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Melissa Endlich with the first Love Inspired she ever read! |
What We Were
After the hugely popular apocalyptic thriller LEFT BEHIND was published in 1995, the popularity of Christian fiction grew enormously. It was then that Harlequin decided to offer readers a new line of short Christian romances, similar to the popular category romances we were already known for, like Special Edition or Intrigue. In 1997, Love Inspired was born! We published 3 books a month, with a combination of original stories and reprints from authors like Sherryl Woods and Arlene James.
Back in 1997, we didn’t know much about the Christian market, except that bookstores were not too keen on books from the dreaded Harlequin! But eventually we won over readers, especially in stores like Walmart and Target. Then authors like Lenora Worth, Lois Richer and Irene Hannon signed with us and began to build fan bases. Soon we became popular with readers and writers alike, garnering nominations (and wins!) for RITA Awards and Carol Awards.
Then in the 2000’s we noticed that romantic suspense was gaining in popularity in the ABA market. So in 2005, we launched Love Inspired Suspense, featuring romantic suspense stories with Christian characters. Our first titles were from bestselling CBA authors Hannah Alexander and Elizabeth White. Other authors who joined us in our first few years were Colleen Coble, Marta Perry, Shirlee McCoy, Terri Reed, Lois Richer and Valerie Hansen.
And finally, we realized there was a missing member of the Love Inspired family—historicals! What a no brainer! Historicals have always dominated the Christian fiction market, but we decided to do things a little differently, publishing short historicals in a mass market paperback format. We launched Love Inspired Historical in 2008 with books by top CBA author Catherine Palmer and longtime Love Inspired contemporary author Jillian Hart. Linda Ford, Janet Tronstad, and Janet Dean are some of the authors who wrote wonderful stories for us that first year.
Who We Are Now
Twenty years later, Love Inspired Books has grown into a bestselling franchise, with books regularly hitting the Publisher’s Weekly and BookScan bestseller lists. We publish 16 books a month, plus several streams of backlist reissues. We’re everywhere from bookstores to Walmart to Amazon! But how have we changed? Who are we now?
Then: Early Love Inspired covers were definitely a product of the 90’s! The artwork was quite old fashioned, and featured a lot more landscape and still life scenes (see below). Love Inspired Suspense covers were originally fairly dark and focused on strong colors and landscapes. Early Love Inspired Historical covers were gorgeous and painterly, very much in keeping with ABA and CBA historicals.
Now: All the covers are even more appealing now! Love Inspired focuses on outdoor scenes with couples, children, or hero and heroine alone. Landscapes or animals are the way to appeal to a LI Suspense reader. And stunning historical artwork featuring the characters is a hallmark of current LI Historical book covers.
What Do We Want
Love Inspired Books has been helping many Seekerville authors escape from Unpubbed Island for years. How did they make the jump? They did their homework: reading the books, entering writing contests for feedback, meeting editors at conferences, and reading the Seekerville blog on a regular basis! It’s all about information: learning what the publisher wants, absorbing that information and putting it into your writing.
So to help all the citizens of Unpubbed Island, here’s an update on what Love Inspired wants right now:
Love Inspired is still seeking out Amish stories, be they contemporary, suspense or historical. Our readers can’t get enough of these sweet tales of a kinder, simpler life. And westerns in any shape are appealing to our readers too. Give us a hunky single dad rancher or a protective Texas Ranger and we’ll give you a book contract! Include strong conflicts, intense emotions and high stakes. Just because our books are sweet doesn’t mean that they’re boring! Story hooks like twins/triplets, single moms/dads, reunion romances, secret babies/kids are themes that our readers like.
The key to Love Inspired Suspense is getting the tone and focus of the suspense right.
We’re not looking for cozy mysteries or whodunits. We want equal parts suspense and romance. The characters’ lives should be in direct danger, with high intensity suspense from the beginning. If you’ve got law enforcement heroes, military heroes, amnesia, secret babies, or mistaken/hidden identity in your manuscripts, send ‘em our way!
For more detailed information, definitely check out our writing guidelines here: https://harlequin.submittable.com/submit
The Next 20 Years
Only God knows what the future holds for any of us. But I can only hope and pray that both Love Inspired and Seekerville will be around for the next 20 years helping authors to realize their dreams of writing amazing Christian fiction!
What are your favorite memories of Seekerville? Of Love Inspired?
A native New Yorker, Melissa Endlich has worked in the publishing industry for twenty five years. She is currently the Senior Editor for Love Inspired, acquiring contemporary inspirational romances. Melissa considers herself very blessed that she gets to work with some amazingly talented authors. And after so many years in publishing, she still gets swept away by tales of knights in shining armor, rugged cowboys and sweet single dads. While not working at her dream job, Melissa watches a scary amount of television, is a huge movie buff, and spends way too much time on social media. You can follow her on Twitter at @MelissaEndlich or on Instagram at nyc_editor_life
Leave a comment today and you could win one of these Seeker books.
Twenty Winners!
Winners announced in the Weekend Edition!
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We've got enough copies of these titles for 20 winners! |
The day would not be complete without birthday greetings
from Love Inspired authors!
Debby Giusti
Laurel Blount
Sherri Shackelford
Dana R Lynn
Janet Dean
I have no idea whose brilliant idea it was for LOVE INSPIRED BOOKS, but I owe them a lot. Thank you, Harlequin and welcome back to Seekerville Melissa Endlich who is single handedly responsible for kicking 7 Seekers (and later, one more who was already published) from Unpublished Island.
ReplyDeleteThose shacks were getting really crowded until then!
The coffee is on. Let's get this party started!!!
