In October 2007—ten years ago—I was an award-winning but agentless UNpublished writer venturing out with my Seeker Sisters to start a blog that we hoped would offer other aspiring writers encouragement, inspiration, and practical teaching on the craft of writing and the world of publishing. A supportive “Village” such as the one the Seekers had found with each other.
Little did I know that a year after we started Seekerville one of my contest entries would land on Senior Editor Melissa Endlich’s desk at Steeple Hill Books (the previous name of Love Inspired). Nor did I know that the following year my first published book, Dreaming of Home, would be on the shelves. Or that 10 years after we started the blog, even though still working a demanding, full-time day job, I’d have completed my fourteenth contracted book.
But back to 2007….
During our two years pre-blog, Seekers hung out together daily in a “virtual world,” praying for each other, encouraging, brainstorming, growing as writers, and periodically celebrating as some slipped a foot inside the publishing world door. Others of us weren’t there yet.
That’s when in early autumn 2007 Seeker Tina Radcliffe initiated “Plan B” for those of us who were basically treading water (telling us she’d be sending out invitations to a meeting along with a box of Kleenex and two Hershey kisses). She said we needed to meet in a chat room, talk plans, brainstorm, discuss what had worked and what hadn’t, how we could help each other—and commit to moving forward.
That’s when in early autumn 2007 Seeker Tina Radcliffe initiated “Plan B” for those of us who were basically treading water (telling us she’d be sending out invitations to a meeting along with a box of Kleenex and two Hershey kisses). She said we needed to meet in a chat room, talk plans, brainstorm, discuss what had worked and what hadn’t, how we could help each other—and commit to moving forward.
That night I wrote “optimistically” (ha ha) in my writing journal: I don't know if I have the time or the energy or the inclination for this. I'm not sure if I should keep beating my head against a wall. Maybe it's just not God's timing for me to be published. Maybe it's NEVER going to be God's timing.
But join I did, and Tina kicked things off with pre-meeting homework of hard-hitting questions for which we were asked to write a “dig deep” paragraph or two, including: How badly do you want to sell? How close are you to giving up? What are your fears? Where is God in all of this?
Here’s what I wrote in my writing journal as I mulled over the questions before fleshing-out the requested response:
What are my fears? On good days when I'm rested, I have NO FEAR. On days when I'm exhausted from the day job, I have BUCKETSFUL.
Fear # 1: That I've wasted a lot of years pursuing something that isn't in God's plan for me and missed out on the things I should have been doing and am better equipped to do. (The dream started in grade school—and I spent decades off and on writing toward that dream that wouldn’t go away.)
Fear # 2: That I'm deluding myself in thinking I will ever have what it takes to be successfully published. It's one thing to win a contest with opening chapters--but am I capable of writing solidly constructed, entertaining stories throughout? If I am, can I sustain that in book after book?
Fear # 3: That being published will only add more stress to my life than I can deal with and demand more time than I'm at liberty to put toward it.
Fear # 4: That I’ll sign a book contract—and be incapable of producing a book on deadline.
Fear # 5: That I’ll disappoint my readers.
Where is God in all of this? Somewhere out there...God refuses to take “The Dream” away from me even though it's been offered up time and time again, so I must assume there are things I have to do and become first.
Our little band of “Plan B-ers” read each other’s “essays,” then met in a virtual chat room to discover that all of us had so much in common with our responses. Fear that we weren’t good enough, that we were seeking something outside God’s will, that there was something we weren’t “getting” that was holding us back. How REAL those fears felt!
Going forward we committed to praying for each other, shared daily scriptures, offered encouraging feedback, took on-line classes, and listened to a CD by a published writer on not giving up. We paired up to read and critique each other’s manuscripts, re-evaluated what we were currently writing and targeting, shared articles on the writing craft, researched publisher guidelines for “best fit” for what we wanted to write, and learned how to better utilize contests.
Throughout those intense weeks of digging deep, refocusing, and re-launching ourselves, Tina kept asking Dr. Phil-like regarding our earlier, unsuccessful efforts: So, how’s that been working for you? And always she encouraged us to pray for each other, seek God’s clear direction, and to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX we’d found ourselves trapped in.
That beginning jump-started the straggling-behind Seekers. And the rest, as they say, is history! Today all of us are published.
That beginning jump-started the straggling-behind Seekers. And the rest, as they say, is history! Today all of us are published.
Do some of those original fears STILL linger? Are some of them realities that continue to challenge us? Oh, yes. But you know what? Many of those fears were False Evidence Appearing Real—fears that I could have easily allowed to hold me back from even trying. Looking over the past decade reminds me that God is in charge. My writing is His to do with as He pleases, so I’m deeply grateful for doors He opened to share my stories with the world.
God doesn’t promise to make all our “dreams” come true, but I believe He does plant certain dreams in our heart that He wants to fulfill--if we cooperate. Different journeys for different people. But, as the saying goes, God can’t steer a parked car. I must trust Him, look to Him for guidance, listen for His answers, and prayerfully step out daily to do my part. He can’t sell a book that’s never written.
If you're a writer, please share with us today where were YOU were on your writing journey 10 years ago when Seekerville first opened its doors! What were your hopes and dreams for your writing? Your fears? How far have you come since then?
If writer OR reader, when and how did you discover Seekerville? (Some of you, I realize, may have been in grade, middle or high school when Seekerville launched!) Why do you stick around?
If you’d like to be entered in a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card along with a Kindle-copy of one of my books (your choice), please mention it in the comments section!
NOTE: The photos shared in today’s blog are from a late September trip on the Durango-Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad in Colorado!
GLYNNA KAYE treasures memories of growing up in small Midwestern towns--and vacations spent with the Texan side of the family. She traces her love of storytelling to the times a houseful of great-aunts and great-uncles gathered with her grandma to share candid, heartwarming, poignant and often humorous tales of their youth and young adulthood. Her Love Inspired books—"Pine Country Cowboy” and “High Country Holiday”—won first and second place, respectively, in the 2015 RWA Faith, Hope & Love Inspirational Reader’s Choice Awards. Just out in May 2017 was “The Nanny Bargain,” out now is “Mountain Country Cowboy,” and coming in April 2018 will be “Mountain Country Courtship” (the final story in the 6-book Hearts of Hunter Ridge series).
Mountain Country Cowboy. When he’s offered a job at Hunter’s Hideaway, single dad Cash Herrera immediately accepts. It means the former bad boy can start over and gain custody of his son, Joey. Still, small-town folk have long memories—especially Cash’s pretty childhood nemesis. Rio Hunter is now a lovely, courageous woman…and Cash’s new boss. Past betrayal makes them both wary, and Rio’s secret promise will soon take her away from Hunter Ridge. Yet working with Cash and teaching Joey about her beloved horses draw her closer to both. Can she create a loving family with the man who’s claiming her future?


Birthday Greetings from Seekers Sandra Leesmith and Glynna Kaye!
Glynna! This is great. Obviously I missed my calling...OH OPRAH! I need my own talk show.
ReplyDeleteSo jealous of your trip to Colorado! Wow. Great pictures.
Tina--when you get your talk show, I'll be a faithful viewer!
DeleteThe Colorado trip was short but sweet--comfortably warm/cool, aspens gorgeous and snow in the mountains! Just the break I needed after an intense summer at the day job and wrapping up my latest book.
