Saturday, May 29, 2010

Weekend Steampunk Edition

What IS Steampunk?

"In three short words, steampunk is Victorian science fiction." GD Falksen,

"Steampunk is a sub-genre of science fiction and speculative fiction, frequently featuring elements of fantasy, that came into prominence in the 1980s and early 1990s. The term denotes works set in an era or world where steam power is still widely used — usually the 19th century, and often Victorian era England — but with prominent elements of either science fiction or fantasy, such as fictional technological inventions like those found in the works of H. G. Wells and Jules Verne, or real technological developments like the computer occurring at an earlier date."-Wikipedia.

Steampunk Lab Bottle

We Have Winners! (please read the guidelines in the right hand column)

Tuesday, Ruth Logan Herne shared on Romance with the Proper Stranger. Winner of Ruthy's newest release, Waiting Out the Storm, is Rose Ross Zediker. The winner of much-needed-and-always-appreciated chocolate is Nikki Studebaker Barkus.

Wednesday the Inner Critic joined us in Seekerville. Hey, Glynna Kaye invited the sucker! Winner of Glynna’s Dreaming of Home AND a 4-inch by 6-inch color copy of her “Inner Critic” collage (suitable for framing) is Angela Bell.

Thursday, Thomas Nelson Debut author, Cara Lynn James shared on Motivation. Winner of Love On A Dime is Jackie Smith.

Friday, Friends of Seekerville helped with Tina Radcliffe's Falling in Love Arc and took a walk down Memory Lane to remember The First Time. Winner of the Seekerville book of their choice is Hannah.

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: Seekerville is closed in remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service.

Tuesday: Baker and Candle Books, children's fiction and non-fiction author Anne Adams, (And she's Tina's sister) is our guest. Stop by for an interesting post and two chances to receive a copy of her latest release, Bible Facts.

Wednesday: Berkley author Kaki Warner joins us for a post on Marketing for the Introvert. And Kaki has a new release. Open Country. She'll be giving away winner's choice of her first book Pieces of Sky or Open Country to two guests.

Thursday: Steeple Hill, Love Inspired debut author, Audra Harders is your hostess today.

Friday: June Contest Update. Stop by because the prize vault is open!

Save The Date:

June 8:Faith Words debut author Carla Stewart.

June 9: New York Times best-selling author Cindy Woodsmall.

June 11: Love Inspired author Winnie Griggs for an encore visit.

June 18: Desert Breeze debut author Tina Pinson.

June 25:Barbour author Erica Vetsch returns.

Seeker Sightings:

Congratulations to Mary Connealy
. Cowboy Christmas is a finalist in the Long Historical Category of The Inspirational Reader's Choice Contest.

Ruth Logan Herne
will be the featured luncheon guest at the Harlequin Employee Appreciation Day, Thursday, June 3rd, at the Harlequin Distribution Center. She'll be speaking and signing copies of Winter's End.

Check out these Julie Lessman sightings:

A Hope Undaunted interview with Julie is now available on the website. And she's featured on the Writer's Corner.

Myra Johnson is interviewed at a February 2010 Oklahoma Library Author Event, sponsored by the Oklahoma Center for the Book.

Camy Tang's Story Sensei has two classes coming soon. Self Editing Class in July, and Synopsis Writing in October. Stop by her blog for more information.

  • Friend of Seekerville, Andrew Rosenberg has great photos and commentary on his participation in the Victoria Steampunk Expo.

  • Lone Star Contest is low on Inspirational Entries. Deadline Midnight June 6th. All electronic contest.

And finally, don't forget...Drop Dead Diva returns Sunday, June 6th.



  1. Cofffee's on. Timer's set.

    Looks like another good lineup.

    Keep up the good work.


  2. Learned a new word today! Thanks Tina!

    Everyone have a great weekend and wear your red/white/blue proudly as we thank our veterans and families.

    We salute each of you. Thank you for our freedom.

  3. As everyone is sleeping late (it's almost 8 on the east coast) I guess no one will mind that the banana bread is still in the oven.

    I hope no one is allergic to walnuts!

    This steampunk stuff is pretty cool and starts the wheels turning. Thanks Tina for helping us be 'in the know'.

    As a matter of fact, I'll be watching Sherlock Holmes later today...If we get two grandchildren sleeping at the same time.

    Have a wonderful weekend! Check out WATERLOO NY the "birthplace of Memorial Day"

  4. Helen, THANK YOU!!!!


    Tina, steampunk???? What'll they think of next? What a hoot!

    Hey, I'm diggin' the shoes. Totally. Rock solid, baby.

    I love sci fi. I love Ray Bradbury. I never have time to read good sci fi any more and I miss it. I love a good fantasy tale of what MIGHT BE POSSIBLE because history bears out that it usually becomes possible. Just love that.

    Deb, I didn't know that about Waterloo! Cool fact!!!!

    And we're aiming for a Red, white and blue weekend here in upstate. And I LOVE that I don't have to work at the bakery this year!!!! I get to go to the sweet and poignant Memorial Day parade.

    God bless our troops.

    God bless us all.

    And I'm okay with waiting for the banana bread. Really. 'Preciate you makin' it, Deb. In fact, I think I can smell it over here in WNY....


