Saturday, March 6, 2010

Weekend Fortune Cookie Edition

Welcome to another weekend in Seekerville. Today is the last day to enter a contest over at Chocolate Reality. Enter your beginning hook. Why?

Why not?

  • Seekers are judging
  • It's painless
  • It's free
  • And it's only your first paragraph

Monday's winner of the Black Hills Blessing from Mary's post on Consistency is Renee.

Tuesday's post Putting Your Baby To Bed, office supply winners are Susan Page Davis and Georgiana.

Wednesday Heart Stopping Hero, guest blogger Laura Frantz gave away a copy of her debut book, The Frontiersman's Daughter. The winner is Casey.

Thursday winner from Audra Harders post, In the Beginning, There Were Characters, is Helen Gray. She won a copy of from the Inside...Out.

Friday's winner of a necklace from Unpubbed Island in our March Contest Update is Melanie.

Monday: Steeple Hill Historical author Janet Dean presents today and she has a double feature book giveaway! She's talking about her favorite things and giving away a copy of The Substitute Bride along with Shirley Jump's The Other Wife.

Tuesday: Abingdon Press and Heartsong Presents author Myra Johnson's post is Isn't she a character! Stop by for more on creating memorable characters, plus another not-to-be-missed Seeker quiz, and she'll give away a copy of Romance by the Book.

Wednesday: Friend of Seekerville, talented and award winning writer Pepper Basham is our guest today. Join her for her post, The Soul's Internal Editor.

Thursday: Love Inspired author Ruth Logan Herne posts ... Erotic vs. Evocative, Two "E"s at Odds. Ruthy is also stepping into deep water by offering a fifteen page critique to one lucky winner and a chance to win an autographed copy of Winter's End!

Friday Multi published children's author Shari Barr is our guest today with The Stuff of Dreams..or Not.

March 15: Multi-published historical author, Ruth Axtell Morren.

March 29: Publishing professional, writer, and friend of Seekerville Patty Hall.

March 30: RITA and Christy Award winner Francine Rivers.

April 2: Mutli-published historical author, and three-time RITA nominee, Cheryl St. John.

April 9:
Revell author, Janice Hanna Thompson , returns.

April 23
: From Books & Such Literary Agency, Janet Grant.

April 28: Waterbrook Press author Mona Hodgson.

April 29: Zondervan upcoming author, Melanie Dickerson.

A note from Ruth Logan Herne:

Seekerville is thrilled to announce that owner/founder of Books & Such Literary Janet Grant will be visiting us on April 23rd to share her humor and wisdom about Christian fiction. Janet has been a leader in the ongoing development of Christian fiction as a genre and we are delighted that she's willing to take a day a play with us.

Send Ruthy any questions you might have about the industry, the standards, Janet's agency, their protocol, advice, etc. Take this opportunity to pick the brain of one of the leading ladies on the business side of Christian fiction, a successful businesswoman, savvy deal-maker and honored agent.

Send your questions to Ruthy is looking forward to hearing from you and ALL questions remain confidential between you and Ruthy.

And mark your calendars for March 30th when Seekerville is honored to Ruthy's interview with the leading lady of Christian fiction Francine Rivers! Come visit with a gal whose talent and humility would be at odds in an average person but not in Francine. Lunch is available for a nominal fee and breakfast will be served on the Haddasah deck overlooking the Jericho vineyards. Dinner on your own.

The Craftie Ladies of Suspense are featuring a St. Patty's Day story in segments, running Monday, March 8th until March 17th. Debby Giusti will post the second segment on Tuesday, March 9th. Be sure to stop by for a fun read!

Check out this excerpt of Killer Headline at Camy's Loft.

Mary Connealy is on Petticoats & Pistols, Wednesday March 10, with her post, Graffiti-Nuthin' new-Petroglyphs.

You can also find her on Christian Book Giveaways giving away a copy of The Husband Tree, March 12 - 18. Stop by to get your name in the drawing.

Mary is also doing a signing in Sioux Falls South Dakota on March 12 with Erica Vetsch. That's Crossroads Book and Music March 12th from 2 - 4.

Heads up Ohio!! Mary is in Ohio from March 19-27. Here's a link to where you can find her.