I like the "Dr. Phil" comparison even better! 😉
DeleteGlynna, I sure enjoyed reading how Seekerville came about as I didn't know before! I am amazed that in 10 years all of you are now published (the original Seekers), isn't God so good?? You guys supported each other, prayed for each other, encouraged each other and stuck by each other through thick and thin, what an awesome group you are :-)
ReplyDeleteI think I have been a part of this for almost 3 years (give or take). Don't quite remember how I discovered the site, all I do remember is a Seekerville bookmark I received probably from a book win from one of the authors here. It said something about October being a birthday month with giveaways and fun. That got my! I might have come by to read the blog post to see what it was all about, but probably didn't start commenting right away. Long story short, it was encouraging to know that though I am a reader, I am still a valued member of this group. I came for the giveaways, I stayed because I made a whole lot of friends! You guys are a blessing to me and I couldn't imagine my life without you in it :-) I end my day with reading and commenting here, then I come back the next day to read the rest of the comments & sometimes even adding to them. :-)
Please add my name for the gift card and a Kindle copy for one of your books, thanks so much Glynna!
By the way, I just cooked up my sugar pie pumpkins today to make into some delicious treats. I'll leave some fresh made pumpkin bars, a couple of loafs of pumpkin bread and pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting for you guys to's all from scratch too :-) Enjoy!!
Good morning, Trixi! Thank you for being a part of Seekerville these past 3 years. (And thanks SO much for the pumpkin treats--I bet they don't last long around here with this hungry crowd!)
DeleteYes, you and our other readers are much-valued members of Seekerville!! Where would we as writers be without our beloved faithful readers?
So glad you originally checked us out for the giveaways--and stuck around when you found it a place filled with friends!
Your name's been dropped into the Stetson! :)
I'll take some of that pumpkin cake with the cream cheese frosting. Yummm. It will go great with my mocha coffee. Thank you
DeleteTrixi, I'm here with pumpkin spice coffee ready to consume pumpkin bars :)
DeleteMan, that pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting sounds SO good! Pass me a big slice w/ a cup of caramel coffee.
DeleteDigging in!
What an inspiring post, Glynna!
ReplyDeleteI found Seekerville several years ago when a critique partner of mine sent me the link. She never commented so I don't know if any of you know her. Lana Douglas.
I pass this site on to writers every chance I get. I think it was Josee who said we need business cards for Seekerville. I sure could've passed them out at ACFW.
Fear #3 crosses my mind sometimes. If I get published and get on a strict schedule, will I learn to hate writing?
I sure am glad you "pass this site on to writers every chance [you] get"! You're the one who introduced me to Seekerville four years ago. I'm ever so thankful you did! :)
DeleteHello, Connie! I don't know Lana, but probably one of the other Seekers does. We owe her thanks for steering you in our direction! And thanks to YOU for being a Seekerville promoter and bringing Rhonda, among others, here!
Delete#3 is still a challenge for me. Being able to leave my day job with a paycheck and medical insurance is still a long way off.
Between that job and writing 2 books a year, I've regularly worked a 55-60-hour work week for the past 9 years. And when deadlines loom at the office and for books, those hours easily ramp up even higher. I'm weary, but I still love to write! I just finished up a 6-book contract and am now prayerfully seeking what God wants to do with my writing next.
Rhonda--4 years with us! So glad Connie pointed you in our direction!
DeleteGlynna, 2 books a years while working fulltime is awesome!
DeleteThis is so fun learning how everyone found Seekerville!
DeleteI tend to follow links and so have no doubt that that is how I discovered Seekerville. Even this non-writer has learned a great deal. Always most interesting and informative.
ReplyDeleteCount me in for the drawing thank you.
Hi, Mary! Another of our faithful readers--and from another continent! Your name has been dropped in the Stetson. :)
DeleteGlynna, I love this! It's nice to know you talented Seeker gals have the same fears as the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteI constantly fear letting reader's down. I also have a 101 other fears, but I won't list them here.
I've followed Seekerville for about 5 years now and I love it! I learn so much from all of you.
Hi, Terri! Thank you for sharing 5 years with us--and'm so happy you've learned from Seekerville. And yes, Fear #5 can be a biggie at times.
DeleteThe Seekers are no stranger to a multitude of fears--and just when you think you've conquered one, here comes a NEW one or a RE-visit of an old one. :) But in the past 10 years we've grown as writers and friends and in our faith--constantly reminding ourselves that despite anxious thoughts, in God's hands "the peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus." What a promise!
Ten years ago, I was just starting writing because I was bored with washing diapers and playing pattycake with one infant....if only I'd held off and realized how busy I'd be with three kiddos, but hind sight is 20/20. :)
ReplyDeleteI think I probably found you when I was amassing all the top industry blogs and agent blogs etc. after I decided I wanted published and needed to be savvy on that.
Why do I stick around? hmmmm prizes? ha! I know I'm not very active here anymore, but there's people I love hearing from that are still around when I was much more active, so I come and see if they're posting and skim through comments and sometimes you just have really good things to read of course!
So, as to prizes....throw me in the hat please!
Good morning, Melissa! You've certainly come a long way in the past 10 years! From unpubbed to successfully published--and managed it with 3 kiddos! Yikes! A Wonder Woman for sure.
DeleteWe know how busy (understatement) being a published writer can be, so thank you for continuing to stop in through the years and visit whenever you can.
Your name is in the Stetson!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI honestly don't know how you can be both writer and busy mom at the same time! I admire authors who've pulled this off :-)
DeleteWhen I was raising my two kids, I didn't have extra time for anything! Since my husband was working 3-11pm shift, most of their care, dinner cooking, cleaning & school activities fell on me (no regret though). It was enough to keep my sanity in!
Melissa, authors like you amaze me :-)
I found Seekerville only a few months ago. I can't actually remember how I got here...maybe from one of the blogs from the authors I follow? I enjoy being here and learning about the authors I love and the writing/publishing process. And please enter me into the prize drawings! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteGood morning, MH! So glad you found us a few months ago--and stuck around! :) Your name is in the Stetson!
DeleteMH, we're so glad you found us!
DeleteI love peeking back ten years and seeing what's happened... what's changed, who's doing what now!
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to believe it's been ten years, but the archives say it's so!
Glynna, thank you for sharing your thoughts and your fears and your memories. The great Colorado pics are just icing on the cake!
Hey, Ruthy! 10 years...doesn't seem possible that the time could have flown by so quickly. We've all come such a long way...dreamers journeying to the dream.
DeleteIs this another big pumpkin weekend at the farm?
I discovered Seekerville by reading the author's note in someone's book. I don't remember who it was, but it made a difference.
ReplyDeleteAt this point I'm studying the craft and entering a few select contests. I hit the biggest fear-dark pit-after feeling overwhelmed and under prepared following the ACFW conference last year. After a couple of woe is me months I got off that kick and started the education process. I've read, joined a critique group, taken some classes, and put an entry into First Impressions 2017. Are my fears conquered? No, but at least I'm trying, praise the Lord.
Loved your pictures...we traveled there several years ago. The roads there will put some fear in you.
DeleteGood morning, Bettie! It sounds as if you're not letting those fears keep you from moving ahead. The Seekers are proud of you for getting beyond the woe-is-me and back in the saddle again!
DeleteGlad you enjoyed the pics--isn't that such a gorgeous part of the country? At least those steep, winding roads bring some magnificent views as a reward for your efforts! I actually took the train from Durango to Silverton, then a bus back to Durango--so at least I didn't have to drive! :)
Hi Glynna. Thank you for sharing. I always love hearing how the Seekers worked towards publication. I have been here at Seekerville for many years. I started my blog in 2009 so I think that may have been when I followed a link and ended up here. I have been checking in almost daily since then.
ReplyDeleteGlynna, I loved the statement you wrote, "God can’t steer a parked car. I must trust Him, look to Him for guidance, listen for His answers, and prayerfully step out daily to do my part. He can’t sell a book that’s never written." That is definitely something that should be printed out and posted above a desk.
Please add my name in for your giveaway! Thank you for the chance.
Cindy W.
Good morning, Cindy! You've been a long-time friend of Seekerville and were there through the years when quite a few us finally announced long-dreamed-of book contracts!
