Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Seekerville Welcomes Anne Adams

Welcome to SepiaTown! Hold your hats while you’re whisked away in a time machine!

In researching my historical novel, I discovered a fantastic, free website called SepiaTown: From Here to Then. Travel back in time in SepiaTown to discover what the spot your character is standing on looked like decades ago. It’s found at www.sepiatown.com.

What if a scene from your book takes place in New York City on the corner of Fifth Avenue and 34th Street? Perhaps you’re writing a contemporary novel, but you need to know what that spot looked like many years ago. (Let’s say the protagonist’s grandmother took her to that very spot every year when she was a child, and in a poignant scene, your protagonist recalls a memory of that time and place.) Or perhaps you’re writing a historical novel set in 1931.

In SepiaTown, type in the location or landmark you’re researching.

I was researching the intersection of Fifth Avenue and 34th Street, so that’s what I typed in. On the current map that pops up, there are thumbnails of the historical landmarks in the area. Click on the thumbnail and an enlarged photo of the landmark appears on the left with the name, the exact location, the date of the photo, and a brief description. On the right is the map, but clink on the link above the map entitled then/now, and a current image of the landmark appears, when available. This allows you to compare the same landmark (then and now) side by side.

The website is growing everyday as institutions like the New York Public Library, historical organizations, and even individuals donate historical photos. It’s a great tool to use as a starting point in your research. SepiaTown utilizes image uploaders to check the accuracy of the information as well as the image’s location. According to their website, film and audio images are coming soon.

I wrote the little ditty below solely for the purpose of this blog, and I used Sepia Town in my research. I’m not a romance writer, so please bear with me!

Grace stood on the curb of Fifth Avenue in New York City and leaned her head back to take in 1,250 vertical feet of steel and glass.

She rode the train into the city that afternoon to witness the inaugural opening of the Empire State Building. Crowds were pressed in along West 34th Street, West 33rd Street, and Fifth Avenue.
The sun dropped lower, and the throng began to chant, “10…9…8…7...”

She was breathless with excitement.
It was almost dusk, and President Herbert Hoover was about to flip a switch in Washington D.C., more than 200 miles away.
The switch was flipped, and the lobby of the tallest skyscraper in the world exploded with light, illuminating it against the darkening skyline. The crowd went wild, and it was New Years Eve all over again in 1931. Confetti drifted from the sky like colored snowflakes in May.
A hand on her shoulder spun her around and pressed her backwards, and she stared into the greenest eyes she’d never seen. Just as quickly, his lips were on hers, and she couldn’t hear the crowd, couldn’t feel her feet. He laughed as he pulled away. “Well, isn’t this what strangers do in NYC when confetti falls?”

They stared at one another for a long moment, as if a kiss from a stranger created a bond between them. The crowd was dispersing, and he took her hand in his so he wouldn’t lose her. She didn’t know his name, and she didn’t care. Perhaps it was confetti in the air or the taste of his kiss on her lips that was to blame for her devil may care attitude.

He pulled her through the throng on Fifth Avenue and past the site of the old Waldorf Astoria, when it began to rain, first in droplets then in hard fists. They ran together and laughed, finally taking refuge between the whitewashed Roman-style columns of the Knickerbocker Trust Co. Building.

Oh, there’s also a fabulous SepiaTown blog where you can learn about the latest additions to the archives and get great historical information, which may spark an idea or two for your next book!

The May 20 blog focused on the UK Suffrage Movement and included historical photos and related links.

The May 16 blog chronicled the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, and on April 9, Paris through the eyes of modern photographer Eugène Atget was the focus. Many of Atget’s photographs are on display.

Check out SepiaTown on Facebook and Twitter, as well.

Thanks all for having me in Seekerville. It’s been so much fun; I hope you invite me back! Stop by SepiaTown and tell me if you found it as exciting as I did.

Two of you today have an opportunity to win a copy of my latest nonfiction release Bible Facts, part of the innovative Candle Discovery Series published by Candle Books, a division of Lion Hudson.

