Thank you for inviting me to Seekerville today. I’m so excited to be here with you all.
As an author of Never Give Up Stories, I’ve spent years learning about the writing craft from classes, conferences, and resources books and benefitting from many hours honing my skills.
Like you, God has blessed me with experienced writers who’ve helped me throughout my writing journey, each contributing a golden nugget that opened the door to the next step.
But there is one who was there when I started. He was there when you started too. His book has numerous new editions, has been translated into almost every language, and is a global bestseller. I believe you have a copy too.
Because of his writing expertise, his compassion, and willingness to help, his book has become an invaluable tool. A writer’s perfect resource with helps to meet our calling. And the author, well, he is available to everyone and anyone who asks.
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Photo Adam Burden Unsplash |
Yeah, really! Let me show you how the Bible is your perfect writing resource. For this discussion, we are going to focus on the basic model of storytelling since the Bible is the perfect resource for every aspect of our lives.
Consider the opening sentence. Genesis 1:1 states: In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. These words tell readers the setting, who the story is about, and leaves them a great hook: “What happened next?” and “Who is this God who created everything we know?” Aren’t you bursting to know more about the one who created everything and is completely interested in you? Me too!
So, in the opening pages, the Master Author develops setting and continues to show the people involved by taking us to the garden. He shows us what it looks like-- including the tree with the forbidden fruit in the middle--and he explains the basic rules for this new world formed by his spoken word.
Soon sin, the epic problem, begins a story in need of redemption only a great God could provide.
This opening follows the rules we’ve been taught in writing classes and texts.
- Lead with a hook.
- Familiarize the reader with the setting.
- Introduce the characters.
- Open the reader’s eyes to the character’s epic problem.
- Begin the journey seeking the solution.
The journey is long with many bumps in the road, components found in books.
Layers. Depth. Passion. Villains. Hero.
The Bible moves forward using events to expand and deepen the journey: Noah and the terrible flood, David facing Goliaths, God’s Son sent as the only means of salvation, the call for disciples to go into all the world and tell the Good News. The news spreads to the ends of the known earth. Trials and troubles bleed into the ages. Heartache and miracles. Deception vs. Truth.
The climax is yet in our future. The book of Revelation tells us what will happen, but if you’re like me, we don’t fully understand the meanings presented. What we do know is: for those who follow The Way, the happily ever after will be eternity with God in heaven.
You see? Before writing instructors or books taught the principles of writing, God used them in his book, written just for us.
He is available to stir your mind to generate great ideas. He will listen to your thoughts and provide clues to your story’s direction. He will laugh with you, cry with you, and love you every day. He is faithful to turn any story into a Never Give Up Story. One that will truly end in a happily ever after…with no end. Because we have an eternal God.
Never Give Up your calling as a writer. God, the great mentor is here for you whenever you need. He loves you.
You may wonder why I use these words: Never Give Up. This is my brand. All my stories fall into this realm, from mystery and suspense, to travel and holiday celebrations. God has rescued me from numerous pickle problems, some simple like a flat tire, some huge, like cancer’s ugly visit three times. In each case, God asked me to trust him by Never Giving Up. This was the only way I survived.
No matter the depth of the valley or the height of the mountain peak, he’ll ask the same of you.
What one writing principle have you discovered in the Bible? How has God blessed you on your writing journey? Sometimes writers hear from readers that our story/words/characters have touched their heart. Would you be willing to share one today?
My debut book, Anders’ Redemption-released this holiday season--tells of one man’s heartache the night an accident robs him of a promising career. Forced to survive on cheap noodles for a year, Brice Anders finally receives the letter. The one that promises a second hope for his dream-until an intruder breaks into his new home and steals his work. With days left ‘til Christmas, his job on the line, his memory not helping, only hope can deliver redemption.
Anders’ Redemption is on sale for the holidays. Both paperback and ebooks are available from:
Barnes and Noble
One commenter will receive their own ecopy of Ander's Redemption. Winner announced in the Weekend Edition!~
Rock climbing, white-water rafting, zip lining, and hiking top Mary Vee's list of ways to enjoy a day. For some crazy reason, her mystery/suspense fiction characters don’t always appreciate the dangerous and often scary side of her favorite activities. Unbelievable. Mary writes travel books. Come take an amazing trip. She also pens retellings of Bible stories on the blog, God Loves Kids. She has been a finalist in several writing contests.
