Saturday, June 5, 2010

Back To the Beach Weekend Edition

I don't know about you, but every now and then,
I get a little overwhelmed trying to balance
this writing journey and the rest of my life.
When that happens it's time to pull back, regroup and re-prioritize.

So this weekend we're taking it slow and easy. Hanging on the island.

Why don't you join me?

Pull up some beach.

Wiggle your feet in the sand.



Sourcebooks Casablanca author Amanda Forester
isn't just visiting Seekerville on June 14th. She's bringing goodies.

Amanda is giving away a copy of her debut release,
The Highlander's Sword

and her agent Barbara Poelle
of Irene Goodman Literary Agency
is doing a "first line contest"
with the grand prize being a three chapter critique

We Have Winners:

Tuesday's guest was children's fiction and non fiction author, Anne Adams who introduced us to SepiaTown. Winners of her Candle Books release, Bible Facts are Leigh and Julia Reffner.

Wednesday we welcomed back Kaki Warner with An Introvert's Guide to Anti-Market Approach. Winners of their choice of her first book Pieces of Sky or her latest release Open Country are Helen Gray and Jessica Nelson.

Thursday Steeple Hill Love Inspired author, Audra Harders shared with The Monster in Your Closet. Winner of Rocky Mountain Chocolate from the author of Rocky Mountain Hero, (January 2011, Love Inspired) is Amber S.

Friday was our monthly Contest Update. Winner of Alicia Rasley's The Power of Point of View is Renee from Kansas.

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: Join Barbour author Mary Connealy for part four of her five part series on revising a completed manuscript. Don't miss, Tag You're It. She'll also be giving away a copy of Doctor in Petticoats.

Tuesday:Faith Words debut author Carla Stewart is our guest. Carla will be giving away a copy of her debut release, Chasing Lilacs. Chasing Lilacs is a Publisher's Weekly starred review and a 4 1/2 star review from Romantic Times Book Reviews.

Wednesday: Seekerville is delighted to welcome New York Times best-selling author Cindy Woodsmall. Cindy has two current series out, both with Amish settings available from WaterBrook Press.

Thursday: Love Inspired author Winnie Griggs shares, Crafting Effective Scenes. Stop by for a chance to win a copy of her new release, The Heart's Song. (This is Winnie's first contemporary novel for Love Inspired and it received a 4 1/2 star TOP PICK from Romantic Times Book Reviews.)

Friday: And somewhere in the world there is a Derek Jeter sighting. None-the-less, Steeple Hill Love Inspired author, Ruth Logan Herne is your hostess today.

Save The Date:

June 14: Sourcebooks Casablanca debut author Amanda Forester.

June 18: Desert Breeze debut author Tina Pinson.

June 25:Barbour author Erica Vetsch returns.

July 6: Revell author Dan Walsh encore.

July 7 : Harvest House author Mary Ellis.

July 16 : Golden Heart Finalist Jacqui Jacoby returns.

Seeker Sightings:

Congratulations to Missy Tippens. His Forever Love is an Inspirational finalist in the 2010 Greater Detroit RWA Booksellers' Best.

Double Congratulations to Glynna Kaye. Dreaming of Home double-finaled in the 2010 Greater Detroit RWA Booksellers' Best, in the categories, Traditional/Sweet and Best First Book.

Join Cara Lynn James at Writer at Random on Thursday, June 10th.

June 5th, (TODAY!) Heartsong and Abingdon Press Author, Myra Johnson visits The Writers Alley to discuss the difference between a short novel and trade paperback.

The global debut of Mary Connealy's, Doctor in Petticoats will be in Seekerville Monday, June 7th. Don't you dare miss it!

Do not miss Steeple Hill, Love Inspired debut author, Audra Harders in her first interview, as she celebrates the upcoming launch of Rocky Mountain Hero. She'll be at Romance Writers on The Journey on Thursday, June 10th.

Check out these Julie Lessman sightings:

A Hope Undaunted interview with Julie is now available on the website. And she's featured on the Writer's Corner.

Congratulations to Ruth Logan Herne. Waiting Out the Storm, (release date July 2010) the second book in her North Country Series received a 4 1/2 star review from Romantic Times Book Reviews.