Hi Melissa, so great to see your smile again. Thank you for joining us here in Seekerville. I'm sure there are many who appreciate learning specifically what you are looking for. And how wonderful that you have helped so many Seekers and friends sail off unpubbed island.
ReplyDeleteThanks again for joining us. Have fun today.
Love the birthday videos :-) Keep 'em coming!
ReplyDeleteI don't remember when I first discovered LI or what book was the first one I read. I probably picked up some at a yard sale or thrift store or something. I was looking for more Christian romance back then, and I no longer wanted to read the regular Harlequin books or secular romance books. I also found a few Heartsong Presents back then too. As soon as I read that first book, I knew I had found what I was looking for and didn't even know I was missing until then :-) I love that there are so many categories now within the main ones (Contemporary, Suspense and Historical) to choose from. Love Inspired is still my go-to books and I'm not kidding when I say I have at least 300 on my shelf...in fact, my husband bought me a bookshelf when we were moving just for all my LI titles :-)
I do have to say though that I am very saddened the Historical line is ending as that has to be my top favorite! I've enjoyed every single one I've read and always look forward to more.
Toss my name in the hat for a LI title, thanks so much!
Trixi, you are entered!!
Delete300 books! GO YOU!!
Trixi, you're a woman after my own heart. I love historical romance and am blessed to have written for the line.
Tina....that's JUST my Love Inspired books, not my other novels put out by other authors such as Patricia Bradley, Tamera Alexander, Vannetta Chapman, Sarah Sundin, Amanda Cabot, Julie Klassen, Tracie Peterson, and Jody Hedlund, just to name a few. I probably have close to the same number of those as I do LI. I'm so glad I now have my own personal library in my new home :-)
DeleteJanet...I'd have to say I gravitate to historical 90% of the time. Either Love Inspired or other full length novels. It's fascinating to me to learn history through fiction. :-) A well researched book is always a great for me to read!
Trixi, the research is fun for me! I can get caught up in all that information. The trick is not using so much in the book that it feels like a history lesson.
Welcome, Melissa! Thank you so much for this informative post, and I enjoyed learning about the beginning of the Love Inspired books. I have so many Love Inspired books I had to get another bookshelf! :)
ReplyDeleteThe Seekers and Seekerville are the BEST! You asked us to share a favorite memory, and a special memory for me is when I learned that amazing author Tina Radcliffe was naming the bakery in her LI series after me! :) Each time I read about "Patti Jo's Cafe and Bakery" in one of her books I was very honored.
Thank you again for visiting and letting us know how we can leave Unpubbed Island and be a Love Inspired Author. :)
Blessings from Georgia, Patti Jo
P.S. Meant to add: Happy 20 years, Love Inspired books!! :)
DeleteLOL. That was a fabulous bakery! Those cookies and pies were famous all over Paradise, Colorado!
DeletePatti Jo, I remember last year's ACFW Conference when you gave away Georgia peaches! YUM!
DeleteHow interesting to hear the history of Love Inspired. I love them. :-) I would love to win one.
ReplyDeleteBecky B.
Happy 10th Anniversary Seekerville! You've been a blessing to so many and still are! Thanks for sharing the Love Inspired history with us, Melissa. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by, Carla. Your name in in the Love Inspired book drawing!
DeleteHappy 20 years Love Inspired!
ReplyDeleteAnd the framed debut novels that everyone is sharing on FB and Instagram are so delightful. What a wonderful idea. Thank you, so much.
Congrats to Seekerville on your 10th Birthday and LI on their 20th Birthday! I LOVE the opportunity of reading clean Christian based fiction and it’s been exciting to watch authors go from Un-pub Island to Pubbed Island. So thankful they have humbly stayed here in Seekerville to help those of us still on Un-pubbed Island. My dream is to someday have one of my stories published by LI too! How exciting that would be! Thanks Melissa for being here to help share ways to get there.
ReplyDeletePlease add my name into the kitty dish for one of the Seekerville authors books!
PS—fun to see the “Happy Birthday video’s too!
Vicki, you are entered for those books!!! Woo hoo!
DeleteHi Melissa:
ReplyDeleteI believe I subscribed to the very first issues of Love Inspired and kept the subscription for years. I've read all the authors you mentioned from the early days and recognize the covers.
My favorite series was "The Dropped Stitch Series" by Janet Tronstad, in what was a Stipple Hill, quartet, in the Café subgenre. These were the hardest books to wait for the next one to come out. I've recommended those books for years to women going through chemotherapy who asked for something to read during the long process. I've given many of the books away. Everyone so far has loved the books.
The Café books confused me at first as they were more YA/Women's Fiction than genre romances. That first book was a trial! I could not figure out who the hero was. I'm not sure romance fans were ready for that series of books. Especially when they showed up in your monthly subscription. I've often wondered what would have happened if "The Dropped Stitches" were released as a YA series.
As a gift set I think there is a market for the "Stitches Set" sold in hospital gift shops and at Christmas time.
Do you have anything that is like the old Steeple Hill Café series now in Harlequin? That is, YA, New Adult, or Women's Fiction?
P.S. I'd love to know if you will ever get the first ten Betty Neels books in your Harlequin Classic series?
Steeple Hill Cafe! I forgot about those. They were very popular during the period that Chick Lit was popular.
DeleteI've been writing right around 20 years now. Wow, that's long...for me and LI :) I might be at 22 or 23, I was just starting a little before you.
ReplyDeleteI remember the first time I heard of Love Inspired. I'd been writing a while, but targeting the general market, most especially Silhouette. They were about the last line I knew of that wanted sweet reads and that's what I was writing.
And I read an article in the Romance Writer's of America about Harlequin starting a Christian line.
It was like this door opening for me.
I can still remember that little notice.
Christian fiction?
