Friday, March 5, 2010

March Contest Update

March is the month to get in touch with your inner lion.
Be brave and enter a contest. You can do it!

And here's the Cowardly Lion song for Pepper!

As we wait for the 2010 RWA RITA and Golden Heart results to be announced on March 25th, it's time to prepare for a busy month of contests.

First, stop over at Chocolate Reality for a short and sweet contest to gauge your opening hook. Several Seekers are judging and it's free. Contest ends Saturday night, March 6th. What do you have to lose?

Today the prize vault is open and were giving away a little souvenir from Unpubbed Island to inspire you on your journey. One commenter today will receive a necklace created by Danikamon over at

Unpublished Contests

Romance Through the Ages Contest.
Deadline extended to March 8. Participation is open to both published and unpublished authors. Electronic submissions only. The contest entry shall consist of ONE (1) copy of the opening of the manuscript (including any prologue) not to exceed 30 pages. The contest entry shall also include a 1-2 page unjudged synopsis. Unjudged synopsis may be single or double-spaced.

Ancient/Medieval/Renaissance: Kevan Lyon, Marsal Lyon Literary Agency

Georgian/Regency/Victorian: Barbara Poelle, Irene Goodman Agency

Colonial/Western/Civil War: Deb Werksman, Sourcebooks

Post-Victorian-World War 2: Laurie M. Rausch, Samhain Publishing

Time Travel/Paranormal: Alicia Condon, Kensington

Historical Erotic: Audrey LaFehr, Kensington Books

Legend Award: Esi Sogah, Morrow/Avon Books

The Duel on the Delta: Entries must be received via e-mail by March 15, 2010 at Midnight CST. Contest entry includes the first fifteen (15) pages. You may include an optional one-page, single-spaced synopsis. The synopsis will not be judged, but may be used as a reference to answer questions that arise during judging. Romantic Suspense - Deb Werksman, Sourcebooks, Inc.
Categories and Final Judges:
Contemporary - J.L. Stermer, Donald Maass Literary Agency
Paranormal - Laurie Rauch, Samhain Publishing
Historical - Deborah Nemeth, Carina Press
Young Adult - Danielle Rose Poisez, Gallery/Pocket Books
Inspirational - Ami McConnell, Thomas Nelson
Mainstream - Angela James, Carina Press

The Daphne du Maurier Award: The 2010 contest is now open for entries. This is an all electronic contest. The contest is open to any writer who has never been contracted in book-length fiction (40,000 words or more) from any publisher. Any manuscript that has previously finaled in the Daphne including honorable mentions is not eligible for entry again.
There is no limit to the number of entries per author, but each entry may be entered in ONLY ONE category. Membership in Romance Writers of America ® and/or MRSRWA is not a requirement for entry. Contest entries will no longer be accepted after midnight, 3/15/2010 Mountain time. Entry includes the first chapter (5,000 words) and synopsis (675 words). No more than 27 pages total.

Final Round Judges have agreed to judge on the first fifteen pages (15 pages) of the entry. The additional ten pages are for final round judges who wish to continue reading.

Categories & Final Round Judges

Category (Series) Romantic Mystery/Suspense:Patience Smith, Silhouette Intimate Moments & Michelle Grajkowski, Three Seas Literary Agency

Historical Romantic Mystery/Suspense: Alex Logan, Grand Central Publishing & Kevin Lyon, Marsal Lyon Literary Agency

Inspirational Romantic/Mystery/Suspense: Caleb Sjogren, Tyndale House Publishers & Steve Laube Agency
Paranormal (PTTF) Romantic/Mystery/Suspense:Heather Osborn, Tor/Forge & Paige Wheeler, Folio Literary Management

Single Title Romantic/Mystery/Suspense: Margaret Marbury, MIRA/HQN & Stephanie Maclean, Trident Media Group

Mainstream Mystery/Suspense (Romance Optional)
Toni Plummer, St. Martin's/Thomas Dunne & Stacia Decker, Donald Maass Literary Agency