Anne Adams Bio-

Anne has authored 14 children’s books for Baker Books, HonorKidz, Cook Communications, Concordia Publishing, and most recently, Candle Books, a division of Lion Hudson. Her children’s books have ranged from picture books to middle-grade fiction as well as nonfiction. She was also a writer for the Tulsa World newspaper and was published in Phoenix Home and Garden magazine.

Her newest release, Bible Facts by Anne Adams is a fun and innovative look at life in Bible times by using recipes, classified ads, exchange rates, and “how to” instructions. This book was just published by Candle Books and made part of their Candle Discovery Series. It is currently available world-wide. Three of the books in her middle grade fiction series, The Promised Land Diaries, are available on Kindle. The other three titles in the series will be available on Kindle this summer.

Anne is currently at work on her first historical novel for the adult market. She makes her home in Phoenix, Arizona.


  1. Aha!! First to comment. A Seekerville welcome to my favorite sister.

    She's also my only sister.

    Coffee is on and the pastries are scheduled to arrive on the hour. It's midnight in NY but only 9 in Phoenix.

    Thanks for joining us, Anne.

  2. Very cool site!

    Thanks for bringing our attention to it.

    And lucky you for living in Phoenix - had a chance to visit and I love Arizona!

    Also, it must be great having two sisters as writers in a family - possible book about that anyone?

    EvaMariaHamilton at gmail dot com

  3. Anne, what a great site. I'm a historical writer, so I'm adding this one to my bookmarks. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thanks to my sister!

    Yes, I love Phoenix, except in summer, of course. You couldn't have come to visit in the summer, Eva!

    Sure Keli. If you have any favorite historical sites, please share!!

  5. No, Anne you are right. It was Jan. and Feb. so a very welcome change from snow. I hear you literally melt in the summer heat. :)

  6. Wow. Neat website. Can't wait until I have time to sit down and visit it. Thanks for sharing, Anne.


  7. What a cool site -- thanks for sharing!

    I write historical romance, but am toying with some MG novel ideas. I found some info about your books online and enjoyed learning more about them. Love the diary concept! And I'm sure the Bible Facts book would have some goodies I could share with my kids at church. :-)


  8. The Then/Now feature of this is pretty darn cool.

  9. So Anne, how do you write 14 books? Did you start when you were twelve you brat!

  10. Wait, you must have gone to the Mary Connealy school of writing. Mary, what number are you on?

  11. Wow -- SepiaTown is an incredible resource!!! Thanks for sharing. Now I can time travel from the comfort of my own living room. :-)

    Anne, I'm curious about your ventures in children's publishing. How did you get started? Is Christian children's publishing difficult to get into?

    By the way, I love the innovative premise behind Bible Facts -- what a great way to hook kids.

  12. Good morning, Anne! Welcome to Seekerville! I can't believe Tina has been hiding you all this time.

    SepiaTown is such a cool concept! I'm bookmarking the site for later when I have time to roam around in it instead of hurrying to get ready for work : ) So many resources are now available for historical research, I love it! The biggest problem I ran into while writing historical romance was visualizing what the areas looked like a century or two earlier.

    I can't wait to hop through SepiaTown, Anne. Thanks for sharing!

    Come back soon!

  13. Anne, welcome to Seekerville! I love the SepiaTown website. I write historicals, so this is really helpful.

    There's a lot of talent in your family!

  14. Okay, Anne, you've piqued my interest, I am off to Sepiatown and now I'm wondering how the rest of your story goes.

    Now, as for the other interesting tidbits that inquiring minds would like to know... I have a list of questions concerning your sister if you'd care to email me privately.

    ....justing waiting to hear from you


    here's my email just in case


  15. Anne-with-an-E, welcome to Seekerville!!!!!

    (Note the extensive use of exclamation points your sister poo-poos... She's such a nag)

    First: Girlfriend, what took you so long? Were you waiting for Radcliffe to invite you???? I'd have invited you sooner, ya' know, because you're THAT special.

