Saturday, July 31, 2010

I Didn't Go To RWA Nationals Weekend Edition

So you didn't get to go to RWA Nationals. That doesn't mean you can't virtually participate. Wipe those tears. It's time to gather around the Twitter feed. Stay tuned for the Golden Heart and RITA awards banquet tonight (Saturday night).

Here the link to RWA where the winners will be posted as they are announced.

And here's the Twitter feed to follow the fun (if you get lost look for
#RWA10) and the RWA 10 Hash Album can be found here.

Remember to
keep on an eye on BillsPro for 2010 conference audio specials. You can preview this year's RWA workshops and handouts here. Be sure to click on the workshop titles for the handout PDF.

all of you who didn't go to Nationals, Seekerville has a NO WHINING ZONE SURPRISE PACKAGE. Just tell us your strategic plan to get to Nationals or any other conference in 2011. TWO WHINY WINNERS announced next weekend.

We Have Winners:

Mary Connealy's
Monday post was How To Put Laughter in Slaughter. Normandie Fischer is the winner of a signed copy of Doctor in Petticoats. Mary is giving a second bonus copy to Connie, and because her comment loaded so often she actually got her name in the hat 45 times, Mary is giving a copy to Dianna Shuford.

Tuesday Tina Radcliffe posted I Am Not... Winners of Ruth Logan Herne's Waiting Out the Storm are the unique Gail K. and Pamela Mason.

Glynna Kaye posted on Pauline in Peril:Creating a Sympathetic Heroine. Winner of a $10 Barnes & Noble gift card is Mary Bailey.

Thursday was our August Contest Update. Winner of Mary Connealy's Doctor in Petticoats is Walt.

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: Steeple Hill author Ruth Logan Herne is here with a report from RWA Nationals.

Tuesday: Today Steeple Hill author Tina Radcliffe has a quote for you and a giveaway.

Wednesday: Join Desert Breeze author, K. Dawn Byrd for an encore visit and she's posting on Finding Joy in the Race To Publication, with two giveaways!

Thursday: Multi Golden Heart finalist Keli Gwyn is our special guest.

Friday : Dorchester Publishing author Caroline Fyffe is here with a post on Birthing Your Characters. She's also giving away a copy of her latest release, Montana Dawn.

I didn't go to Nationals Cry Baby!

Save The Date:

August 16: Bell Bridge author Maureen Hardegree.

August 27th: Barbour Publishing author Mary Lu Tyndall.

Seeker Sightings:

We've got a huge Seeker Sighting for you here.

Congratulations to Seeker Glynna Kaye who won The Greater Detroit RWA Bookseller's Best Award in both the Traditional category and Best First Book category with Dreaming of Home, her debut Steeple Hill Love Inspired release.

Friday, August 6th from 12 noon to 2 pm you can find Mary Connealy signing at The Rainbow Shop. 4761 13th Ave S, Fargo, North Dakota 58103, (701) 356-0700 If you'd like to buy a signed book and can't get there, phone ahead and they'll sell you one and have Mary sign it any way you want, then ship it to you.

Stop by Lena Nelson Dooley's blog starting Saturday July 31 through all week
for a chance to win Doctor in Petticoats.

And you have another chance to win Doctor in Petticoats. Visit Margaret Daley's Blog on Monday, August 2nd through all of next week.

Join Camy Tang's Street Team for her September, Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense release, Formula For Danger, here.

Random News:

  • Tweeted at RWA#10 by SaraMegibow of Nelson Literary Agency :" Do you have a medieval romance? Completed. Polished. 100K words? Query me."

Finally, thanks Anne Barton for emailing me about this tonight.


And lest we leave you thinking all is PERFECT at RWA Conference 2010, we share this blog post by Suzanne Enoch and Karen Hawkins.


  1. OH WHAT FUN. Check out the Hash Album, pictures from the Harlequin Party and the FF & P Steam Punk Ball are already going up!! Woo, I love living vicariously through Twitter.

  2. I plan on selling and selling big! *grins* That's how I will get to conference next year.

    Thank you for all the RWA links.

  3. I'm workin' on ACFW 2011. I don't think I can stand missing it another year. It will be a God Job to get there, so we'll see what He has in mind. A year is a lot of time for opportunity.

    I'm not whining about RWAS. but remind me in Sept to keep my belly achin' to myself.

    Hey, I hope Keli comes in next week with some awesome results from tonight!

  4. Okay. The ice sculpture has just been put in place. So what if we're not at some fancy schmancy resort hotel. We got class, too!

