I was talking with Mary about how to keep characters straight and showed her my HEA TV website. Thus this blog post was born.
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All of my books (23 of them!) are set in the same story world/universe. That royal wedding on the TV in the background? It actually happened in another book. The girl on the swim team who befriends the lifeguard-hero’s little sister? Her dad is the drama teacher. They get their own story later.
And so on.
Eventually, it’s hard to keep track of everyone and whether the couple from eight books ago, who show up in this one, have a kid now. Or more than one. What’s actual universe canon (that is, published for readers to see) and what’s just in my head?
I saw this suggestion in one of the Facebook indie groups and decided to try it myself. It’s still a work-in-progress just to get it up to date with the releases I have now, much less keeping up with new ones.
So here are ten things you should know about your own wiki site.

Many of you are familiar with Wordpress. I use a self-hosted Wordpress, meaning I own my domain name and use Wordpress as a base for everything on the site. Another option is Drupal. In fact, I heard about this from author M. D. Cooper who uses Drupal as his base. His Aeon 14 series website is fantastic.
2. Why its own website
There are valid arguments for keeping it as part of your main website. In fact, that’s what M. D. Cooper does with his. For me, I decided to keep it separate. It seemed like my website, especially the back end, was already pretty busy with the stuff it usually has - blog, book list, etc. - so I decided to go this route.
I use www.hea-tv.com for my wikis, etc. HEA TV stands for Happily Ever After Television - my universe’s version of the Hallmark Channel. It’s up to you which way works best in your situation.
3. Wikis
We’re all familiar with Wikipedia. It’s a sometimes-reliable source of information about pretty much anything you ever wanted to know (and then some). There are websites you can use to create your wiki for you. Wikia and Google Sites are two options. Creating your own wiki allows you to retain control, and I’m all about retaining control whenever I can.
Within Wordpress, there are about a zillion different plugins you can use, including a number that will help you create wikis. I use Yada-Wiki. It allows me to create custom tags, an index, and table of contents. Some will allow you to let other users create or edit wikis for you, but I’ve chosen not to.
4. Wiki Categories
I currently use three categories. Okay. I use one category, but I have plans for three. The main one is a Book Synopsis, but have plans for characters and locations/businesses. This is the wiki for my most recent full-length release, Heart of a Prince. Warning: spoilers!
Each page has several parts:
- Buy link and back cover blurb
- Timeline (just dates and, if available, a link to the full one)
- Table of Contents with links to the rest of the content
- Locations
- Main Characters
- Secondary Characters
- Tertiary Characters (these may be main characters in another book – this is JUST their role in THIS book)
- Businesses, etc.
- Summary
5. Spoilers!
The summary is a full thousand words or so of SPOILERS! I try to make it very clear that this site is FULL of them and there’s always a chance you’ll accidentally run into one for a book you haven’t read yet so enter at your own risk, especially if it’s a book later in the timeline.

The most requested timeline I’ve had is for my story universe as a whole. I have a simple timeline on my main website and a more complex one on the HEA TV site. For this, I use the TimelineJS plugin. M. D. Cooper’s timeline is much more complex. I haven’t quite figured that part out yet, but I’m working on it! There are other timeline plugins out there that may work better for your needs.
I’m also working on putting together timelines for each book. Here’s one for Discovering Home, book 1 in the Serenity Landing Second Chances series. Spoiler alert!
7. Glossary
We usually think of glossary as a synonym for a dictionary. That’s not quite what I use it for, but it’s the best term I’ve got.

Eventually, the ones for main characters will be replaced with character wikis that include any known biographical and physical information (birthday, physical description, etc.) as well as a character synopsis with everything known about the character to date. In theory, it’ll be updated with new information (birth of a child or death of a parent, etc.). At least some of the locations, businesses, etc. will also be replaced with wikis.
For this, I use the CM-Tooltip Glossary plugin. It’s simple to use, but if there’s a special character in a name, you may need to actually copy/paste the word into the glossary entry page.
8. Other Plugins
I use the WP-ShowHide plugin. It gives the clickable “show more” option in the longer lists/summaries.
Slideshow is a more versatile plugin that does just what it says - runs a slideshow on any page. There’s one on the landing page.
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Carol's My Book Progress Snapshot |
I have the upgraded version. It’s more visible on the left side of this timeline page on my main site. (You might want to update your progress more than I do though...)
9. For readers
A lot of readers (me included) wish they had time to reread the books one and two before book three releases. But, let’s face it, with all the fabulous books out there, that’s not always possible. This provides a “one-stop shop” to catch up on anything everything. Lying awake at night thinking about that book you read six months ago? (Please tell me I’m not the only one!) You can scan the character list to remember the name of that barista who always got the coffee wrong.
10. For me
Let’s face it. I can’t remember all this stuff. My 23rd release comes out next month. I do (attempt) to keep a story/universe bible up-to-date, but it’s on paper and can’t be lugged around very easily. This gives me a portable place to look it all up myself, or to find the date that the baby was born on (so I know how old he is now).
Do all authors need a website like this? Well, no. But authors do need to keep this information somewhere so we don’t contradict ourselves. This way gives your readers a place to find the same information if they choose.
Authors, how do you keep track of this sort of thing? As a reader, would you find something like this useful from your favorite author?
