Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Salute

Today as we celebrate Memorial Day in the United States we'd like our Seekerville friends to stop for a moment to remember the men and woman who have sacrificed to give us the freedom to write, to live, to worship freely.

"Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May. Formerly known as Decoration Day, it commemorates U.S. men and women who died while in the military service. A national moment of remembrance takes place at 3 p.m. local time." (Wikipedia)

If you are so led stop by these sites and volunteer to make a difference.

A Greater Freedom

The Wounded Warrior Project

Yellow Ribbon Fund, Inc.

Soldier's Angels

You can find more resources here.

Have a blessed Memorial Day, and to our troops, wherever you are in the world, please know you are never alone, but are always in our prayers.


  1. Thanks Tina for posting this. As someone with family in Iraq and who also has lost family members to war, I appreciate those who serve but also those who remind us to appreciate those who serve.

  2. Thank you for the post. As a military brat I was raised to love the armed forces and to appreciate the dedication of the men and women who serve our country. I use to love to go to whatever base my dad was stationed at on Memorial Day because they always had wonderful observance celebrations.

    It's sad that in today's world not everone appreciates the young men & women who have dedicated their lives to serve our country or who have died fighting for our freedom.

    One thing that has really bothered me in recent years is the lack of respect for our National Anthem. I use to have season seats for baseball and hockey games and the people who wouldn't stand, would leave their hats on and who would talk or 'whoop it up' and hollar during the Anthem was really unreal. It's sad that they weren't taught the proper respect.

    Today (and everyday) I salute our armed forces both past and present and say a great big THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. I appreciate them so much!

    Many Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  3. I'm former Army. I was in the now defunct Army Security Agency and was stationed in Augsburg, Germany. I believe everyone should be required to serve. It is a privilege to be an American and I don't take that privilege lightly.

  4. Tina, thank you.

    I'm heading off to our Memorial Day parade, a tiny affair of love, honor and pride.

    I hope our troops feel our love in the daily grind of pale sand and flat color. My BIL said when he came back from Iraq, the biggest thing he noticed was color. Green trees, everywhere. Flowers. Houses. Trim.

    How amazing to me that something I take for granted makes such a difference.

    Salute to our troops. May God bless them and keep them in his tender care. At least until they get home so their Moms can have a shot at it again.


  5. Thank you, Tina, for your service. And I so appreciate everyone in the armed forces, and those who are in harm's way are in my prayers. This country is a great place to live because our forefathers put their faith in God, and because of all the brave men and women who fought for freedom.

  6. Thank you to our active servicemen and women, our guard, our veterans and those who died valiantly in service to our country.

    I salute you all!

  7. Tina, your post today makes me stop and truly reflect on the courage and sacrifice of our troops who gave their lives to fight for our freedom -- from the Revolutionary War through Iraq/Afghanistan. Thank you for reminding me and I thank and honor them for their sacrifice on behalf of our country.

    This may sound silly, but watching JAG with my husband night after night has given me a new awareness and appreciation for our military and the priceless gift of freedom that they ensure and protect for each of us every day of our lives.


  8. Lovely post - thanks.

    Hope everyone has a blessed day.

  9. Thanks, Tina, for your service. Cara, too! Wonderful to have two Seekers who put country first!!! Hugs to you both--our heroes!!!

    My son will leave for Iraq in July -- his third tour there as well as a year in Kosovo. Today in church as we prayed for all our military, my mother's heart was heavy, knowing we will soon have to say goodbye again.

    It's not easy to see loved ones leave for a war zone, but it's so joyous when they return. I am proud of the man my son has grown to be, just as I am proud of all the men and women who serve. We remain free because of their dedication, courage and sacrifice.

    God bless the USA! God bless our military!!!

  10. Tina:
    I didn't check the site earlier because your WE said it was to be a day off in Seekerville. How nice to drop in and find this.

    Thank you for taking time to post a tribute to our troops and remember to be thankful for our freedoms.

    I am proud of my youngest son for serving in Iraq, Guantanamo Bay, and Korea. I'm also thankful to have him safely back in the states.

    In addition to Memorial Day, this is a personally special day for me. It's my wedding anniversary.


  11. Happy Memorial Day, lovely ladies of Seekerville! Blessings to all those brave men and women who defend us.

    Thanks for the "Salute" today, Tina, and thanks even more for your service to our country. Hugs to you, sweetie ;).

  12. I have a niece heading to Afghanistan soon with her Army unit. So the sacrifice is very real to me.

  13. Hey, Helen. Well today is a day off and not about us in Seekerville. It is all about those who serve. :)

  14. Thanks for keeping us on the right track today, Tina. Here's my story of the day. :-)

    When my son started 3rd grade, the dad of a boy in another class was serving in Iraq. One of my son's buddies from church was in that homeroom and added Hakeem and his dad to our prayer list every Sunday morning and Wed. night. We were so used to hearing it that the other kids added them to our prayer list even when my son or his buddy weren't there to do it.

    The dad served all that schoolyear and well into the next. What a great day when we could finally switch them to the thanksgiving side of the list because Dad was home! And it thrills my heart that even now, one of the kids nearly always mentions the military or our servicemen during prayer time.

    What Cindy says about people not showing respect for our country and our servicemen and women makes me angry, but also makes me want to cry. Then I think about our kids at church and school, and hope those times of prayer changed them and will help change others.

  15. Thanks for sharing that, Leigh.

    Hope your weekend was excellent.

  16. Thanks to each of you who serve(d) - whether that is personally yourself or through your sacrifice of family or friends.

    Yesterday our family joined in the celebration downtown. I'm happy to report the crowds continue to swell. It was an hour long with speakers and singing, taps mingled with church bells chiming the noon hour. God provided beautiful weather, complete with cool breeze.

    Our own 278th National Guard Unit is serving again. When they previously deployed, many local groups prayed for their safety. It's my understanding that they had zero KIA's and few wounded.

    We're all praying again, and our family prays for our military and their families daily. We do NOT take our freedom for granted. Thank you again, all who serve.

    And a big thanks to those who help support the Joni and Friends Wounded Warrior Getaway. We have volunteered twice. It is an amazing long weekend at a resort for the entire Wounded Warrior family. It began several years ago in the San Antonio, TX area (with Brooke Army Medical Center). The program is expanding this year with 2 long weekends for Marines. This is the only program of its kind to include the ENTIRE family and is completely free for them. If you would like more info, please go here: or contact me and I'll connect you with the right folks.