    Second: I loved meeting you in Denver eons ago.

    Third: Oh my goodness, Sepiatown rocks! I love using 'old images' to paint a picture of contrast in contemporary works, it's kind of like taking the reader down Memory Lane without them noticing I'm doing it! What a totally fantabulous wonderful resource!!! It's bookmarked and I'm going to go through it tonight leisurely while I print my WIP...

    Fourth: Is Tina as bossy in real life???

    Fifth: There is no fifth, I'm just being a pain in the butt because I don't get enough chances to pester your sister in public as I would like to. Most days she makes me behave myself. She sends me "gentle words of caution" privately which are much appreciated since I'm always getting myself in BIG trouble.

    Okay, for the former Italian princesses of Western New York, we have a fun day of WNY food.

    White hots. (Porkers. So good. Do not mistake these for any sorry excuse for hot dogs you may have in other areas of the country. They're a thin, thin, thin imitation)

    Beef on Kimmelweck sandwiches. Horseradish, mayo and mustard served alongside. Note the salt intake and rejoice.

    Buffalo wings. From Chippewa.('nuff said. To die for)

    Sponge candy. (made by moi)
    Fried dough. (also made by moi, choice of sugars)

    Iced tea. Coffee. Iced coffee. Diet soda. More coffee. I'm recovering from a hard-working weekend: caffeine is good stuff.

    Anne, welcome aboard! Tell us about your children's books. And the green-eyed guy that grabs a kiss, then a hand. And the woman that follows him...


  16. Hi, Anne! Thanks for letting us know about Sepia Town! What a great resource for us historical writers!!! I just friended Sepia Town on Facebook.

    And I would love to win your book! I might have to buy that for my husband. He's so hard to buy for and he would love it, and so would my girls.
    melaniedickerson at knology dot net

  17. Welcome, Anne! Any sister of Tina's is a Seeker sister, too! I remember meeting you at Desert Dreams in 2006.

    Fascinating site you shared. My sister does geneology, so I'll be sure to share that with her as she likes finding "then & now" photos. Don't you just love that new series of books about all the Arizona communities? Tons of photos. I want to collect the entire set.

    With just that little taste of your writing style, I'd definitely buy a novel from you!

    Enjoy your day in Seekerville!

  18. Hey Anne!

    Thanks for this great resource. Will definitely bookmark! Networking is a wonderful thing, made easy through the Internet.

    You might want to think about romance writing by the way! You have us hooked already! :)

    Question on MG since that is my "group" - do you find many of them have ebook readers? I've been asking around and so far, extremely few answered "yes". I'm wondering if you know if you might have older readers enjoying your stories as well.

    What other tidbits can you share for MG?

    Looking forward to hearing more about your work and reading too! may at maythek9spy dot com

    Waving to AZ. Love that state for many reasons...

    Tina - thank you for inviting her today. Sounds like you two are the life of the family reunion when you all get together.

    Ruthy, can't wait to taste your goodies today. Yum!!!

  19. I can't tell you how thrilled I was to read your blog this morning. My husband is a model train buff and is always looking for historical pictures of buildings and his resources have been few for our area. Voila!

    We are fortunate to have a few family homestead pictures to bring our past to life. It makes such a difference in feeling connected to the past.

    Thanks so much. It may not be for writing for our household but is very much appreciated.

  20. Whoa, Anne, I could have stayed in Sepia Town all morning.

    Cool site. Thanks for telling us about it.

    I also have a yen to find pictures to send in.

    I've got a book to write you know!!!????

    And now you've given me a new hobby. :)

  21. Great post!

    Thanks for the helpful info. :)


  22. Tina, you have a sister?

    That's so sweet.