DeleteOnly a few of the Seekers had gotten contracted by the time Seekerville started--Mary and Debby, I believe. The rest of us had a ways to go--and most of us had been on the journey for quite a few years before God brought us together when we were bumping into each other in the winning circles of contests.
Thank you for making Seekerville a part of your day! We so much appreciate you.
And your name is in the Stetson! :)
Ten years goes fast, doesn't it Glynna? I loved reading about your journey and overcoming fear, it's so inspiring.
ReplyDeleteA decade ago, I was obsessed with stalking author websites. I remember the first time I emailed an author after finishing her book and she answered me! She recommended craft books and other ways to improve my writing. The writing world is full of selfless people who just want to help others. I was hooked!
Hi, Jill! So glad you found us and have been a part of our community! You, too, have come a long way in 10 years...from unpubbed to a debut Love Inspired this year--and contracted for more! Congrats!
DeleteJill, I remember the first time an author answered an email. I was so twitterpated. Writers are rock stars to me :)
DeleteGlynna, thank you for sharing this look back. My fears look a lot like your fears from ten years ago, especially fear #1 and fear #2.
ReplyDeleteTen years ago, I hadn't even started my writing journey, which is really sad if you consider I first dreamed of being an author when I was in 7th grade (and I'm way past that now). I've been actively writing and pursuing publication for almost five years. Seekerville has been part of my journey for four years, helping me combat my fears and guiding me along the way.
Please, enter my name in the giveaway. I hope you have a wonderful day!
Hello again, Rhonda! So glad you've made Seekerville a part of your writing journey these past 4 years. Thank you! We all learn so much from each other--published and unpublished alike--and enjoy each others support.
DeleteI, too, dreamed of being a full-time published writer since I was young--and in junior high I even wanted to illustrate my stories (I was horse crazy and writing a western at the time). :)
But it was a long and rocky road, with detours galore. No internet, no computers, few craft books, no supportive communities where you could go to get your questions answered about how to write commercial fiction. Which was one of the reasons we started maybe provide that information and speed up the journey somewhat for other aspiring writers.
Your name has been tossed in the Stetson! :)
Great post, Glynna! I don't remember when I found Seekerville. It's been a few years. I'm going to add God can't sell a book that isn't written to the you can't edit a blank page. That is great!
ReplyDeleteHi, Sally! Thank you for being a familiar face in Seekerville for so long! Yep, I think God can't sell a book that isn't written is a perfect combo with the you can't edit a blank page! :)
DeleteAnd He can't sell a book that isn't submitted. Even if you study the craft and write that book, He can't sell it if it never sees the light of day. Today has been great for me. Thank you for all this insight!
DeleteSo true, Sally! You can write the most fabulous book in the world, but the world will never see it if it lives under your bed! :)
DeleteGood Morning, Glynna!
ReplyDeleteYour post is so inspiring. Thank you for sharing it with us and the acronym of FEAR. How very true!
Hi, Rose! Thanks for stopping in today! That acronym for fear is complements of Bible teacher Joyce Meyer. Or at least that's where I first heard it.
DeleteWOW, Glynna, your post blew me away this morning! I almost feel like you snuck over and read some of my recent journal entries about my hope and fears about writing and seeking publication. :)
ReplyDeleteTen years ago, my husband and I lived in Virginia and I was beginning to get back into writing a book I had started ten years before that. Eeeek. I have always written, but had gotten overwhelmed with new jobs, moving, and had let that fall to the wayside. It was my husband that nudged me to get back into writing, and ever since then I've been writing more. Back in January 2013, I made it a resolution to join RWA and GRW, which mas been one of the best decisions I ever could have made. It was at my first RWA Conference in Atlanta in 2013 that I learned about Seekerville when Debby and other Seekers did a workshop one morning.
Thank all of you at Seekerville for being so encouraging and supportive. Every time I read a post it resonates, and puts more emotional fuel back into my writing and publication dreams!
Happy writing, and please add my name to the drawing. I'd love to get one of your books, Glynna!
Hello, Jeanine! I promise I haven't sneaked a peek at your journal! :) But those fears are pretty universal, aren't they? And we can either let them stop us in our tracks, or we can seek God and find a way around, through, under or over them if that's the route He wants us to go.
DeleteEach time I finish up a publishing contract and am working on the next proposal (which I'm doing now), I get bombarded by these 5 fears all over again and have to work through them. Get back to the core of what does GOD want to do with my writing.
It sounds as if your husband's nudge and those steps for joining RWA, GRW, and finding Seekerville were perfectly timed! We're so happy that we're a part of your writing journey!
Your name is in the Stetson!
Jeanine, I just came across photos from one of our RWA workshops! What fun to look back!
DeleteGood Morning, Glynna, and thanks for posting about fears. We all have them, everyday and every way!
ReplyDeleteI was a lurker long before I started posting here on Seekerville. My fear was being recognized by everyone, as I'm a very private person. I wanted to write, but feared no one would like my voice or style. I read widely, took classes, and have a library full of craft books. I overcame my fear bit by bit every time I clicked on the "submit" button. I'm now waiting to hear from an editor, and writing almost every day. I credit all that to my daily walk with God, my CPs, and Seekerville. Thank you!
Seekerville has never failed to answer my questions whether in a current post or through the Archives...what a blessing! Like Jill said...the writing world is full of selfless people.
Glynna, I would love to win a copy of Mountain Country Cowboy! Please throw my name in the hat.
Happy 10th Birthday, Seekerville!
Marcia, I'm so glad you braved coming out of lurkdom! I'm very private, too, and it's been tough to be on social media. Being on a blog has been a little easier, although my first few posts on Seekerville about did me in with stress. LOL
DeleteHi, Marcia! Venturing out to let others read what you've written is a massive step of courage--whether on a comment in a blog or a full-length book--so congrats on reaching the point where you're waiting to hear back from an editor!
DeleteIt sounds as if you've used your time wisely--sticking close to God, diligently learning the craft, and writing as much as you can. We're delighted to be a part of your journey! Thank you!
Your name's in the hat!
Good Morning Glynna, Wow, what a bunch of memories you brought back. It is hard to believe we have come this far in ten years. And look at how many books you have published. Yay!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing those lovely memories. I think I've experienced most of the fears you mentioned. smile. Am still battling some of them. I think we will always have moments when we think, "Are we doing the right thing?" "For the right reason?" Thanks for reminding us. Hugs
Hey, Sandra! Yeah, 10 years. Unbelievable.
DeleteLike you, I go through the litany of fears with every proposal or book I attempt. You'd think by now I wouldn't get caught off guard when they jump out of the shadows. :)
Glynna, thanks for the memories....wonderful post! I admire you writers so much and love Seekerville...the commenters as well. I cannot recall when I first read this blog....maybe 8 yrs. ago...just not sure, but it's been a long and fantastic time. I probably lurked awhile, since I am a reader! Please count me in the giveaway! THANKS
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Seekerville.
Hi, Jackie!! You were an EARLY friend of Seekerville for sure! Thanks so much for being there to support us and all the other friends of Seekerville on our winding journey.
DeleteYour name has been added to the hat!
Mary Connealy reached out to me through a contest and I decided to see who else was here and what exactly you all did.
ReplyDeleteTen years ago I didn't know nearly enough about craft, although I had been writing my whole life. I found a crit partner who was strong on structure and patiently led me through the Three-Act< Seven-Step and Hero's Journey. Ten years ago I hadn't finaled in or won any contests, so there's that.
I'm afraid of not being good enough, but that's a healthy fear. I'm NOT good enough without God.
This has been a rough week. I've been spending a lot of time in my "encouragement" folder, lets' just leave it at that. But at least I have enough stuff for an encouragement folder!