Leave a comment today or ask a geeky question and your name goes in the plugin for the winner's choice of any Carol Moncado stand-alone ebooks. You can view them all on Carol's Amazon page here.
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Reclaiming Hearts- from Serenity Landing Second Chances series. & Seekerville is tossing in a Starbuck's card because this was a very hard class. Two winners announced in the Weekend Edition. |
When she's not writing about her imaginary friends, USA Today Bestselling Author Carol Moncado prefers binge watching pretty much anything to working out. She believes peanut butter M&Ms are the perfect food and Dr. Pepper should come in an IV. When not hanging out with her hubby, four kids, and two dogs who weigh less than most hardcover books, she’s probably reading in her Southwest Missouri home.
Summers find her at the local aquatic center with her four fish, er, kids. Fall finds her doing the band mom thing. Winters find her snuggled into a blanket in front of a fire with the dogs. Spring finds her sneezing and recovering from the rest of the year.
She used to teach American Government at a community college, but her indie career, with nearly two dozen titles released in the first 3 years, has allowed her to write full time. She's a founding member and former President of MozArks ACFW, blogger at InspyRomance, and is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency.
This is an amazing briliant idea even without all the techniness. Brilliant. I did explore every link. Love the MyBookProgress plug in!!!
ReplyDeleteTINA!!! Thank you so much for having me, my friend!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd since this is my blog post and I've been putting some of it off... when I'm not here chatting and eating my weight in carbs (because carbs don't have calories in seekerville, right?!), I'll be working on more wikis and glossaries.
I gotta find my pile of calendars before I can work on timelines more :p.
And isn't that MyBookProgress plug in great?! I got in on the kickstarter, but there's a free version too. I think you can only track one book at a time though... ;)
By the way Carol, the only way I survive with technology is living with an IT guy. In his honor and yours I brought some information technology jokes.
ReplyDeleteQ: What's Forrest Gump’s password?
A: 1forrest1
Q: Siri, where is the best place to hide a body?
A: The second page of a Google search.
CAPS LOCK – Preventing Login Since 1980.
I’m not anti-social; I’m just not user friendly.
My attitude isn’t bad. It’s in beta.
Okay, the coffee is on and I brought peanut butter and chocolate cookies.
LOL!!! I'm really not as tech savvy as people seem to think I am. But I am a very good Googler. And I make enough mistakes over and over again that I figure out how to fix them :p.
DeleteOh Tina the "I'm not anti-social; I'm just not user friendly" cracked me up because I can SO relate. I'm making that my mantra!!
DeleteThere is a Google answer for everything. EVERYTHING.
Delete/whispers/ I even visit page 2 occasionally ;)
DeleteI’m not anti-social; I’m just not user friendly. I love this one. Think I can get away with that at work?
DeleteLove the jokes, Tina! And, um, I've been known to go to Google's page 2, page 3, page 4 . . . until I find what I'm looking for.
DeleteNo bodies yet, however.
Hilarious!! Every time I saw the move poster for IT (and yes it is capitalized in the ads)...my mind immediately thought I.T.
DeleteI read a lot of books, so yes, I have to be reminded of characters I met five books back (or whatever the case may be). Sometimes it takes me a chapter or two to place who is who and how they relate to the last book in the series I read a few months before. Something like this would definitely help me keep track of Joe what's his name in book four who did such and such and was related to Sarah in book two...you get the picture....lol!
ReplyDeleteSo I don't claim to know all the techie terms used here...and I glossed over a few things, but I can see how your system works perfectly for you Carol :-) I would say after 23 books things can get a bit blurred between characters, settings, scenes, etc if you didn't have some nifty program or whatnot to help you out. Isn't technology wonderful for that sort of thing? ;-)
It's great to see you on Seekerville Carol as I often see you on the Inspy Romance blog. Another great site where indie authors hang out and have fun :-) Toss my name in for a choice of book and coffee...the perfect combination! Thanks so much.
I agre. Inspy Romance is a wonderful site.
DeleteHi Trixi! So glad to see you here! My eyes glaze over at the techie stuff sometimes too - that's why the site isn't more done than it is ;).
DeleteTina - you're always welcome for a guest spot - just let me know when!
Apparently I cannot spell. AGREE. NOT AGRE.
DeleteI'm not tech savvy enough to ask a techie question! lol
ReplyDeleteThis sounds fascinating and I definitely like the options for keeping up with the characters in a series. I have trouble with that and would love something that would help out.
Thanks for sharing, congrats on 23 releases, and may your server never crash.
Thanks Terri! And yeesh. Crashing would be BAD!!! Ahhh!
DeleteSomething like this can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it. I probably try to make it more complicated than it needs to be :p.
Hi Carol:
ReplyDeleteIt's late and this is just a spot observation but the cover of "Discovering Home" is the happiest I've seen in many years! And so many great 5 Star reviews. It makes me want to joint that world…and find out where the conflict is going to be hidden. : )
Love the cover!
Hi Vince! Oh, there's a DOOZY of a conflict in that one ;). But yes, they are super happy in the story when that pic is taken :D. So good to see you here!
DeleteIt's probably almost time for Ruthy to get up... which means it's my bedtime ;). I'll be back, but probably not until mid/late morning! Such is the life of a night owl... (But I got most of another wiki typed up and ready to format tomorrow...)
ReplyDeleteI'm with you Carol. Still up and writing and will check in after I put in a few hours sleep.