I'd never known there was such a thing. I think I'd even read Love Comes Softly but it just never clicked that there where CHRISTIAN publishers out there and I could target them.
You have to remember I didn't have the internet at home.
I barely had a computer. Google hadn't been invented yet. It was an hour plus drive to the nearest town with a bookstore and I very rarely made that drive with four kids in elementary/high school.
It just wasn't that easy to find publishers. I had the writer's Market Guide and that's about it.
And then BAM Love Inspired. It opened up a whole new world.
And I targeted LI, too, though it's so long ago now. I think I found ACFW about the same time and I remember pitching to Krista Strover.
Anyway, I mark my writing life in many ways, by the beginning of LI.
Thanks for that.
And thanks for twenty years of great fun.
It has been 20 years of great, great fun, Mary!
DeleteAnd I will admit that I never pitched live to a Love Inspired Editor. I was toooo CHICKEN!!
Krista was great. But we expect that of LI editors right? :)
DeleteThe first time I found a Love Inspired books was years ago and I haven't stopped buying them since. I have three shelves in my one large bookcase devoted to LI books and they are packed in two rows thick. I don't have time to count them, but I would estimate at least 75 books per shelf so at least 225 books packed into them. They are all keepers.
ReplyDeleteMelissa, I thought I read somewhere that the Historical line of books for Love Inspired was being discontinued. Is that true? It would be a shame because so many of us love all three lines.
Happy Birthday Seekerville!
Cindy W.
I guess we need to start giving away bookshelves in Seekerville, Cindy. That would be the smart move! 225! WOWZA.
DeleteWelcome, Melissa. It's great to see you here. How fun to see Love Inspired then and now.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Seekerville memory was reading about the Blurb to Book Contest that ultimately resulted in my first contract.
Thanks for all that you do!
Ah, those first sales. Who can forget them??
DeleteLove Inspired introduced me to many new authors whom I now follow and love. These short books pack in a lot! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteYou really nailed it MH. Many people think they are easy to write. Well you try getting GMC and emotion into that format with no extra words. Not easy. I love the size and the pricetag too!
DeleteI credit my aunt with hooking me on Harliquin. I would spend a week with her in the summer and she would hand me a paper bag full of romance. That was way before LI was born and I don’t think my mom knew what all those books contained, but that was when my love for romance bloomed. Everyone wants a happy-ever-after!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on 20 years!!!
LOL. Your mom didn't know what was in those books...
DeleteI had a friend in high school that passed those books on to me regularly. My mom didn't know either!
DeleteSherrinda, *giggles* I used to come home from the library with a whole stack of 'em! (One time, the librarian wouldn't let me check some Harlequins out because she thought I "should ask my parents first." LOL Silly librarian.
DeleteThis is just hilarous!!!!!
DeleteOkay, I think I need to clarify that my mom was not a reader so she probably didn’t know what was in the books. Or maybe she thought she would get out of having to “explain” things to me. Anyway, it was awesome reading regardless. 😊
DeleteGlad you "clarified" that for us. LOL :-) They ARE awesome reads, indeed.
DeleteI love reading love inspired Amish, historical and suspense. The covers are always eyecatching . The stories have wonderful characters that you fall in love with. I wait anxiously every month when the new titles come out.
ReplyDeleteSpoken like a true fan, Deana! Thank you and you are in the drawing!
DeleteDeana, I love Amish stories too! And the covers always catch my eye!
DeleteI followed Heartsong books over to Love Inspired when you purchased the line. I have enjoyed reading books from all the categories, especially the historical novels. Do I dare to ask about the rumor of their demise?
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing the history of LI books. The covers are engaging and the stories are perfect for a weekend read. Thanks for keeping this type of book an option. Thanks for being open to submissions.
Bettie, you read and write, correct? What subgenre do you write?
DeleteI have a contemporary romance and half of a historical
DeleteGood for you, Bettie! Wonderful.
ReplyDeleteThanks for being with us today! Thanks, too, for providing a recap of Love Inspired's timeline. In May 2004, Senior Editor Krista Stroever spoke at a Georgia Romance Writers' meeting I attended. She was looking for suspense stories for the LIS line and took a few pitches after the formal program. I told her about my secular WIP, and she said she'd like to see the finished manuscript if I included a faith element. As soon as I added the Christian thread, I knew I had found my genre. Fifteen months later, she bought the completed manuscript for NOWHERE TO HIDE. Krista's visit introduced me to Christian suspense and Love Inspired Books, for which I will be eternally grateful!
Readers in my area of the country are grateful too. At book signings and reader luncheons, they always mention how much they enjoy Love Inspired stories.
Thanks for all you so...and you do so much! Hugs to Emily. She always makes my stories better. Thanks to the Art Department, as well, for creating beautiful covers.
Happy 20th Birthday, Love Inspired, and Happy 10th Birthday, Seekerville!
You are so right, Debbie. The art department needs their own stocking at Christmas. I owe them a lot of kudos too. And Deb, congratulations on making the PW list again! Woo hoo!
DeleteGood morning, Melissa! Welcome back to Seekerville, and happy 20th Anniversary to Love Inspired! Thank you, too, for the stroll down memory lane through LI's history! (I read my first one in January or February of 1999.)
ReplyDeleteHard to believe, but it was 9 years ago this time of year that my entry finaled in a contest that you were judging. Before year's end you not only selected it for the first place win, but requested a full manuscript! Then not long into the new year, you offered a contract--and with your editorial expertise in getting it "cleaned up," in October 2009 you published my very first book, "Dreaming of Home." :)
Now here we are (in spite of my working a full-time day job) with book #14 coming out next Spring--and hopefully many more in the years to come!
Thank you SO MUCH, Melissa, for all you've done for Love Inspired and for so many of us who dreamed of sharing our stories with the world.
