Friday, June 5, 2009

Contest Update June 2009

There is one copy of Jenna Glatzer's, Outwitting Writer's Block: And Other Problems of the Pen in the prize vault along with a copy of Getting Into Character: Seven Secrets a Novelist Can Learn From Actors by Brandilyn Collins.

All Seekerville guests who post today are eligible for the prize drawing. Winner's will be announced on tomorrow's Weekend Edition.

This is month 6 of 2009.

The half-way point.

So, what have you done in the last six months
to make your dream come true?

Unpublished Contests:

2009 Put Your Heart in a Book. Entry Deadline: Entries must be sent electronically and received by midnight June 15, 2009. Includes cash prizes. Three finalist judges. Entry consists of synopsis and first chapter (30 pages). That's a lot of bang for your buck if you final.
Short Contemporary
Agent: Wendy Sherman, Wendy Sherman Associates
Editor: Susan Litman, Silhouette Special Edition
Multi-published Author: Heidi Betts
Single-Title Contemporary
Agent: Pam Strickler, Pam Strickler Agency
Editor: Keyren Gerlach, Harlequin
Multi-published Author: Nancy Herkness
Agent: Deidre Knight, Knight Agency
Editor: Amanda Bergeron, Avon
Multi-published Author: Madeline Hunter
Agent: Roberta Brown, Brown Literary Agency
Editor: Jhanteigh Kupihea, Penguin Group
Multi-published Author: Judi McCoy
Romantic Elements
Agent: Laura Bradford, Bradford Literary Agency
Editor: Christopher Keesler, Dorchester
Multi-published author: Jan Coffey

Get Your Stiletto In The Door. Deadline June 15. This is a Chick Lit specific contest, not a romance contest. Our categories aren't suited for Regency entries. Contemporary Single Title, Paranormal romance, or Romantic Suspense won't do well unless the focus is on a plucky heroine with a true Chick Lit voice. Electronic entries. The first 35 pages and a synopsis (up to 5 double-spaced pages).
Classic Chick Lit/Lady Lit
Editor: Claire Baldwin, Little Black Dress/Headline Publishing, Ltd.
Agent: Kate Schafer Testerman, KT Literary
Chick Thrill
Editor: Jessica Sebor, Random House
Agent: Holly Root, Waxman Agency
Paranormal Chick Lit
Editor: Latoya Smith, Grand Central Publishing
Agent: Michelle Wolfson, Wolfson Literary Agency
Inspirational Chick Lit
Editor: Beth Adams, Guideposts
Agent: Kelly Mortimer, Mortimer Literary Agency
Young Adult Chick Lit
Editor: Regina Griffin, Egmont USA

"Best of the Best"
The 1st place winner in each category will be judged by author and agent Lois Winston of Ashley Grayson Literary Agency.
Plus, the 1st place winner in each category will receive a $50 Amazon gift card.
Totally sounds like a fun contest, doesn't it?

The Heart of the Rockies . Electronic deadline June 15. First two chapters and synopsis. 35 pages total. Contest limited to first 215 submissions. HOR has a great reputation for being efficient and giving great feedback.

• Short Contemporary: Diana Ventimiglia, Associate Editor/Silhouette
• Long Contemporary: Kathryn Lye, Editor/Harlequin
• Single Title: Elaine Spencer, Agent/The Knight Agency
• Paranormal/Time Travel/Futuristic/Fantasy: Chris Keeslar, Sr Editor/Dorchester
• Historical: Alexandra Machinist, Agent/Linda Chester Literary Agency
• Romantic Suspense: Danielle Poiesz, Pocket Books
• Inspirational Category: Jessica Barnes, Associate Editor, Waterbrook Press
• Spicy: Lindsey McGurk, Editor/Samhain Publishing
• Mainstream w/Romantic Elements: Valerie Gray, Editor/MIRA Books

4th Annual Dixie Kane Memorial Contest. Deadline July 1st. First five (5) pages double spaced and a synopsis (one page, single-spaced, not judged). Categories:Short Contemporary, Long Contemporary, Romantic Suspense, Single Title Contemporary, Historical, Paranormal, Inspirational, Novel With Romantic Elements. The top prize for the highest overall score among all entries receives $50 cash and special certificate. First place in each category goes to the top of the slush pile of both literary agent Pamela Ahearn of The Ahearn Agency and Kate Duffy, editor, Kensington Books. Go ahead. What do you have to lose. It's the first five pages.