DeleteIt was time for Ruthy to get up... and work on mystery edits. Great post, Carol! I don't understand 90% of it, but GREAT NONETHELESS!!!
I visited most of the links and feel I need to come back and visit them more. Quite interesting. I see where this all can be quite valuable for a writer, especially when you are writing a series all set in the same "world".
ReplyDeleteI would love to have my name tossed into the giveaway.
Happy 10th Birthday Seekerville!
Cindy W.
Hi Cindy! You definitely need a way to keep track of stuff. And let's face it, this is as much for me as it is readers ;).
DeleteHi Carol!
ReplyDeleteI love all the info you've provided here. It inspires me to dip my toe in some other means of tracking my characters and plot events of the series I have. Right now I literally have a gigantic sketch book with plot arcs, character pictures, and multi colored sticky notes. I'm incredibly tactile, but as you mention, these don't travel well. :) Is there a first step you'd recommend to take for this even if I am still unpublished?
Thank you for any and all advice. :)
Happy writing,
Hey! A gigantic sketch book is nothing to sneeze at! (And better than what I do most of the time ;).)
DeleteAs a first step, I think I'd do the wiki style stuff for books and/or characters, but probably keep it on my own computer - in Word docs or a Scrivener file. Then, should you publish the books, you've already got it ready to go. :)
I'm totally un-techie and loved those jokes, Tina! I need to share them with my kids who are forever helping me with the computer, my phone, and - sigh - even the TV and DVR. I'm really not that old.....really.
ReplyDeleteAs a reader, I would love to see all this cool back-end stuff about books and characters as long as I can navigate the site 😉
Navigating is definitely something to keep in mind! I try to keep mine easy to do but... :p That's part of the reason why it has it's own site vs a part of my main site. Too much.
DeleteWow. Carol. I'm gobsmacked. I'm the tech-challenged Seeker so the idea of filling in the blanks is my internal Armageddon! Pam laughs at me because I can't even create my own Excel spreadsheets, so this looks marvelous and monumental! Good for you!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great system you've worked out for yourself. I am somewhat afraid and totally awe-struck! :)
And what a pleasure to have you back in Seekerville!!! I remember your pre-pub days, hanging out on Unpubbed Island with the rest of us! Congratulations on your continued success!
Oooo... Excel spreadsheets are no joke! I can make them do a little bit of stuff, but I'm sure Pam would laugh at me too!
DeleteRuthy? Afraid? Pretty sure those are two words I've never seen together before :D.
Thank you, my friend. Honestly? Without Seekerville all those years, I wouldn't be where I am now.
WHOA! This is amazing, Carol! I'm going to have to make several visits back to absorb it all. I think I'd have to quit my day job to have time to figure out and maintain something like this. but WOW! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteLOL! Don't quit your day job! Honestly, most of it isn't any more difficult (or doesn't have to be) than a regular blog post. It does take a bit of time, but it's much easier to keep up with new stuff and add old stuff as you have time than it is to try to do it all at once... :p Don't ask how I know that...
DeleteThis looks great, but not sure if I can do it. I will print off in case I get brave enough. I have lots of lists for all I have written.
ReplyDeleteI set up my blog a year ago and have not been able to get it to work. I bought WordPress for beginners and now need the time and energy to tackle this Mammoth learning curve.
Wordpress can be pretty easy to work with, once you get a few basics down. Most of this stuff isn't any harder than a blog post, or not much anyway. Good luck!
DeleteHi Carol!
ReplyDeleteLots of good information here! I will need to print it out as a reference guide.
Hi Rose! Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteWhoa, Carol, this compact class is going to take much more than a box of your fantastic chocolate chip cookies to digest. This is not a negative observation...much more it is a revelation of all the amazing options out there. Now. Could you do this class again, but in slow motion for us beginners? I'd listen, really, I would.
ReplyDeleteSo happy for your success and your ingenuity.
Totally with you, Mary--and certain Seekers consider me among the "techier" of the bunch.
DeleteHi Mary! I'm contemplating proposing it for ACFW, though it would be A LOT to pack into an hour (and not nearly enough for a CE...)
DeleteI have cookies! For anyone who wants some ;).
As I've mentioned elsewhere, most of this stuff isn't (or doesn't have to be) any harder than a blog post, just WHERE it's created (as a wiki page or glossary entry) vs. a blog post.
Carol, what an amazing system. A little high-tech for me, but I suppose that once you set it up, it runs itself.
ReplyDeleteI tend tow rite series, I'm just wired that way. I see a minor character and think, "Hmm, what can I do to him/her in their own book?" So I do need a tool like this.
Use every tool you can, people. I've just started keeping track of my word counts in Excel spreadsheets, one for each book, and it really helps. Especially when I have to cut 1,000 words for a potential Lvoe Inspired.
Tech tools are there for a reason.
Kathy Bailey
I need to keep track of my word counts! I want to see how many words I have published but have no clue ;).
DeleteI totally understand writing in series! I'm working on a thing right now where that drama teacher and his wife are tangentially involved and I'm trying to figure out how many kids they have and how old they are and... :p At least the name for the baby boy was easy... (her late brother/his bff).
Wow Carol, this is really something! Speaks right to the heart of a lifetime organizational junkie! I checked out some of the links, will have to wait until the farrier leaves before I can check the rest, but I especially love the timeline and glossary. Well the wiki too because that will force a good synopsis. Thanks for all this. I shared it with my local ACFW group.