I hope you enjoy your day in Seekerville!
Glynna, that is a lot of books in a short time for someone who also works fulltime. High-five to you!!
DeleteHi Melissa,
ReplyDeleteHarlequin does a wonderful job on the LI (all lines!) book covers. It was always so fun for me to get the art work file on my books. I knew I wouldn't be disappointed.
Hope you are having a great autumn.
I agree, Rose. I love all my covers!
DeleteGood morning, Melissa. It's so nice to see you in Seekerville, today. Happy 20th Anniversary, Love Inspired! Thank you for all that you do to provide quality books to the Christian fiction market. I believe I discovered Love Inspired about ten years ago. Some of the first authors I remember reading are Shirlee McCoy, Terri Reed, Linda Goodnight, and Jillian Hart.
ReplyDeleteI didn't discover Seekerville until about four years ago, but I'm so thankful that I did. Seekerville has taught me so much about the writing process and publication. Happy 10th Anniversary, Seekerville! Thank you for encouraging us and teaching us how to achieve our dreams.
Aw, thanks for the kind words, Rhonda!
DeleteGood Morning, Melissa!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing the history of LI along with the covers and titles. You've accomplished so much at LI since 1997. The visuals really place those years in perspective.
Twenty years ago, I placed my dreams of a writing career on hold and began my first year of nursing. My first job as a nurse was for a Beacy Amish family who operated two homes for the elderly. (Of course, the Amish do not send their parents to nursing homes. The healthcare facilities were a ministry of this family to their community. Very unique and quite the experience!)
Fast forward to the present, and here I am at Seekerville learning so much from this amazing Christian fiction family.
Who knew I'd someday be writing Amish stories, a genre that barely existed? I certainly never could have foreseen those years as the door to re-open my dream to be an author.
Who knows what the future 20 years hold for LI, Seekerville and all of us? Can't wait to look back and see. 😊
Thanks again for this post, for helping us learn how to reach our goals, and for the opportunities LI offers.
AMY! I had no idea you were a nurse and what a background. The stories you can tell, literally and fictionally! Wow.
DeleteYes! We have that in common. 😊 I don't know how I never mentioned it to you. Oh the stories a nurse can tell... or not. Lol.
DeleteSo interesting about that first job, Amy! Where were you living at the time?
DeleteHi Melissa. Thanks so much for being in Seekerville today to help us celebrate. Like most folks here, I avidly read Love Inspired, especially when a Seeker's name is on the cover. I would have to admit that historicals are my favorite and I'm so sad to see them go. I write historical, but am trying to get brave enough to try contemporary. Scary stuff for this would-be author. Thanks again for the many hours of lovely, romantic entertainment LI has given me over the years. Looking forward to many more to come.
ReplyDeleteSee, and I feel the same about writing historicals. TERRIFIED!!!
DeleteSo lovely to have you with us today, Melissa! And congratulations to Love Inspired for 20 fabulous years!
ReplyDeleteMy journey to LI was kind of a roundabout way. I'll never forget my VERY first ever editor appointment and pitch--to Krista Stroever! I was so nervous that I cried, and she offered me some of her M&Ms (my faves!)--and I was rattled enough to decline!!! (And I didn't get a request either. ☹️)
Eventually my early stories found homes with Heartsong Presents, which later moved under the Harlequin umbrella. When the line finally closed, my remaining contracted books were brought over to the LI line, and I was THRILLED!!!!
Melissa, I have learned so much working with you on these books! I can't thank you enough for your patience and guidance about what makes a romance just right for Love Inspired!
Another Seeker published by Melissa! We need a secret society with a handshake!
DeleteHi Melissa,
ReplyDeleteWelcome to Seekerville. Congratulations on twenty years of Love Inspired. I remember reading my mother's Harlequin books as a teenager, and I was so excited when Love Inspired started.
Your authors always say wonderful things about you, and I'm sure it's been a fun twenty years. Again, congratulations!
I'm like you, Jackie. Every week I went down to the drugstore to turn the rotating display and find another Harlequin Romance to buy.
DeleteI face a dilemma every month in trying to decide which Love Inspired I will buy. I want to buy them all but not enough money.
ReplyDeleteI am preparing to begin a book for Nano that has the right hook I think for a LIS.
Good for you, Wilani. I give up vegetables for Love Inspired books!
DeleteWelcome to Seekerville, Melissa! Congratulations to 20 years of Love Inspired Books. I've devoured Harlequin books since I was a teenager, and writing for them was a dream come true.
ReplyDeleteI joined the historical authors when the line increased from 2 books to 4 books a month. Though I'll miss my westerns, I'm excited to be writing suspense these days.
A new challenge from shooting people with your Winchester to bringing the bad guys to justice!! Go, Sherri. I cannow wait to read your LIS releases. Congratulations!
DeleteMelissa, weclome to Seekerville! SO much fun to see how far Harlequin has come in 20 years. Congratulations! LOVE today's covers. (And I must admit...I know we're not supposed to judge a book by its cover...but THAT's what draws me.) I, especially, love stories with kiddos, puppies, and *ahem* hunky heroes. (I admit it!!!!!)
ReplyDeleteI have a question. Do you see Harlequin LI expanding word count in the future?
Thank you, Melissa, for sharing the history of Harlequin LI and LIS. Wow! What accomplishments!
It's fun to see the author videos. Congratulations, ladies!
Again, HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY, Seekerville!
I'm with you, Cynthia. I love those heroes on the cover!
DeleteThanks for this post, Melissa. I've been reviewing the Love Inspired lines for RT for years, and it was nice to learn a bit more about the history. I will be sad to see the historical line end.
