Friday, June 4, 2010

June Contest Update

We're heading into the sixth month of year!
What are you doing to get your manuscripts
out there into the world?

Comment today for a chance to win Alicia Rasley's,
The Power of Point of View

The Power of Point of View explores the complex but
essential subject of character Point of View in an
interactive and non-judgmental fashion.

It's for you if you want more than just "first-person/third person",
if you're tired of rules and are ready to make
your own decisions about POV in your own story.

Unpublished Contests

Maggie Unpublished Division. Deadline June 5. All electronic. Limited to first 70 entries in each category. The Maggie is a highly prestigious contest and not for beginners. Entrants do not receive scores. Entry to consist of synopsis and prologue (if applicable) and first chapter(s). Total number of pages may not exceed 35 per entry. Judges TBA.

Single Title: LaToya Smith, Grand Central Publishing
Paranormal/Fantasy: Esi Sogah, Avon
Historical: Danielle Poiesz, Pocket Books
Contemporary Series Romance: Kathryn Lye, Harlequin
Inspirational: David Long, Bethany House (the contest is low on Inspy entries!!)

The Lone Star. Deadline June 6. All electronic contest. First 25 pages, including prologue, if desired. 20$ Early bird special good until May 23rd. What a bang for your buck with editor and agent judge and early bird discount. (Low on Inspy entries!)
Final judges:

Inspirational Category:
Editor - Lindsay Guzzardo – Guideposts Books
Agent - Tamela Hancock Murray – Hartline Literary

Young Adult Category:
Editor – Kat O'She – Leap Books
Agent –Tina Wexler – International Creative Management

Romantic Suspense Category:
Editor: Leis Pederson – Penguin
Agent: Tina Tsallas – Great Titles, Inc.

Contemporary Series Category:
Editor: Wanda Ottewell, Harlequin
Agent: Pam Strickler with Pam Strickler Author Management

Single Title Category:
Editor: Deb Werksman – Sourcebooks
Agent: Lois Winston – Ashley Grayson Literary Agency

Historical Category:
Editor: Alicia Condon – Kensington
Agent: Sara Megibow – Nelson Literary Agency

Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal Category:
Editor: Tara Gavin – Harlequin Nocturne
Agent: Alexandra Machinist with Linda Chester Agency

Heart of the Rockies. All electronic. Deadline is June 15. Nine categories with achievement awards given in each. Entries are limited to the first 215 received. Submission consisting of the first two chapters and the complete 1-5 page synopsis, saved in RTF format only, total entry is not to exceed 35 double-spaced pages.

Final round judges are as follows:
Short Contemporary: Shana Smith, Editorial Asst/Harlequin Books
Long Contemporary: Victoria Curran, Editor/Harlequin Books
Single Title: Alexandra Machinist, Agent/Linda Chester Literary Agency
Paranormal/Time Travel/Futuristic/Fantasy: Alicia Condon, Editor/Kensington Books
Historical: Tess Woodward, Associate Editor/Avon
Romantic Suspense: Melissa Jeglinski, Agent/The Knight Agency
Inspirational Category: Jen Leep, Editorial Director/Revell Books, Baker Publishing Group
Erotic: Kelli Collins, Editor-in-Chief/Ellora’s Cave
Mainstream w/Romantic Elements: Danielle Poiesz, Pocket Books

Put Your Heart In A Book. Electronic contest. Deadline June 15. Another big bang for your buck contest. Entry fee $35. Entry consist of a SYNOPSIS and FIRST chapter ONLY, not to exceed 30 pages combined.

Final Round Judges:An agent, editor and multi-published author will judge the final entries.