    The staff is serving, the white tablecloths are spotless, even the piped in musak is elegant. No buffet for us. Oh no. Have a seat, you'll be served promptly. You don't even need a menu because they know what you like and they're bringing you a wide variety of luscious breakfast foods.

    Look how cute those little breakfast quiche are. And those cheese danish? Oh, you're vegan? not a problem. "Waiter!"

  5. I think RWA would be a pretty darn scary first conference to go to so I am not whining and not planning. :-)

    Does anyone know where the ACFW conference is going to be held in 2011?

    Loved all the links today -- especially the bookworm baby. And the signing video was too funny! The Jane Austen Fight Club -- so wrong it was funny too. LOL.

    Thanks for providing me with breakfast entertainment today.

  6. The only whining I'm doing today is the *gotta work at day job grumble*

    Great WE, Tina. Can't wait to catch the GH and Rita winners are they are posted tonight!!

    Have a great day, folks!

  7. No whining, Tina? Then I guess I have nothing to say.

    About RWA in New York--maybe we all stay at Ruthy's. Except I'm afraid she lives hours from the city and it would be a very LONG commute.

  8. YAYYYYYYYYYY: Glynna, Congrats.

    Okay, Hope ALL of you are making plans for next year.

    Get a piggy bank.

    Watch for cheap flights. (Always a bunch after the Christmas/New Year holidays)

    Find a friend who lives in NY city. Oh I wish.


  9. Debra, Love all your party stuff and ice sculpture. Way to go.

    No reason not to party.

    Always an excuse to party.

    I'm bringing Ghirardelli chocolates.

  10. I just told my husband on Thursday night that I am going to the 2011 ACFW Conference. I wanted to go to the year it was in Minneapolis, but there was a wedding shower for our son and daughter in law. Didn't get to Denver because of another shower...this time for first grandchild...can't go this year because of another family baring death, I'm going next year.

    How's that for whinning???? BTW where is the ACFW Conference in 2011??? Anyone know???

    Love Camy's and Ruth's new covers.

  11. Next year, RWA will be within driving distance for me, so that's how I'm planning to get there. Right now, I'm stalking the Romance Divas forum during their Not Going to the Conference Conference hoping to win some door prizes.

  12. Rose!! Love the picture.

    Joy, welcome to Seekerville.

    I have heard unconfirmed rumors that next year ACFW will be in St. Louis.

    Will let you know if I can confirm that.

  13. CARA SAID:

    "No whining, Tina? Then I guess I have nothing to say."

    GRIN ... I laughed out loud on that one, Cara, thanks!!

    Kav, I'm with you -- RWA is a big, scary conference that I only went to once, but like you, I am one of the few people on the planet who isn't whining about not going. The only way I would go is if I ever finaled in the Rita, so I'm not holding my breath! In all honesty, I much prefer the intimacy and spirituality of ACFW where one can have a blast and be exposed to God on a large scale too, BUT ... experiencing RWA vicariously is fun, I will admit. Thanks, Teenster, for making it so darn easy!!!


  14. If I could convince my wife to go with me to a conference, then I could finally go to an RWA conerence. (Honey, I'm going to spend a week with 2,000+ women is just hard to contemplate saying.)

    I'm hoping for 2013 when the RWA conference is in Anaheim. It's where my in-laws live. (Granted, telling my in-laws that I'm going to a conference with 2,000 women mght even be harder.)

    St. Louis sounds good. Will also make next year's M&M. Want to attend to Blue Ridge. (Want to win the lottery, etc.)

  15. I on the other hand find RWA to be the best conference on the planet next to Desert Dreams in Arizona.

    So it depends on what you go for. RWA is the real romance book industry with a touch of a hurricane. I prefer RWA.

    ACFW is a pleasant spiritual refreshing.

  16. Did you see one of the recent RWA Tweets?


    Funniest remark of #RWA10 from American soldier @JessicaScott09 : This is scarier than Iraq!

    Lee Child is at the RWA conference. If Jack Reacher (his series protagonist) isn't worried about it neither should you Walt.

  17. His protagonist has never met my in-laws. :-)

    P.S. Yay!!!!! I won a Mary book!!!!

  18. Crack me up Walt!!

  19. I am such a beginner I think I would be very intimidated to go to a conference at this point. I don't have anything to WIP still needs quite a bit of work before I could even think that direction. If I had the money I would love to go just to meet so many ACFW members that I consider friends though I have never met them :). I think that is what I would actually look forward to the most at this point. So I won't whine...if the timing is right God will get me there. Meanwhile I'm going to save up so I can hopefully pick up some CDs.