ReplyDeletePlease throw my name in the drawing. Thanks!
Leslie, you are entereed. Great to see you!
DeleteHi Leslie. Thanks for being with us today.
DeleteI am still reeling from yesterday. That was quite a post.
ReplyDeleteI discovered LI through market research for some of my earlier books, still unpubbed.Began reading them, both for craft and entertainment, and was amazed at the depth and character development. (This is not Your Mother's Harlequin.) I live 20 miles from a book store, in any direction, so I love the idea that I can walk into Walmart and get my Christian fiction fix whenever I want to. They also pack well. I took one of Glynna's books on a recent fall escape weekend, and I usually keep an LI in my tote bag.
Melissa, are you at all interested in sweet Christmas romances taking place in quirky small towns? Just Wondering.
Kathy Bailey
Kathy, that is the thing I too like about Love Inspired. Small enough for my tote and the price is small enough for my budget. No-Brainer.
DeleteLI stories are perfect to read when flying. I often have folks tell me they can finish a LI or LIS story on their flights from ATL to LAX.
DeleteHappy birthday, Seekerville! Happy anniversary, Love Inspired!!
ReplyDeleteIn February 1997, I had rededicated my life to Christ. As a lover of romance, I wanted to read books to strengthen my walk with God. So I prayed and asked for God to provide me with quality Christian romance novels. In September, the first Love Inspired books debuted. I bought those books every month for years! I still have the first ones! When my writing became publishable, I told my agent my first novel HAD to be published through Love Inspired. On January 7, 2011, at 3 PM, my agent called with the news that Melissa Endlich of Love Inspired had read my manuscript, loved it, and wanted to offer me a contract! I'm so thankful for the ladies of Seekerville who taught me so much, and I'm eternally grateful for Melissa's continued guidance as I'm working on my 6th novel for LI. Definitely a dream come true!
Thank you for the kind words, Lisa!
DeleteHi Melissa!
ReplyDeleteTwenty years!
I'll always be thankful to Love Inspired for publishing my first book in 2013. :) I'm working on my sixth Love Inspired now, and still thankful for the opportunity.
Happy Birthday to both Love Inspired and Seekerville!
More confetti and pass the cupcakes, Jan Drexler. Woo hoo!!
DeleteHi Melissa! Waving emphatically from Nebraska to you! It was such a pleasure to meet you ACFW this year!
ReplyDeleteI cannot get enough of these videos. It’s so much fun to see everyone in real life!
I am so grateful for Love Inspired. Congratulations on 20 years! How amazing!
Aren't those videos super fun! It's like being there.
DeleteHi Melissa! Happy Anniversary to Seekerville and to Love Inspired. I'm still tickled by the 20th Anniversary frame sent by Love Inspired with a copy of my first cover. It's beautiful. I really enjoyed the post, particularly the covers. We've come so far!!! Blessings.
ReplyDeleteI agree, Belle! So generous of Love Inspired and HQ to send us those rememberances! I am still smiling after opening mine on Monday.
DeleteTypo and Grammarly missed it. Mea Culpa.
Thank you, Melissa, for today's post, and the history of LI.
ReplyDeleteI read across all genres, but write romance. I started reading Christian romance novels more frequently as I got deeper into my writing journey. The giveaways at Seekerville put a few more on my bookshelf, and I am thankful! I've read Harlequins since the early 80's, and still enjoy them.
I'm currently writing a western series, not secular, but who knows, it could be in my future.
Would love to add a new book to my shelf. And, yes, Kaybee, I'm still reeling from yesterday's post, too!
Happy 20 years, LI!!
Happy 10th Birthday, Seekerville!!
Marcia! You are entered in the giveaway!
DeleteMelissa, welcome back!!!!
ReplyDeleteI've had the pleasure of working with Melissa for eight years now... and 20 books!!!! For all these years we've shaped and snipped and re-molded books that have been read here in the U.S... and around the world.
I couldn't be happier.
I'm so glad you're with us today, helping celebrate ten years of Seekerville... of helping authors reach their dreams. And huge thank yous from me and many others for helping us make that dream come true!
It's liek full circle. I checked and this is Melissa's fifth post in Seekerville. We may have to give her contributor status and put her on the payroll!
DeleteMelissa, welcome back! Thanks for helping us celebrate ten years of blogging. I loved seeing the old covers! I'm pretty sure the Jane Peart book is the very first Love Inspired book that I ever read. In fact, I think it might have been the very first Christian romance that I read!
ReplyDeleteThanks for a great post!
I missed that one, Missy and now I'm going to have to haunt the used bookstores for it.
DeleteI also meant to say happy 20th birthday to Love Inspired!! Yesterday, I got a beautiful framed copy of my first LI book (Her Unlikely Family, 2008). What a wonderful keepsake! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteMelissa, welcome! Your post is such a wonderful look back at Love Inspired's twenty years. I've been blessed beyond measure to have had the privilege of writing books for Love Inspired Historical. You gave me that chance and I'm forever grateful.
ReplyDeleteIt's such fun to look at all the covers and the changes over the years. My debut Courting Miss Adelaide is still my favorite of my terrific covers.
One of my favorite memories of Love Inspired, besides The Call, is when Debby and I toured your headquarters in NYC and got to see you editors at work in your offices. Then on our way out, Joan Golan took the time to talk to us.
I've also got fun memories of the Harlequin parties with the Love Inspired authors dancing and chatting and having a wonderful time.
Thanks for the lovely memories Love Inspired! And all the wonderful books you've given us over those twenty years!
Hugs, Janet
I did one of those tours with Ruth and Melissa showed us around. So much fun to see where THE MAGIC HAPPENED!!!