  23. The Mary Connealy School of Writing...I believe they have medication to cure you of that now.

  24. Oh my, Anne, your blog actually made my pulse race ... not only because of the GREAT romance scene you wrote (you really SHOULD write romance, you know because you left me wanting MORE!!), but because this is JUST the type of site I have been looking for!! Do you have any idea how many hours I have combed Google Images to try to get a sense what a place looked like in the 1920s???? You are a genius, which doesn't surprise me AT all since you are related to the Teenster.

    Great blog, and come back soon, Anne!


    P.S. I can SOOO see Tina in you!!!

  25. Oh my goodness! Did someone say they brought coffee? I think that was Tina. TINA??? I don't see any. Yawn. I have to go have a cup of coffee and a.......a.......I will run out and get chocolate chip oatmeal muffins for all. No, I am not baking them. Be back in a flash to dish the dirt on my sister, Tina Pinson! Heh Heh Heh....Remember everyone, I knew her WHEN!!!

  26. Thanks Leigh. The diaries were really fun to write. Talk about historical. Unfortunately, SepiaTown doesn't have any photos dating back to Bible days. THAT would have been helpful!

  27. Hi Dianna! Yeah, I thought it was cool when I stumbled across it too.

    I was actually researching Berlin in 1929 and I needed to know where the train stations were and how to get across town from one side to the next. Then, I needed to know what my character would see along the way.

    It has been hugely helpful.

  28. Tina, my Tina......writing for children is a lot like writing romance, from what I hear, in that in order to stay current, you have to crank out the books.

    So, at one time, I was writing three or four books a year. That was a killer because many of these books were heavy, heavy, heavy (did I mention heavy) on the research.

  29. Hey, I want to got to the Mary Connealy School of Writing. Where do I sign up?

    Do they feed you there?

  30. Kav?
    I knoq NOTHING about Children's publishing but I'm going out on a limb here to say YES it's hard to get into.

    All publishing is hard to get into.

  31. Tell the truth, Ruthy, all fourteen of the Seekers are privately sending you 'gentle words of caution'.

    All of us, working together, have kept Ruthy out of jail.

    It's exhausting.

  32. Mostly, Anne, it has been my experience that people who attempt to learn from me, are actually STUPIDER for having listened.

    A sad but true fact.

  33. Ruthy, Oh my goodness! I am salivating. You are my second sister forever because you know (in the most intimate sense) the meaning of a true hot dog and a beef on weck. Oh, those beef on wecks with those salty granules on the buns......

    Medics? I need a medic.

    My sister has been so patient with me these last few weeks as I have been a needy challenge. I bounce every idea, every thought, every sub thought, every tremor of my brain cell off her as she is filled with KNOWLEDGE of this industry.

    Our conversations usually go like this:

    "OMG," says Anne.

    "What now?" says wise muse.

    "I can't do it."

    "Shut up and do it."

    "But, but, but."

    "You're going to be 70-years-old and still whining. Shut up and do it."

    "Can't I come over and you can make me a cup of tea and hold my hand?"

    "Ummm...didn't I tell you that I am going out of town? Mary is having a writing seminar and Ruthy is stopping by, and Julie, and Audra, and the rest of the gang. So, no, you can't stop by."

    "You hate me, don't you? You hate me because I am your younger, clingier sister. I knew it. Dad loves you more. He always did."

    "OH MY GAWD"

  34. Hi Kav,

    First, thank you!

    I got started in Christian publishing years ago when I wrote my first book for the Christian market based upon the popular Richard Scarry books. I sent it around and ultimately it was an editor at Thomas Nelson that liked it but couldn't publish it at the time. Their children's book department was not very developed at the time. She sent my manuscript and a note to a book packager.

    This book packager sent my book around and it ended up ultimately with Concordia Publishing.

    I think the children's market is much the same as other markets. Tough to break into. I found what helped me the most was to find a type of book that the Christian market was not publishing and to tap into that need.

  35. I should have know you'd fit right in with this group of "usual suspects."

    So maybe you'll write romance next???