ReplyDeleteI'm a little disturbed that Mary is a potential cattle rustler. What do you think about running an intervention?
Ooooo! A farrier!
DeleteThank you for sharing! I appreciate it! I do need to figure out how the timeline works better. The rest is pretty easy comparatively ;).
I'm not sure about Mary. She's kind of shifty ;).
Techie, I'm not, and got almost all your jokes. My mother has a rolo-dex that would put Google to shame. Swears she could find anything and anybody in it...lol.
ReplyDeleteYour post certainly got me to thinking how to organize all of my info, but I think I'll be hiding my head in the sand a little longer, and save the links for later. I would be sitting right next to Mary Vee in class!
Hi Marcia! I have faith in you - and Mary! You could totally do this!
DeleteI love this idea, Carol. Right now, my format for keeping my characters and world straight is a notebook. I'm definitely checking out the "my book progress" plugin.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the inspiration!
I love that plug in! And hey - a notebook is great if that's what works for you! This does have the added benefit of being visible to readers which can come in handy too :).
DeleteThis is an amazing system Carol. I’ve yet to conquer Scrivener and still use a 3” binder per book. But taming the techie dragon obviously has its benefits! I’m going over the links again to see if I can set up a simple version for myself. Thanks so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone ever conquer Scrivener?! ;) I use it to write and slightly organize my writing but that's about it.
DeleteIt can absolutely be done more simply than I do (and I don't get nearly as complicated as it could be). The glossary and wikis are as easy or difficult as you make them and don't have to be any more complicated than a blog post :).
Hi Carol:
DeleteScrivener is a movable feast: they are always upgrading it and they don't charge for the upgrades. It's like reality itself. It's not intended to be conquered. And it rather be feared than loved. In a way Scrivener is like an on-going party to which you have been invited to partake. Enjoy. :)
Carol, You have hit on another fear of mine creating a website. I have one on Amazon that was very easy for all the short story anthologies I’m in, but...I haven’t ventured any farther. Thanks for all the tech information in your column today. I also have a binder with my characters descriptions on hand. I will share this info with my critique group. We can all benefit from your detailed information and links. Bless you. Keep on writing.
ReplyDeleteHi Suzanne! It can be very intimidating! One thing to think about would be hiring someone to help you set it up so you can update it yourself as needed, but don't have to create it from the ground up. There are some people who can do so very reasonably :).
DeleteWhat a fun idea. I'll bet your readers love the website. Thanks for sharing the how to.
ReplyDeleteHi Amber! I hope they like it! It'll be better once I get it all "up to snuff" so to speak, but I'm hoping to at least keep up with new stuff as it comes out... fingers crossed ;).
DeleteHey Carol! For me as a reader, it can be a bit overwhelming keeping up with characters in a series. I can just imagine how difficult it is for the author to keep them all straight. Isn't technology a wonderful tool?! Good to know there is help available.
ReplyDeletePlease enter me in the plug in for an e-copy of one of your books.
Hi Caryl! It can be overwhelming, but as a writer, it has to be done. Whether it's for one or two books or a longer series (like Mary's Petticoat Ranch through Sharpshooter in Petticoats) or a whole "universe" like I do, there has to be a way to keep it all straight... :p If only we all had eidetic memories to help!
DeleteHappy Tenth Birthday to Seekerville as the last full week is already upon us. I wish everyone lots of success in your writing career. And I hope the readers here enjoy all the news books created by this special community of writers. Have a blessed week.
ReplyDeleteHi Suzanne! Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteHi Carol and thanks for a very informative post. I'm going to have to come back and study it some more later on, but for now it's kind of overwhelming to me just to know all this is possible. What a great system you have! I enjoy your books. Thanks so much for being in Seekerville today!
ReplyDeleteHi Cindy! Thanks for stopping by! It is overwhelming, but remember how to eat an elephant ;).
DeleteWow, Carol, what a plethora of information! I will have to come back later and investigate more thoroughly.
ReplyDeleteRight now, though, I need to spend more time writing and less time reinventing my personal "wheel." So far, Scrivener has been working really well for me to keep my series and research details organized.
Great to have you with us in Seekerville today, and congrats on all those books!!!
Hi Myra! Yep - if you have something that works for you, that works! (The reality is this is as much, or more, for me than it is readers ;). Because I haven't found a great way to keep track of all of it like I wish... The binders aren't quite as organized as they look like they should be :D.)
DeleteI bring a tray of almond danish and a fresh pot of coffee and Earl Grey tea to our table this Monday morning. Enjoy the new writing week everyone and our daily dose of Seekerville experience brought to us everyday by great volunteers all year long.
ReplyDeleteYum! And I've got chocolate chip cookies too!
DeleteHi Carol!
ReplyDeleteYou are not only a writing fiend, you're an organizational one, too!
Congratulations on your Indie success! I remember your pre-pubbed days, and when you finally found that sweet balance that works for your stories. :)
Side note: I love all of your covers!
Maybe that shouldn't have been a side note, because it's part of what makes your books work. You have the stories, the covers, the work-ethic (although how you can write pool-side is beyond me!), the ability to go with your Gibbs-like gut when you need to...and when you add a bit of tech savviness and an engaging on-line personality...that's where the wow factor comes in. :) Keep at it! You're an inspiration to all of us.
Hi Jan! So good to see you!
