Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I’ve been asked to preempt my previously scheduled self (“The Timer Is Your Friend”) to share the story behind “The Call” I got last month for my very first book. My journey has definitely been a long and winding road, with a few unexpected detours!

I come from an extended family of poets and storytellers. Some of my fondest memories are of sitting on the dining room floor listening to my grandmother and her brothers and sisters tell “windjammers” about growing up in rural Iowa. My parents read to me when I was small and encouraged me to haunt the shelves at the local library. By the time I was in third grade I was writing poetry, short stories, and even plays that my cousins and I acted out in our grandma’s basement “theatre.” By the time I hit junior high I was devouring the classics and scribbling away on and illustrating my very own “novels.”

Fast forward through college and first job years, continuing to fill notebooks with ideas, characters, scenes. I didn’t have a clue about how to pull a book together, but I was happiest when writing. While I dreamed of one day being published, it seemed so out of reach for a small town, Midwestern kid. Didn’t you have to be a big city girl or head to New York to break into the world of publishing?

It wasn’t until about 1991 when I picked up a Romantic Times magazine that I came to realize authors were REAL PEOPLE and I didn’t have to live in New York City and starve in the proverbial garret in order to be a published writer. So I joined RWA, attended writing workshops/conferences, and began to learn about the profession and the craft. By 1996 I was consistently finaling in RWA contests. The frequent feedback on my chick-lit flavored single title romantic mysteries was: “it won’t be long and we’ll see you in print!”

Well . . . life sometimes has a way of slam-dunking you when you least expect it. Out of nowhere debilitating health issues arose that made for a very long, slow recovery. Years, in fact. But my God is a faithful God, and about 2004 he began to draw me back to writing again, this time to explore inspirational romance.

It took a few more years to acclimate myself to a new genre, a new direction, but since my previous stories had always been “squeaky clean” and had a Christian worldview, I “converted” a few of them. In 2006 one of my entries won first place in RWA Faith, Hope & Love’s “Touched by Love” and American Christian Fiction Writer’s “Genesis.” But I was still waffling about what I wanted to write, where I’d best fit in. CBA? ABA? 1st person POV romantic mysteries? Historicals? And most of all, where did God want to use the gift he gave me?

It was in the autumn of 2007 that Seeker Tina challenged the unpublished Seekers to think outside our boxes, to step out of our comfort zones and do something different. So in the summer of 2008 I prayerfully started a brand new story targeted for the Steeple Hill Love Inspired line. Third person. No mystery. Heartwarming. I entered it in the Golden Pen contest, thinking I could get good feedback on a synopsis and the first three or four chapters. Test the waters.

However--much to my shock--in December 2008 I was notified my entry had not only won first place in the inspirational category, but the finals judge/editor had requested a “full”!!! I sent it to New York on Tuesday, January 13, 2009, and got a call from Steeple Hill Love Inspired senior editor Melissa Endlich on Friday, January 23. She loved my manuscript and wanted to BUY it! And not only did she want to buy it, but she had an opening for an October 2009 release! While I’ve dreamed of this forever, it totally caught me off guard.

After that initial shock, I blissfully floated on air--until I got home from work that evening and found the promised revision letter waiting in my in-box along with an art fact sheet to be completed. Aaack! This is REAL. The past month has been an absolute roller coaster. Highs. Lows. Moments of insecurity. Excitement. Panic. Thankfulness. Fear. Joy. I still don’t think it’s quite sunk in that in another 7-8 months people I don’t even know will be able to pick up something I wrote and read it!

Because of the fast-track timeline, I’m learning by crash course all the things that go into getting a book on the shelves. I was asked to submit new title suggestions and attack the detailed art fact sheet first--that’s the document they use to dream up your cover. The form asks for a short synopsis, hero/heroine descriptions, setting info, story themes, significant objects in the story and such as that.

Next I launched into several weeks of revisions. Then came a “Dear Reader” letter, bio, dedication, acknowledgments, and discussion questions that go in the back of the Steeple Hill books for book club use. Whew! Now I’m working to get a website up and attempting to brainstorm the next book. And all this while working full-time!

I’m already being asked “what words do you have for those who aren’t yet published?” You’ve heard it a million times, but it’s true. Don’t give up. I could have given up so many times it’s not even funny. It’s okay to dream big dreams. Every single day do something to move yourself closer to that dream. And have FUN with your writing. I really had a blast writing this one.

It’s important, too, to have a support group of people who have attained or who are actively shooting for the same goal you are. I really don’t believe I’d be signing a contract at this point in my life if God hadn’t teamed me up 3 ½ years ago with 14 other Christian writers who kept bumping into each other in the contest finals. While we do critique for each other on occasion and share industry news, it’s the prayer and moral support that I value most. (And the occasional kick in the seat of the pants.) My Seeker Sisters are high on my “thank you, God” list!