The Alpha and Omega Bookstore of Rochester NY will be hosting Ruthy's first ever book signing event TODAY, March 6th from 1-3 P.M. Alpha and Omega is located in the Stoneridge Plaza at the corner of Stone Road and Ridge Road West in Greece. Books and cookies are available throughout the afternoon!

Check out Camy Tang's online classes for March and April and May at Story Sensei.

Have an excellent writing weekend and remember....


  1. Oh, goody! I win again.

    Somebody knows I need these wonderful writing resources.

    Thank you so much, Audra.


    Tina: Coffee's on!!!

  2. Good luck on your book signing, Ruth! May the Lord bless you and bring you wonderful turnout.

  3. I'm so disappointed to not be able to make it to Ruth's booksigning today. Yes, folks, don't be jealous. I'm just that close that I could be there in an hour!

    It's been a great week in Seekerville! Thanks ladies. Everyone -Enjoy Spring!

    (I think the middle Atlantic will only get one more storm this month. But I do appreciate the fact that you have been willing to take them off our hands this past season.)

  4. Happy Saturday. Helen, thanks for the java.

    We dodged the bullet in the West too. March is normally our snowiest month--but the 30 day forecast doesn't look bad. Since it has been snowing here since October, this is great news.

    Ruth, have a great signing.

    You all have a productive writing weekend.

  5. thank you so much, ladies! Have a wonderful writing day

  6. Another great WE, Teenster!!

    And Ruthy's blog subject this week is Erotic vs. Evocative, Two "E"s at Odds???? You're not going to compare yours and my books, are you??? :) Good luck on the book signing, sweetie.

    Congrats to all the winners and good luck to all the Seekers with book signings/events this week!

    Happy Weekend, all!


  7. I didn't. Wahhhhhh You are sooo mean Miss T. Lol. Congrats everyone. do good on your signing Grasshopper Ruth

    Speaking of the weather once again the western slope got flurries and such but the high country here in Colordo picked up some snow on the passes I know I drove through. You all are just too warm here in the big D and we're cold in GJ been that way the last couple or so years. Just don't seem right

  8. Oh now, Tina P, stop whining. Like Tina R said, we've been winterized since October! The Front Range just doesn't operate this way! Wind coming our way though. I haven't seen the grass of our front yard since Thanksgiving : )

    Congrats, Helen! I hope you enjoy From the Inside Out!!

    Ruthy! Booksigning today! Oh My. Is upstate New York ready??? Enjoy and share pictures with us!!!


  10. Congrats to all the winners!

    Great line up for next week. Can't wait.

    Have fun at the book signing, Ruthy!

    Can't wait for Mary & Erica's signing on Friday!

    Have a great weekend everyone.


  11. Hey Everybody! I entered the contest on Chocolate Reality! It is the first contest I have entered so I am really excited!! I'm not sure if ya'll will give feedback but if you do I can't wait to hear it:) Congrats Ruth on your book signing I hope you have a great turn out! And
    I hope everyone has a great weekend!:)

  12. Nice weekend edition again, Tina : )

    I'm sooooo excited for Ruthy! YAY! Wish I could be there though : ( Good luck (even though this is really late, lol), I'm sending good vibes your way, girl!

    This week sounds full of excitment! Lol....excited for Pepper's post, it should be a good one *grin*

    See ya later,

  13. Lindsey, way to be brave, dudette!!!!!

  14. Ruthy's got her hair at her first booksigning???


    What fun that would be, but I'm about 12-15 hours away, so I'll just have to enjoy from afar.

  15. Ugh...I should have known there was a reason it took 5 tries to post that comment.

    Yes, Ruthy does still have her hair!

    I meant to say that Ruthy's all dressed up and got her hair done, and her nails painted, and EVERYTHING for her first book signing, and I'm here washing clothes, and emptying the dishwasher.

    Somehow I never finished my thought though!

  16. Thanks Tina! I just hope ya'll like it!:)

  17. Whoo-hoo, Lindsey!! Way to go, girl -- we're proud of you!! Saying one for you right now ... :)


  18. Thanks Mrs. Lessman! I am so excited!! I'm really hoping ya'll will like it!:)
    And if ya'll do like it or even if ya'll don't like it I hope maybe to get some feedback!:)

  19. Fireworks for Ruthy!!!

    Since we have virtual food all the time, couldn't we virtually show up?

