Congrats to the winners! Julie, good for you getting an interview in InD'Tale. How do you find these magazines? Or do they find you? Which is probably the case.

    FYI, 18 eggs are just $.99 at Kroger this week. A great buy, especially this close to Easter.

    1. LOL, I just added eggs to my shopping list. A book month. I've got to read that post, even if it's just to sit in awe.

    2. DEBBY, you may not have been on the Seeker loop the day I asked you all if you'd heard of InD'Tales or it's editor, T.J. Mackay, because sadly enough, I hadn't until T.J. contacted me.

      Turns out T.J. is a Christian with the same dream as mine of reaching the secular world with Christian romance, so she didn't want to start a blog/magazine preaching to the choir. Thus she began InD'Tales, which is a secular review magazine, but they do not allow erotica. She knew of me because she reads my books, so when she wanted a Christian author to do the main interview for the month of Easter, I was blessed enough to come into her mind.

      And ... delighted to learn we are two peas in a pod, except her pod is about forty years younger than mine ... ;)


    3. How wonderful, Julie! Always love when word of your delightful stories spreads to new readers!!!

    4. Julie, she's got great foresight.... And I hope they do well!

  15. Happy Weekend, everyone. Also Happy Palm Sunday. Hope it is a beautiful day for all

    I am working all weekend at the book store, so won't get much writing done this weekend.

    1. What a fun place to work, Sandy. Do you want to take all the books home? I rarely see a book I don't want to buy. :)

    2. Debby, I do want to take lots of books home. I do discover new books and authors working there. It is fun.

  16. Great WE, Tina. I'm having my hair done, so I have plenty of time to click on the links. I hope you all have a blessed Palm Sunday and holy week. I'm looking forward to Maundy Thursday, Tenebrae Friday, and Easter Sunday. What a special week and each of our lives.

    1. Terri, I just love the Tenebrae Service. Very powerful.

    2. Me, too, Audra. So meaningful.

  17. CONGRATS to all the winners! Happy Weekend Seekerville.

    Have a wonderful Psalm Sunday!

  18. Holy Week already! I feel like I just put away the Christmas decorations...oh wait, the skirt of our tree is still in the laundry room waiting to join all the ornaments. Blessings to all during this special week and I pray good weather shines on Palm Sunday!

    Congrats to all the winners! I loved the links, Tina. I just read the post on spreadsheets and how they make your writing manageable. I suppose a spreadsheet would, if I remembered to use it after I set it up, LOL.

    Happy weekend, all!

    1. Audra, we are to launder tree skirts? Did I miss the memo?


    2. This is too funny! My tree skirt is in the laundry room, too! It definitely needs laundered. Hate to admit that one of the Poms thought it was a glittery potty pad. YIKES!

    3. I am laughing at the tree skirt stories!

  19. WOWZA! Awesome edition! Rushed off to read the interview with Julie Lessman and get the free subscription to In'Dtale! Love new resources and love reading interviews with the awesome Seekerville authors!
    Now to squeeze in a few link reads before my husband and I enjoy a day trip to Old Town Cottonwood. Have a lovely weekend! Thanks for continuing to inspire and educate us all!

    1. Hey, Kelly thanks SO much for reading the interview, my friend, which entitles you to enter my contest to have a character named after you in my summer release, a signed copy, and two more of my books, so do check it out.

      And, WOW, I checked out the website for Old Town Cottonwood, and I'm jealous you get to go there, girl!! But that would be a looooong drive for me from Osage Beach to Phoenix environs!! Have fun!!


    2. Hove? My bad... Have fun, Kelly!

  20. Thanks for a great WE and I'm thrilled to have won a Jen Turano book! Thank you again!

  21. That link about the Internet privacy changes is the best, and most easily understood, I've read. Much to think about. Thanks!

    So the 252 books published isn't a typo. A book a month. I am beyond amazed, whatever that might be. The story of how she met her husband is fun to read ... so are her story 'sources.'

    The WE links are such a big help. Many times they make me aware of news from blogs I don't follow. Thanks for posting them, Tina. And thanks to all for sharing them.