DeleteExactly! A writer's Disney World. :-)
Janet, that's a special memory of mine, as well! The Woolworth Building was beautiful. Remember that wooden elevator! Stepping through those glass doors and entering the Love Inspired office area was a pinch-me-I-must-be-dreaming moment. Everyone was so warm and welcoming...but, of course, they would be! We're so blessed to write for Love Inspired!
DeleteMELISSA, thank you for sharing LI's history.
ReplyDeleteIt's so much fun celebrating with Seekerville and learning the history.
Who doesn't love a party, right and for so many good reasons! Love Inspired is 20 and Seekerville is 10. Woo hoo!
DeleteHappy 20th Birthday, LI. Happy 10th Birthday, Seekerville. Thank you, Melissa, for the history on LI. I started reading these books with the Steeple Hill imprint. Thanks to Seekers for all the encouragement and guidance during these years.
ReplyDeletePat Jeanne Davis, you have been missed. So glad you are here for the party. Seems fitting as you have been a Villager for so very long. Welcome. Have a cupcake.
DeletePat Jeanne, good seeing you! I hope you've been well. Missed you, as Tina mentioned.
DeleteHi Melissa,
ReplyDeleteHappy 20th Birthday, LI! I love seeing the old covers and how they've progressed to today's slick look. Dare I admit I still have Homespun Bride on my bookshelf? Thanks for sharing LIs history.
I have that one still on my bookshelf, Lyndee.
DeleteHi Melissa! Thanks again for helping my writing dream come true. This is a great article with plenty of good advice and interesting LI history. I love being part of LI!
ReplyDeleteDonna, welcome to Seekerville. So great to see a new author here. Thanks for visiting and sharing this wonderful party!
DeleteDonna, loved your television interview! Thanks for spreading the word about Love Inspired stories throughout Canada.
DeleteWelcome Melissa!
ReplyDeleteI have some of those first LIS books on my bookshelf. The purple artwork is a dead giveaway to the age.
I don't remember the lady's name or job title (I know, I'm awful...) that researches the hooks and popular trends, but I really enjoyed visiting with her at ACFW. LOL.
I think I'm just now starting to get a hint of all the work that goes into making LI successful. I'm in awe of everything you do.
Love, love the videos!!!
ReplyDeleteOk, Laurel Blount, that's hilarious.
Laurel and her sweet friend. So cute!
DeleteBlogger is being rude to our guest. She'll be with us shortly.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Tina. It finally worked!--Melissa
DeleteLove Love Inspired, love Melissa and love Seekerville!! So interesting to read about the development of the LI line. My favorite memory, like Jill's, is when I got the call during the Blurb 2 Book contest--definitely a dream come true for me!
ReplyDeleteConnie, if you think that was funny you should have seen the blooper reel. I tried one with our opinionated goose, who promptly attempted to murder me on camera. :)
The cow was very nice. And thanks for the ice cream. :)
DeleteLOL, homemade ice cream, right? Some people have weapons experts to email. We have Laurel as our COW expert.
DeleteFunny and true story. My brother bought two cows. He was thinking meat in winter. The cows fell in love with him. They can be far away in the pasture. When they see him, they come running.
He continues to buy his meat at the grocery store.
Same thing happened here with Beulah's calf. We confidently expected to send him to freezer camp, but my son fell in love with him. Now Calf McFlufferson is a permanent resident--and my freezer is empty.
DeleteLove it!
DeleteMay I visit your farm someday, Laurel?
DeleteOh my word, I'm having such troubles commenting on here today!!! Hoping this goes through!
It worked! You made it to OZ. We're open 24/7 so it's impossible to be late!
DeleteMelissa, thank you for giving us the historical perspective of the Love Inspired line. The covers are gorgeous, the stories heartwarming, and the authors amazing.
ReplyDeleteWhat is my favorite memory of Love Inspired? I must confess, it is seeing the photo of you holding the red "Choose Your Own Hook" folder. With a gasp, I realized my Manuscript Matchmaker entry was in your hand. I am forever grateful to the Harlequin editors for the valuable experience. I learned so much. We all thank you for offering opportunities to unpublished writers.
And thanks to Seekerville for the knowledge and encouragement to head toward the dream of publication!
Wishing Love Inspired many more years of blessing readers with romantic stories of God's faithfulness through difficult situations!
I hope you took a screen shot of that picture! Put it in your writing journal!
DeleteAnniversaries are awesome! So happy to be celebrating with Seekerville and Love Inspire. It’s always fun to see Melissa ... waving at her now!!! Hi Melissa, thanks for the fun review of the LI history. Hope to see you soon.
ReplyDeleteAnother fun part of being at the LI family is getting to know other LI authors at conference dinners. I sat next to Rhonda Gibson at one. Hi Rhonda! Waving!
ReplyDeleteHi Tina!!!! Loved meeting you :-)
DeleteMelissa, thanks for the walk down memory lane. I'm amazed at how many of those first stories I've read.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to reading Love Inspired for the next 20 years.
I'm also targeting LIS. So hopefully in 20 years you'll be holding one of my books!
I'm ready to be holding one of your books, Terri. Hurry up, would you???
DeleteYay, Terri! Another suspense sister!
DeleteLove Inspired books are some of my favorite books to read! I have come across so many new to me authors that I now love to read as a result of them being a Love Inspired author. I literally get excited each month getting online to see all the new books coming out by some of my favorite writers. Thanks so much for this giveaway opportunity!
Tiffany, thanks soo much for stopping by! Waving at you!
DeleteHappy Birthday, Seekerville! What a great 10 years of having your online presence as a source of information and frienship.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Melissa, for being here today and sharing the old and the new about Love Inspired. The change in the LS book covers is most striking to me. The stories have always been wonderful. The very first Love Inspired I found was in a Christian bookstore back in 2000 or maybe 2001. The book was a secret baby story, His Answered Prayer by Lois Richer. I loved that story so much it is still one of the books I keep on my "active" reading bookshelf.