DeleteThank you! I kind of love my covers, too! Some more than others, but one even made Rel's blog last summer!
I don't write as much poolside as I wish, but I wasn't there as much this year either - with the kids getting older and one needing a ride to work several days a week... It feels almost like the end of an era in some ways... :/
Hi Carol and welcome to Seekerville. Wow, you just showed me another reason I need to retire. That is totally over my head of techy knowledge. You young people are just so clever. I love how you used technology to create your universe. Yay.
ReplyDeleteDo you have any of your chocolate chip cookies? I need comfort food after trying to wrap my head around this info. LOL
Super congrats on your success and all the books you have out there. Way to go girl. You really worked hard to accomplish your goals and dreams. Thanks for sharing with us today.
Hi Sandra! I don't feel so young these days ;). Of course there are cookies!
DeleteHonestly, if you can write a blog post, you can do most of this (timelines? maybe not...). And I know you can do that! Big hugs, friend!
Thanks Carol. Your words are encouraging. I appreciate them. And the cookies. Oh yummy. I still remember those cookies you brought to St Louis. The BEST. Hugs and thanks again for such a fun day.
DeleteCarol, (waving and hugging you from Nebraska!) one word...WOW. You're amazing! And can I just say that I love your binders? They're FANCY :) I'm lucky to get everything 3 hole punched and in the book.
ReplyDeleteWriting extraordinaire and computer guru. Congrats on your books and thank you for sharing your brilliance!
I too believe that M&Ms are essential. Almond are my favorite but I'm not picky :)
Sharee!!!!! So glad to know you, friend! /whispers/The binders are pretty but I don't utilize them nearly as fully as I should. Hugs!
DeleteI'm not very tech savvy, but this was interesting. I have my teenage son who helps me with all things techy as my hubby isn't a techy either. I do think your binders are beautiful too, as a creative visual person.
ReplyDeleteI haven't had peanut butter m and ms but I hear several people say they are yummy. Dark chocolate covered Trader Joe's almonds are my treat of choice.
That sounds yummy too! I actually got to go to Trader Joe's last month! It was pretty cool!
DeleteWow, Carol. I'm so impressed. Thanks for sharing your process. You've given me a lot to think about.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your books and your organization system. I'm in awe of you!
Hi Jackie! Thanks for stopping by, friend! (You know, it's hitting me just how many of my writer friends I met through Seekerville... ;))
DeleteCarol, this is amazing. Wow. Thank you for sharing this peek into your process. You go, girl!
ReplyDeleteHi Karen! Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhew! Lots of info for a Monday morning but it.is.so.good! Yes, I often get behind in the books in a series and Yes, I would love to win one of your ebooks.
ReplyDeleteThank you and Blessings!
Hi Connie! Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteWow, Carol. This post is chock full of great ideas for keeping track of everything! I haven't written a series yet. I keep track of character information on a document and keep it in my "Characters" folder for the book it belongs to.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea you'd written 23 books already! Congratulations!
Jeanne! I have gluten free cookies just for you!
DeleteThat's a great way to keep track too! And yep - 23 comes out in a few weeks!
Thanks for those GF cookies, friend. They are DEE-LICIOUS! ;)
DeleteI am very techie too...but I'm not that organized. I like the mybookprogress plugin...I think I would have about 50 books at 20%.
ReplyDeleteI need to be organized because yeah... so much to keep track of!! I do pretty well GETTING organized... staying that way takes a bit more work ;).
DeleteJenny! Get those books finished. I have read your work. You are a fabuloso writer. Pick up the pen!
DeleteI love how you can find out about how characters fit in the timeline and each book relates to the others with this kind of a website. I have a Google doc with a running list of characters and traits for my WIP so I can remember what I've learned about them so far.
ReplyDeleteHi Becky! I try to keep that list going, but have a hard time sometimes :p. I'm working on it ;).
DeleteHey y'all! Okay. Got some sleep. And hubs off for three days. And a quick trip to the high school because a certain kid forgot her Chromebook cord and didn't have much power left (not naming names... but I only have one high school kid ;)).
ReplyDeleteSo to address some of the techie comments...
In all honesty, most of the stuff here isn't any more difficult than a blog post - or doesn't have to be. Like when you click "summary" in the TOC on a wiki page and it takes you to the summary section... you don't HAVE to do that - or the "show/hide more" stuff. The glossary entries are also just like a blog post. The timeline stuff? Yeah. That's a bit techier (and why I don't have it all figured out yet ;)).
Carol, did you mention baking cookies in your bio? I didn't see it!
ReplyDeleteOh my, honey, you have been so busy. So proud of you!
Okay, I've read your post once. Must read it again and read the comments. You are way beyond my low-tech ability. Will dig some more to see if anything clicks. Right now, I'm feeling very old school!
Sending hugs and love and cheers for your success! You rock!
You know, I have read this post through four times. It's really amazing when you think about it and she is writing like a madwoman. So proud of you, Carol!
DeleteHi Debbie! So good to see you, friend! Honestly, most of it isn't any harder than a blog post, though getting it set up initially can take a little bit of time. Big hugs!
DeleteTina - when you quit the day job (such as it was) and this is where the braces and musical instruments and color guard uniforms, etc. come from. I gotta write like a madwoman ;).