Mary’s newsletter takes readers on virtual trips and tells her recent works. Sail on a pirate ship, zip-line through redwoods. Join the fun. Sign up at her website listed below.
Twitter: @MaryVeeWriter
Mary Vee! Welcome to Seekerville. What a terrifica and appropriate post on the day before Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteDid I know you were in Montana???
And I want a quick update on how your Citizen Police Academy went.
I brought an appropriate bribe. Cinnamon Rolls!
Montana is the best place to hang your hat. I can see the mountains to the west and a Tatooine to the east. Love, love, life in Montana.
DeleteCitizen Police Academy was so much more than I ever expected. I only thought to look for the class because of you!! You seemed to have so much fun with yours. And it was way more than I expected! Lordy, Lordy I rode in a State Police vehicle at race speeds around their practice track. Sirens blaring, lights blazing. What a ride. Oh, and when we toured my local jail, it is underground, the women's wing happened to break out in a riot. The sheriff and officers with us had no choice but to whisk us through the halls and out. That tour ended early, but wowsers, we had a bonus.Then there was the K9 unit and I could go on with amazing stories. I highly recommend the class for writers to gain insight.
DeleteLet's see, I have sum yummy cream frosting for those who want to top their cinnamon rolls. Yum. Warm, melting sweet goodness!!
DeleteWe have a daughter in Montana, Mary! They love it. However, we have warned them we'll only visit in the summer. We were there last May for a week, and it snowed the morning they took us to the airport!!!! YIKES!!!!
DeleteI lived in Montana for 18 years, Mary. Truly God's greatest work was done there.
DeleteBut Myra, it truly is a dry cold. We went for walks and long drives in the deep winter. The air is crisp and clean. You can see...forever! Ok, so some roads are totally impassable from the snow. Snow piled way higher than my house in places...but, eh, that's an adventure. Hubby says, if you dress warm enough, it won't feel cold.
DeleteThere...what Marcia says. :)
DeleteLove this, Mary. I love how every story in the Bible ultimately points to the underlying theme: death to life/brokenness to redemption <3
ReplyDeleteSo true, Laurie. Sometimes we get so caught up in life to see that God has the answers. A book with life stories, heartache, joy, laughter, empathy to the max.
DeleteAnd I'm here with a pan of warm, crispy bacon :)
ReplyDeleteThe week to break diets! Yeah!!
DeleteGreat post, Mary. The Bible is truly the greatest story ever told.
ReplyDeletePlease enter me in the drawing.
Hey, Sandy!!
DeleteSo wonderful to see you here.
Let's be friends. After all, Seekerville is a great place to meet new friends. Happy Thanksgiving to you!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Mary. I love meeting new friends in Seekerville.
DeleteMary, you pointed out such a perfect basic scenario for storytelling... the roots of forgiveness and healing, the casting off of grudges and anger... an open heart takes in so much more love than a closed mind...
ReplyDeleteYour post speaks to all of this beautifully!
Thank you so much for being here... It is always a pleasure to see you!
I must admit, Ruthy, I felt so incredibly honored to be here, with such an experienced group of writers. Me with a debut book. Wow. It's like having an opportunity to walk in Buckingham Palace, eyeing the high ceilings, the grandeur, the...sigh. God has truly blessed my heart by being a guest with you all today.
DeleteThank you, Mary. A timely reminder, especially as we head into His Advent. This is what has to undergird all our GMCs and WIPs.
ReplyDeleteI like your brand, "Second Chances." Mine is, "Welcome Home" because that's what my characters are looking for, sometimes physically, always spiritually.
Off to work soon. IF I don't get back on here again today, I hope everybody has a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Kathy Bailey
Happy Thanksgiving to you also, Kathy!
DeleteWelcome Home is a wonderful idea. It rings safety, security, and rest. I'm so glad you had a moment to chat with us today.
And yes, I hope you get a chance to pop back in. There's a ton of great food and friends!
Lovely post, Mary. God has never left me during my writing journey, so I have peace knowing that He never will. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thanks for being here today.
ReplyDeleteGood early morning, Jill. My goodness, so many early risers to chat with, I'm not used to that!
DeleteHaving the peace that God will never leave you during the writing journey is such a special gift I wish everyone had. Our job, is to let them know, right? And we can, through our stories.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
I love your brand, Mary. You don't just preach it, you truly live it.
ReplyDeleteAnd the Bible - talk about God being the Master storyteller!! There's no other book you can read over and over and uncover new riches every time. It just gets better and better.
