Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sweet Justice is Coming: Jordan Dane

Imagine the horror of going to your teenager’s bedroom one morning only to find her missing. Her bed hadn’t been slept in and her clothes are gone.

In 2000, that’s what one mother in Florida faced. Her only child had conspired against her and ran away. And worse, she later discovered that her daughter had left the country—without having a passport. From the moment I read this news story, I was hooked and had to know more about how such an atrocity could happen. The teen’s trail might have gone ice cold, but her mother pushed authorities in a direction.

She knew where to start looking.

Only six months earlier, the girl had received a computer for a gift—a thoughtful present from a mother who wanted the best for her child. But this gift soon brought a virtual menace into their home. A charming and anonymous stranger lured the 14-year old girl to Greece—a man she’d met in a teen chat room. We’ve all heard stories like this. But after researching the facts behind this case, I was amazed at the audacity of this Internet predator.

And I wanted to shed light on the shrewd tactics of online predators in my upcoming book—Evil Without A Face (Feb 2009, Avon, $7.99)—the first book in my Sweet Justice series.

The online predator not only manipulated the teenager in Florida, but he also convinced law-abiding adults to cooperate with his schemes. These people thought they were helping an abused kid, but they didn’t know the facts, check with her family or contact local law enforcement. This stranger duped an employee of the local phone company into arranging for a private cell phone to talk to the girl directly. His slick manipulation scored him a purchased airline ticket (without a direct connection to him) and a clandestine ride for the girl to the airport. But after he bribed a child pornographer to acquire an illegal passport for her to leave the United States, the girl was out of the country before her mother knew she was gone.

And the chase to save the girl was on—a mother’s worst fear.

Now I know what some of you are thinking. This happened in 2000, before the added airport security measures were implemented after 9/11 in 2001. The girl would never have been allowed on a plane without proper ID. But after contacting a source in the airline industry, I was shocked to learn how many children travel unaccompanied and without a valid ID on domestic flights these days. So this extraordinary Florida case became the framework for my novel, Evil Without A Face. And I chose to set part of the story in the unique venue of Alaska where I had lived for ten years.

My novels have the feel of being ripped from today's headlines because real crime inspires me. Who says crime doesn't pay? Violence is like the ripple effect on the surface of still water. The wake radiates out from the victim and touches many people. In my books, I give a voice to the many victims of crime.

In Evil Without A Face, an illusive web of imposters on the Internet lures a deluded teen from her Alaskan home and launches a chain reaction collision course with an unlikely tangle of heroes. A new kind of criminal organization becomes the faceless enemy behind an insidious global conspiracy. And the life of one young girl and countless others hang in the balance. This is the initial driver to my new series. With an international setting, these thrillers will focus on the lives and loves of three women—a bounty hunter operating outside the law, an ambitious vice cop, and a former international operative with a mysterious past. These women give Lady Justice a whole new reason to wear blinders.

And their brand of justice is anything but sweet.

After researching the case in Florida, I became more concerned for naïve kids socializing in cyberspace—young people like my nieces and nephews. Savvy online criminals lurk in anonymity and carry on without fear of repercussion. I’m an active member of MySpace and Facebook and know how they operate. But these social networks aren’t the problem—the criminals are. And as you’ve seen in the headlines and on TV, the online community has become a real hunting ground for predators.

Why not? It’s easy pickings.

For the most part, the Internet is an invaluable tool. And it breaks down the barriers between countries, allowing many of us to have international friends. But the anonymity of cyberspace attracts all sorts of users with criminal intent. Terrorists have found new high-tech ways to recruit online and they have duped some Internet users into funding their activities or have resorted to outright stealing through subterfuge. And since crimes that cross over jurisdictions and international borders are harder to prosecute, offenders often get away with their schemes. That's why I wanted to write Evil Without A Face and dole out my brand justice. After all, who couldn’t use a liberal dose of ‘Sweet Justice’ when reality becomes stranger than fiction?

How has your use of the Internet changed over the years? Have you become more suspicious of certain behaviors from online strangers? And if you have children who use online resources, can you share some tips on how you keep them safer?