Short Contemporary
Agent: Sharlene Martin-Brown, Wylie-Merrick Literary Agency
Editor: Susan Litman, Silhouette Special Edition
Multi-published Author: Shirley Hailstock

Single-Title Contemporary
Agent: Pam Strickler, Pam Strickler Agency
Editor: Brenda Chin, HQN
Multi-published Author: Robyn Carr

Agent: Laura Bradford, Bradford Literary Agency
Editor: Alicia Condon, Kensington
Multi-published Author: Madeline Hunter

Agent: Cori Deyoe, Three Seas Literary Agency
Editor: Holly Blanck, St. Martin’s Press
Multi-published Author: Deborah Cooke

Romantic Elements
Agent: Emily Sylvan Kim, Prospect Agency
Editor: Patience Smith, Silhouette Intrigue
Multi-published author: Dee Davis

Indiana Golden Opportunity Contest. Electronic only. Deadline June 27. Entries are limited to the first 40 entries in each category. Each entry shall be no longer than 35 pages. The entry should include a copy of the opening of your manuscript, including prologue if there is one, and a copy of your synopsis (no more than 10 pages).

Historical:Jesse Feldman, NAL
Mainstream w/ Strong Romantic Elements:Maureen Walters, Curtis Brown, LTD
Paranormal:Alicia Condon, Kensington
Romantic Suspense :Deb Werksman, Sourcebooks
Single Title:Latoya Smith, Grand Central Publishing
Young Adult:Holly Root, Waxman Literary Agency (YA entries do not have to be romance)
Best-of-the-Best:Meredith Giordan, Berkley Publishing

Heart of the West. Electronic Contest . Deadline July 1st. Contest is open to published and unpublished authors. Unpublished authors are ranked separately from published authors. Published authors may submit only unpublished, uncontracted manuscripts.

Contemporary-ELIZABETH POMADA, Michael Larson, Elizabeth Pomada Literary Agents;
Historical, BARBARA POELLE, The Irene Goodman Literary Agency;
Paranormal, GAIL FORTUNE, The Talbot Fortune Agency LLC;
Mystery/Suspense, DANIELLE ROSE POIESZ, Gallery/Pocket Books;
Young Adult, ANN BURKHARDT, Kimberly Cameron and Associates
Published, TBA.

Published Contests

2009 Golden Leaf Contest. Entrants must register for the contest by June 10, 2009 via email or regular mail. Entry forms and books must be post­marked by July 10, 2009 and received by July 15, 2009.

Worth joining the NJRW for this contest. 25th Anniversary Special — The Golden Leaf Contest will be FREE for NJRW PAN members! The Golden Leaf is awarded annually for excellence in romance fiction by authors who are NJRW members or in RWA Region One. Romance novels with a first copyright date or first North American printing date of August 2008 through July 2009 are eligible for entry.

Best First Book
Long Contemporary
Traditional Regency
Short Contemporary
Single Title Release

Just For Fun

The Third Annual, Real Simple, Life Lessons Essay Contest. Opens June 1 and ends on September 24.

Finish this sentence: “I never thought I’d. . .”

Have you ever taken a huge, surprising risk? Did you climb a mountain? Go back to school? Get married (again)? Tell us about it: Enter Real Simple’s Third-Annual Life Lessons Essay Contest and you could have your essay published in Real Simple; win round-trip tickets for two to New York City, hotel accommodations for two nights, tickets to a Broadway play, and a lunch with Real Simple editors; and receive a prize of $3,000.

To enter, send your typed, double-spaced submission (1,500 words maximum, preferably in a Microsoft Word document) to

That's it for June. Now go forth and contest!


  1. You would have to go and mention that they are low on entries wouldn't you? Eek!

    Thank you for doing this every month.

  2. Coffee and hot chocolate in the pots.

    Thanks, Tina, for your faithful reports and updates.

    Overshot my contest budget last month. Need to conserve for ACFW conference. Tentatively planning to go.


  3. Thanks so much for keeping us up to date on all the contests!

    EvaMariaHamilton at gmail dot com

  4. Tina asked: 'What are you doing to get your manuscripts
    out there into the world?'

    I live in South Africa and next week schools close for 5 weeks as the World Football Cup is being held here. I won't be minding my granddaughters during this time as my daughter is a teacher and will be home. So I'm getting all my ducks in a row so that I can rewrite and improve my manuscript during my free weeks.

  5. Everyone here should enter those contests low on inspy entries...

    That was what got me to enter FAB in 07... Tina sent out an e-mail saying they were low and it's such a great contest, so I entered two things....