Spring Into Romance. Deadline March 19. One of the few non electronic contests. Entry consists of the first 25 pages.
Contemporary Series/Category Romance: Jenny Hutton, Mills & Boon
Contemporary Single Title Romance: Leis Pederson, Berkley Publishing Group
Suspense/Adventure Romance: Jill Marsal, Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
Novel w/Strong Romantic Elements/Mainstream: Adam Wilson, MIRA Books
Historical Romance: TBA
Paranormal Romance: Megan Records, Kensington
Young Adult Romance: Laura Bradford, Bradford Literary Agency

Touch of Magic. Deadline for this all electronic contest is March 20. Touch of Magic has lowered their entry fees!! First twenty-five pages and a synopsis of no great than three pages. Some of the categories and rules have also changed, so read carefully. Categories include: Romantic Suspense -Young Adult -Historical -Paranormal -NSRE -Erotic Romance -Short Contemporary- Single Title . Judges not listed.

ACFW Genesis Contest is now open to entries! Deadline for this all electronic contest is March 31st, 8:00 am PST. The 2010 ACFW Genesis Contest is open to ACFW members unpublished in adult or young adult fiction in the last seven years. The entrant must submit the first 15 pages of their manuscript, double-spaced, and may include an optional one-page single-spaced synopsis. The manuscript and the synopsis must be in the same file, not in two different files.

Categories and Final Judges:

Contemporary Fiction: Beth Adams (editor, Guideposts), Stephanie Broene (editor, Tyndale), Barbara Scott (editor, Abingdon Press)

Contemporary Romance: Melissa Endlich (editor, Steeple Hill), Ami McConnell (editor, Thomas Nelson), JoAnne Simmons (editor, Barbour)

Historical Fiction: Janet Grant (agent, Books and Such Literary), Sarah Long (editor, Bethany House), Tamela Hancock Murray (agent, Hartline Literary)

Historical Romance: Natalie Hanemann (editor, Thomas Nelson), Charlene Patterson (editor, Bethany House), Emily Rodmell (editor, Steeple Hill)

Mystery/Suspense/Thriller: Sandra Bishop (agent, MacGregor Literary), Susan Brower (editor, Zondervan), Jan Stob (editor, Tyndale)

Romantic Suspense: Susan Downs (editor, Summerside Press), Tina James (editor, Steeple Hill), David Long (editor, Bethany House)

Speculative Fiction: Jeff Gerke (publisher, Marcher Lord Press), Julie Gwinn (Fiction Marketing Manager, B&H), Annie Tipton (editor, Barbour)

Women's Fiction: Rachelle Gardner (agent, Wordserve Literary), Natasha Kern (agent, Natasha Kern Literary), Raela Schoenherr (editor, Bethany House)

Young Adult: Jacque Alberta (editor, Zonderkidz), Terry Burns (agent, Hartline Literary), Rachel Zurakowski (agent, Books and Such Literary)

The Golden Acorn. Electronic only contest. You may reserve your spot via Paypal and then have up to March 31 to send you entry in. Entry consists of the first 20 pages of your work and 1 synopsis up to 5 pages double spaced. The synopsis will not be judged.
Contemporary Series Romance: Lucy Gilmour, Harlequin
Contemporary Single Title: Shauna Summers, Random House
Paranormal: Megan Records, Kensington
Historical: Sally Williamson, Harlequin

Touched By Love. An inspirational romance contest. Deadline April 1st. Categories: Short Contemporary (under 75, 000 words), Long Contemporary (over 75,000 words) and Historical. An entry consists of up to the first 30 pages of an unpublished manuscript and an unjudged synopsis (no more than two pages double-spaced). Finalists will receive the opportunity to have their entry judged by five published inspirational authors. The winner will be announced at the 2010 RWA National Conference. There will be three finalists in the three categories. There will be a winner in each category and an overall winner from the three categories.

27th Annual Orange Rose Contest for Unpublished Writers. Limited to the first 150 entries. Deadline is April 10. Submit synopsis and manuscript up to 55 pages total. Electronic Entry for Non U.S. Resident RWA Members only.This contest offers three in-depth critiques by published authors. The Top 10 finalists are judged by Editors.The contest is open to any writer meeting the following criteria: Must be a member in good standing of RWA National-Has not published or been contracted in book length fiction in the last five years-The entry must have a projected minimum length of 50,000 words.The categories are:Contemporary Category Romance, Historical, Inspirational,Mainstream w/Romantic Elements,Paranormal/Time Travel/Fantasy,Romantic Suspense, Single Title Romance (over 70,000 words),Erotic Romance. Finalist judges not listed. (Read the rules carefully for this contest. Orange Rose finalists are chosen by overall score NOT by category.)