I heard a preacher once say that he doesn't just want fancy words, he wants the anointing. That's kinda been my writing motto ever since. We can write words to the best of our ability, but only God's spirit breathes life into them.
Wow, Karen. Great point. Have you noticed that a reader sometimes grasps a deeper meaning than the one God told us to plant in a story? That is totally God using the story to speak to that individual's heart to guide them to Himself and his Word.
DeleteHave a great Thanksgiving with your family!!
MARY, thank you for the wonderful post! Blessings to you and your family in this Thanksgiving season.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Caryl.
DeleteWill you be able to have Thanksgiving at your home? I have prayed for you and your mom often, especially that you can be back in your home.
Where ever God has you this season, I hope it will be warm and full of joy.
Thank you for a great post, Mary. Congratulations on your debt book! The cover is stunning.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Rhonda!!
DeleteSo, let me brag on my awesome cover artist - Krista Phillips, a fellow Writer's Alley Cat. Her heart and creative genius is in this. I am so thankful for her.
Thank you for the great post. It’s a daily reminder for all of us (even those of us who are not writers).
DeleteOh, you made such a huge point. Yes. Yes. God is the master at every single career, the Teacher, the guide, the one who will cheer you on. He truly loves all.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Mary! What a beautiful post! I love how you pointed us to the Master Storyteller, who breathes life into our words and is the great Mentor. I’m so proud of you and so excited about your debut.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Sherrinda. Without Him, I think there would be a gaping hole in my stories. God is so good.
DeleteI am so glad I was able to see you at ACFW this year!! Just love your sisterly warm, Writer's Alley Cat smile. Happy Thanksgiving.
Great post, Mary! And I agree, the Bible is the Perfect resource.
ReplyDeleteWe find the perfect story arc there, as well as truths for daily living, struggles for our characters to overcome. Even perfect plots.
Love the cover of your new book. Sounds like a great read! :)
Thank you, Pam!
DeleteSometimes, in the middle of a blank screen, it's easy to forget what God has left for us. Seriously, you've had those sudden burst of words, then thought back and realized how well the story moved forward, right? At that moment, something sparks and a reminder of God's presence just makes you feel good. Thats when I have to say, out loud, "Thank you, Jesus."
I hope you get a chance to read Anders' Redemption. I think you'll really like it.
Happy Thanksgiving, Pam!!
Thank you so much for your wonderful post Mary. What a concept of using the Bible as the Perfect resource. It truly is.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your debut novel. No need to toss my name in the hat though, I just went to Amazon and bought a copy. I love debut novels and your's sounds wonderful.
Blessings to everyone in Seekerville today. May you all have a Blessed Thanksgiving. I truly love you all.
Cindy W.
DeleteYou did!!
Thank you, Cindy!! I think you're really going to like this story. Please, let me know, confirm my thoughts!!
And a huge blessing on you this Thanksgiving, Cindy, as well.
Hi Mary, what an amazing way to show the Bible as our Perfect resource.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on Anders' Redemption! I'm so happy for you. It sounds like a great story.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
Thank you, Jackie.
DeleteI probably wouldn't - couldn't finish writing a book if it weren't for conversations with God. He really is a great listener, guide, and inspiration.
I hope you get a chance to read Anders' Redemption, I think you'll really like the story, I really do.
And so for this grand holiday season's beginnings...Happiest of Thanksgiving to you and yours, Jackie! Loved chatting with you.
I forgot to congratulate you on Ander's Redemption. Congratulation on your release! Will it be a series perchance?
ReplyDeleteThank you, Tina.
DeleteI can see how a series could be in the making, except I have found books I am bouncing between at this time. A series will have to be in the future.
Don't you find that the more you write, the more new story ideas pop in your head?
I met a man in the Citizen's Police Academy class. He said he was a song writer. He asked, "So where do you get your ideas. I mean, don't you just struggle to come up with new ideas?" I saw his frustration and gently said, "There are ideas all around us. Life is so full of new, of ideas waiting to be expressed in song or story, of reason to Never Give Up, of hope." He nodded his head, and like a guy, that was all he needed to do to express he'd taken in what I said.
Thank you for such a beautiful, thought-provoking post, Mary. Truly moving and memorable. And congratulations on your debut book!
ReplyDeleteHey, Laura!
DeleteSo nice to see you today. It seems that anytime we share God's works there is bound to be a moving and memorable take away, right? He is good.
