Sunday, September 20, 2009

Seekerville Weekend -Post Conference Edition

Congratulations to the Genesis and BOTY finalists and winners!

Book of the Year Winners

Debut Author

Julie Lessman, A Passion Most Pure


Rachel Hauck, Sweet Caroline

Long Contemporary

Sharon Hinck, Symphony of Secrets

Long Contemporary Romance

Elizabeth White, Controlling Interest

Long Historical

Cathy Gohlke, I Have Seen Him in the Watchfires
Kim Vogel Sawyer, My Heart Remembers


Nancy Mehl, For Whom the Wedding Bell Tolls


Rhonda Gibson, Stuck on You

Short Contemporary

Kathryn Springer, Family Treasures

Short Contemporary Suspense

Pamela Tracy, Broken Lullaby

Short Historical

Dorothy Clark, Family of the Heart


Sharon Hinck, The Restorer's Journey


John B. Olson, Fossil Hunter

Women's Fiction

Susan Meissner, The Shape of Mercy

Young Adult

Jenny B. Jones, The Big Picture

Christy LaShea Smith

Genesis Winners

Contemporary Fiction

Jennifer Griffith, Magpies in Trees

Contemporary Romance

Christy LaShea Smith, The Bridge In Between
Historical Fiction

Christine Schmidke, Unveiled

Historical Romance

Lacy Williams, Marrying Miss Marshall


Alan Schleimer, Q.doc

Romantic Suspense

Janet Warren, Katherine Octavia, C.I.A

Sci-Fi/Fantasy Allegory

David Fry, Lies to See

Women's Fiction

Cathleen Armstrong, The Church of the Last Chance

Young Adult

Gretchen Hoffman, Rewind

Lacy Williams

More Fun Conference Photos!

Cara, Janet, Glynna, Debby and Darlene Bucholtz

Debby , Editor Tina James, Missy, Janet, Glynna

Pam, Editor Tina James, Camy

Pamela Tracy, Debby

Anita Mae Draper and Carol Steward

Myra, Erica Vetsch, Sandra

Pammers and Unsuspecting Cheryl

Jessica Nelson (below)

Ruth and Missy

Sandra and Carla Stewart (below)

Melanie Dickerson in LoDo (Lower Downtown Denver)

Mary and Denice Stewart

Hope you enjoy the photos!

Don't forget to mail in your Treasure Map
Deadline for the Treasure Hunt is October 1.

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: Belle Books editor, and New York Times best selling author Deborah Smith Seekerville extravaganza. Deb is also giving away a dozen books!!

Tuesday: Private Eye Duo, Colleen Collins and Shaun Kaufman are sleuthing in Seekerville. They're bringing goodies too!

Love Inspired Debut author, Glynna Kaye will be hosting, and giving away a copy of her October release,
Dreaming of Home.

Seeker Cara Lynn James, who writes for Thomas Nelson, will be posting today.

Friday: Our guest is Love Inspired Historical author, Winnie Griggs.


  1. Great pictures! Thanks so much for sharing the conference with those of us who weren't able to attend.

    Patty Hall

  2. GREAT pictures. Thanks for telling us what happened at conference. It's nice to see the people who are there and how much fun they are having.

    Blessings to you, thanks again for the post.

    Nora Stlaurent
    Finding Hope Through Fiction

  3. Happy Sunday!!! Just took Missy to the airport. Gorgeous Denver day.

    Debby is next.

    Safe flight prayers for all.

  4. Awwww, Great pics!! LOve the one of Cheryl... heeheee. She didn't know, huh?

    It was so wonderful to meet all of you. You're all so sweet and kind.

    Thanks Tina! (for posting, though you can take mine down if you want because my hair looks really funny with my forehead *snort*)

    Have a great day! I'm at the airport too.

  5. Aha! Now I'll get my congrats right ;-) Congratulations, Julie and all the finalists.

    Tina, you are awesome. Thanks for keeping all of us informed and the pictures are wonderful. I feel like I know you all better now.