The 26th Annual Colorado Gold Writing Contest. Contest opens April 1 and the deadline is June 1. Submission is the first twenty pages and a synopsis. Categories include: romance, mystery, speculative fiction, action/thriller and mainstream fiction. Five category winners receive a $100 dollar prize. Final judge is an acquiring agent or editor. Check out the website for a contest instruction video!

Published Contests

2010 Daphne Du Maurier Award, Published. The contest is open to those published in book-length fiction. There is no limit to the number of entries per author or per category, but each book may only be entered in one category and must have a 2008 copyright. Membership in Romance Writers of America and/or MRSRWA (KOD) is not required. Received by Mar 15, 2010.

More Than Magic: The deadline for entry is DEADLINE EXTENDED TO March 15, books received by March 22. The grand prize is the cash equivalent of the RWA national conference fee - $300-plus. New for this year: we’re accepting e-book entries as e-books!

Entries are low in:
Romantic Comedy (Chick Lit)
Sensual Contemporary
Sweet Contemporary
& Single Title

2009 ACFW Book of the Year Award .The contest is open to published ACFW members in good standing. An author can join ACFW at the time of entry by filling out a membership application and submitting the application along with the membership dues. All contest entry information and appropriate fees must be received by the contest coordinator no later than March 31, 2010.

The Beacon Published Division. Deadline April 1st. Contest open to books published between Jan 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009. Categories:
Contemporary Series Romance (all except Suspense/Adventure)
Contemporary Single Title Romance
Historical Romance/Regency Historical Romance
Inspirational Romance
Futuristic/Fantasy/Paranormal Romance
Romantic Suspense/Contemporary Series Romance Suspense/Adventure
Novel with Strong Romantic Elements
Young Adult Romance
Romance Novella
Erotic Romance
Best First Book (No fee or extra books required for entries that qualify. See entry form.)

Just For Fun!

2010 Family Circle Fiction Contest. Submit an original (written by entrant), fiction short story of no more than 2,500 words, typed on 8-1/2x11paper. Entries must be unpublished and may not have won any prize or award. Up to two (2) entries per person will be accepted but each entry must be a unique short story. No group entries. Contest begins March 1, 2010 and ends September 8, 2010. Lots of awesome prizes!!


  1. In other words, Spring = Contest Season.

    Thanks for compiling them all!

    My word verification is


    clearly the Greek word for 'there are so many contests, surely one is right for you'

  2. Wow! There are so many contests this month! How do you go about picking one or two? What guidelines are there for choosing what contests to enter? Flip a coin? ;)

  3. Wait a minute. If this is Tina and this is contest update, then do I have to go to work today or not?

    Sherrinda, I think your decision should be based on what you'd like to get out of the contest. Do you just want feedback? Do you want to try out a synopsis? Are you looking to get your work in front of a certain editor or agent? Most contests now have a sample scoresheet, so that might help your decision, too.

  4. Thanks Tina. Always so nice to have this compiled in one place.

    Best wishes everyone. Get those entries out there. Its a great way to get feedback and if you final, your work goes immediately past the slush pile to an editor's desk.

    Sherrinda, the best is to find the contest that has a judge from the publishing house you are targeting.

  5. Tina, you do such a good job on finding pictures and writing captions to fit your blogs!

    Thanks for the contest updates, I saw a couple I'm going to check out.

    Happy Friday. I brought hot tea and strong coffee.


  6. Oh man, Tina, contest updates just get my blood flowing something fierce. I suppose it's the contest diva in each of us that lusts after just one more judge's comment ... one more final ... one more win, says Julie with a twitch in her eye. But alas, I've already spent most of my contest money by now ...

    And Sandra said: Its a great way to get feedback and if you final, your work goes immediately past the slush pile to an editor's desk.