Did a little work on my WIP first thing this morning. I still have to cut 1,000 words, but now it's a different 1,000 words.
"Murder your darlings." At least I have "darlings" to murder.
Kathy Bailey
Kathy, amen to having that encouragement folder and also to having words to cut!
DeleteBTW, I don't think the "I'm not good enough" fears will ever go away with some of us. I stand amazed when I see writers confident in their stories. I keep hoping I'll get more that way!
Hi, Kathy! So Mary pointed you in our direction! So happy you joined us!
DeleteI think I wrote a blog in Seekerville related to what I call my "Good Things" binder--which sounds like I might be similar to your encouragement folder. In it I ONLY put good things about my writing...certificates from contests in which I'd placed and positive comments from contest feedback, even if it just was "nicely done" or "I like this." I can't tell you how many times I returned to that little binder to re-read and be reminded that there were readers who liked how and what I wrote.
I'm glad your encouragement folder got you back on track--and that you're back in business this morning!
Thanks again for being an important part of our community!
Glynna, that's the same concept. Nothing but the positive. (Professional positive, as opposed to someone who loves every word that comes off your computer just because they love YOU.)
DeleteI am going to go tramp out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored. Or something like that. See you all Monday.
Glynna, I do love the Colorado pics. We lived out there when my husband was in Bible college. It is a stunning place. The Rockies make the mountains in my home state of New Hampshire look like gentle hills.
What a beautiful place to have lived, Kathy! But New Hampshire is amazing, too. I've only been there once, but hope to someday make it back to New England again.
DeleteIf my WIP sells, you can read about it. It's my first attempt at a novel set in my home state.
Can hardly wait to read it! :)
DeleteSUGGESTION BOX. While I think Seekerville is just about perfect and spend more time here than on any other blog, here's an idea. Would you consider having a general free-for-all, maybe once a quarter, where writers (or readers) could ask anything? For me, questions come up that don't necessarily fit the daily topic, and I'm random enough as it is, I don't want to break the flow. Just a thought.
ReplyDeleteMy nagging question today, if anyone's out there, is, "HOW LONG do you wait before dropping a line to that editor or agent who asked for a full?" Just wondering. It has been a while. If anyone wants to weigh in on this, feel free.
Back later,
Kathy, that's a wonderful suggestion! And would sure making coming up with a post topic for that day a lot easier. :)
DeleteI also meant to give my thoughts on your question. I would wait at least 3 months. That's the time I've probably seen listed most often. But be sure to check the agent or editor website, because they may actually give you a time period.
DeleteI think I'd agree with Missy on 3-4 months unless they or others have said otherwise. If you have an agent, they may have some thoughts on it as well.
DeleteGlynna and Missy, it's been six months for one and about a year for the other. I should probably write a polite note. The third one is with a publisher who TOLD me not to expect anything for six to nine months, so I'm leaving them alone. Thanks for the input.
DeleteKathy after six months for one and a year for the other, I'd say it's okay to check with them since, unlike the 3rd, they didn't give you a projected time line.
DeleteGlynna, what a beautiful post. I felt so many of those exact same fears! Maybe when you're in a field where your words are turned loose into the world for people to judge, it's just the perfect setting for those fears.
ReplyDeleteI love your encouragement to trust God and keep moving forward!
And by "you" I meant "we"!
DeleteHi, Missy! I think you're right about fears being common in a profession where people are free to judge you and your work in a public forum. Each time you step out, it's an act of courage--of which I have NONE aside from what God puts there.
DeleteGood morning Glynna. I'm not sure but I think that seeing a certain author showcased led me to Seekerville but I was so impressed with the mutual respect and support that the Seekers offered each other. The offer of prizes was icing on the cake!
cps1950@gmail(dot) com
Hello, Connie! So glad you made your way to Seekerville and that you've found it a supportive and respective place to be a part of! Thank you!
DeleteGlynna, thanks for sharing your journey and fears that I think most of us can relate to. I still struggle with them. Perhaps because writers have vivid imaginations and not all they dream up is positive.
ReplyDeleteMy dh and I have ridden the train from Durango to Silverton. I enjoyed reliving the trip through your pictures. For me riding that train was like stepping back in time. I love history so "living it" was great fun!
So true, Janet! Creative minds can be a blessing...and otherwise! Which is why it's so important that we "take every thought captive" as the Good Book instructs.
DeleteI'm sure when you rode the train you got lots of real-life fodder for historicals! You know first hand the glimpse out the windows, the rocking motion, and the sounds as you travel along.
Glynna, you're so right on both points!
DeleteBesides the sounds and motion and view, I'll also know there's lots of soot. :-) Did you end up with any on your clothes?
Like Peter, we've got to keep our eyes on Jesus and off those waves.
No soot, Janet (I was in an inside car, not one of the open ones and it was pretty chilly so most had the windows closed), but I'd heard not to wear light-colored clothing so I kept to dark colors just in case!
DeleteGlynna, thank you so much for opening your writing journal and letting us peek inside. You don't know reassuring it is for us dreamers and newbies. Still new to this publishing gig :), I've been amazed how each accomplishment brings new fears. It's actually a little comical to look back on. :) I feared I could not write a novel. Then I feared my beta readers would tell me how awful it was. Then I feared I wouldn't get published. Once I had a publisher, I feared no one would read it...or that people would and they'd hate it. Now I worry my first book set up expectations I won't be able to fulfill in my second book. I know my fears are not unique, but when you go through all those stages for the first time, they're real. I'm at a point now where I'm more "concerned" than fearful, and it's a little easier to breathe. :) And if God's plan is for me to publish again, I think I'll be able to limit my fears enough to not let them overshadow each accomplishment, so I can ENJOY the process more.
ReplyDeleteGood morning, Karen! Getting that first book finished and to publication is a HUGE accomplishment. Congratulations!
DeleteSecond books are classically challenging. You can't help but wonder can you do it again? Was the first one a fluke and I'm a one story wonder? Do I have more stories in me that anyone will want to hear?
That second book, for me, was definitely a challenge even though I loved writing it. But with each book I wrote I gained a bit more God-confidence. And even now as I work on a new series proposal, I must look back at how far God's brought me and look to him for guidance going forward.
You have the right attitude...relegating fears to concerns and not letting them overshadow what you're writing so you can ENJOY the writing. Is there anything more magical than being "in the zone" on a new story!?
Thank you for being part of Seekerville!!
Karen, I would laugh, but since I had/have/will continue to have all the same fears, I'll hold your hand instead.
DeleteWriters are a messy bunch of fears, aren't we? :)
Glynna, what a great post. How reassuring to know that many of us deal with/have dealt with similar fears. I so appreciate your transparency today!
ReplyDeleteFor me, ten years ago, my dream to write and be published was tucked neatly way in a back drawer of my heart. I wouldn't do anything about that dream until God pulled open that drawer three years later. :)
Since then, I've written three books, and am developing a fourth. I've finaled in a few contests and won one.
By the way, I was looking at your pictures and thinking about how much they looked like Colorado. ;) Hope you enjoyed your time in Durango/Silverton. That's a beautiful part of our state. ;)
Oh, and what led me to Seekerville was reading something Julie wrote somewhere else, just after I began writing. What keeps me coming back is the wonderful community here. :)
DeleteGood morning, Jeanne! So happy Julie nudged you in our direction!
DeleteYou've come a wonderfully long way on your writing journey! 3 books written and working on a fourth! AND starting to make a splash in the contest waters! You make the Seekers proud!
Yes, that's a beautiful part of Colorado which I'd never seen before. Wish I could have spent more time in Silverton and explored more of it, but took the train up and then several hours later took a bus back to Durango. Loved seeing the aspens and the snow-topped mountains!
Glynna, thank you for this fabulous post!
ReplyDeleteHappy Weekend Seekerville!
