Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Are you 2009 ACFW-goers as tired as I am? Yet at the same time energized from all the “book talk,” touching base with writer friends, and making new friends? What a jam-packed four days!

As I write this, I’m sitting at the Denver International Airport, awaiting my flight to Phoenix. It’s cold and rainy and foggy this morning, quite a change from the beautiful weather we enjoyed at the conference these past several days. But the gloom is brightened by memories of time spent with my fourteen Seeker Sisters and the “Friends of Seekerville” who we got to meet in person!

One of the many highlights of the conference was meeting Tina James, Senior Editor at Steeple Hill Love Inspired. For those of you who may be interested in writing for Love Inspired (contemporaries, historical and suspense), here are some tips Tina shared at the “Spotlight on Steeple Hill.”

Love Inspired Contemporaries (word count 55-60K)--and all three lines in general: The editors are looking for stories about home, family, children. No urban or “corporate world” settings, but rather small towns, communities of people who care about each other. They want 3rd person point of view stories with a heart-tugging emotional conflict, a strong spark between the hero and heroine, and a compelling “voice.” Get those heroes and heroines together on the page as early in the first chapter as possible--on the first page is even better. Start the story in the middle of something--not with a long, leisurely ramble about the hero/heroine’s background.

The editors prefer that heroes/heroines not be actors, singers, or dancers. No married heroes/heroines unless they are separated. No conflicts over property, please. Locales can vary, but Texas, Colorado, and Oklahoma are popular with readers. Reunion romances and stories of military heroes returning home are also especially enjoyed by the Love Inspired readership. Stories may be stand-alones or intended as a part of a series.

Love Inspired Suspense (word count 55-60K). Tina said (with a smile) that 50% romance and 50% suspense doesn’t mean the first half of the book focuses on suspense and the second half on romance. Both must be woven together with the faith journey throughout the book. They are not looking for “cozies” at this time, nor corporate/office settings. She needs high energy, high suspense stories set in small towns with a regional emphasis. The stories must be in 3rd person point of view (not 1st), and angels can’t step in at the last minute to save the day!

There must be a deeper conflict keeping the hero and heroine apart than just being on the run. Love Inspired Suspense does have a witness protection program series, but other non-series stories about a witness protection program are welcome. She emphasized that the stories should be suspenseful and compelling, but not “scary” or too violent. You want to keep the reader turning the page--not make her uncomfortable.

Love Inspired Historicals (70-75K words). In case you haven’t already heard, there's good news for you historical writers! Love Inspired Historical will be expanding from two releases per month to four per month in early 2010. Again, they’re looking for small town settings and compelling openings. Americana, European settings, Tudor, Regencies, Victorian, and Scottish settings are welcome, as are stories all the way up to World War II. Missionaries abroad are welcome as well if you have a familiarity with those foreign settings to lend authenticity.

Odds & Ends

Someone at the Steeple Hill spotlight asked about submitting novella-length stories targeted for the holiday-themed releases (Christmas, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, etc.) and Tina indicated submission for those is by invitation only.

I believe Tina also said that in 2009 Love Inspired has acquired eleven brand new authors (Ruthy & moi among them!), and with the expanding lines they still have room for new authors.
Proposals should consist of the first 3 chapters and a synopsis with a minimum length of 5-7 pages which give a strong sense of the story--internal and external conflicts, turning points, faith journey, etc. (FYI: My most current synopsis was 10 double-spaced pages, but I recently learned that a number of LI authors--especially suspense--submit synopses of up to 20 double-spaced pages so the ins and out of the story are fully clarified for the editors.)

I don't believe Tina specified the font in which she prefers to see proposals and manuscripts, but I do know that my editor, Melissa Endlich, prefers double-spaced 12 point Courier or Courier New.

The average turnaround time on a query is approximately three months. If you haven’t received a response in that length of time, Tina says it’s okay to contact them to inquire about the status.

Senior Editors Tina and Melissa (and several others) read all the first chapters, so you need to hook several of the Love Inspired team with the opening line, the first page, and the first chapter. If they’re all hooked and want to continue reading the rest of your proposal, they know their readership will be hooked as well--and that could result in a request for the full manuscript. So make sure that first chapter is a powerful one that grabs them and won’t let them go!

Well, I guess that about sums it up! If I missed anything, feel free to jump in here and add to it.

I wrapped up my days in Colorado with a bus tour of the Rocky Mountain National Park. Beautiful aspens at their color peak! But it was cold and windy up there--a little rain and even a few (aaack!) snowflakes. I understand that some of the areas I was in on Sunday are now under a winter storm warning and will see 6-16 inches of white stuff by Wednesday morning!