  6. Thanks for posting pictures! I love to live vicariously through others with this overactive imagination of mine! :)

  7. Congratulations to all the winners but especially Julie! Woohoo!!!

    Thank you Seekerville for the warm welcome you once again extended to this Canuck. I thoroughly enjoyed all the time I spent with you. In fact, I'd rather spend time you y'all than sleep which can be attested by my blurry, baggy eyes. :)

  8. Tina! You are so on top of things! For all the late nights we shared with Ruthy (mega slumber party at Tina's house) you STILL posted a weekend edition.

    I stand in awe : )

    Congratulations Julie, Miss Edgy herself, and all the winners we know and love who visit Seekerville! It was great to meet so many of you and put real face and personalities with names : ) You guys made my conference!

    Safe trip home, everyone.

  9. Congratulations Julie!! :)

    Looks like a fabulous time was had by all! What fun photos. Thank you for sharing your trip with us :)

  10. The pictures are great, except for the monster accosting Cheryl.

    I DO have to say said monster has great (as in nice, not big) teeth though.

  11. This is so funny.

    Anita Mae is posting comments from the lobby (nice comfy chairs btw) and I'm posting comments from the atrium (more nice comfy chairs and couches).

    I've had a nap and feel so much better now, so thought I'd pop down to the lobby and check email, catch up on Seekerville, and text my young'uns.

  12. Congratulations to all the winners! From the pictures it looks like you guys had a total blast!!! What fun!

    XOXO~ Renee

  13. great pictures, so proud for all the winners and ever the ones that didn't win, to be an author would be the greatest.


  14. Oh mylanta, you guys rock!!!

    I hope next year you can all come along to either RWA or ACFW or a regional conference. There's lots of good ones, good, solid programs, strong editors and agents.

    Save those pennies, keep writing, focus, focus, focus...

    and pray. Give it to God. ESPECIALLY when you think you've got it well in hand.

    I had so much fun meeting so many of you guys!!! Thank you so much for hanging with us, marking time, sharing stories. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.

    Our visitors, buddies, fellow writers and friends are what MAKE Seekerville.

    Oh, and making fun of Mary. Just because we can. I mean, seriously, WHY WOULDN'T YOU?????


    Time for sleep. Gotta hit the ground running. Visit Deb Smith right here in Seekerville. If you go to my profile on Blogger, you'll see that she's on my favorite author list, that her Sweet Hush is my all time favorite book, I've read it so many times that it's worse than dog-eared, it's dog-nibbled and rained on and it doesn't matter.

    It touched my heart, but more about that tomorrow.

    Love you guys.


  15. Awww, Gee, thanks for posting my picture, Seekers! You ladies were so much fun to hang out with and it was good to meet so many of you I had only "knew" through the blog! Congrats to all the winners and the finalists!

  16. Oh Gosh, how embarrassing... I meant to say it was good to meet all of you I "knew" through visiting/lurking on this blog.

    How could I have won Genesis with that grammar???? Oh well!

    Great pics, LOL, what a wonderful time!

  17. This was the greatest conference ever! So much fun hanging out with the Seekers. And when Julie Lessman won for best first novel, I whooped and clapped and cried. It was so great!

  18. Such a WONDERFUL TIME! It was a delight to meet you all. Ruthy, I'm so sorry I didn't get to see you.

    How many days until the next conference?

  19. You guys made the conference seem a little bit more real for those of us who didn't attend.



  20. The Seeker world rocks. Thanks so much for letting me "hang" with you--for the camaraderie and laughs.

    Ruthy is such a NICE, LOVELY person in real life - how rich to finally hear "Oh Mylanta" in person.

    Julie - a huge congrats on the Debut Novel BOTY win. My heart rejoices with you!

    Christy, you are amazing (grammar aside) - I was so proud of you. You were radiant!

    Thanks to all of you for your friendship and laughs.

  21. What a wonderful time! I'm so thrilled for Julie! And Christy! And all the others. Thanks for posting more photos, Tina. Except, my goodness, look at my photo in the red top. My hair didn't know what to do with a total lack of humidity. I look like I have wings and my hair is about to fly away off my head!!

    My skin is happy to be back in Georgia, slurping in all the moisture. :)

  22. Sounds like such a fun time! Wish I could have been there, but the pictures made me feel like I was. I'm telling you...closer to Vermont next time, closer to Vermont....
    Hannah : )

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