  36. Hi Melanie! The Bible Facts book is a great read for anyone who likes history. If you want to know about perfumes and the perfumers who made them, musicians, or Roman soldiers, etc.

    It's a great resource, I think for adults as well. I tried so hard to make it fascinating, as I know that I hate to read BORING!

  37. Glynna, You are so sweet! I remember meeting you too! And Ruthy and precious Audra.

    I've not read the books about the Arizona books. Can you tell me more?

    And, I am seriously a pseudo Seeker Sister? I LOVE THE SEEKERS. You are the most talented group of women ever. I am so proud of all of you and proud to know you.

  38. Hi Anne,

    Neat website, thanks for sharing.

    I write for the Christian children's genre too. Mostly, short stories/articles for Sunday school "take home" magazines. I have one non-fiction Christian book for children and I can relate to the extensive research!

    Tell us, do you have an agent since a lot of the Christian publishing houses are closed to unsolited submissions?

    RRossZediker at yahoo dot com

  39. Hi KC, The nice thing about Kindle is that you can download free software so that you can read Kindle books on your laptop or other mobile device. I don't know if many people are aware of this.

    I do have older readers. The print version of the Promised Land Diaries are currently out-of-print, but they used to attract an older audience. I used to have moms tell me all the time that they were reading them and passing them around to their friends.

    I think that in terms of MG readers it is important (as it is when writing for "children" of any age) not to underestimate their ability to comprehend by context.

    I was reading advanced books to my kids when they were very little. As a result, they were reading adult books by the time they were in 6th grade.

    The Promised Land Diaries are advanced in many ways, but middle-grade readers can relate to them even though they take place centuries ago, because there is a girl in every story that is writing the diary. She has the same fears and needs and wants as girls today.

    So, I think it is also important to give them something they can relate to, even if the subject matter might not be contemporary.

  40. Thank you Julie Hilton Steele. What a cool thing your husband does. I am so happy to hear that SepiaTown can help him!

  41. Audra!!

    Congratulations on your publishing success, again. So proud of you.

  42. Julie, That is exactly what I was running into as I was researching the 1920's. Yes, I know the number of hours. It was so time consuming and frustrating.

    You are a sweetheart. Hugs back to you in spades!

  43. Tina, You know there can only be one romance writer in the family. Sigh. And that is you.

    But......I can add romance to my current book, right?

  44. Rose,

    I don't currently have an agent. I've had good success without one, but I did have a book packager that shopped the houses for me.

    I recommend finding an agent, however, and I am currently searching for one. While I think agents are always beneficial, I think there are two vulnerable times in your career when they are crucial:

    1. When you are just starting out and need an agent to break into the market.

    2. When your career is taking off and you need an agent to help navigate your career and negotiate your rights and contracts. You'd be surprised at the number of people that would love to capitalize upon your bankable talent.

  45. Hi Seekerville!

    Oh Ruthy... White Hots! (Soo good that I have to capitalize them.) I was wandering in the "heart attack on a plate aisle" on Saturday wishing for white hots. Nothing there. So believe it or not I ended up with bison hots. I eat a lot of buffalo - but wish I was in Buffalo eating white hots, you know?

    For those of you who haven't heard, I went to high school with Ruthy. I last saw her in the mid- 70's and haven't been back to Hilton in years and years.

    I discovered her here at Seekerville last week, to my delight! I have to say that Ruthy was very well behaved in those days so apparently she is going through a second or third childhood now. I am glad y'all are keeping her on track and out of jail! It sounds like a full time job, but at least you eat well.

    It's my fault I haven't seen her - I have lived all over North America since the 70's, hitting the Army trail years ago with my chaplain hubby. Currently we are in Colorado Springs where the buffalo roam and Pike's Peak overlooks our backyard.

    I love, love, love history. My book is a middle grade account of a small Quaker girl who was abducted by natives in 1778. It's very much like Wendy Lawton's Daughter of the Faith series and based on family lore as well as old documents. She was a great- x6 aunt of mine. So...thank you for Sepiatown! I am looking forward to playing with it.