    And Winter's End was born. And then Waiting Out the Storm... And Made to Order Family... And Reunited Hearts....

    Take the bull by the horns. Go for it!!!

    Helen, thank you for the coffee!!! I love you, man!!! (even though you're a girl)

    Ruth Ann (love that name... just sayin'....) :) YES!!!! Plan your work and work your plan.


    And World Cup Soccer??? LOVE IT!!!

    I love soccer. That's the only euro-friendly part of me I think, but I love that game, that sport. And I love to watch women's or men's and other than tennis and track, I don't hanker to many women's sports. But our American girls? Abby Wambach? Mia Hamm? (and so many others...) Like poetry in motion. Sweet with a capital "S".

    Hey, there's a NEW BABY in our family, a little girl that decided to get born 5 weeks EARLY so MacKenzie Marie made her appearance around 2:20 this morning...

    5 lb., 6 oz..... Doing well so far. I'd love prayers for her continued growth and health. The little whippersnapper.

    Mom "Lacey" is doing well. Kenzie is doing well. Logan is here with Dave and me... He doesn't know he's a big brother yet (he's 17 months old) and he probably won't be all that impressed because she's not a puppy.

    But WE'RE impressed. ;)

  6. Good morning Seekerville, Divas and Divos.

    Those low entry contests really give you a great opp to get those entries in front of the final judge.

    Less competition means increased chances!!.

    Helen, I totally relate. ACFW is going to be awesome this year too.

    Morning Eva!!

    Ruth Ann, great to hear from you and your plans for writing!

  7. How can this BE - six months into the year already. Wshew.

    Tina, thanks to you and Seekerville, I entered my first contest, The Sandy, earlier this year. Humbling learning experience. And seriously taking the comments to heart. What a blessing!

    Once I get my WIP to the writing coach Monday, I'll be starting on #2.

    may at maythek9spy dot com

    I could surely use this resource as POV is one of the big issues I struggle with, but it's getting better!!!

    Ruthy, that's so exciting about your experience, ya little hope-inspirer you!!

    And congrats on the wee one! Welcome!!

    Yum on the repaste this morning, gonna need it.

    Wow - South Africa. Always wanted to visit there!!!

  8. Thanks for the contest update, Tina!!! I can't enter, but I'm anxiously awaiting my turn with the Pubbed contests! Woohoo!!!!!

    And my book is up for vote at the ACFW Book Club, so if you love me, you'll ... you know.

    I don't have a big family like Mary!

  9. Thanks, Tina, for getting the word out about contest opportunities in June!

    Alica's POV book sounds great. Thanks for the heads up.

    Off to vote, Mel!


  10. Thanks for the contest information!


  11. Hey you guys are only 6 followers away from 400! Woo-hoo! You guys have a great thing going. :D

  12. Well my old boss Hart from when I was getting paid to blog, told me once that how many followers you have really doesn't matter. It's how many lurkers you have that counts. I believe that.

    We have over 8 thousand unique hits a month in Seekerville. So today I salute you lurkers. We love you.

  13. Melly give everyone a link to vote for you.

    BTW you do not have to belong to ACFW to belong to the bookclub.

  14. Haven't seen Walt and Vince in a while. WHERE ARE YOU GENTS??

  15. I don't know how to post a live link, Tina. :-( Mary hasn't told me. If you're not a member of the book club you can join by going to the Yahoo Groups website and searching for ACFW Book Club. If you're already a member you can go here:

  16. Thanks so much for the links. I'm going to check them out :)

  17. Ruth:

    I sent two to Lone Star in time for the early bird discount, so didn't know at the time that they were low on inspy entries. Did I actually end up getting something right?


  18. Thanks for the info Tina.
    & Alicia's work is most helpful for any writer!


  19. Congratulations Ruth Logan!!!

    A new baby is wonderful news. Glad to hear the second time mom is doing good as well.

    A blessing for your family!

    Enjoy spoiling her!

  20. She thought the POV book would be very helpful to her writing career. She thanks everyone at Seekerville for always being so helpful.