Hi, Carol,
ReplyDeleteI couldn't begin to do this, but want in on the drawing. :) So, what is literally the first step? And maybe steps two and three? Getting started is the most difficult part so that would help me, or did you cover that already? LOL Also, if I wanted help on Google for this, what would I put in?
Wondering if many of your readers go to this that you've created. I never read the family history sheets or anything. It feels like cheating somehow. Are you concerned readers might skip over books because the content is all spelled out?
On another note, I agree with the commenter who said your covers are appealing. The people look so happy and is that part of your brand? It's so different to have a person's entire face on the cover, let alone with such a big smile. Does that make it difficult to include deep conflicts--for you and/or the reader?
Hi Cathy!
DeleteThe first thing would be to have a website with Wordpress installed. Then add the plugins like Yada Wiki, Timeline JS, and the glossary plugin. Then visit the settings for each to set them up as you want them. Then go to the wiki section and create a new page just like you would a blog post. Same for glossary. The timeline is a bit more complicated, but the basics are similar.
Not all covers have full faces and not all are happy. They do have deep conflicts in them. The one Vince mentioned (Discovering Home) does have some deep ones. Some books are deeper than others, but they all have conflict (they have to!)
It's possible some readers may skip over a book or two but I'd like to think it's mostly used to refresh their memory before the next book comes out rather than a way to avoid buying a book. But I honestly don't know (and to be quite frank, the synopses aren't nearly as well written as the books ;)).
Thanks for breaking down the steps! It really helped.
DeleteHey Carol, Thank you for breaking down your system for we non-tech persons : ) Congratulations on your 23rd book and to Seekerville for their 10th birthday! Sending love and hugs from Dallas to you: )
ReplyDeleteStacy! Thanks for stopping by! Love you, friend!
DeleteGreetings from another M&M lover. Peanut M&Ms but I'm alright with variety.
Delete23 books? Okay, when did your first one come out? It wasn't that long ago, right?
I've always been impressed with your speed and dedication. I love how you broke all this down.
Hi Connie! My first one officially released in November 2014. 23 doesn't ACTUALLY release unti next month but it'll be 14 full length novels and 9 novellas. Of those, 7 or 8 of the novels had at least a first draft done before I started, so that helped A LOT!
DeleteBig hugs, friend!
Hi Carol:
ReplyDeleteDo you ever get wanderlust, as so many other authors, and wish to break out of your set story world?
Aren't all you books 'stand-alone' except your novella collections which have other authors?
Hi Vince! Sometimes I do. I have a space Medieval Knights running around in my head that wants to get out ;). And I have multiple series running at once. The main one (which is royalty), a summer lifeguard series, a Christmas teacher series, and a series that opens on 9/11 (though I didn't get one out this year). So I do get some variety.
DeleteYes, they're all stand alones in that there's no cliffhangers or have to read firsts (some subplots do go through more than one book). The novella collections are generally just related by theme vs books that actually go together.
My next release is a bit different in that the novellas are loosely connected and will likely remain as a set indefinitely instead of 6mos or so like most of them (say Christmas novellas) do.
Hi Carol:
ReplyDeleteGeeky Question: Do you have any contradictions that it really is not possible to fix? If you did, would you want a reader to tell you about it? (I have not found any in your books but I have in other authors and I don't know what to do about them. My wife says to never tell an author once the book is published. I would want to know so I would not compound the mistake in future books or get caught unprepared at a lecture in front of a group.)
Hi Vince. I think I would want to know (nicely of course). I try REALLY hard not to have any, though I know I do. There's a couple that come to mind immediately:
Delete*A baby whose name changed throughout the book (mentioned in passing, not an actual character)
*The hero from PRINCE FROM HER PAST visits the hero from DISCOVERING HOME before DH starts. The dates aren't mentioned specifically, but there's enough specific dates (x happened on the second Saturday in June, y happened the day before Labor Day) that if someone timelined it out, they'd realize the PFHP hero visits the weekend AFTER DH starts. Before I put the timelines online, I plan to update DH and the sequel RH to adjust the dates enough (it'll work fine and no one would really notice - there's a couple places where it's "three weeks later..." that could just as easily be two weeks later).
*My current series overlaps the last couple timewise. RECLAIMING HEARTS ends in Feb/Mar 2018. DARE YOU takes place over the 4th of July 2016. So the next three books take place in that middle time frame. I had a wedding in an earlier book that *I* knew happened on a Friday, but it wasn't specified in the book and in HEART OF A PRINCE needed it to happen on a Saturday, where the day of the week is specified (well, the next day is Sunday anyway). I really NEED to find my calendars before I get any further into the next book :p.
Carol, I'm awed by the number of books you've written and released in three years! Your work ethic is beyond impressive! But then, I'm not surprised. Anyone who gets herself to a conference with enough cookies to feed everyone in the hotel does nothing by halves.
ReplyDeleteI'm awed--let me be honest, intimidated--with your method of keeping track of the characters and particulars in all 23 of your books. To un-techy me, those pastel-hued notebooks look really good. :-) But it's fun to hear about this. And with such a long series, having the info online has got to be easier for you.
Mega congrats on your success! I'm guessing you don't miss teaching government.
Hi Janet! So for years I said I brought cookies so I could get people to like me. I'm trying to do better about that. I bring cookies to get people to talk to me long enough to realize they like me ;).
DeleteIt is nice to have access to the information wherever I need it. It'll be nicer when I get it completely done ;).