P.S. My very first published book officially releases a week from tomorrow! YAY! If you leave a comment today and your email address (remember to write "at" not "@" so spammers can't get your addy), you're eligible to be included in a drawing for the giveaway of one copy of "Dreaming of Home." The winner will be announced in the Weekend Edition.
An ACFW "Genesis" and RWA Faith, Hope & Love "Touched by Love" award winner, GLYNNA KAYE'S first published book DREAMING OF HOME is an October 1, 2009 Steeple Hill Love Inspired release.


  1. thanks for the info! so i take it steeple hill is completely done with anything to do with the Steeple Hill Cafe line?

  2. Deborah -- that's correct -- single title Cafe' is no longer acquiring. I guess they decided to concentrate their efforts on the more popular and profitable Love Inspireds.

  3. Deborah -- I just remembered I was supposed to do a giveway of my book today. I've now added that to the post's "P.S." So if you'd like to be included in the drawing, please leave your email address! (using "at" not "@")

  4. It's ok to contact Steeple Hill after three months? I have 19 days to go.

    Is it too early for chocolate? The waiting is killing me.

  5. Forgot my e-mail. wmussell[at]hotmail[dot]com.

  6. Congratulations! Thanks for the update. gcwhiskas at aol dot com

  7. What a great, informative post. I recently heard the LI had mentioned the word "medieval". Is that true? You mentioned Tudor era, but nothing before that.

  8. Glynna,

    I'm reporting on the Steeple Hill spotlight for the conference edition of ACFW's Afictionado ezine, but I must say you condensed the hour-long workshop beautifully!

    I really enjoyed meeting you and the other Seekers at the book signing.

    lisajordanbooks at

  9. Glynna, I'm a bit jealous of your extended stay and the bus tour. I got my one glimpse of the mountains from the airplane window before landing and never saw them again.

    I'm excited about the expansion of the historical line AND the addition of new authors in their contemporary, historical and suspense lines. Hooray!

    It was nice to meet you Glynna and I look forward to getting your book. Where I live you have to make a big trip to get to a large book store, Christian or otherwise. It's nice to have the Steeple Hill books available at WalMart.

    Missy, prayers are coming your way to all those in the southeast battling the flooding and storm conditions. I'm sure properties have taken big losses but I hope no one has lost their life.

  10. Thanks for the great rundown, Glynna, and congrats on your book release being just days away! As a newbie historical writer I'm always glad to see when publishers are growing that line.

    Thanks for the prayers, Debra. We've had quite a mess around Atlanta and unfortunately have had a few deaths related to the floods. No rain in today's forecast, so we're starting to dry out.

    7:30 and no food yet? Hmmm... Y'all know I don't do coffee, so you wouldn't want me to make that (though I do love to smell it perk so maybe someone will get it going soon). Cinnamon rolls should be out of the oven in a few and fresh fruit's on the table. Enjoy! :-)

    leigh (at) leighdelozier (dot) com

  11. Great post, GK.

    And we all had lovely weather last week in Denver. Right now it is 42 and I am freezing. Last night it rained all night.

  12. Leigh, I overslept. Thanks for thinking of breakfast. We need to do Glynna proud for her book release.

  13. Glynna,

    Congrats on the upcoming release. I bet you are soooo excited.

    Thank you for the specific's on the Love Inspired line. Sometimes knowing the little things, like you can contact them after three months and they won't be a writer piece of mind.


    RRossZediker at yahoo dot com

  14. Great info, Glynna! I'm so glad the Seekers got to meet so many sister writers at the conference, including Tina James. (We share a last name!)

    Weren't we blessed the weather last week was so perfect?

  15. GLYNNA ... One of my "highlights" was getting to spend time with you in person, my friend!

    Just finished your book before the conference and LOVED it!!! More, more!!!


  16. I have to think it is very satisfying to write the words "my editor." Congrats to you.

    I'd love to win the book.

    cathy underscore shouse at yahoo dot com

  17. Walt -- Chocolate is approved in Seekerville at all times. Hang in there!

  18. Thanks, Virginia! And thanks for stopping in!

  19. Sherrinda -- I can't remember specifically if Medievals or prior were mentioned at the spotlight. I was writing as fast as I could go and could just have missed it! But I'd assume that "Scottish" means medieval. I do know that Carla Capshaw has a Love Inspired ("The Gladiator") coming out in November that's set in Roman times.

    Several other Seekers were also at the spotlight so maybe they can weigh in on this one. If not, when my CDs arrive I'll listen again.

  20. Hi, Lisa! It was so good to meet you, too! So much fun so meet so many Friends of Seekerville. Tina's idea for the treasure map was such a wonderful idea to help us connect.