  21. Hey Tina,

    Thanks again for these contest lists. It was one of your previous lists that got me to enter the 'Touched by Love' contest and I'm a finalist! I never even knew RWA had an inspirational chapter (I don't get out much!)

    I have a quick question about the Maggie (for all you savy women). When you say the entrant doesn't get a score, what kind of feedback do you get? I prefer comments from the judges rather than numerical score anyways.

    And a big congrats to Ruthy on the newest addition to your family! I love the wee one's name. Sounds like a heroine for a book, if you ask me!

    Thanks also for the chance at winning this great book on POV!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    sbmason (at) sympatico (dot) ca

  22. She is very grateful that she (Mary Bailey) is so kind.

    We like you too.

  23. Maggie judges write lots of comments but you just don't get a score.

  24. Yes, Helen, you did something very right..and scored a discount too.

    Good luck to everyone else who enters.

  25. I like the last one. Finish the sentence "I never thought I'd....."
    Did anyone pause a moment and think of this or was it just me?

    Some pretty cool things float through ones mind.

    I never thought I'd be a piece of history. That my name would be attached to something someone may read 100 years from now.

    Kinda cool. :)

  26. Thanks, Tina, for keeping us updated!

    I hope you all have a great weekend!! It's supposed to rain here all weekend. Such a bummer.

  27. Susan,

    When we judge the Maggie, we're asked to comment on the manuscript as well a write a critique.

    It can be some great feedback! I think it's more helpful than a number or score.

  28. Ladies thanks so much for posting this once in a while. It so saves me time in hunting for contests with inspirational categories.

    BTW- I'm helping to coordinate the Maggies this year and the inspy category is low on entries. So, writer visitors to this blog, get those entries in! David Long of Bethany House is the final judge this year.

    Don't enter me for the drawing because I already have that book. And it's a good one too!

  29. "Haven't seen Walt and Vince in a while. WHERE ARE YOU GENTS??"

    Was wondering the same thing! Hi y'all!

    Melanie - Ok. I joined. :) How do I vote for you??

  30. Susan- the critique I've gotten in past Maggies are probably the most helpful in contest feedback I've found. The pubbed authors who judge our contest give great feedback and take the time to critique the entire 35 pages.

  31. Thanks, Tina, for the list of upcoming contests. I plan to enter the Heart of the Rockies contest. I see contestants get a lot of feedback and its within my budget for the month. All the best to Helen and others entering these contests. Pat

  32. Well ladies,

    I did it! I entered the Maggie!

    Thanks for all the helpful advice. The critiques sound wonderful - exactly what I need!



  33. Jennifer, I agree. That sounds like a really provocative contest.

    Hey Dianna, we do contest update the first Friday of every month.

    Wow, Pat Jeanne and Susan, good for you. HOR and the Maggies are two of my favorite contests. Well run and lots of feedback.

  34. Thanks for all the contest info Tina. I wish I was ready but I'm not quite there yet. I could really use The Power of Point of View. Thank you for the opportunity to win it.

    May you all have a blessed day in Seekerville.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  35. I thought I would ask this here. Does anyone know if the synopsis for the Maggie is judged?

  36. Renee, yes the synopsis is judged as well as critiqued in the Maggies.

  37. Thank you for answering that, Dianna. :)

  38. Thank you, Diana. It gives me something to consider. I don't have one for this particular manuscript, which means I'd have to write it tonight. Eeek!

  39. Renee.



  40. Thanks for taking the work out of contesting, some of it anyway :)

    Ruthie, did you have a breakthru and try to write a SuperRomance for a contest? I'm trying to remember.

    Does a contest with no completed mss make sense?

    I'd love Alicia's book....

  41. Cathy, where the heck have you been young lady?

    We've missed you.

    Yes, it makes sense to enter with an unfinished msc. Why not??

  42. So many great contest opportunities! I have the POV book in my Amazon shopping cart for my next purchase. Perhaps I will hold off selecting the check out button? Thanks!

  43. Tina, I'm working on it. I know so last minute, but I did not expect to enter.

  44. Looks like there are some wonderful contests here. I'm going to have to go check them out. Thanks for posting them!

  45. Hey Margay!!!! Long time no see. Do contest your heart out!