    Oh, AMEN to that! I know I've mentioned this story more than once, but it bears repeating:

    My unagented submission sent AFTER a request at a conference sat in my editor's slush pile for about three years and was STILL sitting there, gathering dust, UNREAD AND UNTOUCHED, when she contracted my first three books via my agent.

    So after an agent, I think contests are the #1 way to get noticed and eventually published. AND it was a contest that led me to my agent, which ultimately led to my publisher and publication.

    Thanks, Tina, for the great update.


  7. It is definitely contest season, isn't it? Awesome list, Tina!!! Brings back memories.

    It's so funny, but I dreamed about Tina and Audra last night! LOL! We were backstage at a game show (sort of like a contest, huh?) and Antonio Banderas was there! So weird ... weird but true ... true that I dreamed it, not that it really happened.

  8. Julie
    Surely you meant to be encouraging but... wow. 3 years huh... wow. That whole overnight success thing is overrated isn't it? ;D

    Tina, thanks for all your hard work gathering the info. Not sure if mine fits into any of these but will review a couple and see.

    Thank you all.

    What else is in the prize vault? Looks like a Capt Jack treasure for sure. This one is a keeper!

    Debra - my word is pyrosi... Hmmm

  9. Do they have any for in between authors? You know you're contracted so you're not unpubbed anymore and your book isn't out yet either. Just wonderfying it

  10. Hey, KC, now keep in mind that that's not EVERY editor that does that, but mine certainly did. The bottom line is that if you give it your all -- honing your craft, entering contests, networking and PRAYER, God has His perfect plan for your writing, whether it takes three years or thirty. But I use that story to tell aspiring writers that I would go for an agent first, publisher second.

    And, Melanie ... ANTONIO BANDERAS??? Why wasn't I invited to this dream?? I'll warn you right now, girl, that if you dream about David James Elliott form JAG, you BEST have me in that dream too, fair warning! :)


  11. Good morning Seekerville brave writers. Yes lots spring contests. But there will be a lull in summer and then it gets hot again at the end of summer.

    So enter now!!! YOU CAN DO IT

  12. Rose, thank you. Coffee with real cream!!!

    I slept in today. I am home. Debra you must go to work.

  13. No, Tina Pinson. You and I get to enter the short story contest.

    Nice prizes!!!

  14. Sherrinda, look for the ones who offer great jewelry as a prize.

    Just kidding!! :) Although the Maggie and Laurie and Jasmine medallions are beautiful! ;) I never did get any of those cute dueling pistols, though. [grin]

    Actually, I usually just targeted particular editor/publishing house judges.

  15. Gol Miss T -- But I'm just too long on words to do short LOL

  16. Great contest update, Tina! Entering isn't a matter of courage for me. More a matter of cash. But I'm tempted by two pubbed contests I've never entered. Need to check my wallet.

    I didn't sell from a contest, but my name was no doubt familiar to Steeple Hill editors, especially after two Golden Heart finals. So when they opened the Love Inspired Historical line name recognition may have helped get my manuscript read as fast as it was. Read and sold!

    Antonio Banderas! Be still my heart! Wish I'd have been in your dream, Melanie! But if not me, I'm happy for Tina and Audra.


  17. Melanie, I am worried that we are in your dreams.

    Sherrinda, Helen Gray asked me similar questions in the Weekend Villainess Edition.

    Here is my answer edited for your question:

    Helen, there are quite a few good posts on contests and I of course will mention only mine, Staging Your Manuscript, Pimp Your Contest Entry and Marlena Fortune discusses contests too.

    And from an interview with Marlena:

    TR: A very concerned reader asks about the possibility that a manuscript entered in several contests with different judges is requested by multiple judges. She further asks if it would be better to wait until the results are in on one contest before entering the same manuscript in another.

    MF: Darling, sit down. We need to chat. The concept of refusing to allow multiple submissions, is not a practice that is for your convenience. Contests are the one venue where you the writer who is not agented have a measure of freedom from these ridiculous practices. There are only two scenarios where you should wait until the results are in before entering a manuscript in the next contest. One would be you are serving 20 to life in the state pen and have a lot of time on your hands. Two would be you aren't very bright. I will assume that since you are in Seekerville, neither applies.