  21. Hi, Debra! So fun to meet you, too! This was my first ACFW, so now I'll be looking forward to reconnecting with everyone next year!

    We don't have many bookstores where I live now either--only 2, and the Barnes & Noble doesn't carry any of the Steeple Hill line. So it's either Hastings or Wal-mart and that's it.

  22. Thanks, Leigh! Even though I've seen author copies, it's going to feel strange to see MY book on a store shelf!

    I've been watching the news about the Georgia flooding. Totally devastating for those who are in the affected areas. I can't imagine 10-20 inches of rain in just a few days and the long-term damage that it's doing.

  23. Thanks, Tina! And I want to thank you again for the amazing, above-the-call-of-duty hospitality the Seekers received from you and your husband! You're awesome!

  24. Thanks, Rose! Still seems like a dream!

    Pretty exciting that Love Inspired is increasing lines in the middle of an economic down-turn, but I understand that the Steeple Hill lines are doing very well. They're affordable and about home & family & faith, which appeals to many readers with so much uncertainty surrounding us right now. So it's a great time to get your foot in the door with Love Inspired!

  25. Cara -- yes, we were SO blessed with the great weather. As cold & wet as it is there today, it's hard to believe several of the Seekers ventured out to the state capitol and the Molly Brown home on Thursday. Such a perfect weather day!

  26. Julie -- I loved meeting you, too! Amazing how after 4 years of behind the scenes "looping" that I felt like I've known all of your forever even though I hadn't met many Seekers in person until last week.

    So glad you enjoyed my book!! I had so much fun writing it and I'm digging in now to finish up the second one also set in the fictional Canyon Springs, Arizona so I'll have a 2010 release.

  27. Thanks, Cathy! Yes, it's amazing to say "my editor." I have to be honest, though, that it still hasn't sunk in. I mean, I went to a Love Inspired authors dinner and a Steeple Hill authors meet & greet and kept expecting someone to escort me out for "crashing". :)

  28. All -- I'll be out-of-pocket for awhile, but will check in later in the day!

  29. Hi, Glynna! It was so fun getting to meet you and talk with you a little bit at the conference! I absolutely loved meeting you all. I felt like I'd sneaked into an exclusive celebrity party, but you all made me feel welcome. :-)

    This is good information about Love Inspired. Thanks for sharing!

  30. Phoenix? Hey, do you want to come for coffee?

  31. Great post, Glynna.

    It was fun meeting Tina. Although with two Tina's in our group I wasn't always sure who we were talking about. But I was very tired.

    And ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!


  32. Walt if the waiting really killed you the earth would be littered with the bodies of aspiring writers.

    Bitter truth is the waiting will NOT kill you. So you've just got to keep waiting. Alive.

  33. Congrats on your new book, Glynna!

    Question: Do you know if your manuscript must be complete before you send in the first 3 chaps and synopsis to SH?

  34. Congrats Glynna on the upcoming release. Thanks for a great summary to point those of us who weren't there in the right direction.

  35. Glynna: It was so much fun hunting all you Seekers down at conference to get smiley faces for my treasure map. You all are amazing. I'm so excited for you with your first book coming out soon. I'd love to win it.

    nvgrams at yahoo dot com

  36. Thanks for sharing. I'm esp. excited about the historical info, since I have one languishing. LOL

  37. Generous of you to share this info from the conference, for those of us who couldn't be there. Thank you!

    lauramctx at yahoo

  38. Wow...great post!! Also, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I have seen that your book was coming out this month and have been very excited about it : )

    Your post was so informative. I unfortunately could not be at the conference and I was happy to hear something that you learned about while participating.

    I LOVED that they increased the LIR books to 6 per month. I adore them all. 4 LIS is great(maybe they'll up those too!!). I'm sure that the LIH are great, but I have not read any of them yet. The only place that carries the LI books around me is Walmart. They don't tend to carry the LIHs ever : ( Also, when they're out...they're out. They don't usually get another shipment in. Luckily, the new months books usually come in around 1 week before the month starts. So, I can get a headstart on my month's reading! Lol...

    Sorry for such a long comment : / But once again congrats! Great post! And I'd love to be entered into the contest!


  39. Glynna--Congratulations on your soon-to-be-released book. Awesome! I know it's an answer to pray for you as a contract would be for all of us. The ACFW conference was amazing because of the way the Lord guided my footsteps through the whole thing. I'm coming away believing it's better to find an agent first. They're responding to my queries much faster (two days instead of three months!) I'm excited about all the Lord has in store for all of us. Thank you for sharing insights into the Love Inspired genre. My work won't fit there, but the Christian publishing arena is a wide field. Blessings!