--> http://www.jordandane.com./

After Jordan Dane sold her first 3-books to Avon/HarperCollins in auction, her debut title – No One Heard Her Scream – held more significance. Everyone heard her scream! Prior to selling, Jordan received 33 national writing competition awards. Formerly an energy sales manager, she now is following her passion to write full time. Take a front row seat to suspense with Dane’s back to back releases from 2008No One Heard Her Scream, No One Left to Tell, & No One Lives Forever, and her Sweet Justice Series, Evil Without A Face, February 2009 and The Wrong Side of Dead, November 2009.

Today, Jordan will be giving away THREE copies of Evil Without A Face. So keep those questions and comments coming. We'll be drawing names at 8 pm tonight MST and listing the winners right here in the commens section!! Thanks, Jordan!


  1. Jordan and guests, good morning.



    You've brought the menace to the foreground with such strength in your post, that I can only imagine (until I get my hands on the book and read it) what the story will do to my mother's heart.

    And the tiger that lives inside all mothers, LOL!

    Not good to stir the tiger.

    Jordan, bless you for your wonderful skills and your diligence. So nice to have you back.

    And I've stocked up on a new style coffee bar, done with little levers to release a whole host of delicious creamers. Seekerville has gone high-tech in the flavored creamer department! Yay!

    And I made a huge fritatta to share, studded with sausage, potatoes, cheese and eggs, with a bit of home-made toasted bread to round it out. So good.

    Danish, too, for you non-egg people. Cheese and apple.

    Jordan, welcome aboard!


  2. That definitely qualifies as a gripping, scary storyline...and it feels real.

  3. Jordan,

    Your post is compelling and I imagine your books are too!

    I don't have the answers when it comes to letting my teen use the social networking sites. However, before I let him get on, I explained that someone can say they're anyone when they're Online.

    At the time, he was a fan of Bob Sanders (a football player, I think? LOL) I signed on with a fake e-mail address and all fake info. and called myself Bob Sanders. Within minutes I had "become" him and received a greeting that said "Hi, Bob!" This made my point and hopefully an impression on him.

    It's scary to parent a child on a networking site but I think part of his training is letting him on while he's under our roof and with supervision. Denying him access means he'll pursue it in college when we will have little knowledge or influence.

    I also got a book in the beginning and read up on only letting friends into your site with approval and that's what he does.

    I'd love to win your book.

    cathy underscore shouse at yahoo dot com

  4. Ruth, bless you for bringing the food.

    Welcome to Seekerville, Jordan.

    Excellent post. We chatted recently on how pertinent this post is. And in Seekerville we look at our stats and realize that for every person that posts about a dozen are lurking.

    And all lurkers are not created equal.

  5. My kids are a little younger -- 12 and under -- and go on kids' sites.

    But also, we have one desk top computer and it's in theh dining room. We have to take turns using it and the screen faces out so we can all see it.

    Our ISP allows lots of parental controls and we use those. I have the master account (Mwahahaha ... >:->)

    (I hear a lot of "MOM! Stop hogging the computer!")

    At this point, only DD likes to correspond with her friends adn that by e-mail or face time at school.

    Still, I'm not sure that's all enough. A lot to think about.

    Thanks for coffee and breakfast, Ruthy!

  6. As a parent, I realized that at a certain age, the "immortal" gene rears its ugly head. At some point they begin to think they are immortal. It seems be around 16 and lasts until 26 or so, or they have their first child.

    While you raise your kid to be proactive and to be careful out there you also raise them to believe in the good in people and its scary to know there are monsters out there that take advantage of that.

  7. Welcome to Seekerville, Jordan. Thanks for your excellent post! Books based on real life are the scariest. Especially when preditors get by with manipulating the system. It must be satisfying to mete out justice to these creeps, if only in fiction.

    Thanks for the cheese danish, Ruthy.


  8. Good morning Jordan. What a great and gripping post. You had me hooked from the get-go and anxious to read the book. As it says in the Bible "there is nothing new under the sun" so getting ideas from real events is powerful. It hits you in the gut.