    In my opinion on the topic of contests, and as a two time GH finalist, a two time Maggie winner, three time Heart of the Rockies winner and winner in the Touched By Love, Put Your Heart in A Book, Desert Dreams, First Impressions, Ticket To Write, Lone Star, Winter Rose, Stepping Stone, Laurie, NEORWA, Golden Acorn Barclay and Linda Howard Award of Excellence...

    I know contests.

    First you have to have a plan.

    Why are you entering? Figure out why and you know what you have to do.

    Reasons to enter

    1. critique/feedback
    2. editor's attention.
    3. agent's attention
    4. keep your name out there/PR
    5. the prizes

    Then you keep entering until you reach your goal or you give up on that manuscript.

    At some point you will feel you have saturated the contest circuit with your manuscript and if you have not reached your goal then you must find a non contest way to reach your goal.

    Contests are a great way to avoid the long turn around times of a slush pile..a great way to get feedback if you have no critique group. Just don't fall into the habit of entering lots of unfinished manuscripts..which is why the GH is so helpful as the Genesis. The msc should be completed.

    And on the downside. I entered the Genesis three times last year and didn't final. Some days nobody loves you.

    And I entered contests Melissa Endlich was judging many times. Twice in 2003 I even got requests and she moved to another line.

    Go figure.

    I finally had to bite the bullet and submit the old fashioned way and sold.

    Contests as Julie said are not the only or the best route to an editor or agent's desk but they are a valid option if you PLAN.

    Any questions?

  18. The sad part is, I'm not an Antonio Banderas fan at all! I don't understand why I couldn't have dreamed about Richard Armitage, since I just finished watching North and South and daydreaming about him, or maybe Colin Firth! Or Cary Elwes the way he looked in The Princess Bride!

    Okay, I'll stop there.

  19. Did you just watch Shrek? Or an Allegra commercial? Isn't Antonio the bee in that commercial.

    Pretty unfair. If you are going to dream it might as well be someone sigh worthy.

  20. Well, Tina, it was good seeing you and Audra anyway. Even if I can't really sigh over you! :-)

  21. Julie, you're a DJE fan??????? Pitter patter goes my little heart!! I LOVED Jag, which is probably why I'm addicted to NCIS. Sigh. DJE and Mark Harmon...oh my.

    I used to hang out on a message board for JAG and met some great people. I'm still very close to two girls after 10 years of meeting them...and they're both online. One I've met in person several times, but I've never met the other one.

    So funny the things we learn about other writers...

    Um, this post has nothing to do with contests so I'd better mention I'm going to try and enter the Genesis if I can get the first 15 pages written and polished before the end of the month.

  22. Thanks for the contest list ladies! I should get on my brave shoes and go check some out. Happy Friday!

  23. Wow! So many great contests. It would be hard to choose. I wish all those entering the best. Here's to helpful feedback, finals, and requests for fulls.

  24. Best wishes to all who enter the contests! I hope you win! :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  25. It really is hard to go cold turkey once you quit contests.

    I am eating chocolate right now.

  26. It's a busy contest month! I've been M.I.A. around here because I'm feverishly tweaking my Genesis entry (and taking online classes in the process, which keeps giving me more to tweak). I have a feeling I'll be fiddling with this thing until I hit the send button. *sigh* If only I could give up my perfectionist ways for a day.

  27. Tina:

    I was here minutes after you posted, but I kept quiet because I'm feeling self-conscious being the first name invading your space so often.

    I think Marlene Fortune would be proud of me. I've been blitzing the contest circuit. Well, so far as the budget will allow.

    I allow myself one or two per month. Last month I did three.

    I've got two more about ready to go, but am waiting a bit so they can go in next month's budget quota.

    Thanks for keeping us on our toes.


  28. Oh my stars, GREAT contest update, Teenster.

    And yes, the itch continues. I have to sit on my hands because I'm not eligible this year, it's a 'tween' year which is a good time to save money. Spend it on having fun at RWA in Nashville...

    Can you say: Country-singin' cowboy rodeo????

    Oh mylanta, be still my heart!!!