Random News:


  1. Great post! I was waiting to see the winners, and I'm so happy that I won chocolate (you have no idea!)! Thank you!!!

    A relaxing weekend sounds wonderful! I think I'll be combining some relaxing with some fun, too! :D How about I get the coffee started? (Yes, I've learned my lesson...always get the coffee started if you're one of the first people here!)

    Have a lovely weekend, ya'll!


  2. LOL, Amber! Coffee at 12:30 am? You are a woman after my own heart! Bring 'er on!

    Congrats on winning the chocolate. Hope it doesn't melt in the mail.

    Ah, thanks for the trip to the beach, Tina! There are times I miss my hut.

    And the ocean breeze.

    And the pineapple boats.

    Mind you I miss them at times, not all the time : )

    Okay, I'm up past my bedtime. See y'all in the morning!

  3. Seekerville is so fun! Congrats to the winners!!!

  4. Thanks for letting me hang out with you guys on the beach. It makes me want to pull out my seashell collection! Congrats to the winners, and thanks for the "sightings." I personally get excited when I'm shopping and can say, "I saw that on Seekerville!"

    Another great article this past week was Chip MacGregor's blog on Friday, "Overcoming Doubt." It was one of MANY things that encouraged me this week!

    Have a great weekend, Seekers. You all deserve a day at the beach.

  5. Happy Saturday, Seekerville! The walk on the beach is exactly what I needed this morning, Tina. Next week's lineup is terrific!

    Mega congratulations to Glynna and Missy on the finals in Booksellers Best!! You gals rock!

    Lots on the calendar today. A grandson's baseball game, a granddaughter's birthday party and dinner for eight at our house tonight. After my stroll, I'm raring to go!


  6. Congratulations to all the Seeker blog winners and to all the finalists and stars and such. :)

    Blessings abound, not the least of which is Mary's "wax" installment Monday, just under the wire for me. LOVE that cover!

    I'll be up early so I can absorb her wisdom, then "wax on, wax off" for the laaaaast changes. (Kinda cross-eyed right now but it's coming along.)

    Y'all have a great weekend. I'm off for a couple of hours to a b'day brunch - taking homemade banana bread, Mom's recipe.

    I've left a couple of loaves, sliced thick, to enjoy as you stroll the beach today. Watch out for the seagulls.

  7. Coffee and banana bread.
    Does it get any better??

    I am not moving from this spot on the beach all day. NOT MOVING, DO YOU HEAR ME??

    I'll wave at you all as you go by.

    That's it. Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Great weekend edition, Tina. I could use a 'down' day in the sun since it's raining here today. I know my garden needs it, but the rain also means I can't be working in my garden. Sigh. I'll pull beach clean up on the island instead I guess. Might as well make myself useful -- while I munch on banana bread.

    Loved checking out the links -- the virtual article was interesting, though I hope you seekerville ladies don't take it to heart!!!

    And then, right after that, the book trailers. After watching them, I jotted down several that I want to doesn't that kind of contradict what was said in the virtual marketing one? I guess it's all about balance -- and today's author just has more to try to balance with.

    Congrats to all the winners -- and I actually managed to get a couple of the books by featured authors for next week's lineup ahead of time. I guess after I finish cleaning up the beachfront I'll get busy reading.

  9. Nice spot you picked out here on the beach, Tina. Great view of the sand and surf and...lifeguards??

    Who woulda thunk it?

    I'm plopped down next to Teenster all day with my cooler of Diet Dr. Peppers within reach and my Netbook on my lap. What I wouldn't give to read all day, but alas, must write.

    Still much better than day job : )

    Did you bring the lotion, Tina??

  10. Hmmm...relaxing weekend at the beach, life guard watching, you say? Or it is potential hero for my story watching!?!

    Looks like another good week coming up. Congrats to all the winners.

  11. Audra, my idea of a day at the beach is hiding under a hat and SPF clothing on a chair under a large tree. Practically naked.

    But now Amanda Forester has stirred things up here..everyone is kicking sand in a rush to get back to their huts to get their WIPS polished.

    I have sand in my teeth.

  12. Audra & Tina, I'm right here next to you girls.

    Got the laptop though. Even a day at the beach shouldn't keep me from working.

    Hmmm, hope the sand doesn't hurt the computer, though...

  13. Oh, boy, is this a good time for this kind of weekend. We just finished painting the house, and I'm wiped out.

    Tina, sounds like you're suffering from a slight bout of burnout. I guarantee that a weekend of relaxation will rejuvenate you and having you feeling like a new creature next week--ready to tackle all the projects.