    To volunteer at my church, we have to take a series of courses, one of which is warning against abuse. This subject of Internet porn was right up there. The suggestions by experts were to use parental guides, keep the computer in a public part of the house where you can monitor what's on your child's monitor. Do not let them have their computer in their own room where no one can see what they are looking at. Check the history on a regular basis. And most importantly talk to your children and keep open communication with them about what they are doing, reading, communicating, etc. Warn them of the dangers of talking to strangers.

    They also need to be warned that people can find them if they are not careful. Addresses can be obtained, time schedules, information like when parents are gone, etc by what they share in chats and programs like Facebook.

    The best defense is to be educated. So kudos to your for writing this book. It will help bring awareness to the public.

    Thanks Ruthy for the goodies.

  9. Jordan,

    My teen who is on social networking has stopped me in my tracks when I caution about talking to strangers by saying "But mom, you talk to all those writers online you've never met." I'll also ridden to conferences with people I've only met Online.

    Any thoughts on what my response to him should be?

    BTW, my youngest is intrigued with Seekerville's virtual breakfast.

    She's home sick from school and is requesting a custom ordered breakfast of a
    frappachino , 2 eggs, 3 pancakes and 5 pieces of bacon.

    I'll have a side of prayer that I get some writing done today with my little angel home for the second day.

    I'm aware of creating an example on the Internet for her by not posting her name or age.

    Not to generate controversy, but she's reading Harry Potter. We just learned what a mullioned window is and I'm picking up some fiction techniques by doing so read aloud. It has great characterization and dialogue.


  10. This makes me want to phone my youngest daughter and have a serious talk with her.

    I'll leave a comment later once I've warned her.

    Except the kid hasn't listened to a word I've said since she was about eight.


    LOVE the titles and the premise of the book. Love it, Jordan. Thanks so much for coming on Seekerville.

  11. Ah, Ruthy--You are making me hungry. And I can smell the coffee and fritatta now. Nice!

    It's always good to be here at Seekerville with all of you.

    If I stirred the tiger, it was on purpose I'm afraid. I think protecting children is something we all want to do. And I figured it would make a good topic for this book. As you know, I'm inspired by real crimes and shedding light on this one seemed important to me.

    Thanks for the smile and your comment.

  12. Hey Walt & Cathy--Thanks for your comments. And yes, researching this book scared me too. I had to write it.

    Cathy--I loved the Bob Sanders story. What a great way to make your point. Clever.

  13. Hey there, little Tina--Thanks for hosting me again. You're a sweet friend. Love you, girl.

    And for anyone who didn't know, Tina was the winner of the Soon to be Published contest for our writer's chapter at OKRWA. She won some money that I hope she'll use to go to RWA nationals in Washington DC. I'd love to pal around with her there. Yay!

    She's such a talented writer.

  14. Wow! I agree with Walt. Very gripping.

  15. Hey there Ann--Thanks for your comment. And it's good to be Queen of the Controls. Bwaah Haa HAAA!

    It doesn't sound like your kids are obsessed with it, which is good. face time with friends is a good thing. One of the things I think about with kids using the computer as the main way for them to communication (ie text messenging, chats, etc), is that the impersonal way for them to communicate becomes the main way they do it. We are raising a generation of kids who are comfortable with online chats with virtual strangers. They use their cell phones to text rather than talk. Crazy.

  16. Yeah, Tina--Good point. It's hard to find a good balance between making your kids cautious about new things and making them fearful of trying anything new. Being a parent these days is NOT easy.

  17. Hey there Janet--Yeah, real crime scares me too. You just can't make up stuff scarier than the real deviants in our society. Their brains are wired differently.

    Tom Clancy has a saying that I like. The only difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to make sense.

    And I like the cheese danish too.

  18. Nice post, Sandra--And it sounds like your church has an excellent program. I like it.

    Keeping those lines of communication open with children is vital--for more than just their safety too. It's an investment you mkae in their lives.