Indiana's Golden Opportunity.
Entries must be received by July 1, 2009. All electronic contest. Each entry shall be no longer than 35 pages. The entry should include a copy of the opening of your manuscript, including prologue if there is one, and a copy of your synopsis (no more than 10 pages).
Historical-Becky Vinter, Editorial Assistant, NAL

Mainstream with Strong Romantic Elements-Paige Wheeler, Agent, Folio Literary Management

Paranormal-Kerry Donovan, Associate Editor, NAL

Romantic Suspense-Megan McKeever, Associate Editor, Pocket Books

Single Title-Latoya Smith, Editorial Assistant, Grand Central Publishing

Young Adult-Holly Root, Agent, Waxman Literary Agency

Best of the Best-Allison Brandau, Editorial Assistant, Berkley

Heart of the West.Deadline July 1. Enter the opening twenty (20) pages of romance novels of all sub-genres (projected length of at least 50,000 words). Contest is open to published and unpublished authors. Unpublished authors are ranked separately from published authors. Published authors may submit only unpublished, uncontracted manuscripts. NOTE: If you have a romance novel published by a non-recognized RWA publisher, Utah RWA Considers you to be published.

  • Contemporary, Amanda Bergeron, Editor, Avon Books/Harper Collins
  • Historical, Megan Records, Editor, Kensington
  • Paranormal, Heather Osborn, Editor, Tor/Forge
  • Mystery/Suspense, Lara Hyde, Editor, MIRA
  • Inspirational, Jewelann Cone, Agent, Atlantis Literary Agency
  • Published, Miriam Kriss, Agent, The Irene Goodman Agency

Melody of Love. Deadline July 2. Paper and electronic entries. Your manuscript’s first 25 (or fewer) pages -- no synopsis. We recommend but do not require that you omit prologues if possible and end at a cliffhanger, even if it means you don't send 25 whole pages. (Note: finalists may need to provide a one page synopsis at the request of the final round judges.)

Contemporary: Johanna Raisanen, Harlequin/Silhouette
Paranormal: Michelle Grajkowski, 3 Seas Literary Agency
Historical: Barbara Poelle, Irene Goodman Literary Agency

Other Writing Contests:

New book for writers with a contest!!

Break Into Fiction (available June 18)

During the Break Into Fiction® June Giveaway - week of June 15, 2009 - names will be drawn daily for the following:

• ONE WINNING WRITER will receive a critique of their partial (30 pgs plus a 10 pg synopsis, all double spaced 12pt) manuscript by Award-winning author Mary Buckham or NYT best seller Dianna Love.

• FIVE WINNING WRITERS will each receive a critique of their query letter (one page) or first five manuscript pages (double spaced, 12 pt font) critiqued by Mary or Dianna PLUS a signed copy of Break Into Fiction®

• TEN WINNING WRITERS will each receive a signed copy of Mary and Dianna’s new Break Into Fiction® book based on their highly-successful Character-Driven Power Plotting Retreats…PLUS a bonus template not in the book.

From REAL SIMPLE: The Second-Annual Life Lessons Contest

When did you realize that you had become a grown-up? Perhaps it was when you first paid taxes or met your son’s first girlfriend. Whether the experience was difficult, funny, easy, or bittersweet, share your lesson and you could win.

Enter Real Simple’s second-annual Life Lessons essay contest and you could have your essay published in Real Simple; win round-trip tickets for two to New York City, hotel accommodations for two nights, tickets to a Broadway play, and a lunch with Real Simple editors; and receive a prize of $3,000.

HOW TO ENTER: This contest begins at 12:01 A.M. eastern time (ET) on May 1, 2009, and ends at 11:59 P.M. ET on September 7, 2009. To enter online, send your typed, double-spaced submission (1,500 words maximum, preferably in a MS Word attachment) to Check out the site for the snail mail info.