    I'm doing a second round of coffee. I was the guest author at a Read Across America this AM with an elementary school. Amazing and fun... 7 classes X 35 minutes of Ruthy talking about being an author, listening to the 'true' author within, God's voice, our uniqueness, our mission as HE sees it....

    Oh my stars and NO ONE fell asleep.

    Of course I threatened them. :)

    Yeah, I smile NOW... But I meant it. And kids have a way of knowing who'll follow through and who's blowin' sunshine at them.

    I love that contests helped the door toward publication AND that Winter's End got TOTALLY DISSED in some contests where judges told me I'd never sell a book about death and hospice.

    They were wrong.

    Vindication is sweet.

    But I got a couple of real good critiquest too, and some nods of approval from published authors that said "It's fresh, it's different, it's unique... Go for it."

    I have Gloria Jean's Butter Toffee coffee here. Try it. Addictive. Hot. Sweet.

    Like me.


    Time to breathe before afternoon kids arrive in 8 minutes.


  29. Helen, someone has to make the coffee. You should never let being first bother you. We love you!!!

    Proud of you for being so brave too.


  30. Since I have now had two contest coordinators email me and say, "We never received your submission..."

    I've decided that maybe entering contest is just one thing too many.

    Do any of you remember that juggler who'd juggle three different things? I remember a phone and a frozen chicken and...can't remember what else. It was funny because it's always the same thing as a rule.

    Well I'm juggling a burning firecracker, a meat cleaver and a rattlesnake these days.

    So maybe adding contests into a great idea.

  31. Sarah, you are inspiring. Good for you.

  32. See Mary a few months ago I would have thought you were being funny...but now after a glimpse into the world of a pubbed author..sigh...I know you mean it and I can only steer clear of falling meat cleavers.

  33. So maybe adding contests into a great idea.

    I MEAN:
    So maybe adding contests isn't a great idea.

  34. Sadly, we translated it already. We all speak Mary here.

  35. Ahhh... Antonio...

    Tina knows I'm supposed to be vacuuming but we've been having fun eating chocolate.

    I just wanted to see if she was over here and she was. Drat. Now I have no further excuses.

    Thx for the encouragement Julie. I'm with you 100%. It's His book to do with as He wills.

    Will there be any time to rendezvous when y'all are in Nashville if I'm not attending the conference? We're not TOO far away. I could come there or... y'all could come here too, if it worked out!

    Could be dangerous though.

  36. Ruthy:

    You might give me a passing grade today. I made a big pan of lasagna and a red velvet cake. Not virtual. The real thing.

    Or maybe you're not speaking to me. Last time I addressed you I spelled your name Ruthis. Sounds like I was calling you Ruth-less.
    And that AIN'T THE TRUTH.

    I'm right here beside you, girl, ready to take on any meanies who call you mean. You not only gave me a pass on having to bring food, but you'se said some very touching things to me. I am your defender!!!



  37. If I...were KI...NG of the FORE....ST.!!
    Sorry, got caught up in the Cowardly Lion pics.
    So, Tina, are you asking if we only had the nerve to enter these contests? is that it? ;-)
    I'm going to try for the Genesis this year, but take a break from contests for a while. Gotta keep my funds high for ACFW. :-)

    Thanks for great post. If I only had brain, I could think of something clever to say.

  38. Oh...and oreo truffles for everybody. Just finished making a big batch :-)
    since I have the heart, I'll share them

  39. Yes. That is exactly what I am your a lion not a mouse!!

    I added the Cowardly Lion song to the post for you Pepper.

    Click refresh to get the link.

  40. sniff, sniff...
    Tina, that was beautiful.
    I feel braver already.
    Oh to have that mane and Bronx accent...sigh ;-)

    So, who is the er...wizard of Seekerville? Ruthy? ;-)

  41. No dear. I am the Wizard of Seekerville.

    It has to be a person with lots of hot air, so I can understand your confusion.

  42. LOL...
    Oh Mighty Wizard!
    I have the heart and the courage, but I'm lacking the brain power. What do you have in the prize vault for me ;-)

    btw, as an aside, there's a good chance I get to come out to Nashville for a couple of days during RWA. Reserve me a meeting place? ;-)

  43. Woot woot!!! Great news Pepper. Come to the literary signing. In fact anyone who is near Nashville should plan to attend the signing.