  19. Hey Cathy--It's good that your teen is lecturing you about internet safety. And he DOES have a point. I think about this too. Most of us meet on yahoo groups that you have to pay to play. And when we meet, we find conference hotels or other public places. But meeting anyone new is a risk. We never know if they will be mentally balanced. And for writers, that's sometimes hard to tell. LOL

    I met a writer once online. She came recommended to me by someone I trusted. We worked together for almost a year until some meds she was taking made her an angry person. I stopped working with her and she took up stalking me as a hobby. It was a scary time in my life for a while.

    Things happen & people change. It's never easy. I think of those poor people who have a spouse turn a weapon on them and that's the ultimate betrayal.

    Finding an answer for your son is not easy. But instilling self-respect becomes important so a person knows when to get out of an abusive relationship because they deserve better. And take precautions when you first meet someone--anyone. If it doesn't feel right, trust your gut.

  20. Hey Mary--Thanks for you comment. And that phone call to your daughter is only another way of saying "I love you."

  21. Okay, Cathy...

    Any kid that has an appetite THAT big isn't really sick and should be shipped to school immediately regardless of whine factorization.


    But if she's REALLY sick, tell her I'm sending her some of Ruthy's special warm lemonade (great for sore throats), and the rest of the breakfast. Can't starve her just because she's sick, I suppose.

    Jordan you're right on so many levels. First, the heightened concern.

    Second, Tina's a peach (although "sweet" isn't the usual term we apply to her in Seekerville. I'm just sayin'...) and one of the most talented authors I've worked with. Amazing woman.

    And I'm glad you like the food.

    Also, quick note:

    One of my boys (the pescatarian Manhattan lawyer)called me this summer, out of the blue, as he studied for the bar exam...

    To thank me for not letting them get hooked on computer games and game systems. He sees too many of his buddies and their buddies wasting their brains and talents because of addictions to these things.

    Great phone call.

    And yeah, he's a bit of a braniac nerd, but now he's a well-to-do braniac nerd (who is righteously good looking, btw, killing the stereotype that all nerds are geeks.)

    So it's okay to be the bad guy mother. They'll thank you for it some day.

    It takes a while. Don't be holding your breath.



  22. Ruthy--LOL

    Your son sounds like someone that we all write about--HEROES. I like him.

    One of the characters in EVIL is Seth Harper, my computer braniac with a mysterious past. He was a lot of fun to write and has become a real reader favorite for those who've read the book. I wrote him with greater and greater mystery surrounding him, every time he was on the page. And since I don't plot, by the end of the book, I had no clue what his back story was. So I had to create it for book#2 - THE WRONG SIDE OF DEAD - which is due out in Nov 09.

    Seth was a joy to discover and the comment you made about your son reminded me of Seth.

  23. Jordan, you've piqued my interest even though I'd sworn off suspense for a while.

    No social networking sites, no computer in his room. I check browser history, although of course, this can be erased. No pictures anywhere and never use his real name. (I talk about my kids from time to time on my blog and I don't use their names either.)

    But this? This is a whole 'nutha level of something I can't even imagine. I feel one of those mother-son discussions coming on...

  24. Patricia--You'd be surprised what is out there online without you even knowing it. You can be as cautious as you can be but GOOGLE will load up all this personal info on you--like phone numbers, addresses, and probably soon cell phone info. It's really creepy.

    Your own government offices can load up your physical address for starters. We have a property database search that is online and free for anyone to use. It gives the owners names and address. Once you have basic info, you can search for more and gather up all you have to get a picture of the people in that home.

    I haven't done this myself, but a woman cop who specializes in online teen issues 'researches' people online to hone her skills to track people. Predators do this everyday.

    (I just scared myself.)

  25. Ruthy,

    How did you guess my daughter has a sore throat?

    When I told her you sent your special lemonade she said "My compliments to the chef!"

    She also wants to know what kind of dogs you have and how many?

    Okay, maybe this sets a bad precedent given our topic on children and the internet. It's inevitable she'll be more computer-savvy than her brother, who's five years older, was at this age. Eek!