Hello, Caryl! Thank you for stopping by! Happy weekend to you, too!
DeleteGlynna, thank you for sharing this with us. I’m amazed at how the same fears plague so many of us writers. #1 and #5 are big ones for me. My first book releases in April and not a day goes by that I have to pinch myself. But writing the next one with the worry about how the first will do, is a little overwhelming at times. The Dream continues and it grows, bringing along new wonderful imaginings and a whole new set of fears.
ReplyDeleteI can’t honestly remember how I came across Seekerville. It’s such a normal part of my everyday life, it feels like it’s just always been here. The information I’ve gained as been tremendous and like Connie Queen said, I wish I’d had Seekerville cards to hand out at ACFW. I tell every writer I know about it.
Ten years ago I’d never even dared to dream I’d write. I’m an avid reader and have been since I was in elementary school. Writers were the untouchable rockstars in my mind. So when I first started getting the want to, I thought for sure I’d lost my mind.
Good morning, Sharee! #1 and #5 are tough, aren't they? But you've moved through them through a first book and now will soon have a book it pinching myself when I see each book on the shelf or on-line--I may never get over the wonder of it all! Which is good!)
DeleteAs I mentioned to Karen S above, second books can be a challenge with recurring 'fears' and new ones added to the mix, but you can do it!
I think all of you who've been a part of Seekerville know that publication didn't come overnight for any of the Seekers, but with mutual encouragement and seeking God out each day and writing our little hearts out, we finally made it off Unpubbed Island--and continued to write next books.
I knew I had a huge leap ahead of me to get published--but I think I was more afraid that OTHERS would think I'd lost my mind to even think something like that could be possible. I felt like I'd be looked at in astonishment to say I wanted to be a published writer just like I'd be looked at if I told people I wanted to be a rock star. LOL
So I kept secret for years and years that I was writing--until I joined a local RWA group and suddenly I was surrounded by people who'd reached the dream or who were also dreaming.
Thank you for being a part of Seekerville, Sharee!
Wonderful memories, Glynna! Thanks for reminding me about Tina's "Plan B" group. Our conversations, along with Tina's probing questions, definitely helped me channel my writing goals and dreams in a more productive direction. I thank God every day for the Seekers!
ReplyDeleteHi, Myra! Tina's "Plan B" took me from writing one genre to another--and helped to get me published. The Seekers pulling together in those early years--"leaving no woman behind" as Tina liked to say--made all the difference in the world. I imagine I'd still be wandering around on Unpubbed Island if it hadn't been for this merry band of Seekers!
DeleteGlynna, I can relate to every word of this post. I've been wrestling (again) with these same questions/fears. So thank you for sharing your encouragement. It is somehow comforting to know that others have the exact same fears. Being in the perfect will of God is probably the biggest one for me, but even when I get passed that one, there is the haunting voice saying I'm not good enough.
ReplyDeleteBut you've reminded me that we will get through this, and eventually I will fund the right door that God has waiting for me.
Ten years ago I was still in High school and had just finished my very first story. A whopping 2500 words. I had a real issue with finishing projects. Lol. But I've come a long ways. In 2007, it was published in an online journal for aspiring young authors. I was ecstatic. ;)
I'd love to be entered in the drawing!
Good morning, Amber (or at least it's still mid-morning in Arizona--I've been sitting here at my desk chatting in Seekerville since about 5 a.m.--4 hours! YIKES!)
DeleteIt seems those fears are universal, especially for those of us who want to walk the journey God wants us to walk. Seems though, that we're wanting a guarantee of success before we get very far. Which, biblically, God didn't often do--encouraging his followers, rather, to walk by faith and not by sight.
I sometimes wonder if we just need to "step out and find out" as author / Bible teacher Joyce Meyer often reminds. Be more willing to move ahead and let God shine his light on each day as needed rather than trying to see too far down the road to how it all turns out before we're willing to take those necessary first steps. I know I'm definitely guilty of that, both at the beginning of my writing journey and even now as I contemplate the books beyond the 14th one that will release in April.
There are still a lot of unknowns. But I know I can plunk myself down here beside the road and wait until I think I've figured it all out (and would probably be wrong anyway) or I can dust myself off and get moving, trusting that God will guide me as I go.
Congrats on getting published in the on-line journal! Finishing anything, whether a poem, short story, novella or book-length is an act of courage and placing that creation out there for others to see is an even bigger one! Thank you for being a part of our little community and letting us share your journey!
Your name is in the Stetson! :)
Hi Glynna,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your new release! The cover is beautiful and it sounds like a great story.
Fear #1 could have been taken from my prayer journal. When I read it chills broke out. Tina is an amazing encourager, and we're all blessed to know her. I can't remember how, or when, I discovered Seekerville, but you ladies have changed my life and my writing journey. Glynna, thanks for sharing, and I'd love to be entered in the drawing.
Thank you, Jackie! You can't beat a cowboy on the cover, can you? :)
DeleteSo glad you found Seekerville and the encouragement you've needed. We're thankful to be a part of YOUR writing journey!
Your name is in the Stetson!
Great post, Glynna. I have really enjoyed reading the posts of all the Seekers looking back 10 years and hearing about your journeys. Ten years ago I was still publishing short stories. When many of the magazines I wrote for ended, I stopped with that writing for a while. I have since had more short stories published. I am also working more hours than I was ten years ago as I now am a substitute teacher as well as my part time job at the book store.
ReplyDeleteBut I also decided to get serious about working on the novel that I have had in my head for so long. I don't remember when I first visited Seekerville. I heard about a particular post one day and I read that. It was a couple years later I think when I decided that if I was going to be serious about getting back to writing, I needed to get connected. That was in June of 2014, and I have visited Seekerville ever since.
I think I have pretty much all the fears you mentioned. Also, I'm a slow writer and do fear that I wouldn't be able to complete a good finished product. That has kept me from participating in any contests, but I'm getting there!
Like many others here, I also had a dream of writing since I was a young child. I used to make up stories all the time. My grandmother was the only person in my family patient enough to listen to me all the time. My biggest regret is that she passed away before I had published my first story. She would have been so excited. When I was eight, a story I wrote in school was displayed at our local county fair. It was a really silly story which I still have in a box of keepsakes. I thought someday it would be of interest when I became a famous author! :)
My husband and I have always wanted to take the Durango railroad. We will get there someday. Loved the pictures.
Please enter me in the drawing for the gift card and e-book.
Good morning, Sandy! Thank you for making Seekerville a part of your days!
DeleteI used to love writing short stories, too, but alas never had any published. It's not an easy market to break into and takes a special writing 'gift'--so mega congratulations!
I'm not a speedy writer, either, but I know a lot of that is attributable to working what is often a more-than-full-time day job. Your substitute teaching and book store work (how fun!) may slow you down a bit, but keep taking one step at a time and you'll get there!
I, too, wish both my grandmas who knew I loved to write would have been there to celebrate when I FINALLY got published. They'd have been thrilled.
Sounds as if we both started out on a similar journey--my first "publication" was a poem in the church newsletter when I was in grade school in Missouri. And when I was in about third grade I wrote my first short story--2 handwritten pages long on notebook paper--which I still have! :)
Autumn in Colorado is awesome for sure...fortunately the snow was HIGHER UP and not in the lower regions, although I imagine taking the train after a snowfall would be magical!
You name is in the Stetson!
Goodness, your post struck a chord with me. It's crazy when you have a direct sign from God to write and then have fears about that directive. It is encouraging to know that ALL writers struggle with fear, even after publication. Maybe that shouldn't be
ReplyDeleteI want to know how you handle the full-time job and writing. My job is super stressful and I come home so mentally and physically drained, I can hardly keep my eyes open, much less gather up any creative thought. I've tried getting up at 4:30 am this week, but by the time I really get going, it's time to wrap up. How do you do it???? :)
Toss my name in the Stetson! I love your cover!!!