    BTW, love that Jane Austen Fight Club video. I think I first saw it on The Cerella Life and it had me cracking up.

    And Julie, you are so worthy to win a RITA :). I was finally able to start book 2!!

  20. Hey YOU ALL, I just added a new link. CBD now has a 2010 Carol Award Finalists page.

  21. I LIVE vicariously through photos of conferences and recordings and blogs and... well you get the point. :)

    I am saving like a miser to get to ACFW next year. Hoping and praying it comes to a close enough location for me to drive. Great week. ed.!

  22. Hey, Tina!!! Actually, I'm not whining about going to RWA either. ACFW is wonderful and I love it, but it's darn stressful, and I figure RWA is even more stressful! Plus, I agree with Julie. I LOVE the spiritual atmosphere and worship at ACFW and I'd go just for that!

    I've only had to miss ACFW once since my first year, but if and when I have to miss it again, I will probably have to just stop talking to keep myself from whining!!!

    And the way I plan to get there next year is by getting at least two more contracts and selling lots of books!!! Also, by praying that dh gets a great new job in the next couple months!!!

  23. You guys have me howling....

    Deb, I just love you to pieces, have I mentioned that, honey? And the tables look great, the entire ambience: lovely.

    Enjoying the entire thing, Cupcake. And I'm hoping to do both conferences next year. We'll see how things go down and how many dollars can be tucked away. And I haven't been able to confirm ACFW's 2011 location either, and I've been trying for two months.

    I'd love St. Louis since I've never been there, but they haven't done East Coast. That would be nice, too.

    Okay, last night: First Harlequin Party for Ruthy....

    Red carpet. Velvet ropes.



    More pics.

    Open bar.

    Gorgeous desserts.

    Got to dress like a girl, a REAL girl... I became the designated Steeple Hill princess because I wore a princess dress.

    Hey, they said FORMAL.... ;)

    I just took it up a notch.

    So fun. I danced next to Nora. And Linda Howard. They're skinnier than I am.

    Hate 'em.

    My designated driver was a wonderful chauffer who told me his love story that just begs to become a book. Oh my stars, he was adorable and so forthright and he wouldn't let me cross hotels in my pretty dress but went around to my door so I even got TREATED like a princess.


    Working this afternoon. Quiet room. I'm a 7 minute walk away from the insanity. I get a little weirded out by day after day of not working. Had to DIG for coffee again.

    What is it about Florida? Someone, Cara, someone.... tell me, what does Disney have against Starbucks and Dunkin? Caribou? ANYTHING????

    Because other than first thing in the morning (and that's patchy) this resort just doesn't make coffee. And I don't have a car.

    They're killing me.

    Within walking distance of any NYC conference (for those of you worried about food prices) you can find vendors to hook you up with most anything you're after. Street vendors are everywhere and you get the true wonderful flavor of NY by heading outdoors and browsing. Food everywhere. Shops everywhere.

    You will love it, I promise. Start your piggy bank now because there is more hard-core writing info (on ALL levels of writing, from beginner to industry professionals to career paths) than even I could imagine.

    And I imagine a lot, LOL!

  24. You wore a PRINCESS DRESS, Ruthy? So now you're a designated Steeple Hill princess? Will we get to see a picture when you post next week? We'd better!

  25. I'm working on RWA11 and SCBWI11- both because they're in NYC and so am I. Pretty pathetic of me to whine if I can't pull that off. It's all of a $2.25 subway ride.

    I'm really looking forward to tonight. I've been to 3 of these ceremonies and they're tons of fun, but watching it via twitter is like sitting with a whole bunch of pals and chatting throughout.

  26. I'm working a second job this summer to save up the cash for 2011Nationals in NYC and making a requirement to finish my current WIP!

  27. I don't know if I could take the hustlebustle of NYC with RWA on top of that, so I think I'll hold off another year. Wonder if RWA will come back to Nashville for 2012? That would be closer to me plus the Opryland hotel is fab--been there, loved it.

    I will be at M&M in October, & since his name came up during the week, I shall shamelessly plug the Michael Hague workshop, no published work required for attendance.
    And, may I say a big Thank You to Tina for the contest post & all the archived posts on pimping my entry. I almost sent in an entry, but after all those, I saw how much more polishing & strategising I have to do.
    Congrats to Glynna! Good job!
    And I won a book...thank you!
    Finally, Debra, what a lovely party you throw.