  46. Kathy, That sounds like a wonderful book!

    Don't forget everyone, if you have historical photos that you can upload to SepiaTown, the website will grow and grow and become even more useful to all of us. We can even put our hometowns on SepiaTown with our old photos.

    Mary even said she has a new hobby, and I have joined the Mary Connealy fan club.

    p.s. there is a Mary Connealy fan club, isn't there?

  47. There is a Mary Connealy fan club.

    Just go to i-got-no-life.com and sign up.


  48. So Anne, tell us about what else you are working on./

  49. Anne!
    So good to have you with us today! You're beautiful and talented, just like Tina!

    Thanks for the great info about Sepiatown! I stopped there on the way to the blog comments and loved all the pics. Hubby is from San Fran so the photos of the Cliff House fascinated me. Also the Warsaw Ghetto pics. Such a heartbreaking time.

    Also enjoyed the info about writing for the Children's Market. So many folks want info about that market, and I never know where to send them. Now we have info on Seekerville!!! Great!

    Come back often! Okay? Promise?

  50. Waving to Army wife, Kathy!!!

    Wonder if our paths ever crossed? I'll throw out names. If anything matches, let me know: Knox, Irwin, Polk, Aschaffenburg, Belvoir...

  51. Oh, SNAP!!!


    Oh my stars, I GUESS she is. I mostly like her. Some days.

    And Annie-baby, here's the dish on Teenster from OUR beleagured (did I spell that right? It looks weird. Oh, wait, that's the MIRROR!!!) end...




    But she's always RIGHT, which makes it slightly more palatable. But only slightly.

    And Amy looks a lot like you girls. Oh my stars, so stinkin' beautiful.

    Okay, so you need to start writing romance. Hush, now, seriously, in case you missed the memo, no one argues with the Ruth-meister (not openly, that is, because I'm THAT SENSITIVE.)


    But your schweister argues with me non-stop and we're actually planning a room in the home together, matching scooters, I get the window.

    I'm just sayin'...

    Okay, Anne, I've got the dough rising for fried dough.

    Fried dough is food of the gods, I'm pretty sure they made it way before that unleavened bread stuff, and if not, it was only because they didn't know the facts about manna from heaven.

    Fried dough is so yummy.

    Anne, you should be over here all the time. Oh my gosh, woman, the only that bites is Mary and we generally keep her caged.

    Well, Julie nips now and again. And Cara is a trained assassin. Like your sister.

    No wonder you fear us.


    I'm so excited you're here today!!!

    Let's call Mom.

  52. Anne:

    Like some others, I am bookmarking this sitie to spend more time in when it fits the schedule better. (I'm painting the house right now.)

    I write contemporary and totally relate to what you said about needing to know what a place looked like years ago. Contemporary writers do a lot more research than historical writers might anticipate.

    Tina runs a great site here that a lot of us who live in an isolated setting find REALLY helpful.


  53. Anne! Welcome to Seekerville! So Tina is as bossy with you as she is with us, huh? Go figure.

    And wow, what a cute pub photo! Definitely a sisterly resemblance!

    What a fascinating site! It's always so hard for me to look at a modern-day setting and try to picture it a century ago. This is a GREAT resource for historical writers! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  54. All of you girls are so encouraging. Let's all go over to Ruthy's house and eat all of her fried bread. The best fried bread I ever had was in Ocean City, Md. Oh my gosh. It was covered in swirls of decadent chocolate. To die for.

  55. Okay, Okay, TINA. She is trying to steer me away from food and back onto books. Geesh. What a party pooper.

    I am working on my first historical novel for the adult market. Here's a teaser.

    A Czech woman meets a famous (very) public figure and is coerced by her husband to spy on him for J. Edgar Hoover in 1929 Berlin.

    When she falls in love with him, she is forced to choose between loyalty to her husband and her growing love for Einstein, both of which have deadly consequences when Hitler rises to power in 1933.

