Friday, July 30, 2010


Today is Photo Opp. Day from the Seekers in Orlando to everyone at home in Seekerville!

Remember you can keep up with the chatter at the conference by going to and putting RWA or RWA Nationals into the search box or by checking out RWA on Twitter (#RWA10). And do not miss the #RWA10 HashAlbum here.

From SB & TB the 2010 Literacy Signing Music Video.....

Remember you can click on any image to enlarge.



.Janet, Missy, Debby, & Darlene Buchholtz

Darlene, Lindi Peterson, Janet, Unpublished author, Debby and Missy

The RWA Autographing for Literacy

Sandra, Myra, Janet, Keli Gwyn, Ruth, Missy

Abby Gaines & Ruth..................... Karen White & R

Belinda Peterson & Debby..

.............Debby & Anita Mae Draper

.. Amanda Forester

....................................................,Debby & Jessica Nelson x 2!

................................................Myra Johnson signing

...................................Steeple Hill Senior Editor, Melissa Endlich

Shirley Jump & Janet

Keli, Sandra, Anne Barton & Janet

Ruth and Fans!


  1. Awwwww looks like a blast! Thanks so much for sharing. :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. Isn't it just FUN?????

  3. Like the 'unpublished author.'

    So jealous it's really, seriously, completely unattractive.

  4. Such beautiful pics but then, look at the subjects. :D

    Wow, do I look different. New glasses and shorter hair do wonders. LOL

    Thanks for posting my pic. I'm so glad some of the Seekers are here since this is my first RWA and I'm quite overwhelmed.

    Yes, Tina it is fun. (Is that really you in the pic? You look... younger. LOL)

    Hey Mary - now we know the truth... they're saying they're here for the workshops, etc but the pics tell a different story, eh? LOL

  5. Is that me in WHAT pic? Behind the coffee mug is the only pic of me on here. I am in hiding and I am NOT in Orlando.

    Enjoy the fun, Anita!!!

  6. Looks like a great time is being had by all. Awesome!

  7. We're sharing your excitement - what a blessing!!

    Me too Mary - unpub author. ha!

    and Missy Tippens - SOLD OUT!!!

    Woot WOOT!!!!!!

    (just one thing - where's the FOOD??? and where's Capt Jack???)

  8. I'm so pleased to see these photos. Ahhhh. You all are looking so beautiful. The Resort is something, isn't it?

    Thanks for including one of Anita Mae!

    Send More for the rest of us in our sloppy-sit-behind-the-computer clothes.

  9. Coffee is on and we're cooking up Orlando Omelets to celebrate FRIDAY!!!!

  10. Hi Everyone...

    Today we have lots of workshops to attend. So great seeing everyone!

    Anita, I love the new you!!! Anita was at the HQ PJ party last night lookin' good!

    Donald Maass is presenting today and I'm going. He always pushes me to go deeper. I'll let you know if he talks about anything new. Also attending a workshop on theme. This afternoon Eileen Dreyer is doing a Trauma session. She's a nurse who writes suspense. Should be good.

    Nora was the luncheon speaker yesterday. Jayne Ann Krentz speaks today.

    Miss you all!

  11. Ya'll are having too much fun! And everybody looks great! Especially in the air conditioning. ;)

  12. Fun! Fun! Fun! So exciting to see Missy's sold out sign.

  13. Everyone looks like they're having so much fun!!!

    Love the "sold out" sign!

    Can't wait to see/hear more.

    I'm adding some Florida oranges to the buffet table in honor of the RWA conference.

  14. What fun! Seekers & Friends of Seekerville having a blast in Orlando! I've never been to RWA Nationals---maybe SOME day!


  15. What a trip! OMG, look at all the people -- and 99.5 per cent of them are writers!

    Sheesh, no wonder this business is so hard to break into!

    Great peek at RWA, Tina. I so wish I was there!!

    Janet, Myra, Missy, Debby, Sandra, Ruthy-Have fun!!!!

  16. Uh, I know what you mean, Mare -- I feel a lot like I did when I was a little kid watching my older sisters all dressed up to go to prom (I was #12 out of 13 with 10 girls!!), but I have to admit that it's SO much fun to see the pics of all you guys! Sooo excited you are having fun, but sure do wish I was at the dance!!

    Missy, the sold out sign is GREAT and Ruthy, you got some good-looking fans there, girl!

    Janet and Myra, Keith just saw that his buds are down there, too, and immediately got pea-green with jealousy, which is usually more my color than his! Sigh, I must be rubbing off ... :)

    More pics, PLEASE, so I can live vicariously!!


  17. FUN!!!!! Thanks for pics!!! I was looking at them and saying "HI!" "Hi!" So many friends. God is good.

  18. TEENSTER!!!

    Great pics, chica. Love 'em.

    So, dudes and dudettes, the one drawback is lack of coffee... No Starbucks or Dunkin or Green Mountain or Van Houte....

    But the SWAN hotel has a great "java" bar that makes me wonderful cafe' mochas or just regular coffee. It's worth the seven minute walk to this NY gal!

    Learning so much. Loving this. So many talented people in one place, it might skew the planet slightly.

    Great bunch of FH&L gals here, it's so nice to put faces with names since I'm a first-time RWA conference gal. Renee Ryan is TOO CUTE for words....

    Not fair.

    And I got to hug Keli Gwyn and Anne Barton and Cat Shield....

    Keli and Cat are both up for Golden Hearts. Haven't run into Carla Capshaw yet, maybe today... Love her Gladiator and Protector books.

    She's young and pretty.


    Eating toasted sunflower seeds, holed up in my room (it's nice and quiet, I'm working, everybody else is in workshops...)missing all of you SO MUCH!!!