  28. RWA Conference is already contracted through 2016. You can find the future locations here -

  29. I just finished "watching" it all via Twitter. Hey we got some photos that even those there live didn't see like Julia Quinn's double RITA's sitting on her table.

    I'm exhausted from all the fun.

  30. Now from there go to the NYC site and click on it and check it out.

    It's on Times Square. ON TIMES SQUARE!!!

    Check out the video here

  31. I agree Pamela, Michael Hauge rocks.

    I have 99 percent of all his DVDs.

  32. Thanks for stopping by MaryC.

    Way to go Laurie. That's planning!!!!!

    See you both in NYC.

    Pamela, RWA is back in Atlanta in just a few years.

  33. NYC --- WowZa!

    I have his book. Should I invest in his DVD's?

    Registering for M&M by tomorrow puts you in a drawing for his DVD set Hero's Journey.

    (need lessons on linkage, but you can copy & paste.)

  34. Yes, saw that for ATL. Margaret Mitchell's home, the Dump, is right down the street.

    Am planning now.

    See ya'll HERE, then.

  35. The Heroes Two Journey's is awesome.

    Get it on his site, here

    Too bad this is not a Pyramid Marketing Plan. I would be a millionaire. I tell everyone about his DVDs.

    And when you have time, send your snail mail addy to the Seekers contact email on the front page tab, Pamela. Or I will contact you on Sunday.

  36. The only DVD of his I don't have is the 2 Minute Pitch. Because I am useless with pitches in person so I gave up long ago.

  37. Hi there everyone. I'm having a little trouble getting to my computer these days.

    No whining zone? Seriously?

    I don't understand my place in this zone, Tina. Whining is sort of my default reaction to the world.

    I'm sure no one has noticed.

    Of course no one ever notices me. Ever. Not once. sniffle

  38. I told my husband that SOMEDAY I want to go to RWA but not next year. New York City???

    May God have mercy, it terrifies me.

    He said, "New York City? That would be cool. Let's go?"

    I immediately called the police and had the imposter arrested and they are waterboarding him right not to find out what they did with my homebody huband.

  39. Did you see the link to the hotel I so conveniently provided? The entire world is right outside your hotel door.

    And conference is the last week of June. The first time RWA has changed their schedule ever, ever, ever. They did it for you Mary.

    You know you long to walk on a treadmill with a view of Times Square.

  40. Watch the video.

    The Marriott Marquis welcomes 60 million tourists a year.

    Not one of them have been killed by in taxi or mugged for their copy of Montana Rose. (You have to sort of read between the lines.)

  41. I think you need to look at those statistics again, Tina.

    My sources tell me that the death rate among tourists in New York City is 100%.

    You can check that here:

    And, because I would NEVER take for granted a single source I also read up on it on:


  42. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

    Only aggravated assault is up and I suspect they are friends of yours who are...aggravated.

    Check out the NYT. The Times is always right.

    U.S. Crime Rates Fell Despite Economy

  43. NYC is perfectly safe for romance writers, Mary. You just stay out of certain places after dark. Just like you don't walk across the pasture after dark. Same thing.

    Thanks for clearing up the 99% Tina. I do have the Hero's Two Journeys which I also recommend to anyone who will listen. I even got Julia here to sit and watch it with me. You have to pause every so often just to finish notes. Love that.

    Hey Seekers, Please be the first blog on the block to announce the location of ACFW 2011.

  44. Well, I registered for M&M so here's hoping I win MH's dvd set. And 2minute pitches...I'm so nervous when I talk about my work that I sound like the guy with the legal disclaimers on the radio commercials. BetIcangetthewholesynopsishookandqueryandmarketingplaninninetyseconds!
    Ha! And I'm in charge of the Pitch Workshop for M&M.
    NYC in June???
    Hey, if it runs into 4th of July week... this is getting interesting. Need to check the 2011 calendar.

  45. I just went to the Georgia Romance Writers site. A chance to win DVDs??!!!

    Wow, awesome line up too. And the one day cost is only 99 bucks. Great bang for your buck. I am all about that.

    Check it out divas and divos.


  46. Can't believe I didn't go to the conference since it's so close. But I didn't plan for it, so I get to enjoy it by reading blogs and watching videos.

    Unless something happens, I'll be at the ACFW conference--my favorite of all the writer events.

  47. Hi Debby!

    Good to see you!