    I take it Jordan writes suspense/thrillers? And is that cool name a pen name?



  26. Cathy--

    Yes, I write suspense/thrillers. EVIL was not an easy book to write. I wanted more pace and had to incorporate 5 major story arcs for all the main characters as they race against time to save my teen girl. Lots of action and a complex story line with a quirky tangle of heroes in search of different links to a global conspiracy.

    When I got done writing this story, I was very excited. My editor said she didn't want the story to be over. That thrilled me.

  27. My husband showed me my temporary internet files. Amazing how it holds every picture you look at and every single place you have visited online.

  28. Another scary thing is that every time you are in the internet, some sites unload spyware to track what you're doing. And who knows what else can be downloaded. Criminals can download sensitive info right off your computer and embed executable files you may not know about. And there are rumors that some of these spyware detection programs actually create problems so they can perpetuate what they do.

    I think a lot of these problems come from the internet being free once you pay for a provider. I'm not sure who would 'police' it (because that can also be a problem), but it's too easy for people with a criminal mind to track what you're doing.

    You've heard of copy right infringements online by google for author's excerpts and books available online. That's only the tip of the iceberg of things to come. There are a lot of abuses out there online. And I'm not sure what the answer is to make cyberspace safer.

  29. Tina, thanks for the tip you threw out there for the temporary internet files. With 3 teens on the computer I need every tip and trick there is. I'll be restating the dangers of online to them (and to my younger ones, too!)

    Jordan, I cannot imagine having to do the research and then write this book/series! It'd completely send me over the edge!! You're book sounds incredible. I don't know that I'd sleep for months after reading it though!

  30. Jordan, tell us what is going on for you. I see the next book in the Sweet Justice Series coming out in the fall. Any of the characters from Evil Without a Face in the second book?

  31. Hey Tina--Thanks for asking about my next release - THE WRONG SIDE OF DEAD. It'll come out Nov 09.

    Avon has a really cool idea for the cover and I can't wait to see it. And we are working on the back cover copy. Avon made a first pass at the copy and asked what I thought of it. I had to rewrite it, but we liked it better afterwards. Even Meredith contributed. Here's what we came up with:

    Facing the nightmare of their past is the only way out…

    Mysterious computer wizard Seth Harper awakens in a bloody motel room to find he’s not alone. The vacant eyes of a grisly corpse stare accusingly at him—the body of a young woman. Seth becomes the prime suspect for a heinous murder. If only he could remember what happened.

    His former employer, bounty hunter Jessie Beckett, is determined to prove his innocence despite his gaps in memory. But when Seth is reluctant to reveal his own dark secrets, she must earn his deepest trust. Against all odds, she’s in an uphill battle to save him—the man she hasn’t stopped thinking about since he disappeared from her life.

    But his plight is not what it seems. And both Jessie and Seth must confront the demons of their past—in the place where their nightmares began—before Seth becomes a sacrificial lamb to a ruthless killer. With one fatal mistake, more innocent lives could wind up on the wrong side of dead.

  32. I love the characters in this world and my fall release really focuses on the trust bond they are forming. They each have things to face from their pasts in order for them to move forward. And although there are murders to solve, this is a very character driven story that will also have pace too.

    I love this series. I'm currently writing #3 - tentatively titled The Echo of Violence.

    In many of my books, I have a thread of a spiritual exploration. And in this book, a catholic nun is taken hostage by terrorists and her beliefs and her very humanity is tested. I can't wait to see how it ends.

  33. Jordan, Very intriguing premsis for your new series. I've read the others and you have a gift. That true story certianly grips my insides as the mother of a teenage daughter. We have a filter so porn and the such can't get in and a rule of not giving out personal info but she still has a Facebook account with pictures of her and friends which just gives me hives. I do go to her site and read the posts and view her friends which eases my mind some. I will share this story with her, to which I'm sure she'll roll her eyes, because SHE would never be so stupid (as she says anytime I bring up examples of teens using bad judgement). I can only pray that's true.