Hi, Sherrinda!
DeleteI can relate to a super stressful corporate job that leaves me mentally and physically and emotionally drained at days end...which is why I DON'T attempt to sit down at the computer after work.
I might do redlining or maybe jot down ideas on a newsprint pad of where I might like to start the next day or read a chapter in a book on story craft...but my best writing has to come in the morning before work and on weekends. Occasional vacation days for a 3-4 day weekend here and there. 4 a.m. is rise and shine and 15 minutes of quiet time, then to the computer to visit Seekerville most mornings before writing from 4:30 to 6. Maybe to 6:30 if things are flowing. Then I block off Saturday mornings--or all day, depending.
It's not been the speediest way to write a book. But if can average 500-1000 words an hour, I can get out 2 Love Inspired-length books a year.
Has it been easy? No. But plugging away at it daily has gotten me to 14 books--but no social media presence or anything extra like that. No extra time. By the time I get home from work and could pop back into Seekerville, everyone's picked up their toys and gone home (currently the East Coast is 3 hours ahead of me here in Arizona)!
I DO look forward to a time when I can write full-time and seeing how long it takes me to finish a book then. But that's on down the road. I know that when I can write all day for a long weekend, the ideas and words flow ever so much faster than the piecemeal route I mostly have to go. It seems that ideas feed off other ideas and generate more quickly.
I also have found that "doing my homework" on the front end has helped me write more quickly in a short amount of time. I wrote a blog on some of those "basics" last month, I believe. If I can get those things solid to begin with, before I get to far along, it really benefits me. I'm one of those who needs to know where I'm going when I sit down to write so I don't just sit there staring at the screen wondering "what next?" So leaving a scene unfinished one day or thinking a little about 'what next' the night before helps as well.
I totally understand the challenges you're facing! As I work on my next proposal, I'm also prayerfully considering how I can write even more quickly given the time and energy limitations. Any suggestions are welcome!
Your name is the Stetson!
Ah, Glynna, what an encouraging post and a beautiful outline for developing a group that supports each other. That Tina is definitely a leader, isn't she?
ReplyDeletePartway through your post a song came to mind that speaks perfectly to this and to writers. It's by Casting Crowns and is called "Oh My Soul". There is a line that resonates with me in a lot of areas of life "There's a place where fear has to face the God you know." I listen to this song a lot. (It's on YouTube if anyone wants to listen.)
Yep, that Tina is great at cracking the whip! :)
DeleteI'll have to listen to the song, Barbara. It sounds like a perfect match to facing our fears.
Thanks you for making Seekerville a part of your day! So amazing to be celebrating 10 years!
ReplyDeleteTen years ago I was trying to write a non fiction book having no clue how to go about it.
I didn't think I could ever write a novel, but thanks to Seekerville I've learned I can write a novel. I am also learning the steps to publication and will continue to pursue my dream.
I first discovered Seekerville from Julie Lessman, I had found her through the Fall Fiction Scavenger Hunt. I saw a post on her page about Speedbo. I decided to give it a try and as they say the rest is History.
Hopefully my writing has improved in the last three years since I discovered Seekerville.
Little did I know I would gain many friends and prayer warriors through this journey.
Good morning, Wilani! Another Villager lured to our shores by the amazing Julie!
DeleteSo exciting that despite all the ups and downs the past years have brought you, that you've managed to stay on the writing journey. We're happy to be a part of that!
I well remember Plan-B and opening up to my sisters. I still have those worksheets. It's good to look back sometimes and see where God has brought us from, and what we had to do to gain fresh courage and incentive to go the extra mile .... or jump ship and go to Plan-B!
ReplyDeleteGood morning, Pam! So often the Israelites were reminded to look back at the past and see how far God had brought them. They were to build stone reminders so that when they saw them it would jog their memories. That's sort of how Seekerville's 10-year birthday is--a time to reflect and remember all God's done for us.
DeleteI remember the days when we were exchanging manuscripts--and how exciting it is now to pick up one of your published books and remember first reading it in manuscript form!
"I've spent so much time out side of the box that I don't even remember what was in it."
ReplyDeleteBut this I know:
Sometimes when it is not in God's plan, it is still in God's plan. For even Moses never saw the Promised Land. (But then Tina wasn't there with Plan ב.)
Tina sounds like a missionary.
A fisher of writers!
And why not?
Seekerville is one marvelous launch complex. The real trips take flight to Canyon Springs, Boston, Sedona, Lake Powell, New York City, small town America, Tulsa, Newport, Yellowstone, and wherever Hope is inspired.
Where was I ten years ago in my writing? Well, I know now far more about what it is I still need to know than I ever imaged possible a decade whence.
Tina IS a fisher of writers! How apropos!
DeleteHi, Vince! Definitely when something isn't in God's plan, that's still his plan. Which is why I so fervently pray between get a clear sense of is He done with this season of my life? Or am I to continue?
DeleteI can relate..."I know now far more about what it is I still need to know"...the beauty of writing is there's always more to learn!
Thank you for being such special part of Seekerville, Vince!
Hi Glynna:
DeleteI thought you might like this Hemingway quote:
“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.”
Great quote, Vince! SO TRUE.
DeleteGlynna, You had me at 14 books with a full-time career. Whoa.
ReplyDeleteI found Seekerville after sending Ruthy an email expressing how much I enjoyed her book "Refuge of the Heart." Immediately I was embraced and encouraged.
Right now, I'm writing and working to get published. Every step, every stage is exciting. Fear gnaws at me from time to time and when that happens, I chill out, take a breath, rest and usually it's gone the next day.
Congratulations on your success, Glynna! You and the other Seekerville authors are big inspirations!
Hi, Josee! A Ruthy recruit! :)
DeleteYou think WE are inspiring, but WE think all of YOU who have made Seekerville your home away from home are inspiring! We're so proud of the steps you're all taking to see where they may lead. Your attitude is great on dealing with those fears as they surface--then moving forward once again.
Hi Glynna. First off let me tell you I loved Mountain Country Cowboy!
ReplyDeleteI love this post because I could identify with it. I have tried what I thought was Plan B and so on down the alphabet. I have wanted to quit many times but learned that wasn't in God's plan. I don't yet know what that plan is, but I am simply walking with Him, unsure what is around the corner but knowing He knows! Where was I ten years ago? So far back on this path I had no idea how much was ahead of me. I still don't but I can see a lot more behind me than I used to, thanks to Tina and Seekerville
Hey, Cindy! So happy you enjoyed Cash and Rio's story!
DeleteI can relate to your "wanting to quit" dead end feelings...but God didn't let me quit either. Every time I seriously considered it, something would happen to encourage me to keep on even though the road was rugged and didn't appear all that hopeful.
I knew deep inside that even if my stories were never published, that writing was what I loved doing and that I was growing not only as a writer but as a person through each page I wrote.
We're so happy to be a part of YOUR journey!
Fear can be such a crippler.. But God IS always with us :)
ReplyDeleteI would like to be entered in a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card along with a Kindle-copy of one of your books
Hello, DK! Yes, God is ALWAYS with us no matter what. Thank you for stopping by on another 10th birthday weekend! Your name is in the Stetson!
DeleteSuch an inspiring post, Glynna, that shows how God answers prayers...and how we all benefit from sharing our journey with others struggling along the same path!
ReplyDeleteI remember those early days. And the fear! Kick it to the curb. Right? No fear! It holds us back and keeps us from achieving God's plan for our lives.
Hugs to you and all my Seeker sisters! Love you!!!
Happy 10th Birthday, Seekerville!