So, that’s my “Call” story! I hope and pray we’ll be sharing LOTS of them in Seekerville this year!

Dreaming of Home – Steeple Hill – October 2009




  2. Glynna,

    What a great story. Just yesterday someone on a loop was saying how rare it is for someone to sell from a contest. It's nice to know that still happens.

    I'm curious to know how soon you sent in the mss after getting the request? Can we have a hint about the story line?


  3. Glynna,

    God had it all planned---you just had to follow the trail clues He left! Congratulations---you have just finished the race --- to The Beginning of a New Beginning.

    Did anyone tell you the race never ends?

    --A 60 year old health-challenged beginning writer!! (I am only planting the seeds to my first novel).

  4. Thanks, Cheryl! I'm excited to be joining you and some of the other Seekers at Steeple Hill!

  5. What a wonderful story! I too have been writing for quite some time, dreaming of being published since I was knee-high to a peanut and still waiting for 'The Call.' So to read your story gives me hope in my writing desert, that I will one day reach the publishing promise land.

    Thanks again for sharing--I loved it!

    Patty Smith Hall

  6. Cathy --

    Yes, I'm living proof a contest can lead to a sale! Which is especially beautiful since it's in the contest realm that I met my Seeker friends.

    I was notified by the Golden Pen coordinator on Dec 13, so the last two weeks of December I juggled cleaning up the manuscript around celebrating the holidays (the editor was out of the office those two weeks), then sent it off to some of my Seeker pals to proof read. Mailed it priority with a tracking # on January 13. So a month from notification to mailing.

    The story takes place in a fictitious town in the mountain country of Arizona. It's about two scarred hearts learning to trust each other and trust that God's plan for their lives goes far beyond anything they could hope or dream for themselves. It has a "two dogs, one bone" set-up (like Pam talked about earlier this week)-- both are educators desperately in need of the same rare teaching opening in a small town.

  7. Thanks, Symphony!

    And congratulations to YOU for planting those seeds for your own novel. Keep it up. Keep taking steps each day, no matter how small they have to be. And as someone who has gone through a time of health challenges myself, I encourage you not to forget to reward yourself. Just something small. For me, it was putting smiley face stickers on a calendar each time I was able to walk a given distance each day. At the end of a the first week I looked back on a calendar full of smileys and it kept me going week after week after week. I wanted every day to have a smiley. :) When I started writing again, I did the same calendar/smiley face thing for the days that I faithfully wrote.

    Yes, the next "race" has only just begun! And like all of life, it's a journey. Still SO MUCH to learn about writing, so many more challenges to face, so many more ways God wants me to grow personally.

  8. Patty -- I'm glad my story encouraged you! Dreams CAN happen. I was on the road a LONG time, with lots of detours, but SUDDENLY here it is. Just keep taking one step at a time. And when you fall on your face, God can pick you up, dust you off, and put you back on your feet just like he did me.

  9. Glynna, your story really touched me. Gosh, what a whirlwind you had over the holidays! Please know how much I appreciate the encouragement to 'an aspiring author'.

    Sometimes I feel so driven to succeed but I have to step back and remember that if this is going to happen, it will be in God's timing and I just have to do my part--learn my craft, improve, be persistent, pray. You've just shown that.

    Congratulations and thank you!

  10. Hi Glynna, I'm so excited for you and happy too. I know how hard you've worked and about that roller coaster ride of persistance. Thanks for sharing your story as it will give the rest of us hope and courage to mush onward.

    Hey, to celebrate, I'm bringing a tray of cheese blintzes smothered with blueberries and/or strawberries. I know you love fruit Glynna, so I also have a tray of sliced melon and pineapple to nibble on during the day.

    There's coffee (Chocolate Velvet of course), herbal teas and some orange juice (fresh squeezed off my tree)

    Enjoy and celebrate. Hoooooooray for Glynna

  11. Thanks, Debra! For me, it really was all about God's timing, which I'd actively prayed about for years. Prayed that I wouldn't get "the call" one second before he gave it the go-ahead because I didn't want to run ahead and get myself into a mess. (Personally, even though I've dreamed about this forever, when I got a request for a full I panicked and thought he was jumping the gun here. LOL.)

  12. Glynna,

    Great 'CALL' story! I loved that you went into writing the manuscript with a lot of prayer. What an inspiration you are, and a great reminder to remember who's really in charge.