  34. Hey, Jordan, so sorry I was unable to make it to your Edmond signing as planned, but still cannot wait to have a (autographed, of course) copy of "Evil Without A Face" in my hot little hands. Hugs, Jodi

  35. I'd comment, but Ruthy served too much yummy grub. Then again, I probably ought to quit muching on this cyber food or I'll end up on the wrong side of the buffet line.

    Thanks, Jordan, for writing the book. I hate being creeped out, but I'm intrigued enough to risk it.

    The vegetarian in me is walking past the fritatta on her quest to find some honey butter for her whole grain toast. Oh, wait, is that bacon I smell...

  36. Hey there Terri--I don't think the social networks are a problem unless the teen's profile is open for anyone to find her. There are controls in place to hide the info unless she permits the person to 'friend' her. If a kid is out there online and just socializing with friends they know, I don't see this as a problem. But I would encourage you to have a page of your own so you can see how they work yourself.

    I had a young relative try to tell me how certain online networks operated--and I knew she was lying to me. I told her that like Al Gore, I invented this network and that she better get her facts straight. She never tried lying to me again.

    Like Tina said before, kids think they know best and KNOW IT ALL. It's best to have the facts in your head before you confront them with rules or expect them to pay attention to what you're saying.

    Any words of warning are meant with love and concern for their safety. That's the bottom line.

    Hey Jodi--Great to see you here, sweets. Tina's site is great, isn't it? Hope the writing is going well for you. Thanks for saying HI.

  37. Hey there Gina--Crime fiction is a comfort read for me. It has been for a very long time. With fiction, justice is often more possible than in real life. Now that's scary.

  38. Hey Jordan. Your books sound frightful. Literally. In a good way. :)

    Our kids are allowed on the computer pretty much anytime they want but the computer is set up in the dining room where we can see it from the kitchen, living room, front door and even bathroom door. The kids belong to FB and actually are my friends on that social network. Not only that, their friends keep sending me friend requests. At the beginning, I accepted a couple of teen friends but then didn't like what one of them was saying. She was continually updating her status with 'I'm bored' or 'Life is a b****' etc. I almost deleted her. Until it dawned on me - I can see who my kids are hanging out with this way. Yes, most of their online friends are their classmates or kids who have moved away. Yet you never know who will infiltrate their circle. So, I accept all their friend requests but I've adjusted the settings so that I only receive their updates when my friends aren't talking. And I can change the settings at any time. No, this isn't perfect, but if they want me 'in their world' I'd be a fool not to accept.

  39. Wow, how terribly frightening. We had a similar situation with a teenaged girl here in MN, and she went to ISTANBUL to meet her online lover.

    Scary world we live in these days.

  40. Wow Erica--That's frightening. Was she underaged? Did they ever find her? As adults, we know this doesn't seem plausible that someone from another country would seek a young woman online like this, especially in this day and age with human trafficking. But kids today are looking for love and acceptance online because they can be who they want to be and not be criticized in a face to face meeting. They might go to any lengths to seek such acceptance, even if it's from total strangers. How sad is that?!

    Hey Anita--It's good that you're online with your kids and that they feel comfortable enough to send you friend requests.

    As a crime fiction writer, it's my job to think like a criminal. And sometimes I scare myself, just hanging around me.

    You know how people always tell you to "write what you know"--well, I think it's write what you fear.

  41. Wow, I love that Seth is in book two. And gotta admit a love for nuns..so looking forward to book three also.

  42. Jordan, can wait to read the book!

  43. Wooo, what an amazing news story! I bet your book will be fantastic!!

    Thanks for being with us again, Jordan!

    As for your question...I am SO paranoid online! LOL And I'm all over my kids all the time trying to make sure they're being safe. I figure if I'm that paranoid, them I'm being about as careful as you can be. :)


  44. when our kids were at home the computer was still fairly new and dh didn't let them on;
    But I have a friend whose kids got into some awful sights and said some pretty revealing stuff and used bad language. I so felt for her.
    This is a story I must tell my friend to read. Thanks.

  45. Hey Tina--I was raised catholic, so nuns have a soft spot in my heart too. This poor woman will be tested for sure. A couple of scenes that I wrote her into and I had trouble sleeping a few nights.