A Woman's Write brings you...

Good Read Novel Writing Competition: Contest runs from January 1 to November 30. Submit the first 75 pages of your unpublished novel to our Good Read competition, along with a $40 fee. Within a few weeks you will receive a thorough, thoughtful critique with editing comments and corrections. You will be given an opinion about character and plot development.

You then have the option to resubmit the entire novel, having applied changes based on our comments and suggestions. This resubmission will be accompanied by a $20 reading fee and represents your final entry into the competition.

Calling All Aspiring Novelists: Dorchester Seeks America's Next Best Celler

Contest Opens June 1--Semifinalists announced November 1.

  • Win a guaranteed publishing contract with distribution throughout the U.S. and Canada!
  • Dorchester Publishing, in partnership with Textnovel, is looking to discover the next New Voice in Romance.
  • Aspiring authors of historical, contemporary, paranormal, urban fantasy, high fantasy or futuristic romance are invited to participate in Dorchester’s first ever e-serial writing contest.
  • Entrants must be at least 18 years old, and the specific work submitted to the contest must not have not been previously published in a print edition.
  • The contest will run on Textnovel from June 1, 2009 to November 1, 2009.
  • Contestants must publish at least 20 chapters/6,000 words (preferably in increments of 500 words each) by November 1, 2009 in order to be eligible for the contest.
  • Contestants may invite friends to vote and/or subscribe. All Textnovel registrants may also participate in the voting and/or subscription process.
  • There will be two rounds of judging: Semifinalists (Top 20) and Finalists (Top 10).
  • The 20 semifinalists will be determined by number of votes and/or subscriptions a serial has by November 1, 2009.
  • The 10 finalists will be selected from among the 20 semifinalists by Dorchester's editorial team and will be announced on November 15, 2009.
  • The winner, to be chosen from among the 10 finalists, will be selected based on a combination of factors, including positive votes and subscriptions by readers and reviews by reviewers, as well as the subjective opinions of the Dorchester's editorial team.*
  • The winning manuscript will receive a $2,000 advance and will be published by Dorchester Publishing in 2010.


  1. FIRST ONE UP!!!

    Since it is contest Friday we do have a special treat in addition to our giveaways.

    Mocha java, Earl Grey tea, and two trays of cinnamon rolls. With raisins and without. Lots of extra icing on both.

    Have an awesome Friday.

    Today I get to sing my Friday song.

    Friday. Friday. Friday is my favorite DAY!!!!

  2. Top of the morin' to ya'!

    FRIDAY???!!! Already, OMG...where does the time go?

    I've been having troubles with my mail...Tina, did you get my e?
    If not let me know and I'll try again.

    Here's to a great Friday to all!


  3. I did and good morning.

    What a gorgeous day here in Colorado.

  4. Tina--Is an unpublished contest for an unpublished manuscript or an unpublished author? If the later, do you know what qualifies an author as 'unpublished'? The company that printed my novel pays royalties but I had to invest in production. ACFW said my investment disqualifies my novel from 'published' contests. But I'd really like to participate in contests of some kind. Please help!!!

  5. So, what have you done in the last six months to make your dream come true?

    In the last six months, I've:

    *graduated college with honors with an A.S. in early childhood education. Because of a class assignment, I landed a bi-monthly writing gig for a regional parent/family magazine. It's not a paid gig, but I'm building writing credits.

    *entered and finaled in the Genesis contest--cont. romance cat.

    *entered the TBL and received very constructive feedback.

    *registered and plan to attend the ACFW conference in Sept.

    Today, my oldest son graduates from high school, and I'm trying so hard to be a brave girl, but I have to take an emotional minute and say raising him to become a gentleman and man of God is one of my greatest dreams come true. I pray he takes the lessons he's learned in the past 18 years and builds on them. Now, where did I put that Kleenex box... :-)

  6. I have found several critique partners. It's very important and it can be difficult to find a good match.

    I'm very pleased and writing more than previously.

  7. Tina--Thanks for the links. I'm emailing the contest coordinators with my questions. Thanks for the delicious cinnamon rolls, too. And you even brought tea! :)

  8. Ayrian, with the unpublished contests I listed you have to check them individually and read the rules. Many say published according to RWA rules and regs. Many say any kind of pub. So read the fine print.