Love Inspired added such a positive presence to the faith-based romance genre. And as Melissa said, sweet doesn't have to be boring.
Darlene Buchholz
Thank you, Darlene! Some of my earliest Love Inspired books were Carol Stewart, Cynthia Rutledge, Margaret Daley, and Lenora Worth. I was beyond fan girl once at an RWA conference when Lenora was on a Love Inspired panel. THE LENORA WORTH. THE LENORA WORTH!!!!
DeleteI love it. To me, Lenora is still THE LENORA WORTH. :)
DeleteI met Lenora when she spoke at a GRW meeting long before I knew about Love Inspired. Her program on Christian romance was inspiring. Since then, I've been a fan girl!
DeleteDebby, I was at that workshop!! That was so fun to meet Lenora then.
DeleteWelcome, Melissa.
ReplyDeleteSorry to see the LIH line ending. I love historicals. I do have one question. You mentioned that Love Inspired is still accepting historicals, but it seems that they are being done under the LI line. Is that correct and are you also accepting LIS in an historical setting?
Thank you.
Always in for free books. :-)
Walt you are entered!!! Thanks for dropping by!
DeleteI was wondering the same thing Walt.
DeleteWill there still be Amish historicals?
This was such a fun read. I loved seeing the evolution of LI covers over the years. Melissa, I appreciated your thoughts and thanks for sharing what LI is looking for in stories. I so enjoyed reading your post!
ReplyDeleteJeanne, thank you for stopping by and sharing.
DeleteCongratulations on LI's landmark anniversary, Melissa. Last night, before I knew you were going to be on, I was drawn into the free excerpt on the Harlequin site of "An Amish Proposal" by Jo Ann Brown. I actually called my local store to see if that will hit the shelves early (before the release date of November 1). A writer friend recently invited me to an Amish community for a news piece she was writing. I got hooked on the peaceful feel of the place (we spent most of the time in the kitchen and dining with them) and the wholesome lifestyle. I noticed there was surprisingly little use of the old languages. We were reluctant to go back into the hustle and bustle of life, but it was the late afternoon and the food made us toss any calorie counting out the window. We were stuffed! Would love to have a free book. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful opportunity, Cathy Shouse. You are entered.
DeleteHow special, Cathy!
DeleteI remember the Left Behind craze! I had no idea that the start of this wonderful line. I live it when I get to introduce this line to people that didn't know about it.
ReplyDeleteExactly, I told the cashier at Walmart about the line. Told her to go back in the store to check them out during her break.
DeleteThis was a fun post. Happy 20th anniversary to LI. I have read many and still have a lot on my shelf to read. I have been coming to Seekerville for 3 years and have learned a lot and made so many friends. Please put me in the drawing.
ReplyDeleteSandy Smith you are entered. Have a cupcake. I just brought fresh chocolate with cream cheese frosting.
DeleteHappy anniversary, Love Inspired!!! I have a number of friends launched through LI!! They're fantastic!!
ReplyDeleteAnd what a great giveaway!
Thanks, Carol. You're clocking a lot of miles here in the Village this week!
DeleteI've always thought that the Love Inspired Historical stories had the pretties covers, though I've only ever read Love Inspired suspense. I like short standalone stories every once in a while, but I prefer to get fully invested in long series. Preferably series that are longer than trilogies and the books are more than four hundred pages long. I know that might be intimidating for some people, but I like to get invested in the characters and the world when I read, and I'm always sad when I finish and have to move on to another story. Plus I just hate it when I finish a good story and have to figure out what next to read even though I'm suffering from a reading hangover.
ReplyDeleteHate reading hangover too, Nicki!
DeleteHello, Melissa. Yes, the troublemaker is here. I was so touched to see you holding a cover of Logan's Child which won the 1998 RT Readers Choice Award for Best Love Inspired (good editing pays off!). I can't believe it's been twenty years and I've been there from the beginning. In spite of my whining, strange plots, and the ever changing publishing world, I still love writing for Love Inspired and I hope to keep at it even in the retirement home twenty years from now!!! Thank you, Melissa and all the LI editors and thank you Seekerville. I love all of you! Now back to work for Elnora but chocolate for everyone and new shoes all around!!!
ReplyDeleteMaybe we could open a retirement home for LI authors!
DeleteThat is a great idea. Imagine the dinner conversations!!!
DeleteI am so thankful that the Love Inspired line was created. As I have matured both physically and spiritually I have chosen to read more wholesome literature. I still enjoy mystery, suspense and romance but I don't appreciate the gruesome or explicit details. Thanks to Love Inspired, I can feed my reading addiction in a manner pleasing to God!
Amen, Connie the Librarian!
DeleteSo many people tell me the same thing, Connie!
DeleteHappy Anniversary Seekerville. I love Love Inspired books. Keep up the wonderful writing ladies.
CherylB1987 AT hotmail DOT com
Cheryl, so sweet of you to stop by. I know you have had a lot more than blogs on your mind these days. Great to see you. You are entered.
DeleteI love these little books and the fact that there are several released each month. TSL9Snodgrass(at)aol(dot) com.
ReplyDeleteSusan, so nice to have you stop by. I agree with you. Love the multiple choices each month.
DeleteI can't remember the title of my first Love Inspired book but I remember it had a yellow cover and I checked it out of the library when we were living in Missoula, Montana in 2002!!! I fell in love with the line then and there and have been reading them ever since! I've read hundreds of them by now! They are my very favorite books to read! I read all the lines and am sorry that the Historicals will be ending! Happy Anniversary!!!