Thanks for the congrats. I hope you get a chance to read Anders' Redemption. I think you'll really like the story. :)
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!
Mary, thanks so much for being with us today! I've had the most wonderful reader letters, letters that have been God's way of encouraging me at times I really needed it.
ReplyDeleteOne said my book helped her get through her breathing treatments. Another said she hadn't cried since her mother died months before and she finally cried while reading my story, and thanked me. Another was a teen who said the story made her think about God again.
So many ways God has used my stories--stories He has helped me write.
God's amazing!
DeleteWow, great examples. Those witnesses are totally what we writers are trying to do. When God is in our story, readers feel the freedom to be moved the way God plans. Called to action. Allowed to cry. Envelope a sense of being loved. All drawn out through story. And it's not just for the reader. God uses our stories for us as well.
LOL. This brought to mind the opening scene of Romancing the Stone when Joan Wilder is reading the end of her story and blubbering with tears. Love that scene...I've done that too.
I really loved Georgia Sweetheart. That was a while ago, I need to read more of your books. Hope you get a chance to read Anders' Redemption. I think you'll like it.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Mary, I look forward to reading your story!
DeleteAnd yes, I loved that blubbering scene in the movie! :)
Congratulations on your book release!! Sounds like a fantastic story.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Missy!!
DeleteLots of research, great finds, heart wrenching and uplifting stories. These were the foundation to this Anders' Redemption.
Love your blog post, Mary Vee. The Greatest Story Ever Told! Right?
ReplyDeleteChrist is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. Everything in the old points to the new...with such depth that we keep reading and keep gleaning new insight from scripture. What a book! What a God!
A senior lady I know recently re-read all my stories and said she was touched again. She wrote me a lovely note, saying my stories were parables that highlighted God's love and redemption. Her words moved me deeply, as you can imagine.
Have a joyous Thanksgiving. We have much for which to be thankful!
Yes. The Greatest Story Ever Told.
DeleteOh my goodness, you must have framed that note. What an inspiration for your future stories!
Hopefully you will think the same about Anders' Redemption.
Blessings on you, and enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving with all of yours.
God is good.
It's lovely to meet you, Mary, and your thought-provoking post is just what I needed today. I had one of "those" writing days yesterday where the words wouldn't come out right and I hated my story. You know those days when you think you'd be better off quitting? :) Except I've had a year of rubbing shoulders with these wonderful ladies here at Seekerville and know that "quit" isn't in their vocabulary, so I just shut down my computer and took a break. Then here you are with your wisdom and gracious words pointing me back to the Author and Giver of Life! This is no coincidence because there are no coincidences with God, so thank you SO much for sharing your heart with us today. And I also love your cover and have bought your ebook. How exciting to have a release just before the holiday season! May you and your family enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteLaurie, Oh, girl, I am so elated over your words. God truly is a inspiration, knowing when we should read this or that to strengthen our calling even in a single moment of doubt.
DeleteMy cover was made by my good friend, Krista Phillips, a fellow Writer's Alley author. She took me under her wings for this part of the project and look what she did! I am so blessed.
May God shower you with His blessings, His love, His kindness, and His presence.
Happy Thanksgiving
Welcome, Mary! Thank you so much for sharing this wisdom with us today. I'll admit I got goose bumps (the good kind!) when I read the first part of your post and realized you were referring to The Master Storyteller---Wow! So very true.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your latest release! Happy Thanksgiving!
Blessings from Georgia, Patti Jo :)
Patti Jo, my sister lives in Georgia. I reread your comment with a Georgian accent, which I assume you have. Love the sound.
DeleteI am truly enjoying my day here at Seekerville, meeting and talking to everyone who happens by today.
Thank you for the congrats. I hope you get a chance to read Anders' Redemption. It's a story that will truly touch your heart. Have a tissue ready.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Yes, Mary - - I've been told I have a strong southern accent, LOL. Which would stand to reason, I guess, because I was born in Atlanta and have lived in the area my entire life! ;)
DeleteWell, then, I am going to have to meet you in person some day, get some coffee or tea, and hear you say your words :)
DeleteYes! Patti Jo does have a strong accent. Very much a southern lady. :)
DeleteMary, are you familiar with Flathead Lake. I spent many a summer there. And I actually have a connection with your end of town. Dr. David Johnson an endocrinologist in your area is my children's uncle.