    Congrats to all the winners! Lots of good reading ahead.

    Wishes to everyone for a weekend doing just what you want to do!

    Now to begin bracing myself for Grammar Queen's post :-D

    Nancy C

    1. I absolutely LOVE Marie's story. Harlequin had her on the list of book milestones last week:

      275th Book
      Colton Undercover, Marie Ferrarella

  22. Totally an aside -- am I the only one who is having trouble believing that Easter is next weekend?

    Nancy C

    1. I agree with you, Nancy! Seems like we just celebrated Christmas! :)

  23. Congratulations to all the winners! And congrats, Julie, on your interview in InD'Tales magazine!! I had trouble getting through to read it, but I will try again in a bit. Thanks for the awesome WE, Tina!!

  24. Marie's output is beyond amazing.... Jaw-dropping! :)

    I'm real happy at 4-5 books/year. That's my comfort zone, and it seems to work well.

    But wow.

    That's a lot of books!

  25. I had a wonderful book signing at B&N yesterday! Readers and family and delightful church friends stopped by and it was so nice! Our Barnes & Noble has been really on top of things with author signings and carrying books the last two years... I'm delighted to be part of it.

    And I got to see three young ladies from my daycare group of lovelies in Cinderella last night. It was beyond charming! A senior (playing the prince's mother), a sophomore (playing Ella) and a sixth grader (playing a flower girl and village girl)... what a delight to see the time and effort that went into this production.


    1. Congratulations on your book signing, Ruthy!!

    2. Wonderful, Ruthy! So glad your B&N is inspirational friendly...and Ruthy friendly. I plan to talk to a local used book store in my neighborhood about a signing. After my wonderful independent bookseller had to close, I've been searching for a good home. Our local BIG store never orders enough books. I guess they don't think I'll sell that many, but I have so many faithful readers in my area. Love each of them and hate when they can't get my latest release! :(

  26. Loved Ruthy's comment: From the most grievous wrong came the greatest good. That's what this season of the year is all about. I was reading from Hebrews this morning for my daily Bible reading and the chapter was about old testament sacrifice and Christ's supreme sacrifice so he could be our priest/intercessor. Amazing!

    While visiting with a niece last we she said she used the term holy week at work and no one knew what she was talking about. Isn't that sad.

    We're going to see the movie Case for Christ after church today. It sounds like a good one.

    Everyone have a great holy week.

    1. Tell us what you think of the movie, Bettie.

      Yes, so sad that folks wouldn't know about Holy Week!

    2. I enjoyed the movie. Nice retelling of Lee Strobels fight to disprove Christianity and his coming to the conclusion it couldn't be done. Not a blockbuster but very touching and enlightening. Worth my while.

  27. Happy Palm Sunday WE everyone!!

    Oh, how I've missed you guys!!! It's been a month I tell ya, whew! Getting settled into a new house is VERY tiring & trying to get back in a somewhat routine again is, well, interesting :-/ BUT I LOVE MY NEW HOUSE <3 I even have a designated room just for all my wonderful book babies!! My sweet husband, even though he said I don't get any more bookshelves, bought me a really nice one at a yard sale just before we moved for all my Love Inspired books. Now if that isn't love, I don't know what is :-)

    So there ya go, the reason I've been AWOL this month....exciting, exhausting, exhilarating stuff going on in my life.

    I'm SO looking forward to catching up with you all again, my wonderful online author friends & other Villagers of course (((((hugs)))))!!!!

    1. Good to see you, Trixi! Glad you got moved okay, and that you got a new bookshelf - always a good thing!

    2. Moving is exhausting, Trixi! Glad you love your new house--and what fun about the bookshelves!

  28. Happy Monday! =D I'm so happy that the sun has come out. We had a lot of stormy weather and wind last week.

    Super cool on winning last week's edition. =D And boy is it a hard pick! Email coming.

    Everyone stay safe. I highly recommend reading Psalm 91 and personalizing it for family. <3 Blessings and Godspeed!