    CONGRATS on your sale. I'll be looking for your book in October. ;-)


  13. Thanks for the congrats and the cyber food, Sandra! Wish I could stick around and nibble all day, but the day job calls!

    (Sandra Leesmith & Pam Hillman are two of my faithful "critters" and cheerleaders!)

  14. Thanks Renee! So wonderful to have Seekerville friends to share this happy time with!

  15. Glynna, thanks for sharing your journey to your first sale!! So happy for you! It's so cool that a contest brought you a contract! Just further proof of the importance of entering contests.

    Thanks Sandra for the cheese blitzes. Love them!!


  16. Thanks, Janet! I'm excited to join you at Steeple Hill!

    for Glynna!!!!!!!!!!

  18. thanks, Mary! But no fair using that cute grandbaby photo to upstage my moment in the limelight. LOL!

  19. Congratulations, Glynna! I'm so happy for you!

  20. Thanks, Melanie! I bet you're going to be coming along right behind me!

  21. Well, I'm off to the day job. If I can squeeze out some noon-ish time, I'll check back in. Thanks for congrats everyone!

  22. Glynna, what a wonderful story!!! :-) Congratulations. It's so cool how soon your book will be out too.
    Now it's time to work on the next one, right? LOL

  23. Cathy, I think I sold as the direct result of a contest.
    I didn't get a request, but I drew attention because of winning the 2005 ACFW Noble Theme contest. And not attention from a publisher, attention from another writer, Cathy Marie Hake, who said she liked what I was doing and thought I was 'ready'. She invited me in on a three book HP series, along with her and Kathleen Y'Barbo.

    So I'm a believer in contests. I think all the Seekers are and that's why were all urging people to give them a try.

  24. And the grandbaby stays, Glynna. In fact I'm thinking of taking my whole face off the picture and just using Elle's. :)

  25. Congratulations, Glynna! Thanks for sharing your uplifting story.

    I needed this today!

  26. Glynna, what a delight to read the full "Call Story"! All of us in Seekerville are so, so proud and happy for you!

    Oh, I know what it's like to wait and wait and hope and hope and feel like giving up more times than I can count. Like you, I'm a living example of perseverance, so I encourage anyone who wonders why God is taking so long to keep trusting and learning and working at what God has called you to do.

  27. Awwwe, that was sooo good. Thanks for sharing. We all need to hear these stories as they help us rememeber that dreams do come true.

    Thanks G, and congratulations.

  28. That brought tears to my eyes, and encouragement to my heart. Congratulations, Glynna!

  29. Dear Glynna,

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful story. I am sooo happy for you. I can't wait to read your book.
    I am also waiting for Steeple Hill to send me an answer. I sent them a query and a synopsis and they wanted to see the full manuscript!! I sent that out in December of 2008. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Meanwhile, I am writing the next book.
    Congratulations again and I am sure that more success will be coming your way.

    Best wishes,
    Linda Cacaci

  30. Ah Glynna, you've had such a long journey. Your post just screams, 'Is it real? Am I really off the island? Somebody pinch me, quick!'

    Your words are filled with thankfulness and praise for those who've helped you along the way. It kind of proves the old adage, 'Things are sweeter to those who wait.' - or something like that. :)

    Congratulations. May God bless your faithfulness. I can't wait to read your book.

  31. What an inspiring story! Yay! I'm so happy for you and glad you've perservered.


  32. Thanks, Jessica! YES, time to get working on the next one. I'd taken a few extra days off at Christmas intending to spend them brainstorming so I could launch into the next one, but kinda got, er,side-tracked! :)

  33. Eileen -- glad my post "hit the spot." I'm a living breathing example that it CAN happen!

  34. You're right, Myra, sometimes God takes us the long route. I can hardly wait for YOUR 2009 release, "One IMperfect Christmas!" from Abingdon!

  35. Thanks, Tina! And everyone, THIS is the Tina who played Dr. Phil and said "IS IT WORKING?" and sent me off to explore something new.

  36. Thanks bunches, Patricia! Amazingly, throughout this I haven't cried, except got a bit teary when I realized neither of my grandmothers lived to see me published. But as someone mentioned a few weeks ago, God probably has his ways of relaying good news. :)

  37. WOW, Linda! How wonderful. I'll definitely send a prayer winging it's way on your behalf!

  38. Thanks, Anita Mae! I have so very many people to thank I could fill an entire blog!! It's amazing how God brought key people into my life at just the right times.

  39. Thanks, Erica!! Amazing what God can do when you least expect it!

  40. Whoo-hoo Glynna! Even though I knew most of this story, it was still exciting to read it all over again.

  41. Hi Pam! And everyone, Pam's another one of my faithful critters!! I've read HER stuff, too, and she's GOOD--so everyone better be hoping & praying she sells soon so we can read them ALL!

