Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ruthy wins 1st place in Golden Acorn

Hooray, Ruthy! "Neither Race Nor Creed" took first place in the Golden Acorn contest!!!!!!


  1. Dang Girl, You're on a roll! Congratulations

  2. Yea, Ruthy!!! You go, girl!!!
    Go Ruthy, go Ruthy, go Ruthy ...

  3. YEAH Ruthy. You are certainly rolling right along. Congratulations on this and on your final in the TARA. So many good things are happening for you, can a sale be far away???

  4. Congratulations Ruth! Sounds like you're in a good place. Enjoy.

  5. I wrote a gracious and loving thank you earlier for these wonderful and very welcome congrats (between pulling pork and cleaning the dining room for my daughter's wedding this Saturday...)

    but it's lost in cyber space. Blogger told me that function had already been completed.


    Not if it don't show up on the page, Master Blogger!!!

    Thanks, guys, what a fun thing to have happen during Crazy Wedding Week here in upstate NY. My computer time has been compromised by baking and cooking and cleaning responsibilities so I haven't been able to play on the keyboard like normal, so it's nice to have an affirmation that I haven't completely lost touch with a World Undominated By White Lace and Promises...

    Gotta' love Karen Carpenter, don't ya?



    Now get back to work on that wedding!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Vacation/grandfather's passing yesterday (thank the Lord we planned to visit them during vacation) put me behind on blog posts. Looks like I'm behind on well wishes, too. Ruthy, congratulations on your achievements. I'm very happy for you. And because I'm so happy for you, tonight I'll eat a piece of Key Lime pie in your honor (yep, we're at the beach.) Will send photos.

    Warmest regards,

  8. Ruth, I only "know" you from this blog. But from what I've read, you are overdue this week's wonderful news. Plus, things come in threes, right? So, you win, you final, that's two...can only mean that #3 will be a spectacular wedding (with fantastic food!)

    We don't live that far apart (globally speaking), so maybe one day we will meet. You'll be published by then!


  9. Congratulations, Ruth. I saw this announcement on the FH&L digest this morning. Savor the sweet taste of success.

  10. Girls, thank you Sooooo much.

    Seriously. If we don't support one another in this business (even those who beat us in contests, like that Keli Gwyn brat did to me in the GH...)then we've messed up somewhere, somehow.

    Wedding was wonderful. Beth looked like a Disney princess and the church service was spirit-filled and heartfelt.

    And now it's back to work between the summertime craziness that pervades and regular, pay-the-bills work.

    I just polished my one-page synop for the Tara, and have it and my entry ready to send back to the coordinator. I love contests that allow you feedback time before the final editor sees the entry. That totally makes sense to me.

    Bless you all.