Hi, Debby! God does answer prayers (who would ever believe I'd have ideas for 14 very different books. LOL!) And sharing the journey HAS made all the difference as we've encouraged each other to get beyond our fears.
DeleteLove you back!
I should add that even after publication it took me a number of years before I was sure God wanted me to write. I wondered if he had gifted me with one or two books and then wanted me to move on to some other project. So each year, I asked his will for the future. Writing? Or not? As you can guess, he continued to direct me along the writing path. Now, I'm fairly convinced that's where I'm supposed to be. At least for the present time!
I'm still asking those questions between contracts...I know what I WANT (the dream hasn't diminished), but is He still good with that?
DeleteUnlike the olden days though, I'm writing and working on the next book proposal, not waiting for a "sign"--I figure at any point when it's done, He can choose to close the door. But He can't OPEN it if I don't take the necessary steps to give Him something to prop it open with! :)
Good point, Glynna! I definitely need to be more proactive. Working on it!
Delete"God can't steer a parked car!" That's Hilarious!
ReplyDeleteAnd it is true-- When God puts a Dream in your heart it just gets Bigger & Bolder & even Brighter!! I just love that about Him!!
Hello, Jana! Sometimes God-given dreams defy everything that you know is "sensible" -- so you just keep moving forward as God illuminates the way step by step.
DeleteThank you for sharing your writing journey Glynna, I found it very encouraging.
ReplyDeleteI first visited Seekerville 10 years ago as a reader as I enjoyed the giveaways. Since then I’ve been writing and helping friends with their writing and found the blog a treasure trove of writing information. A big thank you to all the Seekers!
Please enter me in the drawing.
Hello Ruth Ann! So happy that Seekerville has been a treasure trove for you over the past decade and that, in turn, you've been helping other friends with their writing. You can't go wrong when you reach out a helping hand to others on the journey!
ReplyDeleteYour name is in the Stetson! :)
I'm popping in to refresh the homemade pumpkin treats for the afternoon/evening crowd! Name your poison, I'm sure I made it :-) Those sugar pie pumpkins cooked up a whole barrel full of puree to use. I'm always amazed how much I get out of them.
ReplyDeleteReading through the comments sure has been fun! Glynna you talked about fear, I really like how you defined it "False Evidence Appearing Real". Sounds exactly how the enemy attacks us at times! I know for me, my imagination can get the best of me and make the fear bigger than what it is. Seeing all kinds of possibilities that don't even exist and keeping me held in that fear. I need to remember that God can take that away & give me His peace that surpasses understanding if I but ask. It's hard to remember that sometimes, but the more I practice calling on God, the more He can slay those dragons in my life :-)
Hi, again, Trixi! And thanks for replenishing the goodies!
DeleteWe all FEEL fear, but I've heard that giving into it is choosing to believ what the enemy says, not what God says. Why is it so easy for us to believe negative things rather than good and positive things?
Glynna, (This might be a tad long!) seeing those two first fears you listed in print? I totally relate to them, and I thank you so much for the encouragement you wrote after you shared those fears.
ReplyDeleteTen years ago, I was writing at the library and had just summoned the courage to tell my husband I'm a writer (BTW, he already knew). Then my twins came along and I took what I called my maternity leave, but this marks 5 years of my post-maternity leave.
In 2013, I debated whether to go to the RWA Conference. My father had died 6 weeks earlier and I wasn't sure I should go. Well, I went and the first face I recognized was someone who had joined GRW that same January with me. She told me she was going to the Seekerville workshop. I told her to tell me about it. After she gave me the inside scoop on the workshop, I logged in, read the blog, and I've been following ever since. Why? The great writing tips. And the support network you all created is a true blessing. Thank you for the encouragement today.
Hi, Tanya! What a neat "discovering Seekerville" story! :) You didn't get to go to the RWA workshop but you nevertheless found your way here! So glad you stayed!
DeleteAnd your name has been dropped in the Stetson!
Glynna, Oops, I forgot to add - please put my name in your Stetson. Thanks so much.
ReplyDeleteHello Glynna and Seekers! I'm caring for a family member and quite sleep-deprived so I can't remember at the moment how exactly I found Seekerville but it had to do with Tina, I know that much. :) She found me, either before or just after the TARA contest last year. And ten years ago, I'd shelved my third ABA manuscript from querying it because I hadn't decided to "jump the shark" and only write for the Lord - hmm, wonder why none of those books sold - and my husband's military career was moving us every eighteen months around the country. I didn't write again till last summer. But finding Tina and you all here at Seekerville has literally changed my life and I don't mean that to sound sappy at all. I put a lot of prayer in to "jumping the shark" which is my own way of saying I made my commitment to the Lord to give my writing over to Him and only write what He directs me to write from now on. Not just clean writing but story-wise as well. And the rewards have been tremendous friendships and prayer warriors, learning and writing opportunities. Seekerville started with a small group of dedicated women and you have blessed so many more with the ripples of love you've carried forward with your teaching, mentoring, and enthusiastic cheerleading for all of us.
ReplyDeleteHi, Laurie! Another Tina "find." :)
DeleteI feel your excitement in finding the direction you were looking for with your writing. We're humbled and delighted that you've found Seekerville to be a blessing on that continuing journey! Likewise, all the "Villagers" have rocked OUR worlds with what they've given BACK to us! Thank you!
Thank you Glynna :)
ReplyDelete10 years ago I was writing occasional articles for local papers but didn't think of myself as a writer.
Not sure but think I discovered Seekerville as a mention in a Love Inspired book, before Harlequin bought the series. It's been a while :)
Please do enter me in your generous drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card along with a Kindle-copy of one of your books.
May God bless you and all of Seekerville!
Hi, Phyllis!
DeleteFunny that you didn't think of yourself as a writer when you wrote articles for the local paper. I would call that being a writer!
Thank you for finding your way to Seekerville!
Your name's in the Stetson!
Glynna, you rode "my" train! Isn't it beautiful? Loved your pictures! Every trip brings a new adventure.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your very well-timed post. It is comforting to know others question if the writing desire is truly God's direction. THIS: I believe He does plant certain dreams in our heart that He wants to fulfill--if we cooperate.
All your earlier fears echo mine, so it is encouraging to know you faced the FEAR and are now an amazing and successful author....God's plan for you!
Thank you, Glynna! Such fun to se you and Sandra in the birthday video!
Hi, Sherida! "Your" train is a beautiful journey!! I'd never been to that part of Colorado before and thoroughly enjoyed it!
ReplyDeleteThe questions are common...but too often I know I've waited for a "guarantee" before being willing to step out and find out the direction God wants me to go. I tend to want to know "the end" in detail before I'm willing to take very many steps into the seeming dark. But I'm so thankful that with the encouragement of my family and my Seeker Sisters that I didn't give up when it would have been more than easy to!
I discovered Seekerville a few years ago when I was entering giveaways for books! Shortly after I became more involved in reviewing and blogging so the content appealed to me and I've been hanging around ever since!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to be entered in your giveaway :)
Hi, Heidi! So glad you found us a few years ago and stuck around!
DeleteYour name's been throw in the hat!
My mom actually recommended me to Seekerville. She came into my room one afternoon while I was doing school (or at least I think that's what I was doing) she handed me one of your bookmarks and was all like, "Since you're serious about writing maybe you should visit this blog about writing."
ReplyDeleteAnd I was all like "I can actually do something on the internent?!!"
So I started visiting, but soon enough I realized that I didn't want to just be a lurker and so I started commenting.
Please enter my name in the drawing.
Hi, Nicki! WOW! A Mom-recommended endorsement! You sure can't beat that! So glad she approved your joining us--and that you came out of lurkdom not long afterward!
ReplyDeleteYour name's in the hat!