ReplyDeleteFlathead has a great shape, sorta like a peanut since it's long. And the drive around it is wonderful. We only went a few times since it's on the west side of the Rockies. Still, it's the largest lake around. We packaged a trip there with the Road to the Sun--although I hear the fires hit that area this year. We loved going to the Bear Tooths, and have you ever found a tiny village called Wisdom. An itty bitty town surrounded by the mountains. Oh the stories, like on one adventure when the car slid off the road and we had to hike back to a cabin where there happened to be someone there and...yeah...that is a story to tell.
DeleteWisdom sounds like a great place for a story. My favorite spot is at the top of the lake Big Fork.
DeleteActually Flathead is the largest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi.
DeleteAnd Flathead Cherries are The BEST!!!
DeleteI forgot that detail about Flathead being the largest fresh water lake.
DeleteI also liked driving through Judith Gap, heading over that hump and seeing all those windmills.
Or driving up the peak to see Helena's lights poking up from the valley on the other side.
Or Big Sky. Yes. Breathtaking mountain village. A college classmate is the pastor there. He starts Easter sunrise services at the top...then everyone skis to the bottom where the service is finished. Isn't that awesome?
So many stories to tell.
I hear Flathead cherries are amazing. My tastebuds are naughty and have chosen not to enjoy that flavor. BUT we do feast on Huckleberry jam! Yum!
DeleteNow for a writerly question...pantser or plotter. If you plot, what method do you use?
ReplyDeleteI confess, I am a total pantser. The closest I get to plotting is when I lay my head on my pillow at night. The hardest part is remembering those ideas the next morning! LOL
DeleteLOLOLOl. Love it.
DeleteWhy is it we get ideas when we can't write them down?! I get them while driving. I've learned to tell Siri to take a note. haha
DeleteHi Mary
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your book. I know it will be great. I sometimes comment here but mostly just read, but when I read your wonderful reminder in this post today, I had to stop in and say thank you. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Linda, I haven't seen you in a coon's age. How are you? I trust all is well and you have great plans for the holidays.
DeleteI hope you get a chance to read Anders' Redemption. It's a Christmas story that will truly touch hearts.
In the meantime, and until we meet again, God's blessings to you and Happy Thanksgiving!!
Mary, welcome! Congratulations on your latest release! Rock climbing, white-water rafting, zip lining, and hiking - definitely my way of enjoying a day :) Hopefully, I'll add sky diving to it one day! Happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteWell now, I've only quasi thought about ski diving. The falling part doesn't agree with my stomach, BUT, I would so love to skydive or parasail. Having the wings spread out, gliding along, the bar to hold. Yeah. Hey, let's do that! Want to go?
DeleteThanks so much for the congrats. I sure hope you get a chance to read Anders' Redemption. It is an adventure you're sure to enjoy.
Happy Thanksgiving
Mary, *waves* SO good! What fabulous encouragement to take us into the holiday!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your debut! Anders' Redemption sounds wonderful! And that cover? Wow! Love it.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Hey, sis!
DeleteThe cover IS amazing. My good friend and fellow Writer's Alley Cat, Krista Phillips designed it.
As for the story, a whole lot of research, lots of heart wrenching and uplifting stories formed the foundation to this work. Grab a tissue and a copy.
...Oh, and just to say... I LOVE your "Never Give Up" stories. :-)
ReplyDeleteThere were many contenders over the years, but I finally landed on Never Give Up stories. It just seemed to fit what I write. Thanks!!
DeleteBTW when I click on your website link, I get an error code. Maybe it's just me?
ReplyDelete So, I just copied and pasted this here. It looks the same as what is above. Let's see if it works.
DeleteThere were some extra characters in the link. I think I just fixed it.
DeleteLookin' good! Thanks so much! :-)
DeleteThese things happen. I mentioned it to Tina.
DeleteThank you, Myra!
DeleteThanks, Myra.
DeleteWelcome, Mary! I love how you've presented story structure in light of the Bible--so meaningful! And since Jesus taught with stories, as a writer I've always felt in good company.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your debut novel!
Hey Myra...a favorite historical fiction writer of mine, you are.
DeleteThanks so much for the congrats! Debut feels like a huge step forward. Hoping to land on solid ground. The reviews indicate all is going well.
I love being on Seekerville today. Great friends. Good food. A toast to you all!
Oh, thank you, Mary! Yes, you are on your way now!