    Anita, your new 'do' and the weight loss: YOU ROCK, WOMAN! LOOOOOOKIN' GOOOOOOD!

    More soon...

    May I have a ham/cheese/spinach omelette, please? With parmesan on top?

    Thank you. ;)

  19. Love all the pictures, though I'm a bit disappointed there wasn't any Winnie the Pooh or Eeyore wandering about.

    The whole idea of signing books in a huge room with a bazillion authors all signing books as well is mind boggling. I mean, what if you get stuck between two wildly popular authors who have line ups and you don't have anyone??? Ack!

  20. Awesome!!! Looks like everyone is having so much fun at RWA this year. Thanks for the pictures!

  21. What a good lookin' group of gals! Way to go Missy on SELLING OUT!! And Myra, wish I was there to get a copy of Autumn Rains. Have fun ladies!! :)

  22. Watch the Literacy Signing Music Video and you will see Carla Hughes signing on there.

  23. Kav, you are so right.

    Wouldn't it be awful to be Tina Radcliffe and placed next to Nora Roberts?

    At that point you have to dig into your 401 K and start giving away iPods and Kindles with every book.

  24. Thanks for sharing those great pics! I'm green with envy!

    Saw two of my Pixie sisters - waving to Keli Gwyn & Anne Barton! (FYI - Pixies are the 2008 GH finalists).

    Ruthy, thanks for the update. You look cute in those Micky ears! And you met Renee Ryan - I just read one of her books and fell in love with her writing! SO GOOD!

    Okay, now we want the real scoop. How was the Nora Roberts talk? Was she as, let's see what's the polite word to use, Scary as she is reported to be? Don't get me wrong - LOVE her books. In fact, she is the reason I started writing again after .. many.. years! LOL. But I've heard she can be a little intimidating.

    And what about Jayne Ann Krentz (aka Amanda Quick)? Love her books too! (Turning even greener).

    Better go get my coffee! I'll send you a cyber pot, Ruthy!

    Can't wait to see pics from the award ceremony tomorrow!



  25. Puff, puff, gasp.
    I've finally caught up with you all. Another storm yesterday and had to log off. WI logged back on, there was no internet--AGAIN!!

    Still off this morning. Made me frantic, knowing where you all are and unable to check in.

    Just got service back and came straight to this site. Didn't even bring the coffee pot, I was in such a hurry.

    GREAT to see everybody having so much fun. Remember the post about jealousy??? I have to keep reminding myself.

    Love the pictures. Keep'em coming!


  26. I'm so jealous!!! You look like you are all having so much fun. And you all look SO good!!! Great pics.

  27. Oh, it's like being a fly on the wall...of a mural. 2D instead of 3D. Thanks so much for sharing. It looks like so much fun!

    And yay for Missy selling out! You go, girl!

  28. Love the pictures!

    Miss not being there.

  29. Oh, I wish I could wiggle my nose and be there for just a few hours! But my magic is on the blink.

    Drop by my blog to read about the books up for a RITA, the big award that will be given on Sat at RWA. Also Tamera Alexander, one of the RITA finalists, has offered to give an autographed copy of her RITA book for a drawing of those who leave comments! Don't miss this op to vicariously join the RWA fun!

  30. Loved the pics! Best thing to being there in person!!

    And ACFW is only 8 weeks away!!!


  31. Kav, If you get stuck between two wildly popular authors, become their new BFF.

    Offer to open books to the Title page, and pass them over, or whatever they need you to do.


    exchange emails!

  32. Look at those fans of Ruthy's.


  33. HEY RENEE RYAN belongs to my local RWA chapter.

    I know her.

    Yes, I think she'd remember me. Right?

  34. I'm sorry I missed seeing some of you, like Missy, but woohoo on that Sold Out sign!!!!
    It was wonderful. Love the pics.

  35. Mary, look closely. VERY CLOSELY. Do those fans of Ruthy look familiar to you?

  36. Again this week, I'm jealous about something. (No, Tina. I'm not grumpy.) One day, I'll get to go.

  37. Hi guys and gals, Well I'm here and green with envy because they are all at the Harlequin party. Course I got to go to the Avalon party last night. smiling.

    And my editor is toooooooo cute.

    Lots of fun stuff. My brain is mush so am going to go for a swim.

    Everyone is having a great time. And believe it or not you sort of do get used to the humidity. Who knew???

    And Ruthy is still eating all those chocolates and sundaes. Bad influence on me. sigh. the brat.

    Have lined up lots of great guests for future blogs. That will be fun.

    Have met some of the past guests too.

    With you were all here. Hugs

  38. HI, all! I'm finally getting online for the first time in days. Loved the photos, although I can't figure out why Tina photoshopped ONLY me to look 30 pounds heavier!! ;)

    Also, I have to clarify the sold out sign. Harlequin didn't have any of my books left, so I donated my books. And then I had to leave early to go to a dinner, so I just left some signed bookmarks and turned my sign around. I'm sorry if it mislead anyone! It would have been thrilling to say I sold out, but I can't honestly. :)

  39. Love seeing the photos. Ruthy, you are looking cute!

  40. Missy, you are adorable. Stop that.

    Wendy, thanks for stopping by.

  41. Wendy, back at ya'!

    Amazing time....

    So fun.

    I LOVE being cute.... ;)

  42. Oh my, I hadn't realized there'd been so many compliments on my behalf. Gonna make my head swell. LOL

    Tina - I guess I was getting you confused with that pretty gal in the blue dress and white gloves. Thought maybe you were moonlighting so you didn't have to miss out. Oh well. I tried. LOL

    Honestly, thank you for all your kind words. The encouragement is a blessing. Really.

    Anita Mae.