  40. Melanie -- a celebrity party? Oooh, that makes us feel SPECIAL! So much fun seeing you in REAL life!

  41. Hi Jenny! You're a Phoenician, are you!? I fly into there but live hours away. Are you planning to go to Desert Dreams in April?

  42. Glynna,
    So wonderful finally meeting you!!! You're a doll!!! Great post today with lots of good info.

    I keep thinking about Tina's LIS comment. She wants an exciting, suspenseful opening -- something that makes the reader sit up and take note.

    Medievals for historicals? Melissa always talked about wanting to see them. She also wanted more Biblical stories.

  43. One more thing, Tina is looking for new authors so get your manuscripts ready and submit!

    Good luck, everyone!

  44. Thanks, Carla! You know, I don't think that question came up at the spotlight session. But I'd recommend having it done unless you're a SUPER fast writer. If they like your proposal and have a slot open, they'll ask to see a full and you'd want to deliver it in record time. I do know they won't offer a contract based on a proposal alone from a new author--even Love Inspired writers who haven't written at least two for them must have a book done before they'll offer a contract.

  45. Hi, Mary! Thanks for popping in! Sure did love getting to FINALLY meet you in Denver!

  46. Thanks, Patricia! It was a really informative session and Tina is SO nice!

  47. Hi Connie! I loved Tina's treasure map idea. Such a great way for us all to find each other!

  48. Jessica -- Get that historical out and brush off the dust! This may be an open door!

  49. Laura in Texas (what part of Texas?)-- glad you found the info helpful. When I was at the session I just knew I had to report back to our friends in Seekerville!

  50. Thanks for the congrats, Hannah! Tonight I stopped by the local Hastings store to solidify a date for a booksigning--and lo and behold they have my book on the shelves already! WOW!

  51. Thanks for the congratulations, A.A.! I think you're on the right track to look for an agent first. Pretty much only Love Inspired and Barbour are contracting non-agented writers. Anyone know of any others who don't require agents?

  52. Thanks for stopping in Debby with some more "spotlight" info! LOVED meeting you!

    And I'm with you -- Friends of Seekerville get those proposals submitted ASAP!

  53. Glynna, what a great recap of the Spotlight! I'll bet you write a great synopsis, too : )

    So much fun finally meeting you face to face! You were the only Seeker sister I'd only talked to online. Why did we wait so long??

    Interesting tidbit on all the editors needing to read the first chapters to get some feel of the gotcha degree. Makes you feel like you're really writing for an audience.

    Glad I loved our state; your debut book described AZ beautifully.

    Loved it.

  54. Hi Audra! Don't exactly think I write a great synopsis, but apparently it did the job and squeaked me in! To me, synopsis writing is 10 times harder than writing the whole book!

    Do any of you Seekers or Friends of Seekerville LIKE writing a synopsis???

  55. Wow!! That is so cool! I can only imagine how exciting it must be to see YOUR book on shelves in actual stores : O
    Great, you lucky duck!

  56. Glynna, I'm so sorry I'm late to this wonderful party!!!

    And your book. Oh my stars, such a sweet, wonderful, beautifully written book. I LOVED it from start to finish and am honored to call you my bud. My friend.

    Awesome work, lady. Totally.

    Now I'm going to read comments on this lovely blog and sip coffee, enjoying your thrust into the publishing arena!


  57. Glynna, I live in Greenville but work in Dallas.

  58. Great recap, Glynna!It was so nice to FINALLY meet you in person!!! :)

  59. Debra, thanks for the prayers for the flood victims. My area and Debby's area are fine, but other around Atlanta are in such bad shape. 10 have died so far. So, so sad.

  60. I also meant ot say that I finished Glynna's book and LOVED it! Y'all need to get it!!

  61. Laura in Texas -- okay, I know where Greenville is. Used to go through there on my way to see family southeast of Dallas.

  62. Ruthy -- you're forgiven for being late to the party! So glad you enjoyed Dreaming of Home! I got an email last night from Nebraska relatives and they'd gotten their order. Cheryl St. John has a friend who saw it at an airforce base in Nebraska, too. So I guess this is a REAL book, not just a figment of my imagination!

  63. Hi, Missy! So much fun to meet you at long last -- and so glad you loved my book!! :)

  64.'s barely past 6 in the morning and 63 comments you people write all night?? Anyway, thanks Glynna for the Steeple Hill notes. Maybe my dream of writing for them will yet become reality. dakotarose at goldenwest dot netty I'd leave an identity, but cannot get anything to open this early...not even my eyes.