ReplyDeleteValri! Super reader! Thanks for stopping by and for being a faithful reader.
DeleteValri, thanks for your friendship and support over the years! Hugs!
DeleteOh, wow. Has it been that long? I hopped on the LI bandwagon back in <> 1998. It doesn't feel that long. I received my lovely silver frame with the original cover of A Holiday Prayer in it. What a special gift!
ReplyDelete1998! Wow, Deb! Congratulations.
DeleteI was a Harlequin reader before Love Inspired. I was so excited about the Love Inspired line that I had a subscription to it for many years. :) It was always like Christmas when I would get that Love Inspired subscription box every month. Congrats on 20 years!
ReplyDeleteLoraine, thank you so much for coming to our party, today.
DeleteFantastic look back into the past! Such a fun post to read :) Good luck in the next twenty years everyone!
ReplyDeleteEva Maria! Thanks for stopping by.
DeleteI can't remember the first LI I read, but love love them! Fantastic authors and fantastic books! Please enter me in the drawing!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Seekerville!
Jackie you are entered! Thanks for the kind words.
DeleteWell this was a fun read and I love, love, love the videos! The Canadian nerd in me gets a tickle out of the accents. :-)
ReplyDeleteI didn't know Love Inspired existed until I stumbled onto Seekerville! I think my first LI book was Winter's End by Ruth Logan Herne. There was no turning back after that. I get a selection every month -- not the automatic series orders -- but a selection from each line. And it's getting harder and harder to choose!
No need to enter me in the draw 'cause I have read all those LI books...well except for one on order. Woot!
DeleteThank you, Kav, for your support! You're amazing. We all love you! Hugs!
DeleteMelissa - welcome to Seekerville!! Happy 10th anniversary to Seekerville and happy 20th to Love Inspired!! I loved reading the history behind Love Inspired and gazing at all those beautiful covers!! Congrats, and thank you!!
ReplyDeleteBonnie Roof! Thank you so much for stopping in.
DeleteBonnie, thanks for all you do to spread the word about Love Inspired!
DeleteBonnie, it's so good to see you today!
DeleteMelissa: First I want to congratulate you on 20 years of publishing Love Inspired books. It was great to hear the history of the titles, covers and growth of that special line. Thanks for taking the time to share with the Seekerville Community. Lots of good wishes for a successful future.
ReplyDeleteHappy 10th Birthday Seekerville. Time is flying by too fast. Only Six days left to party. Have a great writing or reading evening all.
ReplyDeleteSuzanne, so great you stopped in. Always a treat to see you!
DeleteWow, what an interesting history! Thanks for visiting Seekerville.
ReplyDeleteThanks for such an interesting post, Melissa! Fun to see the older covers.
ReplyDeleteThey're almost old enough to be called Vintage. OUR FAVORITE, right, Laura???
DeleteMelissa, Happy 20th Anniversary to Love Inspired Books! So interesting how you reflected on before and now. I can't believe that LEFT BEHIND was published in 1995...really? It feels like it was yesterday that I've read it.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the chance to win! Blessings.
Natalie, you are entered.
DeleteMelissa, your upbeat post makes me want to write for Love Inspired! Oh, wait—I do! Still feels like a dream come true. Thanks so much for putting out wonderful book!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Love Inspired! I still love the one book I did with them! And Happy birthday again Seekerville! You all are awesome!!
I still remember the day I discovered Love Inspired. Very thankful for that day!
ReplyDeleteMe too, Sally. It changed my life.
DeleteEnjoyed reading how Love Inspired has evolved over the years....and congratulations on 20 years! Yay! All God's blessings on the next 20! I have enjoyed the Love Inspired books that I have read, and I have given them to my Mom...they are the perfect size for her to hold. (91 and in a nursing home.). Thanks, Love Inspired!
ReplyDeleteGod bless your mom, Becky! So glad she likes to read Love Inspired stories.
DeleteMelissa, thanks for all the great info about LI and LIS.
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite LI moments happened when I met Lorraine Beatty, and she said she has used my last name in one of her Dover series books. As far as Seekerville, whenever I meet one of the Seekers or Villagers, it feels like I've been reacquainted with an old friend.
Aw, Tanya, what a nice comment. Thank you. We <3 you too.
DeleteHappy 10th Birthday Seekerville. So fun to read through memories today. I've enjoyed learning about the authors of my favorite books here. Wonderful friends to check in with here!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the kind words!
DeleteHappy Anniversary! I like love inspired historical or suspense. Great stories. Throw my name in the hat! Thanks.
ReplyDeletePaula, you are entered!
DeleteTO MELISSA AND LOVE INSPIRED ... thank you SOOO much for being the "light" in the Harlequin world -- we are SO proud of all you have done and the readers whose hearts (and souls) you have touched.
ReplyDeleteThe first Love Inspired books that I have read are all Seeker ones, beginning with Debby Giusti's Nowhere to Hide, Janet Dean's Courting Miss Adelaide, Ruth Logan Herne's Winter's End, Myra Johnson's Autumn Rains, Missy Tippens' Her Unlikely Family, Tina Radcliffe's The Rancher's Reunion, and Audra Harders' Rocky Mountain Hero. I am normally a doorstopper-book girl, but my Seeker buds proved to me that the shorter category romances can be just as exciting, deep, and heart-pounding as any 500-page tome, so I am grateful to THEM as well.
Hugs and HAPPY BIRTHDAY LI AND SEEKERVILLE! Here's to many, many more!
Wow, Julie, you are so sweet to read all of our books. Thank you!
DeleteI have been reading Love Inspired books for years! So glad that I discovered these books. I love each and every book! Thanks for the giveaway.
Linda! You are entered!