    Needless to say, SepiaTown has come in very handy. If there are other historical websites that you wonderful historical authors can recommend, please do!

  56. oh my gosh, I gave away the public figure!!! There you have it!

  57. ANNE!!!!!!!!!
    That's a romance novel, girl, you are sooooooo there.

  58. Sigh.......okay. I LOVE romance.

  59. Anne,

    Your novel premise is intriguing. How will you deal with intersecting the lives of your characters with real life characters, such as the very public person you mentioned? Will it matter to your writing if this was not in his character?

    Debby, my list has names like: Jackson, Hunter, Stewart, Sam Houston, Sill, Leavenworth, Carson. No intersecting there! Army wife waving back! :-)

  60. Kathy, this is a great question. I am also interested to know if any of the Seekers or any other writer reading this blog has written a novel based upon real life characters.

    I have spent the past two years or more doing intensive research. This is historical fiction. All of the main characters in my book really existed, and their lives truly intersected in remarkable ways. My job is to connect the dots. So much has been written about Einstein and I have read many books on him. I have a responsibility to try to keep him "in character."

    Hence, two years of preliminary research, and it is ongoing.

  61. So all of the research will lay the foundation for a believable twist on history. I can't wait to see what you do with it and how you connect the dots.

  62. I'm late welcoming you to Seekerville, Anne, but I'm thrilled to you're here. We all love Tina so naturally it's a great pleasure to host her sister, her favorite sister at that. :-) Your accomplishments are impressive! Bible Facts sounds fascinating!

    Thank you, thank you for sharing Sepia Town with us!!! I write historicals and love history, especially old photos. Wonderful stuff!


  63. Thanks Janet!! Well, I am a huge fan of Seekerville and all of you amazing and talented writers.

    My sister is pretty awesome, too!

    I am always telling everyone about this blog by the way. You all have the most compelling posts. They have inspired me tremendously.

  64. My goodness, Anne, you and Tina definitely look like sisters! You have the same expression. :)

    Welcome!! We're so glad you're here with us! I can't wait to go check out this site. Our local theater has the halls filled with old photos of the town. I just love exploring those! I'm sure this site will be the same.

    I love that teaser for your novel! Sounds so intriguing. I hope someone snatches it right up so we can read it.

  65. Missy, I never noticed that. We do have the same expressions.

    Here is some Tina dirt that I am about to dish up. Heads up Seekerville.

    Tina was voted the prettiest girl in her class in her senior year in high school.

    I have to run now........she is going to kill me.

  66. Kathy, girlfriend, waving to you from upstate where I can (neener, neener) get white hots whenever I want...

    Mmmmm.... so good!!:)

    So nice to see you here, I'm tickled pink you came over and yet...

    And yet...

    You ratted me out.

    Called me 'nice' in front of everyone!!! Oh, dagnabbit, whatsa girl to do when her old buds have at her like that? These people think I'm a big MEANYPANTS. Like on Veggie-Tales.

    Now I've been outed. Oh my.

    Anne, I love this idea and Sara Donati uses these premises often for her historical fiction. (I love the way Sara Donati who is really Rosina Lippi plays out her historicals... detail rich) She'll incorporate real historical figures into the fictional story in many ways and it lends a strong air of realism to the story.

    And yes, please, all come to upstate and we'll feast on fried dough, white hots, Ruthy's sponge candy and then we'll talk writing, romance, God and cute guys for hours on end.


    I'm so pleased that you're writing a grown up book with....




    and some humor, right? I love a little humor thrown in because otherwise would men be at all palatable????

    Humor is their saving grace more often than not, don't you think?

  67. Kathy, I love the premise for your book. Do you have the little girl aging in captivity?

    And, ummm....

    What's taking so long with the writing of it, darling????

    (And that's your Ruthy-welcome to Seekerville!!! See what they mean? I used to be sweet. Nice. Genteel.)