    I'm late today. Crashed last night, then got up this morning and went to an estate auction. But I see the coffee's taken care of. That's great.

    I especially enjoyed Myra's article about short novel vs. trade paperback--something I discussed with a potential critique partner just this past week.


  14. Just what I needed today -- a little bit of digging my toes in the sand. Thanks for letting us join you!

    I'm excited about the Bible Facts book -- that will be fun to learn from and to use with my kids at church. I'll email you my address, Tina.

    I'm heading out of town for a work conference this evening and the kids will be camping with my parents part of the time I'm gone. Am hoping for some quiet evenings and good writing time after all the laundry and packing today!

  15. I was Scared to Death - no wait... I won, I won, I won, and now I'm the blessed RECIPIENT of Scared to Death!!! Thank you Seekerville and especially, thank you Debby Giusti. Your book just arrived.

    AND - the beautiful Writer's Prayer AND the Seekerville bookmark with Scriptures.

    You are the BESTEST!!!

    Can hardly wait to crack it open. Will do that tonite! Thanks so much.

    Everyone have a great weekend. :)

  16. Wow! Thank you, Seekerville.

  17. A day at the beach. I've got a week at the beach coming soon. Should be fun.

    Congrats to Glynna and Missy. Happy for both of you.

    Have been out of touch this week, but have two contest entries submitted this week, along with some editing completed. Gotta write

  18. Walt, we've missed you.

    Two entries. Way to go.

    Hey, KC, Renee and Leigh. have paint on your nose. You look too cute!

  19. Oooo, Helen! Auctions are my fave! The excitement; the pressure; the oddities to bid on!

    My husband NEVER lets me hold the number :(

    Doesn't matter though. If I smile and nod my head enough, the auctioneer counts me in : )

  20. Wow, I come home from my cruise to find myself right back ON the beach. Good times!

    Missed you guys this week but enjoyed sitting in a beach chair, reading Cara's debut novel, Love on a Dime. GREAT BOOK! Loved it, Loved it, Loved it! Congratulations, Cara!

    And congratulations Missy and Glynna! Celebrating with you guys!

  21. Welcome back, Patttttttttttty.

    Poor baby, you're sand logged.

  22. Got my entry into the Maggies. Thank you, Tina, for encouraging me. Now the wait. ;)

  23. Tina,

    How can we relax on the sand when you've given all this food for thought? Just the post about the "cost" of social networking alone has me riled up. :)

    To answer your comment from yesterday asking where I've been, I've written an historic photo book, with a whole chapter of young James Dean photos. "Images of America: Fairmount" is available for preorder on Amazon.

    It was something I just had to do. Now I'm back in the saddle, so to speak.

  24. I'm thrilled Amanda Forester will visit Seekerville June 14 with her book giveaway and the terrific grand prize of a three chapter critique offered by her agent Barbara Poelle with the Irene Goodman Literary Agency. Wow! What an opportunity this is!!!! Gear up Seekerville. Polish those first lines.


  25. Wow, what a great lineup of authors once again.

    Thanks! I'm excited about Bible Facts. My 5-year-old daughter has so many questions about the Bible and this looks like a great resource for her!


  26. Great job again, Tina! You never disappoint...

    A relaxing weekend at the beach sounds fantastic especially when there's less than 2 weeks till graduation : S

    However, I have a little "business" question for everyone...

    Is anyone willing to/wanting to proofread my graduation speech for me!? There's a contest for a third speaker at graduation this year since we only have 2 speakers. They are due tomorrow...I would've asked sooner if I'd thought of this, but alas I didn't think of using everyone here! Lol! How stupid of me! I understand/realize that this is kinda late notice, but if anyone wants to I'd be so appreciative. My family has been proofing it for me, but I'd really prefer to have outside help since they can easily be biased without trying to be. If you are willing, you can do 1 of 3 things: leave a comment here and an email so I can send it to you, let me know on my blog w/an email also, or email me directly at hccelie{at{gmail{dot}com

    THANK YOU SO, SO, SO MUCH!!! I'd love to have this honor and I know any of you would be a huge help!
    Thanks again, talk to you soon,

  27. Hi. Life's been crazy this weekend so I'm slow checking in.
    Love the sandy feet. It makes me think of Cara's book, Love on a Dime. Great summertime reading fun.