  42. Such a great post, Glynn. I've been inspired and encouraged from it to just continue on this witing journey trusting in God for the results. Oh, congratulations. God bless. Pat

  43. Glynna, your story strikes hope into the heart of writers everywhere. Not only a great story of hope, but of your perseverance throughout trials. God love you, you're a super gal in so many ways.

    Great story! Love it, love it, love it.

    And you, kid.

    Can't wait to see this book, get it in my hands.

    Love you.


  44. I'm so proud of you, Glynna! Loved your story and your journey.

    I've especially enjoyed watching your whirlwind trip through the publishing process. All that and working a full-time job, too!

    You brave, girl! You're my hero!

    God bless you with many more contracts!

  45. Popping in to say how thrilled I am for you Glynna. Can't wait to see your book on MY bookshelf. :)



  47. Great call story, Glynna! It's been fun and inspiring to follow your ups and downs (really ups) since The Call! I can't wait to ready your book. Congrats!

  48. Glynna,
    Congratulations! I love to read "call" stories. They are all so inspiring. I also made my first sale to Steeple Hill through a contest--The Dixie First Chapter Contest. I believe I have judged a couple of your manuscripts in contests, too. I'm so glad you sold to Steeple Hill.

  49. Thanks, Pat! I'm glad my "call" encouraged you to keep moving toward yours!

  50. Thanks, Ruthy! Like I said in my post, I really don't believe this would be happening to me right now if it wasn't for your support and that of all the Seekers. You all kept me on the trail & from wandering off into the desert!

  51. Thanks, Audra! WOW, your hero! Does this mean I have to wear a little cape when I write like Mary?

  52. Thanks so much, Margaret! So thrilled to join you at Steeple Hill!

  53. Thanks, Jess!! Totally amazing, isn't it?

  54. Thanks, Camy! Can't wait to see your Steeple Hill Suspense this year!

  55. Thanks, Cara! I'm hoping we'll ALL be off unpubbed island by year's end!

  56. Thanks Merrillee! So neat that you're another contest success story! So, see everyone? Editors DO discover new writers in contests! It CAN happen! :)

  57. Hi Glynna,
    I can't believe I didn't hear about this earlier. I've got to get on line more often.:)CONGRATULATIONS! I'm doing what I call the Scooby Doo Dance for you. :) I am so thrilled. How fantastic.

    I wish you much success and I know you will do great! Melissa Endlich knows talent when she sees it. Yeah Glynna!
    Hugs and Smiles,

  58. Thanks, Jill!! And thanks for the Scooby Doo Dance. I'm honored!

    I've been so busy with revisions and all the other stuff it takes to get this book ready to go that except for a "send off from unpubbed island" in the Seekerville weekend edition last month, I haven't had time to make any announcements or even contact many friends!

  59. Glynna,

    Mega congrats on your first sale! I had the privilege of judging An Inconvenient Love in the Golden Pen. I remember your story well, your characters having captured my heart in the first chapter.

    I looked up the entry and found the following comments I made: "I fully expect to see your book on the shelves in the near future. You've got a winner."

    I knew I was reading an exceptional entry at the time and am not at all surprised you sold. I'm excited about your news for a somewhat selfish reason. You left me hanging after fifty super pages, and I wanted more. Now I'll get to read the rest of the story. Yay!

  60. Keli!!!!! Oh my gosh! My super-fabulous mystery judge/critiquer has come out from hiding!! I hope you got the thank you letter I emailed to the coordinator--you were so incredibly helpful and certainly deserve a chunk of the credit for the final product that caught Melissa's eye! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

  61. Glynna!!! What a great and encouraging post! I am still tingling over your sale, my friend, and cannot wait to read your book!


  62. Thanks, Julie!! One by one we Seekers are abandoning the island!

  63. Glynna, loved seeing your beautiful photo at the beginning of the post!!! Looking forward to meeting you in person soon!!!

    So excited for you. Loved the way you detailed all the exciting, frightening, challenging "firsts" that often hit immediately after the Call. You had little time and lots to do, but you handled every deadline and you're on your way!!! Congratulations!!!

    We're so proud of you!

  64. Thanks, Debby! I'm hoping to join the Seeker reunion at ACFW this year!

  65. Glynna, I didn't even realize I missed a day of the blog!! I'm so sorry I missed your post!!

    I love to hear your story. So exciting!!! And such a testimony of what God can do in His perfect timing.

  66. Hey Missy, don't feel bad! You're on your OWN book deadline!!