I don't miss teaching, but I do miss my coworkers. I did NOT miss teaching about the election last year ;).
Carol, whatever you were going for, I like your cookies, but I like you better! And that's saying a lot!
DeleteThe End, completely done, finished are always great words to hear or say or type. You'll get there.
My Government teacher later was elected town mayor. Always figured that was a good fit. So you just might have another career in your back pocket. :-)
BTW, I live for Wikis of my favorite television shows. I know your Wiki is not audience participation, but I love the fandom ones that are. Take The Black List for example. That wiki is so wonderful..you get insights into things that a regular viewer would not see. Totally a true geek rabid fan thing. But very, helpful as a writer to see folks dissecting the show and dialogue.
ReplyDeleteOh! I totally do that too! I have had readers email me with thoughts/connections that I never saw. That's kind of fun!
DeleteI just posted the Prince from her Past wiki :). I've left if fairly plain for the moment. The links do work (ie: clicking summary SHOULD take you to the summary), but I didn't do the show/hide stuff. You don't even HAVE to do the links.
ReplyDeleteAnother plugin I use but managed to forget to list (and I was already at my word count limit ;)) is Column Shortcodes. It makes it easy to do multiple columns on some pages without having to do columns on all page. Example: Wiki TOC page
ReplyDeleteCarol have you ever thought about adding a fan discussion board to your wiki?
ReplyDeleteThought? Yes. Whimpered and cried after the thought? Also yes.
DeleteI do have a reader group on Facebook where I'm hoping to get more interaction but I've only had one release since then.
That link didn't work... Reader Group.
DeleteCarol, what an informative post! I didn't know what a wiki was...and I can see how this is a great tool for authors and helpful for readers. Yes, I'm one of those people who forgets details about previous books, so I'll quickly scan through to recenter myself in the correct story world. Catching up via a wiki would be very helpful.
ReplyDeleteI use Wordpress, so I'll be studying your suggestions on how to set up a wiki for my intended series.....coming one of these days!
Thanks for the explanations and congratulations on your multiple releases...and full-time writing! Loved your Facebook comment about your visit to Seekerville! :) Blessings!
Hi, Sherida! It can be helpful (or helfpul which is what I originally typed... sigh). At least I hope it is!
DeleteAnd thank you!
That's really cool and in-depth. I have two stories that take place in the same fantasy world so writing down its mythologies and histories is helpful. Climate, traditions, fashions... etc. Maps also help.
ReplyDeleteHi Nicki! That would be very helpful in that situation!
DeleteI have a couple map programs... but learning how to use them properly? Yeah. That's time I haven't had yet :p.
I just draw my maps. I don't think I'd be able to do it on any programs.
DeleteI know my drawing skills. They're basically nonexistent ;).
DeleteMore geek jokes and a plate of birthday cupcakes!
ReplyDeleteQ: What does a proud computer call his little son?
A: A microchip off the old block.
Q: What is another name for a computer virus?
A: A terminal illness
Q: How can you tell if a computer geek is an extrovert?
A: They stare at your shoes when you talk instead of their own.
Face it Carol, to the rest of us non Geeks you are a computer genius. Own it.
LOL, Tina! I love the third joke!!
My brain hurts from trying to absorb all this info, but my heart is bursting with how hard you've worked to make your dream come true. You've made this Mama proud, Carol.
ReplyDeleteLove you, Mama! Big hugs!
DeleteWow, I'm impressed! I would love being able to keep track of the books and characters in the series my favorite authors write! It must be really cool to see how they are all connected :)
ReplyDeleteHi Heidi! It is kind of fun - but trying to find the line between fun and unbelievable can be a fine line to walk. But it IS a small town - and a small world the royals live in so that helps ;).
DeleteYou are so organized! I have a headache so saving the full read for another day but the quick scan was enjoyable :)
ReplyDeleteMay God bless you and all of Seekerville!
Hi Phyllis! I hope you feel better! Those headaches are no fun!
DeleteCAROL!!! All this and she STILL bakes cookies too!!
ReplyDeleteOkay, if I felt like a techno-illiterate before, I realllllllly feel that way now, girlfriend. How on earth do you do put out 23 books in two or three years, do your own covers and publish them all yourself, be a band mom and wife and STILL have time to put together THIS extensive of a book universe system???!!! I thought Ruthy and Mary were dynamos, but I think you may make even them look slow. This pretty much brain-boggles me, girlfriend!!
Okay, I'm gonna make a confession here. I would never, EVER do this much research on my books, not only because I hate research, but because I personally wouldn't read it myself. Heck, I have trouble reading a blog, much less this much detail on series. BUT ... you obviously have an incredibly loyal following, Carol, so I'm guessing they are eating this up at large.
I would love to know how many hits you get on these Wiki sites. It must be a WHOLE lot for you to go to this much time and trouble to be so detailed.
I think I'm getting too old for this biz, because I'm exhausted just thinking about it!!
I bow to your amazing ingenuity and productivity, my friend!!
Julie!!! Hi! Honestly, if you can do a blog post, you can do most of this if you wanted :).
DeleteIt's not research, per se, as much as keeping track of what's already happened. (That Josephine Moncado who came out of that speakeasy? Did she ever show up again? What about the guy Luke worked for at the diner? Etc.) A way to consolidate information. And the honest truth is it's as much for me as it is the reader. To help keep track of everything...