    And good morning.

  9. WHOA, baby. Congratulations Lisa.

    Way to go!!!!

  10. I'll answer the question too.

    What have I done to make my dreamcome true?

    I completed a novel by participanting in a novel in a month through the ACFW and I've worked on revising it and my enter it in one of these contests.

    Most of my publishing credits are in the children's writing genre and I had a successful biography pitch at a writing conference so I've researched, outlined and written a rough draft of the first chapter.

    Umm..if I wasn't supposed to list my children's stuff, just throw a coconut at me for a warning...Don't hit me with it, I'll get the hint as it flies past my head!

    Happy Friday, eveyone.

  11. Cathy, kudos to you for taking steps to reach your dream. I salute you.

  12. No, Rose, way to go. You rock.

    I have a heart for children's stuff. My sister, Anne Tyra is a multipubbed children's author in Christian fiction.

  13. Good morning, Tina. The cinnamon rolls are delicious! Thanks! And thanks for all you do to keep us informed about contest opportunities.

    Lisa, you're on your way! Congrats on graduating and on your writing gig. And mega congrats to your son and to you for raising such a fine young man.

    Cathy, glad you've found fresh eyes to look at your work. Great job!

    Rose, congrats on the completed book. Way to go!

    Ayrian, hope you find contests you can enter.


  14. Janet--Thanks! Looks like the Good Read Novel contest will accept me, but I think the plot of my novel won't work for them. I chose a very controversial issue. I'll keep looking!

  15. Good morning! What a great list of contestss, and wonderful to read about folks being proactive in making dreams come true. I just returned from Paris, after a lifetime of dreaming of going there. Hubs gave the trip to me (us!) as a 20th anniversary present. So much inspiration to be found there and wonderful "novel fodder!) I also entered the Molly contest, so I'm hoping for good things to happen there!

  16. Hi,

    I've never left a comment before but when I saw your question, I just had to. I have taken 2 online courses since March and have had 3 offers on 3 articles! (I say offers because the articles have not been published, YET. I got an offer in the middle of a class...I didn't wait. I hit the send button.)

  17. Hey, look at all the work you are all doing!

    I'd say I'm proud of all of you but that sounds condescending because I didn't do anything, it's all your own accomplishments.

    As for me in the last six months... I've been writing along with a goal to finish two more books by the end of the year, I'm at 12,000 words on my 90,000 word, WIP.

    I've written so many blog posts I'm officially typing in my sleep now, reallllllly bugging my husband when I tap out a scene on his pajamas.

    I've done book signing trips, have another one tomorrow in Independence MO, a suburb in Kansas City if anyone is from around there.

    Dog Eared Books.
    3625 S. Noland Rd.
    From 11-2

    Stop in if you're in the area.

    I've kept busy. :)

  18. Morning, Miss Tina,

    So you have a lovely day in Colorado huh? It's a mite bit overcast on my side of them thar hills. But that should be okay.

    Would love a cinnamon roll . . . I'm still waiting for my smoothie too btw

    What have I accomplished this year?


    I'm ALLLLIVVE (as Igor might say it) I came out of my exile (not on unpubbed island, I'm still there)and got to work on some of my dreams again.

    I've been writing. And boy, is my imagination happy about that.

    Entered some contests.

    didn't place in some contests.

    Will try some more contests...

    Contests, Contests, Contests, ( Just call me Jan Brady)

    Am now watching my granddaughter more over the summer because the daycare decided to take kids of preschool age, which conflicts some with writing time.
    And I've been playing administrative secretary at our business still, It's pretty fun sometimes.

    Others I could kill my boss. (Oh that's me.) I meant the other boss, the one I'm married to. Smile.

    Still dealing with mom and her cancer, they've been preppin her for a bone marrow transplant. That hits the emotions some, but I am grateful I can be here for her.

    I also sat through a bone marrow draw yesterday, and wrote down what was going on, for research. and if I didn't stay occupied that way the floor and I might have had an unwanted tryst. I have such a
    weak stomach sometimes.