    Yay Lindsey... I entered too. Can't wait to hear good feedback from Seekers. They're the bestest.

    Great WE Tina. We appreciate you!

    (May says Hi)

  20. Here's hoping Ruthy stops in and gives us the scoop on her first book signing.

    All the best, girl!


  21. Another great weekend edition, Tina. Congrats to Ruthy on her first signing. I feel excited for you.
    Looking forward to dropping by next week for the wonderful lineup of guests. Thanks for the Contest update, Tina.

  22. I can never stay away from Seekerville for very long! Excited about guest posting on Apr. 29!

  23. As you should be Melly.

    Ruth, oh, Ruth...come and play.

    Awe, thanks, Pat Jeanne!

  24. Wonderful things to look forward to in Seekerville, as usual. :)

    I hope your first signing was a blast, Ruthy.

  25. Man, what a line-up! I should've visited yesterday so I could go over to Chocolate Reality...*sigh*

    Anyway, that last link is the one I put up today. Definitely a fascinating article!

    Have a great weekend!

  26. A little birdy told me Ruthy's signing was fantastic!!

    What a fun week ahead! Happy Sunday, everyone.


  27. Oh my....


    Can you say:



    Stinkin' fun?????


    Can you see my ear to ear grin from your computer chairs????

    The signing was so much fun, so busy, so filled that we sold a ton of books, I got to hug just about everyone (almost) in Western Monroe County, I got invited back to the Parable book store to sign any time because they've never had a signing that big and that successful...

    Guys, you understand that between me and my husband we're RELATED to half the county, right???

    And that I've been whining, complaining, moping and carrying on about my writing for YEARS...

    So what choice did these people have, I ask you????

    None. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

    BUT... It sure looked good, LOL!

    And I got flowers. I did not expect flowers.

    The cookies disappeared by three but the signing went two hours over until five...

    And no one lynched me!!!! YAY!!!!

    Did I mention it was SO FUN????


    Giggling here.

    Do you think my pathetic story that every author fears having a signing and NO ONE SHOWS UP pushed people to come????

    Because I'm okay if it did, LOL! Whatever it takes.

    Oh mylanta, it was wild. Wonderful. I saw old school friends I haven't seen in decades, children I babysat for a decade ago, all grown up and proud of me, old neighbors, family, friends, choir and church mates...


    Got great kudos from the store staff (wonderful, wonderful crew there at the Alpha and Omega Bookstore part of Parable Books...

    They were great. Awesome. And yes I fed them cookies because everyone feels better with cookies. It is a rule.


    It's a rule HERE!!! :) That's right.

    And THANK YOU guys for asking about it... Oh my stars, you guys rock. And DEB MARVIN...HUH???? UM, I HOPE YOU HAVE A BONA FIDE EXCUSE, YOUNG LADY!!!!

    An hour. I couldn't get her to mosey on up here for AN HOUR...

    Missed you, Deb. Maybe next time. And I'd love to turn the tables and come to your first signing!!!

    I'd enjoy that. THIIIIIIIS much.

    So I see that you were all behaving yourselves mostly...

    And I'm sending cyber hugs to all of you for your good wishes.

    Did y'all forget chocolate???

    Just thinking out loud.

    And we have no dessert in this house right now. Life without desserts at hand isn't life. Is it???

    No cookies. (ate 'em all)
    No cake. (no time to bake today)
    No pie. (have I mentioned I love pie????)


    Somebody cough up (not really... yuck) a cheesecake or carrot cake, would ya'??? I'd be grateful.

    And I love sitting here typing staring at gorgeous flowers.



  28. CONGRATS, Ruthy you rock star!!!!!

  29. Yup.

    Me and Taylor Swift.

    Only she's rich, young, tall and freakin' gorgeous.

    I'd settle for rich.

    With cake.

  30. Oh, squueee! Thank you, Mary

  31. I am soooooo glad to hear it went well, Ruthy!!!! I was thinking of you.....wishing I was there to get my book signed.....jealous of everyone who WAS there *grits teeth* WHat can you do? Sometimes life just isn't fair and sometimes you're way too many miles away from a book signing *grin*

    Glad to hear it was a success and more importantly: YOU HAD FUN!!!!
    Congrats, girl!

  32. Thank you, thank you! I just found out that I am a winner :D Totally exciting!