    Hey Rogenna--Stalking laws are still antiquated. And when you add in the anonymity of cyberspace and those couple of cases where a parent harassed a kid into committing suicide, you can get into a whole 'nother realm of fear.

    One thing I would encourage you to do is not stick so closely to the reality of your own experience, but ramp it up to another level. Filtering the emotion of the story through your own experience is great, but you can create an even more frightening experience for the reader if you imagine a more horrifying scenario.

    That's what I did with EVIL. I had already researched human trafficking in my debut book - NO ONE HEARD HER SCREAM - so I ramped this one up into a global conspiracy that extended its reach and its purpose. I can't share what I did, but I would encourage to dig deep into what scares you and imagine the absolute worst, then put the reader on the brink of that. This isn't easy.

  46. Hey Missy & Robyn--Thanks for stopping in. A healthy paranoia is a good thing, as long as it's reasonable. And it sounds like it is in your case, Missy.

    And Robyn--Kids will test their independence online and in other ways. It's part of the process of growing up. I speak from experience. I was just chatting with my mom about this over the phone today. LOL I was the rebellious one. She forgot how awful I was to her. But she is my best friend and has been for a very long time. We got through our growing pains without killing each other--probably more thanks to her than me. :)

  47. Jordan,
    EVIL WITHOUT A FACE looks and sounds great!!! Loved the way you took a real story and used it in your fictional tale.

    Talking about cyberspace ... I'm amazed at the personal information people post for the whole world to see ... photos of their kids, blogs about where they live or when they're going on vacation, photos of their beautiful teen daughters ...

    I've talk to two authors who have been stalked. Both gals are very cautious about the Internet, in fact, one doesn't even have a web page because of what happened to her.

    Even writers need to be careful.

    Thanks for joining us in Seekerville today!

  48. Welcome to Seekerville, Jordan!

    You've sold me! Since I'm a Seeker and ineligible for the drawing, I'll be running out to pick up a copy of Evil Without A Face!

    Kids think they know it all. They think they can tell a preditor a mile away.

    Kids are so naive!!

    My kids used to wail about Mom being so overprotective. I made sure I knew their friends and their families, I was the mom who drove the kids to school, they always had to tell me where they were going.

    I controlled their use of the Internet, too. Mostly because the only computer we had was my computer and I didn't want a virus.

    Spooky stuff; scary world.

    Thank you Jordan for introducing us to Sweet Justice. Glad it's a whole series : )

  49. Hey Debby & Audra--Thanks so much for stopping in and joining the conversation. I appreciate the support and I love Seekerville. My good buddy Tina is a PEACH.

  50. Jordan, thanks so much for being here today. We'll draw the 3 lucky names at 8 MST and post them here.

    You can still get in on the drawing until 7:59 pm, lol. And I already have my copy so I can tell you it is a great suspense read.

  51. Thanks for hosting me today, Tina. And thanks to everyone who added to the chat. Have a good evening.

  52. Jordon, great to have you back!

    The book sounds intriquing. And so relevant to today's technoligy.


  53. Hi Jordan,

    Thanks for visiting - it sounds like a great book!

    Did the mother from Florida find her daughter okay?


  54. Hey Cheryl--Great to see you here. Thanks for saying HI.

    And Kara--The mom in Florida was lucky that the FBI intercepted the daughter in the plaza BEFORE she met the man who had attempted to kidnap her. But this guy got only his wrist slapped for what he attempted to do. And this poor teenaged girl was traumatized by the incident and will probably always be affected by it. Thanks for your question.

  55. Today's winners are, Rogenna Brewer, Terri Reed and Gina Welborn.


    Please send an email to tina@tinarusso.com with your real world addy by Saturday, February, Feb 28.

  56. Again, Jordan, you rock. Thanks for sharing your time, your wit and for being so generous with your book giveaways.

  57. Congratulations to the winners. And thanks again, Tina and all you seekers.

    And Ruthy--You really know how to put down a virtual spread, girl.