DeleteWelcome Mary to Seekerville. You sound like a woman right up my alley. I love all those outdoor activities also. Thanks so much for the inspiring post today and for joining us. Best wishes and have a fun day.
ReplyDeleteI am having a wonderful day here at Seekerville. Sitting here on the beach with the sun warming us. I've never successfully made it up on water skis, want to give it a go?
DeleteThank you, Sandra. Presenting my debut book, Anders' Redemption, to the readers and writers here is an absolute joy.
Mary, your perspective on the ultimate writing resource is perfect! I hadn't thought of the Bible in quite that way. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteSometimes along this writing journey, God blesses me when I least expect it....and most need it. It helps me to remember Jeremiah 29:11..."For I know the plans I have for you..."
Congratulations on the release of Anders' Redemption! Blessings!
Thank you, Sherida. The first time this concept of God's writing resource came to me was while presenting writing to a high school English class this September. I had a few minutes left, saw the teacher's Bible on the edge of the marker board and poof. The idea came.
DeleteJeremiah 29:11 is a tremendous verse, one of great courage, one of stirring hearts, one of expectation. Such a great verse. Thank you for sharing it.
Thank you for the congrats on Anders' Redemption release. I am so excited to see reader's response to this story.
Mary, I love how this concept came to you....His perfect timing. Thanks for sharing!
DeleteWhat an important resource tool--the Bible!
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving every one.
I know, right. Here the Bible is, right by our side, ready for our use, our resource, our inspiration. God is good.
DeleteHappy Thanksgiving to you also.
I hope you get a chance to read Anders' Redemption. I think you'll really like it.
The Bible inspires the classic trope of good versus evil, and shows the story via flawed people, not perfect characters. Interesting post, Mary.
ReplyDeleteHey, Nicki!
DeleteI so agree with what you say. A chief component that draws readers to books is a character who has the same flaws or issues. We walk with them through their journey. Yell at them for making a wrong turn. Cheer them on when they make the right choice. And celebrate when they reach the happily ever after. God knew. And that is why He wrote the Bible in a way we could understand and learn more about Him. We are so blessed.
I hope you get a chance to read Anders' Redemption, I really think you will like the story.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Thank you for this awesome post, Mary! What a lead-in to the ultimate Author. The Bible is one crafting tool we can't live without.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving to all of Seekerville.
DeleteThank you so much for stopping by Seekerville to chat with us. I love meeting new people!
I hope you have a chance to read Anders' Redemption. I think you will truly enjoy it.
Blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving!!
Hi Mary:
ReplyDeleteHave you've seen cooking shows when the master chef takes one little bite of meal and can immediately render an insightful evaluation?
When I read the below passage from the opening of, "Anders' Redemption", I felt like one of those chefs:
"He stuffed the paper in the provided envelope. The adhesive, he cringed, tasted worse than spoiled milk. He pressed the flap, securing his privacy, and handed his response thought the opened door. "Here you are."
I thought: "Ah…a wonderful use of 5-sensing and physical proxies. This is someone who can 'cook'."
I immediately downloaded your book to my Kindle and am now on Chapter 3. I'm a big fan of Christmas Novellas and books about chefs.
I also love the Bible for inspiration and especially for how the parables are not afraid to tell rather than show. The Bible tells the story and the story shows or demonstrates the moral lesson involved. Just as there is a time to reap and a time to sow, so to there is a time to tell and a time to show. Amen.
Thanks for your post today and I pray that your bouts with the big "C" are safely in the past.
DeleteI hardly have words to express. I am humbled by your words.
God sent many authors to show me the way. Not that I've fully arrived, Anders' Redemption is a debut book. God knows. He also knows how much I love to write stories. He has my hand, and I won't let go.
As for the big C, thank you. I am 5 years free.
Welcome to Seekerville, Mary! I enjoyed your post and your attitude and faith inspire me. May God bless you and all you do and may He bless all of Seekerville too!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Phyllis.
DeleteWhat a good word to hear when someone is inspired.
I hope you'll have a chance to read Anders' Redemption, it's an Inspirational Christmas story, one you'll need a tissue by your side.
Mary, thanks so much for being with us. Praying for continued success for you and a happy Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Tina. And to you as well.
Hi Mary, it is so good to see you at Seekerville. I always enjoy reading your inspiring thoughts and I am so happy that your new book is available.
Thank you Connie!!
DeleteI hope you get a chance to read Anders' Redemption. I think you will really like the story :) Happy Holidays!!