  68. Ruthy,

    Yes, I will incorporate humor! I agree. Humor is necessary. Yup. I've got my big girl shoes on now. I'm ready.......

    Today, I took a day off to devote to the blog and cooking and cleaning. Tomorrow, it is back to work.

  69. Liar, Liar Pants on Fire.

    But I am so glad you could be with us in Seekerville today, even if you do fib.

    (I'm telling Mom)

  70. Wow, sepia town sounds like an amazing resource. Thank you for sharing that! Your sister told me that you would be here today! I'm really excited and pleased to meet you!

  71. Thanks Jenny! I am so pleased to meet you as well. It's so nice to get out of the house. Seekerville is an inspiring place.

  72. Jenny lives in Arizona toooo. And she writes children's books and quilting books. We have so many talented people visiting Seekerville.

  73. Jenny, where do you live in Arizona? I know Glynna lives in Flag, am I right?

  74. Anne -- the Arizona history books with the great old photographs are put out by www.arcadiapublishing.com in their 'Images of America' series.

    Over the past few years they've done dozens on historic communities throughout the state. I definitely recommend them. Check out your local Barnes & Noble in the Arizona history section--they usually have a bunch of them.

  75. Thanks Glynna. I will definitely check them out!

  76. Can we talk about food again, yet?

    Has Tina gone to bed?

    I could seriously go for an ice cream cone about now.

  77. Ruthy, you and food *tsk, tsk tsk* You're gonna make me hungry!!!

    WELCOME ANNE!!! (By the way, that's my mom's name! LOL!)

    So excited to welcome you to Seekerville, however, my welcome turned into more of a goodnight considering the time. Sorry I couldn't get here earlier, but you see we had tennis playoffs today. Got out of school at 12:30! Yeah! *wink*

    I haven't checked out the website yet, but that sounds so awesome! Will definitely be looking into it for sure : )

    Thanks for being here, once again sorry it wasn't sooner.

    I'll leave out some fresh baked Magic Bars for any scragglers that happen to stop by again tonight. Oh! I almost forgot the milk *sets on table* There that should do it! *yells* Come on back, Ruthy!

    Talk to you soon,

  78. Tina, you were voted prettiest girl your senior year!! Awwwww...that's awesome, girl!!

    I wasn't voted anything *tears*

  79. Hannah there were only three of us in the class. Two guys and me. So I was the default title winner.

  80. Hi Hannah!It's okay, I just got back from hitting the track. I had to....I gained like ten pounds just thinking about Ruthy's fried bread. I am still salivating.

    And don't listen to Tina - she had at least 100 people in her class. Yeah, it was a small town, but not THAT small!!

  81. Wow, Tina
    i was voted most beautiful in my class too. Oh wait... I was runner up for class clown.

    Which mind you, doesn't mean I'm like that or anything...

  82. WOW! You two favor one another. I cannot believe I have had Tina's sister's books on my shelves and didn't know it!

    Well, I knew I had the books...just didn't put two and two together that you were Tina's sis.

    HOW AWESOME to have two writer-sisters!

    Loved the photos and this blog. Thanks for coming!


  83. Wow, thanks for the great site. I immediately went there to browse. I love old photographs.

    I'm a homeschooler so your books sound fantastic. My daughter is the constantly inquisitive type so I'll definitely be looking up Bible Facts. Thanks again!


  84. L.O.L. Tina!!!! I wouldn't have believed you even if Anne hadn't mentioned that there were at least 100 in the class : P

    Don't worry there's only about 160 in my class! There will only be about 250 in my college class too....awesome!!

    Ruthy's food is CRAZY, ANne! I know what you mean : )

  85. Hi Julia, This should be an ideal book for homeschoolers. Please feel free to email me anytime at apenaz@cox.net.

  86. Cheryl, That is cool that you had some of my books! It really is the best to have a writer sister. We pray for one another all the time with our projects and endeavors.

    Thanks again to all the wonderful Seekers for having me! It was great fun.