    Here is info on it from the RWA site. Many Seekers will be there signing.

    The "Readers for Life" Literacy Autographing has become one of the most popular events at RWA's annual conference. More than 500 romance authors participate in this two-hour autographing event, and each year we raise thousands of dollars, which are donated to ProLiteracy Worldwide. Since 1990, RWA has donated more than $600,000 to literacy charities.

    The 2010 "Readers for Life" Literacy Autographing takes place on Wednesday, July 28, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel. This event is open to the public; there is no admittance charge. Since the proceeds from this event are donated to charity, we ask that you purchase books at the event instead of bringing your own books. (RWA accepts cash, check, or credit/debit cards for book purchases at the event.) If you do bring books, please limit yourself to one or two books and consider making a cash donation to the cause.

  44. Oh my goodness!! So many contests, so little time *grin*

    This really reminds me about all the scholarships I'm entering right now. I recieved a $1000 scholarship yesterday!!!! I have to put up a post on my blog about it....

    I'll be back (thanks for the interesting info!),

  45. It just occurred to me...

    We can't be award-winning unless we enter contests.

    I'm a bit slow, it's obvious...

    WTG Hannah!!!!!! Congratulations on your scholarship.

    Ok - July 28th is officially on my calendar now! :) If you've not been to the Gaylord Opryland, you'll love it.

    (I'm finished vacuuming AND dusting so I treated myself to the island. Any of Helen's lasagna left?)

  46. I love it when you guys bring good food to Seekerville.

    KC you are too right.

    Got rock if you want to roll.

    HAN-NAH!! Congratulations!!

  47. Thanks!!! By the way, what does "WTG" mean? Sorry, I'm pretty slow too *grin*

    I loved Opryland! We got to stay there and it was amazing....

    : )


  48. WTG = WAY TO GO


  49. Ohhhhhhhh....I gotcha!

    : D

    I really couldn't figure that I feel stupid! LOL! I do not even know how I couldn't get it, but lemme tell you, I was sitting here pondering that for the longest time!

    But really thanks. It was the Maida Townsend scholarship which is the Vermont NEA one. It's specifically for kids going into the education field. There were 5 awards given, but mine was for the biggest amount *big grin* It's really exciting!

  50. OMIGOSH, LISA!!! I cannot believe you used to hang out on the message board for JAG -- I am SO jealous!!

    And OH MY, am I a DJE fan, MAJOR!!! In fact, to be honest, it seems a little wrong to lie in bed next to my husband every night while we watch JAG on my computer, me drooling over DJE. But the way I look at it, is at least my hubby reaps the benefits ... :)


  51. Wahoo, Hannah!! Congratulations!!!

    Hoping to see KC and Pepper in Nashville!


  52. A lion in March. I can't think about that old phrase without remembering a comedy skit by John Belushi about how March comes in and leaves countries outside the U.S. (For example, in Canada, March comes in like a polar bear and goes out like a walrus.)

    Entered the chocolate reality contest. Looking at Duel on the Delta. Also considering Genesis, but I haven't decided.

  53. Way to go on the contest circuit,Walt.

    Chocolate is my reality too.

  54. Just got back from watching The Lightning Thief with my 12 year old son. For those unaware, it's a spinoff from Greek mythology in this time period. Cute books. Intense movie.
    Anyway, I thought it was such a shame that Medusa turned people into stone statues. Chocolate statues would have been a lot more useful. Stone statues just cause clutter.
    My word id is rant - hmmm, pretty appropriate ;-)

  55. HELEN!!!!

    I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!

    Hey, I could SO go for red velvet cake right now.

    And lasagne... or lasagna, spelling your choice...

    Can I come by for supper leftovers? I'll do my own dishes!!!

    And just so you know, your namesake in my book is a STINKIN' SWEETHEART.

    Tough, savvy, a heart of gold but a true businesswoman.

    And I just wrote the nicest scene with her. Love her, Helen!!!!


  56. Hello, I do not agree with the previous commentator - not so simple