How many hits? Erm, well, I don't feel like I've got a good measure on that. Because it's been pretty sparse, I'm not sure, you know? In the lead up to my next release, though, I'll be interested to see how many people go back and read the synopsis for the last couple books, though.
Love you, friend!
I'm with Julie. I am now slinking into my slacker cave.
DeleteOh please. Like either of you are slackers!
DeleteThanks for sharing your process. I've read several of your books and enjoyed them. Please throw my name in for the drawing.
ReplyDeleteHi Bettie! That's so nice to hear! Thank you for coming by!
DeleteHi Carol!
ReplyDeleteAs much as I appreciate the time this took you to present such an in-debth explanation of your process, I have to admit when I read anything that might hint technology, my eyes glaze over. It's not you, it's me! This is so impressive. Thanks for the post. :) Maybe. Someday...
Hi Lyndee! So good to "see" you here! I bet you could do it if you set your mind to it though ;).
DeleteThank you for sharing. As an author who loves to interconnect books, I'll definitely be digging deeper into this info. 😃
ReplyDeleteI hope it's helpful! Feel free to contact me via FB if I can help more!
DeleteGreat information! Happy birthday, Seekerville! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by, Susanne!
ReplyDeleteIncredibly helpful information! I'll be putting it to use very soon! Thanks!
Hi Edwina! Holler if I can be of further help! I hope it works for you!
DeleteNice to meet you Carol! I'm not familiar with your books yet :)
ReplyDeleteAs a reader, I must say that the information is very helpful! Thank you for sharing! Blessings!
Hi, Natalya! I do have two permafree books for Kindle if you'd like to give them a shot! I'm glad you found it useful!
DeleteWow, so interesting - bookmarking this. Thank you, Carol!
ReplyDeleteHi Laura! Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteCarol I love this idea. I'm so glad you did it!!!!
ReplyDeleteI tried to say hi earlier but my internet is acting up. I think the lights have been blinking here. I mean...I KNOW they have been blinking but why? No storm? anyway, I blame the internet weirdness on that.
ReplyDeleteHi Mary! Sorry about your wonky internet!
DeleteThank you so much for the blog idea! I appreciate it - and you! Big hugs, friend!
Holy Cow! When you add all the character info, etc. into Wiki you really know your story! I'm still confused, but willing to work my way through every link you posted, just to learn your process!
ReplyDeleteFor now, I use Scrivener, which can be a detailed as I want. The Binder has a section for character sketches, settings. I can change it all if I want. It's wonderful. I have used it for four books and into the rough draft of my fifth.
Thanks for stopping by Bonnie! Scrivener can be a great tool! I've never gotten the hang of using it for character charts etc. I'm glad you have!
DeleteDear night owl, I know eventually you have to start actually writing and working on your wiki. Thank you for so patiently answering our techie questions and for being with us today. May the Techie Force be with you for another 23 books. XX
ReplyDeleteHi Tina! I've been working on and off all day (and think I decided to hire a reader friend to help me get it all caught up ;) because whew! Keeping it caught up will be easier...)
DeleteThank you so much for having me!! And I'm happy to answer what I can (within reason and my ability!) if anyone wants to find me on Facebook :).
Carol, I'm so sorry to be late commenting. I had to work late tonight and just got home about thirty minutes ago. Thank you for this wonderful post! I'm going to reread it multiple times so I don't miss any of the fabulous information!
ReplyDeleteHi Rhonda! Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteWow, Carol, this is amazing! What a treasure trove of information you've pulled together for you readers.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand half of the technical side of it, but it's crazy impressive!
And Ruthy said you were the techy one ;).
DeleteBig hugs to you, Pam!!! So glad we got to chat a bit last month!
Oh my goodness! This post is amazingly informative and I’m definitely bookmarking it for future reference. You are an incredibly prolific writer. Wow!!
ReplyDeleteHi Sherrinda! Holler if I can help! Thank you for stopping in!
DeleteWow. Writing several books in a series is a world all its own. Sounds like keeping up with the information is too. There are some good ideas there and some to check into further. Appreciate your post.
Tina Pinson
Thanks Tina! It's definitely a job to keep up with it all!
DeleteLoved all the info you gave. Wow. That’s a lot to keep up with. Is there any type of research you do for your books?
ReplyDeleteHi Deana! It varies from book to book. The novella coming out next month included a lot of research into what Iceland is like in November - how much daylight, how much snow, etc. because the fictional country it's set in is near Iceland. I also do a lot of reading and following about the royal families of Europe specifically but the rest of the world too. It's such a hardship ;).
DeleteWOW!! Tons of great info. here, Carol - - thank you!
ReplyDeleteI'm actually on a little family vacation right now but trying to visit Seekerville each day (or night, LOL). Thanks for sharing this - - am sure I'll re-read when I get home! :)
Blessings, Patti Jo
So much great information. I feel as a writer there are times when I want to review a story, or just want more information. I enjoyed seeing your wiki.
ReplyDeleteBecky B.
PS Love your Tardis Christmas ornament. :-) Huge Dr.Who fans here.
Such an interesting post, Carol - thank you!!
ReplyDeleteYes, I probably would enjoy a site such as you mentioned - when used by my fave authors.
Carol, I just now got to come back and spend more time reading your post. Excellent information!! And such great ideas. Thank you for sharing! I even like your paper notebooks. :)