Ten years ago, the only writing I was doing was paper after paper for college (but it beats tests any day!). It wasn't until about 5 years ago when some friends talked me into joining them in writing a 50,000 word story in the course of a single summer that I started writing for fun again, and it wasn't long after I that that I found Seekerville (through some link somewhere--maybe a tweet on Bethany House's blog?) My writing has improved since that first 50,000-word story, and Seekerville has been a large part of that!
ReplyDeleteYou can throw my name in the hat!
PS My uncle and I took the Durango-Silverton train in a side trip while we were out in Colorado hiking one summer; it was a great trip!
Hi, Rachael! So glad that Seekerville's played a part on your writing journey and that you're getting to write more than college papers now!
DeleteThat train IS fun, isn't it? Touring behind the scenes at the rail yard was so interesting, too--how they maintain and rebuild the engines and passenger cars, etc.
Your name is in the hat! :)
Ten years ago I was in a great critique group. We pushed each other to write and critiqued with plenty of praise thrown in. I hoped I'd be published some day, but like Glynna, even though I produced promising beginnings I got to a point where I just couldn't figure out what came next. I feared I'd never get beyond that point. However, I've finished one novel and recently had a short story published in an anthology. My next goal is to sell a book-length fiction.
ReplyDeleteThe Lord has brought me along in this writing journey and has given me support from many areas - Seekerville being a prime example. So many of the Seekerville gals, Tina, Ruthie, Mary...have been so helpful with their posts and their comments. The Virtual Writers Retreat at the ranch even boasted brainstorming around the campfire, very helpful with a cozy mystery I was working on. So thanks, Seekerville and Happy Birthday. Here's to many more. :)
Hello, Dana! Boy, do I ever remember those days of how blazingly brilliant "starter" ideas would fall apart 3 chapters in and I didn't have a clue what to do about it! So thankful that gradually I learned what "story" was about and how to build one!
DeleteCongrats on getting the short story published! And now wishing you the best as you journey onward to the book length!
The Seekers are happy that you've found a helpful home here! Keep up the good work!
Do you feel the breeze from GA from my arm raised high, with earnest, and repeatedly for all of the above fears.
ReplyDeleteI just recently looked through an old journal, and the names of characters of a book that is still on my heart were written down 1990! How much time I have let slip by in my writing dreams makes me cringe. Arrrgh!!! But, I've been working on a non-fiction book. So, praying and trusting God.
I came to know about Seekerville when I met Debby Giusti at Christian Fiction Readers Retreat.
Ya'll are a blessing with being so generous with your time, talent, wisdom and encouragement. Thank you!
Always fun to be in the running for a giveaway. Count me in!
Hi, Becky! I wondered what that breeze was that drifted through here a bit ago. I thought I had the windows closed--only in the 50's today here in mountain country Arizona! :) I sounds like most of us can relate to those same fears.
DeleteNeat that you found us through Debby! Time sure has a way of getting away from us. But sometimes we need that 'window' to take care of other things and grow in ways that will enhance our writing going forward. Nothing is lost in God's book!
We're so happy you've found Seekerville to be a blessing! Thank you!
And your name is in the hat!
Hi Glynna,
ReplyDeleteIt's so fun to look back and see where we were compared to where we are now. Ten years ago I was writing non-fiction, under contract and stress I didn't know was possible because I had no idea how fast I could write clean copy, despite years of meeting deadlines for newspapers and magazines.
Thanks for sharing your Seekers journey.
Hello, Lyndee! Is IS fun to look back, isn't it? That's something the Israelites were so often commanded to do. Not to dwell on the negative but to remember where they'd been and where God had taken them since that time.
DeleteThank you for being a part of Seekerville!
How did you know all my fears? Ten years ago I'd given up my writing dream and was working as an editor in a Christian publishing house. I found out about Seekerville at work when you asked to interview me about our new fiction line at Abingdon Press. I'm back to writing again.
ReplyDeleteHi, Barbara! I think it's SO wonderful that you were a long-time editor who found us through that avenue. AND an editor who rediscovered her own writing dreams. So delighted that Seekerville's been a part of your journey!
DeleteI laugh, because 10 years ago, I had no writing fears. Or writing dreams. Because I wasn't writing at all. But that all changed after I was involved in a serious car accident in December 2007. I walked away uninjured, but I firmly believe the impact rattled something loose in my brain, because the following month, I began writing.
ReplyDeleteBut once I did start, man oh man, did I have that fear of "what if this isn't what God wants me to do?" I wrestled with so much guilt, because writing took time away from my Real Job (being a cellist) and, when I had kids, my attentions were torn even further. I tried to quit at least two or three times, but to no avail. But it wasn't until I won my first contest last fall that I really felt like, yes, okay, this IS something God wants me to pursue, and the doors He has opened since then have convinced me further. Seekerville has helped enormously in my journey; I haven't been around that long, but I have learned so much from you guys! Looking forward to another great decade (and beyond!)
Wow, Amanda! From serious car accident to taking the leap to start writing! So glad that Sekerville is getting to play a part in your journey!
DeleteTen years ago to today, to the hour, Boston was playing Cleveland in the last game of the ALCS to see who goes to the World Series.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know what Ruth is doing right now?
Oh Glynna this was so helpful!!! Thank you.
ReplyDeleteNancy C
Thanks, Nancy! And thank YOU for being a part of Seekerville!
DeleteHi Glynna, thank you for sharing! Some of your fears are mine as well :) Blessings in your writing!
ReplyDeleteHello Natalya! Some of those fears are definitely universal, aren't they? But we CAN get beyond them! :)
DeleteGlynna: I really enjoyed your heartfelt story of a ten year journey and the success you have achieved. You battled your fears and pushed them away from disturbing your future. I have felt fear too. The first time I joined a critique group and let others read the pages I wrote. Then submitting and receiving rejections. The fear can linger on. With strong faith and hard work, and the challenge of not giving up there is hope of succeeding. Keep writing on.
ReplyDeleteHi, Suzanne! Critique groups, contests and submissions to editors and agents can be SCARY for sure. You feel so vulnerable. I'm happy you're moving forward--and plowing through the fears!
DeleteHappy 10th Birthday Seekerville. May you continued to grow and lead others in the community to fully enjoy the world of writing and reading with your strong encouragement, commitment and wonderful columns written with true experience and knowledge for all. Thank You.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Suzanne! And thank you for being a part of our "Village" -- The Seekers have been so blessed by those who've let us share their writing journey.
DeleteHi Glynna
ReplyDeleteTen years ago I was sort of writing in a fan-fiction club. I was also playing around on the community boards of Harlequin. That's where I met Anita Mae Draper,who directed me here the summer of 2008.
Seekerville scared me at first with how professional you all sounded. I lurked until there was a giveaway I really wanted. By then I'd noticed Ruthy giving Mary a lot of teasing and Mary doing the same. It was so funny and made me feel like y'all were people I'd love to hang out with, so that's why I've stuck around. Well, that and the awesome teaching that gets done around here.
I wouldn't have ever been brave enough to enter a Harlequin contest without Seekerville.
Hi, Deb! You've definitely been a part of Seekerville for quite some time! (Thank you, Anita Mae!)
DeleteOur posts may sound "professional," but when you get behind the scenes to the comments (and real life) we're "just folks." So happy you stuck around and are letting us be a part of your writing journey! :)
Great post! 10 years ago, I was writing my second book--knowing it would be published, right? I still have a lot to learn, even after writing six novels and just publishing two. I love how the Plan B-ers were supported and nurtured and prayed for. I would love a group like that!
ReplyDeleteHow I learned about Seekerville was through Mary Connealy, I think at a NWG Conference.
Hi, Bonnie! So Mary pointed you in our direction!
ReplyDeleteThe learning never ends, does it? That's a good thing because it gives me hope that if I keep at it, eventually I'll get better and better. That's the theory, anyway. :)