    Other than that,
    No kids graduating, no new grand babies, we have work and not too much, so the secretary can do some writing at work.

    live right now is pretty hunky dory

    And I'm trying to take it all in and write some of it down.

    How does the tune to that Friday song go?

  19. Tina, prayers for your momma. And we're glad you are out of your cave.

    I'll sing you the tune at ACFW.

  20. Jan, welcome. DEEE LIGHTED to have you here. And congrats on your dream chasing.

    Jennifer, toasting you with my iced tea. Way to go.

  21. Always look at my blogs I follow and please enter me into the drawing that ends today.


  22. What have I done in the last six months . . .

    Took the plunge, entered the Genesis contest and finaled in Women's Fiction.

    Have officially hit "The End" of said entry manuscript and am actively rewriting/editing.

    Have jumped into the chaos over at the ACFW Scribes critique loop.

    Have registered for the ACFW Conference in Denver and volunteered to hostess a workshop.

    Thanks to Danica's presentation at our writers group, I wrote up my "business plan" (thinking very positively here).

    Bought a copy of Fire in Fiction by Donald Maass and plan to read it at my son's baseball games (between innings of course since I'm a good Mommy and watch/cringe when he pitches).

    Looking at the list, I guess I really have made some progress.

  23. Please enter me in your contest. This isn't just for writers I take it.

  24. OOPPSS! Forgot my email.

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  25. Hello, Colorado!

    and the rest of the 48 contiguous states.

    Tina, thanks so much for posting this! I've got an earlier one I filed and that's kept me on track for entering the TRW's Golden Opportunity and the Lone Star sponsored by NWHRW...

    Both fun contests and great judge lineups.

    Gosh, you gals have been busy. Wonderful, wonderful! This isn't the type of business to rest on your laurels or past successes. There's a butt-zillion other people waiting to claim your contest spot, your editor spot, your agent spot.

    Gotta keep movin', keep groovin'.

    Love the Mocha java. And I warmed up a couple of cinnamon rolls. So yummy. Tina, you've got to share that recipe.



  26. Kat!! Paris and Italy are my dream trips. Wow. Awesome. I am reading through Write It Down Make It Happen and I know that I am GOING THERE!!!

  27. Hey Carmen!


    Just curious.

    Why would you want to win writing books if you are not a writer?

  28. Happy Friday, Edna.

    Candee, congratulations on your Genesis Final. No small feat, says she who did not final.

    I look forward to seeing you at ACFW in September. SEEKERVILLE WILL BE LIVE!!

    Are you also local??

  29. So, what have I done ?

    I am hard at work drafting my novel, Mystica.

  30. The books sound very helpful. I love Brandilyn Colins fiction.
    Theresa N

  31. the getting into character book looks great, but I just sighed at the contest list. I am not ready for one yet! Getting back to work.

  32. Good for you Lin and Theresa.

  33. In the last 6 months, I have bought/won some books on writing to help me in my WIP and I have found a critique partner!!! I'm taking my baby steps and I hope to utilize all the wonderful contest links yall post here sometime next year! I pray I will be ready by then!

  34. Way to gooooooooooo, Sherrinda!!!

  35. Well, it's 9:41 PM Friday night PDT, but well into Saturday on the East Coast. Since I'm not sure what time zone the Seekers are in, I'm not sure if I'm making it into Friday's contest or not. If I am, great! If not, each post is a prize unto itself, so thank you again, Seekers--thanks for so much fun, energy and info. Have a blessed weekend!

    Connie M.

  36. Oooh, the books sound great!

    what did I do the first 6 months toward fulfilling my dream? Had 2 of my manuscripts critiqued and started on a fantasy book I'd been putting off for 2 years. Now I'm magically hooked. :-)I attended a Writers Conference, which was wonderful and another goal for the past 6 months.

  37. All the Seekers are in different time zones, lol. We are spread from California to Georgia and everywhere in between.

  38. Way to go, Pepper. And welcome to Seekerville.

  39. Thanks for compiling all of these. Great resource to have them all in one place!!

  40. I haven't ever spoken to a fairy. But welcome to Seekerville.