  5. Lead me to the coffee. 6:19 . Why can't I ever really sleep til noon?

    Have a wonderful, peaceful and productive holiday weekend.

  6. Woohoo! I love Victorian-fantasy. Oh my!
    Unless it has anything to do with zombies. NOt a fan ;-)

    Congrats, Mary.

    I watched Sherlock HOlmes last night. Love the premise

  7. Gosh, Tina, you educate me every single week!! Steampunk??? I even love the name!

    AND that "How to Cope" post was JUST what I needed this morning, Teenster, so THANK YOU!!

    HELEN, you are SO darn good at that coffee, girl!! And DEB, warm banana bread sounds dee-lish to me!

    MARY, we are SOOOO stinkin' proud of you, girlfriend -- go get 'em, sweetie!

    I'm with you, RUTHY ... God bless our troops and vets!!


  8. Ok so which of you Seekers is going to write a Steampunk novel? I'll read it! Hahahaha!

    XOXO~ Renee

  9. What a great way to start off the weekend, winning a Ruth's book! Whoo Hoo.

    I, too, didn't know the defination of Steam Punk until today. Thanks for explaining it Tina!

    Looks like a great line up for next week.

    Happy Memorial Day!

  10. Oh, this was fun! Love those steampunk clothes. I think I was born in the wrong era because instead of gorgeous, tailored gowns and fetching hats, I have to face the unfortunate reality of skinny jeans.

    Tina, you're up way too early. Thanks for another great WE. I loved your post yesterday too. High school crushes = Frisco from General Hospital and Rick Springfield. :)

  11. Hey we can create an inspirational steampunk novel. If they are buying Christian vampires..WHY NOT??

    Hey, Anne...thanks for the kudos.

  12. Are you SURE that's what Steampunk is, Tina.

    I mean sure, I could go look it up, but where's the fun in that?

    I have just barely heard of the words and I thought it had something to do with graphic novels.

    But I suppose you checked.....maybe I saw a graphic novel...which by the way I barely know what a graphic novel is...and the graphic novel was about steam punk.

    I think I need a cookie. The sugar will help elevate my thinking.

    Be back

  13. The first thing that came to mind when I read the definition of "steampunk" was "Wild, Wild West." LOVED that show. Sigh. If I'd been old enough, I'd have had Robert Conrad on my wall. Not the battery commercial Conrad, but the Jim West Conrad.

    I love weekend editions. I get to look forward to the week ahead, get caught up with everybody, and not think. Did I say that out loud? LOL

    Banana bread sounds delicious, and I'd love a piece while I'm here at work at the library hawking Seeker books!!

    Have a great Memorial Day weekend, everyone!

  14. Mary, you can teach an old dog new tricks. Trust me.

    Steampunk 101

  15. Thanks, Tina! Great stuff again this weekend.

    Now, off to make chicken quesadillas for lunch. Anyone care to join me?

  16. Steampunks...Tina, you can make ANYTHING interesting. LOL!

    Great WE as always.

    Helen, thanks for the coffee. What would we do without you? Stumble around here with bloodshot eyes and yawning probably. LOL!


  17. Debra, LOVE walnuts...especially in banana bread. YUM!

  18. Steampunk?

    Wow, I didn't even know there was such a thing, but then if tweak Sherlock Holmes just a tiny bit, it makes sense.

    Have a safe, happy Memorial Day weekend, Americans! And thank you to every veteran who's served our country!

  19. Tina -- Can't wait to visit with your sister, Anne Adams, in Seekerville this week. How cool! I remember meeting her at Desert Dreams a few years ago.

  20. *clears throat*

    Excuse me for my ignorance, but is that ME Hannah?????


    Oh. My. Goodness! I betcha it is *wink* That's fantastic, lol! WOW! And totally unexpected. THANKS, Tina!

    On Thursday/Friday (can't remember the day!) I blogger about a cool reading contest going on at someone else's blog. You should all come check it out, but hurry because it's almost over!!

    Plus, I have 29 followers, it's driving me crazy. I hate odd/uneven numbers and boy is that one of them! Lol! I keep looking for some new fun blogs to follow, then maybe they'll wanna follow me back. I am so appreciative of my followers, especially since my blog's not nearly as interesting as the Seeker's blog *wink*

    Sorry to ramble, stop by and check it out!

    Talk to you later,

  21. Yes, Ms. Project Journal, got a new car and off to college. It is you.

    Email me privately. Click on my name in the sidebar.

  22. THANK YOU, MARY!!!!!!!

    You're my official hero for the day *wink*


    Almost off to babysit 8 kids!

  23. M-A-R-Y??????


    What did Mary do??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  24. Yes, Glynna, my sister is cuter, younger, skinnier and smarter, but I still love her despite those annoying traits.

  25. Thanks for the mention. I have a lot of steampunk goodness on my blog, including excerpts from my steampunk novel!

  26. Oh my stars, I stopped in yesterday, wrote something amazing (of course.... ) ;)

    and never hit post comment.


  27. Mary is the newest follower of my blog *wink* She's so very kind!

    LOL Tina! Can't wait to meet your sister, but I think we'll still keep YOU around too!

    Ruthy.....*shakes head*.....don't worry, my dear, it happens to the best of us!


  28. Andrew, you have a great blog. I lurk often.
